Bullding a Greater Family


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Shortly after noon, Marla called. I answered with, "Did she like her going away present?"

"Yes, she did; very much. Where are you?"

"We are just driving around. I am showing Vicki how to get around town."

"Good. The house is free. Kelly called and she left her phone here last night. I am taking it to her and we are having lunch."

"Thanks. We'll talk to you later." I ended the call.

"What's up?"

"Me. We are going home and I will give you your present."

She put her hand on my cock and got me ready to give her my present.

Starting that afternoon, our routine began to evolve and change. Everything was on the table now and we began clarifying details and developing plans for work and our personal lives. For now, we worked out a routine for sharing home chores. We knew that would change after Vicki moved into her condo. We also began discussing how things would work when we lived in two places and also if Mindy came home as we expected. We naturally evolved a pattern for making love. Vicki liked sex in the morning and Marla liked it at bedtime. So I began making love with Vicki in the morning while Marla made coffee and started breakfast. At night, I would make love with Marla while Vicki showered and made notes for the next day. They didn't make love every day but two or three times a week, they shared hot Sapphic sex. We usually had threesomes on Friday or Saturday or when something exciting happened. We slept together every night and showered each other with frequent kisses and touches. I also began taking each one of them out for dinner once a week on sort of a date night.

After the closing on Wednesday, Kelly began coming to the house daily to start work. On Thursday, Vickie and Marla spent the day at the condo and decided on what redecorating they wanted to do. With the help of the manager, they had work crews begin to make the desired changes which were basically paint and carpet. Vicki had arranged for her furniture to be shipped down and it was expected within two weeks. Kelly and I went daily to the office to see what had been done and how things were progressing. We also ordered the phone system and internet line to be installed. I found that I really enjoyed working with Kelly. She was low key and responsive to learning new things. She also asked a lot of questions about Mindy. I could tell that she was eager for her to return. The main thing I told her that she would need a lot of support and encouragement. She was competent but often not assertive or creative. That seemed to please Kelly a lot. She didn't say much about what she wanted from Mindy but I had a growing confidence that she would be good for her.

On the following Thursday, we had a day to celebrate. We all went to the office for a walk through. The phones and internet were in, the carpet and painting were done and all that was left was some trim work in the conference room. We all walked through it and were pleased. I called the furniture store and arranged for the furniture to be delivered and set up on Friday. When we finished, we decided to go home, change, and meet for dinner to celebrate. When we walked in the house, we found Mindy sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine. Her suitcases were sitting in the hall.

One look told me that she had a story to tell us. After kisses and hugs were shared, we sat down and she told us what had happened. She wasn't hurting but more like disappointed. Their first week had been nice and relaxing. He had been attentive to her and they had spent the week at the beach and driving around the wine areas and small towns. Over the last weekend, they had gone to several parties in the luxury hotels in the area. There they had met many other people and Zach's eyes got busy roaming. By Monday, he was going to hang out at some of the local clubs. She wanted to continue doing things locally. Tuesday night, he hadn't come back to their hotel. Wednesday she realized that her vacation was over and she changed her flight back to this morning and had arrived back home an hour ago. Zach hadn't reacted to her news at all and went out alone again Wednesday night.

Vicki boosted her morale when she told her that Zach's financial advisor had called her and he turned out to be one of the account executives for the brokerage company. He loved the concept and asked if he could recommend a couple of other clients for the program. Vicki had said that he could and that Mindy would be their contact and that she and Kelly would come to LA next week to meet and discuss the plan with the new potential clients. If they could get commitments for $1 million or more, they would go forward immediately with the first partnership. The man said that the people he knew would probably be interested in at least that amount. With that news, Mindy went from a little down to a huge high. We told her to get changed because we were going to dinner to celebrate our new office and our first project. Vicki had kept this news from us and had decided to tell us at dinner. Now we had to be cool so that we could surprise Kelly.

We met her at the restaurant and she was both surprised and pleased to see Mindy again. Mindy also seemed pleased to see Kelly again. They sat next to each other and chatted a lot during our salads and meal. When we were waiting for coffee, Vicki casually said, "Mindy, don't you have some exciting news to share with Kelly. Mindy got a funny look in her eye and then smiled before telling Kelly about the possibility of getting the first partnership going soon. They laughed and hugged each other as the three of us smiled because we recognized the start of a new relationship. After coffee, I suggested a nearby club so that we could dance. That was immediately accepted and we all got in the Caddy for the short drive to the club.

It was crowded enough that Mindy had to snuggle close to Kelly. Neither of them seemed to mind at all. At the club, I danced with all of them and they danced with each other. They all turned down offers to dance with other men. After an hour, Kelly and Mindy were mostly dancing with each other except when I danced with one of them. I spent most of my time dancing with Marla and Vicki. During one of our dances, Marla asked me how I wanted to work tonight. I thought for a moment and then said that I would talk to Mindy and let her know.

I asked her for the next dance and as we held each other closely, I asked, "How are you really feeling, Min?"

