Guardian Wolf Ch. 04


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Rachel had to giggle and wonder just what her husband had in store for her tonight. She already could catch glimpses and parts of his fantasies; if anything his tastes were very...eclectic. The mere thought of her bound and gagged on their bed was oddly sensual and was causing her pussy to dampen. Well, game on big boy! I can give as well as receive.

You say something, baby? Rachel heard in her head. Shit! How good was the reception in his head?

Nothing baby, just go back to what you were doing. I will be down in a little while. Your mom and I are just talking about girl stuff. I don't think we will be too much longer.

Mmmmkay...if you say so sweetie...Rachel immediately received an image of her bound to their bed with silk ties, a silk blindfold over her eyes, and a ball gag in her mouth. She was writhing and squirming in ecstasy as James played with her. She immediately wet her panties as the erotic imagery got her motor revving. Damn him!

Just a little something for later baby! Rachel heard James giggle softly in her head.


"So how far did my son get with his story before he became...distracted?" Maggie asked.

"He was telling me about the commandos storming the compound and how a group of them had climbed the outer wall to the minefield," Rachel said.

"Well kudos for James," Maggie said, "he got further with your distractions than I thought he would."

"Okay...let's see...oh yes...the minefield. There were five of them left after Bobby and Bryson picked most of them off. Luckily for them, lupine bones heal rather quickly. They were up and going within a week. So these thugs had breached the outer wall and were now preparing to cross the thirty feet to the retaining wall. The first one was rappelling down the wall when he slipped and fell right onto an active mine; there wasn't much left of the poor bastard. This gave the mercenaries enough pause to allow our security to coax them off the wall and into custody," Maggie paused as she refilled her tea cup.

"Once we had the bad guys in custody we canceled the alert and allowed people to go back home. It is a hard fact Rachel, but the world is still a dangerous place. Even with all of our security and defenses there is always the slightest chance that someone or something could seriously hurt our pack. After my attack with those environmental extremist nut jobs, Robert was adamant about security. A secure bunker was tunneled and built under the mansion's foundation; in the event of an attack, all non-combatants would be taken to this bunker. In the event of an evacuation, there are two escape tunnels that lead from the bunker to hidden exits deep in the forest to the North. We have arrangements with the Archer clan and vice-versa to protect refugees until the threat is neutralized. Whatever Khrushchev's intentions, he never could imagine he was fucking with a pack of angry Lycans."

"We bound and blindfolded the commandos to confuse them in case one was able to make a run for it. They led the men to our basement holding area and interrogation room. It's not what it sounds like; it is basically an empty storage closet with a heavy steel door. Robert just likes to think he is Bond or some shit and makes it sound like some sort of maximum security prison," Maggie rolled her eyes, "he is such a doofus!"

Rachel had to giggle at this, like father like son.

"Anyway Robert and Bill bound the mercenaries to some chairs and began to question them. We quickly learned that some of these guys were former soldiers. They refused to even acknowledge they could speak English. They would prattle away in Russian, obviously insulting my husband and trying to get a rise out of him. It was an obvious mistake on their part. Robert is a very patient man. But threaten our family or our pack and he will not hesitate to shift and tear anyone a new asshole. Fortunate for those bastards I was there to walk Robert from the room to calm him down or he would have killed them right away. Luckily a good blowjob will always take the fight out of my hubby. The sweet man practically floated back in the room after I got done with him," Maggie said this with a wink.

"We decided to call Kyle. He was still at work updating some firmware for the new satellite uplink and was almost an hour away. He dropped what he was doing and rushed to the house. His eldest married a sweet girl named Sonja from the Urals; she is a real sweetheart and has provided Cameron with many years of happiness and many children. Cameron takes after his Uncle Douglas and is trying to repopulate the species single handedly. By last count they were working on number nine. There have not been many years where she has not been barefoot and pregnant. Ah, the Wolfe men; they always have to be the overachievers," Maggie said with a smile and a giggle, "but back to the story. The point is that Kyle helped Cameron study Russian for six months before the Rites; he speaks and writes fluently. You should here them all carry on at Christmas time, makes your head hurt sometimes with how many different languages are floating around this house during the Holidays.

