All Comments on 'Crime & Punishment Pt. 03'

by RichardGerald

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  • 352 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This last chapter you turn this story and not in a good way.

Great writing but why the 180degree turn. From a da to unemployed , getting shot at and injured to his ex to beTaking care of him to her fucking him to get pregnant what is this all about. She is still a whore self centered bitch who cheats on him for her own ???.I only hope you can save it in the next chapter.did you rush this part or run out of ideas.Plus please write this stories completed so you can post these chapters every day or every other day not every two weeks . There are so many stories I hate to look back and remember all the characters . But a great start on your entry into writing.

Q_L_PQ_L_Pabout 10 years ago
RG: How to SAVE YOURSELF and become a "hall of famer"!!

OK, let's recap.

Usual story: Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back.

YOUR story: BTB (Pt 1), Go Nowhere (Pt 2), RAAC, sort of (Pt 3).

Mayday! mayday! mayday! RG going down in FLAMES!

SOOOO, how do you recover???

Pt 4: BTB BUT GOOD!!! I mean complete TOAST! Scorched earth!

Frank "does" Laura in front of (disabled) Pat (use your own reason)

THEN Pat cleans everyone's clock, BUT GOOD:

Laura has a miscarriage, gets AIDs and is disbarred your choice of reasons)

Jail would be nice as well. )))

Frank is de-nutted, gets AIDS and is disbarred (again, your choice of reasons)

Sol gets disbarred and jailed for having Pat attacked.

(Maybe Laura and Frank also??)

Maybe ass raped in jail for both Sol & Frank?? OK, wishful thinking.... )))

Bella gets her license revoked (for conspiring, etc) & serves time.

Judge Shrill gets thrown off the bench and disbarred for conspiring with SOL, etc.

AND Pat prosecutes ALL of them and gets MAXIMUM sentences!!! )))))

(He gets jurisdiction over Bella due to her meeting in his jurisdiction to conspire re: his marriage counseling)

Finally, Pat gets promoted to AG, etc.

And somewhere in there, Pat meets Cinderella, and we ALL know the ending to that story! ))))

Anyway, you can write this ending OR I WILL!!! ))))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I think this is one of the best stories I have read. keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

First, let me say that the characters in this story are not believable. Two 27 year old, drop dead-gorgeous ultra goal-oriented women, who each have huge sexual appetites, who instantly fall desperately in love with 22 year old virgins? And two 22 year-old male law students who are sufficiently attractive and charismatic that these two women would want them, who have never had sex with a woman? LOL. That said, I liked the first two chapters fairly well. But this chapter sucked. Why did Pat turn into such a wimp? I would have been more interested if he had fought the court-ordered counseling and gotten it over-ruled. The order was totally unreasonable on a number of counts, and perhaps he could have proved that the judge was bought-off and the counselor was in cahoots with his wife's firm. You could have had the protagonist make a stand for men's rights. Instead, you had him bend over. And even if you had him acquiesce to the counseling, you should had had him stand up to the bitchy, unbelievable councilor, and tell her off. 2 stars.

iloveADiloveADabout 10 years ago
Hope you can pull it out

Because this was a shitty ending to a real good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Zero credibility matrimonial proceedings

The zero credibility matrimonial proceedings - eight hour travel to marriage counsellor and, especially, petition dismissed, ruined the story for me. The cynical and hyper-accurate depictions of the political and criminal justice systems in New York were amazing, but ultimately not worth wading through the nonsense about the divorce petition. Not since A Study in Scarlet (oddly enough another cheating lawyer wife story, by Blue88, who has a similar story credit here) has a great story been ruined with a sappy ending.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Loved it

Certainly not the ending I had imagined, but then again you started by indicating the story would continue. I know others are complaining about reconciliation, but I don't see that here. I'm not even sure the wife is trying to reconcile, in a genuine sense. She is caring for her husband, and she made sure she got pregnant. However, is she doing it because she is genuinely sorry and truly loves him. Or, is she simply trying to control him? Will she keep screwing other guys, or has she actually changed. I don't see heartfelt emotions on her part. I see mostly control and manipulation. She is playing a game. Even her last words are ambiguous. Do they hint at love, or control. I'm hooked and want more. Five stars. Excellent stuff. I am a fan. Don't stop!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
not necessary

To get him "out" of the marriage at this point. To err is human - to forgive divine. Sometimes one must remember that adage. It is quite believable that Laura would not see herself as beautiful or desirable - I know dozens of gorgeous women just like that and most have been taken advantage of in similar ways as Laura was.