I could feel her blush but she said, "Bob, I'm sorry. Except for the business thing, I should never have gotten involved with Zach. I loved France but honestly, I was looking to come home even before he started partying. I guess that I never really appreciated everything you have done for me. I do now. I was looking forward to coming home to what Marla and you talked about before I left. But now, I'm not so sure."

"What do you mean? Tell me honestly; I won't be offended or hurt."

She took a deep breath and said, "Bob, I want to still be part of your life but I'm afraid that Marla might be a little more than I need. Now that I can see that you are involved with both Vicki and Marla, I don't see a place for me. I really like Kelly and I might enjoy being with her but I don't know if she is interested in me that way especially if we are going to be working together that closely. If it is all right with you, I want to stay in the guest room for some time while I get my head together. Then I probably ought to get an apartment for myself and focus on work. This new deal is exciting and I really want to follow it through well. What do you think?"

"I think that you have thought about this a lot and have discovered a number of things about yourself. I am pleased with everything you said except the part about you getting an apartment by yourself. I don't want that. You are my wife and I still want you close to me. So just plan on staying in the house for now. Our lives are all going to get busy and things will evolve. Vicki will be in her condo next week and that will reduce the complexity. Would you like me to sleep with you tonight? You seem like you need a little personal attention."

"Oh God, I would love that. That is what was missing with Zach; there was no personal attention. Will this upset Marla or Vicki?"

"I don't think so. I'll ask them."

"Thank you." She kissed me.

The kiss was broken by a tap on both of our shoulders. It was Vicki and she said, "May I join this dance for a minute?" I opened my arm and drew her in. "Bob, I think that you need to spend the night with Mindy tonight. She looks like she needs some reinforcement that only you can provide. Marla and I will sleep in the guest room tonight."

Mindy replied, "Thank you, Vicki, that is very special. I..."

"Mindy, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I have spent five years not getting the reinforcement I needed from a husband. I don't wish that on anyone. Bob will always have time to support you in any way that you need. Just ask him for the time you want. At work we are all in this together and what happens in private affects all of us too. You are now a big part of us now. Bob, let's make this the last dance and go home. Marla has an itch that I need to scratch."

"Good idea, the two of you take the back seat and Mindy will ride up front with me. We will have to drop Kelly back at her car."

Mindy said, "She can ride up front with us."

We finished the dance and went back to the table to gather our things. Mindy, Marla, and Vicki went out to the car while I waited to pay the check. Kelly was hanging around with me and I suspected that she wanted to say something. I gave her the chance. "Kelly, this is a little awkward for me but Mindy came home feeling a little left out. It would probably help if you showed your interest in her a little. Is that a problem?"

"No. In fact, I wanted to ask you if it was all right if I asked her out for a date tomorrow night."

"I think that would be perfect for both of you. You might even give her a kiss good night when we get to your car."

"Thank you. Are you going to have a problem with this?"

"I am still adjusting to everything that has happened to me and to us. The one thing I am sure of is that I want Mindy to be happy. I have gotten to know you well enough that I think you will make her very happy as long as I am still part of her life."

"I would have it no other way." I took her arm and we went to join the others. Marla and Vicki were in the back seat already bickering with each other. Mindy was sitting in the middle of the front seat. I helped Kelly in to sit next to her. By the time I was sitting in my seat and backing out, Kelly had taken Mindy's hand and held it gently. Mindy was smiling.

When we got to her car, Kelly asked, "Are you coming to our office tomorrow to help?"

Mindy replied, "If I won't be in the way, I would like that."

"You won't be in the way at all. I'll make sure of that." She leaned over and gave her a light kiss on her lips before she got out and got into her car. I waited until Kelly was on the road before I pulled out and drove toward home.

Mindy stayed sitting next to me and put her hand on my thigh like she used to do. A glance in the rear view mirror showed me that Marla and Vicki were teasing each other with their lips and finger tips. I whispered to her, "If you look in the mirror or turn around, you can see them playing games with each other." Mindy blushed but adjusted the mirror and we watched the two women tease and taunt each other. Marla would drag her fingers gently down Vickie's blouse over her breasts but avoiding her nipples while Vicki tried to move to get her to touch them. Vicki was doing the same with her fingers on the inside of Marla's thighs. Their lips never parted. Mindy squeezed my thigh and moved her hand closer to my cock.

By the time we got home, both of them had the other one's blouse open and were taunting each other's nipples. When we entered the front room, Marla grabbed Vicki's hand and pulled her down the hall to the guest room. She said over her shoulder, "We are exhausted and are going to bed. Don't wake us in the morning." Before she disappeared into the guest room, Vicki turned and threw us each a kiss.

"Would you like a cup of coffee, Min?"

"No; actually, I am still on French time and I am very tired." I led her to the master bedroom and undressed her. Fortunately, she had no new marks on her body to remind me that she had been with another man. I lifted her into bed and made slow gently love with her and she came like she had done when we first started dating. We fell asleep spooning each other like we always had. Before she fell asleep, she whispered, "Thank you honey. I still love you." I pulled her close and felt her fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke early like usual but Mindy was totally out. I remembered that she was still on French time and might not be up before noon. That would be a problem since I wanted to get to the office early. I put on shorts and went to the kitchen to start the coffee. As I waited, Vicki came padding down the hall and into my arms. We kissed and she held me when she asked, "Is she all right?"

