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"This is your pussy." Her brother said to his phone camera as he showed it his not quite clenched fist. "I'm going to fuck it Trish, I'm going to fuck it hard."

"Would he do it if you were really there?" Hannah asked, still watching the screen.

Trish's brother was now inserting his fully erect cock into the hole in his fist.

"He wouldn't answer that properly when I asked him, but he did say we had to draw the line somewhere."

"Oh Trish, your pussy feels so good." Her brother said, moving the camera closer for a better view.

"He looks like he's really enjoying that." Hannah giggled.

"He always tries to make me laugh." Trish smiled. "Watching this is turning me on, but he's right, we do have to draw the line somewhere."

"Would you masturbate right in front of him?" Hannah asked, still not taking her eyes off the screen.

"I think I would, and I think he would too."

"But no further than that, right?" Hannah was really into this conversation, and without conviction.

"You mean sex? No."

"Well, I was meaning touching each other, but would you go so far as doing oral with him or letting him do it to you?"

"I think the line is drawn before touching."

"Look! He's ejaculating." Hannah said, leaning closer to the phone, but trying not to block Trish's view.

At the moment of ejaculation, Trish's brother had managed to control himself enough to move the camera closer for a very clear shot of his semen spurting.

Trish noted how clear the video was and thought to ask him what phone he had the next time she spoke to him. She wanted to get one.

"You can send him a photo of mine if you promise you'll never tell him whose it is." Hannah said, shocking Trish. "Sort of as a thank you for letting me see that."

"He never let you see it, but if I refuse to tell him who the pic is of, then he'll know it's yours. He knows that there's only two women in my life."

"Ok, then maybe not."


Trish got up off the bed and went to start getting ready for work.

She found herself wondering for the first time if she'd ever get physical in any way with her brother. Even though she'd just told Hannah that she wouldn't, she couldn't be completely sure.

Humans are animals, and she knew that.

She wondered that if she were in the same room with him and if they were naked, would he be able to keep his hands off her, and would she be able to keep her hands off him. It might start that way, but then maybe he or she would just want to feel.

'Can I just feel how wet you are?' or 'Can I just feel how hard it is?' is how it would probably start. Who knows where things would go from there. Maybe a 'Here let me give you a helping hand. Someone else's hand is always better.'

The truth of the matter is... Trish was now a little afraid of seeing her brother again. Well... she wasn't afraid of seeing him, just afraid of what might happen. She needed to talk to him, and she had to do it now.


"Enjoy the vid?" He asked, instead of saying hi or hello.

"I did, thanks." She paused, nervous of what she had to do. "I need to ask you something, and it's serious, so please answer me honestly."

"Ok." He said, sounding concerned.

"Is this going to change things between us when we see each other?" She went on to explain to him what she'd just been wondering about.

"I see." He said, when she'd finished. "I guess that's up to how disciplined we are, but if you're more comfortable with keeping your clothes on around me, that's cool. I don't want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable, and if I ever do anything that makes you uncomfortable then I want to know about it."

"I don't mind the pics or video, but I think that going any further would make things complicating."

"Do you mean further from here, or further than pics and vids... and the talking on the phone?"

"I enjoy teasing you on the phone, that will never stop. Maybe I can still deal with the pics and vids, but if I start feeling uncomfortable, I'll let you know."

"So how about a pic of those beautiful tits of yours?" He asked, joking, but also serious.

"That's where I draw the line." She replied, trying to sound serious, but failing. Laughing, she said. "You're in luck, I'm topless right now." She took a photo of her breasts, and sent it on to him. "You're definitely never getting a pic of my butt." She laughed.

"Damn, that's got to be the hottest part of you."

"And that's why you'll never get one. You'll probably masturbate yourself into a coma over it." She laughed.

"I almost did that last night over your pussy pic." He laughed back.


That feeling came rushing back over Trish, and she wondered if she'd maybe made a huge mistake by sending him that first photo.

She blamed it on the way she'd felt about finally having Hannah in her bed.

