From Rags To Bitches


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When it eventually subsided, Tamer was sitting at my side, playing with my nipples. As I began to realise what I'd just let him do to me, I was overcome with embarrassment. I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you."

I didn't answer him; I just tried to turn my face away, but he gently pulled my face back towards his with his hand on my cheek.

"Don't look away little girl. You did real good. And there is no point in telling me you didn't like it. I'm going up top now, once you've got yourself cleaned up, you'll find the galley at the back of the boat. See what food you can find, and when it's ready, just come up on deck, and give me a wave. I'll help you carry it up to us. And don't worry when the boat starts to shudder, it'll just be the engine starting-up. And put a smile on that face, it isn't like you've committed a crime."

With that he was gone, and I sat up and started crying. I don't know why, because he was right, I had enjoyed it, and it wasn't a crime. But god did I feel guilty and dirty. I began to wonder if Lewis would be able to tell someone else had been playing with my pussy.

Suddenly there was a rumble and then a loud drone began to radiate from every panel. You could not only hear the almost deafening noise, you could feel it as the whole boat began to shake. This sudden noise brought me to my senses, and I thought I'd better snap out of the silly mood I was in. I began to clean myself down, and ten minutes later I was changed into clean clothes, and looking for the galley, which I was sure, was the term they used for kitchen.

I'd been in the kitchen about ten minutes, and I'd found all the raw ingredients I needed to make a meal. I was busy looking in cupboards, to find where they kept the pans. I'd looked in all the upper ones, and only found food.

Then as I was bent over reaching into the back of one of the cupboards at floor level I felt hands on my hips. They gripped me lightly on the outside of my skirt, and before I could attempt to back out of the cupboard, I felt someone pushing up against my bottom. Even though I couldn't see behind me, there was no mistaking that it was a man with a hard dick, pressing his upright member into the valley of my bottom. I guessed he still had his trousers on, and I still had my skirt and knickers, but the feeling this generated was not my normal revulsion.

Yes it took me by surprise, but normally, even if Lewis had done this, in these surroundings, I'd have been annoyed with him. How I knew this wasn't Lewis, I'm not sure, maybe he was taller and that meant his dick was higher than Lewis's would have been. Or was it the size of the dick, because this really felt like a monster.

But whatever it was, I kind-of knew it was either Tamer or Mahadra. And as such, a stranger doing this to me, should have filled me with rage and or fright, but it didn't. My first thought was, I hope the other one (Tamer or Mahadra) is keeping Lewis busy, and that he doesn't catch us.

So did this mean I was going to let whomever this was, just take me without a struggle or protest? Well I guess fate or circumstance took that decision out of my hands. For the next thing to happen was he stepped to one side of me, keeping one hand in the middle of my lower back and whenever I tried to back myself out he applied just enough pressure, to let me know that wasn't going to happen.

This now left him one hand free, which he immediately used to set about unbuckling my belt, he pulled it out of the loops of my skirt, and threw it across the floor. Then I felt my waist band slacken off, and I felt him tugging the zipper down. This wasn't a man in a hurry; it was like he had all the time in the world. Once the zipper was fully down, my skirt slipped down my legs only needing the slightest of encouragement. The hand took hold of one calf, and ushered my leg to lift, as he stepped it out of the skirt. He repeated the same with the other leg, and even though I knew what he was about to do, the strength in the hand that lifted my leg, told me it was futile to fight him.

So now I'm bent right over, bottom sticking out of a cupboard, with only a very skimpy pair of panties on. But after only a brief feel of my bottom, I then feel him tug first one, then the other side of my knickers over my hips and bottom. And then two seconds later, I'm stepping out of them as well, so now it's a naked bottom.

His hand touches my inner thigh, and he exerts slight pressure, as if to indicate he wants my legs wider. But just to make sure I get the message, his foot taps my foot on the inside, to tell it to move. I'm now resigned to the fact that he is far too strong to resist. And the noise of the engine would make any kind of shouting or screaming totally pointless. So as he taps the other foot, I move it wider, leaving me now with my legs spread at least a couple of feet apart.

