Jodie Carpenter


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For such a long moment all we did was stare at each other, neither of us wished to back down because in our own hearts and minds we both believed we were right. We both loved our country hell we both ended up in the army willing to commit the ultimate sacrifice to prove it.

Adele was also speaking as a mother and one that had an interest in the drama that had unfolded hours before. I was spending so much time keeping my past hidden from my niece that the focus of Jodie's uncle took second place. Adele watched and started to smile, her grip on me eased and I made sure I apologized before I let Adele go.

It was as we both turned to sit down did we see Jodie and Maria watching everything that had happened between us. We could both see the wheels turning behind Jodie's eyes.

Maria said in as firm a voice as she could muster. "Dinner is in ten minutes."

Before she once again disappeared into the house, I followed and Jodie blocked Adele's route into the house thinking that she would get answers. Although I could hear them talk it was impossible to make out what was being said, it couldn't have been much because I heard Adele pass my room a few minutes later.

We made it to dinner just as Maria and her daughter were putting the plates on the table. Jodie's mood seemed to have brightened and for the duration of our dinner she was the perfect host. By the time we had left the table and sat around by the fire it was as though this morning had not happened.

Although we both knew it had happened and had to concede that the stubbornness inherent in our family had made this morning worse. Neither of us was willing to give an inch.

For my part, I had signed the piece of paper saying I couldn't be as open as she wished I could, and the country I serve who sent me to another continent and told me to protect my country when I got there; was same country that kept me and my niece apart for so long and finally returned me as a broken bodied man.

For Jodie, the once teenager and now woman but always my dearest niece, who on two occasions in her oh so short life, has had life changing decisions made on her behalf; when I took her away from any form of stability left in her life following the trauma of lost parents and when the wealth that was placed at her feet on her birthday, the same day that Adele was in the ops room and listened and watched the satellite feed display images to the huge screen on the wall.

Adele wasn't even supposed to be on duty that fateful day but she, like the others in that room, were sworn to this country's highest level of secrecy by black suited individuals using phrases like 'in the interest of national security' backed up by the General who nodded his head when his fellow officers looked to him for guidance that these civilians had so much say on a military base.


The sit down talk had to come between my niece and I; but the cooling off period between us had to come first. Words had been said between us both that neither could take back even though we both wished they could. All we could do now was let time heal those wounds before my own niece could bare her heart and new relationship with me. I had to learn patience, even at my age I still had to learn.

But Jodie had a new ally with Adele around and she in turn seemed to enjoy her new role as my shadow in my physiotherapy, she mirrored everything I did, be it in the pool or the exercise machines. Just like the pool she never sought to compete against me. Just matched all I did and then two more as if to prove the point that there was still room for improvement.

When everyone went into a huddle at the end of the day Adele would always keep me company until they could find another way to bring my body to the point of exertion. I also found myself starting to notice Adele the woman more, rather than John's wife.

I had met Adele through her husband; the camp was holding a dance and on his insistence I was told I was to not only come but to share their table. I agreed with the condition that no matchmaking was to be made by either him or his wife. With our deal struck and sealed with a hand shake I turned up on time and proceeded to have a great time alternately dancing with Adele and Lindsey.

When Adele found out I was bringing Jodie back with me she was the one who wangled the house across from her on the base. I never looked on Adele as anything more than John's wife and I had certainly never seen her in a swimming costume before. A uniform and of course casual clothes, but in that one piece swimming costume it was plain to see she was all woman, and with the exercise regime we were both doing six days a week, a well toned woman at that.

Dr. Elizabeth Hartmann came by a couple of times in the following weeks to check up on her handy work she would say. She did stay for dinner when she got here and watched the exercise regime between Adele and me with a smile.

I had thought that the confrontation we had was now behind us, or at the very least postponed.


This morning I had my hand on the door to my room as Jodie and Adele past my door, they were four steps down as I started to descend the stairs.

