Keeping a Kitsune Ch. 05


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By the time I finished fighting traffic and parked at Aiko's, it was a couple minutes before 7:00. I paused in the car as I was checking my hair in the rearview mirror before I got out. I realized I was acting like I was picking Chiyo up for a date - that was a strange sensation. These few hours of the afternoon were the longest we'd been apart since I'd caught her, and the only time I'd been away from her where she wasn't safely tucked away in my apartment.

I leaned back in my seat and took a deep breath. "Okay, Wiggins, stop and think. What do you want out of this?"

It was a good question. I wanted Chiyo - I had as soon as I first saw her from a distance, and nothing had changed since then. I wanted that sexy little body of hers more than I'd ever wanted a woman, a craving that went bone deep. I wanted her company too; something about being around her made me smile and want to cuddle her and make her happy. But I also wanted to do right by her - I'd hurt her, badly, on multiple levels, and I needed to fix that. That meant setting her free - get her pearl back, then talk to the lawyers again and figure out some way to set her up so that she wouldn't have to live as property. That probably would mean getting her out of the AZ and back into the woods over the British border in some fashion. Based on what the lawyers had said earlier, I doubted there was any way she could be free while she was on American soil, and that meant I couldn't get attached.

Normally attachment isn't a problem for me - I chase tail, I get it, sometimes I try to make a relationship work, and then I get distracted by a new woman and move on. It's an established pattern - back in high school and college, it resulted in a lot of messy breakups. Lately I've been trying to be mature and make sure everyone knows that it isn't going to be long term whenever I start something with a new girl, or keep it strictly fuck-buddies, like with Aiko.

And you'd think it wouldn't be a risk with the trauma I'd put Chiyo through, but for some reason she seemed to like me. I didn't know why - maybe because I was the first man she'd met, maybe some inherent Kitsune urge to mate, who knows. But I was pretty confident in my ability to read women, and I was sure Chiyo wanted me, just like I wanted her.

Sitting there in my car, no one around to pressure me, nothing to do, I indulged in a brief fantasy where Chiyo and I stayed together. We'd get her pearl back, I'd offer to set her free, she'd say she wanted to stay with me, the years would pass . . . I'd come home from work, she'd be wearing nothing but an apron, grinning wickedly at me while she set the table for dinner . . . I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

That was a great fantasy, but I knew it was just a fantasy. I wasn't built for the long term - what would happen when I inevitably got bored with her and wanted someone new? She'd still be stuck with me after the break-up: she was legally my property and I certainly wouldn't sell her to some stranger who'd abuse her. Even assuming I could stay faithful and she wanted to stay, what kind of life would it be for her? She'd be at risk of being attacked or arrested if she went out alone without me, and I wasn't an idle millionaire who could just stay in a mansion with her.

I had to work for a living, and there was no way a Kitsune could get a job in our society. Even if she wanted to be a housewife, we couldn't have kids - any kits she had would be born into slavery just like her and there was no way I would allow that to happen. And finally, there was the issue of lifespan - by the time I got old and died, Chiyo would still be in the prime of her life, probably with four or five tails and decades yet to live. I'd have to leave her to someone in my will. I shuddered at that thought; no, there was no place for her in the human world, at least not in America.

So, no, I wasn't picking up a sexy girl for a date. I was picking up someone who was trapped in a bad situation, and I was going to do my best to make it easy on her until we could set her free. I got out of the car, shaking off the fantasy of a relationship.

I took a deep breath, told myself I was doing the right thing, then walked over to the entrance to Aiko's building and hit the buzzer. After a minute with no reply, I hit the buzzer again. The second time she picked up.

"Hello?" Aiko sounded a little out of breath.

"Heya. You girls been having fun without me?"

She giggled. "Yeah, yeah, we have. I wasn't expecting you so soon."

I raised an eyebrow, not that she could see it. "It's 7:00."

"Really? Shit, it is. Time flies when you're having fun. Okay, come on up, door's open."

"Thanks." I let go of the buzzer and slipped into the lobby, ducking past a guy on his way out as I made my way to the elevator.

I leaned back and studied my reflection while the elevator groaned its way up to the 20th floor. I looked good; calm and collected. Faded jeans, fitted olive green t-shirt, blonde hair tousled just so. But, you know, not the type of looking good that you would look if you were going on a date. Just casual good looking handsome friend.