The hand that had been pressing down on my back, slipped into the back of my blouse, and up my back, until it reached the clasp of my bra. This he tugged until it gave way, and I felt my tits expand as the bra fell loose in my blouse. The hand then moved around to the front, and began to cup my tits, going from one to the other, and squeezing each nipple. This sent ripples of energy flowing through my body, and they culminated in a trembling down in my pussy. But no sooner had the trembling began, than fingers from his other hand started to work my clit. I still at this time didn't know it was called a clitoris, but Tamer had at least educated me enough to know what to expect when it is worked by an expert.

And whether this was Tamer or Mahadra, didn't appear to matter, this was definitely an expert.

I had sensations coming from both ends of my body, and they were shooting around and bouncing in all directions. It was as if my body was a pinball table, and the lights, bells and buzzers were going off in every corner of my being. He worked my crotch and tits for a good five or more minutes, and although I shouldn't say it, I do mean GOOD.

By this stage, it was now getting too much for me, and my legs began to buckle. It was at that point, the hands left my body, and I guess that was the time, with no restraining hands, I should have tried to escape. But it was all I could do to hold onto the shelf in the cupboard, to prevent myself from sinking to my knees. Now although I didn't know it at the time, I guess while I was struggling with my emotions, he was busy dropping his pants.

But before I came to my senses, I felt his hands re-taking hold of my hips, and as they gripped tightly, I felt his bell-end probing into my slit. It slipped up and then down, as if doing a quick scout to find my entrance. And then as it lined up with my pussy, I'm sure my pussy actually opened as if to show him the way. He was still not in a rush, he just pushed gently, and this monster dick began to enter. Oh my God! Did I say monster! The bloody bell-end began to stretch my entrance, and for a second I thought it was going to rip my pussy walls. It had only entered an inch or so, but god it was so fat, it was as if my crotch was being torn apart.

I didn't mean to, but I let out an involuntary shriek. He eased it out just a little, and then pushed again. He wasn't forcing hard, but it entered slightly deeper, stopping just at the point where I was again about to scream. He didn't pull out, but just relaxed for a second, and then pushed again. And again, it entered just a little more, stretching more pussy. Over the next minute, he kept up this slow push, and then relax method. And although every push would make me bite my lips to fight the screams away, it was when he decided to pull almost out, that I realised just how much he'd managed to get into me. As he kept pulling slowly out, he was drawing my pussy walls with him. And then on his next push, it just kept on going deeper and deeper. Well I said this man was an expert, and as he'd already brought me to the point of orgasm before he'd entered me, as I felt this stretching deep inside my tummy, my orgasm just exploded.

My legs folded, and all I was conscious of was waves of pleasure as my pussy rhythmically convulsed. By the time my systems were all back on line, he was shafting that big cock in and out, as I literally hung from his hands which were holding my waist. Each push drove it deeper inside my pussy, which by now was screaming with pain. I was still gripping onto one of the shelves inside the cupboard, and I'd opened my legs as wide as I could to allow everything room to stretch. His pace was still slow and leisurely, using the length of his monster cock to drive me back into a state of oblivion. But as I know now, and didn't at the time, I wasn't taking anywhere near all of his length. In fact although I was doing my best to relax and take as much as possible, I don't think he penetrated me much more than an inch or so deeper than Lewis would normally do with his dick. But it must have been almost double the thickness of Lewis's, and hence the sensations were so much stronger.

And even though I was by now revelling in the pleasure he generated, I still wasn't able to take even this much of his length without pain. But gradually as my arousal built back to the previous level, the sensations it produced were pushing the pain to the back of my conscious. And I almost think in some weird way, the pain was almost becoming a kind of pleasure. I know that doesn't make sense, but I swear I began to want him to ram me deeper to increase the pain level. Not that I would have told him, even if it had been possible.

But as I was still bent double, head in cupboard, gripping the shelf, as he pounded away, I'm afraid communication was non existent. Well apart from on a sensual level.

