All Comments on 'Crime & Punishment Pt. 03'

by RichardGerald

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  • 352 Comments (Page 3)
Danger09Danger09almost 9 years ago
No way loser!!!

This story has me piss'd off! She's been banging her co-worker/boss for lord knows how long--and he takes her back?!?!?! WIMP! If he never caught her she would've continued. I really didn't understand the many chapters and the countless non-relevant characters. What was their purpose? I kinda had an inkling this was a RAC story, the wimps pity party and his petty ass revenge irked me. The writer threw in therapy but what did it really accomplish? How did therapy assure him that the slut won't be fucking her way to the top any longer? How can the therapist assure him that she won't sell her pussy, marriage and self respect to the next guy that peaks her interest. The most important thing is HOW WILL HE EVER BE ABLE TO TRUST THAT WHORE?! I didn't read anything about this most important ingredient in a marriage. He trusted her she betrayed him, tore his profession down to her lover, agreed that her lover was more successful than her husband whom she claims she loves. Why would anybody take that back?! This story sucked ass..

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
this shows

even attorneys get screwed in the "legal system"

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago
What The Fuck?

I'm withholding scoring till I read the last chapter, but it's going to take a LOT for me to accept reconciliation!

Other thoughts

Why does HE have to pay his travel expenses? Since SHE chose a counselor that required him to travel, his travel expenses should have been paid by her!

He should refuse to use first names. He should refer to Bella as “Doctor”, and Laura as “Whore”!

Why when a wife cheats, and the husband has the unmitigated GALL to be hurt, that he is accused of “pride”?

“So you Patrick are not entirely to blame, but must share some responsibility for what happened,"

What “responsibility” does he have other than being a trusting and supportive husband?

Pat should definitely find someone to shack up with.

Pat says he didn’t earn it, that he somehow stole it, but in truth he HAD earned it, but was unfairly denied it, so “stealing” it was simply righting a wrong.

“I had no idea why Bella had so thoroughly crushed and humiliated Laura.” – That’s easy – to get Pat to feel some sympathy for Laura.

If Laura knows he will probably never forgive her, why is she trying to force him to stay with her?

So, if a husband gets upset at his wife cheating, HE’S acting like a child, but the WIFE wanting the security of a loving husband and the thrill of her outside lovers is being mature?!

When Pat said he intended to go on without Laura, Bella said, “I know there will come a day you'll regret what you're doing.” Yet when they started the sessions she said, “I am not here to keep you together.” Those two statements seem at least a little contradictory.

"We had that nonsense dismissed." – By what right? I can see suspending the proceedings, but dismissing them?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I am confused.

She so very obviously does not love her husband.

In the story, she had an orgy while dating him.

When married she had an affair and did things she didnt do with her husband,

How can she be upset over a divorce?

She doesnt act like a woman in love or act like a wife either.

I do think he did wrong once finding out about the p;ans to cheat not stopping it. However by making the plans she already cheated. But a chance to reconcile is better before actual physical cheating.

The author wrote her character into a corner as a unloving wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

And I mean this in the most sincere way, but literally kill yourself, you huge cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

And I mean this in the most sincere way, but literally please keep writing, you huge talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

As a lawyer acquaintance told me one time; We have a legal system in this country, not a justice system and never the twain shall meet. Perfect example in this story.

TrtrolesTrtrolesover 8 years ago
Huge talent

I like your stories and I like this one,until this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I'm going to get right to it.

1: Your rail roading the guy hell even his best friend is on the other side. No one likes to see that.

2: Don't do therapy it bores the hell out of people. Your moralizing and readers hate that.

3: Too many characters. Characters are like woman. You need a main one but after that it just gets complicated and not worth your time.

4: What you want is mangling your characters voice. Show growth don't beat them with hammers till they look the way you want.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This Poor Guy Can't Catch A Break

The wife, Laura, raped her invalid husband in order to get pregnant. How many years i n federal lockup will that get the counselor? And her child goes into the system. Damn some of the biker gang women were better women than Laura. At the very least she should have her attorney privileges stripped from her.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 8 years ago

Does the author hate Pat Sullivan? Really seems so, any ending where he ends up with Laura is a defeat in my books. Intentionally seeking to impregnate herself to keep him, lies somewhere between rape and fraud. Seems like she hasn't learned her lesson after all.

