Far Pangaea 85 : Time Bomb


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"How could you let this happen?" Psi Chii winces at Renee.

"How could I?...Fuck you. You guys should have told me what my son was capable of. If he gets hurt over this oversight I'll kick all of your asses. Even if I have to find a bazooka to do it."

"Stay calm." Buku pants in his sprint, "I got this."

"Where did he teleport?" Renee snaps. Suddenly, an even louder alarm sounds. One that realizes the infiltration of a very bad place. Renee groans, "WHERE DAMMIT?"

Over the intercom system the trio hears Milo Greyson, "BUKU! YOU MORON! RUN FASTER."

"On my way Boss."

Infuriated Renee Ramse screams, "FOR THE LAST TIME WHERE IS MY BOY?"

Psi Chii stops Renee in her tracks and touches the blonds temples with both hands, offering up the word, "Witness." In doing so an image appears before her minds eye. One of Baby James sitting alone in a dank room. Laughter as a warm glow cascades him. He appeared so happy.

"Where is this place?"

"Dragon's Den." Psi Chii calms her nerves with a bit of mental stimulation. Renee calms but in a sudden brush removes Psi Chii's hands.

"MY SON IS WITH THE DRAGON?" Renee shoves the Asian beauty aside. Psi Chii allowing it as she darts after Buku down a set of many stairs. She could not blame her. The Dragon was unpredictable. All Renee could think of was how badly Buku appeared each time he went to feed the beast. Burnt. Tattered clothing. Disgruntled. Hairless. Being invincible made a difference. That was one of the reasons he had been hired by Milo Greyson. Still, her son was not fire proof. Nor, could he fight back. As they reach the massive doors the group halts in their tracks. Buku turns gripping Renee's shoulders with his large hands.

"You gotta stay here. I'll get James. Just relax."

"Not happening! I'm going with you." Renee looked determined. Eyes rolled Buku calls out mentally to Psi Chii.

"Knock her out or something. It's not safe her going in there."

Almost as if anticipating their thoughts Renee points at Psi Chii, "Don't you dare stop me."

Psi Chii creases her brow, "I wouldn't think of it. It is your life to risk."

"BIG HELP!" Buku blurts out before turning to face the doors. Beside the door Buku reaches out and caresses a stone block that turns from rock to electronic panel. Illusion concealing a locking mechanism that recognized his palm print. The tech was incredible. "USE TINY TIM!" Milo Greyson blurts over the com.

Moving his hand to the left of the locks another panel opens up to reveal a hand gun. Before Buku could obtain it Renee snatches it from its cradle. Buku raises his palms high, "Be careful with that. It's not a regular gun."

"Tranks for a Dragon?" Renee looks it over then motions him to lead her inside. He grits his teeth and points to Psi Chii to get ready. In reaction she unsheathes Soultaker and stands prepared to enter and risk her own life for Baby James.

"Not tranks but don't pull the trigger unless its necessary. PLEASE!" Buku whispers loudly.

With a deep breath a final lock is disengaged allowing them to enter the hangar lair of the dragon. Carefully they pursue the shadows as they hear giggling. Baby James talking to the great beast, "PUFF PUFF!" In reply the group hears a low rumbling snarl. Suddenly, a gasp exhales a cloud of smoke that makes them cough. Hearing the intruders the Dragon roars. Baby James laughing even louder.

"ENOUGH!" Renee barges past Buku who grabs her bicep. In retaliation she points the handgun at him. He bulges his eyes and removes his grip. He steps back whining. She then turns her attention to marching head on into the deeper chamber following her son's amusement. Finally rounding a rock she spies an unholy sight. A Dragon the size of a DC-10 lay down comfortably right in front of Baby James. It growls and eyes her with a seething fury yet maintains its relaxation.

"James? Crawl over here to Mommy."

"PEEK BOO!" The infant laughs then crawls right up to the Dragon and pats it's snout. The Beast almost purrs at his touch.

"You were afraid of this thing?" Renee winces at Buku hiding.

"His name is Cano. As in VolCano." Buku whispers, "Mean Dude."

"He doesn't look so mean. Not if James can play with him."

"No James no us. He leaves we're toast."

Renee sighs and calms her nerves. Beast or not she wanted her Baby back. Stuffing the gun in the back of her pants she eases forward with palms high. The Dragon waning in its temperamental glare. Almost as if it were sleepy. Slowly she moves closer until James uses the Dragon's head to help him stand up. Walking toward her with a teeter James reaches for her. Picking him up she hugs him tightly. While doing so the Dragon raises its head and nudges her to leave. Marveling at the creatures tenderness Renee smiles at it. A low rumble in its voice made her turn away.

