Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 01: First Gather


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The inside of the house was just as grand as the outside. The grand ballroom dwarfed the Chicago ballroom. As we walked across the beautifully polished wood floor, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two houses. At the foot of the stairs, the Major took a key, from his cabinet and turning to me held it against his chest.

"Sir, I was asked to tell you, your friend has already procured a room if you wish to join her there. If not then you are free to have this key or I could give you a key to her room."

"I see. Might I inquire as to the identity of this friend? For you see I have so many friends here in Atlanta, I am having trouble placing one I might have asked to meet me here?"

"Oh, you misunderstand sir, she is not from Atlanta. She flew in from Chicago as you did sir. She arrived this afternoon. She told me to tell you Pam couldn't make it and she apologizes."

"Ah, yes, thank you, Major. I believe I will have the key to my friend's room if you don't mind."

"Of course sir," he said replacing the key in his hand and taking one from the bottom of the cabinet.

Turning he handed it to me.

"Last room on the right sir," he told me.

"What time does the council meet tomorrow?"

"Sir we tried to reach you but you were in the air. The council meeting has been put off 'til Friday."

"Ah, then I will have time to get some work done. Is there a computer terminal in my friend's room?"

"Yes, sir," he said turning to the cabinet once more.

He drew a card from the top shelf and handed it to me.

"Your username is your membership number, your password is on the card."

"Thank you again, Major."

"Enjoy your stay, sir."

I headed upstairs with a smile on my face. Barbara was upstairs waiting from me. I had not had a chance to talk with her before I left. I was surprised she had flown down, yet glad that she had. I looked forward to "talking" with her.

Before I unlocked and opened the door, I knocked gently. I slipped the key in the lock and opened the door. Stepping inside a vision, a glorious vision stopped my breathing. Barbara stood just in front of me, in a gathering gown of black. I hated to admit this, but she was even more beautiful than her daughter and that's saying a lot for a woman in her sixties.

Gulping air, I dropped my bag, kicked the door close and pulled her into my arms. I didn't kiss her, I just stared into her eyes. Magnificent light brown eyes, her brown hair was down, flowing over her shoulders.

"Barbara, what an unexpected surprise," I whispered.

"We have a lot to discuss, you and I. First, though, I would like to welcome you to Atlanta."

Lips, so soft and pliant, pressed to mine gently. Slipping her arms up and around my neck, she pulled me against her hard. She was passionate and she was on fire. Her tongue burst into my mouth, fighting for space with mine. Hands, mine, placed on each ass cheek pulled her pelvis to me. I knew she could feel my passion as it grew between us.

"God," she huffed, pushing me back, "go, shower, I'll wait, in bed."

Pushing me toward the bathroom, Barbara was breathing heavily. Walking backward, I watched her as she dragged my bag to the stand at the end of the bed. Leaving it there, she made shooing motions to me. Turning, I went into the bathroom to take my shower.

~~ Janus ~~

As I walked back into the bedroom, stretched out on the bed, naked, I gazed at Barbara. She was on her side facing the bathroom door, head propped up in her hand. She looked magnificent. Crawling into bed next to her I lay on my side, head propped on my hand looking straight into her eyes.

"Why have you come here, dear Barbara?"

"John, the minute I saw you... no, I'll start at the beginning. When Susan called me asking why we had given up our membership, I knew a stranger, someone Peterman couldn't bully, had shown up at the lodge. After she was finished with all her recriminations, I asked her about you. She hemmed and hawed, but eventually, she told me about you.

"As she told me, I realized my daughter was in love with you. I asked myself how that could be, I know she loves Mark with all her heart, her soul, her mind. Yet here she was telling me about a man, she never mentioned loving you, but I could tell how she felt about you."

"So you're here to tell me to leave her alone?"

"No, definitely not. I would never presume to deter my daughter from whatever course she decided to take in life. It's her life, it's her marriage."

"Would you be more comfortable knowing that I have no designs on your daughter? That I would never, even by accident, break up her and Mark. I know she loves Mark, more than she could ever love me. I know Mark loves her. Actually, he loves her too much, if there is such a thing."

"Why do you say that?"

"He lets her have her way even after he tells her no. Yet she is so much in love with him she will never leave him. He is her soul mate."

