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"Ahh! Ahh! Uhhh!" Noah cried out and groaned as his cum began shooting through his cock in sharp rhythmic pulses, sending wonderfully pleasurable waves throughout his being.

Abby's body was shuddering as her own intense bliss swept through her body.

And then it was over and both of them were breathing heavily. Flushed with sweat, they laughed together.

Noah leaned down over Abby, keeping his still sensitive cock buried deeply in her pussy.

She embraced him and they kissed several times.

"Oh shit!" Noah said suddenly and straightened up.


"Damn, Abby! I'm sorry... but, uh, well I didn't even ask you if you were using some kind of birth control and—"

"You sweet, dear man," Abby began. She held out her arms to him. "Come here and kiss me again. Yes, I'm using birth control. I wouldn't have let you fuck me if I wasn't. I mean, the oral sex was pretty good too, you know."

"Yes it was," Noah said and laughed. Then he kissed her again. This time it was a long, loving, affectionate kiss.

"Oh my God!" Abby said suddenly. She pushed at Noah. "Get up! Get up!"

"What the..." Noah said as he pushed himself upright. His cock had grown soft and when he straightened up, his hips moved back and his cock slid wetly out of Abby's pussy, along with a lot of his semen.

Abby sat up. "What time does your mother get home?" Abby knew Noah lived with his mother just as he knew she lived with her father. "What time is it?"

Noah looked over his shoulder into the kitchen at the clock on the microwave. "Fuck! She'll be home any time now."

Abby was now sitting in the pool of Noah's cum. "I need a towel or something, Noah."

Noah hurried into the kitchen and grabbed a dishtowel out of a drawer. He wiped his wet cock off then quickly returned to Abby, still sitting on the end of the table.

"Lay back down," he ordered.

Noah wiped and blotted his cum from Abby's pussy, ass and ass cheeks where it had dripped and where she'd sat up in it, then he wiped it up from the table as best he could.

Abby got off the table and found her clothes and hurriedly began putting them on. Noah folded the cum-soaked towel and set it on the island, then he got into his clothes, too.

"Oh shit! That's Mom," Noah winced. He heard the garage door opening. He stuffed the towel in the swing-top trashcan thinking he would get it out later.

Abby, who had left her backpack on the floor beside the stool she'd sat on, picked it up and pulled out the textbook for Psych 101 and set it on the counter and quickly opened it up.

Noah turned to the coffee pot and filled both of their mugs. After replacing the pot back on the burner, he turned around and leaned down on his elbows facing Abby. He grinned and winked. She grinned and winked back before picking up her mug and taking a sip.

"Noah, sweetie, I'm home," Lori called out as she came in through the door to the garage.

Sweetie? Abby mouthed and grinned again.

Noah shrugged and smiled.

"Oh! You've got company," Lori said. She'd almost called out that she was horny enough to fuck a horse. She'd seen the car behind Noah's but hadn't paid any attention to it.

"Mom," Noah said as he came around the counter, "this is Abby. Abby, this is my mother, Lori."

"Please to meet you, Mrs. Donovan," Abby said, getting up off the stool.

"Lori. Just call me Lori," Lori said. She noted the textbook open on the counter.

"I take it you're in one of Noah's classes?" Lori also noted that Abby was a very attractive young woman and that there seemed to be a strange kind of energy in the room. Both Noah and Abby seemed to be holding something back.

"Yes, Mrs.—uh, Lori," Abby corrected. "We have Psych 101 together. And since he's a computer geek," she turned to smile at Noah, "but a really sweet computer geek, and I'm a psychology... uh, geek, I told him I'd help him out with psychology if he'd help me out with computers."

"That's nice," Lori said, trying to sound sincere. She had a feeling that there was much more to this than two students helping each other out. She had a feeling that... well, there might be a romantic involvement going on and her heart squeezed a little too tightly.

Lori loved her son as her son, but, of course, now she also loved him physically, enjoying his young, muscular body, his delightfully big cock, his sweet, loving affection before, during, and after having sex. She and her son would cuddle, kiss, and caress each other when they had finished fucking for the night, before drifting off to sleep. She knew that eventually he would find another woman who liked big cocks. She knew that she wasn't the only one in existence. She just wasn't prepared for it to happen so soon.

