All Comments on 'Another Love Pt. 03-04'

by RichardGerald

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djripdjripabout 1 year ago

This is frustrating because it's a portrait of a loving, happy polyamorous extended family that I would like to see a story about, but marred by 20 years of lying and excluding. And infidelity of course. But the tragedy is the lying. For all of their lives together, she was hiding a huge part of herself, her relationship with not only her lover, but his whole family, and the fact that his sons had relationships with them as well.. She enlisted one of the sons in the lying. He was effectively more a part of Phillipe's family than his own father's, by virtue of who has his confidence. Who knew the truth and who kept it. If they had acted ethically from the beginning, let's face it, nothing probably would have happened at all. But what if they made the effort ot get the husband onboard honestly from the beginning, and it was open and fair? And maybe he had to be seduced into it by avril, but truthfully? And then he could have had 20 years of the same loving extended family, could have had an honest relationship with him son, could have enjoyed sexual freedom with avril as Karen did with Phillipe, as an equal... That's what was stolen. A life of involvement in that as a willing participant, and not having his family hide a huge part of their lives and actions from him. Now he gets to inherit phillipe's family all at once, the one he should have been included in as an equal participant, should have had the opportunity to agree to or reject. Or he can reject it now. He can push away a perfect life because of the past, or forgive and accept it, at the cost of some pride, and reminders of the decades of lying...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

On Storiesonline, where rating is not tampered with, this crap rates 5.80 / 10

Hardly surprising.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So, at the end of this rubbish, we should except what this woman did to her husband and children. She should at least have had the courage to end her marriage. How the husband falls in line at the end makes for lousy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Big head led by his little head in the end seemingly.


WoodencavWoodencavabout 1 year ago

Wonderfull storey, and that’s the point the Naysayers below miss, it’s just a storey. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You think this pile of shit is a better story? The MC never reads remotely realistic. I get there has to be a suspension of disbelief to enjoy some of these but damn. The story would have ended the night he saw the painting. It gets burned and a lawyer is seen the next day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The version by SADDLETRAMP1956 was much better, more realistic, no real man could have accepted what his slut wife did to him. Personally, I would have destroyed the painting and divorced her cheating ass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would have made Karen light the portrait on fire - if she had any hope of going forward with the Rob. Burn and bury the past. Instead she reveals to the world he’s a cuckold. A never ending humiliation. And sex with two whores, sluts, is hardly compensation for the humiliation and lack of trust. What complete shallowness to think sex in a relation is just about sex. In a real marriage it’s about not just a physical bond, but an emotional and spiritual bond as well. Her cheating and decades of deception destroyed that bond. So now he’s reduced to living with two sex maniacs that haven’t a clue what real love is about. All around unlikeable characters in the story. There is nothing “wonderful” about this story, even though it’s well written. It’s a wonder anyone could believe it. Rob should have divorced her, then if he wanted kept her as his mistress… his whore, his sex toy. Along with a whole string of women to satisfy himself. I agree with drip, mountainman, buzz…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why can’t these commentators just allow a second act happen in life. Here is his choice, alone divorced and cheated on cuckold OR sleeping between to beautiful women still has his life and a cheated on cuckold. This is a real solution to a fantasy story. A REAL MAN in a trailer and his cock in his hand OR with two very willing women bent on pleasing him an earnings his forgiveness. I know my choice