That said there are lots of men who are so small they cannot forgive. I for one am not one of those so if Pat and Laura reconcile and Pat overcomes his inability to forgive I will have no problem at all. In fact I will see it as a romantic ending to a hard life story.

YathinkYathinkabout 10 years ago
Anon 5/22: it is NOT always about forgiveness!

Sometimes the other person's act makes the relationship no longer desirable.

It is NOT always about forgiveness, or the lack thereof.

Many times, the other party has COMPLETELY forgiven.

Think about it it like this:

I go to the store and buy meat to make tartare.

You decide to make that meat into hamburgers.

I can completely forgive you, but not want to eat the hamburger!

And just because I have forgiven you, does NOT mean I HAVE TO eat the hamburger!

The distinction does not make a person "small", just discerning.

z926538z926538about 10 years ago
Disappointed - Don't think a recovery is possible

The first two chapters of this story sold itself as a gritty piece of crime drama that shows politics like things actually are in the real world. We saw under the table payoffs for political promotion, a wife sleeping her way to partner, a DA's office that was about as dysfunctional as they come, and the partner of a power law firm pulling string for his firm's best interests. It was an accurate portrayal of the world as it is, not as we wish it would be. I was hooked.

Now we get chapter 3 and the author decides to treat us to the overused "husband is injured and errant wife nurses him back to health" plot. This would have been palatable had the author maintained some semblance of realism in presenting how this would have worked. But instead the author decides to ignore all well understood information about how hospitals work and how courts work to force the husband back together with his wife. It was a bridge too far -- I am no longer able to suspend my disbelief. In the real world the wife would have been banned from the husband's hospital room the moment he asked the first nurse to have her removed. In the real world the courts could not have dismissed the divorce with the husband in the hospital. Where was his attorney in all of this? And the pregnancy angle, simply beyond belief. This has turned into a concerto of cliches.

I don't this think this can be recovered. Short of the Bobby Ewing awakening from a long dream scenario to return us to the real world, there is no way to undo the damage that has been done. It's too bad. This one had the potential to be a very good series but now will be nothing more than just another promising series gone off the rails.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I do like your writing

Between Vanadorn and yourself, you have raised the bar a fair few notches for this website, as have other authors like Rehnquist, FrancisMacomber and Slirpuff in the past.

You, sir, are no BTB redneck, (even though I AM).

Your characters are complex, deep and your stories well fleshed out.

However, I cannot accept (on a personal level) his 'annexation' by Laura (I cannot think of a better descriptive term) at the end.

He started the divorce because he had a different set of morals than his friend, Steven. It seemed that he, as I would have in the same situation, could never accept a wife who would whore herself, for any reason, but in the end it came to naught.

Bella's attack on Laura was contrived to sell the slut as victim, and to make Pat weaken. As a smart courtroom operator, he would have seen that for what it was, and laughed about it in their faces. As an experienced marriage councilor with an obvious agenda, Bella was true-to-life, being that she was using cunning, deceit and emotional blackmail in order to make Pat capitulate, but he resisted... just to then allow himself to be milked of his DNA at the end, to be bound to Laura so much tighter than he ever was, just when he was truly free?

He is meant to be smart enough to be a DA, (which implies political insider trading as a given anyway...) and yet he allowed himself to be seduced again? He just should change his first name to Steven, because he has let himself down. Laura, on the other hand, will keep using her maiden name, which is where she still sees herself, and indicates the respect that she has for her 'partner'.

I, for one, love the look of a woman, and I understand your description of Laura as having almost unbeatable sexual magnetism (which just makes the idea of a cripple trying to keep her even more absurd). However, appearances aside, as soon as I get an insight to the person inside, appearances mean nothing.