"And what are you feeling toward my daughter?"

"I love her of course, how could I not. I love her very much. But I realize she is only mine when she wants to be and she will never leave Mark for me."

"This next question is for Pam. What about Michelle?"

"God, Michelle. There is no one, with a more beautiful soul than Michelle. A face of an angel, the heart of a lion and so compassionate for her fellow man how could I help not falling in love with her."

"Ah, that's what Pam thought. And your intentions?"

"The same as with Susan, Michelle is totally in love with her husband, George. There is nothing that could tear them apart. Certainly, not me, that's for sure. While I think Michelle cares for me very much, I'm fairly sure she is not in love with me."

"I see. Pam will be glad to hear that. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Why are you here? Really?"

"John, my daughter is very open with me."

"I see. You came to... "

"Yes and no, but, as long as I'm here, in your bed, this would have been the room you were given, I might as well try you out," she said smiling seductively.

Leaning forward, I kissed her gently on the lips. She pressed firmly against me, her hand going to my head. Pulling back, I opened my eyes, looking into hers. I saw curiosity, passion, and lust.

Chapter 46

Pushing her onto her back, I hovered over her looking down into her eyes. Barbara was, could be Susan's twin. They looked so much alike. Slowly, I lowered my lips to hers again. Her arms slowly lifted into the air, a moan escaping her throat as she stretched. Then just as slowly, she lowered them back down and around my neck. Pulling away from our kiss, Barbara opened her eyes.

"God, yes, please, love me like you have my daughter," she begged.

Lowering my lips to hers, she moaned again. This time my free hand found her breast. As my fingers gently touched her smooth skin, her breath escaped her lungs in a single whoosh, through her nose. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth as I squeezed her breast and lightly pinched her nipple.

I took her slowly up the hill to orgasm, then with my fingers and mouth, kept her there as long as I could. As I sucked her labia into my mouth, she cried out as her orgasm crashed over the edge. With gushing sounds, she bucked and shook her pleasure racing through her body. I had yet even to penetrate her.

"Oh Christ," she shouted, "Holy mother of god."

Watching her face as she came was marvelous. So many emotions, so many looks, so much surprise. She pulled my lips to hers, kissing me hard. She kissed me for a long time, her body quaking with her pleasure. Gently, I pulled my lips from hers.

"You are very good," I told her.

Her eyes opened with surprise. Then she smiled at what I had said.

"You love sex, you love to come and you love for a man to touch you, just like your daughter. You are marvelous as a lover. I am going to have a lot of fun with you tonight and all day tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Isn't the council meeting tomorrow?"

"No, they postponed it until Friday, you are mine until Friday morning."

"Will I survive?" I had to laugh at that question.

"Yes, you will survive and you will enjoy every minute."

"God, I'm sure I will. When you... "

Kissing her again, I let my hand wander her lovely body. Her pliant flesh was mine to explore and I did. She was climbing the hill again and didn't want to come down to ask petty questions. I started all over from the beginning. Kissing, squeezing, sucking on those delicate places women love to have a man if he knows what he is doing, touch, caress, and suck. Still working on her upper body, her hips were bucking, shouting for attention.

"Damn it, fuck me, John, fuck me until you can't. Then I will fuck you until I can't," she huffed through her clenched teeth.

Moving slowly, I crawled between her spread legs. Reach down between us, she positioned me at her entrance. Pushing forward, I parted the delicate petals of her labia, sliding past into her hot, wet vagina. As I hit bottom her pussy squished with her juices. She was extremely excited.

"Oh god, that feels so good, oh... my... god... I'm coming," she panted.

Her body, racked with orgasm, jerked and shook as she pulled my mouth to hers. She kissed me hard, sloppy and sexy. She was beyond reason as she came and came. Pulling out until I was out all the way, I stopped, the tip of my cock grasped ever so gently by the soft, wet petals at her entrance.

"No, no, put it in, please put it back in," she cried as if in pain.

Pushing forward I slid my cock in a little. Pulled back a little then slammed into her. Gushing, squishing sounds filled the room as I fucked Barbara. She was a wild beast now, wiggling and thrashing around under me as I pounded into her body. Head flailing back and forth, as she cried with pleasure and joy.