Wait, wait, wait. Lori told herself. You're assuming that they're lovers, or will be soon. Based on what? This young woman might, probably, would, react the same as Sophie had when and if she sees the size of Noah's cock when it's fully hard.

Abby noticed the fleeting look of concern in Lori's face. "Well, we've just about covered what we needed to talk about," she said as she closed her book and reached down for her backpack. She cut her eyes to Noah. "So my work here is done." She smiled impishly.

"Yeah," Noah agreed. "I'll walk you out to your car, okay?"

"Sure," Abby nodded as she zipped up her backpack.

Noah had seen the look of concern on his mother's face, too. "Be right back, Mom," Noah said. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, hoping it would reassure her, before escorting Abby through the front room and out the front door.

"Well, sweetie," Abby said playfully as they walked to her car.

"Oh stop it. My Mom and I are close. Always have been."

Abby sighed. "Sorry. I mean that's really nice. My mom and I, well, I'll just say we weren't that close."

Abby pushed the button on her key fob and unlocked the driver's door to her car. Noah walked her around the car and opened the door for her. He was aware that his mother might be watching but after what he and Abby had just shared, he had to give her a kiss before she got into her car. If his mother was watching... well, he was sure he could explain things to her.

"Mmm, sweetie, nice kiss," Abby remarked as she placed her hand on the side of his face. She tossed her backpack onto the passenger's seat and got in, put the key in the ignition and started up the car, then she powered down the window. Noah closed the door.

"So, Abby, this isn't going to be just a one time thing is it?"

Abby looked up at him and grinned as she shook her head. "Uh-uhn. That was way too much fun for a one time thing. Besides, even though I haven't had that much experience, uh sexually, it's hard to find someone with a cock as big and beautiful as yours."

"But you have found someone with a big cock before?"

Abby realized her mistake and looked away quickly. "Uh," she shrugged, "yeah," and left it at that.

"Well, good," Noah said, assured. "It's nice to know that I'm not the only freak out there."

"Oh Noah, you're not a freak. Not to me you're not. You're wonderfully... uh, endowed."

They both laughed.

"Well, I'm just glad that I found a girl who isn't totally freaked out about my cock size, is all."

Abby laughed again. "Blame it on the cucumbers."

Noah's eyes went wide. "What? Cucumbers?"

"Yeah," Abby said tentatively. "Why, does that bother you?"

"Really big cucumbers?"

"Well, yeah. Why?"

"Damn," Noah said, "what a coincidence. That's just like my... "He caught himself in time. "Uh, my, uh my...?" He stuttered. "Like someone else I know." He gave Abby a non-committal look.

"Okay," Abby said slowly but didn't say any more about it, but noticed Noah was blushing.

"Well, Noah, I have to get going. See you in class."

"Right," He bent down to give Abby a quick kiss on the lips. "And then maybe we can decide when and where we want to get together again for, uh, some more fun, eh?"

"Absolutely, sweetie," Abby smiled impishly. "Bye-bye," she said and drove off.

That was close, Noah told himself. I almost told Abby that Mom did the same thing with big cucumbers and then Abby would wonder how I knew that and then—but I didn't, so it's okay. He headed back into the house.

Chapter 11.

On the short drive to her father's house, Abby got to thinking about Noah's reaction to her admitting that she used to masturbate with cucumbers. "What a coincidence," he'd blurted out. "That's just like my..." And then he'd cut off what he was going to say, stuttered, offered a weak finish to his sentence and looked embarrassed.

"Oh my God!" Abby said out loud as a mental light bulb went on in her head. "He was going to say 'That's just like my mother.' I just know he was," she said, still talking to herself out loud. "But how would he know if his mother masturbated with cucumbers, especially big ones? Unless she told him or unless he'd spied on her and had seen her doing it."

Abby got home and pulled into the driveway. She absently reached up to activate the garage door opener. I just don't see Noah as the sneaky, peeping Tom type, she told herself. That left the option that his mother told him. And then she had her second flash of intuition that left her mouth agape as she pulled into the garage. She turned off the engine and sat in the car mulling things over in her mind and then she gave her head a little shake and smiled, then broke out a big grin.