And talking of sensual signals; that was something else that my little encounter with Tamer had taught me, I now knew what these feelings were that were building up inside me. And as they built up to a crescendo, I was mentally preparing myself for the rush of pleasure. This was something I hadn't been able to do a few moments ago as his first penetration had stretched me wide. But this time my body was preparing for the orgasm to come, and I just knew this would take me to a higher level than I'd ever experienced before. I had however, heard, or to be more accurate, read in a magazine, about simultaneous orgasm, and how this enhances everything to a new level. But although I knew my climax was imminent, I had no idea how I could delay it.

Then as I detected the change in stroke, I realised that wouldn't be necessary. His grip on my hips suddenly began to tighten, and his slow smooth strokes stopped. He rammed me violently, and I knew from my previous fucks with Lewis, that this was the first of his cum strokes. Not that Lewis had ever done this. He'd either used a jonnie, or pulled out and shot all over my tummy. But who ever it was that had hold of me, obviously wasn't concerned about any consequences that might come from his load of cum.

So as his first ramming thrust delivered his hot love juice, it triggered my climax. And boy what a climax it was. The first reaction was my pussy sort of clamping onto his dick. But as it was already such a tight fit, it prevented the dick from reaching the depth it had previously been fucking me to. This squeezing action enhanced the velocity of the speeding juices that splattered from his mighty dick. And then as he began to pull back for his second thrust, my pussy dilated and flooded out its own juices, spraying his balls. He immediately took advantage of this dilation, and his second thrust went deep. GOD! I mean real deep. My pussy clamped again, but not quick enough to arrest the monster before his bell-end had come into contact with my cervix.

So as I clamped down on his dick, it white-washed the roof of my pussy. Then as my dilation repeated he retreated to take another shot. My pussy gradually began to spasm, and I lost conscious knowledge of exactly what was going on. I knew there were sensations filling all of my being, and I could still feel his presence. I think my legs had given-up taking my weight, and he was holding my hips, to allow him to complete his delivery. At which point, I felt myself being pulled from the cupboard, and rolled gently onto my back on the floor.

And on the floor is where I found myself when I eventually came to my senses. I have no idea how long the fuck lasted, or the subsequent orgasm. But whomever it was that fucked me, had long gone, and I was still none the wiser.

I had to get myself cleaned down again, and then complete the meal. At which point I made my way up to the deck, and began to wave my arm in the air to attract someone's attention.

Mahadra came down to the galley and helped me to carry the prepared food up to the top deck. We all sat around on the upper wheelhouse deck, eating the food and drinking bottled beer. As Lewis excitedly told me about how he'd piloted the boat out of the harbour, my eyes were scanning the eyes of Tamer and Mahadra, to attempt to find out which of them had taken me to such levels of pleasure in the galley. But neither of them showed any signs of reaction, apart from maybe them thinking I was coming on to them.

So I tried to change my thought process, and began to listen to Lewis. He was so excited, like a child at Christmas with a new toy. "You should have seen me; even Tamer said I must be a natural. They both thought I must have driven a boat before. I'm not kidding; you'd have been scared out of your wits when we went through the harbour mouth. I know when we look down the other day from up on the harbour wall it looked like a big opening. But from here, in this boat, it didn't look wide enough for something this size, but I got it through like I'd been driving boats all my life."

My thoughts were far from the size of a boat leaving the harbour, and more about the size of that monster dick that had just stretched my pussy. As I thought, I bet you'd have been more scared than me if the roles had been reversed, and you'd have been the one with your head in the cupboard.

But I obviously didn't say this. I just nodded, as if to agree with him.

Once we all finished eating, I started to gather all the crockery, and I said, "I'll just go and wash this lot, and then I'll come back up."

Mahadra said, "I'll give you a hand to carry it."

This was not good, as I knew once he was below decks with me, he would start playing around again, but I didn't know how I could stop him coming with me.

"Its ok, I can manage by myself, thank you."

Then Lewis surprisingly saved the day, or so I first thought. "Hey, why don't you have a go at driving? It's as much your holiday as mine. After all you prepared the food, it's the least I can do to do a bit of washing-up."

Now I wasn't really interested in steering the boat, but I stupidly thought I would be safer up here out in the open. "Ok, I'd like that. Are you sure you don't mind?"

