Brad's Road Trip Ch. 21


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We didn't say much, just letting the steaming hot bath water soak in. I lazily massaged her tits, while she gently squeezed my thigh. I moved my hand between her legs and found that she already had one of hers there, so together we brought her to one last, long, languid orgasm. She laid her head back against my shoulder and dozed off.

It took me about 10 minutes to wriggle myself out from behind her, but once free, I made sure she wouldn't slip under the water and returned to the bedroom, laying out three huge, fluffy towels on the bed. I collected her still-sleeping form from the tub and laid her across the towels, using the excess towel space to dry her off. I rolled her over and did the same for her backside, then I picked up a bottle of lavender-scented lotion I'd grabbed from the bathroom.

I spent probably 10 minutes lovingly and tenderly rubbing the lotion into her bright red ass cheeks, using as gentle a touch as I could. She'd definitely be sore when she woke up, but hopefully this would accelerate the skin's natural healing process. It didn't hurt that I got to massage the most perfect ass ever created, and I made a mental note to do this for her at least two or three times a week.

She was still out like a light when I finished, so I curled up behind her and joined her.


"Your dad knew nothing," my mom said, tossing a tortilla chip at him. "I can't trust him to keep a secret from his son."

"That's because I'm a good parent," he said, grabbing it off the table and cramming it in his mouth. "You should be ashamed that as his mother, you can keep a secret from him."

"No argument from me," I agreed, tipping back the Diet Coke I was drinking. Everyone else gathered around the table on my parents' back deck – my parents, Tommy, my dad's best friend J.B. and his wife Laurel – was drinking beer or something harder, but I was refraining. Only my dad and I knew why.

"I did it for a good reason," my mom argued.

"Yeah," my dad quipped. "Defrauding your son."

That got a laugh out of everyone.

"That's not entirely true though, dad," I said. "You knew where I was going when I left Monday night, and you knew what was waiting for me. He kept that secret from me pretty well."

"Only because I was standing right next to him, threatening bodily harm with my eyes if he said anything," she said. "To be fair, though, I didn't actually know she wasn't going to tell you she was going to Colorado, Brad. I knew she was going and got her the time off, but I assumed her next call was to tell you she wanted to meet you there."

I just shook my head. My dad took over.

"I didn't know she'd gone to Colorado to meet you until after you went to bed Sunday night," he said. "When you and I were chatting, I could tell something was wrong, so I asked your mom later that night, after we did our best to wake you up."

"TMI!" Laurel shouted, throwing another chip at my dad.

"Not at all," Tommy chimed in. "Please continue, Will."

My parents knew Tommy thought my mom was hot – they'd overheard him telling me as much back in high school. Tommy was harmless, and my dad agreed with him anyway, so it was more or less a running joke between the four of us.

"You will not," my mom said, putting her foot down. I wasn't sure my dad was going to offer up any further details anyway, but my mom's statement made the decision for him.

"Anyway," my dad said. "She told me Kelly had gone down there to meet you, and that it had gone really well. I disagreed... like I said, something seemed wrong, and if things had gone well, you'd have been gushing about her. That's when she told me that all you knew was you had met someone very special, but you didn't know who she was yet. And I was told if I said anything, I wouldn't even be allowed to sleep on the couch."

"So you only lied to me all day Monday," I said. "That hardly gets you a pass."

"It doesn't," he agreed. "But I tried to make it up to you. The hotel was my idea."

I thought about the various ways we'd defiled room 812 at the Shenandoah Inn.

"Well, thanks for that at least," I said. "And you, mom? When did you find out?"

"She called me Sunday morning, around 10 a.m.," she said sheepishly. "She was still on the road, and she told me how amazing you were. I wasn't sure she was actually talking about my son, but she insisted. I told her we were throwing you a surprise welcome-home party, and that I was sure you'd tell me all about it then, and that's when she blindsided me. Up until then, I thought you were a willing participant in all this. She told me she'd screwed up by not telling you, but that she'd make it right when you got back."

"Wow," I said. "So when I pulled into the driveway, and all during the barbecue, you knew," I said. She nodded. "And you decided not to tell me."

