Dating Dixie


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The bitch. She'd been so convincing, her embarrassment and tentativeness. There was a chance he was overly suspicious and was wrong she was in cahoots with those two directors Sam and Jason. But then again it was unnecessary to take the risk. He had a good view of her desk from his temporary office so when she was called in to the boss Palmer went up to her desk and left a note, 'Sorry, can't make it as arranged this weekend. Have been given some extra investigation to do regarding those two partners I saw you with earlier today. Palmer'.

Well no harm done if those two guys were innocent and if Devora were innocent all she'll feel would be sexual frustration. Palmer left the office knowing he'd traded risk for caution and had missed out on what could have been a grand bout of fucking. But then working in business was all about using one's brain, instincts and attempting to do the right thing. At the car he switched his phone off and placed it in the glove box. He didn't want Devora calling and weeping into his ear.

Palmer arrived home knowing his parents were going out with friends. His mother kissed him and said why is your phone switched off?"

"I want a relaxing weekend."

"Susan had been trying to get you. Something about double dating."

"I don't have a date, not woman is interested in me."

"You are overlooking Dixie Hawkins."

"Mom, she's practically a virgin and you know all about me."

"Well here's Susan's number. She wants you to go out with them and said she has a great date for you."

"Oh yeah, some dame with a fat ass, skinny ankles and head lice."

"God you are horrible at times Palmer. When you are aggressive and demeaning like that I can't believe I'm your mother."

"Were you mom?"

"For god sake Palmer, I am your mother!"

"Sorry mom. I feel like crap. Even so, I should not tease you like that. Come on give me a kiss and let me play with your tits."

"Now you are winding me up. Get fucked Palmer."

That really rocked Palmer. "Mom! How disgusting. Never in my life have I heard you utter a word like that."

"Well haven't you now. Carry on like you are young man and you'll get a stiff elbow jolt over your heart."

"Aw come on mom. Let's kiss. I'll keep my hands behind my back."

"Very well. I need you to love me Palmer and help keep us together as a family. Susan is showing signs of drifting away, giving so much of her time to this new boyfriend who's an attorney in the DA's office."

"Oh, going up in the world is Dr Susan Dumas.


Palmer used the house phone to call Susan.

"Oh hi Palmer, can you make up a party of four for drinks and then dinner tonight? I suppose mom told you about it?"


"Well please sound enthusiastic. I was going to dinner with my friend Bryan Cobb and now his sister is arriving to stay the weekend with him. Although she's thirty-three she is suppose to be very nice. She teaches music..."

"Oh Christ."

"And is a former state ice figure skating champion."


"Oh, changed your mind have you, knowing those girls usually have great bodies and most are great lookers?"

"You did say most."

"She still keeps in shape by playing social roller blade hockey. Do this for me pal and keep her somewhere for the weekend to allow me to get a good hit on her brother. Bryan told me she's between boyfriends so I think she could be open to be propositioned."

"I bet she has a fat ass, skinny ankles and head lice?"

"Oh man of little faith. I see her as a state beauty queen."

"In your dreams. Okay, where do I meet you guys?"

Palmer's parents dropped him off near the bar and as he walked there he thought if the woman was thirty-three she'd know how to fuck. He could put a pillow over her face if she was that bad. On the other hand she might see him as scum and put the pillow over his face. He began thinking optimistically that she'd be presentable and personable, just as Susan he told them over dinner two nights ago that this new guy was very presentable and personable, blushing as she said it, signally that he was top shelf.

"Palmer this is Bryan and his sister Stella."

The sister really impressed Palmer. Pretty good looking, great body and she was as tall as he was with tits big enough to feed quads!

"Hi Stella, hi Bryan... according to my super-impressed sister you'll make DA."

She'd said no such thing but now Bryan was looking fondly at Susan who was impersonating someone disappearing through the floor.

"I bet Susan had said no such thing," Stella grinned. "Just look how embarrassed she is."

"The asshole was not meant to repeat that," Susan lied and Palmer shot her a grateful smile.

Three hours later Palmer was attempting to drive Stella through the mattress of her hotel room. She preferred not staying with her parents and brother because her younger sister was home with two howling kids. Stella had started off by slowing him down and when he'd satisfied her needs said to him, "Dick me Rambo, pound me stupid."

