As You Wish


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Luke thought about this for a minute, and how much Cassie was doing for him, too. He was sure that she was referring to them instead of Steve and Bryan, and that made him smile. He watched as she tacked it up on the fridge right next to hers and he felt warm, like he had a place beside her, like he belonged. It may not have been a big deal to her, but it was to him.

The night before school, Cassie went over their schedules carefully. Luke's class hours were less demanding than hers because she had labs for her program, but most of the time when she had a break, he was off too.

"After your class tomorrow are you going to the library?" Cassie asked as Luke flipped through a book.


"Can I sit with you like before?"

Luke was surprised by the request, did she think he didn't want her around? "Of course," he answered quickly, then added, "I can make us lunches."

"You didn't like my sandwiches?"

"No, I did..." Luke was suddenly uncomfortable. Had he said the wrong thing?

Cassie quickly put him out of his misery, giving him a playful smile, "Relax, I was kidding. I've love it if you made me a lunch."

Luke let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "Okay then." And then he set to work on sandwiches for the next day. He tried to make Cassie's special, he wanted to show her that he cared, too.

The drive in together wasn't too awkward and neither was leaving for classes, but when they met up in the library, things were a bit odd. Because Cassie had a chemistry lab, Luke kept the sandwiches for them both. When she arrived at their usual table, Luke passed her a lunch bag. He had written her name across it the way she wrote his names on the tip out envelopes.

Cassie was touched by the gesture, but when she took out her lunch, she was confused. Luke was eating a normal sandwich, but Cassie's was a huge affair with vegetables and meats and cheese.

"Uh, Luke? I think there's a problem here." She pushed the sandwich across to him.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"No, it's just you gave me your sandwich."

"No I didn't." Cassie was confused, how could he be this much of an enigma?

"Then why is yours so small?" she pressed. He's bigger, by all rights, he should have the bigger sandwich.

Luke couldn't answer. He didn't know how to tell her, 'I'm taking care of you because I care about you.' Instead he pushed it back towards her. "Don't eat it if you don't want it." He was frustrated.

Cassie felt like she failed some sort of test, she just didn't know what it was.

Luke was withdrawn and quiet all evening. He didn't really talk at all and Cassie was devastated. Everything had been going so well. Luke was trying to think of a way out of this mess. He was stuck living with a girl her really cared about, but she was only with him out of some misplaced since of obligation. Whatever he thought was between them was obviously one sided. Luke sat on the sofa and sulked until he nodded off. School had been draining, and add all the emotional stuff on top of it, he just shut down.

Cassie stared at Luke from the desk chair. Everything had been fine until lunch. She just didn't get it. Thinking over what had happened, something struck her—Luke had made her something special, just like he'd done so many times before and she'd rejected it, rejected him. It wasn't a big gesture, but it was the only gesture he could make right now—and she'd messed it up. Cassie felt terrible, looking over at Luke all she could see was how vulnerable he was and how closed off he made himself from everyone. Everyone except her. He'd let her in, and she knew she loved him, cared for him, just like he cared for her. Luke shivered slightly on the couch. He was still asleep and she was worried that he would get a chill, so she went and got a blanket and gently draped it over him.

Luke could hear her move. He woke as soon as she got up. Suddenly Cassie was overtop of him, draping a blanket on him. He opened his eyes and hers were right there. "Thanks."

"You looked cold."

"I was, am," he corrects himself, pulling the blanket around himself.

"It does get chilly out here," Cassie stated. The thermostat was controlled centrally and the large windows in the living area were not double panes or anything remotely insulating.

"You can have the bed," Luke offered, as he realized that it must get really cold on the couch at night, especially given Cassie's diminutive size.

"No, you need to recover, Luke."

"I don't want you to freeze out here." Cassie could see Luke was turning over an idea in his mind.

She put his thoughts into words, "We could share the bed. There's enough space."

"Uhhh," Luke hesitated, but it was her suggestion and it was what he had been thinking. "Okay," he agreed but inwardly he was torn. Being so close was going to be difficult.

Luke laid on his back like he always did. Cassie slipped into the bed after he was already under the covers. She rolled on her side facing away from him and relished in the feeling of her mattress and the warmth away from the large windows. The sofa bed really was awful and being this close to Luke was also a comfort.