Thinking back on the start of the chapter. It is despicable. but I guess Bella's manipulations worked somewhat, that was not counselling, but manipulations, it is obvious she didn't have Pat's interests in mind, just did her job, probably paid for in favors aside from her salary, considering Saul's hand in it.

I don't know why she, Susan, Saul etc. believes it is childish to expect a wife to be faithful, and not want to take back a cheater.

Not to mention them belittling him for believing such.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I always wondered

what happens to retrenched eunuchs.

Now I know, they come here and write stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Marriage counselor

Even more unbelievable than Pat, is the so called marriage counselor:

"Fine, I am patient. You're going to come around, sooner would be better than later, but we can wait."

This declaration only would be enough to end any pretense of her doing counselling.

SigintSigintabout 8 years ago
Ntropy Nailed It

I've been critical of authors treading on military matters cause I speak that language. Legalese? I don't. But I have common sense. Dismiss a divorce petition while the aggrieved is unconscious? You owe it to your SELF, let alone your audience, to do due diligence and research these matters before pulling BS out of your rectum and passing it off as truth. When you insult people's intelligence, you get walked away from.

So glad this came before stories I read before it and enjoyed.

OnethirdOnethirdabout 8 years ago
Odd interlude

Jeez, get a few facts wrong and they climb down your throat. Some people don't seem to know what suspension of belief means. It is weird how Laura is so two-dimensional: call her an expensive whore and she keeps on trying to reconcile and goes all nurse nightingale? Maybe she is truly repentant, but maybe she's a devious lawyer that wants to "win" her marriage battle. Can't believe she'd ever respect him if he came back. Fight back, Pat! You don't have to be a douchebag about it, but stick up for yourself. BTW, that marriage councilor would get her license revoked for her overt bias.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Piss me the hell off!!

Just took a great fucking story and flushed it!

I'll give you a chance for redemption but this fucking ending sucks shit!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

great LW story, eat shit annnoy

Kitist02Kitist02about 8 years ago
Lawy... Aw fuggedaboudit

Neither of them is worth the powder it would take to shoot them.

MullendersMullendersabout 8 years ago

this guy is the true sense of a coward/wimp

point 1. he is not a man of is word

point 2 he lets evryone steam rol him

point 3 he has cowardly backassed plots

what more side's are there of a coward cant think of any

my father tought me that sometime's evry man just has to accept being knocked down take it and deal with it wich this guy did not do he sad around on his ass and waited till ather people made decisions for him.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

"So you Patrick are not entirely to blame, but must share some responsibility for what happened," - So, tell me, BELLA, just what is MY responsibility in Laura FUCKING Frank Patterson?

"You let her cheat" - How in the world does she jump to that conclusion?

As has been said, there is no way, as long as he is competent, that his wishes for his treatment wouldn't be honored, and there is also no way that the divorce action can be unilaterally dismissed.

I was going to wait for Part 4 before scoring, but this just pissed me off too much! After 4 stars for Parts 1 & 2, a 1 bomb for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Fu**ing Stupid Story


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 8 years ago
Second time through...

The ending insinuates that he is not willing to stay in the marriage, and yet he more or less gives in the last chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ms. RichardGerald's marshmallow men again?

Why are all your so-called "men" spineless? All the women are dominant, the men are pussies waiting to be corrected by the women, the men just can not control their sexual impulses - they follow the women panting, drooling, groveling at their feet, begging for the pussy - they must have it now and they'll do anything to get it. It's laughable. The interpersonal relationships you create between men and women in your stories is like a bad rap song.

So she just "dismissed" his divorce? Isn't that special. She didn't like it, so laws and courtroom procedures be damned - they just "dismissed" it while he was in the hospital. Yeah, that happens ALL the time in real life. This is a really stupid story and the author, still masquerading as a male, is an even bigger pussy than the men in her stories. She must really find some kind of comfort in this make-believe world she creates with the written word. To each her own.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 7 years ago
What a crock of shit...