For instance, I cannot STOMACH looking at Angelina Jolie, because I do not like the woman she is... and this website has given me another perfect example... AngiqueSophie: luscious to look at initially (as per the photo she has shared with us, letting us all know how alluring she looks), but appalling once you read her stories and understand her personality a little.

To me, it is a bit like the film 'Shallow Hal', where he sees an old crone, because he is seeing the person, not the outward appearance.

A woman with a true heart, even if she might be plain, is like an ACTUAL angel from heaven in my eyes. More precious than gold or possessions... the true key to life-long happiness.

So for me, once Laura had broken my trust, I would never do anything other than tell her to FUCK THE HELL OFF.

This partial quote from the final moments says it all, and does not really need to be expanded upon any further... "Sorry Pat, you lose..."

The only thing that redeems the final direction of the story is your statement that he is now in a hard place, and you aren't leaving him there. For me, allowing her to get her hooks back in him, and to make his position even more untenable is a betrayal, but I give you the benefit of a doubt because you write so well.

Still, 5 star story-telling. Just.... PLEASE.... stop allowing your guys to end up being pie eaters in the end, or I will have to stop reading. No amount of good writing makes up for poor characters. Matt Moreau is a perfect example of what I mean there. You cannot sell shit to me, no matter how much perfume you pour over it.

Thanks for your time.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago

This just sucked, a great beginning went right off the rails.

Quite a few wrong words, even spelled right still mean the wrong thing.

Dew ewe sea ?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
One more thought

People seem to be rushing to judgment on this. Unless I am mistaken, this is not the ending. And, no where does this guy decide he has taken back his wife. He is partially paralyzed and she takes advantage of his pent up horniness. Where's the reconciliation? If anything, I could see big time revenge in the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Dont need "revenge" but I dont want reconciliation. He just needs to move on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good Start but...

Loved the beginning of this series. The contrived, over-the-top machinations to get the protagonist into the current situation are disappointing. Shame.

RedAnonRedAnonabout 10 years ago
Mid-story Comments

After reading each installment so far, as well as the comments, I am convinced that it is better to wait until a story is finished before commenting on the plot, characters or structure (through grammar, spelling, etc., are fair game at any time and I echo other's criticisms in that regard). I don't know where you're taking us, and I don't care. I'm enjoying the ride and look forward to seeing how it turns out, particularly given the situation in which this last installment left the main character. I've read hundreds and hundreds of LW stories here. Most are simply vignettes or anecdotes. What you are attempting to provide us is a much more difficult task. Thank you for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Can't wait for the ending

"So sure of yourself so strong. No tolerance for us weak individuals. I hope someday you and Steven learn what it is to be human."

So tell me, Susan. What you are saying is obviously only you, Laura and the whores that walk the streets are humans?

You and drippy cunt whores like you are the minority, not the majority. Ewwww......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
It may be

Somebody wrote DA employees are not the aim of criminals. It may be the Laura's lover used the assasin biker. He wanted revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

The old canard. The Gods strike down the hero,lol Now in his weakness the evil

witch takes him. RG it reads like you are running out of original plot.

If that's true then it follows: I predict that the old mentor and his best friend will

help our hero reach victory.

You are writing so well . That even telegraphing the ending, I am happily waiting to see it. Good Job


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Maybe instead of a 3 it should be a 5!!

Looking at the comments section, this is a HUGE success!!!

Wow . Feel the heat. For a writer that is the best measure of success .Isn't it ?


P.S. @ Amyyum you talk about losing credibility, damn woman look in the mirror!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I have been thinking, she is an absolute slut who is living with an absolute slut (Susan - who is screwing around on Steve) so who is Laura screwing around with, Saul? Her oral skills have improved tremendously. Clearly, though Pat has been doing without, she has not.

The "cards in play" must include him having proof that that and with whom (probably the actual "baby daddy" - note the hysterical laughter when asked if they were protected, a "tell" meant to cover the fact that she is already pregnant and is going to try to pass it off as Pat's. The kid probably belongs to either Frank, Saul, (both slimy lawyers with no respect for marriage) or even Kincade who's right hand man is banging Susan, so a double date with him and Laura would make sense.