"She begged me, Brad," she said. "I told her I didn't like keeping secrets from you, but she convinced me that it was her screw-up, her secret to tell. She's such a wonderful girl, with a beautiful heart... I just couldn't say no."

I had to agree with her there. I was sure I'd find myself unable to say no to Kelly many, many times in the future.

"But I tried," she said. "I suggested that she come to the barbecue and just do it there. She appreciated the invite, but she wanted to do it in private."

"I'm sure she did," Tommy chimed in. I hadn't gone into detail, but I'd given him a basic outline of how things had gone when I finally met her Monday night.

"Anyway, she asked for another couple days off, and I gave them to her," my mom concluded. "I told her you'd be pretty mad when you found out."

"I was," I agreed. "We took care of it though."

"Yeah, I bet you took care of it," J.B. said, earning a round of laughs. He generally was the quietest one of the bunch, but he made every word count. "Can she walk properly yet?"

The smug look on my face was all I planned in response, but someone else answered with words.

"I can walk, yes," she said. "Sitting down is another story altogether. But that's enough of that."

I understood when Kelly walked around the corner, holding one person's hand with another three trailing behind them. It was hot outside, and she was dressed for it, wearing just a light blue halter top and pale yellow shorts.

"Hey, honey," I said, getting up and walking over to her quickly. She held a bottle of wine in her other hand, and I handed it off to my dad. I wasn't sure how much I could get away with considering the people she'd brought with her, so I gave her a simple peck on the lips.

It had been two days since she explained everything to me, and we'd spent all but the past 10 hours together. I'd finally left her apartment this morning, a few minutes before she headed off to work.

"Hey, baby," she replied. Her kiss lingered a little longer than mine had. When we pulled apart, she motioned to the three people standing behind her.

"Brad, this is my mom, Catalina," she said, and an older, more mature version of Kelly stepped forward to shake my hand. She looked even better than she did in her pictures.

"I've heard a lot about you," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "All good, of course."

"All of it?" I asked. "I doubt that."

Her eyes twinkled. "Well, most of it," she said.

"And this is my aunt Nicole and uncle Shane, my dad's sister and her husband."

"Ah," I said, shaking hands with them as well. "So, this is the woman partially to blame for all the craziness of the past few days."

Nicole didn't look that much older than Kelly, maybe late 20s or early 30s. My comment confused both her and her husband.

"Shush, Brad," Catalina said, making me wonder just how much Kelly had told her mom about what had transpired.

"And this," Kelly said, drawing my attention back to her then redirecting it lower, "is Tyler."

The little brown-haired boy looked up at me with a shy smile before quickly ducking behind his mother's leg. When I took a step toward him, he moved behind Kelly's other leg and grabbed his grandma's hand.

"Hi, Tyler," I said, crouching down to get to his eye level. "Can you give me five?"

Kelly had warned me that he might be shy, but she'd told me he couldn't resist giving anyone who asked a high five. As promised, he stepped forward and dutifully slapped my hand before retreating back to Fort Legs.

"Aww, you're a little shy, but that's okay," I said. "I'm willing to bribe my way into your good graces."

I walked back over to the table, and Kelly and Tyler trailed behind me as the others made introductions amongst themselves.

"Let's see what Brad brought for you, huh?" Kelly said.

"Well, I have a couple things," I said. I reached under the chair I'd been sitting on and pulled out a toy police car, about a foot long with all the bells and whistles, as if Kelly needed another noise-making toy at her apartment.

"Car!" Tyler shouted, clearly excited to see something he was familiar with. "Mine?" he asked, looking at Kelly for confirmation.

"Yeah, it's for you," I said as she nodded at him. "But I have something else you might like first."

I reached across the table and grabbed a cupcake off a large platter, sliding it to the edge of the table closest to Tyler.

"Ooh, cake cake!" he exclaimed. He didn't wait for permission this time – he grabbed it off the table and took a big bite of the chocolate icing.

"That's a man who's got his priorities straight," Laurel said.

"Yeah, you don't get between that boy and food, unless you're willing to lose a limb," his great-uncle Shane said.

"Makes sense," I said. "Let other kids learn numbers and do the ABCs. If all the adults disappear tomorrow, you can count to three, but I'll be over here with the food."

