Blazing Glory Ch. 13


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Her older sister rose swiftly as her eyes looked down to her with a mixture of relief and anger. Her hand clasped the jewel in the shape of black teardrop at her chest. "How could I not after that display of power? Half the bloody realm must have been shaken to its knees. I am glad I was nearby after having spent weeks tracking you down to bring you home. It allowed me to find you before they did but we must go now!"

"Why? Who is coming?" Kendra asked, starting to feel nauseous from the blowback from exerting so much of her demonic energy. She watched her sister closing her eyes as she swiftly chanted the incantation before the space in front of Morgana seemed to fold in upon itself before splitting open into a round portal of blackness. Kendra now recognized the jewel as one of the talismans that help demons return to the Abyss.

"The gods!" Her older sister yelled as the panic started to come through her voice, her violet eyes glancing about as if afraid they were already there. Morgana was truly in fear for both their lives. The gods would surely have felt her power and know that she was the prophesized destroyer of their world. They would be racing to find her and end her existence.

"No more time to talk!" Morgana yelled as she yanked Kendra up by her arm. The older succubus could have overpowered her little sister if she tried to resist. However, Kendra was far too weak with grief and fear as her sibling shoved her through the portal before leaping in after.

Stumbling into the demonic realm, Kendra looked behind her in desperation as she watched her older sister quickly leap through before it snapped shut. Her breath caught in her throat as she now felt completely cut off from that world. The world she realized too late she had come to care for was cut off from her. She could still feel the hard leather whip in her one hand as her only link to it now. It was the world he had loved.

Kendra glanced about as Morgana collected her breath a few feet from her, the anxiety and fear leaving her. She recognized the room they were in as one of the portal entry rooms of the palace. Her home. Her world. The realm that contained the ruler wishing for her to destroy Adrian's world. Grief and shock once again became replaced with growing anger. Yet this time it was more focused intent as she swiftly started walking out into the large hallway.

"Kendra?" came Morgana's surprised voice from the room she had left, her footfalls echoing her struggle to catch up. "Where are you going?"

"To speak for myself for the first time in my life," she spoke in anger, the glow gradually returning to her eyes with every stride. Even now she was fetched like some misplaced weapon from the armory. Was that all she was to her mother? The idea that her mother would have so little faith in her infuriated her. Morgana coming to check on her would have been fine. But to haul her back home like a loosed dog hurt her deeply. The only reason she could reason her mother had done so was that the time was drawing near to destroy the other realm. A world she no longer wished to.

Her ears did not hear the pleading voice of Morgana as her older sister knew the destination this route was taking them. The black ornate doors rising thirty feet in height loomed closer as she strode up to them. The two equally tall demonic monsters that guarded the entry watched her approach with apprehension. Even if they had been instructed to block the princess from entry, the look in her eyes convinced them that would be a fatal mistake.

The air around her crackled with power by the time she reached the towering doors and reared her right leg up. Her foot slammed into the door with an loud bang. The massive structure snapped easily from the entryway to fly into the throne room. The young demoness stepped inside as it came crashing down onto the floor with a thunderous explosion of noise and tremor shaking the castle's wing. Startled voices rose in front of her as the dust and debris settled.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" a familiar seductive voice spoke over the commotion. Feminine as it was, it boomed with the authoritative quality that would give many beings, including immortals, reason to hesitate doing anything rash. Kendra moved towards the rising figure of her mother from the throne without pause. Kendra would normally be screaming at herself to run for her very existence at what she just had done. The ruler of the demons had power that exceeded that of demi-gods by a wide margin. Some even believed she had crossed that line to ascend into the true immortal ranks of godhood.

Kendra was the younger and nearly identical version of the Queen Succubus but with her mother having longer blonde hair cascading down to her calves. Her mother was the very image of beauty that would drive men insane just from the sight of her. A voluptuous figure of large breasts, narrow waist, and shapely hips and ass that would make Aphrodite green with jealousy. Those deep violet eyes glowered angrily but were also mixed with the emotions of confusion and relief upon seeing her daughter.

