Me, My Brother, and My Roommate


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I had never done this in the presence of someone who wasn't my lover, and even though I knew on one level how weird it was that my brother was watching, on another level it wasn't weird at all, it felt just as great as it ever did when I was by myself. Maybe even better.

Thinking about our discussion of loudness, I moaned a little louder than I might have otherwise and said, to no one in particular, "Hm, that feels so good."

The sound jolted Will's eyes immediately from my chest to my face, and he started a two-handed stroking motion, his fists right next to each other to make a two-hand-long tunnel for his cock to stroke through. He was thrusting his cock now just as much as he was moving his hands, his whole body rippling with each movement.

"You probably need to change pants too, right?" he asked.

I released my nips and uncrossed my arms. "Yeah, I sure do," I said.

I stood up, facing him, and pulled the waistband of my sweatpants slowly down over my butt, then below my knees, then lifted them off first one foot and then the other, throwing them on the floor. I stood nude before this horny naked man I used to know as my brother but suddenly thought of so differently.

My heart pounded now, the combination of the thrill of the unknown, the thrill of the taboo, and the thrill of sex. I sat back down on the bed and put my feet on the mattress, lifting my knees to fully expose my pussy to my brother. He took a step toward me, so transfixed for a moment that he held his cock still.

He watched as I slid a finger along my slit. I was already wet enough to thoroughly dampen my finger, and I raised it up to my nose, inhaling my scent deeply before letting out a satisfying purr as I exhaled. I looked directly in his eyes as I put this finger in my mouth, slowly pulling it back out through my lips, tasting myself. I saw in his eyes pure lust, something I had never seen in him before.

I moved my hand back to my wetness and slid my saliva-soaked finger up and down my slit a few times, allowing it to part my lips so my fingernail disappeared. "Mmm," I said again, and Will stepped again toward my bed, this time kneeling at my bedside. His cock was now out of my view, but his face was only a foot from my pussy, and I knew he wanted to taste me.

I retracted my finger and held it out towards him, but deliberately out of his reach. He bobbed his head to reach it, but I pulled it away and sucked it again into my own mouth. "Mmm", I hummed yet again, making my finger vibrate with the sound. When I took out my finger I said, "That tastes so good, Will, you should try it sometime."

I suppose this was an invitation, and he accepted immediately. He moved his head to my pussy and licked my slit from bottom to top like he was starving and it was the world's only sustenance. This touch crossed a line: a brother and sister now touching each other sexually for the first time. It made the sensation even more intense. I reacted to his touch with a stifled moan, and I called out his name. "Will, oh my god, that feels so good."

While his tongue continued to work, he nuzzled his nose near my clit, and the sensation was electric. I didn't see how he could be breathing, but his nose circled first to the left of my clit, then the right, and then below, enough to make me sizzle. "Please, more, please," I said. I couldn't resist moving my body into his motions. As his tongue swept and probed my pussy, I leaned into it, setting up a rhythmic pace that felt divine. On every stroke I said something, wanting him to know how turned on he was making me. "Oh, Will, god, please."

While Will's tongue was making me ecstatic, I pictured his cock, neglected at the bedside, and I said, "Come up here on the bed with me." He didn't need to be told twice. I rolled away, making room for him, and I flattened him on his back. His chest rose and fell with his quick breaths and his legs squirmed on the bed as his cock ached for attention. I gave it some.

I straddled him and moved into classic 69 position, with my mouth hovering above his eager cock and my knees on either side of his head as my pussy lowered closer and closer to that tongue of his. I licked right across the tip of his cock, instantly tasting the clean urge of his precum. I felt Will's arms circling around my waist and drawing my body to his. I spread my knees apart as far as I could, and I immediately felt his tongue on my pussy, the different angle giving a different sensation than before.

I rewarded him by engulfing the head of his cock in my mouth, feeling as his veins pulsed between my lips. I bobbed up and down a couple of times, and when he hummed in satisfaction I could feel his vocal vibrations reverberating through my sex. I hummed in return and I could tell he felt a jolt. Our mouths were too busy for words, but we hummed at each other with every exhale.

My little brother's penis is in my mouth, I thought to myself then. I should have been mortified, but instead I was unable to stop the escalation of sexual excitement. When you're that horny, these thoughts can't turn down the heat, they just burn right alongside your actions. Then another of these thoughts crossed my mind: What would Callie think? And again I should have been mortified. This time my eyes popped open and my first thought was of her walking in on us and joining in. I couldn't deny that watching Callie's exquisite body the night before had been part of what made the night so lustful.

I moved one hand to caress Will's balls, and as I did he raised his feet off the bed, so my hand went further south and lightly tickled between his balls and his ass, where the base of his cock still felt as hard as steel.

I pulled my mouth off his cock and let my tongue tickle the back side of the head, his pleasure center. He must have liked it, because his tongue stopped moving and he pulled away from my pussy, giving me another deeply satisfied moan of encouragement. It was almost as erotic when he stopped, because I knew I was making him so horny that he forgot what he was doing.