Cannot wait for the next installment!

dwhit48988dwhit48988about 10 years ago
What a waste

The author was right. I wasted my time reading this POS chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great story

Really enjoying it thanks.

Remember to write what you want and dont bow to pressure

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Key story element missing

When a person has been wronged it is unsatisfying to have no righting of the wrong. BTB is not required but something is. Of course you can write what you want but there are ways to be entertaining and ways not to be. "They got back together and will live happily ever after" is for children's tales, not adult fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Terrible chapter you - destroyed everything that you had built up before it

I don't have time to list all of the flaws in this chapter. You took every positive thing from chapter one and reversed it without any explanation. How did the signed separation agreement get dissolved? Why would a DA agree to go out of town for counseling? How could his divorce petition get dismissed by the respondent? You are no lawyer.

If this chapter is better than what you intended to submit, I can only imagine how bad that one was. There is no way you can fix this. Sorry. I thought you had promise. You clearly wrote this story to piss people off to get the comments up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
still waiting and still thinking

really looking forward to the next chapter, and still mulling it over. I have concluded that the wife must have taken the Gov. (kincade) as a lover) (remember, she had a long time crush on Kincade and thinks nothing of screwing around on Pat - never has.) Saul has put her in the postion of a lobbyist which would give her a cover for her affair, Saul is evidently pimping her out - so he wouldn't care. Additionally she is living with Susan who is messing around with the Gov's aide. Steven is surely watching her (them), and Pat has a loyal investigator to fill him in. Also, I still think she is trying to use her rape of Pat to cover the fact that her slutty conduct has resulted in her pregnancy (via Kincade - not Pat.)

I hope that in this last episode Pat nails her, Kincade, Susan, Saul and Frank firmly to the wall so he can move on with some peace of mind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
regarding the judge

a lot of criticism has come down on the legal aspects of this story.


Second - I have enough experience with courts in my state to know that judges often pay no attention to what the law is, they just pass down rulings on how they think things ought to be (in a recent book, Justice Scalia of the US Supreme Court made the same observation.) If they think you can't get them over ruled they will do what they want. In this case the judge may have thought that a newly unemployed and crippled low level attorney would have no resources or desire to buck her (wife has all the money and the backing of a high powered law firm).

I find this aspect of the story very believable. BUT, Pat, with Steve's help, can actually jam this judge up and get his divorced if he has the will power - and I am betting he does.

Keep it up RG. Great Story!!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
wow what a god dam fucking disaster

awful ending

rcrmonte3rcrmonte3about 10 years ago
RG, Are You DQS in Disguise?

So far, this story has a lot of the trappings of a DQS story--especially WWWM. I like the maneuvering and intrigue throughout every chapter up to now. The only flaw I see is the dismissal of Pat's divorce petition by the respondent's (Laura) attorney(s) and law firm.

5* for the story so far. Keep up the good work!

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 10 years ago
First mentalled battered, then crippled?

You sure make life hard for your hero...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Crappy ending

I can't believe you made him wimp out like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I seriously have not read a better constructed story in a long while, but....

This nonsense with injury and loss in elections and then court case where the slut clearly is a slut but gets to cuckold him and rub it in his face,really...I mean what kind of sick law system(clearly must be fictional) does prevent you from divorcing a cheating spouse,I refuse to believe there exists one like's like being robbed by a neighbors and then being told by judge you ought to invite your neighbors over for a BBQ every weekend with you paying full bill...

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013about 10 years ago
Becoming a big waste of time.

I started out liking this story but the second chapter (Laura's view point) started it's downward spiral and it did not get any better in this chapter. I don't think this story is worth saving, so I suggest the author stop here and not waste anymore of our time. I gave it a "2" because it was no better than chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Aitch'em says:

Great story, lousy ending - why did you get fed up with this Sullivan character?

** only, sorry!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Can't wait

This is too good a story to leave hanging here. Some of the commentators have a vivid imagination about what might happen. The wife could turn either way. However, if reconciliation is in the cards, you need to do a better job of making her look genuinely sorry and repentant. Look forward to the sequel. This has been fabulous.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good story

This one is becoming multi faceted and convoluted which is good. Hope we see the next chapter soon.