"Yes! That's got to be it," Abby said out loud then she put the pieces together in her mind. Noah and his mother are lovers. Why? She likes to masturbate with big cucumbers. Noah has a cock as big as any cucumber she, Abby herself, had ever masturbated with, just like her dad's cock. Noah's parents are getting a divorce and his father is now living in Singapore. Although Abby wasn't sure if the divorce was because Noah's father knew about Noah and his mother being lovers or... "Or," Abby said out loud, "Noah's father doesn't have a big dick. Why would Noah's mother tell him that she masturbated with big cucumbers?" Abby was now sure that Noah's mother had told Noah.

Abby grabbed her book bag and got out of the car, closing the garage door as she entered the house. Oh yeah, she thought, I'm right about this. I know I am. Noah and his mother are lovers just like Daddy and me are lovers... And for the same reason, big cocks. Well, actually, I would have become my dad's lover even if he didn't have a big cock. That was just an added bonus. Abby giggled at that last thought as she put her book bag down on the kitchen table.

She went to the refrigerator to get herself a bottle of beer. After twisting off the cap, she leaned back against the kitchen counter and took a sip. She went over everything she suspected again, nodded, and took another sip.

Wow! Abby thought, this could be very interesting. Dad's got a big cock. Noah's got a big cock. I like big cocks. Noah's mother, Lori, likes big cocks. I'm sure of it. And we have both masturbated with big cucumbers. Dad and I are committing incest. Noah and his mother are committing incest. She grinned then took another sip of beer. She had another thought. I wonder if my dad and Lori would like each other? Lori's a very attractive woman and probably just about my dad's age.

Somehow, I'll have to get Noah to tell me the truth. Well, what I think to be the truth. But I'm sure I'm right. Abby took in a deep breath and then another sip of beer. Maybe I'll have to let it slip, or suggest that dad and I are lovers. Or maybe I can bring up the issue of incest, like if consenting adults are committing incest, should that be illegal. Hmm? I'll have to think that one over.

And then, as a person's mind often does without them knowing exactly why, Abby thought of the video she was watching when her dad caught her masturbating and coming in his bedroom. Her dad had been fucking his former girlfriend, Susan, in the ass. Abby had watched that video a couple of more times since then, wondering if she could take her dad's big cock up her butt. She was determined to try because, now, the thought of having her father and Noah fucking her at the same time, one huge cock in her pussy and one huge cock in her ass, sent a delightfully lustful shiver through her body.

"Girl," she told herself out loud, "those two cocks would split you apart." Abby grinned and knew it was definitely something she just had to try and she knew that she would... if she was right about her guess regarding Noah and his mother being lovers.

But first, she thought, getting Noah to admit that he and his mother are lovers is going to be difficult enough, getting Dad and Lori to admit that they are fucking their children is going to be harder.

"Oh fuck! Wow!" Abby exclaimed as she had another thought. "We could have a foursome. Dad and me, Noah and Lori and... and... I wonder if Lori is bisexual? I wouldn't mind going down on her. I wouldn't mind it at all."

The thought of making love to Lori in front of her dad and Noah, the thought of watching Noah fucking his mother, of them watching her dad and her fucking, along with the idea of a double penetration from her dad and Noah, suddenly had Abby rubbing her pussy.

"Damn! I've just had two great orgasms with Noah and now, thinking about all this, and I'm super horny."

Abby set her beer down on the counter and hurried into the master bedroom, which she now shared with her father. He'd told her this morning that he had to go to Redding and wouldn't be back until eight or nine. That gave her more than plenty of time to masturbate right now, not that she would mind her father watching her do it. They'd both masturbated for each other on a couple of occasions since they'd become lovers, as a prelude to an intense and very satisfying fuck. And, of course, if he were home right now, then she would have just jumped him and fucked him without telling him why, not that she needed an excuse.

She powered on the TV and the DVD player and found the video of her dad and Susan. Abby put the DVD in the player and then hurriedly stripped out of her clothes. And then there was Susan and her father on the TV screen. Her father's huge cock was plunging in and out of Susan's tightly stretched ass and Susan was crying out in pleasure and urging Abby's father to fuck her harder, deeper.

Abby sat on the bottom of the bed and began plunging her fingers in and out of her pussy, that was almost dripping wet already, letting her thumb stimulate her clitoris, all the while pinching first one nipple then the other as hard as she could. Thoughts of her dad's huge cock fucking her ass while Noah's huge cock was fucking her pussy filled her mind.

A few short minutes later, Abby cried out loudly and threw herself back on the bed, her feet on the floor, her hips arching up as the wonderful waves of orgasm flooded her body for a third time that day.

