Cotton Candy Pt. 03


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"No need to apologize, I was assuming it must be you in the picture because you have the dress. I must be overexcited. It's not that we meet someone featuring the cover of Fashion Today every day."

I'm feeling a little relieved, so it's not about stealing from them. It sounds as if there must be a picture on the cover of the magazine and the dress must be identical but I can't deny I wish it was me. Fashion Today is one of the leading fashion magazines and the picture on the cover is huge.

"I understand but I've never been to any photo shoot and this dress might look identical but it's been made by one of my friends and I've had it since then. I'm sure this isn't the same dress you're talking about," I answer.

She looks a little puzzled, turns the dress and starts searching for something. I'm not sure what she's looking for but soon she finds something and a big smile appears on her face.

"I believe you, maybe it was someone else who has done the photo shoot while wearing it but this is the same dress. There's no tag attached to it but, if you look inside, the material has the sign, it's surely a Femina dress. And since the picture came out, we've received at least one hundred requests for this particular dress and you're lucky to have it," she replies.

I'm starting to get tense, again. This is also an outlet for Femina so there is the possibility this dress was stolen from here.

"Do you have this dress?" I ask.

"No. This is a one piece dress and not for sale. That's why you're so lucky. It'll cost a fortune!" she replies.

OMG! This is not good. If she's right, this dress is too costly. I know Tina has money but if it's not for sale then how can she buy it?

"Are you sure this is not for sale and a single piece dress?" I ask.

"Come with me."

She nearly drags me to the counter and dials a number, waits for some time and then gives me the cordless phone.

"Good afternoon, this is Nikita from Femina. How may I help you?" Comes the response.

She must have called the Femina helpline and she indicates me to ask it myself.

"Hi. This is Olivia from San Jose and I'd like to ask about an emerald green dress..."

I don't have to finish, as she cuts me short in mid sentence.

"Are you talking about the same dress on the cover of Fashion Today?"


"I'm sorry, ma'am. That's a single piece dress and, according to direct orders from Miss Chambers, we are currently not taking any orders for this dress. You can leave your phone number with the Femina shop of your choice and we'll definitely contact you if there's any change of plans."

Now one thing is clear...this girl is right and it's a one piece dress but I'm not sure how Tina got it. Buy it, stole it?

"Can you tell me who has this dress?" I ask.

"This dress is not for sale so we don't have any buyer's record to help you. It might be the girl featured on the cover," she replies.

"Can you possibly help with the name of the model on the cover?" I ask.

"I wish I knew but we don't know. We call her the 'mystery girl' but I can tell you there is gossip, going around the office, that she is the girlfriend of the owner," she replies.


I disconnect the call. She didn't have much information but it confirms Tina didn't buy the dress. Now I wonder how she got it. Is she the one featured on the cover? Maybe, the guy I saw last Friday night looks rich enough to be the owner of Femina but if the dress was made specifically for Tina, then it would never fit me. She's not only nine inches shorter than me, she's also slimmer and the dress fits me perfectly. How's that possible?

"Do you have the picture?" I ask the girl who is now smiling at me.

"If I had it, I'd have shown it to you long ago but the magazine is with April. Why don't you visit her? So you can see the picture yourself and you can also give her the dress. It's too costly for us to keep," she replies and without waiting for my response, she dialed the number to call April.

I'm not sure about meeting April but there's no way for me to run. I think there's a possibility they sent the dress to April's store, maybe because they are the newest addition to the retail chain, and Tina might have stolen it before it'd ever been displayed. The sales girl didn't know about it but the owner must be aware. Now that she knows I have the dress, they'll trace me, easily. I have a family to take care of and there's no way I can go to jail. I think it's better I visit April and tell her what I know. I need to swallow my pride and listen to whatever she has to say. I'm not sure what will reveal next.

The girl gives me April's address. It's only a few blocks away from the store so I start walking slowly towards my new destination, cursing myself for loving a girl like Tina.


Ringing the bell, I wait for someone to open it. April opens the door, but she doesn't look good and I curse myself for disturbing someone, who is sick and needs rest.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you. It's regarding a dress, but I can come back to your shop later, when you're better." I apologize.

"No, it's ok. Come inside," she replies.

I follow her inside to the dining room. She indicates to me to have a seat as she continues.

"I received a call from the store, informing me that someone had arrived with the same dress as on the cover of Fashion Today magazine. So, what do you expect from me?"

Not to call the cops on me! But I can't say that. She continues to listen carefully as I tell her everything about the dress and the party and also about the items that Tina had stolen.

"Do you have all of the items with you?" she asks.

I give her both bags, she takes out all of the items and looks at them intently. April takes her time examining everything and when she's done, puts them aside. My heart sinks. I don't think she believes me. I think she's going to call the cops and I'm about to cry, when she speaks again.

"Sorry, I don't remember your name but I remember your face and you've been to my shop many times. Have you ever seen us selling shoes, purses or lingerie?"