Everyone laughed at that.

My mom invited Catalina inside to help her cook up some chicken carbonara for the night's dinner. It was Kelly's mom's recipe, which Kelly had given to my mom so she'd have all the ingredients ready. I figured they'd become fast friends. The rest of the adults chatted together amiably except for Kelly and I, who were standing off to the side watching Tyler play.

"Why are you just drinking a Coke, Brad?" she asked me.

"Because I'm gonna be around this little guy for a long time, I think," I said, reaching down to show him a button he hadn't pushed yet. "Eventually, when he's more comfortable with me, I'll be okay having a few when he's around, but for now I don't want my judgment impaired, and I don't want him associating me with the smell of alcohol. My dad did the same thing for my sister and me when he first met my mom, and that's a pretty good script to follow."

Kelly looked at me with joy in her eyes. She blinked back a few tears before saying a quiet, "Thank you." I kissed her on the forehead, and we both looked down at the adorable little toddler.

"Do you like your car?" Kelly asked her son.

"Yeah, my car!" he exclaimed.

"Can you say, 'Thank you, Brad?'" she asked.

"Tank ooh, Bad!" he said, and even the adults at the other table laughed at that.

"He just met you and he knows you already," Tommy said, ambling over from the other table and taking a seat near us.

"Oh, there's only one person here who knows how truly bad I can be," I said, lightly rubbing my palm over Kelly's tender ass cheeks. She shivered slightly in response. We'd learned the hard way that Kelly's skin was a little more sensitive than usual, so while I'd definitely done worse in the past, what I'd done to her the other day was probably the most I would ever do – and that was perfectly OK with me. I'd rubbed her down with lotion three or four times since the rough session, but she was still sore.

Tommy grinned and opened his mouth to say something, but he thought better of it. "So what are your plans now?" he asked. "You guys gonna keep burning holes in I-15 for a few months?"

Kelly looked over at me. "We've talked about it some. My lease expires in two months, so we might move in together."

"Down here in Pocatello or up in the Falls?" he asked.

"We haven't gotten that far yet, Tommy," I said, hoping he'd catch my subtle hint. I didn't want this to turn into an interrogation. "Hell, I need to see how she'll handle me vegging out in front of the TV watching football on Sunday afternoons before I can even commit to moving in with her."

It was a joke between her and me – we knew wanted to be together, but we'd idly wondered what little quirks we'd discover about each other, both before and after we moved in.

"As long as you don't expect me to bring you a beer all afternoon," she chided me. "Because I'll be doing the same thing!"

"Dude..." Tommy said, trailing off.

"I know," I said. "The perfect woman, right?"

Kelly blushed, and I pulled her closer to me. Tyler ran his car across both of our feet as the siren blared.

"Speaking of football, Brad," he said. "I scored us some tickets to the Broncos game in Week 3, when they host the Cowboys. Last week in September I think."

"How many tickets?" I asked, looking at Kelly. Her dad used to take her to Broncos games, and I remembered telling her we'd go down to Denver for a game soon.

"Well, a client I fly for sometimes has season tickets but he's out of town that week," he said. "I only asked for two, but I can probably get another one. I do so love being the third wheel."

"Why not get two more?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, I guess I can probably find someone to go with me," he said. I hadn't really thought of it until now, but Collette was not here with him, nor had he mentioned her at all. Maybe she just had somewhere else to be, I thought, but maybe what we'd talked about on the plane on Monday had stuck with him, and he'd decided to look for what he really wanted in a woman.

And I happened to know a really hot, thick waitress in the Denver area that was exactly Tommy's type.

"We flying or driving?" I asked.

"Man, you know I fly for the job so much, when I'm doing something for fun, I'd prefer to get in the car and drive."

I looked at Kelly, and she was already looking straight back at me. Our eyes flashed together as we spoke in unison.

"Road trip!"


Some of the people reading this were probably in elementary school when I started writing this series. A lot of you just picked it up within the last few years, and a precious few have been there since the beginning. I know of at least two readers who've died without getting able to finish what I started nearly a decade ago. No matter which category you're in, thanks for reading. Your votes, comments and private feedback have been invaluable to me throughout the years, and are a big reason why I finally saw this through and finished it. Please feel free to share your thoughts now that it's done, either on this particular chapter or the series as a whole.