"Kendra! I am seeing to important matters here at the moment for your ascension. Leave this room at once and we will discuss your actions later in private," her mother commanded firmly. She looked from her mother to see that some of the demon aristocracies were present. She strode past their shocked gazes to the base of the dais, looking her mother in the eye.

"The hell I will," she hissed in answer. A collective gasp filled the throne room before silence quickly followed as all eyes watched the escalating confrontation. Kendra could see her mother's gaze flicker towards the onlookers for a split second before glaring down at her daughter. Her resolve almost faltered under the withering look from her mother. The Queen of Demons could not afford to show any weakness in front of those present.

"You dare disrespect Queen Sonia you spoiled brat?" One of the high ranking demons spoke up out of the silence. Kendra remembered this one as one of the pathetic panderers trying to cull her mother's favor. Apparently the fool thought standing up to a soon-to-be-disposed offspring in front of Sonia would win him approval over the other nobles. Kendra's eyes barely registered the black flash from her mother's body. The demon gasped before his body split in half head to groin in a bloody explosion of gore. The other demons shrank back under the gaze of Sonia. There were to be no further interruptions.

"Come again... little one?" her mother said quietly with the last words carefully emphasized, her bloody demonic tail retracting to her body to disappear under the black dress. Her mother was like a coiled snake, ready to strike in a moment's notice.

"You heard me. They heard me as well! I am not going to leave until you fully understand what I want for myself," Kendra answered as her resolve strengthened. No more deferment to her mother's wishes or commands would be allowed. Even if she was killed right then by her mother, she would be heard for once in her life. "I refuse to do it. Nothing you can say or do will convince me to destroy his world!"

The stunned silence that filled the large room was deafening as her mother looked to her with shock. She could see Sonia's conflicting emotions racing through her eyes as she debated punishing her daughter or seeking understanding. Those eyes lit up briefly in comprehension before narrowing.

"Will not destroy 'his' world?" Her mother sighed with disappointed expression, shaking her head as it all became clear. "I warned you not to fall in love in their world to protect you for this very reason, Kendra! It is a one-sided affair that never ends well. He would never have truly loved you in return."

"No he-" Kendra spoke up in protest.

"He was a man! They only love the sex! Not you!" Her mother shouted down at her with her own anger rising.

"Not Adrian!" she yelled back.

"YES!" Her mother's voice finally boomed making all take a step back including her daughter. "Even him! I do not know what sweet whispers or promises of a happy future he spoke of, but I know they are all lies. All men lie to women just so they can have their way with us. If they cannot, then they take it by force and rape their women. Outside of sex, they keep women under their heel. Women are never granted power or equal status."

"No... I..." Kendra stammered as tears stung her eyes. Her anger began to falter under this assault as every word seemed to be a blow to her resolve. She looked down to the whip and clutched at it tightly. It was her last link. She did not want to lose it. This was not lost on her mother.

"I suppose that is a gift from him? A petty mortal object used to win you over to their selfish desires. Thinking that we can be won so cheaply just illustrates their unworthiness," Sonia sighed as her anger eased some. She looked upon her daughter with pity. "How do you think we succubae came to be the most powerful among demon kind? Man's insatiable desire for sex feeds us. Their souls are merged with our own to make our power stronger. Their bestial desires to mate with us without remorse or care have served as a wealth of power I have ensured for our race."

"But.." Kendra weakly tried to protest.

"No, Kendra. There is no arguing as you know this to be true as well. The time is near to absorb their realm and forever solidify that power as our own" Sonia said as she walked down to her daughter, her arms wrapping about the young succubus in a motherly hug. Kendra's head leaned into the familiar warmth. "Human filth such as that man would never have given the love worthy of my daughter."

