Flapper Dick Ch. 09


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Bull screeches and slides to a stop in front of the house. He comes out and points his pistol at me, though is looking all around. So I think he knows this is a gang house and is looking for more shooters or something.

"Far as I know we got all of them here. Got a skirt chained to a bed upstairs and not looked through the house fully. Need you to call in to your station." Bull puts his pistol high and comes around the jalopy toward me, still looking around all over.

"How many were here?" I have to think about that.

"I shot five I think and then Fred shot at least one, more likely two." Bull sighs then and shakes his head.

"They have at least twenty, we have gotten them at the train stop near here twice and there are more over there today."

"If you knew their gang house was here why not raid it?" Bull sighs then and goes inside with me.

"We know it is here but we can't prove they are doing illegal things without a witness. At this point it doesn't matter anymore, shoot out means we are coming in anyway. Watch the backyard they tend to come in here from there we think."

Sigh and open the back door to watch the gate with pistol out. Also realize I shot a bunch so switch clips. The bull is on the phone for a while then hangs up and bids me to stay here and he will watch out front. Also is checking on the fellas inside the house still. I had paid attention to those and all have open eyes and not moving so are dancing with the angels now.

Fred comes down and takes over watching the gate. Mostly I know this because he pulls me away from the counter and takes my spot.

"Skirt upstairs isn't doing so good with me there so was not a nice turn for her being here." I snort because she is chained, means they grabbed her up and forced to be here, though odd on paying the prostitute across the street.

"Makes me wonder why they were paying the skirt across the street." Fred actually looks at me then.

"She hasn't been here that long and not many have gone up for a turn with her, she thinks they are trying to sell her."

"That is not good, most likely have more in the basement then."

"Perhaps, and do check around, there has to be a key for the one upstairs."

Sigh and nod, then go ask the bull. I mean this is a police matter now so I better make sure I can search for a key. He makes a face when I tell him about the skirt upstairs and perhaps more in the basement. He tells me to find a key, but would prefer I don't search in the basement, there perhaps are fellas down there.

I don't think so on that, they would have heard the shooting and come up. Still I go back in and to the kitchen where I check in the drawers and the icebox. Also tell Fred about there perhaps are fellas in the basement. He doesn't think so either but tells me to leave it be for now, and if I do look to call out and ask after fellas down there and not just go down the stairs.

Roll my eyes but do go search in the bathroom, not a whole lot in here besides some combs. Means the skirt hasn't been allowed to brush her hair or anything, unless there is a bathroom upstairs they have her use. Into the bedroom with me and this takes a while, there is a closet, cabinet, dresser, and nightstand.

Go through each drawer until finally I find a set of keys in the nightstand. Last place I look which is I suppose the reason I found them there. Vowing to look in the nightstand first if there is a next time I exit the bedroom and almost get shot by a detective.

"Blast it all I almost shot you." I'm still looking at his revolver then look up at him and stick my tongue out.

"You weren't saying anything either. Don't be blaming me for not knowing you are there. I found the key for the skirt upstairs, but since you are here we better check basement first." Detective makes a face and nods.

"You go down first, no pistol in your hand I will peek around the stairs."

So not liking this idea, but then I am a skirt and fellas don't seem to want to shoot at me. So over to the basement door and open that with a big breath, then I am walking down the stairs. My coat is open so I can grab at my pistol fast if I need. At the bottom of the stairs I turn to go into the basement proper to find two more skirts.

Groan but head for them with the keys in hand. Then notice they are cringing and some whimpers, as in they think I bought them or something.

"Court appointed dick and there is a detective on the stairs. Honest you are not sold and not going to have to do anything, besides perhaps go to hospital and I think tell the bulls what happened."

Two sighs and then tears as I am trying to unlock their chains. Also become aware of a smell, like a backed up septic tank. Look around and find a bucket, that perhaps is close enough to them they can use as a toilet. So not a nice thing, also glad both are wearing a dress so all we have to do is find coats and gloves for them.

