Bullding a Greater Family


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She began stroking my cock and it responded easily.

"These past two days, we brought her to a safe place where you were present and she could explore her repressed bi-sexual side safely and freely. You saw the results. She responded to it and even in only two days has learned that she loves touching, kissing, and licking another woman. She also now knows that she wants a cock in her ass; your cock. She will probably never make that available to any other man. You are the only one that she truly trusts. But now that she has discovered women, she will also want a girl friend when you aren't available. The other thing that she learned but hasn't admitted yet is that she is a little submissive. She needs to be led by you or a strong woman. She is too well trained to not be sexually aggressive. She will respond to someone else leading her. For you, you are quite happy having two or three women available to you. You can love and satisfy me, Mindy, and Vickie without a problem. Mindy will only love you as her man but she can love and accept another woman if that woman is a little stronger than she is and probably a little older."

I understood most of what Marla was saying but I asked, "You make it sound like she might want to back out of going with Zach now. Will she?"

"She might try; that I don't know. She is now confused about which man she loves and wants to fuck her. She needs and will probably go through with the trip with Zach to prove to herself that she is still in control of her life. She might decide that she wants him but I'll bet that he will disappoint her. Maybe not with his cock but with all of the other things she needs. If he does, she will be back with us and will be ready to accept you as her man again and me as her woman lover. Honestly, she will probably find another primary woman lover because I am too caught up with you and Vickie. When she does that, she will be very happy and content and we will all move forward."

"You know that makes absolutely no sense at all and therefore is probably true. So what are we going to do tonight?"

"You are going to be our servant tonight while she seduces and fucks me. She is now comfortable with the basics of making love with a woman but needs more practice. You might have to prompt her a little and if she balks, you will have to encourage her like I did last night. You can also touch and kiss her if you feel like it. At the right moment, a couple of swats on her ass might help too. Even with a man, she doesn't really understand what she is capable of. If and when she comes back, you will need to get out of your nice lover mind set occasionally, and just take her and fuck her. That is what you haven't done before. Bend her over the sink and just fuck her and spank her ass. Tell her to suck you off and swallow. Spank her if she gets petulant. You aren't trying to hurt her; just show her that you are her leader lover. If an older woman takes her on, she will probably be doing the same thing. The two of you might have to work together. Mindy needs a lot of support but also a firm hand to keep her on track. She will be successful in her career if she isn't worrying about her personal life."

"Answer me this. You have this clear picture of Mindy and others; what happened to you?"

She grinned and replied, "Because I just figured it all out this week with Mindy and talking to you. Let's go make breakfast and figure out how we can make Vickie happy today. We know what will make her happy tomorrow."

We ate breakfast and had slipped on some very casual clothes when Vickie called on Marla's phone. "Hi, did they confirm that you got the condo?" "That is great. We are happy for you. You don't sound happy enough; what's wrong?" There was a pause. "Ok, I'm putting you on the speaker. Bob, come sit down, we may have some real work to do today."

I replied, "Hi Vickie, what's the problem?"

From the speaker, we heard, "Tell your assistant that you always have real work to do. Come to think of it, use your hand on her ass when you tell her."

Marla replied, "I thought you would want to punish me rather than reward me."

I said, "She likes it. So what is it?"

"I sent out a follow up to the managers we met just to see how they felt after we talked. I'm a little disappointed to be honest."

Marla asked, "About everything or just one thing?"

"They all seem supportive about the consolidation of the area and the joint office operation but they were fairly neutral about the new program. I expected that a new opportunity to make more money would get their attention."

Marla responded, "Maybe, maybe not. Don't you go on guard when someone you don't know offers you something that looks too good to be true? If the real estate agent had called you about that condo without us being involved, would you have bought it sight unseen?"

There was silence for a moment. "You're right; I probably would have said that I would have to look at it when I got down there. Having you two as my eyes and ears made that possible. So what do you suggest we do?"

