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"There's not much chance of that," I said.

"The pill isn't failure proof," said Ivy. "Trust me I know."

"But you obviously don't know Jazz," I said. "She took the chastity vow three years ago on her fourteenth birthday. She intends to wait until she's either married or engaged."

Ivy looked at me as If I was crazy. "Why did she do that?" she asked.

"Ivy don't you ever talk to her?" I asked.

"Remember when she was 10, almost 11 and I told you that she didn't talk to people much? I told you that she talked to you more than she did her real father."

I smiled and nodded.

"Jasmine chooses who she wants to let into her life," said Ivy. "When you left, Jazz blamed me. We don't talk much anymore. I was hoping that with you back, we'll become closer. But it might not happen. That's one of the reasons that I'm so glad to have you back in my life."

The friendship only lasted a few weeks. Ivy took the bull by the horns as usual and said, "Let's go out to a nice restaurant."

When I didn't immediately answer she snapped at me. "I saw your paycheck stub you can afford it. They're paying you the big bucks to do practically nothing."

"Okay, Ivy," I said. "I'll meet you at Texas Roadhouse after work."

"Fuck that," said Ivy. "You have to come and pick me up. You have to bring me flowers and wear a suit. I'm going to squeeze my big ass into a dress that's so tight that everyone will be wondering whether or not I'm wearing panties. And when I lean forward they'll see that my titties are small."

"Ivy do all of your friends have to go through this?" I asked.

"That friendship bullshit is over, Tim. This is a date," she said.

Up until that point Ivy and I had gone out to eat a few times but had done nothing more than hug each other physically. I was sure she was still doing what she did, but we were only friends so it was none of my business.

"Ivy, are you sure?" I asked. "You do, know what this means?"

In answer to my question, Ivy took my hand and stuck it down her pants and inside the elastic of her panties. "You do, know what this means," she moaned as I felt how wet she already was.

"You won't have another chance at this Ivy?" I cautioned her.

"You can have as many chances at this," she said pressing my fingers into her vagina. "As you want. From this moment until the day I die. This is all yours. It's got some miles on it, but you'll never find another one just like it. Or anything nearly as good."

Why did I feel like I was buying a used special edition Mustang?

"It also means that those skanky bitches down at your bank, and working in your office will have to keep their hands off of you," she snapped. "But I'm not really worried, because once you get some of this, you'll forget all about them."

I picked Ivy up in My beloved Mustang at 7 p.m. I'd seen Ivy countless times over the last few weeks but I never saw her look so beautiful. She was positively glowing. She was wearing a very short black dress that emphasized her legs and her ass. Every man in the restaurant looked at her when she walked in. Several dropped their forks or choked on their drinks. All of the women shot angry glances her way. Even the ones who were supposed to be her friends.

We got a secluded booth in the back. We started the evening demurely seated across from each other, but as the night wore on ivy moved closer to me until she was practically sitting in my lap.

"Are you nervous?" she asked me.

"Of course not," I said. "Why would I be?"

"Gods men are such idiots," she said. "You're sitting there happy as hell and relaxed, because this is a sure thing. You know that you're going to get some pussy, so everything is right in your little world."

"Ivy, I'll give you a one-time free pass. If you think you made a mistake, we can go back to being friends," I said.

She looked at me as if I had slapped her. She reached between her rock hard nipples and pulled out the locket from six years ago. Opening it she pulled out a yellowed slip of paper. "Over the past six years this has been my greatest treasure," she said. "I don't even have a clue how many men have come and gone through my life but not one of them ever made me feel the way these four words do. I feel like I've been waiting forever for my life to start, and tonight it begins. Nothing will ever be the same after tonight."

I picked up the dessert menu and started looking at the selection of cakes.

"Check please," screamed Ivy. The tone in her voice left no doubt as to why we needed a check. Again several of the men in the restaurant reacted. I think they all wanted to be in my shoes.

Ivy was right. That night changed everything. When we were together before, I thought I loved Ivy. Now I was sure I did. I didn't let myself think that sex with Ivy would be any different than with any other woman. A lot of the time we build something up in our minds until the reality of the thing can never equal the fantasy. I was wrong.