She couldn't blame it on Hannah, Hannah hadn't come to her bed to intentionally make Trish take things too far with her brother.

Suddenly she knew why she had done it... it was because she wanted her brother in that way. The teasing was proof enough without recent events. Hadn't she just said to Hannah that watching her brother masturbate turned her on?

Not exactly, but she'd said that watching the video did, and the video was of her brother masturbating. There was no other explanation.

Now Trish wondered if she'd ever be able to face him again.

She'd forgotten that she was still holding the phone to her ear, and forgotten that he was on the line.


"Trish? Are you still there? My screen says you are. Trish?"

"Yeah, I'm here. I think I made a mistake. You have to know that I sent you that pic on the spur of the moment and I've been wondering why ever since. All the teasing... I think I'm more sexually attracted to you than I realize, and it's wrong because you're my brother."

Now it was his turn to be silent, and Trish let him be.

After almost five minutes, he said. "Maybe we should stop... all of it... because I think I feel the same way about you. I wanted so much to say you when you offered me the choice between you and the blond... I think maybe it should be a while before we see each other too, you know, so that hopefully things will be less awkward. I don't think I could deal with never seeing you again. You've kept me sane through the shit that I go through this side."

"I think that we should meet face to face and talk about it like adults. You're my brother. I want to be able to work it out, not run away from it. I fear that we might stay away from each other, and then just go on staying away from each other because it'll just make it more awkward. We need to accept the fact that we've seen each other's privates, and make ourselves believe that it was purely by accident. You have to delete the pics, I'll delete the email and we must never think about these last few days again, at least not after we've met face to face."

"I agree with meeting face to face, but we should forget about these past few days now and never talk about them again." Her brother suggested. "When we meet, we must be brother and sister."

"You're right. I'll come see you on the weekend, but I'm not staying over. I'll call you when I'm in town and we can meet some place public... for now."

"Great idea. Sorry."

"For what? I started it."

"I should have stopped it, but... fuck... just one last time. You're so fucking hot." He hung up.

Trish got a message a minute later that just said. 'Deleted......... regretfully.' She deleted that message, then went to her emails and deleted the one from her brother.


She wanted to call him back and thank him for the compliment. To tell him how sorry she was for changing things between them, and beg his forgiveness. She even thought that she'd do whatever he wanted her to do that would help him forgive her, even if it meant letting him have his way with her just once (if that's what he wanted).

He'd been a good brother to her and she hated herself for what she'd done. But she knew there was no going back to before, no more teasing, and no more talking about it. It was done, over, finished.

Today was the start of a completely different relationship with him. Neither of them knew how it would be from now on. All Trish knew was that it was going to be a typical 'boy meets girl, boy doesn't like girl in that way, they stay friends' type of relationship. She was convinced that she'd lost her brothers love and trusting friendship.

She pulled up his profile pic on her her phone and whispered. "I'm so sorry. I love you." Then went to tell whoever was in the kitchen that she wasn't feeling up to working today.


"Breakfast?" Hannah asked her, cheerfully. Her smile faded when she saw the look on Trish's face. "What's happened?" She put down her bowl of cereal and put her arms round her.

"I fucked up good and proper." Trish sobbed.

"Your brother?" Hannah whispered.

Trish nodded against her neck.

"Do you want to go to the room and tell me about it?"

Trish nodded again.

It took nearly twenty minutes for Hannah to get the story out of her, but she sat patiently, listening to each broken part. When Trish finished, she made no comment, just held Trish against her.

"I loved the teasing, it was a sort of bond between us and I know he loved it too, he told me it kept him sane... He's got a really crappy life with that bitch. I wish he'd just leave her. He can't even glance at another woman without her jumping down his throat about it."

"I think a night with Lara would change his mind about hanging round there. She'll show him what he's missing out on... and I think he'll appreciate it, knowing that you sorted it out for him."

Just then Lara walked past the room, so Trish called her in. She quickly explained the situation her brother was in, and left out recent events, then asked if she'd be willing to do something for him.

Lara would have said no, but the troubled look in Trish's eyes caused her to at least consider it. "Can I think about it?"