"I talked to Lindsey last night, and she's coming here for a long weekend before exams. She sounds stressed with her exams so close and I agreed, are you telling Martin or am I?"

"Let me, I will talk to him while you're all checking the progress sheets."

It wasn't until they both got to the bottom of the stairs before Jodie spoke again.

"Lindsey knows he knows because I told her the evening of the fight, she's always looked on him as a favorite uncle and if I was honest she's has had a crush on him since the dance."

"We both have dear. What's set us all back was that he feels we ambushed him the night you two set out to hurt each other, look how long it's taken us to get him back to this point."

Jodie shrugged her shoulders as they both walked towards the kitchen.

"Well it can't be helped. I'm not walking around on eggshells and I'm damn well not giving up my time with Lindsey when she gets here."

I sat by the pool for a while, the day was warming up to be another scorcher. Marie came and stood next to me for a moment before she asked if I wished my breakfast out here. The temptation was there if for nothing else but the view, but I couldn't have Maria running around all over the place just for me, so I said I would be in, in a minute.

The girls were half finished when I sat down.

"Sleep in?"

Adele had a concerned look on her face and was relieved when I said no and that I wanted some air before breakfast. Both women kept an uneasy silence until I confessed that I had heard the conversation as we all descended the stairs. Jodie just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her breakfast.

I suppose to Jodie since I had heard the conversation then she had no need to tell me Lindsey was coming. Even Adele admitted that Jodie seemed more cheerful as the days passed us by and the arrival of her daughter became imminent. After Wednesday afternoons huddle Jodie announced that we were having guests for a long weekend so with a smile on her face that soon infected the rest of the staff she announced that Thursday afternoon was their last day until Tuesday.


Both women kept their eye on the time throughout the day, the huddle at the end of Thursday was shorter this time and Jodie's backup staff didn't argue one bit when they realized they were getting a long weekend. The buzzer sounded at four fifteen and poor Maria had to quickly step aside as both Jodie and Adele shouted they would get it as they themselves rushed to the door and buzzed the gate to let the cab in.

Lindsey put her bag down and Teresa picked it up before the contents of the bag had time to settle on the floor, she went to protest but had Jodie in her arms by then and her bag became a memory. I watched in silent amusement as the scene unfolded in front of me, the door still open and apparently forgotten. I even had to walk around the women to push the button for the gate so that the now forgotten cab driver could get out.

The talking, giggles and talking over each other in an attempt catch up on all the news quickly came to a stop.

"Hello Uncle Martin."

I made it almost three quarters of the way to the couch when her words pierced the space between us. Silence hung in the air as I turned to face Lindsey. Her brown eyes a gift from her mom those same high cheek bones shaped her face in a way that let you know that although her mom stood next to her, John's own genes had helped forge this young lady into a woman, she now matched Adele's height and that gave her an inch over Jodie.

Her frame had filled out well in the years I hadn't seen her, she had worn casual clothes to fly in yet even they couldn't hide the swell of her chest. My smile matched hers; the relief in her eyes shone back at me as well. Even from where I stood I could see her well up and a tear form in her left eye. Her hands clenched and unclenched a couple of times, the hesitation in her obvious to us all.

Finally the anxiety in her overwhelmed her and she rushed to me. It was as her feet left the ground that Adele screamed at Lindsey to stop but by then the laws of physics took over. She couldn't stop once her feet left the ground so that her legs could wrap themselves around me and her arms clung to my neck like a life preserver. It was only when I opened my eyes and stared at Adele and she knew.

I'm just grateful she noticed me shake my head to prevent her from speaking. The sudden weight of Lindsey on my already damaged back and legs caused me to wince and quickly sit down on the couch. Both Jodie and Lindsey were so wrapped up in the moment that they didn't notice; Adele did.

We spent the next twenty minutes letting Lindsey talk about her education and the imminent exams while she sat on my lap, her arms still around my neck. Finally Adele saw her moment and managed to get the girls out the back and onto the seats on the decking with drinks in their hands; Lindsey stopped and gasped at the view. I excused myself and told everyone I needed a nap before dinner.