As Lewis dropped down from the stool, still holding the big wheel to keep the boat on course, Tamer placed his hands on my waist, and lifted me up. As I placed my hands on the wheel, Lewis let go and began to pick-up the crockery. Tamer moved up and stood very close behind me, placing his arms around my shoulders and his hands on the wheel alongside mine.

Lewis looked back as he was about to descend down the ladder. "Ok, won't be long. I can see you're in good hands."

To which Tamer replied, "You take your time, we'll make sure the little lady is well looked after."

And almost immediately, his hands moved from the wheel and slipped onto the inside of my legs, pulling my skirt up as they made their way up towards my crotch. I loosed the wheel as well, and my hands followed his, grabbing his wrists. But he was far too strong for me to pull him away or even restrict his progress.

But as there were now no hands holding the wheel, it had begun to turn. Slowly at first, and then it just started spinning. The boat began to steer sharp right, and for a moment I thought it was about to turn over.

Tamer by now had the gusset of my knickers gripped in one hand, and the fingers of his other hand were probing their way into my still slippy pussy.

This whole event happened in a flash, and as Mahadra dashed across to take hold of the wheel, Lewis re-appeared at the top of the ladder. He yelled, "WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON?"

However, as the ladder was behind where I was seated, and Tamer was stood behind me, Lewis obviously was referring to the movement of the boat, and he had no idea about what Tamer was up to in my crotch. But upon hearing Lewis, Tamer's fingers pulled out, and he let go of the gusset of my knickers along with my skirt.

Tamer then turned his head, and calmly said, "I let go of the wheel for one second, and I guess this little lady of yours wasn't strong enough to hold onto it. Don't worry; we're back in control now. I think we'll let Mahadra take the helm until you've done your chores. And I'll take your little lady over there and we'll lie back and soak some sun."

Lewis didn't bat an eyelid, and although now it sounds silly, I didn't call him or try to tell him what Tamer had just done; I think I must have been in a state of shock.

So with a quick, "Ok, back soon," Lewis was once again gone.

But as Tamer took hold of my hand and began to lead me across to where the deck-chairs were set-out, I snapped angrily, "Don't you dare try anything like that again."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. If you touch me again, I'll tell Lewis."

"Oh no! You wouldn't do that would you?" His voice had a sarcastic edge to it.

"Don't you take the piss out of me. I mean it, if you so much as lay a finger on me again, you'll be in trouble."

Tamer looked across at Mahadra and called out something in their own language, so I had no idea what he'd said. Mahadra's face lit-up with a big smile, and he lent down and drew a great-big knife from a pouch that was on the side of his trouser leg. It wasn't a kitchen knife, and the like of it I'd only ever seen in western movies. As he held it in the air swivelling it around, the sun glinted off it like a mirror, and then Tamer pulled a similar knife from a pouch on his trousers. "Has your Lewis got a knife?"

"No, of course not."

"So if he gets upset about me messing with his little girl, who do you think will come off the worse?"

"You wouldn't use those? Surely you're joking?"

"We wouldn't want to, Lewis is a good lad. But if you get him upset, we'd have to defend ourselves."

"But he could get seriously hurt."

"I know, that's why we wouldn't want it to come to that. It's much nicer when we're all friends, yes."

"So you're threatening to stab Lewis unless I let you do what you want with me?"

"I haven't threatened anything or anyone. But up to now, Lewis has done us some favours, and we've returned them. And I thought you and me were also good friends. I was quite happy to come to your rescue, and then later, you let me get to know you a little better. We had fun together, I know you enjoyed it, and Lewis was none the wiser, so he didn't get upset. But now you're getting all nasty, saying you'll tell Lewis. All I want is for us all to be friends."

"And as far as you're concerned, that means you can have sex with me whenever you want to?"

"We haven't had sex. All I've done is had a little play with your pussy. That is hardly having sex."

"And what about down there in the galley while I was preparing the food. If it wasn't you, it must have been Mahadra."

"In the galley? Both Mahadra and me were up here on deck whilst you were preparing the food, until you called one of us down to help you carry it up here."