Kyle arrived less than thirty minutes later in the basement. The man must have sped like the devil from Seattle to get here in such short time. You should have seen the look on those poor bastards' faces when he showed up and started going at them like a KGB interrogator. I thought the youngest one would shit himself he was so scared. We later found out that they were most surprised that Kyle was alive. It turns out there was a second goon squad heading to our corporate headquarters in Seattle to kidnap Kyle. I guess Grigor thought if he bagged the lead engineer and the CEO's son, this would force us to turn over the array designs to get him back. I will give Khrushchev this, when he went after something, he didn't do it half assed. Luckily for us the dumb bastards were stopped on I-5 by a sharp-eyed WHP officer for speeding. They found several automatic weapons, chloroform, restraints and a ransom letter addressed to Robert. All four arrested were Black Fjord security.

It seems when Grigor came to this country he was quick to educate his employees on the American justice system. The first words uttered out of their mouths were 'I want a lawyer'. Unfortunately, he failed to consider that some of the weapons his security used were part of an ATF watch list from an arms deal a few years back. The last we heard all four are serving life sentences at Washington State for federal gun charges and attempted kidnapping, among a multitude of other charges. It turns out Grigor left them out in the cold when it came to their defense; he is far less loyal to his employees than they are to him. Now, despite three failed attacks and several federal agencies now breathing down his neck, nothing would stick to Gregory Simpson. He maintained a squeaky clean image while leaving his employees to take the fall. The slimy bastard even released a press statement publicly denouncing his former employees and offering sincere apologies to our family. What a load of horse shit. This fucker must have been a manure salesman in a previous life, because he certainly knew how to pile it deep.

Kyle went after the mercenaries with vigor, but like good little soldiers they would offer only name, rank, and serial number. I guess habits from several years in the Soviet Army die very hard. They were far more afraid of what Khrushchev would do to them if they squealed, than they were of my Kyle the human tree. Even as big as they were, my Kyle dwarfed them all. We all could tell they knew far more, but everyone was tired and decided to retire for the evening. We locked them in the storage closet and posted two guards to watch them. Kyle went to his old room to find Amber already fast asleep; she had moved into the mansion to be closer to us during the last couple weeks of her pregnancy. She did not want to be an hour away when she popped without someone to take her to the hospital. Kyle was working sixteen hour days to bring the system online in time for the government tests and I'm afraid he was even too busy for his very pregnant wife. Again, like a pit bull on a porterhouse.

The following morning is when the shit really hit the fan. Amber had made arrangements to go shopping with some girlfriends for some more baby clothes. This girl has enough baby duds to clothe an entire baby army, but she always seems to need just one more outfit to make the wardrobe perfect. Despite the heightened security and the recent attacks she would not be dissuaded from going. Kyle was furious and they argued for a solid hour. Amber may be small, but you don't want to fuck with a pregnant Lycan; doubly so when the subject is shopping for baby clothes. We tend to be a little testy with our hormones completely out of sync. That tiny firecracker had my mountain of a son reduced to rubble after the first thirty minutes. The remaining thirty minutes were spent digging the hole to bury his remains. Finally Kyle relented but insisted she be shadowed by two of our best betas. She agreed and quickly called her friends to pick her up. Kyle assigned Cole and Mikhael, two of our finest to protect his mate," Maggie paused as a pained look spread over her face, "the only good thing was they were unmated; it allowed us to bury just two bodies, instead of four."

Maggie shuddered and allowed herself a moment of pause while she went to refill her tea cup. Rachel could tell this was an extremely painful memory and one she spoke of hesitantly. Gods she prayed she would never have to live through something like this. She would rather die than feel the pain she now saw in Maggie's eyes. Her pack was family, losing a single member was like losing a son or daughter. Each individual loss was personal and painful.

