Into His Arms Ch. 03


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She gasped and he could see a slight flush settle on her cheeks as she averted her gaze.

He purred softly in his throat loving the quiet but modest innocence she displayed. Her refusal to acknowledge his sexual invitation showed that she didn't have much experience dealing with those types of comments. His hopes soared as his suspicions that she might have already been bedded by Ryon disappeared with every moment he talked with her.

He sat next to her on the bed causing their thighs to touch and leaving no room for her to back up, since the bed was so tiny. Turning so that he was fully facing her he reached a hand to the opposite side of the bed grasping the safety bar then placed his other hand above her head on the bed, effectively trapping her in his arms.

He leisurely leaned down so they were almost cheek to cheek and inhaled slowly and deeply. He all but hummed at her intoxicating aroma as it filled his body and engulfed his mind like a cloud. She smelled like orchids and the woods after a summers rain, overwhelming him in its heady fragrance.

"Damn you smell so good!" He groaned out leaning his head into the side of her neck and releasing the railing to place his hand on her thigh. He slid it up to where it met her hip, kneading and squeezing it hard before dragging it back down once more to rest on the side of her thigh.

Eyes hooded from the affect her smell played on him, he leaned back slightly and looked into her face. He froze, his eyes coming fully open as he took in her frightened features and quivering bottom lip.

'Fuck' He thought to himself, 'I don't want to scare her! I'm acting like some pup about to get his first piece of tail!'

Sighing he sat back dropping his hand from the side of her head giving her space, but not releasing her leg and said, "My name is Alik Dmitri Czernobog, as you might know I am the current Alpha of this pack. Although I know you might've met my parents and have heard of me, we've never official met." Seeing that his plan was working he continued on as he sensed her begin to relax slightly, "Your father told me a lot about you... that you are quite brilliant actually, I know we were supposed to meet at your inauguration as 'Keeper' so I am sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances. They were extraordinary people, your parents, and they did some amazing things for the pack. Your father especially was an exceptional man, my father always spoke very highly of him when he was Alpha and he made my transition into Alpha after my father passed away go seamlessly."

She tensed back up at the mention of her parents and said, "Well if they meant so much to you why did it take so long for their 'Alpha' to acknowledge their deaths?"

He did not like the way she'd sarcastically said 'Alpha', like he was not in fact the Alpha, but answered her saying, "It's not that I didn't acknowledge their deaths, I was caught up with another matter and had to see to it before I could take my leave."

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I should be grateful that the 'Almighty Alpha' took the time out and decided to grace his faithful advisor's funeral with his presence, after all they were only the packs dedicated 'Keepers'" He sighed at the sarcasm and venom dripping from her voice. "I'm sure that whatever party, business meeting or whatever you do in the city, was more important than making sure that your so called "trusted advisor's" surviving children were okay."

"That's not-"

"I guess I should be grateful that the pack even acknowledges me as a surviving child since the only thing tying me to the pack was them," She pushed his hand from her thigh continuing in an increasingly louder voice, "but now that they're dead I guess I have nothing tying me down to stay in this overrated hellhole!"

"You are going nowhere!" He bit out, his hands balling into fists.

"Oh that's right! You all NEED me since I am the only one fully trained to be the 'Keeper'!" She turned her head away looking at the wall, "Well it should only take me a few months to prepare someone else in the basics then I will be gone forev-"

He snatched her chin up whipping her head back to face his as he ground out, "I'd watch that tongue of yours if I were you, and if you ever say you'll leave me again I will tie you up and lock you away." Her hand came up to remove his hold but settled on his wrist as his voice dipped to a husky whisper, "Although, I wouldn't mind tying you up for a few decades and having your luscious body at my disposal."

She gasped opening and closing her mouth like fish out of water causing him to chuckle devilishly. He was going to enjoy using her innocence to tease her but he still had to gain her trust after the fiasco of their first meeting, so he held off on it for now.

He gentled the hold he had on her chin rubbing his thumb back and forth against her bottom lip before saying, "You still haven't told me your name love. I can keep calling you pet names but I have a feeling you might not care for that."

Her lips parted slightly as he moved his thumb to the corner of her mouth so she could answer him.

"Hazel..." She whispered out, "Hazel Ivy Soroka."

After a moment of them staring into each other's eyes she seemed to give herself an internal shake, before pushing his hand from her chin and saying exhaustedly, "Please... I just want to be left alone right now. I don't have the energy to argue with you anymore. My side hurts and I have a major migraine forming... I promise to still be here tomorrow to discuss your misunderstanding but right now I just want to sleep."