When they lay back resting, Stella said, "What did you graduate in, "Banging the Unfulfilled Woman to Utopia?"

"Aw shucks. Do you really think I'm good?"

"You were magnificent. I'm awarding you a doctorate young man."

"It's all because of you Stella," Palmer said modestly and she ruffled his hair.

"I call Bryan to say you wished to entertain me and show me around the city and we'll meet them for lunch on Sunday, if that's what you'd like."


"Well I can't tell my brother I'll be engaged in wall-to-wall fucking can I?"


Stella smiled. "But he'll be smart enough to read between the lines and not tell my husband."


"Oh did I forget to mention that?"

Palmer was worried Stella would leave him too exhausted to work effectively on Monday so paced himself. He was out of bed soon after licking Stella into orgasm on Saturday morning and called friends. He yelled to Stella to get up for breakfast and they would be going out.

Less than two hours later they were with a group of Palmer's friends and partners on a four-hour easy walk through semi-wilderness on a hike over two ridges to a lakeside scenic spot. There they lunched in a restaurant and then returned the short distance home in cabs. Early evening most of them met later at a bar and went on to a club for dinner and didn't split up until after midnight. A couple of the other women were around thirty so Stella didn't feel she was completely with a bunch of old kids and the sex -- well what with the walking, drinking and dancing there wasn't much time for it, was there?

Stella and Palmer came out of sleep beautifully at dawn on Sunday morning and Stella then had all the sex she wanted until it was time to get ready to meet Susan and Bryan for lunch. The four of them greeted and Susan and Bryan were notably starry-eyed and rather tired.

Later, as Bryan was kissing Stella as she prepared to drive off home, eight hours away, Susan hugged her brother and said he'd been such a darling giving her time with her guy. "We are talking about becoming engaged?"

Bryan was satisfied with his weekend. He'd avoided being suckered by Devora and committing post-coital professional indiscretions by blathering to her under sly interrogation. Besides that woman was married. Instead he'd had a great time helping out his sister with sexy Stella who was... er... married. But that not his fault... er... he hadn't known she was married until she'd consumed him for the first time. He'd been set up so couldn't be held responsible. Even so, in thinking that he hung his head feeling a little ashamed of himself. Only a little.

Devora came into Bryan's office early Monday morning oozing sexy charm and said just a little waspishly, "Thanks to you I did little more than housework over the weekend."

"Look Devora, it was just as well I had to pull out of our assignation. It would have been professionally wrong of me to cohabitate with you under the circumstances, almost as bad as being morally wrong having sex with a married woman."

Devora's shoulders slumped and she sighed he hadn't been speaking to her like that on Friday. "What changed your mind?"

Palmer thought he should say having sex with another married woman but instead his shrugged and said, "Professional ethics just revisited me I suppose."

"Damn you," she snapped, and flounced out, all her sexiness having evaporated. Nice ass though, Palmer decided, watching it swinging through his door in an angry sway.

Shortly after that Robert came into his office and closed the door and Palmer thought, Devora the bitch, she'd confessed to her boss. But no.

"My partners called an emergency meeting on Saturday morning to discuss you and your project."

"Oh yeah?"

"The feeling is you are far too young and much too inexperienced to decide profound changes affecting his firm."

Palmer snorted and said, "But you guys make the decision; I only investigate, assess and make recommendations following long-accepted practices."

"Yes, quite and that's what I told them and that practically ended it when I emphasized that we would make the decisions collectively. The response was did I guarantee that not one senior person would be fired. I guaranteed that and we went off for a beer although it was only just before 10:00 am."

"Good for you. At least I still have areas to work on. I guess I will meet resistance?"

"No, they promised me their full cooperation agreeing it was a good time to have our practices assessed, even if the guy wielding the comb was green behind the ears."

"Oh charming. Well thanks for the briefing and standing up to the principles of the contract I have with you."

"You should not have expected anything less from me Palmer. Now one more thing and it's personal. Have you been talking to Dixie recently?"

"Yes, very recently."

"Ah. Her mother has found out you're working for me. I was worried one of my partners must have breached confidentiality."

"What while having intercourse with Isobel?"