We ran into my house and up the stairs to the bedroom. Ivy was dragging me like her life depended on it. She bent over the edge of my bed raised her dress up and said, "Fuck me."

I just laughed at her. I stood her back up. pulled her dress back down and hugged her. I thought her eyes would cross. Then I kissed her. It was a very gentle and tentative kiss. The next one was more intense, and the one after that I slipped my tongue between her lips.

Ivy just sagged down in front of me. I gently put my hand on the back of her head and wouldn't stop kissing her. She was making little whining sounds in the back of her throat as if she was about to come just from me kissing her. I started gently rubbing her sides and back and felt her knees wobbling. I moved her over to the bed and we continued kissing there. After a while I stood her up and slowly pulled the dress off of her. She kicked off her shoes and sat next to me.

I started massaging her even more and kissed my way down from her lips to her breasts. "There's not much there, baby. Let's fuck," she said. "I've never been more ready."

I rubbed and caressed Ivy's buds. Her nipples elongated and got huge. Her eyes were staring at me in shock. "Tim, what are you doing to me? My titties are tingling," she said. "And my..." By that time I had started licking and nipping my way down to Ivy's vagina. She was shaved except for a small patch of hair at the top. I teased her with my tongue.

"Tim, what are you doing?" she asked. As my tongue got near her outer lips she started bucking her hips. My tongue had barely touched her inner lips and her legs started wobbling uncontrollably. "Tim!" she screamed. My tongue neared Ivy's elongated clit and she slammed her legs over my ears and screamed. I tasted a gush of musky fluid but kept licking around her clit. "Oh shit, Tim," she screamed. "Don't do that again." Then I sucked her clit and nipped at it with my teeth. She exploded again. She grabbed my head and pulled me up to her, licking her fluids off of my face.

By this time I was ready for her. I knew there was no need to be cagey about it. I slowly pushed my condom covered dick through her opening, Ivy was bucking and pushing against me with every inch. I had to force her to keep her hips from moving. "Slow down baby, let's get to know each other," I said. "There's no need to rush. We've been waiting for this for a long time. We have all night. Let's enjoy it." I started to just slowly and very easily push into her and pull all the way back out.

The feeling I received was not what I was expecting. Ivy's vagina was nearly as tight as a fist. It almost seemed like there were ridges inside of it that massaged me with every stroke. The faster I moved, the more the sensation until we were sliding back and forth against each other so fast it felt like little electric shocks all along my sensitive organ.

Ivy was screaming until she was horse. She moved her hips in ways I never thought was humanly possible. As wild as my dreams of having sex with Ivy were, the reality exceeded the fantasy by far.

I could see why men would risk their marriages for a shot at her. Sex with Ivy was a truly magical thing. After the first one, Ivy sucked me quickly back to life and we started again with her on top. Ivy did things that strippers can't do in their lap dances, and I wanted to fill her up with everything I had.

"Tim," she said quietly. "Please take that thing out of me."

"Ivy, are you tired already?" I asked. I was really close to finishing again and I wanted to.

"Not your dick baby, the rubber," she said. "Fuck me bareback, I need to feel you."

I pulled her lips down onto mine, and tried to suck the life out of her. At the same time I grabbed her ass, as much of it as I could and started to slam myself upwards into her. She started meeting me with every thrust, and soon all you could hear was the sound of our bodies loudly slapping against each other, and Ivy's screams. The springs and the wood of the bed frame squeaked in accompaniment as well. Finally Ivy let out a howl like a dying cat and I exploded again into the condom. She collapsed onto me kissing me. I started rubbing her ass, marveling at the way the flesh jiggled.

"Oh no," she said. "You said we have all night. What are you doing to me?"

A short time later we were back at it, slowly and lazing moving against each other while staring into each other's eyes. I think we were still trying to move as we fell asleep.

Very early the next morning I woke up to an unfamiliar sensation. I know you think she was giving me a blowjob, but you're wrong. The sensation I felt was like small drips of water on my hand. Since I had both morning wood and a fierce need to pee, that dripping water woke me up quickly.

She turned when she felt me move.

"Ivy why are you crying?" I asked. "I thought you wanted last night to happen."