Eyes snapping open with those words, Kendra's anger came back like an avalanche roaring down the mountainside. She forcibly broke their embrace by shoving herself back from her mother. Sonia was at a loss as she appeared to have thought her daughter brought back to reason. But the Queen of Demons was not there when he died. She hadn't seen the look Kendra had seen in Adrian's eyes. Those eyes had told her that his final moments were only to look at her with the memories of the time they shared together. That one special man had loved her, not for her body and pleasure only.

"Yes... The men of that world are disgusting in their selfish greed. But I found one that was not as you say. If I could find one, then there are likely others, present and future generations, worthy enough to find the love that I just lost. He would have said the same for those in the world he loved. A world I refuse to destroy."

Sonia's patience had surpassed the breaking point and her right hand lashed out the slap some sense into her child. The queen gasped as her hand was stopped by the powerful grip of Kendra's hand. The air crackled with the magic surrounding Kendra now as she stared her mother down.

"Don't try to stop me from leaving... or I will unleash my 'gift' in this realm," she hissed. Doing so would destroy them all into complete nothingness. The demons around them shrank away from mother and daughter as if that threat was about to come true. "Don't try to find me either."

"Kendra...," her mother whispered desperately to her, the queen's eyes brimming with tears.

"Goodbye," Kendra spoke, barely able to restrain the emotion in her voice as she let her mother go. The young succubus turned around and swiftly strode away as quickly as she had come. She managed a small smile to Morgana as she passed her dumbstruck older sister. Her sibling looked to be torn from all of this happening so quickly. Kendra could only hope Morgana would eventually forgive her.

Stepping through the doorway, the succubus used one sharp nail to slice open her palm as she walked. Her wounded hand gripped her whip to let the blood flow over it. Eyes closing with concentration, she used the power coursing through her blood to fuse with Adrian's gift. The whip became crimson red, now forever a part of her being. A reminder of her resolve to never destroy his world, avenge his death, never to return home.

Stepping into the portal room, she quietly picked up one of the talismans from the pedestal. After a moment and a few quiet words, the portal opened back to Adrian's world. The young succubus stepped into the bright light of the rising sun.

And with that light came the pain...


"Wake up! You've had plenty of time to have recovered," came an angry growl as the room was filled with the crack of the savage slap across her face.

Kendra's eyes opened and focused on the large figure of Merodach towering above her. The red-skinned demon looked down at her with disgust filling those unholy yellow eyes. The memory of her experience long past faded swiftly as those of recent events came rushing forward. How dare he take her from Richard! Emerald eyes opening wide with fury, she lunged forward at him with a hateful scream!

"Merodach! You bast-" her voice began before being cut off painfully as she crashed to the ground. The succubus grasped at her neck as she coughed from the agony. Her fingers found a metallic collar around her neck. Her gaze followed the long length of the chain from her collar to the stone wall. She glared at Merodach and tightened her fists about the collar to tear it from her neck. The demon simply stood there with his arms across his chest as he watched her. A growing sense of panic began to well up within her as she could not break the metal nor pull the chain from the wall. She should have been able to do so with ease!

Merodach sighed with impatience as he glowered down at her, "Are you finished?"

"What is this?" She demanded as her fingers frantically pulled at the collar around her neck.

"That, my dear, is what your mother gave to me to help safely bring you back when I found you. Albeit, it took them some time to forge it. It took them decades to research on how to make something like it to begin with," He answered her matter-of-factly. "To put it simply, it has not only locked away your freedom but your powers as well."

"My powers? Impossible!" She shouted angrily. How could her mother do this to her once again? Had she not understood her warning? For that matter, did she not even care about what her daughter wished for in life? She struggled once more but her strength was not there. The demoness glared at Merodach, trying to cover the panic rising within her from the vulnerability she was feeling.

"Do not worry. Your mother wanted to ensure certain safeguards were made along with this collar. Your immortality is still in place. Despite being unable to use your succubae powers to seduce and kill men, your body retains its ability to adapt and heal. This is all for the purpose of bringing you back to the Queen Succubus safely."