The counselor says "Everyone's got some blame to take". And though the wife cheated, eventually it becomes ALL his fault...?

He's *forced* to drive his hopefully soon to be ex home and Susan gets on HIS case like he's the one in power...? Like they just have no control over what's happened because they're just, what, poor little 'ol weak women...?

Bullshit. Every action we'd seen from therm described them as powerful women, women used to being in control, women used to taking what they wanted (even if their SOs might not be too thrilled about the kind of stuff they took) - they're CONTROLLING their SOs...

So I call total bullshit on since they just can't help themselves that it isn't their fault. Try foisting that bullshit on the flip-flip...

"Sorry, dear wife. You know it's not my fault. I just CAN'T keep my cock in my pants, I'm so weak... If ONLY I were as strong as you so you can't blame ME... It's obviously YOUR fault that I fuck around."

And unless he'd been declared incompetent, where does the opposing side get to "dismiss" a legal action he started...?

Yeah, HE'S the bad guy... Right...

Though your writing is good, you twist this crap around so much, if you wrote from the other perspective, you'd try to write how it really WAS a rape victim's fault they got raped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ambivalence is certainly not ambivalent about this story is he?

I'm not either and can't wait for your next one RG!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Cuckold shit of the greatest species!!! MINUS 5*!!

I dont understand while an author has to write such a long story to reveal his consuming passion of cuckolding!!! There is every indication that your lechery and your pervert fantasy are the mainspring for that crap!!!

onbothsidesonbothsidesabout 7 years ago
If they are trying to hide Jenny's identity...

...why did they allow her to give her actual life story in open court?

Are high powered New York attorneys unable to figure out who:

Knew the defendants

Knew the judge from childhood

Was white

Was a prostitute

Was a widow with two children

Had initials JT

SimplyMikeSimplyMikeabout 7 years ago
Not Again?....

I'm halfway into reading this story when I suddenly realise it appears to be similar story to, 'Another Love' by this same aurthor.

The male character is strong and supportive before before he finds out his wife is a long term cheater/adulteress.... The the chap, being constantly pressured and manipulated buy dead adulterers family and the errant wife, gradually gets worn down to the point of acceptance??? I believe it's happening in this story too.

I'm now halfway down page 2 of Part 3.... looks like 'same old, same old'..... No gender is given by the writer in their bio. but, despite the name being 'Richard Gerald' I think the author may be female..... Still, I'll read it to it's conclusion to see how things pan out, what? I hope there's a more realistic ending to this story.

Moloch_The_MysticMoloch_The_Mysticabout 7 years ago

Really interesting that Laura managed to fool Solomon in terms of her ability withstand Frank (part 2). I don't see where Bella's assertion that Patrick was the real power the whole time came from. Laura manipulated him into their relationship and their marriage. Her job was high powered, high paying, he hadn't even cracked the top tier of his own office. I don't think she respected him until he got the $200k from Frank and pulled off the coup in his office. And, frankly, I would think this would scare her into backing off because she had underestimated him for years.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Is what took place in that coupling.

Think not?

Write it with female paralyzed and wait for the lynch mob!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
oh but

You do not get him out of tough place

Raac coming your way be forewarned and skip last chapter

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

I've just been looking at the comments, not planning on re-reading, AGAIN, but I just have to say that this is a common trope with RG, the strong, forceful male who reacts honestly to his wife's cheating, who turns into a spineless wimp.

He did it in "Another Love," he did it in "On the Lam," the sequel to "Jail Breaking" and he did it in a letter to the author of a sequel to "The Bridge," where he excused wives who have a "fling" with an "alpha male."

ErotFanErotFanalmost 7 years ago
Dosen't sound like a tough place.


Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 1

He's missing Laura? Say it ain't so Joe.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 2

And I think you an annulment for fraud seems in order.

