Bullding a Greater Family


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Vicki waited until we finished our cheesecake and thanked Kelly, Marla, and I even though she had decided on the dessert and had bought it. Then she began her talk. "Zach, I am going to talk to you about this new program but both Kelly and Mindy are learning about it for the first time. Marla and Bob have some familiarity with it. First, a little background that Mindy may not know. Williams and Adams is well known and respected in the financial industry. What many people don't realize is that we are actually three companies. The company Mindy works at is called the Security Company and focuses on retirement and long-term investments of all size. We have a sister company that is a regular brokerage company that some of our clients use to buy short-term stocks. Many of our Security clients also buy stocks through the brokerage company and they show up on their regular statements. Then we have a Special Investment company that is available for clients who have more than a million dollars of free cash to invest. We look for the best opportunities we can find for them. What we discovered is that there is quite a gap between the client in the Security Company and those who get involved with the Special Investment Company. We looked for a way to bring those closer together. And this is the program I am going to talk to you about." She paused for a moment to see if anyone had any questions. They didn't.

"What we know is that there are three kinds of investors. The average investor is a retail one who buys a stock and keeps it for a couple of years and sells it. They are happy if they can make ten percent on their money in two years. These are the people that the television people are talking to. The big money people want twenty percent and are willing to put up much bigger chunks of money to get it. Then there is the smart money. They want to make one hundred percent or more on their money and they usually have to put up a million dollars or more to get it. That is too risky for the smaller investor even if the returns are four or five time larger. The way they do this is to invest into a company before it goes public. They usually buy in at twenty five to fifty percent of what the IPO will sell for. It may take from two to five years before the company goes public but when it does, they typically make four or five times their investment on the first day. Some sell then and look for something else while others hold and take more profits if the IPO is popular. Obviously there is risk but it is a fairly low level if you have done your research. Do you understand the difference here?"

Zach replied, "Sure. My investment guy told me about this but says that it ties up too much money and has a fair amount of risk if it doesn't go well." I could see the wheels in Mindy and Kelly's mind working hard.

"He is right. And this is where we came up with something unique. We want to put together a series of limited partnerships to put together enough money to invest in these companies before the IPO. We are looking for people who can invest at least $100,000 dollars but we want it to represent no more than twenty percent of their net worth after their house is taken out. In short, we want people with at least $500,000 tangible assets and are willing to put up $100,000 in expectations of a three times return in two to four years. We will be able to do that with very careful research on the company as they begin thinking about doing an IPO. We don't want to be an early venture capitalist but one who buys in at thirty to forty percent of the expected IPO price. Most of the money invested at this level goes into paying down debt to make the balance sheet look better for the retail buyers. We will only look at companies with a seven to ten year history, profitable performance, and with an established position in the market place. This is an example of one we will probably start with."

"You don't have the company name on it." Zach said.

"We don't give away our research for nothing. This is a real company and you will know the name when you sign the papers."

"What about your fees and stuff. My investment guy says that this can be a milking deal."

"Many of them are. We aren't one of those. We have money behind us and don't need to milk one deal to pay our bills. Our management fee is on half of one percent and that includes all research, legal, tax reporting, and stuff until the partnership is dissolved or merged into another one. You can get out at any time. At some point, if the number of investors gets too small, we might merge a couple of them together to save money. But that is in the future. We will make our money by taking a ten percent ownership in the partnership and act as the general partner. If you put in $100,000 and that is a ten percent ownership and the partnership grows to $10,000,000 at the IPO, you pay us $500 per year for management and we both walk away with $1,000,000 if we sellout."

I could see Zach looking at the numbers and thinking hard about what he had heard. What I heard was that this was best deal I had ever heard for a smaller investor. Mindy asked a question that I am sure that Kelly was thinking about also.

"Vicki, how does that work for me and the other sales people? You said that it is part of the Special Investment group and we don't work with that part of the company."

"That is part of our strategy. Right now we are working with big money that doesn't invest in IRAs and 401ks anyway, so you probably don't have many clients for our regular stuff. But one of our strategies to keep our costs down is to leverage our work. We do central research, order processing, and sales efforts. The brokerage company has close to 1000 account executives. The Special Investment group doesn't have any sales people at all. The Security Company has one hundred and fifty people right here in Dallas and Fort Worth. In total, we have over a thousand account executives around the country. Eventually, all of these sales people will have access to this program but right now we are only going to work with a few select people to get it started. Kelly is going to be the contact and trainer or she will be when I twist her arm later. As for you, you will make your regular signing bonus for a new account plus ten percent of the management fee for as long as the partnership exists. That is about what you get for a new Security account." Vicki paused and saw that Mindy understood so far.