Probably can in the closet of the bedroom on the ground floor. I didn't look in that, mostly because I would find drugs in there and not likely to have keys. Finally manage to find the keys for both locks so take both with me up the stairs with the detective. These two are put in the sitting room, mostly because the front door is shut.

Bull is in the yard to keep folk off the fellas we shot down out there. Upstairs with me to find the skirt there and do after a short search. Mostly it is short because the door is open and it is the only open door. Into that room with me to find a skirt, not wearing a thing and not looking happy, though she does smile at me.

Over to her to get the chain unlocked and that takes a little while, there are more keys on this ring than there are locks in use. Means they have other locks for more skirts, makes me curse shooting them all down. Also hand my coat to the skirt and back downstairs with us both. Into the bedroom to look around and find her a dress that is hanging in the closet, and a lot of coats.

Go into the sitting room with the other two skirts and the detective. I am putting my coat on still at the time, and the upstairs skirt is handing out coats.

"Seems we got lucky with these two, they were told they are sold and only waiting to get picked up." Big frown from me.

"Wish we hadn't offed all of these now." Detective snorts and shakes his head.

"Desk over there and they have records. Not found anything to sell so far, must have it upstairs." All three skirts are nodding, and does remind on they have fellas at the train stop.

"More of these fellas over at the train stop." Detective grins and shakes his head.

"Patrol called in and reported on them being over at the stop along with having a shoot out here. If you would stay here I will make a search and see if we can find drugs." I am nodding and point at the radio.

"Check the radio, last gang house I ended up in they filled the radio up with ready to sell drugs. Rest was in the closet inside suitcases."

"Oh heck you were the dick that found the heroin in the furnace. Honest news of that was sent around so we all know to check in those and so forth."

"Yeah, it was in the dick magazine, we read that mostly because they are thrilling tales, and there are good tips."

"I don't read that one, perhaps I should. I mostly figured on I wouldn't like since I am a detective."

"We have four magazines that we read for the thrilling tales. Dick was mostly we are licensed dicks now so we better be reading up on how to do it. I enjoy the stories and not because it is things we do, even though we don't that often." Detective is nodding and heads for the radio.

"I am curious on one thing, it is said you are a tailor too."

"I am, though it is not precisely a fun thing to do so I mostly just when a fella comes by for a pistol jacket. Honest what the fellas call it. Besides that I only do it when I have a new design for the store, I'm the one who does most of the designs for it. Just came up with a brassiere you can wear in glad rags." Dick actually looks over at me then and smiles as he pulls out a pocket knife.

"Interesting, will mention that to the fellas, about half of us have a skirt and the rest enjoy flappers."

"What about us?" One of the skirts asks so I am looking at the detective who has come over the radio.

"We will take you to the station to get statements and then if you are not feeling sick or hurt take you home." Two are nodding, one is frowning.

"I had an apartment and worked in a grocery. I'm not sure I have either anymore." Detective looks at me so shrug and he sighs.

"In that case we will assist on figuring that out." Put up my hand since there is one other thing.

"You also will have perhaps half the detectives and any bull you see wondering if you would move in with him, mostly for nookie but cooking would be welcome." Detective rolls his eyes and nods getting the skirts to giggle.

"What she said, though honest if you lost your apartment and work we will work on getting you new work. Nookie would be if you are willing and I am sure a number of those with manacles would be willing to give you a room until you manage an apartment." One thing occurs to me so I better mention this.

"You perhaps could employ them at your station. Answering phones and then being a secretary so it's not all the old fellas who are desk sergeants." Detective is staring at me now.

"What made you think of that?"

"Mostly it was a skirt across the street, she was a secretary but her boss died and couldn't find a new so was prostituting. I asked her and then called up Capone to see if he needs a skirt, I figured in a bordello since it's not really that hard if low on enjoyment. Capone I am fairly certain decided she will be a secretary for him, or the outfit I didn't ask." Detective snorts and shakes his head.

"I see the thinking, if he is willing to hire on a secretary why not the police."

