Fateful Accident


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It was an endless moment of perfection. It made my lips tingle and the passing of time was only measureable by that tingling spreading over my cheeks, my face, my neck and upper body and all over the rest of me, until it reached my toes, while never waning anywhere. I felt every pore on my skin react, every hair - even the roots of those I always kept cleanly shaven - rose. My body became hypersensitive and I felt her tremble underneath me. A need for more closeness built inside and somehow we embraced tightly, without me remembering to move.

I remember how it felt when our bodies touched more firmly, though. Not only my most sensitive spots, but all of my skin sent jolts of pure pleasure through my insides and made a pulsing heat concentrate in my center, right where my womb was sitting. This was so much more than I could have bargained for, because I hadn't known it was even possible to feel this way.

When both of us decided at the very same moment to part our lips and let our tongues meet, the intensity multiplied tenfold. We were so very much in tune that none of us incited it for the other to follow. And we were so very much drawn to each other that the delicious tug in my lap might have been a little climax, like I had none before. The feeling of my panties wetting sure had a lot to commend it. To my amazement, I felt the same little wave of wetness at my thigh, where it pressed against her pussy tightly, as if it had happened to both of us at once.

Most of my attention was higher up, though. The way we caressed each other's tongues was unlike every kiss I had experienced before. Even with the best guys, it had always been some sort of fight. A heated battle I certainly liked and enjoyed, but this... this was... completely different. There was no urgency in it, even though there was a certain... urgency in it, if that makes any sense.

We just... did it because of doing it. There was no goal to be reached, no victory to be achieved. The writhing and wriggling and rubbing of our tongues was all there was to it and all we wanted. If it slowed down, it was as delicious as speeding up again. The journey was the whole reward. Well... that and what it did with our bodies and minds and probably even our souls.

Had any man ever kissed me like that, he would have gotten everything from me. No resistance possible. I'd been so thoroughly his that he could have even fucked my ass. With a kisser like this, I would probably have enjoyed even that very much. Uhm... And I probably would, as I suddenly realized.

Our timeless kiss finally caused another reaction I couldn't miss. With our legs entwined and not a hair's width of room between both of our cunnies and our thighs, I was still completely unaware of the certain lack of cock on her body. It didn't matter and I didn't think about it. I only felt the little nub of her clit, just like she felt mine.

The longer we passionately kissed - to call it frenching just didn't suit it, even though it was so much more than mere kissing - the more pronounced that nub became, though. It swelled and I finally couldn't miss how it also lengthened and grew to extend between our bodies. It eventually occurred to me that... she was quite literally getting a boner. Her slightly quickening breathing was perfectly in sync with the growing hardness and the throbbing of it was exactly in tune with the rapid pulse of her heart at my chest.

In the end, this broke our kiss, but there was no reason to complain about it. On my part, I actually giggled and became the one to really end our most intimate moment so far.

I didn't part much from her. Just enough to open my eyes and look at her, while our lips were still close enough to almost touch and I could feel her hot breath. She also opened her eyes and the clarity of them stunned me for a moment. Had I ever seen a gaze so free of any doubts and worries? A gaze so full of... love and devotion? It couldn't last, of course. Back in reality, the first thing I noticed clouding the depths was a certain embarrassment. It corresponded perfectly to the light flush from our heated kissing deepening into a blush.

There was no doubt about the reason for my giggling and the smile on my lips, of course. Not with my hips gyrating ever so lightly and massaging her delicious hardness between our bodies. Her embarrassment deepened first, but then she caught me biting my lip and I guess my eyes gave away my excitement about her stiffy quite clearly. I loved how her eyes widened after a moment.

"You really like it, don't you?" she asked quietly.

"I love it," I freely admitted.

"Wait, do you lo... uh... like me or just my dick?" she meekly griped, but a shadow of a real doubt showed in her gaze.

"I love both of you," I assured her, decidedly not avoiding the l-word.

The impact that had on her was quite pronounced. Her eyes fluttered and she took a deep breath, while a strong tremor shook her body. When she looked at me again, there was even a hint of tears. It made me feel the need to explain it to her, but first, I kissed her softly to reassure her even further. I loved the protesting whimper when it ended after only a second.