"Goodnight Luke," she breathed softly.

"Goodnight Cassie," he whispered.

Luke shut his eyes and listened to Cassie's breathing. Her rhythmic inhalations. He could smell her hair, sweet and lovely on the next pillow, and he sighed. As much as it was nerve wracking laying next to her, he loved having her close and dreamed of having her closer. If only he had kissed her when she was leaning over earlier. Eventually he fell asleep.

Sometime in the night Cassie had rolled over. In the morning, Luke woke first, feeling more rested than he could remember, and was Cassie curled against him. She had an arm splayed across his chest and her head was tucked up under his arm. It was so wonderful and thrilling and completely scary. He had never slept in the same bed with anyone in his life. He extricated himself from the situation carefully so not to wake her and began on breakfast while preparing their lunches for the day, too.

Cassie awoke splayed across the bed. Looking around, she worried that she had forced Luke out, since he was nowhere to be seen. Stretching, then standing, she walked out of the bedroom to the living room. Luke had laid out breakfast and coffee for her, and hearing noise, she turned and realized he was just finished in the shower. He had left the door open a fraction and steam was escaping at the edges of the frame, but she could see him stepping out of the tub, reaching for a towel on the counter. He was naked and he was gorgeous. She could see the curve of his buttocks and where they met the tops of his long, muscled thighs. Cassie quickly looked away, sitting to eat, hoping she didn't get caught, but also longing for more.

Stepping into the living area, Luke held the towel around himself tightly. He was embarrassed that he forgot to take clothes in with him, so he quickly darted into the bedroom since Cassie was up.

Emerging a minute later, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you."

"You didn't." Cassie smiled at him, "Thank you for breakfast."

"That was mine," Luke deadpanned.

Cassie's eyes widened in mortification, "Oh god, Luke, I'm so sorry."

He felt bed for teasing immediately. "No, Cassie, I'm kidding. That's yours."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take advantage, I mean you cook for me all the time and the place was set and..."

He cut her off, "Honestly Cassie, I've already eaten, I promise." Luke made sure she heard him. "I made our lunches, too. This time our sandwiches are the same."

Cassie's cheeks flamed. "About that, Luke, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause a fuss."

"It doesn't matter, Cassie, it's fine," Luke assured her. And it was fine in his mind. He just overreacted yesterday. "Now you'd better hurry, we have classes soon."

Later that day when they met up in the library, Luke opened their lunches and Cassie couldn't help but laugh. He'd made them both huge sandwiches.

"You goof," she smiled at him, and Luke felt like he'd done something right. His heart soared.

They ate and studied and had little conversations, comfortable with each other, and it felt good. Luke was enjoying every second of it, and so was Cassie.

"Don't you have class now?" Luke looked at the clock.

"Yes, but I'm not going. We have an appointment to get to in half an hour." Cassie informed him. Luke had a check up scheduled at the clinic.

"I can go by myself." Luke didn't want Cassie missing anything important for him.

"Yes, you can, but you're not," she stated.

"I don't want you to miss anything important," Luke persisted.

"That's exactly why I'm going with you." Cassie's eyes twinkled and he caught a glimpse of the flecks of gold.

"Oh." Luke looked down, his face was red and he was biting his lip to keep from smiling. He was pretty sure he grasped her meaning—he was important to her. She liked him, he wasn't just some obligation.

Things kept improving. His check-up went well. Although the police didn't have any leads, Steve assured them that they were still working on it. His bruises were healing, and oddly, for the first time in years. Luke was letting his hair grow. It was still very short, but it was wavy and dark, and Cassie thought it was really cute. Luke was back to work, only a few shifts a week at first, but he was building up his strength. By then end of the first month of them sharing her apartment, they had fallen into a comfortable rhythm, a frustrating comfortable rhythm. Luke was sure Cassie liked him, he was just too scared to say anything, and Cassie didn't want to push Luke into anything. They still shared the bed at night, starting separate and apart, but always waking right next to each other, touching.

"Honestly Pippa, I don't really know what to do." Cassie was explaining one night at work. Luke was in the kitchen and Cassie and Pippa were talking by the cash register.