I licked his cock from head to base, curling my tongue around each ball as best as I could. It was then that I felt his mouth on my clit, his lips capturing it and slowly circling around so perfectly that I couldn't believe it. He applied a little suction, enough that I took a sharp intake of breath. He pulled away and said, "Is that OK?"

I said, "Oh yeah, do that again, just like that, please . . ." He put his mouth back the same way and sucked at my nib again, this time a little stronger than before. I popped the head of his cock back into my mouth and gave him some suction too as my lips caressed the ridge of his mushroom head. Under suction I licked the tip, feeling and tasting a drop of precum.

Will's arms applied some pressure to my waist, then more, and I knew he wanted me to turn over. I let go of his cock as he rolled me onto my back. He flipped himself around so he was on top of me, and he kissed me deeply. I tasted myself on his tongue, and I wondered if he tasted his own precum on mine too.

I felt the pressure of his body as he pressed against me, trapping my body under his. The meatiness of his cock squeezed against the wetness of my pussy, but he stayed perfectly still, nothing but the pressure of our bodies and our intertwined tongues holding us together.

After a long, satisfying kiss, he lifted his upper body away from mine. His cock twitched perceptibly against me, and I couldn't keep my body still anymore. I rocked side to side and front to back, feeling the electricity building as his cock stimulated my body. He moved his body with mine and we danced together, both of us unable to help ourselves because only lust was in control.

He pulled back a bit and adjusted the angle between us, and the next time I rocked backwards I felt the head of his cock barely penetrate me, just the tip. I whispered to him, "Will, I need you inside me, please." I rocked backwards more strongly than before, and he rocked with me, and every motion pulled his cock deeper inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, so eager for more, and he stopped completely.

"Oh, god, I need more of you," I said, but he slowly pulled all the way out of me, his cock dripping wet. Then he slowly pushed all the way back in, deeply, as far as he could go, and as he wriggled his cock inside me I felt a lurch as my clit was smashed between our bodies.

He started to slowly thrust then, and we looked in each others' eyes as our bodies moved together. In his eyes I saw the same lust as before, I saw intensity, and I saw something new: love. Of course we loved each other. We would do anything for each other. But this was a different kind of love, and at that moment I knew there was no way I could feel the same way with anyone else. A sibling's love, tested and amplified over a whole lifetime, now exponentially greater with a whole different kind of love. No one else could match it.

"I love you more than anything," he said. Somehow he must have been thinking something similar.

"I love you too, Will, and I love having you inside me." He broke off eye contact and watched my breasts going up and down. He bent down to kiss a nipple, taking advantage of our rhythm to pull it between his lips and let it wriggle in his mouth. The intensity of the moment, our admission of love for each other, and his multiple points of stimulation combined to push me to an orgasm. It hit me with massive power, and I had no choice but to scream in ecstasy.

No written words can fully capture what came out of my mouth: part yell, part scream, part guttural moan, part just repeating Will's name over and over, louder and more forcefully each time. I was stunned at the sensations that coursed through my entire body, so much more intense just from knowing they were caused by my brother.

My orgasm pushed Will over the edge moments later, and I opened my eyes to watch his body tense with enjoyment. He took a cue from me and grunted loudly. He tilted his head upward and I could see his neck and upper chest muscles flexing and releasing at the exact tempo that his cock pulsed inside me. His body glistened with a light sheen of sweat from the workout, and it made him look that much sexier as he peaked and began to recede. I kept our rhythm at full speed all the way through, buoyed by my own long-lasting orgasm, but soon he began to slow and our motions gradually came to a stop.

He stayed on top of me with his eyes closed. I could feel his cock inside me, gently pulsing with each heartbeat, and slowly shrinking back to normal size. A rivulet of our combined juices slipped out past his cock and ran down toward the sheets.

The end of an orgasm sometimes brings doubt or regret, and I briefly wondered whether he would be regretful of what we did. He put me at ease almost immediately. With a deep breath he opened his eyes, looked right in mine and said, "I love you more than anything," before kissing me deeply. His words were the same as a few minutes before, but they almost meant more to me now that they were separated from the lust.

"I love you even more than that," I said, and this made him smile. The warmth of his body covering me and the glint of his smile made me feel safe, protected, like nothing could trouble me as long as he was there with me.

We stayed like that for several minutes, until his cock slipped out of me and cum poured out after it. He got up and we helped each other get cleaned up, naked the whole time, enjoying the intimate sights and less sexual touches of each other's bodies. How could I have just now discovered that I was in love with this man, who I've known literally forever?

But I couldn't help but think about Callie. She and Will were an item, and I figured she would be hurt to find out what we'd been up to. But I also knew that Will had just had sex with us both, and maybe I shouldn't have been, but I was curious. I said, "So how was that compared to Callie?"

Will grinned widely at the question. "Oh? Why do you ask?" I should have known he wouldn't give me a straight answer.

I could have punched him, but I thought it might make an answer less likely, so I said, "Well, I'm biased, but what happened today seemed hotter than what happened last night."

"Oh my god, Amy, it was so much hotter," he said, finally answering the question. "I can't believe how incredible it was to have that experience with you, my sister."

"What about Callie, though?"

"I don't know right now. We'll have to figure something out."

"It's weird."