"Bye Puff Puff." James waves then hugs his Mother. With a yawn James passed out. The Dragon lowering his head to join him for a nap. Once the group leaves the room Buku locks up and sighs toward Psi Chii. Reading his thoughts the Telepath agreed. Renee was one tough lady. Nobody even noticed she had kept the handgun.

In his lab Milo Greyson fell over his console relieved. It went better than he predicted. No funerals today. Obadiah stood behind him, "Something you don't see every day."

"Right. Maybe Renee Mother of Dragons. Just sayin'."

"Uh huh! You think I don't know a Game of Thrones reference? Get back to work on that diary. I'm gonna go get lunch."

"No eat my Oreos."

"Oatmeal Raisin kind of guy." Obadiah left him to his work.

1943 Germany

"What the heck? More kids?" James Ian had entered his next Host. Unprepared for another shocker he discovers in a mirror that he was a young Waiter frightened out of his wits . In his trembling hands a tray consisting of a pitcher of lemonade with multiple glasses of ice. Ushered along by a woman he heads outside onto a massive lawn. All around him were children. Balloons and a cake confirmed his theory, "Birthday party. For who though?" He notes many young women proudly talking in German. Even the woman barking orders at him spoke abruptly, "Must be your first day huh?"

"Ja! Why am I thinking in English?" The young man of 22 rattled and nearly lost his tray, "Vas is this?"

"Easy Fella. I'm only in your head. Where am I?"

"At Herr Himmler's daughter Gudrun's birthday. Why am I asking and answering myself?"

The Lad shook his head as if trying to escape the voice. Behind him the woman that prodded him outside stared with confusion. Sitting her own tray down she claims his before he dropped it.

"Are you not well Johann?" She asks with worry. James forced him to look up without speaking and shake his head affirmatively. Sweat upon his brow from nerves made James less convincing. Guiding him away from the children met them with scrutinizing eyes. Something was amiss. Guards stepped close to examine his expression. Feeling faint Johann took over his own body trapping James in the moment. Seeing Officers of the SS mingling about laughing and enjoying the festivities made James leery.

An Officer approaches the woman and offers assist as Johann grows weak in the limbs. Calling her Bella the Officer led them away toward the house as motioned to by another woman in a white dress and bonnet. The Nanny it appeared. Leading them inside Johann is laid down on a plush couch. A cold compress raced to his aid.

"Okay Johann. Fill me in. You said Himmler. As in Heinrich Himmler?"


"Head of the SS. Is Adolf Hitler here?"

"Nein. He is otherwise engaged." The group fondling over Johann was ordered to return to the party and leave Johann to rest. A Doctor was sent for. As he found himself alone James assumed control over Johann. He had witnessed a number of Officers heading up a stairwell. All looking as if they had something important to discuss.

"I hate to do this Buddy but I need to know what's going on." Standing he stumbles along toward the staircase. Johann pleading for him to stop. He knew something bad might happen if caught. At the base of the stairs he staggers just as a door opens beside him. Out stepped the shock of James life.

"You look white as a ghost Mein Friend."

James speaks in German through Johann's vocal cords, "I am ill but I shall survive. Young Gudrun will smile seeing you. She adores Clown's from what I understand."

"I hope so. I left my Tank post to do this especially for Herr Himmler himself. I am Franz. Feel better Mein Friend."


The Clown stepped away with a honk to a hand held horn. Laughing he headed outside leaving James to lead Johann against his will upstairs. Reaching the top he creeps toward voices. Hearing the men talk. Within he knew he heard the names of Scientists. Too numerous to recite. Then came the term Die Glocke. The mention of Time travel caught his attention. Attempting to listen better through telepathy James felt Johann react to what he was hearing. Things that brought fear into him. He did not want to know these things. Panic stricken Johann knocks over a vase shattering on the hallway floor. Hearing the crash the door immediately opened to Himmler himself. Behind Himmler stood a man that James found familiar. He seemed larger than he used to be. But, he definitely recalled the face.

"You! Lucas Dorsey." He calls out as Johann lost control. Eyes narrowing Himmler raises his pistol directly at Johann's face. Darkness. Poor Johann. The man James knew as Dorsey shrugs at Himmler. He was known in 1943 as Hans Geibler. Wealth and power in his grasp. Within his mind he ponders, "How did this man recognize him? Who was Lucas Dorsey?" A name not yet adopted. Hans would remember the name.

"Sorry Johann." James left the era and moved on. He learned this day that nothing was impossible. He had most likely changed history by getting Johann murdered. Nothing would ever go down perfect. Sad but true.

