Broken Salvation


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I then went into a couple different clothes stores and enjoyed looking through what they had. All their clothes were so fashionable and well made. I dreamed of myself in them and wished I could get some of them, especially the pretty undies. They were so lacy and small. All different exciting colors as well. I wished I could buy some to wear while I was out with Matthew, but I couldn't use the money Father Boss left me. That was only for the necessities.

Still it felt like this was a necessity the way as I was walking along I was pulling at my old, stretched out panties I had on.

It must have been my lucky day though, because as I was walking to the next store I looked down, and there blowing in the wind was a dry twenty dollar bill on the sidewalk. I looked around, wanting to make sure that no one was looking or that no one around who could have dropped it. But, I was alone so with my heart thumping I kneeled down and quickly picked it up. I then had the great issue, wondering if I should even use it or give it to the church. But, as I stood there with the bill in hand, with the rain stopped the clouds parted and let rays of warmth of sun shine through in the most beautiful way. It must have been a sign from God of some sort. One that told me to go ahead.

Who was I to ignore a sign from God?

So, I took the twenty and went into the next clothing store, looking through the panties they had before I picked out a simple, cotton red thong. It looked like something I would never think of wearing, but I loved it. It was the only thing I bought before leaving the store and going back to the church. I put the 5$ change in the collection pot. Then at the back I found Margaret as she was busy putting more flowers in vases, to let her know that Matthew would be coming with me to view the apartment merely because he was nosey. She was fine with it thankfully, letting me know the door was unlocked and we could go right up as soon as we got there.

As soon as I got into the little house in the middle of the kitchen, with a feeling of excitement, I dropped my old panties to the floor and swapped them for the new ones. It was feeling good as I slipped on the thong under my skirt. It fit perfectly and hugged me in all the right ways. Just having them on made me feel more confident.

With my old panties discarded in the bin, there wasn't much to do around the church so I spent my time in Boss' house watching TV, well mostly flipping around the channels. I had one more cigarette outside. Then as time approached to meet with Matthew and I got even more bored, I got up and went to the bathroom, deciding to freshen up. After taking the time to spray myself in body spray, fix my hair and clothes I stared into the mirror for a moment before I stepped back and pulled my long skirt up bunching it up on my hips, showing off my new, dark red panties. I felt like a real woman with them on. It felt really good to see myself like that and I knew that I wanted to show them to Matthew as well. He would appreciate me in them. Just the thought had me blushing with a grin from ear to ear.

Letting my skirt fall back down, I got everything ready to leave again. It was close to time for Matthew to get off work so I decided to go ahead and walk over to the grocery store. I was relieved that the rain had moved on and I did not need the big heavy coat. By the time I got there, I was again far too early, it was only minutes away so I just stood outside the front and leaned against a little wall. I opened the cigarette pack and with trepidation, I noticed I only had two cigarettes left, which was certainly a positive, it would make quitting tomorrow much easier. I was far too early for Matthew. He still had another fifteen to twenty minutes of work, sitting on the wall opposite I lit the penultimate one and waited for him whilst I filled my lungs with smoke. As I had got there so early, I had finished the cigarette, and found a bin to put butt in, well before he came out.

"Hey Jules!" Matthew greeted me with a huge smile as he came out of the store, it was sweet he was shortening my name. I liked it. He was still in his apron and interestingly carrying a small paper bag in his hand. "Got you another candybar and a pack of cigarettes." He smiled at me. "I was restocking them earlier and, well, couldn't help but think of you." he said as he held out his hand and gave me the bag. It was really so sweet of him and I was truly thankful. Firstly that he was thinking of me, and secondly the pack Father Boss left with me was now practically empty. I would have had to come get another tomorrow morning with the "necessity money", if I didn't actually quit. Is my morning cigarette a necessity? The two I had this morning were definitely, I had a really bad night. Then this afternoon, I was just bored waiting. Boss would think it was important. I had really thought I had planned on properly quitting, but now I really couldn't do that just yet. It would be pretty rude for Matthew. It seems that it won't take long to smoke them, and I will promise to God to quit when I have finished his pack.