George in Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I have really enjoyed this story so far. Politics, Sex, introspection, murder, legal wrangling. John D. could have written this, but you did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

So he has a stroke and the divorce is void? He is basically raped by his slut wife. Now she is pregnant and has a new noose around his neck. She doesn't deserve a reconciliation and gets it handed to her on a platter. You literally took a dump on your protagonist AND your readers. I don't mind a reconciliation IF it is well explained and there were mitigating circumstances, but there were none. She had sex to advance herself, using the feeble excuse that it was for her family. She had inferiority issues due to her beauty, every single person on this earth has similar issues and they don't all cheat. Two stars because you suckered me into reading these so far, but I don't care if there is a part four after this crock.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

If you don't have a fucking ending don't write the story!-1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Conclude it or complete it.

Leaving all hanging. Consequences or what?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

somehow, I manage to irritate other commentators with my comments... On 5/22 I wrote, 'to err is human, to forgive divine' and another commentator chose to compare my comment to hamburger and a lunch. I thought that was rather interesting. So, let me clarify my comments so as to make them 'less confusing'.

Laura made mistakes for sure. However, so did Pat. Vengeance is not an option for a prosecutor. Now there are two ways that Laura and Pat can go - they can end up killing one another - either verbally and in the courts or in actuality - or they can reconcile. Now I've personally seen both. The only ones that won in real life were those who reconciled, assuming that true love was once the operative condition. Mistakes are made by all humans and any who think their life, their wife or their husband is perfect is a star-crossed fool. It's what a person does after screwing themselves up that proves whether they are men or women, or just childish fools who can never be trusted to control themselves.

I saw a marriage dissolve that had love and trust because of little issues that became large ones. Then I saw the wife give birth to a child from a true cad when on the rebound. Then I saw reconciliation, forgiveness, and a mature love blossom on the part of the divorcees.., for one another. And I witnessed the marriage - again - of the original partners. This was a romance that was fraught with human error and human failure, which was overcome through re-establishing communication, and allowing the love that was never gone to grow again as trust developed over a period of years. The love that returned was mature and has been a delight to watch.

There are more ways of skinning a cat - or telling a story - than simply 'burning the bitch', because friends, when you burn things, heat is inevitable and often destroys or irreparably harms the person who lights the fire.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago

There is no true reconciliation possible here, she is manipulative and gloating about it in his face, not apologetic.

It will take him longer to escape this captivity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Why do you authors feel the need to keep fucking over the one who got fucked over? I have loved this story up until this chapter. You turned him into a fucking cuck. Stud no more. 3 stars..... and his buddies whore wife needs to get fucking burned....fubar. Please grow a set.....again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
In Limbo

Please finish this. Unfortunately, there's a kid now involved potentially, and while Laura is not a character that one easily hates, she's selfish in the extreme, and needs to pay a price. This somehow needs to happen without hurting the child irreparably, and not with a total downer conclusion. That will be difficult. Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
to be continoued

Please go on with the story. Why doesn't he tell her that he overheard what she told about him. This very low respect she has from him. This is for me the main point to go for the divorce.

vazkor13vazkor13about 10 years ago
I'am with anonymous m

Exactly what I think :

"There are more ways of skinning a cat - or telling a story - than simply 'burning the bitch', because friends, when you burn things, heat is inevitable and often destroys or irreparably harms the person who lights the fire".

She is a manipulative bitch who made a HUGE mistake, but with magic of writing with KNOW that she sincerelt love her husband and I'am among the guys who think that people can change.

So why not try again with Laura?she is probabbly much less open to cheating that someone who doesnt know the cost and hurt that it can generate.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
While she still does not get it -

Completely -

She seems clearly dedicated to making things work for them - now - more than a little late.

But with him in this state and truly in love with her - it will be interesting to see where they end up - soon now???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Waiting on Pt. 04

Are you close to offering us the next installment Richard?

searching0240searching0240about 10 years ago
He Got What He Deserved

From the moment he started counseling, I lost respect for him. He let Bella and Laura walk all over him. What a doormat!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Done with this author

It's been three weeks and the final chapter has yet to be posted.