She reclined further back into the bed closing her eyes, effectively shutting him out of her presence if only mentally and not physically.

He was about to tell her he was under no misunderstanding when Dr. Morrow and Martha entered the room causing him to growl low in his throat instead.

"My Alpha, you must let her rest now if she is to heal properly. She is human after all, and her healing goes much slower than us. She needs rest to build her strength up and heal properly." Martha said.

Dr. Morrow inched closer with his hands up, "I need to check the drip on her I.V. bag my Alpha." He said turning his head to the side displaying his neck in submission as he approached her bed.

Breathing deeply to calm himself he nodded his head for the doctor to come closer to check on her.

He heard a sigh from Hazel causing him to turn back and face her as she mumbled out, "I already told him to leave me be so I can sleep but he keeps insisting on dragging our conversation out. Just get someone to drag him out of here."

He heard a snicker from the doorway and turned to see his friend leaning against the frame staring at them, "Well I would be happy to assist you sweetheart but I'm afraid I like living and have a few things on my bucket list left that needs completing."

He felt her stir and looked back at her to see her starring at Victor questioningly, "And who are you?... and please don't say another mate."

"The only mate you have is ME-"

"Yeah, yeah let's not go through this conversation again," She said shooing her hand in his direction, "I am talking to Mr. Abercrombie 'n Fitch."

A loud bark of laughter came from Victor as he unfolded his tall frame from the door and came towards them saying, "Well you just earned an ally doll face, I will be glad to get my ass handed to me for you after a compliment like that." He said winking at her causing her to laugh and smile up at him.

"My word you're a looker! If I wasn't so cowardly I would put my hat in the ring for you to!" Victor whistled, pausing beside him to stare down at Hazel in appreciation.

Her eyes sparkled as her laughter enveloped him again in its warmth, but with that warmth he felt a strong twist in his gut when he seen her smile directed at Victor. At first he couldn't describe what he felt but in the next instant he realized it was jealousy, and having never experienced this twisting pain he did not care for the uncharacteristic emotion to settle in.

"To bad you ARE to cowardly and you WON'T be competing if you know what's good for you!" He snarled at his friend.

Victor had always been the more popular of his inner circle, with his charismatic charm and classic good looks, he never went lonely for company. And while he didn't hurt for companionship, he knew he wasn't a woman's first choice when standing next to Victor, his dark scarred visage and looming bulk had the more delicate of maidens running in fear. He didn't mind since he was left with the more experienced of women warming his bed, they seemed to know what a man like him could do for them. All that never bothered him, until he saw his blushing mate simpering at Victors flirtatious advances.

Victor held his hands up, "I just came in to let the little lady know her brother is fine and healing well. Although, he might've gone deaf from Lysett harassing him."

Hazel sat up at that. "He's ok? Where is he? Move out of the way! I must see if he's ok!" She moved to rise pushing against his arm in an attempt to dislodge him from her bed so she could get up.

"They might not be blood related but they sure act alike. He had the same reaction. Doc had to sedate him, couldn't have a repeat of what happened at the house, not enough space I here for all that."

"Victor you're not helping," Dr. Morrow said as he inserted a needle into the injection port of the I.V. bag, "I'm giving you a sedative Hazel it will help with the pain and let you rest. Don't worry when you wake up Ryon should be fully recovered and you both will be fine to go home."

"She's not goin-"

He was cut off by Martha who said, "We can discuss the technicalities when she is fully coherent and mending."

He was about to argue when he heard a soft snore and turned to look at Hazel who had passed out before the doctor could finish his statement.

Her face, although relaxed in slumber, was drawn around her mouth and eyes. Her breathing hitched every time she inhaled, leading him to believe her side hurt more than she had let on. He felt a twinge of guilt from arguing with her earlier when she could barely tolerate the pain of breathing, and knew that if it wasn't for him and her idiot brother she wouldn't be in here to begin with.

'Yes there are more pleasant ways we could've spent our first meeting with our mate,' his wolf whispered into his thoughts, flashing images across his mind of the many ways they'd take their luscious mate, both in his human and wolf form.

He groaned inwardly pushing his wolf to the side and refocusing on the woman in the bed. He reached out and caressed her plump cheek with his index finger sliding it to where he remembered it dimpling in when she smiled. He wondered if the soft silky texture continued all over her body. His hand seemed rugged and enormous next to her face and he stared in amazement at the comparison, they would be the incarnate of Beauty and the Beast.