Having forgotten to eat lunch, I chewed on the chocolate bar as we walked together. We were so close to one another that our hands brushed against each other's. It kept happening and I apologized a couple times, but I really did like it. He must have too because after it happened a couple more times, so much so that after a few minutes he subtly reached over and tangled our fingers together, holding my hand in a way no man ever had before. It had my body heating up embarrassingly. We walked like that the rest of the way to Margaret's house, only letting go on the corner as we got to the property.

Looking over to the garage it really didn't look like much compared to Margaret's lovely house next doorJust two stories with a set of stairs on the side that lead up to the entrance to the apartment. I was a little surprised her mother was using the steep steps in her older age. After climbing up the wooden stairs to the top, Matthew opened the door, which creaked on its hinges as it swung open for me and I was instantly hit with the wall of very stale air. Both of us coughed as we walked in. The place was still fully furnished and looking at the large collection of cobwebs and layers of dust, it didn't seem to be cleaned out at all from when Margaret's mother was living there. The furniture was of a classic style with floral patterns. It was all perfect for a single woman of a certain age. The kitchen and living room were not divided and it was one big open room. It had everything I needed in the little kitchenette area.

Down the little hallway were two doors, one into the tiny bathroom that had all the basics and the other to an equally dusty little bedroom that already had a full sized double bed with no sheets or duvet on it. I was sure Margaret would help me with that when I moved in. There was even a little TV mounted on the wall so you could watch from the bed, it was a little smaller than the one that was out in the living room. Taking a look around the room, I saw what made me really want to move in and it was a sewing machine that sat on a bookshelf with lots of fabric and odds and ends in baskets around it.

I smiled at that sight. That sold it for me. This was the place I felt like I could stay and grow more. The sewing machine was just another sign that this was where I was meant to be.

"I really like it." I finally told Matthew, turning around and looking back at him. He was looking around as well, admiring the place.

"Me too. I think it's perfect for you. Got to admit it looks like my grandmother's place though.": He laughed, "Might need a little redecorating for a younger woman, but for now it's really nice." Matthew came over and sat down on the bed, eyes drifting over to the bedside table. "Oh look. Another reason it's a good spot for you. You will have no need to stand outside in the pouring rain anymore!" He chuckled as he picked up an empty thick glass ashtray twisting it around inspecting it, the light from the window almost sparkled against it. I came over and stood in front of him, taking the ashtray, I was surprised at how heavy it was.

"Wow... This is actually pretty nice. It's much better looking than a plant pot" I smiled, placing it carefully back down on the table so as not to break it. "So, you really think this place is the best thing for me?" I asked, as I sat beside him on the bed, so close that our legs brushed together.

"Yeah I think so! I mean this place is great and it gives you your freedom and privacy. Plus you will not have to tiptoe around Boss." He explained, leaning back a little on the bed, hands behind him to hold himself up.

Privacy. That was true, I would have the place to myself since I doubted Margaret would be popping in unannounced. It would be a quiet little place to myself that I could sew in, take care of, and have people over if I wanted. No sharing with Father Boss or cleaning up after someone that wasn't myself. The idea was bittersweet, but I knew the church would still be there and I could continue my work for him as well.

"I think you're right." I nodded with a soft sigh. "It might be a little lonely here though. Will you come and visit from time to time?"

Matthew again chuckled at that question, "Of course I will. I expect some of your good cooking sometime too. Father Boss raved about it while we were working on the lights in the church."

I giggled, "Sure, but don't expect too much. It's really nothing spectacular or anything."

"I don't believe you. You'll have to show me." Matthew said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me but playfully but equally suggestively.

Chapter Thirteen

On the walk back to the church we held hands again. This time, I was the one to take his and entangle our fingers together. It was really nice to have that connection the whole time we walked. We got there and looked at each other for a second or two unsure what to do next, before releasing hands and parting when we went inside. Matthew went and met up with the rest of the choir and I went off to the church kitchen to make sure there was fresh lemonade and the tea and coffee mugs for any adults were ready for when they finished up.