I sighed and got out of the elevator, strolling down the hall until I got to Aiko's door. It was locked, so I knocked and waited. I didn't have to wait too long - I heard the deadbolt slip, then Aiko opened the door with an embarrassed grin. "Hey J, come on in."

I raised an eyebrow at her and stepped in. Aiko was in a stripped down version of her work clothes, grey pencil skirt over bare legs, white blouse half untucked and half unbuttoned. Her face was slightly flushed, and her long black hair had some tangles in it as it fell over her left shoulder. If I didn't know better, I'd think I'd interrupted her in the middle of a make-out session. I came to a halt a few steps into her apartment and reassessed. Chiyo had been masturbating to lesbian porn the other day. Maybe this was what it looked like?

I gave Aiko a long, assessing look. She'd never expressed any interest in girls in the years I'd known her, but my spidey senses were going off. "Am I interrupting something?"

She blushed. Fuck, they had been up to something. I wasn't sure if I was jealous or turned on. Maybe a little bit of both.

Aiko opened her mouth, paused, then sighed and rolled her eyes. "Sorry, I'm a shitty friend. I should have called you to see if it would be okay. Are you pissed?"

"I don't think so. What exactly happened, so I know whether I should be pissed or not? And where exactly is my fox spirit?"

"She's in my bedroom, she's fine. Umm, she was curious about whether it felt different kissing a girl than a boy. And I guess I was curious what it would be like to kiss a Kitsune. And we kind of lost track of time a little bit. But that's all it was! Just kissing."

I waited.

"Ok, kissing and a little bit of fondling. Maybe a lot of fondling. But that was all."

I smirked. "And did you like it?"

Aiko scowled and punched me in the arm. "Asshole. Are you pissed at me?"

I laughed. "Nope, I'm not mad. A little jealous I wasn't around to watch, maybe. But despite the legal facts, I'm trying to act like I don't actually own Chiyo. And if you both had fun, I'm happy."

Aiko relaxed a little. "Well . . . good. That's good. Um, yeah, anyway, come on back and say hi to your girl."

I followed Aiko into her bedroom, amused by her embarrassment. I was definitely curious to see how Chiyo had been enjoying her first lesbian experiment.

My fox was sitting up in Aiko's bed, a nest of pillows behind her and another pillow propping up her broken leg. She was wearing a powder blue tank top and a long yellow skirt. The shirt was riding up enough to show half her stomach, and her short orange mop of hair was almost as much of a mess as Aiko's longer tresses. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an empty tub of ice cream with two spoons in it on the bedside table - apparently girl time had included more than just lesbian experimentation.

Chiyo grinned at me and waved. "Hi Jason! Did you have a nice afternoon?"

I sat down on the edge of the bed and gave her a quick hug while Aiko climbed into bed on the other side of Chiyo. "It was okay. I think we're as ready as we can be to call Kylie tomorrow. But it sounds like you had more fun than I did." I grinned.

"Ooh, yes, I did. Aiko's a very good kisser, I totally get why you like her." Aiko blushed again, and I laughed.

"Yeah, she is pretty sexy. Did she do that thing where she nibbles on your ear to distract you from where her hands are going?"

Chiyo nodded enthusiastically, and both of us turned to grin at Aiko, who scowled at us and blushed harder. I laughed again. "When did you get shy?"

"I'm not shy! I just don't usually have two people talking about kissing me right in front of me." She crossed her arms and looked away. "And . . . it's been a long time since I made out with a girl."

I leaned back against the wall. "Yeah, I don't mean to pry, but the whole time I've known you, you seemed pretty resolutely straight. I even invited you to have a threesome with me and Veronica that one time and you shut me down hard."

"Hmmph. I'm . . . mostly straight. I've been with two girls, once in high school and once in college. I turned you down because I don't want people thinking I'm a potential unicorn."

Chiyo blinked. "How could people think that you're a unicorn?"

Aiko sighed. "Not the magic horse, honey. In this case it's a slang term for a bisexual girl who joins an established couple for a threesome but isn't interested in messing with their relationship. Basically, she's a free bonus sexy girl who doesn't need any emotional commitment and is just there to make the couple's sex life better. If, and this is a major if, I were ever to do a threesome, I would want it be based in a real relationship with both of the other people, and not have me just be the third wheel. I'm pretty casual about sex, as Jason knows, but I don't want to have couples constantly trying to drag me in to their experiments, so I usually keep quiet about my bisexuality. Which, I repeat, is a very mild bisexuality."