theVikingSailortheVikingSailorabout 1 year ago

RixchardGerald: You're a very good writer and you have created a good story. But for some of us who were disappointed in your character's decision to give in to the moochings of Karen and Avril, it isn't because there was insufficient revenge or punishment, it was that they never really even said they were sorry. Not for what Karen did, only that Rob was hurt. Karen broke her marriage vows, lied to him for many years, created a culture of dishonesty by lying and pushing her six year old son to lie (which might be why he shows no respect for his father now), and otherwise traded her integrity and character for whatever she got from Phillipe. She was lonely and sexually unsatisfied. So are lots of wives of soldiers. The solution is to get through the war and work on their problems with their husbands, not cheat on them. He signed on for a marriage in which both partners would be loyal to each other. He didn't get from her what she agreed to give. While he was fighting for his country and family, she was whooping it up with another man. And now she says something like "why is this happening to us? We didn't do anything wrong?" I don't like Karen. But the final kicker is that they maneuvered Rob into taking her back and buying into their lifestyle by playing on his sexual needs and desires. Sex is good and it is important. But not if it controls us. Rob didn't make the decision he did because it was his best choice. He made the decision because they played on his sexual inadequacies. He got good sex. But his traded his personal autonomy, his freedom, and his character for it. That is why some of us were disappointed in the way the story ended.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"As to those who find the relationship between the sons and the father strange, I can only say you must not have grown sons." Absolutely! But ain't that far too often the case with far too many commentators concerning human relationships on Loving Wives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This ending showed the M.C. with his brain between his legs. So, 1*

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I have to agree with many others here. Great writing, interesting story. But one big problem is not really solved here. The betrayal of Karen and the son. And they don't even see it that way. In part 2 Karen says she did nothing wrong. So why is she hiding it? Never tell her husband? Never give him a chance to make his own decision? Sure, the son couldn't grasp the magnitude of Karen's demand to never tell the father when the son was young. But later, he would know the difference between right and wrong. He would know that he had betrayed his father. He might justify it to himself, but then he would also accept to live with the consequences. He would have to respect his father's decision. The same is true for Karen. She knew what she was doing. She knew it was wrong, so she hid it. And now they're just telling him it's in the past and it can't be changed, so we forget about it? Wow, that's cold. It's not about the polyarmory lifestyle. Rob may be into it and like it. But in any relationship you need trust, even a polyarm one. And betrayal destroys that trust. Rob may enjoy a polygamous relationship with two women, but not with these two. Nice twist that they get jealous of an engine! Is that the idea of retribution? That the women also feel pain and the field is balanced? That's just ridiculous. The betrayal is not addressed. And the women don't even admit that they did anything wrong. I think that must be pretty important, especially for a man in the military where trust and loyalty are paramount.

It's not about me or what I would choose. Rob may be perfectly happy with his own choices. But I don't think he's happy. And I don't think he's so shallow as to take two willing sex partners to empty his balls over being generally happy. A betrayal of 20 years is a lot. You don't get over something like that easily. I don't think the punishment has to be worse than the crime. It's not about a case in court, it's about life. And I'm not against reconciliation or have a burning desire to see the cheaters beaten. Rob is the deceived here and his happiness determines a good ending. For that to happen, his problems must be addressed and properly resolved. That's what's missing here. It is a good ending for the women. They have subdued Rob and pushed him into acceptance. It's all about what the women want.

A great story, well written and thoroughly interesting. But no happy ending. Because love is missing. There is no love in such a prolonged betrayal, no remorse, no interest in his issues. Overall pretty sad, come to think of it.


Alvares1414Alvares141412 months ago

Woodencav, perhaps you could work on spelling "story" correctly, because if you can't spell it, you'd definitely not understand how badly the author missed the mark with this one. Because There's nothing wonderful about taking back an unrepentant adulteress who's loved another man for twenty years and even got the protagonist's own children involved with the interloper

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The absolute worst story I have read from RG.

She cheats not for a big dick, or she's drunk, or its a one time thing but for LOVE. Oh.....alright....that's ok then. Our marriage is fine because its love. While he risks his life in service she not only cheats on him, but invites the guy to live with her AND HER CHILDREN. Then includes her children as co conspirators in a continuing deception that no doubt is the major reason that dad's relationship with his kids is dysfunctional.

The "love threesome" is just a rediculous contrivance.

Can't remember another RG story where I have less interest in the characters. Very disappointed.

gifoncegifonce12 months ago

Sad. She cheated for love. He was taken using sex. No remorse. No interest in hs sentiments. A lot of longing for the dead lover. Rob is treated as a spare. Very sad story.