"You know me," I said. "When it comes to dicks, I'm a slut. I've dated quite a few guys for the nice packing they seemed to have. And I always regretted it."

Not knowing exactly where I was going with that, she nodded.

"You also know that I love you dearly. We are... were best, best friends and had no secrets before last week," I went on.

She winced guiltily upon the reminder, but then she swallowed hard and her eyes went wide. Opening her mouth and breathing in hard, she was about to say something about me using the past tense regarding our friendship. I stopped her with a finger on her lips and a firm kiss squarely onto that.

"Shh," I made. "Keep listening."

Swallowing a few more times and even fighting with some tears, she nodded.

"We cannot be just friends anymore, Misha," I explained. "With that dick of yours, I want more. We might be fuck-buddies, but we both know what we think about that. In the end, somebody falls in love and it either becomes more or is over and takes the friendship down the gullet with it."

She lightly nodded again and a tear parted from the corner of her left eye. I couldn't resist and craned my neck, to kiss it away.

"It wouldn't work out anyway," I added. "I'm already in head over heels. It might have started with me spotting an amazing cock, but it's attached to you and I have to face the fact that I can't swoon over your dick without swooning over you."

I knew I got her full attention with this. It was painfully obvious how her hopes were rising and I would have felt bad if I had anything in stock that would crush them again. Fortunately, I hadn't...

"I don't know if you can believe me that this isn't just about your tool, Misha," I said very seriously. "I try to come to terms with it myself and understand it, but I've never been more certain that I'm in love with somebody. Really in love. Not swooning or drooling, not having a crush. I... I'm sorry that you had to grow a cock for me to realize that I feel this way. I'm sorry if you don't like it. It's true, though. You know it is. This kiss... If I had any doubts before, they would have been crushed by that. I've never..."

I didn't get any farther. I had started with much confidence, but in the end, my words had gotten weaker and weaker. I was sure regarding myself and I had been sure regarding her, but speaking it out loud... How could I really know what she was thinking? How could I even know if the kissing had been as incredible for her as it had been for me? She might have still been out of balance and just playing along out of confusion.

Well, I got my answer right then and there. Misha grabbed me tightly and kissed my passionately. Her tongue pushed away my weak finger and this time it was a conquest. She went all out and assaulted me, because she had to make sure that my doubts didn't settle down and get comfy. She was so devastatingly successful that it blew my mind.

I hadn't seen her like this ever before. I knew that she could be quite passionate, but she rarely showed that. Especially not when feelings like love were involved. My adorable friend was a prime example that still waters ran deep and I had only heard about that certain volcano inside of her erupting - apart of a few furious arguments we had, of course.

Between the two of us, I had always been the leading type and she had followed or spoiled any fun - or thwarted any particularly stupid plans - by passively resisting and forcing me to slow down. This was just how our friendship was and it was okay for friends. We didn't need to share the very depths of our passions. Before this evening she also hadn't witnessed how unrestrained I could become, once I was really hot and bothered.

All of this was past tense, though. We had officially stopped being just friends and her kiss was her way to show me that she was also in love with me. In addition, it became an introduction to her depths now.

Misha rolled us around, even before we were really kissing. She took me by surprise and I couldn't even think about resistance. One moment I was on top, the next I was underneath her. Somehow, this also made our legs untangle and she ended up between my thighs with her hard dick pressing firmly against my still panty-covered pussy. I automatically wrapped my legs around hers and opened myself wide, while still making sure she wouldn't go anywhere.

It wasn't nearly all, though. Her hands took my upper arms and with one long, wonderfully tender, but also amazingly firm and determined caress, she had them stretch out beyond my head. She took full control of me, just like I... loved it sometimes. I had to trust a guy to let him take control so thoroughly, but trust wasn't the least of an issue between us. Also, I had my doubts if I could have resisted. She completely caught me off guard anyway.

I was far from complaining about it. Ending up overwhelmed and opened up like this was certainly exhilarating. She didn't hold me roughly, but she had my wrists and that brought her so very, very close. Our boobs were nicely mashed together and her lips pressed tightly onto mine.