"Then tell me, Mero. Why am I still here and not back home in the Abyss?" she snapped in retort. She was in a large room lit only by the dim light of a few torches. Enclosed as she was, she knew the feeling of existing in the Abyss. It was not where she was at the present. He was keeping her in the normal world for some reason. It was something that she was not likely going to like.

"Very perceptive of you, Kendra," Merodach chuckled as he paced in front of her. "I fully intend to make you destroy this realm before we leave."

"What makes you think I would ever do such a thing? I even told my mother that I would not," Kendra said. She was amazed at his foolishness in thinking she would willingly destroy Richard and her friends.

"Oh... I know you won't," the demon growled at her. "I was there that day of your little tantrum spat with the Queen. I heard your words. But who said you would not destroy the world unwillingly?"

"What?" The word slipped from her as Kendra was confused at his statement and confident sneer. Merodach raised his hand slightly, exerting a small part of his demonic powers to light the other torches within the room. Emerald eyes opened wide as the darkness was lifted. Eyes glancing all about, she saw nothing but various demons surrounding her. More importantly, she recognized who these demons were. "No! You wouldn't dare!"

The room was filled with at least two dozen demons, if not more since she could not see past them. They all ranged in various forms out the worst nightmares mankind dreamt of. Each demon was branded on their bare chest of two crescent moons intertwined. It was a symbol of the demons given the specific task to sexually violate those who had committed perverse crimes against others when they were alive. Thus they were condemned to an eternity of sexual torture in the Abyss in recompense. They wore no clothing as they were often proud to display the massive appendages dangling between their legs.

"Yes, I will dare. There are more than enough demons here to make a succubus go mad with the sexual energy. I will have these eager comrades rape you until your mind breaks from the pleasure. You will be constantly violated even after your resistance has been lost. So much so that I will withdraw them until you beg for them to return and promise to do whatever I say," He stated simply before shrugging.

Kendra looked at him with growing horror. This was no idle threat he was making against her. She would be unable to kill these demons with her powers suppressed. "No.. I.."

Before she could say anything more, Mero cut her off angrily as he walked towards the exit, "You could have gone along with the Queen's plans, Kendra! Now I will make the most of your folly and use this opportunity to increase my influence and power in our realm." The demons parted for him as finally reached the heavy metal door.

"You filthy scumbag," Kendra spat angrily as her fury was growing with every word Mero spoke. Yet she could not feel her powers coming forward. "You think my mother will accept me coming back broken? You are such a fool to not think this through."

Mero paused at her words after having opened the door. He glanced back and gave her a smile that sent chills down her spine. "Whoever said you would make it back to the Abyss alive?"

Her mind reeled at this as he left her with these demons. The bastard fully intended to break her, use her powers to his own gain, and then toss her aside like a broken tool. He had thought this through well enough that she said no more. If she was in the realm she was targeting with her powers, she would also be destroyed in the cataclysm. He would flee and leave her to die. All the while having a well-concocted tale to explain it to her mother, such as her losing her temper and control upon finding out their plans.

"Kendra Tansanee. How I have longed to claim your perfect body," came a feminine voice as a slightly smaller figure stepped out of the group of behemoth demons. The familiar form made Kendra shiver in fear. To think that Mero would go so far as to include Ezrias on this! The green skinned beauty looked down at her with a satisified smile as lust filled her eyes. Waves a dark green hair cascaded down her back behind the large wings extending from her back. Her chest heaved with her increased breathing from her excitement, large breasts swaying with nipples erect. She was one of the demon lords in charge of Crescent Moon legion. An individual who delighted in the sexual perversions of all kinds.

"Ezrias," Kendra spoke, doing her best to keep her voice trembling from the fear she felt, "If you release me, I am willing to overlook this transgression. End this ridiculous fiasco now."

"Oh no, my delectable succubus," Ezrias laughed before looking down at her, wiping her lips as the sex-crazed vixen's mouth was watering with anticipation. "I am the only one giving orders here. Even if I were not, these fellows would not listen either. No one would ever be so foolish to pass up the once in an eternity chance to experience the pleasure that only a Tansanee's body can give!"