Trish nodded. "If there's anything you need from me, just ask. And I'm not just saying that so you agree to do it."

"I believe that, but I wonder if there isn't a little more to this than meets the eye." Lara said, not unkindly.

Trish looked at Hannah. "You can tell her the whole story, I can't tell it again."

Hannah didn't give Lara the whole story, but she did mention the spur of the moment photo, and explained how Trish had felt this morning, then the conversation she'd had with her brother about it.

"I'll do it." Lara agreed. "But I will be coming to you for a favour some time... not something you haven't done before, so don't worry. Where and when?"

"I'll have to set it up with him, but I'll try make it so that it's nearby. Nothing further than an hours drive, and hopefully really soon."

"So you want me to give him the girlfriend experience, I gather."

"I don't know, but I want him to see what he's missing out on while he's holed up there with a woman that treats him like shit. Maybe a wife experience would be what he needs, but not a bitchy wife."

"That costs more." Lara chuckled.

"I don't care. I need to fix things with him. I was prepared to offer myself to him fully if that's what it would have taken, but I think it'd just make it worse... in the long run."

"Personally, I wouldn't judge you if you got into a sexual relationship with your brother if the two of you really loved each other, but I would start judging if you considered having children with him." Lara walked out the room.

"You wouldn't judge me either." She said to Hannah. "You've already shown me that."

"If I knew it wouldn't screw you up any more, I'd suggest you make it clear to him that it's a one time thing and let things go where they may. I'm sure it would clear the air between you two, because things have gotten to the point where you both are wondering what it would be like, even if only subconsciously, but it's there, and that's the first problem. But you're too emotionally involved for that now... your hormones are moaning."

"I'm too sexually attracted to him for a one time thing. It's got to be all or nothing."

"If by all, you mean children and everything, then it's got to be nothing."

"I've already got a child growing in here. I don't need any more."

"Craig won't let you take his child away... I won't let you take our child away, but I suppose it would be possible for you to live here and just be fully involved with your brother on a sexual level."

"I wouldn't do that to Craig. Brian is my brother, but it wouldn't matter to Craig, I'm sure. It's not a nice thing to say, but when you have sex with someone, you're having sex with every single person that they've been with. In some cases, they still see other people in between the times you sleep with them, and his wife cheats on him a lot." Then something dawned on her, and she started crying. "It has to be me, I can't let Lara sleep with him. It has to be me... then I have to go away from here."

Hannah pulled her back into her arms. "Get him tested before you arrange a date for Lara. Just make sure he doesn't do anything with his wife after the tests."

Trish stopped crying almost immediately, but the tears were still running down her face. "I'm so glad you're here to think for me." She picked up her phone and texted her brother, telling him to go for full tests before she'd arrange for the sexy blond. She ended the text by adding, 'stay away from your wife till after'.

The reply came back five minutes later saying she needn't worry about his wife, the game was over between them.

"Now I feel even more guilty about making him delete that photo." She giggled. "At least he was seeing one."

"Send him one of mine, I don't mind if he knows whose it is, as long as he knows he'll never get to see it in real life or touch it."

Before taking Hannah up on her offer, she sent a text to her brother asking if he'd deleted her pic yet.

The reply came back saying that he hadn't, but would before the weekend.

"At least he's honest." Trish commented. "But why wouldn't he have done it right away?"

"Ask him. If he's that honest, he'll tell you."

Trish did, and his reply was that he needed to build himself up to it. He admitted to not wanting to delete it.

"Should I let him keep it, do you think?"

"Send him one of mine, then make him make a choice."

Hannah lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties so Trish could take a photo, but like Hannah had done, Trish asked her if she was sure. Hannah nodded.

Trish took the photo and sent it, then followed up with a message telling him whose it was, and stating that he had to delete one or the other. The choice was his.

He replied, saying he'd deleted hers and kept Hannah's. A few minutes later, another message came through.