"I'm not sure but based on the look Bob has on his face, I think he may have an idea."


"Yes, I am remembering in my previous jobs and how new programs were introduced and became successful. The one thing that stands out is that they weren't wholesale changes. They were introduced slowly with a few people first and then more as concrete results started coming in. If I had to guess based on what I know, the managers are hearing that they are going to have to spend a lot of time supporting an untried new program with no track record behind it. That means that they will probably lose some of their bonus money supporting it. If a couple of their account execs can show that it works and is profitable to them, they will probably fight each other to get on board."

"That makes sense. So you are saying that instead of training everyone to get involved, we ought to pick one or two people in each office and work closely with them. That could work but it also adds a lot of work for one of us."

I replied, "That won't work either. You are already spread too thin with the other two things you need to get done. Neither Marla nor I are marketing and sales people. It would be easier to hire someone who can talk their language and teach those people the details than it would be to teach us to be a marketing person. I don't know if you want to hire someone else but that seems to be the best approach."


"I don't have a better suggestion and that seems to be solid idea based on my experience."

"I don't have a problem with hiring someone else except finding the right kind of person. One problem is that we only have three offices in the working side of the office unless we move the storage room somewhere else or I work in the power office on a daily basis."

Marla replied, "Not necessarily. The big office, which we decided would be for yours, is big enough for two. Bob and I can share it and you can have the second one. From what you told us, each of us will have separate responsibilities but half of the time, Bob and I will be doing something and handing it off to the other one and vice versa. We get along well enough to work together."

Vickie laughed, "But how much time would you two be working versus fucking on the desk top?"

"We are all work at work except talk. Besides, I was thinking about getting a single bed for the store room to use if we needed. He can fuck me or you without us leaving the office."

"That idea has some potential. So now it becomes where I can find someone. That might take some time since I don't know anyone down there."

I finally said, "Actually you do but don't realize it. Let me tell you about her and see what you think."

"Another woman! You already have two to take care of."

"Marla reassured me that I am capable of handling three or four women; so that won't be a problem."

"I said that you are capable of three or four orgasms a day shithead; some of us want two or three a day ourselves."

Vickie replied, "She is right. She and I are already going to be fighting over your cock for attention. So tell me about this woman. She will just be off limits to you."

"Picture this; an attractive woman about your age who has experience dealing with sales in the $300,000 to $1,000,000 range, has a good track record, is very client oriented, and knows when to speak up and when to shut up."

"I'd hire her in a minute for this. Who is she and when can I meet her?"

"You already know her a little and I told her to talk to you when you get down here. She is thinking about maybe changing careers and wants something more financially stable than what she has now."

"Dammit; who is she? I want to talk to her now."

"She is our real estate agent, Kelly. I talked to her yesterday and was impressed. Marla even commented on how comfortable it was to work with her."

"I am e-mailing you a file of data on a number of businesses. The two of you work together and analyze what you see and what might be wrong with them. I'll call her now and get back to you when I finish."

The line went dead. Marla shut off the phone and said, "If this works out, she is going to fuck you silly tomorrow night. Keep your strength up; you will need it."

I downloaded the files and found data on seven companies. We started with the financials and I quickly had a five-year history on all of them and a ten-year on several. Then I started doing a detailed analysis on each of them while having Marla search the web on industry data for four industries. When she finished printing those off, I told her to take the top three companies listed in each industry and download whatever financial data was available. I didn't know what we were looking for exactly but the analyses showed a number of strengths and weakness with each of the seven. When I could compare them with the leaders of their industry, maybe something else would stand out.

We were lost in our work when my phone rang. It was then that I realized that it was one in the afternoon and we had been working for over four hours non-stop. Marla and I really did make a good team. "Hi; what's up?" I put the phone on speaker.