"The difference is that at the IPO, you will have your choice of a part of a ten percent commission pool on our position or a percentage cash commission then and retain a another percentage part of our share until we sell it. That percentage might be a large cash amount. In the example I just used, you would make your sign up bonus plus ten percent of the management fee or fifty dollars for one investor. At the IPO, the commission pool would be $100,000. If ten of you each brought in one investor, your piece would be $10,000 or $5000 plus another five percent of the profit when the position is sold out. That could be more than $10,000 if the stock doubles after the IPO. That will be your choice. Obviously, you would get a bigger commission if you brought in more than one of the investors but we expect that initially, one will be about all you can get until you and we get a track record and experience. Initially, we expect to have three to five of these partnerships each year. When we go nationwide, we might have fifty that have various levels of risk and potential rewards. You would have access to any of them depending on what your clients are comfortable with. Zach what is your impression? Right now, I am not ready to sign you up but within a month, I will be."

"That's good. I like what I see but I want to talk to my investment guy. Can he call you with any questions?"

"Yes. Right now we aren't in our offices yet so I will have a cell phone number where one of us can be reached. Mindy knows how to reach Bob and Marla. They can get a hold of me and I will call him back."

"I'll call him tomorrow before we leave. I will be back in a couple of weeks. Mindy and I are going to France for a vacation." He draped his arm around her shoulders in a sign of casual ownership and let his hand dangle on her breast. Mindy frowned at his touch and took his hand in hers. It was a good thing she did because I was tempted to trip him when he got up. I didn't largely because Marla had a firm grip on my thigh again.

Everyone rose and walked a frowning Mindy to the door. She was frowning because his hand was now resting firmly on her ass. As they left, Mindy said, "I'll be over in the morning to pack, Bob. We will be leaving at three."

"Fine. I'm not sure if we will be here or not yet."

They left and when the door was shut behind them, Vicki looked at us and asked, "Well?"

Kelly looked at Marla and I before she said, "He doesn't know what to do. I hope his advisor is as good as his advice sounds."


"I agree with Kelly. I think he saw the potential but needs someone to tell him what to do."


"I think Kelly is going to be a very happy camper in about two weeks."

Kelly turned beet red. Vicki looked at Kelly and then at Marla. "Explain yourself."

Kelly said, "No, Marla."

Marla said, "Hush. Vicki will understand. She feels that Zach is a player which agrees with Bob and my assessment. When she come back disappointed in him after this vacation, Kelly has offered a shoulder to cry on. That's all."

Vicki broke out in a laugh and said, "Kelly, you surprise me but pleasantly so. Of course, you should listen to the woes of a young woman who will be working with you. You can kiss her tears away and show her how to forget that dumbass." She put her arm around Kelly and led her to the couch. "Now let's talk about what it is going to take for you to say yes to coming to work for us."

Kelly was still red and looking daggers at Marla but she said, "Actually, I am pretty much sold already. I like this program and I can see the potential for it. I have a lot of questions of course but they are details. Tell me about how I would fit and what my benefits would be."

Marla and I went to refill everyone's coffee as we expected this to take some time. Surprisingly it didn't. Vicki had mentioned a base salary and Kelly had accepted and she was beginning to talk about her bonus structure.

"First, you don't work for the Security Company. You work for the Special Investment Company and report to me. That is the same as Bob and Marla although I haven't told them that yet. Basically that means that you aren't subject to some of the rules that they have to follow. When in doubt, ask me. The account executives don't report to you but they are your sales staff. Their managers will be informed and see the results of their performance which will basically be positive. The three of you are part of a separate bonus pool. Fifty percent of the management pool will be split by you three. There will be another ten percent of the commission pool at the IPO set aside for you but there will be a different set of options available mostly for tax reasons. You can pick the one that fits your situation best. That means that in the example I used, there would be $100,000 for the three of you to split. It will be slow to start, but if things get going strongly all of you might have some serious tax issues to worry about."

"Will there be other people involved at our level?"

"Possibly. At first, the three of you should be able to handle things. As things get busy, we might want to add a paperwork person. That will probably be your decision to make. We probably won't need that for a year and probably no one else unless something changes. All of the sales and commission stuff will be handled by the Security people. Your job is to train them, motivate them, organize the effort, and get the partnerships set up through the legal and contracts people. Bob will be doing a lot of the research. Marla will be handling the communications with clients and account executives along with scheduling the training classes and supporting both you and Bob in your efforts. She will be our front person in most cases. When you see our new office set up, that will make more sense. In spite of her petulant personality in private, Marla is a charming personality in public."

Marla said, "That's one."

Kelly asked, "Does that mean what I think it means?"

Marla relied, "Damn right. Even bosses need a reminder of who is the boss."

Kelly laughed and Vicki blushed but smiled.

I added, "And I am the one who keeps the boss of the bosses in line. That's one, Marla."

Now all three of the women were laughing, until Kelly asked, "Who keeps you in line?"

"We haven't discussed that yet. They are too busy marking their turf to worry about that detail."

Vicki added, "We have too; at work I keep him in line and we are still working right now."

Marla replied, "No, we aren't. Kelly already said yes. We are just friends bullshitting each other now."

Vicki replied, "Shit!"

"Marla, that's two." I said with a smile.

"What do I have to do to get three?"

"Probably kiss Vicki in front of Kelly."

"That's easy." She went to Vicki and kissed her. I stood up and lifted her dress and exposed her bare ass and gave her three firm ones.

Kelly was laughing so hard now that she could hardly restrain herself. Finally she sputtered, "When do I start?"