As for the kiss itself... One word: W-o-w! Misha invaded my mouth, It was almost oral rape, but if so, I was the most eager participant in such a thing imaginable. Just like our first kiss had been the most intimate experience of my life, this second one became the most thorough ravishment in the realm of possibility. I was totally at her mercy and... I fucking loved it!

Her tongue was inside my mouth and fought a winning battle. What that did to my already lust-crazed body was a real eye-opened. In the beginning I was turned on, after a minute I was trembling and whimpering in need and after... uhm... whenever she decided to break this breathtaking kiss, I didn't know my name anymore.

Had she demanded anything then, I would have given it without thinking. Not only my asshole, mind you. I'd given my soul away for free. I'd probably sacrificed my arm on a mere hint. Naturally, I was panting and moaning and writhing underneath her as well. She really made me her bitch right then and there.

"This thing..." she panted, showing that it didn't leave her cold to girl-handle me like that. "It still scares the shit out of me, Trixie..."

"Is it... d-dangerous for you?" I whimpered, trying to concentrate real hard and not just ask her to fuck me silly.

"I... I don't think so, no. It's obviously working perfectly. Probably still using the programming I fed to it," she mused. "The guy the readings are from must have been pretty active, sexually..."

"Quite the stud," I agreed. "Remind me to thank him with all my heart."

"You really like this, don't you?" she inquired, but it wasn't exactly in a worried tone.

In fact, it was pretty playful, as reinforced by the way she gyrated her hips and made her hard-on rub over my pleasure button a few times. I could only arch my back and moan with all my heart. A few more times and I would sure cum hard, but she... stopped.

"F-fucking tease!" I whined.

"God, Trix," she gasped. "Don't say thing like that. It makes me feel... urges!"

This time, she sounded quite a bit shocked and I used what little strength of will I had left and relaxed my craning neck to look at her. Her eyes were wide again and she was at least a bit concerned, but there was also a hint of barely controlled, burning desire in her eyes.

"Urges like...?" I asked.

"Urges like biting your throat or pulling your hair," she admitted, blushing crimson again. "I... I do things like that sometimes, if I'm with a guy who likes to... play rough and I really trust him..."

"You're with a girl who likes that," I breathed. "Does that count?"

"Trix!" she gasped in disbelief.

Now, she wasn't completely mistaken. Usually, I was the one scratching and biting and not the one on the receiving end. I hadn't been with a girl before, though. To imagine Misha doing it felt quite right. I would probably return the favor very soon. What mattered most was that I wanted her to let go, though. In a relationship between the two of us, she would be the dominant one, as curious as that sounded. I wasn't dominant, I was a bitch. I demanded and teased and went crazy all over the place, always looking for a guy who dared to try to get me under control.

I sure wasn't submissive. A guy who was into that kind of stuff and calling himself a dom, had whined about me doing something he called topping from the bottom. In my opinion, he had been about as dominant as a newborn kitten. At first glance, his attitude had a certain appeal, but in fact, he had expected me to just obey his stupid orders and enjoy serving him and catering to his whims. Stupid brat...

No, I liked men who were willing to make a stand and let me go wild, but knew how to grab my neck and force me down. Even though I rarely found somebody like that, I loved how I could let go of everything with the right one and stop thinking straight.

"You got the cock, love," I breathed seductively. "You also know me perfectly. How far do you think I would go with somebody who turns me on like crazy?"

"Alarmingly far?" she suggested.

"Critically far," I confirmed.

"Oh baby..." she sighed, making me shudder in delight. "You're not exactly making it easier to control myself."

"Then... don't," I offered. "Let that other head do the thinking and we'll see how it goes."

I certainly expected her to have a few buts and ifs to put up against this. I even had the perfect argument to stop her from worrying. I would just promise to tell her when things went wrong. Misha wasn't some random guy I had met last night, though. She wasn't even one whom I knew for a while and who was aware of my hard-limits. She was my very best friend and I had told her all the dirty little secrets of mine - mostly the day after I accumulated them.