"You two live together for fuck's sake, can't you just grab his cock or something?"

Cassie giggled, "Yeah, how'd that work out for you?" Thankfully Pippa stopped putting her tips in Luke's pockets at Cassie's insistence.

"I never...Okay, I did," Pippa's cheeks flushed, "but he actually likes you."

"Maybe he would have liked you if you didn't grab him?"

"Good point, but I doubt it. I think it's been all Cassie all the time since the beginning. You two are just totally frustrating, you're both too quiet."

"I like being quiet."

"And so does he, but I bet you he tells you he loves you a million times a day, just like, like..."

"Like Wesley from The Princess Bride?" Cassie offered. Wesley was in love with Buttercup but never said it, just did things for her.

"Exactly like that, all that 'as you wish' shit."

"Do you think he's seen it?"

"I don't know, but it looks to me you need to try 'Netflix and chill'."

"What on earth is that?"

"It's where you watch something, but make out instead. Netflix just plays in the background."


The next day neither Cassie nor Luke had to work. They had done laundry, groceries and studying, and now Luke was making dinner.

"Hey Luke?"

"Have you ever seen 'The Princess Bride'?"

"No, why?"

"Maybe we could watch it tonight? It's one of my favourite movies."

"Sure, if you want."


Cassie was getting nervous. Maybe this was a mistake, but it was too late to back out. The computer was setup on the coffee table, Luke made popcorn and the movie was starting. They were sitting close, but not too close, with the bowl between them.

Luke could tell something was up, Cassie was behaving oddly, but if she wanted him to see the movie, then he supposed he would. He didn't get to see many movies when he was growing up and was out of the loop on a lot of them.

Ninety-eight minutes later, the movie was done. He'd enjoyed it, a lot more than he thought he would, and Cassie, well, she had tears rolling down her face.

"Cassie, are you okay?"

"Yeah," she sniffled. "Sorry, it gets me every time."

He passed her the tissues, then stood, cleaning away the bowl and cups.

"I think I'm going to get ready for bed now," Luke couldn't figure her out.

She said something, very quietly, very very quietly and he could just barely make it out. "as you wish." He paused, heart pounding trying to think of a response.

"Uhh," he asked nervously, "c-could I get you a drink or something?"

"Water, I'd love a glass of water."

Luke walked to the sink, filling a fresh glass. He turned to give it to her, but she was already there, right behind him. "as you wish," he said, holding the glass out. She placed it on the counter then threaded her fingers though his.

"Cassie?" His eyes locked on hers, flecks of gold were visible although her eyes were still watery, red tipped.

"Yes Luke?" She smiled at him nervously.

" you." It was the first time in forever that he'd ever uttered those lines and he meant it with every fabric of his being.

"I know, Luke. I love you, too." And she meant it too.

He lowered his head, meeting her lips and they kissed, softly at first, then with more urgency. Cassie leaned into him, pushing Luke up against the counter. And finally while they were both awake and cognizant, they were touching. She opened her mouth to him and his tongue accepted the invitation, slowly at first, tentative, then delving deeper with more urgency.

She pulled him back from the counter and drew him towards the bedroom.

"Every night I dream of you touching me, and every morning I wake in your arms, like a dream. Make it all true, Luke."

"Are you sure, Cassie, I don't have anything to offer you."

"Luke you have offered me everything, time and time again. In every way, every day, you tell me you love me. Please make love to me, Luke."

"You have to know Cassie, I can't just do this. I need to be with you."

"For as long as you'll have me, I'm yours, Luke. I'm not going anywhere. You are the most beautiful person in the world to me."

Luke and Cassie walked hand in hand to the bedroom. She sat him on the bed and stood in front of him, unzipping her hoodie, dropping it to the floor.

"Take my shirt off, Luke." She took his hands and placed them on her hips. He obliged and sat spellbound looking at her curves. She reached back and undid her bra, letting it fall. Luke gave a sharp intake of breath. She was so beautiful. He reached out and cupped her breasts, giving them each a soft kiss before pulling back. He was so gentle, his lips were so very soft that she gave an involuntary shiver.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, exactly right." She leaned in and kissed him, tongue running over his lips.