Stretching his legs Milo Greyson found his friend SeVen holed up in a larger lab. Tinkering away carefully to the best of his ability. Not really being much of a scientist the Pleidian had to research his needs and go from there. Designing a body suit out of life fiber with micro circuitry within it insulated him from the outside world. A hoodie of sorts covered his long white hair which was pinned back using an unbreakable thread.

"Could just cut mane off." Milo interrupts the tall Albino.

"I cannot. It is my rite of passage. Thank you for allowing me access to your technology Milo Greyson."

"Anytime Amigo. We be Buds." He steps closer shivering at the room temperature, "Brrrr! Ice Cream Man. Where Eddie Van Halen?"

"I must apologize for taking my life in your home."

"All harm done. You lucky man. Serena love you. No be stupid no more."

"How did her ring bring me back to life?"

"Not know yet. She not let me near it. I figure it out maybe once Dorsey book deciphered. We get there. Nice insulation suit. Reading schematics behind you. You do good work. Need a job?"

"You do know my people will come to punish me."

"Find us first. Good luck that."

"You always appear so certain. My race is equally as intelligent as yours. They will find a way."

"Maybe. Maybe not. We keep moving. Japan not only portal. Thousands on Earth. Like playing roulette."

As they banter Serena returns wearing a change of clothing. A peach colored sweater and white pants. A black headband holding her long blond hair back. She was gorgeous. SeVen tried not to smile. He failed.

"Look at you. All futuristic in your new pajamas." She grins brilliantly. Easing closer she reaches for his gloved hands, "Shall we test things out?" Hesitating SeVen trembles as she claims his hands. Nothing bad happened. Entwining their fingers she raises his hands when her blue gemstone began to glow upon her ring. Milo grew curious and studied the effect by moving to stand between them. Arms folded and shivering at the chill.

"What is happening?" SeVen glares at Milo as the Pleidian's body suit began glowing blue of itself. Serena marveling at the texture of the light.

"It's so beautiful. I don't know why but I feel different each time it glows." She reports. Suddenly her clothing begins to dematerialize. In seconds she stood nude before both of them. Milo had to cover his eyes. A good thing as SeVen's new outfit also gradually faded away. The room got increasingly colder forcing Milo to retreat.

"Get an Igloo." Milo looked back to see both of them naked. Eying Serena's skin color becoming white like SeVen's. Her own core temperature moderating to connect with his. From a health standpoint Serena Dorsey should have frozen. Not today. It was as if she evolved her body to become just like his. Remarkable. SeVen dropped his jaw. "Ohhh! Will you look at me." She giggled, "You better make love to this before anything changes." He could not understand the physics of her transformation but he did concur. With a glance toward Milo the Grey scurried out. Closing the door to the Igloo.

Further down the hall Obadiah stepped from Milo's own lab eating a cookie. Hearing Serena screaming at the top of her lungs in ecstasy the General puffs his cheeks. Seeing Milo he winces, "She okay?"

"One cold Bitch. In a good way. Come with Milo. Something to show Obie."

"Okay." Her cries of pleasure made him follow along looking over his shoulder. They could still hear her.

"God almighty." Obadiah thinks to himself. Everyone in Lost Horizon heard her. Even the Dragon. Luckily Milo had something in mind to keep their minds off of her orgasms. Leading the General to an elevator the two get inside and lower into the bowels of Lost Horizon. Obadiah grew irritated by Milo's humming. A tune he knew well having mentioned it earlier.

"Can't afford good elevator music?"

"You got me singing Beautiful Dreamer. You blame yourself."

"Right. Where are we going?"

"Time I show you our way to Pangaea."

"What? A time machine?"

"Can you say that."

"Don't you mean You can say that?"

"What I said. Stop correcting." Growling the travel took forever. So long that Obadiah himself began humming Beautiful Dreamer. Milo cocks his head to look up at the much taller human.

"Oh, shut up Greyson." The two grin as soon as their eyes move away from detecting their amusement. Reaching their destination Milo opens the door to a massive hangar. Within was darkness until Milo clapped his hands. Caught off guard Obadiah freezes in step, "Good Lord. What is this monstrosity?"

"It not sleek and pretty but it do the job. Allow me to introduce you to the Maltese Cuckoo."

"Maltese Falcon?"

"Nahh! Too close to Millennium Falcon. This Maltese Cuckoo."

"Because you're the Cuckoo that built it?"

"You riot Obie. True dat. It prepped and ready to go. Food. Weapons. Medicine. All we need to survive. Even MEMO GPS. It designed to function even under circumstances like gravity and electro magnetic disruption. It fly no matter what it encounter. Shields strong. Can fly this into Sun and still have Central Air."