My best-friend-turned-lover understood. And she accepted. She showed me by lowering her head and tilting it to the side, to kiss the sensitive skin under my ear. Well, actually, she did that to make me offer her my throat and then she showed me by kissing me roughly onto the no less sensitive skin there and biting me, just like she had said.

I shouldn't have been surprised, although the surprise was de-lish-ious! I moaned freely and enjoyed the rush of adrenaline the bit of pain caused. Stuff like this certainly spurred me on and heightened my awareness as well as it increased my arousal.

She went deeper from there, alternating nibbling and biting with wet kissing, licking and soft caresses of her lips. Had I needed any more foreplay, I would have rejoiced. She did it absolutely perfect, just like I liked it. As it was, it made me writhe even more and whimper pleadingly.

She had to let go of my wrists to get lower. Her hands trailing over the insides of my arms were driving me nuts, but I also loved it. My newfound freedom was immediately put to use by digging my fingers into her hair and lightly scratch over the skin of her back. She had to get to know that I had claws and would use them. From the shiver running over her body, she liked that pretty much.

In return, I fucking loved what her fingers did to the sides of my boobs. I was pretty sensitive at my mounds in general and my nipples... uh, boy. I'd probably scream once she got there. For starters, she just used her fingertips and nails at the sides and it was bad enough. I already arched my back and pushed by bust out, while I panted and whined in need.

"Why are you still clothed?" she muttered then.

"Fucking rip it off!" I hissed, getting surprised by my own aggressiveness.

She paused a split second and I was about to apologize. I wasn't even sure what had come over me, but it might have had something to do with her teasing me so wonderfully terrible and rubbing her dick at my panty-clad pussy lips now, after getting a bit deeper down. I wouldn't - by the love of god - have expected her to do what I suggested!

It was a grand feeling. The fabric was easy enough to tear apart and I didn't care for the loss. It wasn't anything special, just a nicely tight top. The sound of the tearing and the feeling of her fingers brushing over my sensitive skin and my aching nipples was easily making good for the few bucks I lost. Nobody had ever done this to me, but I had dreamed about it sometimes. With Misha, it was twice as good as in my fantasies.

Wide-eyed and panting, I presented her my now bare tits and she grabbed them and dug her nails into the sides. It was exactly as rough as I liked it. Lighter touching was even harder to stand in my state of extreme arousal, this was giving me the right feel of being desired and taken.

"God, I always loved your tits," she gasped and leaned down.

I twitched in surprise from the words and then I lost the thought and screamed, because she sucked one of my poor nipples into her mouth and grazed it with her teeth. That she grabbed the other one tightly with her fingers didn't really matter anymore. I could get pushed over the edge only once...

Yeah, I came. Quite hard, to be honest. All the teasing had gotten me close and the sudden pleasurable pain of her assault on my nipples got me off. Yelping, I arched my back fully and pulled her head into my boob. I lost contact to her amazing cock, but that was a necessary evil.

Misha embraced me tightly with one arm and held me up, while she reduced the sucking to a very tender nibbling on my nub. The pleasure coursing through my body made my head swim and the support of her arm made me feel like flying once again. I wasn't sure if I had ever felt my girl-cum gush out like it did this time. It was almost as if I peed my panties, but obviously hotter and probably not quite as wet.

Coming back to my senses, my desperation was finally peaking. I couldn't stand this anymore. Pride or not, fun or not, I had to make a point.

"Could you please, please fuck me?" I whimpered. "I'm gonna die if I don't get your hard cock... Right. Now!"

"My..." she sighed, letting go of my nipple. "I haven't even undressed..."

"Misha!" I whined.

"Alright-alright," she chuckled - and I admittedly loved her coolness, even if it made me want to bite and claw her. "Rip it off, I get it..."

Now, it wasn't exactly what I would have suggested. My panties had been way more expensive than my top. When I felt her fingers at my crotch, I was a million miles away from complaining, though. As I said, I liked this kind of game quite much. If she really tore it or just pulled it down eluded me, though. The firm touch on my pussy was all I could focus on. God, had I ever needed to get fucked so badly?