I blinked. "You could have told me that instead of just saying you never wanted to do a threesome."

Aiko sighed. "We'd only known each other for a couple months back then. It comes to the same result in the end, and the way I did it, there wasn't a risk that you'd keep asking with every new girlfriend you picked up."

"Huh. I guess that's fair."

We all sat back and took a minute to think. I broke the silence first. "Um, so . . . totally up to you two if you want to pursue something. I don't know if you were just having some fun or if there might be something more there, but if you girls want to date, you have my blessing. Not that you need it, you're both grown-ups, but . . . you get what I'm saying."

Chiyo and Aiko glanced at me then looked at each other. There was definitely some sort female telepathy going on, that thing where girls have a whole conversation in a brief exchange of facial expressions. Chiyo reached out and took Aiko's hand and squeezed it. They had another wordless exchange, with Aiko gesturing encouragingly with her free hand, and then Chiyo turned to look at me. She took a deep breath and spoke.

"I do like Aiko, and I am curious about doing more with her. But what I really want is to be with you again. I know it's all fucked up with you kidnapping me and owning me, and maybe I'm messed up for wanting this, but I really liked having sex with you, and I miss that. Is . . . is there any way we can be together again?"

I groaned. "I don't know, Chiyo. It's a really messed up situation, like you said. I owe it to you to set you free, and the whole thing where I technically own you and you rely on me for everything makes things really complicated."

Chiyo bit her lip and glanced at Aiko. Aiko nodded firmly. "Just like we talked about, honey. Walk him through it step by step."

Chiyo nodded and looked down at her lap. "Um . . . do you still want to have sex with me?"

I reached out and slipped my hand under her chin, tugging her face up to meet my eyes. I stared deep into her golden eyes, willing her to hear the truth in my words. "Yes, Chiyo. I want you. That's not the problem. I want you very badly, so much I don't trust myself around you."

Her eyes widened slightly and she caught her breath. "Um . . . good. That's good. I want you too."

I sighed. "If it was that simple, we wouldn't have a problem."

Chiyo nodded sadly, her eyes still locked on mine.

Aiko let out a snort of frustration. "It can be that simple, you pair of idiots."

We both turned to look at her. "I know, I know, there's a lot of emotional baggage trying to make its way in. But if I couldn't tell before, seeing the way you two were just staring at each other confirms that you've got it bad for each other. So, since Chiyo seems to have lost the track of what we talked about earlier, let me pick it up. Jason, do you trust Chiyo?"

I took a moment to think. Aiko snapped her fingers next to my face. "Nope, no making it complicated. Answer with your gut. Do you trust Chiyo?"

"Yes. I do."

"Good. Chiyo, do you trust Jason? Same rules, no thinking about it, just answer."

"Yes. I probably shouldn't, but I do."

"Okay then. You're both adults, you trust each other, so do you think either of you is lying to the other one about wanting to be together?"

I glanced at Chiyo, who met my eyes. We stared at each other for a moment, and knew that Aiko was right. "There's more to it than just that, Aiko."

"Yeah, there are risks. Every relationship has risks. Things might go badly, you might hurt each other. Are you willing to take those risks?"

Chiyo reached out with the hand that wasn't grasping Aiko's and took mine. "I'm willing. Are you?"

I looked at her. She didn't have enough experience to know what she was saying. She didn't know all of the bad parts of me, all the ways I could hurt her beyond what I'd already done. But Aiko had just asked me if I trusted her, and I'd said yes. The only way Chiyo would get the experience she needed was to live life, and she said she wanted me. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and met her gaze. "Yeah, I guess I am."

Aiko pumped her fist in the air. "Great! Now kiss, you dumb kids."

I laughed nervously and leaned forward, meeting Chiyo halfway. Our lips met, and my heart raced. This was dumb, and crazy, and probably wrong, but I couldn't make myself care about that anymore. The walls I'd carefully erected around myself to keep from hurting her crumbled as our lips met, and I pulled her into my arms, holding her as we kissed. She moaned into my mouth and I felt her hands on my back as she pressed herself into me. Eventually we broke apart, mainly because we both needed to catch our breath, but we stayed locked together, our faces inches apart. Her eyes sparkled as we stared at each other. I think we could have gone on like that for a while if Aiko hadn't spoken.