By the time Callie got home from work, Will was long gone, back to his dorm or wherever. I missed him in a way I never thought I would. At intervals during the day I would think about the warmth of his breath in my ear as he thrust inside me, or the heat of his cock pulsing in my mouth, or the fluttering of his tongue making me wet with desire.

"Hey," I said, as she walked in. "How was work?"

"Same old," she said, on her way into the kitchen for something cold to drink.

We were quiet for a minute. We weren't the kind of people who had to be talking every second to be comfortable, but still the silence was beginning to feel awkward after this weird night. I decided to bring up the elephant in the room.

"Cal, so what happened with the bedroom last night?"

"Hm? The bedroom? What do you mean?"

"Well, I was in the bedroom last night and I thought you and Will were going to be on the couch."

"Yeah, well, that's what we said earlier, but then you and Will changed it, right?"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I was telling Will about our arrangement, but he said he'd already talked to you about it and that you were cool with all of us being in the bedroom."

I did my best to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor.

Callie continued. "It sounded weird to me, but Will said that's what you both decided and he convinced me to go along with it. I didn't want to be the spoilsport." She must have noticed that my expression was contorted, because she raised an eyebrow and asked, "That is what you and Will agreed on, right?"

My mind reeled. Will, who just hours before so innocently declared that he wasn't a pervert, conspired to have sex right with Callie in front of me. I tried to replay the events of the past 24 hours with this new information. Will had known I was watching when he stroked himself during oral sex, and he knew I was there when he threw off his towel after his shower. This changed things, but I couldn't process everything quickly enough, and Callie repeated, "Right, Amy?"

"Um, yeah, Cal, that's right, I just, um . . ." I knew I had to lie, but I couldn't come up with a very plausible one. Maybe Callie didn't notice because she plowed on.

"Did it turn out OK for you? I was just guessing that you wanted to watch us or something."

I wanted to end the conversation lest I dig my lie too deeply, and I came up with, "Well, I didn't think I should hog the whole bedroom, and I barely noticed you."

Now I needed to confront Will, and ask him what the hell he was thinking. But of course he had to know that I would find out, so he'd probably been thinking about this conversation all day. He would be just waiting to talk about it.

"Really?" Callie continued. "Well, is that the way you want it from now on?"

My eyes widened and I got a strange smirk on my face as I considered this question. If I said no, I'd be admitting that I hadn't liked something, and this would prompt an awkward conversation with Callie about what it was. Saying yes would be easier, but I'd have to admit to myself that I enjoyed the same perversion I'd been accusing Will of. Enjoyed it enough that I wanted to watch him more, every time he slept over. Enough that I wanted him to myself again, inside me, and knowing that he wanted me too. Or, who knows what else.

"Sure," I said.

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baware1971baware197111 months ago

Well written and a great read. Thank you!

TheOldStudTheOldStudalmost 2 years ago

I agree with some of the previous comments...this author writes well thought out stories. Trouble is that they always seem unfinished to me. Still 5/5+ stars...

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Well here we go again, another story that is well written and has so much potential yet left unfinished. This story is far from over yet the author doesn't give the reader the conclusion that they want. So if the author is reading this and other comments, please come back and write a conclusion and make this a great story. Well done to this point 5 stars

victorianstiffvictorianstiffover 3 years ago

Not bad, well

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 4 years ago
The Question?

So does Amy confess that she and her brother had sex behind Callie's back and thereby admitting their love for each other,would Callie feel betrayed by both her best friend and Amy's Brother or would Callie accept them and end up as a loving threesome relationship.

Maybe Amy could get Callie to expand her mind and give her BFF and BF some bisexual fun.Oh and not to nitpick but if Amy and Callie and Will most definitely need to get a bigger bed maybe a Queen or King Size if they do become a loving threesome.

ariacravingariacravingover 4 years ago
Love your writing! I'm new here and your story was hot as hell, well done.

Awesome! HOT!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
You need to continue this story!!!

Loved it!!! Please continue it!!

oaklandstudoaklandstudabout 6 years ago

Outstanding. So well written. Off to check out your other work right now!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Wow - Very very hot

I love the way you write - Very sensual and erotic writings. I can't wait for chapter 2...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This story is very well written (in contrast to the majority on Lit.), and an interesting wrinkle in plot. Personally, I think watching a couple having sex is very exciting, and you've described it well. But I don't really like three-somes. Is it possible to continue this story and develop the sibling love WITHOUT MFF or FMF together? (I don't see how it would be possible, but it's your story.) (Lots of voyeurism and exhibitionism, for sure.)

Kathleen48Kathleen48almost 7 years ago
Reasonably realistic

Yes, these things do happen and the author puts it together rather well.

oh! memories!

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneabout 7 years ago
Nice set-up

This feels like the first chapter of a longer story. That said, I hope we won't have to wait two or three years for the next chapter. Will played a dirty trick on Amy and Callie. And I hope they figure out a way to get some sweet "revenge." I have all sorts of ideas about how that could play out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Well done

Very well done. I look forward to your next story wherever your mind may take us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

It's your story so we'll be content with your decision, but it's like waiting for the other shoe to drop, AND??

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