"Cole and Mikhael never saw them coming. There were two of them that snuck up on the Escalade they were parked in. They must have been too busy watching Amber and her friends to notice the imminent danger. Remember this Rachel and never forget: a .45 hollow point through the brain is immediate death, immortal or not, no one survives such a gunshot. Blessedly the two died instantly and were spared anymore pain. I wish I could say the same for Amber and her friends. She was with two of her best friends, they are human and two of the sweetest girls I have ever met. They knew who and what Amber was and accepted her immediately. There was no question or fear, only acceptance. That is a rare and beautiful gift among the human race Rachel. Those two are on a very short list of humans not of guild that we call family.

Two more men appeared and quickly bound and gagged all three women. They drugged all three with ketamine before they rushed into a black van. Witnesses told the police they only remember seeing four men grab the three women, they were wearing ski masks and no discernible markings on the van. There were no plates. The whole thing took less than two minutes. We found out later that one of the girls had just recently started dating a member of Black Fjord security. She was gushing and going on about Amber's pregnancy. I don't blame her one iota. What woman would think twice about rejoicing in her friend's pregnancy and telling anyone who cared to listen? The bastard sat there as she went on about their planned shopping adventure with a smile on his face; the entire time planning on how to abduct all three women," Maggie said this with bitter venom in her throat. Rachel immediately sensed a deep hatred of these men and what they did to Amber and her friends.

"It was by some miracle of the Gods that one of the responding officers was Forest Walcott, Michael Walcott's youngest. Gods bless that boy! He immediately called his father, who called Robert. Kyle was in the room with his father when he heard the news. You know my boy Kyle, he may be a giant but he is as gentle and nurturing as a teddy bear. He is slow to anger and quick to forgive; it takes a lot to make him angry. Rachel, I have never seen such rage and bloodlust in his eyes; they went from a soft brown to blood red and finally to obsidian black as his wolf raged inside him. When he heard that his mate was in danger, he squared his shoulders and silently walked to the basement. He didn't say a word to the guards as he opened the door to where the assholes were still seated. Three were chatting amiably and bragging the moment before my son entered the room; only the youngest was silent and nervous. There are no words to describe when you feel death enter the room, because that was what Kyle had become: he was their executioner. His words were quiet, not even above a whisper as he gave them an ultimatum. They had five minutes to divulge the location or he would kill the oldest and then one every five minutes afterward," Maggie said this as she allowed herself a breath of triumph.

Rachel saw as Maggie's wolf breached the surface of her consciousness. She could see the supreme satisfaction at this memory. Kyle had voided all diplomacy. His mate was in danger and he was prepared to kill every living soul in that room to get information. There was no mercy, only the primal justice of nature. Protect what is yours and punish all others. Maggie actually giggled a little as she continued,

"You should have seen their faces Rachel, arrogant and pompous to the last. A grizzled older man spat in Kyle's face and said many unsatisfactory things to him in Russian. Kyle said nothing and walked back outside. After exactly five minutes Kyle came back in and demanded an answer. The old soldier and obvious leader gave an emphatic 'nyet'. Kyle did not even wait for the word to leave his mouth before he shifted to full Lycan size. Now James is tall when he is transformed, almost 10' tall, but Kyle is utterly massive; he stands nearly 12' tall when fully transformed. The guards later confided in us that you could see the color drain out of all four faces as utter fear set in. Kyle wasted no time in relieving the commander's head from his shoulders. The body slumped in the chair, the blood still pumping from his carotid artery. He then immediately decapitated the soldier closest to the commander, just to make his point. He left the remaining two quaking in fear, the distinct smell of urine and feces in the air. After five minutes to let them stew, Kyle reentered in human form:

'решите теперь или умереть (decide now or die),' Kyle said.

'да (yes),' they said in unison.

Fifteen minutes later Kyle, Bill, Robert, and three more betas were in a van with their captives heading towards Everett. The two remaining mercenaries said the girls were being held in some old steam tunnels outside the city. There was a service road off the highway that dead ended at the entrance to the tunnels. The youngest soldier was only a boy of twenty named Dmitry Kerchanko and the most cooperative; Kyle said he was the only one that showed true regret and shame for his actions. We later learned that he had grown up in Moscow with his mother Alya, a local prostitute who had frequent trysts with Grigor while he was still with the KGB. He was the product of one such meeting where too much Vodka and a broken condom had created an unwanted offspring. When she learned she was pregnant with Dmitry she went to Grigor for support. Because Grigor was a full colonel and held such a powerful position, a child out of wedlock would be seen as an embarrassment to the KGB and she used this to her advantage. He eventually relented and gave him and his mother a pittance to survive on; Khrushchev never acknowledged Dmitry or the fact that he had a son. In Grigor's eyes Dmitry was just one more bastard in a long line of illegitimate children, nothing more and nothing less.