DormayVooDormayVoo11 months ago

Here the unsuspecting husband is plunged into a parallel universe where infidelity is justified by the mere mention of the word Love. The artist’s Need was not to be denied. His Appetites were so great that morality was merely an inconvenient obstacle. The lonely wife is a target of opportunity for the needy artist. He sees her needs and teaches her the rationalization of infidelity. Most despicably of all, her children are dragged into the deception of their own father. The secret they are forced to keep injures their relationship with him and they remain distant as adults. The entire DuMonte family seems to subscribe to this madness, and one can feel the husband slowly slipping under their spell, like a swimming man who exhausts himself resisting and slowly slips under. Once he sleeps with the two women and attends the art exhibit, he has surrendered in principle to the debauchery and has himself become a DuMonte

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What a rubbish of a story. Just a waste of my time reading this. WTH

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! He should have thrown the entire bunch out of his house. He was betrayed by the entire family for years and they thought he should just deal with it and accept. OH HELL NO

NickTeeNickTee11 months ago

Wow... could this be any worse.

B3ndoverB3ndover11 months ago

It’s not finished

secretsalsecretsal11 months ago

Whoa, I had so many of the alternate versions of the story in my head that I'd forgotten how the original played out. Those homages do resonate a lot more, this one fell quite flat, good writing notwithstanding.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Sissy wimp cuck and two evil self-absorbed women. Just the absolute worst. Obviously, author is either a cuck or knows nothing of what it is to be betrayed on such a deep level. He is either knowingly complicit or utterly ignorant. Either way, story sucks.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Interesting take off of the original story. It has some good but lacks in developing the relationship between the MC and Avril. Also, in the original he loses his clearance over the affair. It would have given this story an interesting wrinkle.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You write well but I did NOT enjoy this story at all.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I don't quite understand the vitriol. This story epitomizes the ridiculous futility of living in the past. Quite frankly, it opened a door for me that I had been slamming shut for years. You can't change what happened, but living in it is a fruitless existence. I read a lot of erotic stories on this and another site and I, too, grimace and cringe at the cuck and humiliation themes. But this is a very different kind of story. Reread from that point of view.

GreyhoundtaxisGreyhoundtaxis11 months ago

Writing was good but no to being tricked

DanzebuDanzebu11 months ago

Years of lies, deceit, betrayal, and disrespect, and yet he still took her (them) back. I do not know, not can I imagine, any self respecting man who would do this. Your writing is supurb, but I hated this story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not one single person who was involved in the lies can be forgiven. If they agreed to have lovers when he went to war, as quite a few couples do in their situation, that would be one thing, however the lies, deceit and sneaking around are unforgivable.

Cut the sluts from your life and move on.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I suppose the cuck should be happy that he gets the dregs, the left over meat rapidly reaching its sell by date. At least the kids were his. Maybe just maybe he gets a future life that's better than the possibly lonely alternative but I'm not so certain. Some people would definitely prefer to burn it all down and swim in the ashes, but would they on their death bed consider it a price worth paying. I'm not sure. A rock and a hard place comes to mind. Learning such things so late in life really limits the credible options, assuming you don't enjoy living alone among regrets and anger.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sad! A person with no self respect accepts being disrespected by all those he loved all his life. And, to add insult to injury, he tells them he will keep taking more disrespect from each and all. He has not a flawes character, for he has no character at all.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's not just the betrayal and deceit of the affair that makes this troubling. Next the women double down on it by gaslighting him into thinking he's the badguy for not just forgiving. Then they expect him to accept being the consolation prize they use to salve their grief over losing their main man. They manipulate him and use their families as blackmail to force him to accept the situation. And when they, especially Avril, express their anger over him not telling them about work, it's rank hypocrisy. "We belonged to Philippe, and now to his ghost, but we won't share you with Persephone." No, "sluts" is not the word to describe these women. It's narcissists.

Bham487Bham48710 months ago

This story was written to piss as many people off as it could. The writer missed all the obvious points that needed to be addressed and it appears to be on purpose. He’s great at riling people up and causing conversation.

Fiddlesticks49Fiddlesticks4910 months ago

I don't get it. What is the point to the story? Is it about a smart but weak man? Is it about manipulative women who can control a weak man? In the final analysis he was second best and since the original lover died he gets the left overs? I just don't get it. score a 1 for me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Maybe the worst story I’ve ever skimmed on this site.