It was just nice to hear them singing as I mixed the fresh squeezed lemon juice with hot water and sugar, putting it away in the fridge after dumping ice into the pitcher. I could almost pick out Matthew's voice out of all of them, even from there. As much as I wanted to listen to them more, I all of a sudden realized I was again hankering for a cigarette again. Having not had one since before meeting Matthew at the grocery store. I grabbed up my old pack, I had a strange feeling getting the last one out and disposing of the empty box in the trash bag before going out to the back steps. It was me that in the last few days had smoked that whole pack, no longer Boss and I sharing one, but all me. I didn't know if I should be scared or proud of that fact. Outside the church step was luckily still dry so I could take a seat and enjoy getting my smokey fill. As I pulled another lungful of smoke, holding it there for a second before forcing back out between my lips, my mind wondered if I would really quit after the next pack or not. As I kept smiling at a recurring thought that swirled around my head. For some reason I was itching to use the glass ashtray we found at the apartment.

Sitting there with the gusting wind blowing, sadly I could only barely hear the singing outside, mostly just the music that went along with it coming down the hallway. I actually raced through this cigarette taking drag after drag not waiting too long in between so I could finish quickly and go inside where it was decidedly warmer. I had smoked it so fast, as I stood up I got a delightful little head rush. I then hurried in, to get a fresh spritz of Father Boss' body spray that was kept in his office. Feeling a bit fresher, I grabbed a quick drink and then came out to the main area where they were practicing, taking a seat in the pews and flipping open my personal bible. I sat and read through the next section I would be going over in Sunday school while I listened to the singing, humming along myself here and there.

Practice went on for a good while, it was nice and peaceful to listen to them. It was fun when they suddenly stopped midway, because someone made a mistake or something went wrong, and they would start all over again. As they say practice makes perfect. It felt like ages before they were finally finished and went off to the kitchen to find the freshly made lemonade I had waiting for them. I followed and helped one of the other women pour and pass out paper cups with the ice cold beverages as the rest of them stood around and chatted. Matthew and I shared glances here and there from across the room. He would smile at me in a way that made my knees feel so weak. I did my best to hide my emotions as I chatted with some of the ladies in the kitchen, sipping on my own little paper cup of lemonade.

Slowly, almost two by two the members of choir began to file out of the church and by eight thirty it was once again silent. Matthew and I were the only ones left. He helped me clean up the little bit that was needed in the kitchen and then walked with me as I went to lock the main doors of the church.

"So, will I be helping you move soon?" he asked as we stopped right in front of the massive wooden double doors.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I nodded, "I think so. Maybe next week, hopefully. I think I should stick around here this week until Father Boss comes back." I said as I jingled the large ring of important keys in my hand. I looked up to him, not wanting the man to go anywhere. I just wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. And that time would be spent doing the dirtiest things my mind could come up with.

I felt like Matthew could read my mind as he reached out and took one of my hands. He squeezed it and looked into my eyes for a moment. I felt my face growing much hotter as I stared back at him, wondering where this was going to take us. "Well, I don't mind helping you with the move. Just let me know and I'll even try and free up a day for it." At that moment, his voice reminded me of Father Boss' when we were having our fun.

Gazing into his eyes, I felt like I was getting lost in him, disappearing deep into his pretty blue eyes. I took a step forward as I nodded slowly, feeling as his hand came up to my cheek. I leaned into him more and soon we were standing there kissing one another gently. His tongue slowly dragged across my lemon coated bottom lip, pushing against the middle a bit until I parted my lips and let him inside. Our tongues explored one another and things were very quickly heating up. His hands slipped down to my waist, firmly pulling me in even closer and turning me so my bottom was pressed against one of the big doors.

After a couple minutes in our passionate embrace I had to stop for air, I pushed him away gently. "Wait... I need to lock up." The last thing I would want was someone coming in and seeing us together like that. I knew that this was not the kind of thing meant to be happening in the church, but when you're now a naughty girl, with very wicked thoughts, One bad thing just rolls into another. I just couldn't help myself. I had been kept waiting long enough. Once I had the doors locked, Matthew took my hand and led me towards the front of the church before he stopped right in front of the altar and pulled me against himself.