I'm not done writing, though in the future, I won't publish a multi-part series like this until the entire story is written. Too much waiting for the readers, and too much pressure for me to write something I might not be inspired to write simply because people are waiting. So I'll have something new at some point – it just might not be soon.

As you might already know, all my characters live in the same universe. The other two stories I've posted contain characters from Road Trip. I have maybe 10 stories at various stages of completion on my computer, and all of them have characters that first appeared here in Road Trip, some as the stars, and some as just supporting characters. If I ever get everything written, you'll likely see a 'what happened after Brad' story for just about every major character featured throughout the road trip. You'll also see more of Brad and Kelly someday. If you have any ideas on who you'd like to see more of first, let me know.

Thanks for going on the journey with me!

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cutedaddy69cutedaddy6924 days ago

You're great writer, first off.

I'm a mediocre reader and therefore liked the love story more than the action, although most of the action was also great, if somewhat repetitive. Not as repetitive as many a writer's on this site though, by far.

Love your humor and way w/words, made reading a joyful party.

Don't understand the (seemingly American) preoccupation with spanking. I have known, and still know, hordes of women. Not one was as preoccupied with it as the guys i come across on Lit.

I think it's a somewhat primitive misconception that so many women like this roleplay, which is somewhat misogynistic and disrespectful in my eyes.

Just my two cents. Everybody enjoying fantasies on a fiction site, go for it.

Made it less real, at least for me.


Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

Thanks for the fabulous journey!! I definitely enjoyed every step and the last step here was a perfect ending (beginning?). I am glad to see you are visiting the characters in other stories as they all were well developed and worthy of their own tales. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

OrcaorcinusOrcaorcinusover 1 year ago

Great epilogue to a fantastic series! Thanks for sticking with it until the end!

DankTheSolivagantDankTheSolivagantover 1 year ago


I have read more than my fair share of erotic literature, on and off this site. A plethora of stories have had my eyes glued to the screen. A few have had me staying up till the wee hours of the morning, in bed on my phone, incapable of putting my phone down saying "just one more chapter". Only two others have invaded my subconscious to the point that even when sleeping I'm dreaming about the story line and wondering where its going to end up. None have had me so unreservedly enthralled, invested, and stimulated. I am kicking my self in the ass for having this on my "to read" list for over a year and only recently actually sitting down to read it. The plot, the character development, the characters themselves, the writing, the sex; every aspect of this story has blown me away and has absolutely cemented this story as the best I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

I tip my hat to thee SpotInTheSand

Fred350Fred350over 2 years ago

Great series. A fitting finale. Very well done.

CumformegirlCumformegirlalmost 3 years ago

I just read this story all but non stop, beginning to end. Great story line and execution throughout the read. Thanks to your editors and proofreaders for their "hard" work. :-) Keep writing. It's a gift.

godzarrottgodzarrottover 3 years ago
The end?

You forgot about the virgin wrong hole! I just binge read this over about 2 weeks. You should print it in book form, it's almost 500 pages! Great read. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thank you

A truely amazing story! Quite possibly the best I have ever read here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

To the author - ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Looking forward to other things of yours to read!

To future readers - Piece of advice, do not skip one word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter of this story. You will only have to go back as the author has a gift for tying everything up, even between large segments of time. Although a long story, which I don’t mind, it allows you to really use your imagination. All scenarios where good for either a man or a woman. Enjoyed everything about the story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This guy can write!

Really good story, wonderful characters, very healthy outlook on sex and veerrey sexy. More please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great story

Man, this is seriously the best story I’ve read on this page. I got super engaged in it and felt like I was Brad and felt what he felt, especially in the three last chapters. A tad too much sex for my taste, but I didn’t really matter in such a good story. The twist at the end was awesome and made it so much more exiting. Couldn’t put it away, so I’m glad I had a couple of days off to read it all. I’d love to read more about Brad and Kelly’s life further down the road. Hope you enjoy the writing!

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