Please don't tell me the author is going to put him back together with this deceitful slut?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 2

Should have asked Susan where she thought Laura learned to be whore.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

that's depressing. Better for him he had died.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

the two close buddies both end up married to whores. Isn't that special.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
quite the piece of crap

im sorry I'm a selfish,unfaithful, vacant slut. I'm superficial you have to forgive me im a woman men did it, now its our turn. premise because it seems the author agrees with it, mm light you are!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

you retarded brain dead shit for brains fag, you really are insane . I gave it a 5 to offset your 1 vote. God no wonder your wife fucked all those other men before she died. . You're one sick ass wipe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
THX for nice plot twists and turns

Nice variation on the best laid plans theme ... will there be any happy endings coming up? Or does mutual destruction win the day?

staying tuned

: - )

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Let me summarize:

Pat is a shy guy who married a controlling, self centered, manipulative bitch. She only fell for him because she could control him. She claims to love him but has no problems doing the worst thing you can do to your spouse repeatedly. She thinks it is entirely acceptable to sleep around on your spouse with no guilt and doesn't understand why that is wrong. Oh yeah she claims to love him. Then she gets caught, instead of feeling guilty and realizing she doesn't love her husband except as a puppy, she gets help from her boss to help her get what she wants, even against Pat's wishes, and also manipulates the judge and counseling orders to her advantage. Then the counselor basically blames Pat for the affair and does everything she can to stop the divorce, again manipulating Pat in as many ways as she can, including trying to say he needs to get back with Laura because he is a better person and Laura will make mistakes like this and because he is better he has to accept it and forgive her. Susan says basically the same thing, although she is probably a worse example of a spouse because awhile she has most of the same traits as Laura she has cheated on her husband multiple times and feels it is her right. Pat gets hurt, Laura selfishly manipulates him again showing how much she truly wants what is best for him (sarcasm) and then finally rapes him in order to get pregnant and therefore trap him, admitting that it was a contest that she was going to win and get her way. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she wants Pat to remember the good times in the past, meaning the good times for her. And she is doing all this supposedly for the benefit of their relationship and future family. Right!

Yeah she loves him alright. Not! Maybe as if Pat was a puppy, but not as a partner in the marriage. Pat has no reason to ever trust her again. She wants the same relationship that they had previously that allows her to be in control and do whatever she wants. If they get back together it wont be long before she cheats again. If this is an RAAC story or a story in which Pat subsequently gets blamed for everything I am going to 1 star all chapters as many times as I can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I want to murder Belle or whatever that cun't name was

This is the reason cheated men sometimes just run. The system rapes them

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You try to make him sound tough, especially with the last line, but you make him just like every other weak willed wimp! He thinks with his dick instead of hes head!

GuillameBruerGuillameBruerover 6 years ago

Who is the stronger; the man that can forgive human frailty or the one who scars his soul by clinging to his ego?

Steel goes through the forge. Adversity builds character!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What the proper response to the Marriage Manipulator's statement should have been.

She said:

{ She turned those dark eyes on me and said: "I believe in you Patrick you are truly brave you will not fail me. You have too much courage to be afraid of what people will think." }

He should have instantly replied: "You've got that right. I'm not afraid of what you think and I'm not about to buy into the line of bullshit you're trying to sell, either. For some reason, you think you're going to baffle me with that bullshit but the answer is... No fucking way. You can tell the Judge whatever blows your skirt up but I'm telling you just what I told her... that it's never going to happen. The bitch cheated and she knew exactly what she was doing every time she did it. You want to see some of the photos of him kissing her and grabbing her ass while she fondled his cock? Now... how long do you intend to keep this fucking farce going? It's time to stop insulting my intelligence because I'm done with the cheating slut. Do you need a dictionary?" ..... "Is our time up, yet? I've had enough of this bullshit and you've got me really angry so I'd better get the fuck out of here."

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

by turning a good guy into a wimp... a guy who'd DONE something about the cheating slut who was repeatedly disrespecting him, as if it was her absolute right to

To you, RichardGerald, I say, FUCK YOU AND YOUR WARPED SENSES OF RIGHT vs WRONG AND JUSTICE. You're just another scum writer who attempts to sell 'tolerance', 'acceptance' and 'understanding' of blatant, premeditated betrayal.

I gave the first three chapters five stars. Chapter four got two.

jott50jott50about 6 years ago

Not a bad story if you skip over the inane filler that has nothing to do with the main plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Lol, or....maybe she's just a manipulative cunt.