I'm done waiting and have removed him from my favorites list.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
she does the crime

he gets the punishment

that is precisely how our criminal justice system

and lawyers work.

and the little scam at the end of the number of registered voters in the county being skewed so heavily against him? how did his democrat predecessor ever get into office?

b_w, the t on your keyboard mus be broken.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
final chapter

Final chapter anytime soon?

kilcannonkilcannonabout 10 years ago

Will there be a 4th Chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Looks like this little fellow got his feeling hurt and wont finish the stories .well now you know the differance between a writer and a child .

imatrojanmanimatrojanmanabout 10 years ago

I really enjoyed the first two parts, did not care for how this one ended. I enjoyed the "diminutive" ADA stepping up and showing those who thought little of him what for. I wanted to see this go the way off him beating Zink, Solomon and Peterson head to head. Then if he and wife got back together it would be on his terms. Her having to submit to his terms to get him to take her back. You've made a helpless cuckold out of him, she cheated and he has to just bend over and take it! Not my kind of guy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Will you finish?

I did enjoy as others did the first two parts but didn't care for the third. But that's the way stories go, you've given us interesting and engaging characters and the anticipation of things to come. Please finish your story if anything else know that there is at least one person interested in seeing the conclusion.c42e

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
so now what ?

Now the poor sucker gets to raise Nurse Donald Pleasant, Jr.s baby ?

Or in other words it seems a little odd, sex with her once and she is pregnant ?

Yes, it can happen but she is in her 30s not an unmarried teen.

So who is the father ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Didn't go in the usual direction

Great first act. Second act made me think some more. The third act took a few turns I didn't expect. Too much happened too quickly at the end of ch. 3. Like a student rushing to finish an essay as the bell is ringing.

Spend the time on ch. 4 and pace it out so that you get a better response from the audience next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
where is chapter 4`

well written 3 chapters but where is chapter 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Really like this story, can you tell us when the next chapter is coming ?

rixelsrixelsalmost 10 years ago

You have written a great story with great characters. You asked us to bear with you, so now what? Where is chapter 4?

zed0zed0almost 10 years ago

I think I smell a RAAC!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 10 years ago
Mixed feelings

This definitely needs at least one more chapter to tie up a lot of loose ends. Our hero Pat is now a lifetime cripple (not a very original plot device, arranging the severe injury at the end to insure his helplessness when Laura does the dirty to him, forcing him to be a father --- Is he really the biological father? -- with Laura's morals, it's a fair question).

And he has lost the election for D.A., so what's Pat to do now? I expect his rival will kick him to the curb -- can't have an opponent in the same office, now can we? And of course, Pat can no longer "take" Laura's lover in a fight, since he is permanently weak and disabled. How can he protect himself when revenge is taken by Laura's lover for the blackmailed $200,000?

This third part was very disappointing and sad, and I'm not even discussing the numerous writing errors that others have pointed out. The first two chapters get high marks from me, but not part three. It was still good overall, especially considering this is from a new author with fresh ideas, so I don't want to be too discouraging here. A good part four would redeem this series but it has been a month and so far, nothing. Author, are you listening? We really need another chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
When will it end

I've enjoyed the first two chapters but as you warned the third makes no sense. Hated the ending and don't see how the wife learned anything. Please return to your original plan so far the bad guys are winning. One more thing Bella needs to be taken down, she's taken sides from the beginning and its not his. Fuck her and her experience, she's just making his life hell and don't make the baby his either. Looking forward to chapter 4.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

great work, excellent writing.

The wife has not learned her lesson. I would say he needs to get away, however, if she is pregnant.....

I absolutely hate families breaking up unless all is lost.

If there was some way to actually get her changed and remorseful, and more so, trustworthy.....

katranmankatranmanalmost 10 years ago

Where is the rest of the story?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

please write more.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago

There are too many holes in this plot for the writer to fix it and now it looks like it is abandoned.

His lawyer just let the divorce be cancelled without a word from him?

He was not even consulted about where he would do his convalescence?

She became pregnant after having sex with him once? At age 33?