"Also have skirts willing, before the raid that I found the heroin in the furnace we talked to the sister of the offed fella. She seemed interested in being a bull, but you don't allow that, more skirts are interested in it so putting them as secretaries in the station would be better than trying to be a court appointed dick."

"Also perhaps has other skirts stop being a prostitute in front of their apartment buildings." One of the skirts says so I am nodding and he grins.

"That is a darn good idea. Will bring it up with the captain when I get back in to station. There is one question, would a skirt know how?" I am nodding since it's easy.

"Being a secretary is mostly knowing how to answer a phone, most kids can do that by the time they are walking. The only part that perhaps is questionable is knowing how your filing system works, but a couple days of being told it and they will be fine." Detective nods and goes behind the radio again.

"We still have fellas to do the filing and such anyway so they would be taught as we go, and there are drugs in here. Have you checked the closet?"

"No, I wanted to find the keys to get the one skirt I knew about unlocked. All I found was clothes and empty drawers. Also can you call in a patrol to pick these three up?" Detective stops in the hallway and looks at them then me.

"I can call in and ask, probably should have more patrol here anyway, no idea if we have all of the gang or not."

I am unsure on that one myself, also get left there with the skirts. So I am telling them what they can find at the store. Mostly they are liking that there is a suit they can wear to work if they have a job. Also like the brassiere they can wear under glad rags since they are more proper looking. I figured on that being the best part.

Course more pronounced proper bubs is the real benefit. I'd even show them the brassiere if I was wearing it. I didn't even think about that, my suit has always been good enough without. I didn't even need to make up a new brassiere to wear one with my suit. Eventually the detective returns and he is grinning.

Shares with me on what all he found so all of the fellas they have pinched from this gang are going to prison for selling heroin. I think that is a good idea, then mention the skirts so he is grinning, all of them are looking at really long sentences. Mentions the desk again so I look at that then go on over and sit to go through it.

Detectives comes over and watches as I go through the drawers to pull out things. We find a register which is a wonderful thing. It lists names and amounts, no addresses sadly though the names are good to have. Detective is helping me look through things now and we find a listing of addresses, no name to those but there are numbers, so look at the register again to find matching numbers.

"This is very nice, we can shut down a number of bordellos with this register along with putting at least some of the fellas involved on that end away."

"I thought bordellos had a skirt in charge." Detective sighs and shakes his head.

"Depends on the bordello. Especially here in Chicago if the skirts that are being sold for nookie are not willing there are fellas there to keep them there."

"That is horrible." Detective is nodding then there is knocking on the door so we have turned to look as it opens.

In comes two patrol and they are here to pick up skirts. So they are getting to go, and the detective is going over to talk to those two. Points at me a time or two so I think he is relating my idea on hiring skirts at the station. Then Fred has joined us in the sitting room so the detective sits us down on the sofa.

"Since I got a secured scene finally I can question you two. What brought you here and in a shootout?"

"We came to ask after witnesses on the murder that happened in the parking lot there. When we got to asking the gang the fella on the porch mentioned as how he would claim to witness anything we want, the fella got offed was in the gang." Detective puts his hand up.

"There was a shot fired but the fella pinched didn't have and never said." I am nodding now.

"Apparently after the bull pinched the fella you got for it he went to use the phone so the gang walked over and pilfered the pistol." Fred is nodding.

"Little surprised they didn't off the pinched fella in the process. They were talking about how this is their turf and they can do what they want."

"Who shot first?" Fred is shrugging but I just put my hand up.

"I shot first, a fella came out the door with a shotgun and was bringing it up to shoot at Fred. Dunce was saying how this isn't their turf since they don't own Chicago." Fred pokes me so swat at him.

"Memory serves the law doesn't quite take that into account on shooting fellas but screw it, court appointed dick so the court wouldn't prosecute since they did shoot at you."

"I was thinking we would simply take the skirt to Capone and call in for a raid on this gang. Suppose this works better." Detective is nodding and grins.