"God, it's been so long, so long since... oh god!"

She buried her face in my neck, her mouth against my skin as she screamed. Her body stiffened and her hips bucked under me. Then she collapsed, went limp under me. Continuing to pound into her, I watched as she started to return to consciousness. As she woke, her hips started to buck up to meet mine. Soon I was holding still as she fucked herself on my cock, slapping her pussy up to engulf my hard rod.

She started to say "Oh god" over and over again. She finally slammed up against me one last time shivering with orgasm. Her fingernails dug into my arms as she stared into my eyes with such an intense gaze I began to wonder if she was angry with me.

Slowly she relaxed. Slowly she slid off my cock. Quickly it popped up and slapped my belly. As if that was a signal, Barbara relaxed completely. She let go of my arms, her legs stretched out, her breathing slowed.

"Are you all right my dear?"

"What?" she asked hoarsely.

"Are you okay? Barbara, are you all right?" I asked a little louder.

"Yeah, I mean, damn... I don't know... I think I am... I have never been this relaxed in my entire life. Oh god! I'm still coming. God, you are so... "

"Don't... "

"Don't what?"

"Don't make me get all humble and modest."

"John, I was just going to tell you how lucky I think my daughter is, to know you."

"Ah, well thank you. Then I have to tell you how lucky I am to be here with you. Oh, and how lucky I feel to know both you and your daughter."

I flopped over onto my back beside Barbara. Rolling, she was laying beside me, her leg cocked over my hard-on, her head on my shoulder, her arm stretched across my chest. She gently kissed my chest as she lay quietly beside me.

"Are you thinking of coming back to the Brotherhood?"

"Lord no. I mean, it would be nice to participate to some extent, but gatherings would have to be out. I just couldn't bring myself to watching my little girl get the living daylights fucked out of her. Let alone have her father walking around that floor with her down there."

"Your daughter stated it exactly as you just did. What activities would you like to participate in?"

"Helping members where I could with what I know. Helping them with children when needed as long as I'm able, being there at times when there is no one else."

"I see. Does Thomas feel the same as you?"

"Yes. I would love to help Mark with his business as a member of the Brotherhood. With all the resources a member can bring to bear on a problem."

"I will look into that. There has to be something, some way, to allow our most valuable resources to participate in the fundamental precepts of our Brotherhood."

"So, I have always thought."

Raising her head, she pressed her lips to mine, time for round two.

Chapter 47

The rest of the night was very pleasant. Barbara showed me how skilled she was at fellatio. She sucked my cock for a long time. It was most enjoyable, watching her eyes when she looked up at me. She was not disappointed that she could not make me come. She wouldn't let me tell her the reason, although I tried to explain. She just kissed me each time I tried.

Climbing up to straddle my hips, she guided me into her body. She was just as wet and squishy this time as last. She closed her eyes and moaned as she impaled herself on me. Opening, they stared down into mine with a bright flame of passion burning in the center. Smiling she rocked her hips back and forth on my manhood. When the head of my cock flipped past her cervix, the smile got bigger.

"Tell me, am I as good as my daughter?"

Clearing my throat, I pushed up as her cervix flipped the head of my cock.

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"Bullshit!" she said her hips stopping.

Suddenly I felt pressure around my cock as I never felt before. To other men, this might have brought pain. To me, it felt quite nice. Smiling up at Barbara, she tried even harder to squeeze me into submission. With her sitting on me, there was no chance my cock would slip out of her.

"You keep doing that you will hurt yourself."

The pressure was gone. Leaning forward she kissed me. Her lips were there, then they were gone.

"John, please."

"I can't as you are each different. A unique person, even though she came from your womb, she is different. She kisses, hugs and makes love differently than you do. In addition, I am not in the habit of judging my lovers or placing them in some kind of order."

"Okay, okay," she replied.

Starting her hips rocking again seemed to clear the question out of her mind as I moaned softly. Raising my hands, I gently placed them on her breasts and squeezed.

"I will tell you one thing, she has your breasts."

Laughing, Barbara continued her hip rocking, leaned forward and kissed me lovingly.

"You really know how to get to a mother's heart," she whispered pressing her lips to mine again.