"You won't believe how well she will fit. Her degree is in finance and she understands the fundamentals of investment. She just doesn't want to work in the retail side of stocks and stuff. She has been divorced for five years and has two kids in junior and high school. She is a year older than I am at thirty six. And she would love a regular salary within the budget with a bonus based on performance. I absolutely love her attitude about client services too. She is tied up tomorrow but plan on picking her up Friday afternoon and taking her to the reception so she can meet some people. Primarily, I want her there when we talk to Mindy and her boy friend afterwards. Then she can hear about the program along with you."

"I had a feeling that she might fit your needs even though I don't know what the program is about."

"You are working on part of it right now. How is the analysis coming along?"

"We have the individual company analyses done and are getting ready to compare them to the industry leaders. Why?"

"You are much farther along that I expected. I really only expected the individual company analyses but I would like to see what else you have. What I want is the one that looks like the best investment candidate right now. Without giving out the company name, I want to use it Friday night to show all of you what we are doing with a real example."

"You have my attention. By the best investment, do you mean the safest or the one who has the best growth potential? I can see some variance there already."

"Pick one of each and we will go over them on Thursday and I will decide then which one to use."

"I think that you just told me what you are looking for. I'll see what I can find on those two."

"You keep get better and better. Are you going to fuck him tonight, Marla?"

"No ma'am; you told him that he couldn't. He will be more than ready for you tomorrow night. Tonight, Mindy is going to fuck me."

"Oh really. I want to hear this story when I get down there tomorrow night. Are the two of you going to spend the night with me?"

"That is the plan."

"I'll call again if something else comes up."

"Thanks." We both hung up and I looked at the grinning Marla. "And what is going on in your devious mind?"

"I am figuring out how we will work Vickie over tomorrow night. I want to wear her pussy out. I have a suspicion that she really needs it. I can hear a tension in her voice."

"I may put some tension on your ass tonight."

"Do it before Mindy comes home and don't leave it red. I want her to do the work to get my motor running. So what's next?"

"Start with these two companies and see if you can find out who might be the major investors in them. Stick with the major business news sources like the Wall Street Journal or Forbes . The others are mostly like the National Enquirer; all you might find is rumor."


We went back to work and were next interrupted when Mindy walked in at six. "Hi, what are you two so diligently doing?"

"We are working to make you look really good Friday night."

"I like that. Since you are working for me, I'll take care of dinner."

"Thanks. We are just about through."

Five minutes later, she came in with two glasses of wine and said that dinner would be in about thirty minutes."

Marla asked, "What are we having?"

"Pizza. I called for delivery. I'm going to change."

We grinned at each other and finished our last evaluation. We would clean up our data and write a report in the morning.

Mindy came out when the doorbell rang and brought large pizza with containers of pasta and a salad from our favorite pizza place. We ate everything including the crust. When we finished, Marla winked at me and went into the living room. Mindy and I took the trash and dishes into the kitchen. As we finished up, Mindy asked, "What are we going to do tonight?"

"I am going to help you."

"With what?"

"You are going to make love to Marla."

Her eyes got huge and she sputtered, "Me? Why? I mean, why me?"

"Because you have discovered something about yourself and are still a little unsure about it. You need to find out for yourself."

She looked into my eyes and said, "I don't know what to do."

"I didn't know the first time with you either. Take each of you a glass of wine and sit next to her. Then just talk and forget about what might happen. When you feel right, kiss her. After that, you will know what to do. I will be there but I won't say or do anything unless I feel that you need help." Then I put my hands on her shoulders, pulled her close, and kissed her tenderly. "Go on. You can do this and I think that you know you want to." I handed her two glasses of wine. She took them and slowly walked into the living room. I piddled around the kitchen for five minutes and then peeked into the living room. They were still talking but Marla's head was on Mindy's shoulder.

With my wine glass and the bottle, I quietly went into the living room and sat in the chair next to the couch. I wanted them to have lots of room. It appeared that Mindy had just kissed Marla for the first time. Based on Marla's response, her timing was perfect.