"Yeah, we have gotten calls but the folk around haven't been seeing them selling. Suppose the prostitute has but then again it doesn't matter now." I am nodding.

"Seems a little odd that you have to get a warrant and show that there is illegal happening before the warrant." Detective is nodding and shrugs.

"Way it is set up for the state, though I am sure there will be changes made. I'm not sure if we want to have easier warrants, though do need them." I'm confused for a moment, then understanding falls.

"I see, if the warrants are gotten when you ask for one then folk would be upset since you simply go anywhere you want." Detective and Fred are nodding.

"Exactly, we do need to get easier warrants but I don't think it would be good to get them. Perhaps put leeway so if we have calls on a gang house we can get a warrant and hope there are illegal drugs."

"Course if the raid rolls up and they are shot at then you got the right place. If they are not shot at then the neighbors can see the bulls are trying." Detective is nodding then shakes his head.

"Except if it is a gang and we don't find anything covered in the easier warrant then we have to leave them there." Fred is nodding.

"Means the folk lose confidence in the bulls and don't bother to call." Sigh and shake my head.

"Honestly I think the courts are too confusing." Detective is nodding.

"I agree and it is tough to work within the laws. But then the laws are there because that is what the voting public thinks we should have."

"Sort of rude to ask but can we get out of here? I have to work tonight, she hasn't eaten yet, and we do have the skirt to drive to Capone." Detective groans and looks at his watch then nods.

"Yeah go on get out of here. Nothing says different than you two said and the house is secured. All I am doing is waiting on the coroner."

"Do go through all of that, if possible get the reporters to hold off on the article so you can do raids on all of them." Detective is nodding and grins.

Leaving the house we find reporters so share what we found here and then ask them to hold off on printing. Fred does that part since I am being asked all sorts of things. No idea why I am being asked all of the questions since Fred was there for everything. Then we split up, Fred is getting his jalopy and I am going to get our new friend, she is waiting in the entry hall.

Two travel bags and then the building manager. When I go in they are talking about her furniture. I mention that she perhaps will have a place for it, gets the manager to groan. He explains it is easier to rent out a furnished. Which I hadn't thought about so promise she won't need her furniture, gets him to grin.

Outside with us and find Fred waiting in the jalopy so load her things in then us. Get underway fast which I don't get then remember Fred has to go to work today. I also haven't eaten anything yet and I am hungry.

"Fred do we got time to stop at the hotel and eat there?" Fred glances at me then shakes his head.

"No, I am going to drop you at home then take her to the hotel and hope Simon doesn't mind I am a little late since I stopped to eat at the diner right there."

"What about our investigation?" Fred sighs and glances at me.

"Tomorrow we or you can go over to the courthouse and catch a prosecutor between trials to ask about it. I mean we know the offed fella was a gang member and trying to get dough out of the fella done the offing."

"So see what the prosecutor says?" Fred is nodding.

"With the gang right there I doubt anyone saw it happen, mostly because she was busy at the time."

"Sort of surprising that they didn't grab her to sell." Skirt squeaks so I look at her.

"They had grabbed skirts to sell?" I am nodding.

"There was three in the house, two in the basement and one upstairs. That one I think one of the fellas figured on should be his wife. The two in the basement had been sold and were waiting to get picked up according to them."

"Will I have to worry about that happening now?" Shake my head and wink.

"Capone strikes me as being rather nice so if you have a beef and talk to him on he will fix it. One of his fellas is clingy, tell Capone." Fred snorts since I had shared the tale of the clingy fella with him.

"Clingy and don't like tell Capone, we already know they simply off clingy fellas." True though there is one thing.

"The clingy fella was offed on account of offed another fella the skirt he was clinging to liked and wanted to try and move to marriage."

"So what if a fella is just going on about how I'm his wife?"

"If you don't like tell Capone, if you do like get manacles." Fred is nodding.

"There is one thing, generally the clingy fellas are alright, but sometimes they are clingy and loving until manacles then you can't do anything right and get smacked." We are both staring at Fred now.

"Is he like that?" Shake my head and wink at her.