This site needs negative stars.

Next author…

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not one of Richard Gerald's classics. Just..... Nah! No way a longtime married man would accept such behavior from his wife who cheated pretty much their whole marriage. Or the lover's wife with the moral character of a Saigon street whore. Perhaps a mental illness or deep mental dysfunction that allowed him to let go of a past because it was too traumatic? In this instance, I like some of the better variants where he tells her to go 'off herself'. This tale isn't up to this author's best, sadly.

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD410 months ago

On one hand I can see this outcome given the realistic and introverted nature of Rob. I just would not expected him to cast this situation in a romantic love context. I can see Rob's view that he had two lovers who had no remorse for their actions. They expected no demanded that Rob accept her life long affair. Remember Karen kept in touch with Philippe years after Rob's return from war effectively continuing her emotional affair. Despite all of the talk Rob was Karen's second love. Of course, Rob is casted as the absent husband and father which allowed Karen to become vulnerable to Philippe's charms. Rob is to pitied because he is not so enlightened to appreciate Karen's love. Avril is the strange one who falls in love with the husband of her late husband's lovers.

There are a few disturbing questions. Should Rob appreciate Philippe teaching Karen to be a better lover? Should Rob understand how Karen got Rob's sons to lie to him over the years about her affair? Did Karen care how Rob would feel about this all revealing portrait of her which told the World about her affair? Why did Karen let Avril and the rest of family think that Rob was ok with her relationship with Philippe?

As I say I can see Rob making the best of the two lovers in his bed but love?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Just plain wrong to present this as a viable solution to all the crap the wife chose to address and he should never accepted the deceit. This is what is wrong with much of our society - no accountability and writers like this try to romanticize this as an acceptable solution.

Medussa55Medussa5510 months ago

Disappointing. This story has no basis in credibility. One or two lapses yes but there are dozens here. So the Navy don't do security background checks on major players in their secret engine project? No neighbours notice the new people in his house while he was away and ask him about it? No sorry this is a very poor plotline, well written but a waste of time.

Alvares1414Alvares141410 months ago

Also, RG, please. Enlighten us on how easily every son of every introvert willingly covers up their mother's long-term affairs and forms a bond with her lover. All at their father's expense. Please...

lovemesomephillylovemesomephilly9 months ago

Forced forgiveness will always make me dislike a story. They pretty said get over it and enjoy your new pussy. Terrible basis for the relationship they decided to pursue in the end.

Cracker270Cracker2709 months ago

I have read several “covers” of this story an only just now read the original. This one is far and away the best. Not only in quality and skill of writing but a far superior storyline. Thank you for your efforts

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Pure French hedonistic adulteress sexuality disguised as noblese oblige... 2 stars.

Sams_IslandSams_Island9 months ago

As a reader, I enjoyed parts 1 & 2 very much. But plot points here in 3/4 started to lose me right off the bat. MC is an intelligent, apparently self-aware man, who, we learn later is considered an Iceman under pressure. But he stays in his boxers when he listens to Avril's story, though he recognizes he's being manipulated. First, no reason to answer the door in boxer, but more importantly, denying her request would seem to fit his character and situation better. Later we hear how Karen and Avril have been sleeping together ever since she arrived to work on their dead lover's project. Why? The house was full of empty bedrooms. Oh, it's because they're so intertwined in their shared grief of losing Phillipe. That continued manifestation of in-your-face cuckoldry is where I cannot make the leap to reconciliation. Forget the past, Rob? The two women obviously aren't as they work obsessively to get the dead Bull his well-deserved recognition. And they headline the event with the bold proof of the MC's cuckoldry. Nah, I can't see a believable path to reconciliation. 3* for being well written.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yes, there was a better story here. Unfortunately, people are people,

men are men and egos are egos. No way wold this infidelity, long-term lying and destruction of his relationship with his children go unpunished, let alone unaddressed.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Karen was the worst cheating wife story I've ever read. She not only destroyed her marriage but alienated her children from their father. Then she hid it from her husband for years, depriving him of the chance to recover from the disaster she'd laid upon him.