Her pride is probably the biggest. I would be turned off and end a marriage I wanted to save after hearing all her bragging and veiled threats of "i will make this happen"

If she's not manipulating the wife, it's the husband. This lady is insufferable.

And what's with this pride b.s? Pride is good, pride is ego, ego is self worth, self worth fucking matters. Everybody slams it for some stupid reason in "current year".

yes, pride can be some abundance. the husband is reacting normally. someone hurts you, you hurt them back. sometimes you leave that person. he wants both. that's it. he's ready to leave. he's not punishing people anymore. he just wants out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

What was the point of this?

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 6 years ago
What a Crazy

story so far. Fun but sometimes tough. Just like life.....

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 6 years ago

The political or legalese stuff almost made me quit. You could tone that crap down to something normal people might understand, or is it just the weird usa way of politics and legal shit?

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

the pols still have to serve the voters and consituents to a certain degree, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What’s The Point

I just don’t see where this story is going. I’m not even sure WHY it’s still going. Seems to me the only reason for this chapter is to torture Pat. It started with that cunt of a councilor, and ended with him being severely injured and incapacitated in the hospital. And to add insult to injury, literally, his soon-to-be ex wife got the divorce proceedings cancelled. I have to believe that this story was written by a woman lawyer. It just fits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

You wrote: ((( "I know you do not want to be here, but since you have to be, please give this a try. I only want to help. It would be a shame to throw away a chance at help because of pride," she said.

I just nodded. )))

He SHOULD have responded: "You're right. I don't want to be here but you're wrong about it being because of my 'pride'. I'm here because my soon to be ex-wife couldn't resist fucking a man who isn't the man she took her wedding vows with. Since she didn't keep them, she's voided our contract, so that bought and paid for Judge is just wasting your time and mine... except that you're getting paid to insult my intelligence."

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not horseshoe, not handgrenade

So ‘close’ isn’t a scoring option.

I’m not liking this so far - because, you’re not writing well enough.

Simply put: you’ve bitten off more than you can successfully work with - and it shows. Struggling along with your effort is frustrating and it is burdensome.

Maybe later submissions will show improvement but I’m skeptical about my looking into that.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
First the counselor


Spends all of her time trying to convince him it's his fault she spread her legs for Frank while married to him. Now she all but rapes him while he is weak and vulnerable.

I want to touch you,I didn't have a comeback ,lol. He is a lawyer ,go touch Frank would be the comeback.

Author strongmen-cuckold-nobleness-

good. Wanting a partner who feels the same about fidelity bad.I feel so much sympathy.

green1943green1943over 5 years ago
all the lowlife anonymous comments should be deleated

If you don't have enough guts to use something besides Anonymous you shouldn't get to comment only vote.

keep the stories coming Richard

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hope he pulls his head out his ass and reconciles

His life has turned to shit without her in it. How much more of a wake up does he need?

Sam3501Sam3501about 5 years ago
No payback

I liked the story except that she cheated like a whore and didn't suffer at all.

She won he lost and it looks like he will live with it. I would have given it a higher score if she suffered at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Interesting story but

the run-on sentences take some of the fun out of reading it.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 5 years ago

you damn sure need to get him out of this place. Fuck you for crippling him and fuck you for getting him back in bed with the slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
So how does one part of a couple "cancel" the other spouse's divorce action?

Just cucky bullshit at this point. Your usual.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Unfortunately you cannot give a lower score than 1. Another story about how to make a cheater into a victim

patilliepatillieabout 5 years ago
Really good

was nurse Don Pleasant the PI the governor used? Or his son? Also, the family doctor Eliza Harper, that name is familiar. Your stories are deep, very well done, I believe you could do this for a living.