I'm a fool, indeed. She's right, I've been to her shop several times and I don't recall a single shoe or purse and they don't even have a lingerie department. They sold dresses only, but Tina told me she stole it from the shop and I believed her, like the fool I am. How can she steal something they don't sell? I look at April, who's laughing at me and I blush deeply. I'm so ashamed and she continues.

"I can tell that all of these products are from Femina but no one had bought or stolen them from any store because none of them have been sent to any store. When they send any product for sale, they tag it but there are no tags on these items. However, if you carefully look under the sole of the shoe, or at the chain of the purse, you can see the name there."

Now I'm more confused. I thought she was a thief but now I wonder what she's going to turn out to be. Did she rob it directly from the factory? A robber? Kidnapper? A contract killer? Jesus Christ!

"I think I know how you got all of these. Wait here and let me show you," she tells me as she leaves the room and I start to panic.

Is she calling the cops thinking she has the partner of the girl who robbed the Femina factory or kidnapped the owner's girlfriend? April comes back with a magazine and she hangovers it to me.

"Have a look," she says.

I look at the magazine and I freeze. It's taken from the back, so you can't see the face properly, but that doesn't stop me from recognizing myself! Yes, it's me, standing alone, at the same bus stop from where I take the bus every day. I'm wearing the same outfit and I have my hair tied up the same as the night of the party. I remember the photo shoot and the way the photographer was looking at me. He must be the one who had taken this picture and now, I'm on the cover of one of the leading fashion magazines.

"So, it is you on the cover, aren't you?" April asks.

I nod in acceptance. Now it's clear to me that I'm the girl in the picture but what about the outfit? How did Tina get it? I'm more concerned about that!

"I think your friend has some contacts in Femina, or with any one the photographers, and they provided you with one of the model's dresses, took the picture and you become the 'mystery girl'," April adds.

Now I remember a conversation with Tina during our trip. She must have remembered it too and fulfilled my dream. If she had told me about the shoot, I may have denied her so she did it without letting me know about it. If she is so concerned about me, then why did she leave me?

"So, if you don't mind, can you tell me the name of your friend who gave you this," April asks.

Now I realize I hadn't given hers name yet

"Martina," I say.

Giving the full name, instead of Tina, I hope she might personally know her.

"I'm sorry but I never had any employee named Martina." April replies.

My hopes seem to be fading. I was hoping she knew her and I may get her address from April so I try again.

"I think you know her, personally. It was a Friday and you were talking with the same girl, on the couch, when I visited your shop to alter Mrs. Thompson's dress. She also delivered the dress to me, the next day, because your shop was closed for renovation."

I see her eyes go big as she looks at me and shakes her head in disbelief.

"Damn, how could I miss that? I should have known but I overlooked the possibility. Either I'm getting old or maybe I am just surrounded by so many fools like you, that I also act like one sometimes. I should have guessed, when she spent hours trying to learn manual stitching by using needles, her fingers were covered in blood and I tried to stop her but she said it was worth it."

I don't protest at all when she call me a fool, instead tears start to silently flow from my eyes. All I can think about is Tina's fingers, covered in blood. She spent so much time and went through so much pain to be with me. She didn't even know me then. How could she say I was worth it? She must be so much in love with me since she met me. I'm in a daze but not for long as April's voice drags me back to reality.

"I don't know what she told you or what's the relationship between both of you? But the girl you saw that day, and who gave you this dress, is none other than Miss Chambers, the owner of Femina."

Tina? She's the owner of Femina? A multi-billionaire! But she didn't behave like one. She looked so comfortable at my flat. It's hard to believe that the crazy, insane girl can be the owner of one of the leading fashion brands.

She's super rich, how can I think she's a gold digger? If she loves me then why did she walk away? Is there any other reason?

"Do you know her address?" I pleaded.

"I wish I did, I can see the craving in your eyes but I've never had her local address. I've only met her at a funeral a few weeks ago. At the funeral, we chatted for a bit and she asked me about the business. I informed her it isn't running well because, nowadays, people are more interested in buying dresses which come with a big brand name. I never thought she would help until she arrived that day, totally unannounced, and offered me the dealership and a fifty percent share of total profits from the store. I can tell you a few store names that are waiting, with a lump sum amount, just to have the Femina dealership. They have more space, costlier interiors and better locations, yet, she offered it to me because I'm a friend of the family or maybe because I'm the one who needs it the most. I'm not sure what's happened between the two of you, but I can guess she has lied to you for a reason. She has a very good heart and she loves you. It's up to you to decide if you can forgive her, or not, but if you'll take my advice, I'd say don't lose her for a silly reason."

I start sobbing now. I'm sure it's not money that matters to her, it must be the guy I saw that night but I don't want to go with assumptions, again. I assumed once and was proven wrong. I need to get the answers from her. I need to know why she lied to me all of the time. I'm not going to push her. If she loves him more than me, I'll let her go but only after getting my answers.