She just turned and looked at me and ran into the bathroom crying even louder. I gently opened the door and went in. While I handled my plumbing duties, I looked at Ivy. She was standing in front of the sink staring at herself in the mirror. I turned on the shower and pulled her naked body in with me. I tried to kiss her and she turned her face away from me. She did let me hug her, but she started crying again.

I soaped her up and scrubbed her. I will admit I spent a lot of time rubbing her ass clean. It got a smile from her, but still no words.

Finally I pulled her out of the shower and dried her off. I gave her one of my old shirts and a pair of socks to put on. We went downstairs and I made her coffee, and a big cup of tea for me. I led her out to my porch swing so we could talk.

"Ivy what's wrong?" I asked.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" she snapped. She was starting to cry again.

"Ivy, you've had sex lots of times. I told you we might not be good together. I told you there was a danger of us building this up to be more than it is. For God's sake it was only sex. Let's not tear everything apart because you're unhappy." I looked at her again.

"Ivy why don't we chalk this up as a mistake and go back to friendship?" I said, trying to save something of the relationship.

"As if I could after that," she snapped. "Tim, I haven't ever felt anything like that ever in my life. I've been fucked a lot of times, but nobody has ever done that to me. You played my body like a fucking guitar."

"I just feel like I've wasted my whole life. If I hadn't been so stupid. You and I would be married, and my last three babies would be yours. And we'd be doing this every God damned night," she said. "I just felt so loved."

"Ivy we didn't fuck last night, we made love. Two people who love each other coming together and sharing their bodies is a little bit more than just fucking," I said.

Then she turned away from me. "Tim you hurt me pretty bad too," she said.

"How did I hurt you Ivy," I asked.

"You got me all hot and bothered, and I really wanted to feel you," she said. "So I asked you to take off that condom, and cum inside me. I wanted it really bad. But you just started fucking me harder until I just lost my mind again, and made me forget." she said.

"When I woke up this morning, I realized what you'd done. And I tried to figure out why, but all of the reason I come up with are bad." she said.

"Either you think I have some kind of disease that you don't want to catch, or you just don't want to risk having a baby with the town whore and being tied to me for a long time. As much as you love my kids, you don't want to give me one of your own."

She looked up at me and asked, "Which one is it Tim?"

"Honestly Ivy. I love you, but it's both and you missed one," I said.

"You have fucked a lot of guys and I don't know whether or not you have a disease. We should both get tested, today. I really haven't known you long enough or well enough, yet to have a baby with you, and if we do last long enough to get married, we'll have at least three more. But I don't want to be just another guy who knocked you up and ran out on you. I want to make sure we work, before I add anymore stress to your life."

"What's the last one?" she asked.

"I'm still not sure you won't break my heart again Ivy," I said to her. "You know I love you, very much. But if I give you my heart totally and you broke it again..."

"Tim I swear to you that will never happen," she said hugging me. "After last night, I would never risk losing what we just did. And the thought of you doing that with any other woman would make me crazy." She was smiling now and pulled her legs up onto the swing so it was obvious that she still didn't have any panties on.

"Do you know that last night was the first time for a lot of things," she said. "Every guy I've ever been with just pulled up my dress, fucked me and left. Like they were embarrassed to be with me. And it was always so quick, and dirty and nasty. But last night was just so beautiful. And no one has ever...you know...put their mouth down there," she said.

"Never?" I asked.

"Never," she echoed. "But they all think of me as some dirty, nasty slut. Why would they want to kiss or put their mouth where so many other men have stuck their dicks? Only someone who loved me would do that."

No doubt about it Ivy and I were in love. The next three years zoomed by. Ivy never cheated on me, or at least I never caught her. And we settled into a nearly idyllic life. there was only one fly in the ointment. Jasmine. Over those same three years, Jazz blossomed into the most beautiful woman in town. At twenty years old Jazz was halfway through her degree in what else, math. Following in my footsteps, and doing well. She had a job part time as my assistant and her own Mustang. I love her so much it was crazy. All of Ivy's other kids called me Dad, even though we'd never gotten married. But Jazz called me Tim.