I dont understand how Laura would smirk and be arrogant at getting Pat to get her pregnant, she should be humble and walking on thin ice if true reconciliation is what she wants. She needs to be safe for him going forward, safe for him to love and put on a pedestal again, and arrogance and trickery is not how to do that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I just fucking hate what ya are doing with what used to be a good story. How in the bloody hell had the divorce case been canceled? And to screw it more, ya had him back with his CHEATING ho of a wife like nothing happened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Who Cares Anymore

It’s really hard to get into a story, much less actually enjoy it, when you pretty much despise everyone in the cast of characters. And that’s become the case here. “Pat” has become such a wimp that I really couldn’t care now if he even lives past his injuries. The author asked his readers earlier to let him know why they “one-bomb”ed his story, if they did. I just answered the question, at least for myself.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Still good

We go from dirty politics to dirty courts and lawyers. What a pretty story. How can Democrats in New York lose an election by 200 votes. Not happening in this world. Pat is in a fix now though. Save him and keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What shit. Quit reading after the first page of this chapter. Pat has no balls. The judge only required counseling. He only has to attend. He doesn't have to respond. He's going to take the cunt back because it's all his fault. And it had the makings of a good story.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Little better but please Burn the cheaters


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Written to promote cheating. You can cheat all You want and blame the other side. You cheat and not ask but request to be forgiven. It is your right go be forgiven. I am reporting this story for promotion of cheating

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well read beytsyedbylove

Well interpreted by “betrayedbylove”. The true back story here is the ego of the big law firm. They can’t be seen to lose especially if the case is against one their own. They fear sexual harassment charges and scandals. Sol will have invested a lot of money in Laura the resulting loss of kudos Laura would be under have been seen to fuck her way to the top would have reduced her to a liability. I too want to see who Pat gets out of this hopefully it’s not his kid or she looses the kid and he gets free.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
That pysc lady....

Was so full of it, I am impartial she said, there is no victim she said, I am not forcing a reconciliation she said, all lies, she couldn't have been trying harder to make him take her back. The only thing she didn't do was put a gun to his head.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Counselors ridiculous

Linking his political chicanery to their failed marriage. And because he is hospitalized divorce put aside ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

He lost his manhood a long time ago. The macho DA bullshit was just that. In the end he was nothing but his wife's bitch.

Tell me author, does your wife pull your strings or has she already castrated you????

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitabout 4 years ago

Wow....what a bunch of crap. The therapist in particular....he should have documented her nonstop assault on his values and had her license threatened. Bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I could see how people wouldn't like this ending.

Felt like you gave the cheating wife the world's biggest plot armor, I'm not critiquing people's fetishes or whatever, it's just hard to respect a main character that literally goes out of his way to make you not respect him. Hoping the next chapter clears it up nicely!

unMisTakenIdentityunMisTakenIdentityabout 4 years ago
I liked this story...past tense.

Up until THIS installment. The marriage counselor was all bullshit. I would have brought a recorder to one of our sessions where her bias was absolutely evident and then sued her for malpractice. And I don't care what kind of condition he was in...honestly HOW can you fuck a bitch who caused you so much damage and hurt? Who treated you like a total cuck loser. Disrespected you. Broke trust. And she did it in order to get a promotion and make more money? That makes her as much of a whore as the whore who testified in court. Now that she is pregnant and the MC is unemployed...and will always have a disability...gee maybe he can be a stay at home dad/cuck. He can wear a little apron or a french maids costume around the house and take his wife's last name? Women as written by this author in this situation will never live their lives faithful. Power. Money. Zero respect for her husband. By the time she has 3 kids and he is essentially a soccer mom? She'll see it as her right to discretely fuck anyone she wants. This character turned out to be a big disappointment.

NitpicNitpicabout 4 years ago

What happened about the biker?.Did they discover who he was and who sent him?.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Just another

story about a weak, faggoty cuck. And what is this fixation by LW authors trying to sell women as fantastic lawyers. They climb in the vast majority of cases through affirmative action, not by being better. They have degraded the legal system. If you've actually had to deal with female judges and lawyers, you'd understand tis. Unfortunately, the feminized men here will aceept feminized fairy tales because they are afraid of being ostracized.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
You are a liar.

No willing cuckold in the story? Bull shit.There is a term in the law for a man that fuck his wife after she cheated and he knows, go find it. She was thinking for the better of them?!?! LOL well, sorry to tell you, but we the men are busting our asses to provide that without whoring ourselves. Yes whoring, that's not a mistake, mistake is to get drunk... one time. Almost all your male characters are willing cuckolds, I suspect as are you. I won't mention the fraud that he couldn't see with the " therapist " ... You suck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Bella's every line was pure BS, glad he didn't buy it, but then you ended up ruining it anyway with the accident.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The story is well written

But the character development is fatally flawed and they not remotely real. Bella is an absolute fraud, the men are insecure wusses, the women are self serving bitches that will fuck anyone that they think will be beneficial to their career. 5* for the writing, 2* for the story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
But I thought...