"Yes. I think today might be tough though. She said that she was still on French time."

"Yes; she probably won't be awake until late morning. Let's do this. We'll go on in and leave her a note that Kelly will pick her up and bring her in around noon. Kelly has a couple of things to do this morning at her old office. Did she talk to you about asking Mindy out on a date?"

"Yes, she did. Did you put her up to that?"

"No, she asked me if there would be a conflict if she dated Mindy. I said no but that it might be a good idea to discuss it with you first. If Mindy responds to her like I think she will, that will solve a number of problems."

"What do you mean?"

"Not now; it is too early to talk about them. Let's just continue as we are and see how things develop between us and them. Bob, I am falling in love with you. I have never met any man who is quite like you and who makes me feel the way you do. I'm not telling you this to put pressure on you or anything. I just want you to know."

"I'm still confused but one thing that keeps running through my mind that I can't quite accept is that I love Mindy, you, and Marla. That is crazy of course but that is what I keep thinking."

"There is nothing crazy about that at all. Most men say that they love one woman but they still dream about other women and some of them act on it. You have at least allowed yourself to admit that this is a possibility and I think that you do have the capacity to love three and maybe more women. I mean truly love them; not just lust after them. There is a big difference."

"Maybe; I just don't see how I can actually manage that."

"Hey, so far you are doing a pretty damn good job and you are confused. When you just accept it and go with your feelings, you will be doing it even better. Enough of that; pour me a coffee and let's talk about next week. I am going to send Kelly and Mindy to LA Tuesday night to set things up to meet with these prospective investors. I will want to be there for the meeting. I may want you to be there too but we will decide that later. I also have another eight companies for you and Marla to evaluate like you did the others. We may be able to come back with enough for two partnerships. You and Marla might also start thinking about what other things you might want to find out about for the evaluations. For some of the longer term possibilities, I want to have the two of you to visit and talk to the people on the ground and add that to the evaluation process. The ones that you have already worked on are well advanced and have been visited by others. The others aren't that well developed yet. Needless to say, your business evaluation skills are what I wanted most from you. All of the rest is necessary but icing on the cake. I teased you about that early on but that is the way I do things until I get confident with people."

"I think that you just convinced me that I want to be part of this for the long term. I am also pretty sure that Marla already feels the same way. Do you want her to become an evaluator too?"

"Not really. I want her to support you but I have other things I want her to develop. What I want to get to is to have an interactive network for good clients and a link to the new brokerage company. When they break away, we will lose some talent and access to the traditional brokerage network. I want all of us to have direct access to that. I want her to develop that. I am also going to explore something else when I am in LA. I'll talk to you about that when I get back unless you go too."

"You have a lot on your plate."

"I do. I have been developing this for six years and expected it to take five years to get it off the ground. But because of you and Marla and now Kelly and possibly Mindy, I think that we can be productive within a year and operating smoothly within two years. Everything is really a clean slate. Some of my ideas have proven to be misguided. So now, I am focusing on the core and willing to revamp the longer range ideas to fit the reality. That is what you started and why I am so impressed with you."

"You are going to make me blush."

"No, I am going to make you supremely happy, lover. I'm going to wake Marla up and get dressed. Can we leave in an hour?"

"Yes. By the way, who won the war last night?"

She grinned, "I think I did. She came first and then I made her get me off slowly. She hates to lose but so do I. I expect that she will want a rematch soon."

"I am going to remain neutral in that war."

"You might try but you will fail. You are the prize."

"Oh fuck!"

"Yes, you will be doing a lot of that."

She went to the bedroom to get ready and I went to the master bedroom to get dressed. Mindy had rolled over on her back. I gently kissed her; her eyes opened and she smiled. "We are going to go in early. You sleep as long as you need. Kelly will pick you up around noon and bring you to the office. Is that all right with you?"

"After last night, everything is all right with me. I'll see you later." Then she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I just hoped that she would remember what I had said when she did wake up.

At noon, we were watching the office take shape and were making a list of supplies and things we needed to start work. Starting an office from scratch is a lot of details like deciding what kind of file folders you want and how many pencils to buy. My phone rang shortly after noon and Kelly said, "We are leaving your house now. Is there anything you need?"

I looked around and said, "Lunch. Stop somewhere and pick up something for five. We will break in the patio and furniture together. You and Mindy pick out something that you think we will like."

"We will be there in about forty five minutes."


I told the others that lunch was coming and they were surprised that it was that time already. Kelly and Mindy arrived just before one with a large bucket of fried chicken and side dishes. They also brought a gallon of iced tea and five large cups. Lunch was a success on the patio with our new table and six chairs. We ate and teased each other as had become our norm. Mindy was the only one who was a little quiet. She didn't look upset but I knew that she wanted to talk to me. After we finished I went inside to get a trash bag and she followed me.

"What's up, honey? Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did. Thanks for letting me sleep. I woke up when Kelly arrived and had to rush to get ready. Um, honey, she asked me to go to a party with her tonight. Do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind but I do want to ask you if you are ready to find out if you are interested in her and to see if she is interested in you."