"Thanks for your time, April, but I need another favor. Can you provide me the number for Femina? They may help me with the address," I ask.

"I have their helpline number but I don't think that'll be much help. I know it's against the company policies to provide details like numbers or addresses of any person. There is no point sitting here and crying your heart out, go out and search for her. Surely you must know someone, one of her friends or family, who can help you with this," she replies.

Yes. That's it! I think I know a person who's known her long enough. Taking out my mobile, I dial Anna's number but the call gets diverted to voice mail.

After thanking April, once again, for her precious time, I leave. If Anna is not available, I think I know another person who can help.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Insecurities, shyness, self destructive, grazy mind games, full of doubt, poor Olivia ..... You painting a real lovely character, the poor attributes are outweighed by her loveliness, cuteness, feminity, empathetics ...... The love and care she is having for her daughter, the kindness and awareness for her daughter is so extraordinary wonderful, thank you for writing about such outstanding characters like olivia or tina ...... So breathtaking to read

Ten hearts 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🍀💋

josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 2 years ago

This story is not going the way I'd like.

In my eyes up till now Oli is indeed a very shy, but also a very strong woman. Seeing how she 'survived' the 8 previous years.

Tina started out as a woman(girl) I liked very much. But I'm VERY worried about her 'plan'. More and more I start seeing her as a manipulative bitch (maybe not really bitch but close).

On top of that i see absolutely no reason for hiding whatever little we know about her.

Somehow it must be related to what happened 8 years ago. (I still don't get what Mrs Graham had to do with it, need to reread that part I guess.)

Tina (as I see her till now) should probably end everything now and take her loss. I don't expect that to happen as this is Literotica and thus fiction:)

All this made me drop a star for this episode.

Through_Burning_EyesThrough_Burning_Eyesover 2 years ago

Eeesh... Olivia needs to see a therapist, like, yesterday. Between the way she keeps flying off the hook at small things, her social anxiety, and her jealousy/paranoia... Were you intentionally trying to portray a woman with bipolar personality disorder?

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 5 years ago
WOW ..............

Each part gets better than the previous one.

You have a genuine talent, and I love the old fashioned cliff hangers at the end of each chapter.

Its like the weekly serials from the cinema in days gone by,

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


Thumper3340Thumper3340over 6 years ago

The suspense is killing me.....

DeceptivedomainDeceptivedomainover 6 years agoAuthor
Ref : gentlemanwriter

So, you think it's better as Tina’s identity has been revealed. Think twice. The fourth part will be going online tomorrow.

DeceptivedomainDeceptivedomainover 6 years agoAuthor
Ref: next part.

I have already submitted the 4th part on 12th, but I can't confirm the publication date, it can take 3 to 7 days to be approved by someone from literotica and then the story will appear on the site for reading. There was some mess up last time which took almost two weeks, but now as I know the rules, it will not happen again.

So, by 18th the story will be surely posted.

If you are interested in my works you can surely follow me on twitter @DeceptiveDomain for latest activities and updates. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Next part?

When will you publish part 4 please do mention the date at the end of the story because the suspense is just too much!!!

GagladyGagladyover 6 years ago

I was never into anything except bdsm stuff and I am still unsure why I even start reading your story though it's mentioned at the beginning that it's more of a romance rather than stuffs that I loved the most, but after reading all the three parts back to back, I am still hungry for more and have to accept if I haven't read this I would have missed the best of literotica. This story is simply awesome. I loved the way you keep it so damn realistic describing noth only the characters but the surroundings and the family and everything and I also like the way the power game between Olivia and Tina. I simply like the way Olivia being the most shy and innocent girl still dominates Tina who is more blunt but submassive behind the closed doors. I guess there is some reason behind Tina’s submission though and I will not be surprised if my assumptions become true at the end. But I have to accept that you did a great job and I am happy that I actually decided to read it for some reason. Maybe fate.

GentlemanWriterGentlemanWriterover 6 years ago
Great Writing

Making a comment after reading all 3 parts of your story. It's very engaging and I love the mystery of just who Tina is and all the plans that are going into everything. Can't wait to read the next installment!

DeceptivedomainDeceptivedomainover 6 years agoAuthor
Ref: feedback and next part.

Lol. I know I make my readers wait a long time previously in between parts, but I am done with this story and have send it for publication already. So, I can assure you that it will not take a month this time. 4-5 days to be max and I hope you can spare me for that.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
No no no don't leave is hanging.

Why are you leaving us hanging like this? Another month of anticipation. Excellent instalment. Thankyou.

NatashakohlerNatashakohlerover 6 years ago

I create this account just to get a track on your next part. Loved your story. I don't want to argue on if this is the hottest pair, but I have no doubt that Olivia is one of rhe most innocent characters I ever read of in literotica. Too cute.

Charleez_gamesCharleez_gamesover 6 years ago

Your English sounds more British than American, but I don't think that will affect the readers much, coz the story is simply beautiful and very well written. Keep writing.

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