Robert grinned and said, "Stop attempting to wind me up son. Isobel gave me a really tough time. She wants me to talk you into dating Dixie. Our girl appears to be rather lifeless and is not dating. Her mother is worried Dixie might be gay as she's only going out with girlfriends."

"May I say something in great confidence?"

"That's why I'm talking to you son."

"Your daughter is no slut Robert but thinks I am the male equivalent. She had high expectations of any guy who aims to get through the front door, so to speak."

"You mean she's still a virgin?"

"I wouldn't think so but don't know. I haven't been through the front door."

"God are you gay? No ignore that. It was just a joke. But I'm thinking of all the time over the years you two have been alone unsupervised."

"Well it wasn't through the lack of trying. I remember once my efforts got her riled and she blurted to get away from her, that I was one of those guys who'd fuck anything on two legs."

"Would you?"


"Oh sorry pal."

"Thanks. It never happened because we two are so different."

"What? That's exactly what Isobel screamed at me when having such a paddy over this. Christ, did I have an awful Saturday. She said that was it, you two were so different that you were perfect for one another."


"Sorry son. Don't ask me to explain. It's how women think."

"No I've got it and it is to do with the theory of opposites which over centuries has invoked much serious thought and discussion. In more recent times that opposites theory has been expounded by a guy Eli Siegel to show where women are going wrong in their romantic relationships with men -- their expectations of men is of oneness ignoring the fact that men dimensionally are multitudinous. Don't you get what Isobel is saying?"

"Look son, I'm an accountant, not a sex therapist. You don't expect me to understand what you've just said do you?"

"It's philosophical. I can explain it."

"No, don't bother. I attempt to keep my thinking and my life simple. You should be talking to Isobel and Dixie about it."

"Isobel no, she is redundant and talking to Dixie about it would be akin to a dog attempting to climb a tree. Women keep complicated thought simple to appease themselves."

Looking somewhat dazed Robert said, "Are we finished here? I have a simplified life at my workplace to return to. Would you just get me off the hook at home and tell me you will attempt to date Dixie?"

"It's all taken care of Robert. This morning I found an email Dixie sent late Friday that a committee she's on at Clancy High School and the principal have endorsed Dixie's invitation for me to be its chairman."

"You mean the committee planning for the farewell to Dr Hoffman?"


"You and Dixie on the same very small committee."


"Oh my. I'm off to call Isobel now. This is brilliant Palmer."

Palmer smiled philosophically. Obviously Robert had no concept of Dixie and Palmer fighting like cat and dog over issues confronting that committee.


Palmer entered Metropolitan High feeling like he was revisiting his former nursery. Things had changed, cosmetically, but little had changed really. Mrs Hopkins was still principal receptionist and she greeted him with part recognition: "You're Dinah Dumas's son aren't you>"

"Yes Mrs Hopkins."

She flushed and said fancy Dinah Dumas's son remembering her. "Your mom went to this school and was very friendly with my older sister."


"Yes. Well fancy that."

" My mom told me that when I said I would be coming here this afternoon. She told me you were still working here as head receptionist."

"Your mom remembering me and I still being here symbolizes the glue that makes Metropolitan a great high school young man. Ah, here comes Dixie for you now."

Palmer went straight in and kissed Dixie full on the mouth. She looked around wildly but the corridors were bare. The only embarrassment came from Mrs Hopkins saying, "Ah do I hear wedding bells?" and her three assistants standing to take a closer look at Dixie's man.

"Oh god," Dixie shrieked, and grabbing Palmer's arm headed off with him almost at a gallop.

Palmer expected Dixie to berating him for dare touching her in public and saying scratchily never to kiss him again. But all she said when they slowed to enter an interview room, "Why did you kiss me?"

"Because you looked so detectable."

Dixie's eyes rolled and Palmer caught her as she fell. She struggled to her feet and whispered fiercely, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I caught you; you fainted."

"I damn well did not. Take you oafish hand off my breast."

He removed his hand, dangerous close to tweaking a nipple, as if it were in risk of being poisoned.

Dixie stood safely beside her two colleagues and introduced the blonde as Thelma Armstrong and the brunette younger teacher as Jacki Watson.

"Keep back, he kisses," Dixie warned.