We kissed again, my arms going around his neck as I got up on my tip toes. His hands were on my back, sliding up and down, barely grazing right above my butt. I could feel him pulling the back of my shirt up until his hands were able to touch the soft skin of my back. I shivered a bit at how cold they felt, pressing my front against him even more. Since he was getting under my clothes I decided to do the same, yanking his shirt up and out of the way so I could touch him as well. We broke apart again and I used that moment to pull his shirt up more until he helped me get it off all the way, tossing it to the ground. I had to admire him. He was a lot more in shape than Father Boss, with a toned chest and even the beginnings of a six pack on his stomach.

I brought my hands down his front, my fingers slowly trawling through his chest hair before I felt him trying to take my shirt off as well. I brought my arms up, allowing him to take it off and leaving me in just my thinly padded old bra. This bra was not one to be showing off. I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the same time. Being undressed by another man made it feel like the first time. I was excited to show him the new panties I wore just for him that day. He was the one I had been wanting to show them off to. Of course I could feel now they were feeling a bit damp from all the excitement.

His lips stopped me thinking too much as he came back to me, but this time he went for my neck, pressing them to the sensitive skin gently as he opened his mouth and used his tongue as well. I gasped, grabbing onto his bare shoulders as he held me by the waist, his fingers wandering along the hem, searching for the zipper on the side that he pulled down. Suddenly my cigarette pack and lighter weighted down skirt slapped onto the ground, and piled around my feet. The cool air of the church hit my legs right away and I noticed very quickly in the cool air my hanging buttocks that were not contained by the thong I wore. I felt very naked at that moment.

Pulling away from my neck, Matthew looked down at my body his eyes flicking up and down and whistling playfully. "You look even better than I imagined." He admitted, running his hands down my over my hips, his fingers started playing with the sides of my dark red panties. My own hands came down to the front of his pants, working them open and sliding them down. Matthew took his hands off me for only a moment to help me pull his pants down, kicking them off and leaving himself in just a pair of black boxer briefs. The thin material stretched over him perfectly and showed off a nice looking bulge as well. I couldn't take my eyes away at first, realizing that he was even slightly bigger than Father Boss had been.

Was I really going to be able to do this? I knew I wanted to but this was so wrong. We were in the church, close to the holy pulpit that the Father preached from. On Sunday morning All eyes would be staring at this spot, including my own. All of which made it so much more exciting.

I think Matthew misread my mind. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, leaning in and pressing his forehead to mine. "There's no going back if we do..." I knew what he meant by that and it really should have made me stop and think more. Even if I had, I believe I would have still decided to keep going. Come hell or high water. I was going to have sex with Matthew. This was my sanctuary. What better of a place to lose my virginity?

"I'm sure." I confidently answered as I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. I wanted to lock this in and not go back. I wanted him. Wanted to experience this brand new thing with Matthew and have even more than that with him. Maybe a romance I was unable to get with Father Boss.

He kissed me back, holding onto me tightly and showing that he was all in just like I was. At least, when it came to this. As he pressed against me I could feel how excited he really was against my belly. Before I knew it, he was grabbing my butt with both hands, squeezing and groping. I gasped against his mouth, moaning gently after. I had to be quiet, all the sounds we were making already echoed around the church.

He brought his hands up my back, easily unclasping my bra. It slipped off my shoulders and I tossed it down with the rest of our clothes. I was grateful in the cold air that in seconds both his hands were on my breasts, gently playing with them as we went right back to kissing. My nipples were quick to get hard against his palms and he seemed to enjoy that, changing it up so that he was lightly pinching them between his fingers. As I allowed him to play and continued kissing him, I brought my hands down to his waistband and began pushing his underwear down until his cock was let free and the warm length was right up against my tummy. Matthew took a moment to get all the way out of them before he slipped down onto his knees in front of me, kissing and sucking on one of my nipples for just a second as his fingers hooked into the side of my panties, pulling them down slowly. As soon as I stepped out of them, his hand came up and cupped my vagina, feeling the heat coming off me before he began to rub slowly. Fingers pressed between my lips, making my legs shake a bit as he played with my clit as well as my wet entrance.