Adele found me on my bedroom floor curled up in agony. She helped me get onto the bed and rolled me face down before straddling my legs and pushing my shirt up as far as she could get it. The heat my body was generating around the area of the small of my back was a give-away.

"I'm getting Jodie to call Dr. Hartmann, this is bad."


"Fuck what you say Martin my daughter may only be a hundred and ten pounds on a rainy day but that's more than forty pounds more than we are letting you bench press at the moment."

I managed to grab Adele's hand as she moved to get up off the bed.

"Don't Adele. Don't, it would destroy her. Remember the reason she's here, if she goes back to her university with this in her head it will destroy her confidence in her ability to get her exams done."

She made to pull her hand away from my grasp, I just held on tighter.

"Adele I will make a deal with you. Go get the bottle of green stuff, the one with the funny sounding name that smells of Lavender. Put that on tonight, if I'm still as bad tomorrow then fine call Hartmann but don't do it now."

She tugged at me again but I still wasn't giving her back her arm until I got her to agree to this compromise. Finally Adele calmed enough to nod her head and was out the door of my bedroom almost as quickly as I let go of her arm. It also seems I hadn't thought my compromise through as well as I thought I had, when Adele got back she pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and then proceeded to pull my shorts off as well.

I was now naked with Adele once again straddling the backs of my legs, all thought of protest vaporized when the green stuff hit my skin. Its own heat challenging that which my own body was generating, the intense pain calmed after a while as she massaged the stuff into the skin around my lower back.

"Damn Martin, I never realized you had such a tight ass."

In one of those life's unguarded moments with my mind grateful that the pain had eased and the green stuff with the funny sounding name actually felt like it was working I opened my mouth and said.

"Nowhere near as tight as yours Adele."

My eyes shot open about the same time as she stopped massaging the green stuff into my body.

"So you actually notice my ass?"

I had only one route to go with this conversation; with my defenses down I had blurted out the truth, I had noticed her ass. Adele went back to massaging the green stuff into my body, occasionally her hands would drift to my ass causing me to tense up ever so slightly. I had backed myself up against a wall and now had nowhere to go but forward, so as I spoke she continued to massage my back.

"You like light blues in the winter months and pastels in the summer, dresses over skirts. When you smile your eyes do as well, when you laugh your whole body does. You're left handed, you hate wearing jewelry although I'm not sure if that's a byproduct of military life. You hate bodice ripper novels in favor of thrillers and your favorite actor is Tom Hanks although I must call your sanity into question on that little quirk in your character."

The last comment earned me a slap across my ever so tight ass.

"You don't get to challenge the hunk that is Tom Hanks when no one is allowed to talk in this house when the Playboy Mansion is on the TV. Honestly I have never seen so much peroxide in one show than when that's on."

Adele felt me move beneath her and raised herself to allow me to move onto my side, in my haste to defend Hugh Hefner I forgot my state of undress until mid-way through forming my defense when Adele was staring at my crotch. I know the heat felt by my cheeks must have matched the color of hers and as I moved to roll back onto my front she moved her leg to prevent me.

Her hand inched towards my cock, the trance was only added to when she licked her lips. Adele's hand was inches from my semi erection when my voice pierced the distance between us.

"You may want to remember what you have on your hands Adele, I can already feel the heat its generating on my thigh."

The blush turned crimson a second before she quickly got off the back of my legs and ran out of my room. We had all read the label on the bottle of the green stuff with the funny sounding name and in big bold letters the words 'wash hands after use' gave a big hint to what it could well have done to my cock if Adele had wrapped her hands around it. My thoughts made me smile; the laugh came a second or so later.

I made it down stairs a few hours later when Jodie knocked on my door to let me know dinner was ready. When the girls were talking to each other Adele took that opportunity to look concerned, a smile and a gentle nod of my head made the concern disappear and challenge my own smile. I pushed the buzzer for the gate that let Maria and her daughter out before telling the girls I was heading for an early night.