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 10 years ago

I think he is trying to construct a ladder tall enough to climb out of the whole he put himself in with this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Very good so far, when is the next chapter?

racoon1174racoon1174almost 10 years ago
What happened??

It's been a couple of months are you going to finish this or leave it for FTDS?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great start but you need to finish it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Tap this thing on?

Hello??? Author? Will you finish this story or do we have to wait for someone else to finish it for you?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I hate cliffhangers

I also don't like that he had to lose. Why is he still married? Why is he gonna be a dad? Where is the next installment ?

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

"She had a husband but he refused to protect her"

When did he have a chance to "protect" her?

Did she ever come to him and tell him that a senior partner was trying to seduce her?

He never knew she needed "protection" till she cheated on him.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

If he doesn't BTB in the last chapter I may have to dump this writer.

If he stays with her she better get used to some nasty ATM action!

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

governor made a political contribution?? That does not appear to be smart. Is it even legal?

As others have said - this chapter was a bit of a disappointment. I certainly cannot "vote" for reconciliation in this case.

looking4itlooking4italmost 10 years ago

What a complete disappoinent. What judge would rule against someone incapacitated with the counselor ready to write off the marriage. Complete nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
you're wrong, this is the last chapter

Use of the sick/injured bringing two back together is getting very old. So too the soon-to-be-ex who is not removed. End of the line for me.

BTW, that's why I gave this a 1

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013almost 10 years ago
I gave it a "1", it started well then fell flat.

This story is losing it's interest because of the trend towards reconciliation and the changes in the main character. First he is seen as a weak cuckold, then he shows his true strength/personality, then it is all taken from him and he is back within his cheating wife's control. Let me guess, now that she has him in her "care" she will take advantage of the situation, play the loving wife, and get pregnant in an effort to win him back and he will stay with her. I did not find the counseling to be realistic, if someone is really determined no counselor is going to change their mind. Of course the strong, manipulative and controlling Laura has to discover that she has insecurity issues, this such an over used ploy that it shows a lack of creativity. I did not like the way this chapter ended or where this story seems to be headed so for me this only rates a "1".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
the lasy cgapter for me also.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Unfortunately, nothing less than one star available.

Started out sorry I read this. Won't make that mistake again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

sad to say its a cop-out, was a really good story , but now has a familiar ring to it , just another crap cucky story, 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Sublime & Exuisite.

it's a shame that it screws the voting up & lowers the score's on the very best tales.

but you can usually tell which are the best stories by how mad & incensed the Haters&Flamers become in this comments section.

fantastic protagonists , superb plot & storyline , remarkably well written.

interesting / intriguing , entertaining & enjoyable to read.

Author has created a real sense of suspense and drama.

rare level of quality to find in this genre , probably would have scored higher if posted in Romance category (assuming at least one of the characters has a happy ending)

LW category readers are an impossible Audience to please.



SplitAcesSplitAcesover 9 years ago
I'm not for RAAC but

I don't play games with my marriage. As much as Laura is in the wrong here; Patrick is just as much to blame because he had the opportunity to stop this affair before it got started! I would have cold-cocked that motherfucker the moment I heard him trying to get into my wife's knickers! And that would just have been the start of it. One thing I've learned is that dirty little secrets can't stand the light of day. I would have been in the head honcho's face immediately afterwards demanding he do something about Frank attacking my marriage. Believe me, this works; and I've never spent more than a night in jail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well, damn

I thought the story has good prospects, and in the space of one or two paragraphs, it went all to hell. I expect enough people have commented on this that it's common knowledge by now, the author successfully de-nutted Pat and it's sort of sad.

Kerry312Kerry312over 9 years ago

What I said is that each of you has a responsibility, not equally. So you Patrick are not entirely to blame, but must share some responsibility for what happened can you CRAZY FUCKING BITCH

Kerry312Kerry312over 9 years ago

Split aces Are you out of your fucking MIND if she is going to CHEAT she will. Are you going to put a shock collar on her or keep her locked up in your basement to keep her from spreading her leggs ????