newfield1981newfield19819 months ago

I've never read a story all the way through and gave it one star... until now. I wanted to give it more based on how well written it was but I couldn't get passed the feeling I was taken for a ride to a destination I did not wish to go. And the fact that it was well written forced me to stay in the car with people I did not like.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Bullshit! Just because she was impressed by Philippe does not mean she had to fuck him. Infidelity by any other name is still INFIDELITY! It is exactly what it is – Hanging the horns on your partner, having a sordid affair and the bitch actually sworn his sons to secrecy for she knew it was wrong. But then of course – it is YOUR story and therefore your right. And I will say this – even though I am disappointed you ARE A VERY GOOD WRTER no getting away from that. I just think one does not go for a total surprise when you have created certain expectations for having entered into a specific genre. But … then of course all geniuses are decadent. Apparently Plato philosophized much better when he came from the whorehouse! You can write or paint it any way that you want – she was a whore, a slut … a low down skank PERIOD! Did you really think BTB Fans will applaud you because you became creative like her paramour? You can Spin it anyway you want. He should have left her – told her to go to hell with her Philippe! I came to this story via BTB and that is what we ALL expected – you disappointed us because you wanted to become as creative as the painter and as silly as the jilted half-breed!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Absolutely amazing - Worth 10 stars!!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

This romanticised cheating too much for my taste. Regardless of how altruistic and deep her love for Philippe was, it was still cheating in the same manner of a one-night-stand, arguably worse because of that depth.

Didn't like that she was not sorry for the affair nor giving her love to another man... that piece of her heart may not have been missed by her deceived husband, but it was still a part that should have been reserved for him. That would be extremely difficult to forgive.

chasbo38chasbo389 months ago

Sorry but Karen was an amazingly selfish woman who indulged her need for sex and love at the expense of her husband and the wife of her lover. If she could not handle her fears when he was overseas she needed to divorce him rather than become the biggest cheat and liar of recent literotica stories. She admits that her lover gave her things she could not get from her husband making hm No. 2 in her life. Lots of touchee-feelie BS for the women but Karen never regretted her actions and saying she was sorry was a lie. She created a world to satisfy her personal needs at the expense of others. Taking her kids to Montreal to live with her lovers family and then telling them not to tell dad was one of the most emotionally monstrous things I have ever heard. It would have been a better story if Rob had found out he was No. 2 in her life and let her know he knew before he went overseas the last time and then been killed. Let her live with that guilt the rest of her life. But then this bitch might have just shrugged it off with no effect.

chasbo38chasbo389 months ago

You may have been trying to tell a better story but you used a despicable woman to tell it. She keeps saying she is sorry to have hurt him but never says she is sorry for what she did because it was all about love. BS it was all about her inability to be strong for her husband and her lust for a man who had no qualms about taking advantage of a married woman suffering from postpartum depression and keeping the affair going for most of her married life. She was even stealing off to see and probably fuck him once a month up to the end. Doesn't sound like she is sorry for anything. Good idea but find a less reprehensible person to base it on

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It just leaves a bad feeling inside me no matter that it is well written.

Observer143Observer1438 months ago

I have read much better versions. The result of the husband accepting the situation is unacceptable. Only an absolute wimp would accept the situation that quickly. He is portrayed as cool under pressure and his thoughts when he saw the painting were that his marriage was over. Very poor character development and carry forward. No story about his reaction to his sons keeping the secret and I don't believe a wife and 3 other women would get along so well as well as the grandmother praising her son and lovers. This story should have lots of emotion especially from the wronged husband but the emotions expressed by him were mostly about the jet engine. In all, a very disappointing story.

AllNigherAllNigher8 months ago

Such good writing such a terrible outcome to me. I don't get where he fell for them and they're ullshit. That's not love it's manipulation. I guess to each their own and if this is how the writer wants his character to be so be it.

"What do I have to do—to be forgiven. Do all our years together mean nothing?". Well, there may be no way but the first thing is maybe stop putting EVERYONE in your life before your husband who just found out you basically cheated on him your whole lives and destroyed his children's respect for him. Shit if anyone was the'other man' here it was the husband. He's the only one who didn't know about everyone else in her life.