His wolf chuckled at that sending another image into his mind of him unleashing his inner beast as they took her from behind, showing just how rugged the contrast of their hands would seem as they gripped her plump fleshy ass in his lycan claws. He'd gotten a slight peak of the globes as she'd fled from him in her home, her ass jiggling tantalizingly as the dress she'd worn hiked up as she ran up the stairs in front of him.

He snapped back to the present and visibly shook his head, trying to dislodge the image physically, 'For Christ sake she's in a hospital bed! Calm down!' he said to his wolf who chuffed and receded back into the corner of his mind.

He continued his exploration of her face sliding his finger to her full lips and slowly caressed them. She had her bottom lip tucked under her top as she sucked it unconsciously in sleep. His hand cupped her cheek as he slipped his thumb over her plump lip pulling it out from under her top lip. Her tongue peeked out and she unconsciously licked his finger causing him to shiver as he tensed up and groaned aloud.

He was about to lean in to replace his fingers with his mouth when he was reminded he wasn't alone in the room.

"Ahem... If you don't mind, I'd rather not be standing in the room when she wakes up to you molesting her in her sleep." Victor said dryly.

He snapped out of his lustful haze and looked up to see Victor was still standing next to him, arms folded with a smirk on his face. He saw that Ben had also come into the room behind Martha and was trying to hide his laughter behind his hands while she elbowed his arm to get him to stop.

The doctor sighed and said, "You will have plenty of time to... acquaint yourself with you mate when she wakes up my Alpha, all I ask is for a few hours for the medicine to work its way through her body and for her to rest so she can mend herself."

Sighing he pulled his hand away from her face before getting up and moving to the chair beside the bed, trying to put some distance between them. It wouldn't stop the urges, he knew, but it would help in preventing him from acting on them immediately after he felt them.

"Don't worry I won't accost her in her sleep, I like my women coherent when I take them." He especially wanted to see those beautiful eyes as he slid into her pussy for the first time. He knew those hypnotizing and expressive eyes would tell him everything he'd need to know to please her succulent body and he'd drown in their depths as his dick drowned in her pussy.

"Well then, the call button is beside the bed if she wakes up in pain or if you need anything just press it and a nurse will come to see to your needs. I will be by later to check on her and administer her second dose of pain meds." The doctor said, interrupting his wayward thoughts, before he turned and walked out of the room followed by a still chuckling Ben.

"We will be going back to her house to help clean up the mess you two idiots made." Martha said following her husband out before pausing in the doorway to look back and say, "Please try to let her sleep Alik."

Victor chuckled at their insistence for him to allow her to sleep, before he turned back to him and paused staring at him.

"I don't know whether to say congratulations or my condolences my friend. Two mates? I've never heard of that before," he finally said.

"That's because it's not true." He gritted through his teeth, "I am her only mate and I would advise you to adjust to that knowledge before I put you in this hospital to."

He looked down at Hazels face, remembering the rage he felt when Ryon had said she was his mate and her denying him, her true mate.

If it wasn't for her he'd have killed Ryon that day regardless of her feelings on the situation. They were not related by blood and the idea that he'd been harboring those feelings for his mate for years under the same roof, having access to her whenever he wanted, seeing and touching her whenever he pleased, had him wanting to go into the next room and murder the man, brother or not.

Victor held up his hands conceding to the statement but said, "That is what YOU believe but will SHE accept that? She seems pretty adamant on her choice of who's her mate."

"She will accept me, there is no 'choice' in this matter" Alik growled out low, squeezing the arm rests of his chair to control his need to enforce her acceptance of him and his dominance upon her.

Victor sighed at his stubbornness and walked to the door, pausing to look back towards them before he said, "She does have a choice you know."

"She WILL accept this," he bit out more forcefully not taking his eyes off of his slumbering mate, "That you can be sure of."



Well hello there Mr. Alpha! Lol Finally the hinted at Alpha is revealed, what do you all think of Alik?

I was going to cut this chapter short and break it up into 2 but I couldn't find a good place that wouldn't turn it into 1 long and 1 short chapter. I am glad this chapter is done I can't wait for the next one I feel impatient just thinking about it!

When I first thought of this story I knew her foster parents were going to die early on, I didn't kill them off because I was to "lazy" to keep up with all the characters or couldn't fit them in the plot (I hate when writers kill off people for no reason too but there is a method to my madness!). Honestly they were not going to make it out of this story alive even if I drug out the inevitable. *hint to the plot twist* But their characters will make a reappearance (after all questions need answering!)

I am still working with a friend of mine who is editing so I hope that this and the last chapter were ok. Chapter 4's plot is planned out I just need to type it up and submit for editing.