They stepped forward and were kissed.

As they stepped back Palmer idly thought he could fuck all three of them.

"Right girls -- is it okay for me to collectively address you as girls?'

They said yes, Dixie trailing the other two.

"Right, let's be seated. Dixie you keep the minutes, noting only questions left unanswered, and record decisions. A copy of those minutes goes to each of us and a copy to the school principal."

As Palmer said that the door opened and the school principal said, "And that's me. Hi young man. I'm Tony Peach."

"Hi Tony, I'm Palmer, Palmer Dumas."

"Good, good. I met your sister Susan a week ago... she was here addressing this year's crop of graduates about life after school. A lovely young woman. You two had left here before I took over from Mrs Duckworth."

"Yes, she was devoted to education, and inspiration to students and teachers. I trust you are of that caliber?

The three 'girls' looked horrified.

Tony laughed and said only history would determine whether he would be remembered like that. "Now tell me, do you honestly believe you and your committee can raise anything approaching $50,000?"

Now Thelma and Jacki appeared ready to faint, especially Jacki.

"Well that's being conservative. We could go as high as $100,000?"

Jacki and Thelma boggled.

"Well Dixie has expressed unqualified confidence in you. I have opened a trust account for you for donations. Your signature will be required along with Dixie's for any withdrawals from your operating account. Nice meeting you son, and good luck. Dixie mentioned you were one of Dr Hoffman's favorites. I mentioned that to her and she said you were her favorite because you were so far into the education wasteland she almost believed it was hopeless to try to recover you."

Palmer looked at his feet aware they were all looking at him.

"It's tutors like her that earn teachers such deep respect Tony. I had a lapse at college doing so well at sport and with females all over me. But a female professor with similar attributes to Dr Hoffman to spot lost souls worth saving put me back on track. After prostitution I'd say teaching is the world's greatest profession."

Palmer grinned at the stunned looks he was receiving.

After the meeting Palmer took Dixie to a bar. She made no attempt to wriggle out of the invitation.

"You were brilliant at today's meeting. I reckon Thelma and Jacki are now really motivated and I sense Mr Peach was most impressed, although perhaps a little horrified at one stage."

"And you?"

"Totally impressed, so much so that I'm wondering if I've been treating you rather unfairly."

"Oh Dixie, do be too hasty to change your opinion of me. I'm still motivated to try to fuck you."

Dixie's response rather interested Palmer. She made no reply. She just licked her top lip and stared at him.

Palmer drove Dixie home after one drink. Her mom came rushing out and after kissing Dixie said, "Palmer, how lovely to see you. Robert and I are just having a pre-dinner drink, please come in and join us."

He looked at Dixie who disappointed by shrugging and looking away.

"Thank you Mrs Hawkins..."

"Palmer, please. Call me Isobel. Robert and I consider you family."

Dixie's reaction to that really interested Palmer... she had a hand turned up and was examining her nail polish as if she were at some other place, not hearing this.

Isobel lead them in and eyeing Dixie's rounded ass Palmer reached out and squeezed a handful, quite forgetting for a second who she was. But before he could pull his hand away he distinctly felt her push back into his hand.


Palmer almost walked into the door frame.

Robert jumped up and greeted Palmer warmly, slipping him a sly wink and fetching him a beer. They clinked bottles. The women looked at them approvingly.

"How did the farewell function planning committee meeting go?"

"Great Robert -- all three members other committee members are enthusiastically committed."

"Good, you need that for the big event you have planned."

"Robert, we need a company to undertake to cover any loss involved between ticket sales and the actual costs of running the event. Our budget is only 5k."

"But Dixie said you had this hair-brain scheme to raise $50,000?"

"Did she say hair-brain?"

"No, I did."

"Well for your information it could approach 100k but not a cent of that goes to the function; it all goes into the Dr Lucy Hoffman Scholarship Fund."

"Well, it still sounds hair-brain to me. How much loss do you expect from the function?"

"None. We will budget for a modest profit."

"So why are you asking us to underwrite it?"

"To make everyone feel comfortable."

"Okay, the firm will underwrite it. I'll personally guarantee any loss if my partners object to my decision."

"Oh daddy," Dixie said, lunging at her father.