Her breathing became faster and deeper as my cock flipped across her cervix. While I was excited and really loving her kissing and fucking me, her question bothered me just a little. I had really never compared my lovers to each other, they are all so unique it was hard to do. Having had sex with Susan and now her mother was a new experience for me. While they were not alike in so many ways, they were very similar in many also. The way they liked to sit astride me, the way they kissed, the sounds they made when reaching orgasm, all so similar that I now had a comparative set of data.

That bothered me a great deal. It finally burst into my brain. If you were to put me in a room, blindfold me and then have one of them fuck me. I didn't know if I could tell you, which one was with me unless of course, they talked.

Barbara's screams of pleasure brought me back to my lovely partner. She shook and shivered, pressing down on my hips. For the next half hour, she came five times. I enjoyed every one of them. Finally, she collapsed on top of me panting rapidly.

"Holy... crap... I... am... worn... out," she panted.

Closing her eyes, she had a last tiny orgasm. Gently wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her tight to me. She sighed kissing me on the cheek. Rolling to my right I pushed her over and under me, so I was now on top. Her languid eyes squinted at me. Smiling at her, I started to fuck her slow and easy. Groaning she pushed her head back into the mattress.

"God, you can't be serious, oh fuck I'm coming again," she groaned bucking her hips up to meet me.

Starting out slow and easy, I was now pounding into her as fast and as hard as I could. She was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks as orgasm after orgasm shot through her. I was enjoying her orgasms so much I came harder than I ever did. Slamming into her one last time, I pumped my seed into her.

Grunting and groaning she dug her nails into the flesh on my back. Legs wrapped around my waist, hips bucking, she screams unintelligibly.

"God you are really, really good, Barbara," I told her as I collapsed to her side.

I was huffing and puffing from my exertion as was Barbara. She turned her head to look at me. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back.

"My daughter is a lucky woman," she whispered.

"I consider myself lucky. Lucky to know your daughter and very lucky to now know you."

"You flatter me too much, John."

"There can never be too much flattery, especially when it comes to telling you how beautiful you look at this exact moment in time."

"Shower?" she asked smiling.

"Yes, of course," I said sitting up.

Sliding off the side of the bed, I held my hand out for her to take so she could steady herself as she slipped out of bed.

The shower was most enjoyable, but neither of us was up for any serious shenanigans. After drying off, I went to the fridge and found a bowl of fruit. Setting it on the table, I also pulled a small bottle of champagne from the wine cooler. I was just pouring Barbara's glass when she came out of the bathroom. The sight of her took my breath away.

"God you look so much alike it's uncanny," I told her.

Smiling she sat in the chair I was holding out for her. Pulling the other chair out I sat across from her, lifting my glass in the air.

"To you my dear Barbara, a magnificent woman who has allowed me to be part of her life, if only for a short time," I said and took a sip.

"Why does it have to be for a short time?"

"What will I tell your daughter? What could I tell your daughter? She will want to know why I wasn't staying with her when I come to town."

"Then I will meet you in whatever town you happen to be in, anytime."

"Alas, I could never ask you to do such a thing. You... are most magnificent. A beauty beyond compare, yet I feel my first duty is to your daughter and she has told me to stay away from you."

"Then what are you doing in this room?"

"I had to deliver you that message."

"And now that you have?"

"Well I can't kick you out into the night, now can I," I laughed.

"You naughty man," she said taking a bite of strawberry.

Juice ran down her chin, down her lovely throat, onto her marvelous chest. Getting up I leaned down and licked the sticky trail off her skin. Her hand came up to caress the back of my head. My tongue lapped up the sweet juice from between her lovely breast to her luscious lips. Kissing her was the last thing I did, then sat down to watch her while I ate.

After finishing, she smiled, she had a constant smile on her lips. After putting the fruit bowl back in the fridge, we stood face to face and drank our champagne. Setting the glass down, we both crawled into bed. Flipping the switch on the headboard turned all the lights but one off. I was so tired I just waved at it and flopped down. Barbara was quickly beside me, her leg over my hips, her arm across my chest, her lips near my ear.

"Good night John Carlson. I loved the way you made me feel."

"Good night Barbara, I loved the way you made me feel."

Closing my eyes, I drifted into the darkness that waits in sleep.