Vicki broke their kiss and said, "This is work; sit down Marla." Marla sat down in my lap. "You can start Monday as far as I am concerned. You know when the office will be ready to move in and when I can move into the condo. Those are going to be our main concerns for the next couple of weeks."

"Then I'll start after the closing on Wednesday so I can get the commission on the condo if that is all right."

"That is fine. Until we get in the office, we are working out of here."

We all rose and walked Kelly to the door. We all gave her a hug and told her how much we looked forward to working with her. As she turned to leave, Marla said, "By the way, Mindy likes couple of pops on the ass regularly too."

"That is nice to know. I'll see you all sometime before Wednesday."

When the door closed, Vicki turned to Marla and put her arm around her as if to kiss her but then landed three swats on her ass. Then she kissed her. Marla reciprocated by putting her arms around her and deepened the kiss before landing three on Vicki's ass. The kisses intensified and they were paddling each other standing up. It was my turn to get involved and I moved them to the couch and gently encouraged them to lie down next to each other. In this position, neither of them could swat each other so those became caresses. I raised each of their dresses to their waist so that they could each enjoy giving and receiving their punishment. Then I undid their tops and pulled them down so that their breasts could kiss each other. I left them like that to put the cups and dessert plates in the kitchen and cleaned up the rest of things.

When I returned to the living room, they had turned and their legs were scissored together while their pussies were frantically kissing each other. I kissed each of them and went to the bedroom and undressed. I had just laid down when they came in naked. Vicki attached my mouth with hers while Marla pumped life into my cock. When I was ready, they pushed me onto my back where Marla mounted me and Vicki straddled my head. I was then caught with double pleasure on my cock and my lips. In this position, they were able to resume their kissing and breast caresses. I was in heaven.

The next morning, I woke up with both of my women snuggled against me. I also smelled coffee. That meant that either one of us had already gotten up or Mindy was here. I got up and slipped on my shorts and went to the kitchen after closing the bedroom door. I found Mindy sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. She looked up at me and smiled.

"So I wasn't wrong. Yesterday, you were sleeping with Vicki as well as Marla."

"Yes; I guess that I can't deny it, can I."

"Does she know about us?"

"Yes she does. She knew it when I met her last week. She told me on Monday."

"When was the first time you slept with her?"

"The night before last after we picked her up at the airport."

"Is she pissed at me now?"

From the hallway, Vicki said, "No, I'm not. I liked the way you handled yourself last night. You will have no problems from me. I hope that you got interested in this program and will want to be one of our first participants." I poured Vickie a cup of coffee as she sat down next to Mindy.

"What about the close relative rule? We were told that it is pretty strict."

"I told Bob and Marla on Thursday that this was instituted in the Security and Brokerage companies because there were some problems in a couple of offices. If we have close relatives and they get along, we aren't going to let good people get away because of that. My only concern right now is the situation between you two. If this goes badly between you two, it might create problems that we will have to work out. Technically, you work in different companies if anyone figures it out. You will also be doing most of your work with Kelly and not directly with Bob. Overall, I would hope that when you come back from your vacation, there won't be an eruption between you two at home."

"There won't be. I know about him and Marla and now about you too. Marla and I talked things out this week and I know what my options are. After last night, I am pretty sure that I will be back here and ready to go back to work." I felt myself stiffen.

Vicki asked with concern in her voice, "Did something go wrong last night?"

"No; not about anything we talked about. I just saw that I am a temporary plaything for him. There won't be anything but a work relationship with him after we get back. I guess that it might change but I doubt it. He doesn't seem to realize that my career is important to me. He did his work and now he is on playtime. I can't do that."

Marla walked in and poured herself a cup of coffee. "I'm glad you realized it before you left, Mindy. Like I told you, just go and have a fun vacation and come back refreshed. We will all be waiting for you when you get back."

"I was confused about that when you told me the other day; but now I understand it better. That is part of what made me look at him closer last night. He is fun but that is all he will ever be. Thanks Marla."

Vickie said, "I am glad to hear that. One of the things I saw very quickly was that both Bob and Marla have very good instincts even when they don't know all of the details. That is why I hired them and they have proven to be invaluable in a very short time. That is something I am not accustomed to. It usually takes me awhile to learn about someone and trust them."

I decided that we needed to move this into today. "I assume that Mindy came to pack for her trip. Perhaps, Marla will help and I can take Vicki to breakfast or does someone have a better idea?"

Mindy looked at Marla who looked a Vicki who looked at me. That was my cue. "Come on Vicki, let's get dressed and I will show you a great breakfast."

She smiled and I led her back to the bedroom. She said, "They want to be alone, right?"

"I think Marla has a going away present planned for her."

"Then take me to breakfast and plan to give me the same present later."

"That was my plan."

I took Vicki to a breakfast buffet place that featured all kinds of things for every taste. She loved it and tried several different pastries and egg dishes. Then I drove us around letting her see some of the better and the worst areas of town. We talked about ourselves and our aspirations. It turned out that she had a brother who was also involved in the business. He was a total back room person and was the one who was setting up the internal brokerage company for when the other company was broken off.