"Geez, that was hot. Damn, you two."

Chiyo and I flushed and pulled apart. I ran a hand through my hair. "Sorry about that. And, ah, thanks for yelling at us."

She laughed. "Don't apologize. That was crazy sexy, I could watch it all day. And you're welcome - just remember that I'm always right, and you'll go far."

"Thank you, sensei. I'll keep it in mind."

"Good! Now, I'd love to hang out with both of you, but I think you two need some personal time. So get the hell out of my apartment and go be cute together."

Chiyo didn't have much stuff to gather - her crutches, her new phone, my tablet, and a shoulder bag to carry the electronics. We made sure her skirt was covering her tails then said thanks and goodbye to Aiko. Chiyo surprised us both by pulling Aiko in for a lingering goodbye kiss. Once they'd pulled apart, I slipped a hand around Aiko's waist before she could recover and pulled her in for a deep kiss of my own. I winked at her and we slipped out, leaving Aiko looking flustered and off-balance in her doorway.

I definitely wouldn't mind trying to talk Aiko into a threesome since she seemed to legitimately be into Chiyo, but that was a thought for another day. My priority at the moment was Chiyo. We stood side by side in the elevator as it slowly descended, glancing at each other shyly. I felt like a fumbling kid in high school again. Yes, we'd had sex together, both fucking and making love, but this felt new and fragile. For the first time in a very long time I wasn't sure what to do next with a girl. In the end I settled for holding her hand, which earned me a shy grin. I had to let go of her hand so she could use her crutches once we reached the lobby, but after I'd helped her into the car and gotten in myself I reached over and took her hand again.

We looked at each other, then I leaned over the center console and she came to meet me for a soft kiss. I pulled back and held her hand up to my lips, kissing her knuckles, and she blushed.

"You know this isn't going to be easy, right? Even if Aiko's right and we should take the risk, it's still going to be messy and complicated with me owning you."

Chiyo nodded. "I have an idea about that, actually. You remember the book you downloaded for me?"

I shook my head. "Which one?"

"The sexy one. 'The Story of O'."

"Oh!" I blinked. "Yeah, that was when we were trying to make me as Master work out. We don't have to do that, Chiyo. We can be equals."

"Well, I was thinking about it. I think it's sort of like us. I mean, I don't think there was a law about it, but Rene and Sir Stephen both basically owned O, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"And she still loved them, and they were mostly happy together."


"So, maybe we could try something like that. We don't have to pretend that you don't own me - we could maybe just . . . work with it?" She looked up at me nervously.

"So, you think a Master/Slave relationship is sexy?"

"Um, parts of it. Not all of it - I wouldn't want you to give me away like Rene gave O away."

I grinned. "Don't worry little fox; I have no intention of giving you away. Just so we're clear, you want to be my little fox again, follow my rules?"

Chiyo blushed. "Um . . . yes. I mean, if you do! We don't have to try that if you don't want to."

I smiled at her, letting a little predator come into my eyes as I raked her with them.

"I think that sounds very good, little fox. We'll have to work out the details, but I think I'm very interested in dominating your fuckable little ass."

Chiyo squeaked and scooted back in her seat instinctively then licked her lips and looked up at me hopefully.

"I think I'd like that too . . . Master."

I was half hard just at the thought of dominating Chiyo again. I'd been in plenty of relationships where the girl wasn't submissive, and I was fine without any BDSM elements, but I had a dominant side. And Chiyo definitely brought it out. I reached down and eased my seat back a little, then undid my belt and unzipped my jeans.

I slipped my hand behind Chiyo's head, gently tugging her down into my lap. Words were good, but if she wanted to try this, I needed to see if she'd really be okay with me dominating her. And, to be honest, I needed to see if I'd be okay doing it, if I could be dominant without getting torn up by guilt over what I'd done to her.

Chiyo glanced up and flashed me a nervous grin as I guided her down, then turned her focus to my cock. She reached over, her slim fingers stroking my shaft as that raspy little tongue slipped out and began teasing the head. I caught my breath and leaned back with a groan. I'd missed this feeling. I quickly hardened under her tongue, and she slid me into her mouth and began to suck as her tongue continued to work. I decided I was probably going to be okay with this.