"Mmm," Abby finally said as the warmth of post-orgasmic bliss enveloped her. "I've got to make this happen. What fun the four of us could have if only it all works out.

Chapter 12.

Lori had gone into the front room of the house and watched Noah walk Abby to her car. She stood well back from the window, not wanting to be seen and have it appear like she was doing exactly what she was doing, spying on her son. Lori saw how Noah and Abby kissed and sighed, then went back into the kitchen to open a bottle of wine and pour herself a glass.

Don't jump to any conclusions, she told herself. Think this out. Does Abby know about the size of Noah's cock? How could she? Lori knew that Noah wouldn't just come out and tell her, or any other girl, not after what happened with Sophie. So what was the kiss about? It wasn't just a sweet peck on the lips or cheek. That was a serious kiss. He's never mentioned Abby to me before. Surely that kiss isn't the kind one gives to a girl you have yet to date. Lori knew that Noah hadn't gone on any dates since they'd become lovers, except dinner dates with her. He was home every night and they made love nearly every night and they slept together now.

Lori smiled at the thought of making love to her son. He was quite an affectionate lover, and careful, and becoming a better lover all the time with suggestions from her. Lori loved all that, of course, but she loved the size of her son's cock the best. They would not be lovers but for the fact that he had such a big cock. She remembered back to that first night, only a couple of months ago, but it seemed longer. How she got him to admit that his problem with his girlfriend was that his cock was too big. How she then had to see it and convinced him to show it to her. How it had already been fully erect... and breathtaking in her eyes. How she knew she had to convince her son to fuck her with his big, beautiful cock. Lori smiled. It hadn't taken anything at all to convince him to go to bed with her. And oh, how wonderful it had felt to have her son's huge cock tightly filling her pussy and fucking it. It still felt so wonderfully good every time they made love.

Lori wondered if that was about to come to an end now. She sighed and took a sip of wine. Well, she told herself, if it comes to that I'll just have to see if I can find another lover with a big cock. She sighed again. She was truly enjoying having sex with her son, for the size of his cock, for the fact that he was quickly becoming a skilled lover, and for the fact that she truly loved him, both as her son and her lover. She didn't want it to end yet. She'd hoped it would last at least until he graduated from college four years from now.

"Oh well," Lori said out loud. "What will be will be." She took a big gulp of her wine.

Lori heard the front door open and close.

"Mom?" Noah called out.

"In the kitchen, sweetie."

Noah came into the kitchen and up to his mother who was leaning back against the counter, holding her wine glass in her hand. Noah smiled and took her wine glass and set it down. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against his body.

"I love you, Mom," he said then kissed her fully on the mouth.

Lori, surprised and pleased, opened her mouth to her son's kiss, felt his slick tongue probing against hers, tasted his sweet saliva, moaned and fully invested herself into the kiss. Her hands had automatically gone up to his head and she held his mouth against hers as she kissed her son back passionately.

She brought her right hand down to Noah's groin and groped him, eliciting a groan of pleasure from him. She reassuringly felt his partially erect cock through his jeans and began squeezing it. It continued to grow and get harder. Her pussy was suddenly very wet. She didn't know why, call it intuition, but Lori was certain that Noah had just had sex with Abby and Lori wanted to reclaim him for her own. She wanted to feel her son's naked body over hers and his big cock fucking her.

Lori pulled her mouth away from Noah's. "Baby, I want you in the worst way."

Noah grinned. "The feeling is mutual." He was in Seventh Heaven. He'd just fucked Abby, now his mother wanted him to fuck her. How lucky can a guy get? he thought.

Mother and son kissed once more groping each other all over. When they broke the kiss, Lori led Noah to their bedroom. They both quickly got undressed and then embraced and kissed again, two hot naked bodies pressing against each other arms wrapped around each other, Noah's big cock—pulled upright by Lori—pressed hard between their bellies.

Lori broke the kiss then went down on her knees. Noah panicked, he hadn't had time to wash. His mother might smell his cum, Abby pussy juice. But what could he do? And then it was too late to do anything as his mother's mouth began sucking on his swollen cock head.

"Oh, fuck, Mom! That feels so good," Noah groaned out. He loved it when his mother would take his cock in her mouth. It felt as good now as it had the very first time she'd done it. He would never get tired of her sucking his cock.