This one apologized for not deleting hers right away, and explained that he hadn't really kept it because it was of hers, but because he hadn't seen one in a while and now knew he wouldn't get to see one till he finally plucked up the courage to get out and find someone new.

Trish's reply. 'Hannah says think of her rubbing it each time you jack off'. Then she followed up with another one right away. 'Hannah asked if you're jacking off right now. She wants to know if she can cum for you'.

His reply. 'Can't jack off and text at the same time. Stop interrupting'.

"He likes your pic."

"I like the fact that someone somewhere is masturbating because I'm making them horny."

"We definitely have to get a decent camera. We'll go shopping for one today."


Instead of going shopping for a camera, Trish texted her brother to find out what phone he had. He sent her the details, and she went down the road to buy one. She took a couple of photos of Hannah in her office, then showed her the quality, then did a ten second video of her playing with herself to show Hannah.

"I watched your brother's video, remember? It was only the photo quality I hadn't seen, but that phone makes better videos than his does." Hannah smiled.

"It's the exact same make and model as his." Trish said, seconds before she caught on to what Hannah meant. "Oh, it'll be making better videos than that."

"As long as my face never gets onto the Internet, that's fine."

"Don't worry, I don't want mine on there either." Trish assured her.

"You do know that incest is a huge thing on the Internet, don't you? There are whole sites dedicated to it. Given that you and your brother strongly resemble each other, you could make tons of money. I'm sure you'd be the only genuine incestuous couple on the net. All the others look like porn stars, so probably are."

"And you would know that how?"

"I'm not the frightened little mouse that everyone thinks I am. I can be quite adventurous when it's not real, if you know what I mean."

"Knowing that you've watched porn, and especially incest porn, I can believe it."

"Listen, when you go meet up with your brother to talk, bring up the subject. I know you've both agreed to not talk about it, but bring it up and make it clear... to both of you, that it can continue, as long as it stays digital. I don't see any harm in that. I actually enjoyed watching his video with you and would love to keep seeing you that happy. Just tell him to be less vocal though."

"You think I really should?"

"I know you should, and if the two of you manage to keep it digital and still maintain a healthy relationship when you're together, then you can start considering what I said about the Internet."

"You mean make sex videos with him and sell them."

"Yes. I'd buy them." Hannah grinned.

"Do you think a phone conversation would do it, or definitely face to face?"

"Face to face."

"I'll go see him tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow night we can get to see another of his vids together."

"You're with Craig tomorrow night, but you could always leave your phone with me."

"Shit, that means I can't go tomorrow. Craig's got me from tomorrow morning and he might want me during the day at the office."

Craig, Trish, Hannah and Lara all worked together as well as lived together. It wasn't uncommon for Craig to call whoever's turn it was with him into his office and do them on his desk or one of the two sofas. It was where his first time with Trish had happened (instigated by Lara). His first time with Lara had been in their first office, which was also the official opening day of the business. His first time with Hannah had been at home (instigated by herself) shortly after they'd all moved in together.


On the day that Trish went to meet up with her brother to talk about what had happened, her opening line was intended to bring up the subject right away.

"I'm sorry for my breakdown the other day." She hugged him hello, then continued as they sat down. "I've thought about it, and I don't want to stop, you know, the teasing and the pics and vids. I know what it's like to not get any, and I don't want you to get nothing at all."

When the server came, she just ordered a coffee, and he went with the same.

She started talking again when the server was out of earshot. "I know we weren't supposed to talk about this, but I think that as long as what happens over the phone stays over the phone, and we can still be normal around each other, it could work."

Brian was blushing, and had been since he first walked up to her, but the colour was slowing fading from his face.

"I wanted to call you back and thank you for the compliment." Trish smiled.

Brian shrugged. "It's true, you are." The colour started returning.

"You can stop blushing, we're just brother and sister here." She giggled. "We're not the only siblings who have seen each other's privates, and I'm sure you're not the only brother who's masturbated over his sister."

Brian reached into his pocket. "Just in case you change your mind between now and whenever, you can go through my phone to make sure I deleted your pics." He handed it to her, but she didn't take it.