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed "Into His Arms" Chapter 3! Please vote, favorite and comment and let me know what you think!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Alik certainly doesn't seem to be worthy of her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Funeral Reception/Alpha brings chaos!

I like this story but the Alpha hasn’t even apologized for attacking her & her brother & their own reception for the funeral of their recently deseased parents! Werewolf or not you are supposed to show some respect to the family members who are grieving & it was their house! Why did he go all attack mode? He didn’t even say I’m sorry for your loss to the family. He just attacked them both like a crazed animal. Not acceptable behavior at all! Mate or not I would be so angry & upset! Does he not realize he almost killed her only remaining family? Why was the house so tense before he even met her? I wonder if her brother found the box... but the letter is destroyed so how will she discover her gifts?

sexydiva73sexydiva73almost 6 years ago
Alpha is an Ass

Do not like the Alpha at all. I really hope the story goes differently.

ColddesireColddesireover 7 years ago

Well that was some unexpected turn of events. Alik is a bit scary and he will be causing havoc that is for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
To borrow Dean's (from Supernatural) favorite word,

Alik is a douchebag. How can he be an Alpha, yet so out of control? No one, not even an Alpha, can be that disrespectful - going to a wake, rampaging through the house, terrifying his mate, almost killing her brother. That's a perfect recipe for making Hazel hate Alik forever. And Hazel is right - Alik could have taken the time to offer his condolences, considering how much her parents supported him

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Characterization of Alik

Your characterization of Alik... is troubling. Are we supposed to not like him? So far, I haven't seen any reason why we would or why Hazel would for that matter. I've always read stories where the male wolves did anything in their power to keep their mates feeling safe, happy and cherished. Except for the abusive wolves who intentionally inflicted pain. Right now, Alik seems to have more in common with them. He doesn't exhibit ANY of the good qualities this genre typically shows. Hopefully, that'll change or clearly we'll all want her to be with Ryon.

BiotechGirlBiotechGirlalmost 8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but VERY pleased to hear that you will be continuing this story after all. I am intrigued. I have been dying to know what was in the letter that was burned and the relevance of the necklace secreted away in a safety deposit box with its key hidden in another one. What scent does she have that needs disguising and what changes need to be kept repressed? I can't wait to find out WHAT she is! I need to know more about the mysterious human that isn't human!

minnie689minnie689almost 8 years agoAuthor
Author's Comment

Hi everyone sorry for the delay :( I was only planning to take a week off for my birthday but ended up in a really bad car accident and wasn't able to write for a while. It was very frustrating not being able to type and write and answer your encouraging emails, and do small everyday things ;). But I am back writing! Albeit slowly. I will be looking for a new editor here on the site so look for the new chapter here in the next week or so depending on if I can find one!

Thanks for your patience!


Wolftight21Wolftight21almost 8 years ago
New Chapter.

Chop chop.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
another 5-STARS chapter.

You really need to reveal more of Hazel's parents history, who the father was and especially who the mother was as she appeared to be known by Ryon's parents. What is the significant of the necklace the mother left with Hazel. Since you killed the parents off we will never know what was in the note. Also what was it about her sense that needed to be hidden from the pack. You brought all these up in the 1st chapter but haven't answered them yet. I do not know about other readers but the answer to these questions would help me to understand why Hazel was left where she was and I don't think it was by chance.EECD

Celtic_moon28Celtic_moon28almost 8 years ago
Three some

There should definitely be a three some..why not give her both mates instead of making her choose..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Less Alik

Can't see what some see in this guy . A pretty poor excuse of an Alpha . Can't be bothered to acknowledge the death of a high ranking member of his pack , when he decides to show up at wake he attacks their daughter who is in morning & tries to take her against her will(rape) just because" he" feels the mating pull , & then nearly beats to death the son when he tries to defend her .He then hurts her seriously because he can't control himself . He's not a teenager with his first crush he's suppose to be an adult an Alpha.

I know each story has a slightly different take on the mythology but to have an Alpha with so little control over himself & such little respect for his pack members is not a good thing . Also is most stories I've read the mate can fight or deny the mating pull especially when they are human (if that what hazel is :-) ) I hope this works out in favor of Ryon & Hazel even if they have to run away .

Buxombeauty2Buxombeauty2almost 8 years ago
More Alik ...

I hope Alik is Hazel's true mate. Ryon need a mate just not banshee sounding Lysett, lol.

Buxombeauty2Buxombeauty2almost 8 years ago
Mating with Alik

Alik and Hazel should be mates. There is chemistry there. Ryon deserves someone but not banshee named Lysette person...

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