Makes a man warm inside when he gets a hug from three women, I even got a kiss on the cheek from Lindsey and both of us looked over at Jodie. Who then put her glass down, wandered over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek as well. Lindsey then looked towards Adele who, not to feel left out of course, then placed her glass on the table and walked over to me to place a kiss on my cheek. I was prepared for Adele though and gave her a hug before wishing everyone goodnight. The sound of three women laughing followed me up the stairs that evening.


They had been at it for close to half an hour now, at first I thought it fake but as time went on they were clearly into each other. I actually found myself trying to put a face to the orgasm that although dulled by the thickness of the wall between us, was clear enough to recognize the fact they were indeed enjoying each other's company and for the sake of my sanity I stopped trying to fit the orgasm to which girl it was.

Sleep was impossible even with a pillow over my head. My own body had already gone into revolt and the raging hard on I was sporting was impossible to ignore. Finally Jodie's room went quiet and after a moment the shower came on along with a bunch of giggling. Just as sleep started to take me, even though I was still sporting a monumental hard on, the shower stopped and a minute or so later they were both at it again.

"Oh for the love of God, what it is to have youth and endurance on your side."

Still remembering this was Jodie's house I kept it low so that I was sure I was the only one that heard my comment. As I turned in my bed for what felt like the hundredth time and hearing another damned orgasm seep through the walls, my own bedroom door opened and quickly closed. As I reached for the light and turned it on, Adele was already in the process of walking towards me and dropping her dressing gown off her own body on the way.

Her face was a mixture of so many emotions.

"I've had to listen to those two bitches go at each other for the last hour with only my fingers for company. Since I flew here there was no way I was going to get caught with a vibrator in my bag on a random search, and at the moment Martin I'm in need of both cock and relief like you would never believe."

Still in shock that she was even in my room, absolutely nothing had prepared me for what she said next. Adele's naked form climbed onto my bed and straddled my legs, her eyes burned with lust, her cheeks, neck and the top half of her chest flush with arousal and her nipples stood proud on her body. She grabbed a handful of sheet and looked me directly in the eyes.

"I have an itch that my fingers can't touch and other than my hair brush you're the nearest thing in this house to a vibrator. So I'm taking what I need Martin, you can either join in or lay there and let me take it."

"Adele, are you out of your damn mind?"

With a swift tug of the sheet I was now naked and clearly showing the effect on my body of the noises coming from the room next door, she licked her lips, Adele actually licked her lips.

"Times up, I'm taking it and you can scream rape later."

What happened next would never make it into any romance novel, the effect on our minds and carnal emotions seeping through the walls from my niece's room sent both of us over the edge. I twisted my body and ignored the sharp pain that rode up my back as I did, that movement alone sent Adele under me. Her legs opened wider while her hands sought out my cock.

"Just fuck me damn it, the foreplay can wait for round two and three, or four if I'm real lucky."

As I adjusted my position her tits came into view, my mouth descended onto one while my fingers found the hardened nipple of the other one and I pinched down and twisted. Adele groaned and instinctively, thrust her chest up towards me and my open mouth closed around it, my teeth gently nibbled her nipple as Adele tried so hard to push up one more time.

"Oh fuck, yes there right there. Ok just a little foreplay if you must, just stick this into me before I become a puddle."

It's real hard trying not to laugh while you have a woman's breast in your mouth and with someone as vocal as Adele seems to be I figured it may be best to un-attach myself before I did her harm.

My hand found her mound; her hand found mine and forced it further down.

"Feel that? It's those two bitches that did this to me."

With my hand between her legs and hers making sure I couldn't move it she was in the process of humping my hand. Poor Adele wanted her orgasm in double quick time and fuck anyone getting in her way. One then two fingers entered her, the pleasurable groan from her lips made me add another and her pelvic action let me know she was enjoying herself.