Thhe wife yelling at him calling him a bastard when he carries her new liver downstairs tells you all you need to know. The women are the real couple. He's really just their human dildo....

I rarely say this but ... What a Bitch... Yes, with a capital B. Both of the women in fact

How dare they scold about him keeping his work for the military secret from them. That's his job and they know there are national security aspects to it. Not quite the same as keeping a secret line fucking another guy in our bed while I'm on deployment in a war zone and making the kids treat him like a second dad now is it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Old Phil was great if don't have any morals or interest in being faithful.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why would one think I hate the homewreacking SOB?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Not a sin it's love. ADULTERY!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Karen is a good woman as long as you don't care who she loves and F***s and says she loves you. RIGHT DUMBASS.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

There is so much I would throw at the mother-in-law but I don't have the time. It seems to me that it's okay for the woman to just keep sinning against the man but it's the man's duty to just accept the shit and go on.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

More bullshit than a good man deserves.

SexecutionerSexecutioner8 months ago

As the author stated @ the beginning, he relates to men who are simps, cucks and the like. I expect when he writes these he's wearing a thong & kitten heels while waiting to fluff the next dick for his wife to fuck...

TxCeltTxCelt8 months ago

Well written, but it would be received much better in France, or at least the authors apparent version of it. It absolutely does not work for the culture that would be its main audience on this site. I'm still holding onto a tiny suspicion that it is all an elaborate trolling....

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This story was just to long so much gibberish you just got lost, you're better off reading the first line and the last line and leave it at that.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why did this go so long. Any husband would have destroyed that fucking painting and divorced the slut.

NickTeeNickTee8 months ago

A story about a whore wife and a complete wimp of a 'near'man who accepts his wife's lover's left overs...

So sad. It could have led to a spectacular burn but apparently once the French are involved normal morals, ethics, behavior and everything that matters between a man and a woman become null and void.

The secondary plot about the jet engine added nothing to the story and became a so-what.

Schlouis57Schlouis578 months ago

Quelle navet merdique. Une mauviette sans couille et une pute. Dès qu'Avril a présenté le tableau, un aurait dû exploser en mille morceaux.

jkthekatjkthekat7 months ago

Enjoyed the story, love your work

usaretusaret7 months ago

Still got cured.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Husband is expected by his wife and her lover's wife to celebrate, or at least accept and live with, his emasculation at the hands of the artist from Canada and his family. Or, do I oversimplify?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

"Why did this go so long. Any husband would have destroyed that fucking painting and divorced the slut." Wait, don't destroy the painting. When filing for divorce, allege her adultery and attach an affidavit from the artist's widow (might have to be a transcript of a deposition) that the painting of the wife was done by her husband the artist from Canada when he was cohabitating with and having sexual relations with the sailor's wife, while husband was deployed overseas by the U.S. to a combat zone.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Even if you put 16 Duracell batteries in the husband he still would have no go in him. As a lot of persons say, I once I had opened the picture I would have put the middle of it through one of the corners of the dining room table and then hung it so it could be seen as soon as the front door was open. Plus I would have destroyed the picture with the Canadian French tart looking on. The story is a bit like a song from the music band Simply Dead sorry Simply Red, it drowns on and on and on and on etcetera.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I normally like this author's stories, but this one... Not! He caved to a wife that cheated on him for 20 years and even made his children collusive against him? For this one, some of the variants were better. Sorry..... great concept but terrible ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Dreadful. There are some others out there that have put far better ending on this story which are far better. What I do is copy the text and then rewrite the bits that are stupid, bad, idiotic and more so its reads to me how it should have turned out. Job done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Pure BULLSHIT, Should have kicked her ass out !

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

For both of the women in this story to be delusional, it can only have come from the person that penned it. Stories often show how the authors min works. The more stories the more they show that fact. Now, would I like to be in a relationship with the type of work here? That would be a no, due to trust issues.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The writer got VERY lazy in the last two parts..Took a shit on what would have been a 5 star ..sad

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A man who listens to the beat of a different drummer. Obsessive and consumed by his tunnel vision.