Placing her hands on his hem, she looked for his assent to lift his shirt. Luke nodded almost imperceptibly so she tugged his t-shirt over his head. She'd seen his chest before, but now she could touch him. She ran her fingers through the small patch of hair in the centre, then circled his nipples, then ever so gently touched his scars. Ordinarily he would have been angry to be so exposed, his scars on display, but with Cassie, it was just natural. She loved him despite his scars.

She pushed him back on the bed and laid down on top of him, kissing him as their naked chests pressed together. Luke ran his hands down her back, savouring every inch of her while Cassie raked her fingers through his hair. The feeling of his chest hair against her breasts was a new and intense sensation that drove Cassie to distraction.

"Luke, I need to feel all of you." She ground against him, moving her hips in a circular motion, and he groaned in anticipation.

They took their time. They had all evening, all night, and all the nights following. They explored every inch of each other. Luke kissed Cassie lower than she'd ever been kissed before, devouring her and made her cry out in pleasure, then she returned the favour. When he entered her, she arched her back to meet his every move, ecstatic to be so full, so whole, so loved by another. For Luke it was different than anything he'd ever experienced. Like they were made to fit together, being inside her was overwhelming and almost euphoric. They'd both had sex before, fucked before, but this wasn't it. This was something better, different, something they'd both been looking for, waiting for. This was forever.

In the morning, they awoke, naked and twined together. Luke raised himself on one elbow, gazing at Cassie. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Any regrets?" he asked.

"Just that we waited so long." Cassie nuzzled his neck inhaling the scent of his body, her favourite smell in the world. "Are you hungry, Luke?"

"I could eat."

Cassie gave him a little nudge, "Can you make breakfast?"

"As you wish," Luke said with a grin, getting out of bed, and Cassie threw a pillow at him.

With my regards to William Golding, author of The Princess Bride, an awesome book (and great movie).

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Cal59Cal59over 2 years ago

Excellent, many thanks

KingCuddleKingCuddleabout 4 years ago
You made me CARE about the characters!

Thanks...It's a heartwarming story.

Robyn1859Robyn1859about 5 years ago

Princess Bride is one of the greatest movies ever,,, and this story does it justice

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
HEY! 5 stars

This is a good one please finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Unfinished. A crime of the magnitude as perpetrated against Luke and Cassie deserves to be solved and to have Justice served. There was no mention of the three punks being apprehended, tried and convicted of Attempted Rape and Attempted Murder. Therefore, this story is incomplete.

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11about 6 years ago
You are a wonderful story teller

This was delightful. Such a lovely tale of romance. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great story. I loved the way it built up.

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Nicely done

Thank you for this nice story, not only romance, but also a bit of redemption.

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
too contrived

and way too woe is me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Pal, the guy who wrote The Princess Bride is William Goldman. Golding wrote Lord of the Flies, which is a great book but is definitely another kettle of fish!

arrowglassarrowglassabout 8 years ago
Loved this.........!

The pace of it...the build up...the way you crafted this is sublime!

mysteryman196mysteryman196over 8 years ago
Pretty good read

I enjoyed the build-up until near the end. I'm not sure if this is a stand-alone story, or if you're planning on some follow-up chapters. I'll admit that the build-up was great, but I did feel that things were rushed once they acknowledged to one another that they felt a mutual attraction. the physical nature of their relationship just happened too quickly and Pippa seemed to change her behaviour a bit too easily. There is definitely a lot left to cover for additional chapters, so I hope you don't leave it at this. 4* from me.

Mark737Mark737over 8 years ago
Great Story!

I sent you a private feedback. But I need to post a public one. This was a very good read. It was believable. The sex was part of the story and not "the" story. And you didn't rush getting to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The BEST story that I've read here. PLEASE write a second chapter!!! Please!!!!!

JaneSaysItJaneSaysItover 8 years agoAuthor
Totally right Anon #2

I feel like a twit! You're totally correct about the William Goldman vs William Golding comment and as much as Lord of the Flies is a classic (although one I dislike), really not the story or author I was crediting. *blushing like a fool*

Thanks for pointing that out, and I'm glad you liked my story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Heart touching

Love the story and the cast. It has warmed my heart. Thank you!

Only one thing: Goldman not Golding (Lord flies)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Loved it!

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