The husband was going to fight dirty/tooth and nail for divorce on this one. " willing cuckold" yet Laura laughed at his helplessness while riding his penis. I was disappointed, never liked wimpy husbands.

tazz317tazz317almost 4 years ago

which party looking for sweep or key position victory. TK U MLJ LV NV

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitalmost 4 years ago

I remember why I hate psychology and the bullshit they babble....the whole emotional beat down of the husband was so stupid.

wrangler61wrangler61over 3 years ago

Good story until the last chapter of shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Just another pathetic RAAC story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
3 Stars

Why didn't the husband sue her Company ? Why didn't He have Insurance due to the work caused accident .. If the Hospital went against his wishes why did they not get sued . If this turns out to be that Him and Foxy are Cucks I will no longer read this Story .. I Have NO Respect for Clucks .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A master at making men look dumb

I could go on and on why this is a crap story, but the rest of the commentators did that. From the first page onward, the author had men bad, women innocent. I guess the legal system is like that, hence the title of the story. All aspects of the legal system are like that, I guess family law lawyers have to protect their racket. I guess he had to have a RaaC to promote marriage. Cause without marriage, there would be no divorce. That in itself would cut the purse strings of the leaches that infest family law. Not going to read chapter 4, cause my guts are still sore from the retching I did to get through this one.

johsunjohsunover 3 years ago

I'm not upset with how Pat's situation isn't working out the way he would have wanted, mainly because I've been looking at this story as sort of a 'Noir Light' type story. So no problem with Pat losing the election, getting partially paralyzed, and having his wife forced back on him. After all in Noir the hero never really wins, doesn't get the gold ring, he just survives. Sort of. And sometimes not that.


Still a great story.

GoattimeGoattimeover 3 years ago

So she raped him

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This has become a cliche here:

Injured husband nursed back to health by cheating wife so all is forgiven. It would be interesting to know who started this nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
1 Star !

Just when I thought that I had found another great author, this chapter came and screwed everything. Like WTF ! why did ya make all men look so bad and women so innocent. Why did ya turn your MC into a fucking cuck ? Ya just fucking ruined it, god damn it. Wish i could give this chapter less than 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Anonymous 1 Star !

🤣 If you're looking for a cuck author that loves to degrade and abuse men in his stories RG is your wimp. Stop reading his stories now...they're all the same

tazz317tazz317over 3 years ago

it does however change the rankings. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Like so many stories here...

the bullshit reconciliation depends in part on on the ludicrously false idea that judges in "family courts" see themselves as paladins charged with protecting marriage. They don't. They process cases as fast as possible. Ordering mediation for property and custody disputes is routine because it helps free up court time to move the docket, but "counseling" to "save" a marriage is almost never ordered. I've never seen it in Texas or New York, and I've practiced in both. Here, of course, RG is writing corruption into the system to get the "counseling" ordered. This is just an absurd Deus Ex Machina. In real life, judges are evaluated on how they move dockets. Dragging a case out as a favor to a friend wouldn't happen, and such an abusive order (indefinite weekly counseling) could be challenged.

Then, as others have pointed out, there is the "medical emergency" cliche that is deployed. In this case, the medical emergency is mainly a ploy to leave the husband helpless and to allow the slut wife to essentially rape him to get pregnant so that he is trapped.

Under no circumstances - even with the child resulting from the rape - would a man take back a fucking cunt like the wife character. RG, like so many authors here, is a raging misandrist, perhaps without being fully cognizant of it.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

Great chapter! But I have enjoyed all your stories except Another Love.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This one just went off the rails didn't it. Counseling was so far off the mark of real marriage counseling it was absurd. Was difficult to finish. Then the rape at the end.

Dear lord I'm glad Im not surrounded by these people in real life. Promises don't mean scrap to these people unless its your promise.

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