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

A powerfully human story which sickens me by allowing a woman to overpower and subvert her husband for her lovers’ sakes. It happens because we can get trapped by circumstances and more dominant people as well as our own weaknesses and emotions. It is a complete disaster that befalls many of us with age. Things are not what they seem, and neither are we.

NoBullAlNoBullAl6 months ago

Started out as an almost excellent story and then got lost in the final two chapters!! What smart self respecting man would allow a cheating, self serving cheat of a wife back into his life, especially after her many years of infidelity? Then we must add in the damage that she did to mess up his relationship with his sons! In addition to all that there is also the humiliation of having his “wife’s”(????) nude painting being used as a centrepiece for the asshole painter’s show! What about the wife? Now everyone that knows them will know that not only is she a cheat but that she was doing this while he was away serving his country! That is about as low as any woman can get!!

How could anyone, male or female, forgive so many deliberate and very major and grievous mistakes???

The only natural and acceptable solution would be for him to burn both bitches!!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

★ Not very much - in fact if zero or a negative number were an option that's how I would have rated it. In addition to not liking how this "navel" officer handled his cuckolding, all the flapdoodle about "Persephone" was just extra electrons spent to draw out the story, as though somehow the author was afraid to end it either with a BTB or CMM (cuckold me more) ending. His sons should have given him a set of moose antlers for Christmas. Other stories of this author have been good. I felt really cheated out of the time I spent wading through the waddling verbosity (can't think of a better way to describe it) of the last chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


Does it surprise anyone the difference in scores between the 1st installment and the 3rd? Despite the skill of the author.

Because this installment is so completely unbelievable and unrelatable.

There is no way this man accepts what his wife has done. Avril is someone strange and foreign...he owes her nothing. And the fact she was complicit in his wife's 20 year deceit? Makes her no one this MC would ever accept or trust. He'd literally hate her.

He wouldn't put up with Du Monte's family invading his life. The matronly old whores who attempted to lecture him? "Hey you shriveled up old French cunt. Shut your baguette hole and get rhe fuck out of my house."

See how easy that is?

I once had some distant relation of my ex wife...some old bat try and corner me once and try and lecture me about forgiving my whore of a cheating ex...I listened for about a minute and a half...just to make sure I was clear about her intent.

I then lit into her for about 5 minutes. I'm sure nobody had ever in her life spoken to her that way. Needless to say not one other friend or family member ever approached approached again about that subject.

And I found it so easy to tell the old cunt to go suck someone else's dick with her lying mouth. It was fun asking her how many men she had fucked cheating on her husband? Cause if she was so familiar with cheaters and forgiveness then she must have intimate knowledge of it. It was just all so easy to just look her straight in the eyes and tell her to mind her own fucking business.

So easy. So...I don't understand this MC not being able to look at Avril or anyone else trying to butt in and telling them all to go eat a few thousand dicks or to get fucked?

It's easy. "Leave me alone and go get fucked you lying cunt." rolls off the tongue.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story, even for person who view originates from the heavens is pure bull-shit, there is a right and wrong along with the proven results from both. Even the most broken hearted soul would throw -up at this show of life on the third rock from the Sun. I would not want to ever see nearly any of them again , in this life or any other.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The wife Karen only cared she hurt her husband because he found out. She wasn't sorry and was even glad for he affair. It would be hard to forgive someone who had a long term love affair. Avril helped her have the affair so he would be very upset with her to. The husband just caves in to some nonsense excuses and explanations. If he s supposed to be so smart how did he become the fool of this story. The ending is very poor storytelling. I am very disappointed the turned out so badly.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I don't mind that he lives with and sleeps with the two horrible women that used a man's trust and led double lives. They even corrupted the children. They even celebrated the legacy of the jerk that cuckolded him. So the answer is obvious. Since pride is a sin and sleeping around for love and lost is no big deal, he needs another woman. Someone young and hot. And the two conniving women can ha e his leftovers. Seems fair. Since her affair for for over a decade and they started it, the duration of this one sided open marriage should be until death. That should even the scales a bit. And they can't complain. If they do, they can nope with silly foolish pride and throw away a wonderful marriage over something so small. He deserves to be someone's first. If nothing else.