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

First off, he informs the Doctors not to talk to his wife and they then talk only to him. It's called malpractice. Then he tells them he wants to be transferred to a rehab facility and not go anywhere with his wife. Done. And as to her riding him? He isn't that banged up that he can't push her off and keep her off. This story just went to hell in a hand basket.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Story started out well and then went down hill fast.

From a husband with grit to a spineless wimp. And, cheating, scheming slut wife wins.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Many Comments

First of all, he should tell Ole Bella that he know full well that she is working for Laura and is in NO WAY impartial, that he will comply to the extent that he is required by the court, but he will NOT stay in the marriage.

Since Laura’s biological clock is ticking, it is in HER interest to wrap things up as soon as possible, even if that means divorce.

Second, if he gets no satisfaction at the end of the month, he should just withdraw the divorce petition and move out! Then he should openly take lovers till Laura gets mad enough to divorce HIM!

What “responsibility” does Patrick have?

"Finally, I am not here to keep you together.”

HA! That’s EXACTLY why she is there!

“Your wife tells me you have very high moral standards."

Laura is hardly the one to lecture on moral standards!

He didn’t stop her? Unless they know about him over-hearing them planning the initial tryst there’s no way they can say that.

“I had no idea why Bella had so thoroughly crushed and humiliated Laura.”

That’s easy – she’s trying to arouse his protective instincts for Laura.

"What's the matter Pat can't get past your pride?"

Why is it that husband’s are supposed to be 100% faithful, but if they can’t “get past” their wives’ cheating it’s foolish pride? Just saw I said something similar earlier!

“You married Laura in the presence of God for better or worse. For you that's an eternal bond.”

He also married her “forsaking all others.” She seems to have conveniently forgotten that part! LOL, just saw looking4it said the same thing!

“Contrary to what you've been trying to sell to everyone including yourself, there is something we call truth that is not variable as the circumstances dictate."

And that includes Laura’s cheating – it was wrong, and the “circumstances” does not make it right.

I repeat my earlier comment asking why his wishes regarding his treatment were ignored? And if a HUSBAND forced himself on his incapacitated wife, there would be hell to pay!

deadseyedeadseyeover 9 years ago
agree with KarenE

this story makes no fucking sense at all, people doing bullshit they cant do and he suddenly knuckles under because writers a moron? or gets off on female logic.."oh poo cheating is just her way of saying i love you"

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
RAAC with a WACC

Sorry, hated this chapter... Maybe the next will be better. But not if he doesn't burn them all. Sue them all for alienation of affection, Frank, Laura's employer, Sal. WTF why do these stories always having the cheating slut whore wife, the diseased cunt, say "it was only sex, I didn't love him, it's you dear hubby that I love". funny kinda love that. And as if somehow having sex without love made it all ok. I'm sure women by that line. "but honey in was only banging my secretary for sex, I don't love her". We all know the guy would be kicked to the curb instantly. How on earth could he even think of having sex with the bitch? That's just fucked up. How on earth could he ever trust her or any woman again? They are all lying cheating sluts. Of course he was immature. His slut was justified because it was his fault she cheated.... Says Bella. No wrong. It was her decision and he's alone. He really needs to either divorce the bitch or start fucking every woman in sight. Why is it ok for the wives (Steve's too) to fuck around but poor hubbies never get any pussy? If my wife cheated I'd sure be out getting laid as often as I could. Fuck her. Two can play the cheating game. Good for the goose, even better for the gander. And what about stupid female pride?

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

there are always stumbling BLOCKs to make you alter the course. TK U MLJ LV NV

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
Fuck it, I usually want to BTB.

Now that they are fucking and I assume he will be the father of the child/children I am undecided. He might should swallow his pride and stay with the bitch until she fucks around again but them, he might just continue with the divorce action, after all, she signed up to give him one. I guess I will just read the last chapter and be content with what our author decides. Good story.

retmstrretmstrover 9 years ago

My, my, KarenE really gets into this shit doesn't she? Good reading, Richie. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
So, after all this he becomes a spineless wimp.

Is there hope in the last chapter?

JounarJounarabout 9 years ago

@ Anon

Nope. Final chapter blows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
1 star

Goes from being a man to wimp. And he had sex with her the divorce is done by that point the courts see that as forgiveness.

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