I sat quietly without moving as I saw Mindy's tongue probe Marla's lips which opened and received the intruder. Marla now turned and put her legs along the couch and Mindy's arms went around her torso. I watched them continue to kiss as their passions rose. Mindy hesitantly raised her hand and put it on Marla's breast and Marla moaned. Then I heard Mindy whisper, "Touch me." Marla's hand found her breast and they mutually increased the pleasure that their kisses were bringing each other

The next step was when Mindy broke their kiss and rose up enough that she could unbutton Marla's blouse. Without being told, Marla pulled Mindy's tee shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Mindy thrust her chest out and put one of her nipples on Marla's lips and Marla sucked it into her mouth. I realized that the dynamic had changed. Mindy was now telling Marla what she wanted rather than directing the action. I slowly knelt on the floor and moved next to the two women. I took Mindy's hand and spread her fingers before putting it on Marla's bare breast with the nipple between her open fingers. Then I closed the finger trapping Marla's nipple and earned a groan. I whispered to Mindy, "Take what you want from Marla but make her earn the right to bring you pleasure. Tell her what to do and what you want." Then I sat back and watched from closer to the action.

Mindy now lightly pinched Marla's nipples several times and earned more groans before she said, "Suck my nipple like you like yours sucked." This time, Marla used her lips and tongue to tease her aroused buds and only took the tip in her lips and rolled it. "Now the other one." I smiled and nodded.

As Marla switched breasts, Mindy's hand snaked down and inside Marla's shorts. When she found her slit, Marla let out an involuntary groan and hissed, "Yesss." Marla wiggled her hips as Mindy began stroking her slit. A moment later, Mindy pulled her hand out and said, "Raise your hips." Marla did and Mindy pulled her shorts off and tossed then aside. She reached back down and pulled Marla's knees apart and once again began caressing Marla's wet pussy. Now she could slip two fingers inside her wanton pussy. She began pumping them and Marla's hips began moving to meet the thrusts. She also began moaning and begging for release.

I felt that Mindy might be moving things too quickly, so I leaned close to her and said, "Slow down or she is going to come. If you want more, tell her to not come until you tell her to." She nodded her head and slowed her fingers rapid movement.

"Marla, I am going to eat your pussy now. Don't come until I tell you. Do you understand?"

"Yessss. Eat me. Make me come."

Mindy got up and moved between her legs and looked intently at the waiting pussy. Surprisingly, she looked at me and said, "Do what you did last night; I liked that." Then she dipped her head and began kissing Marla's pussy slowly and tenderly. I put a lot of lotion on my fingers and lowered her panties. First, I spread the lotion over her tight opening and then just inside. She began wiggling her ass again. I put more lotion on my finger and slowly began pressing it inside her ass. Tonight, I got my full finger inside her. Mindy didn't try to reject it.

Before I began moving it, I leaned forward again and whispered, "When you want her to come, use your fingers to fuck her and your lips and tongue on her clit. Don't stop but keep going; she will probably come two or three times in a row." She didn't stop kissing Marla's pussy but with her free hand, she reached back and took hold of my cock and squeezed it. That was when I began moving my finger in and out of her ass. She began squeezing me with the same rate as my finger moved. Marla was aggressively moving her hips and was on the verge of exploding. I reached under and pinched Mindy's nipple causing her to freeze with her tongue on Marla's clit and Marla screamed as she came. I felt Mindy do the same and then they both stopped. There wouldn't be multiple orgasms right now but I felt that the evening wasn't over for these two yet.

I removed my finger from Mindy and caressed her ass and breasts. She rose up and turned to me and kissed me with her lips coated with Marla's cum. I licked all of it that I could get and shared it with Mindy's tongue. I felt Marla returning and her hand joined mine on Mindy's breast.

It was then that I broke our kiss and said, "Mindy, take Marla to bed and tell her to make love with you. Neither of you are through tonight." Neither woman objected as they walked to the back naked and hand-in-hand. I waited twenty minutes before I went back to join them.