ZephurosZephuros6 months ago

Hooked1957 rewrote tbis story. And it is soooooo much better. I only finosh3d this for comparison. I usually never give a story less than 3 stars (unless it's poorly written or just a bad story) but part 3 & 4 get a 2. Sorry.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFire5 months ago

Nonsensical pretentious bullshit. I’m gonna stop taking recommendations for this category

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Rob is literally the patron saint of sloppy seconds. He gets to keep the old whores in a life they are accustomed to while convincing himself that the past can be ignored. Should have left them both with his head held high rather than navigate menopause with two cheating cunts.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

There was NO "Better story here". In Chapters 1 and starting into 2, you wrote a decent Over The Top story. In fact it started out as the most surreal story I have EVER read on Literotica.

You made Rob the a zombie. A whipping boy with NO self respect. Just HORRIBLE character. There is NO WAY IN HELL any respectable man would lay with 2 women who fucked his life over for 20+ years. Rob had no sense of self-preservation and absolutely no social skills? HELLO, You wrote him as a COMMANDER in the U.S. Navy! He would not have become a Commander with no social skills. Wow. Just wow. No research on characters.

What those women did WAS abuse, and about 15 other fun words. Mental cruelty would not even come close to describe what they put him through. Any attorney would have a HEY DAY ruining both Phillips family and would RAKE Karen in the divorce, ESPECIALLY that she turned his own children against him. Mental Cruelty would just be the BEGINNING. Adultery would be the ICING on the cake. Phillip would have his reputation DESTROYED. Having Avril's ENTIRE other family come to visit? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That is just......STUPID. Ok, BEYOND stupid.

GREAT beginning, HORRIBLE ENDING, HORRIBLE character development of Rob. (This is me being NICE) 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The arrogance of past their prime women. The guy is successful and well paid, he can easily leave and find another job and a younger woman to go with it. There is nothing that this new family have to offer.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Im surprised the kids are actually his.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This author is very talented. However, I think story could have ended after ch 2. I don’t think last section added anything.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Slut wife got her cake and ate it to

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Most ridiculous raac ever.

Cracker270Cracker2704 months ago

This is a reread for me. This time my takeaway is: this is a very good writer and we are very lucky he has shared his work with us. As for the story line. I believe it is possible to have reconciliation when there has been cheating but believe it will stand a better chance of lasting if there is at least remorse on the part of the cheater

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dear Richard Gerald. I suspect the only one with a strange relationship with his sons is you. Most of us have sons without experiencing anything other than love and mutual respect especially once they are adults and the father son relationship grows to include friendship. the deficiencies you clearly have is probably because they dont respect you as a man and judging by your writing why woukd they. Now you and all your propobents can climb onto ths bandwagon to castigate me, but why would you have even mentioned if it wasn't a sore-point for you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Complete utterly bullshit. She was a whore for that guy and you made him (a hero) utterly cuckold and tried to make it seem like it was just okay and expected to accept it as completely normal. This should have BTB.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This in now way represents anything normal, rather the writer takes an approach to a complete aberration and is choosing a path of total destruction. This is neither a reasonable assessment that any aspect would consider this lifestyle acceptable. Complete and utterly bunch of crap. This is a person who is completely off the charts a sick mind. The wife was a miserable mother and is responsible for ruining her sons lives. What a debacle you painted here.

Odess83Odess834 months ago

Невероятно разочарован концом! Зачем превращать военного в жалкого куколда?? Как он мог с этим смириться? Проблемы жены Филиппа это ее проблемы, она согласилась жить с изменником!

Почему он согласился на приход ее семьи в свой дом? Какая дружба семей? Его вычеркнули и забыли на все эти годы! Он не был частью этой извращённой семьи, а дети ещё и помогали всё это скрывать. Очень очень жаль что рассказ превратился в восхваление шлюхи, которая даже не раскаялась, а наоборот получила награду в конце

RedRachaelRedRachael4 months ago

I just can’t see this. It is not a tender love story at all. It is a betrayal and then they gaslight the MC into submission. You can put sugar on a tird but it’s still a turd. The wife is evil…

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