That wasn't the problem. The problem was that Jazz and Ivy's relationship had taken a turn for the worse over the years until they couldn't stand to be in the same room with each other.

Jazz had moved out sixteen months ago and moved into the apartment over my garage. She was as much of a recluse as I'd been before I first met Ivy.

My daughter was simply weird. She had all of Ivy's best features and more. As I've said before her ass wasn't as big as Ivy's but it was shaped the same. Her breasts were much larger. I can't overstate how beautiful Jazz was. That was part of the problem. As far as I knew Jazz had never been on a date.

Many of the boys on campus had tried. I had even schooled a few of them on her likes and dislikes, in hopes of one or two of them getting a shot. She shot them all down, hard. Far harder than necessary as if she was trying to prove something.

People around the campus started thinking Jazz might be a lesbian, and a particularly bitter one. Jazz shot the women down even harder. Finally people just left her alone. The only person she got along with was me. And she treated me like shit sometimes too. If I had gotten my head out of my ass, and analyzed her behavior I might have known what was wrong, but I never did.

Ivy still lived in her house, and I in mine, but we often stayed over at one place or another. The kids also had a habit of sleeping in either house whenever they wanted, which solved our space problems. Most mornings Jazz and I would sit in my porch swing and have tea together before we drove in to work. We both drove our Mustangs and even though my car is faster, Jazz drives like a fucking Kamikaze pilot so the drives were always fun.

I cherished our mornings together. I felt like she truly was my daughter, even though I wasn't her sperm donor. The only mornings we didn't spend together were the mornings after Ivy stayed over or I stayed over at Ivy's. I tried to get them together several times, but Jazz simply wouldn't do it. "You and Ivy need your time together," she said, several times. That was another sign I missed. The way she spit out her mother's name like the word Ivy tasted like shit on the way out.

Life has a way of going in a circle. Several themes seem to keep repeating through our lives. Anyway I had just turned down a chance at being the dean of the math program back at the state university, which would have given me even more money. I really didn't need the money, I was happy with my life. I'd also decided that it was time to really make my relationship with Ivy official. I wanted to marry her and legally adopt all of the kids.

I wanted to do it in a big flashy family ceremony. I felt touchy talking about it with Jazz. She and I had a meeting of the minds on a similar subject the first summer that I'd moved back. Ivy had called me and asked me to pick Jazz up from school and bring her home. When I got to her house Ivy was worried. She was seated at one end of her porch. Her mother was in the middle. And I guy who was somewhere between our age and her mother's was at the far end of the porch.

"I never let him in the house," she said. "I didn't even let him get out of his fucking car until my mom got here. I was never alone with him. Ask mom. You know she won't lie."

"Ivy, I believe you," I said. The man walked over to me. He had a slight limp, and he looked at Ivy several times. He reached out to shake my hand.

"You must be Tim," he said. "I've heard a lot about you. Thanks for doing my job." he said sadly. "I'm..."

"You're a fucking nobody," said Jazz walking right past him and into the house. I suddenly knew who he was.

"Hold that thought," I said. I went into the house and after Jazz. She was calmly sitting at the table doing her homework. She looked up and smiled as I came in.

"Aren't you worried about Mom and Brian?" she asked. "You know how she is."

"Right now I'm worried about you," I said. "Jazz don't you even want to meet him, or talk to him. You are his..." I began.

"I'm not his anything," she said loudly. In the blink of an eye her whole demeanor changed. "I'm yours, Tim. You're stuck with me. I'm almost eighteen fucking years old and this is the first time I've ever seen that bastard. From the first day I met you, you've always been there for me, even when you and mom broke up. Even when you lived in a different town, you were more a part of my life than he was. I belong to you, not him." Then she went back to doing her homework. "I'm having trouble understanding sinusoidal equations, when you're done with them," she said as I left.

When I got back on the porch, it was strange. Ivy was trying to stay as far away from Brian as she could. It was like he had some kind of disease that only she knew about.

Ivy's mom was smiling. And Brian looked like if it was possible he'd have just disappeared out of embarrassment.

"Brian, I'll talk to her. Why don't you give her some time to get used to the idea. Give me your phone number and I'll have her call you." I said. He wrote down a number and handed it to me.