In the years following the fall of the Soviet Union, Dmitry lost his mother to complications from a botched abortion she received at a free health clinic outside St. Petersburg. By this time he and his mother were destitute and were living from one john to the next; no one wanted anything to do with an aging whore and her bastard son. Dmitry was twelve years old when she died. He eventually worked his way back to Moscow to search for his father. Grigor took pity on the boy when he showed up at one of his restaraunts; it was perhaps the only fatherly thing he ever did and it saved his life.

Dmitry worked the next eight years in Grigor's criminal organization. He started off as a mule and runner, distributing cocaine to dealers throughout the city. He eventually worked his way on to his father's security detail and was one of the first to come to the states. When he arrived, Grigor, now Gregory Simpson gave him the name of David Kelsey. He forged Dmitry's documents and passed him off as a college student; he even sent Dmitry to a local tech school in New York City to study electrical engineering and communications. Dmitry says he later became a radio technician for Black Fjord security. When Grigor sent this unit to attack the compound, the regular communications officer was ill and could not go. Dmitry was immediately press ganged by Captain Sergei Anatov. He was the grizzled old soldier who Kyle relieved of a head.

Kyle pressed Dmitry further for more information as they made the hour long journey towards Everett; Kyle wanted to know exactly how many kidnappers there were, how they were armed, and how exactly they learned about Amber's pregnancy. The other soldier, a lieutenant named Sasha yelled and made threats against the boy if he said anything. But Dmitry could see the writing on the wall; he could either help Kyle or die with his companion. Dmitry had seen and heard enough, and was now certain this was his one and only chance at redemption. He offered full and complete disclosure in exchange for his life. Despite Kyle's anger at these men and what they represented, he recognized the boy's true intentions and accepted the offer.

Dmitry went on to explain the man Jennifer, that's the girls name who dated the security guard: Jennifer and Anna. They are two very sweet and honorable girls. Anyway, Jennifer and Anna had met this man while clubbing who introduced himself as Anthony Isaacson from Syracuse, New York. Jennifer says he was extremely handsome, charming, and attentive. She had never met a man who was more interested in hearing about her life and her hobbies than what was between her thighs; she was instantly attracted to the handsome gentleman. I must tell you it would be hard for nearly any woman to turn down a man who was interested in just listening to us. Dmitry says his real name was Major Anatoly Ivanov, one of Grigor's top lieutenants and commander of the Black Fjord security forces. He is a handsome man, a loyal soldier, and a cruel, sadistic bastard. Dmitry said Anatoly spent the next three months courting Jennifer while feeding information to Grigor. Dmitry said it was his job during this time to gather the information, sort and categorize the data according to importance, and report to Grigor. Jennifer was not the only source of information. Grigor had Anatoly place a bug in Jennifer and Anna's apartment and another in their phone to pick up any and all conversations. This is where they first learned of Amber's identity and her pregnancy.

Grigor asked Anatoly to steer his conversations with Jennifer towards Amber and their friendship, her pregnancy and what they did together. Before the incident, Jennifer was vibrant and loved to talk. She would talk with anyone about anything under the sun. We used to joke with her that her mouth was tied directly to her heart and if she stopped talking she would fall over dead. Unfortunately, after the kidnapping she became much quieter and removed from the world. It is only the recent marriage to Dmitry and the birth of their son Alexi and their daughter Aliya that she has come out of her shell. Darling kids and have their parents wrapped around their tiny fingers. I have never seen Dmitry so happy; he struts around like he can carry the world. He was a god send for Jennifer after what happened. He is a great husband and a better father," Maggie laughed.