"Amazing. So when do we leave?"

"Not so fast. Work to do on Diary first. Oh, by way Obie. I shut down your clone over lunch. Gone in thin air. You never leave latrine."

Taken back by the Grey's admission Obadiah sighs, "Thank you Milo."

"What friends for?"

"I could not agree more Lightbulb."

"Hey! That make you General Electric?"

The two shared a good laugh. Before all hell cut loose. Alarms began to blare all throughout the complex. Obadiah tenses up, "Another transmission from Ganthor?"

"Nope! That security alarm. Lost Horizon breached."

"I thought this place was so far off the grid you could barely find the Kitchen."

"Is! Hurry Obie." The Grey races to the elevator and the two zip up instantly. Far faster than the trip down.

"Ten minutes down. Thirty seconds up. You lunatic!"

"No time for scolding. Go get others. I save data. We breached the world knows my secrets."

"Who's breaking in?"

"Know not. Do job. Get others to elevator. We be safer in Cuckoo."

"On it."

The two separate as Milo activates security bots to stand guard over the entrance to Lost Horizon. Once in place he sits in his chair as the Diary data finishes up. Having left Obadiah's Microdrive in its port Milo realizes his mistake. Teeth gnashed he yanks it out and bites it in half. Chewing it before spitting out gnarled chunks, "Bad taste in mouth Judy. You betray Milo." He then gags recalling it had been in Obadiah's penis. A mad dash to rinse he spits up coughing, "Glad Obie not hear to see. Vomit later."

Snatching up the Book Milo removes the drive holding the deciphered code and hurries out. Making two more trips inside to gather a cache of notes from various projects. Storming out he hears a loud explosion. The devastation shook the entire structure. It made Milo cringe before continuing on.

Upstairs two floors Buku and Psi Chii run into Renee coddling Baby James who was crying.

"What's going on?"

Psi Chii stretches her telepathy out beyond the furthest reaches of Lost Horizon, "REGION has found us. Our hired help has gotten to safety." She pauses with her sword over her back repositioned for comfort, "Milo is telling me to lead you to the lower hangars. Follow me."

As another explosion jolts their pace Renee passes her Baby to Buku. Darting back into her room Renee arms herself with her Glocks and another prize possession. The pistol she kept from outside the Dragon's Lair. Prepped for battle she waltzes past Buku, "Get James to that Hangar. Psi and I'll run interference."

"Let's go Bambino." He charges toward the elevator. Reaching it he enters as Obadiah steps out barely squeezing by him. He too sprinted to his room and armed himself. Grabbing up his medals he took one look in the mirror and saluted his past. Tossing the medals aside he locates guns of his own. Going into the past his rank would mean nothing. Starting over he huffed out to join Psi Chii and Renee Ramse.

"No prisoners." Obadiah ordered. For now Rank was present.

Floors below Milo locates the Royal's in a Turkish bath. Getting dressed their pet Xander a German Shepard clone barked at the disruptive shockwaves of outer battle. The Robot guards were losing their fight.

"We go. Hurry."

"Where is our Granddaughter? Young James?" Mother Pryce calls out frantically tying her robe together. She had never before been seen nude by anyone. Ashamed beyond belief. Milo was not remotely concerned. Father Pryce covering his wife with his own body.

"She with SeVen. They join us in Hangar. Leave all behind. We find safety. Clothing there."

Tailing behind Milo as he roamed cautiously through his antiquity collection he snatches up items that he hands the Pryce Family. Reaching the jar with the eyeballs of the Oracle Helena, Milo recalls Obadiah's thoughts on them. Passing the jar to Mother Pryce freaks her out. It was as if the eyes were watching her.

At a stairwell leading down, a door detonates outward scaring the Royal's. Milo catches the dropped jar just before hitting the floor. Shrieking Mother Pryce noted the arrival of troops in riot gear. Weapons primed.

"Move another step and your immortality goes out the dimensional window." The Leader pointed his rifle at Milo.

"Why you here?" The Grey opts to chat for distraction.

"We all know why Aliens. You couldn't hide from REGION forever. Now let's just settle down and relax." He nods to his cohorts, "Shackle them. Find anyone else here and do the same. There's a Princess here somewhere. Find her. Alive." The group spreads out. Soldiers filing in by the dozens. As they do the German Shepard charges in to defend his Master's. A quick gunshot later Xander of this era was dead. The Pryce's lost their best friend. Shock made Mother Pryce pass out. Her husband dropping items to cradle her.