Mid-Life in Crisis


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Sheila just walked past with a look of shock on her face, like she never thought it would end this way. No woman wanted the title of home-wrecker.

"I think dad sold that fat broad a bill of goods." Amy said when she came back out.

"We can talk about that later. I'll call for Pizza." Stella said after she regained some of her composure.

"Cool beans. I'll tell the boys. Just remember there are more things than cheese that goes on a pizza please." She tossed her head and headed back into the house.


After dinner, Karney's brother temporarily fixed the door, she held out a glass of wine for Stella and they gathered in her office. Stella, wanting to get all the shocks over for the day, stated.

"Karney said you have a picture I need to see." And sat back in her chair.

"It's the cleanest one that shows them doing what they do." Ed took out a flat eight by ten picture that showed Franks bare back and a set of legs around him. Stella could see the beads of sweat on Frank's back and knew the couple was oblivious to their picture being taken. She also noticed her headstand and some of her things in the background.

"This was taken here; I take it... in my bedroom? How did you get the picture?"

"Its better you don't know. I will need you to sign that I had the right to take the picture though. It's just a formality." Ed said pulling the form out he needed. "I also have a couple of hours of video if you need it from both here and the cabin. Karney wanted an air tight case." He slid the form in front of Stella and smiled when she signed it blindly.

"How much does all this cost?" Stella asked looking at the thick file in his hands.

"For Karney, nothing. I owe her too much." Ed said trying to ease the worry in Stella's face.

"Bill me anyway. If he wants this fucking divorce, I'll make him pay for the reason we're getting one." Stella said, letting some of the inner turmoil show.

"It's about ten grand so far. Are you sure, once it's on the books, I have to collect one way or another." Ed said, hoping he had all his ducks in a row.

"Wow, that much... um, yeah. I need to protect my kids from anything like what happened tonight from ever happening again. It's not like they haven't seen some of the dirty pictures they sent back and forth." She sighed sadly, not wanting to think of her marriage ending in disaster.

"If you want, I could sweep your common use computers and see if I can trace any other evidence... at an additional charge of a hundred dollars an hour, since you do want this billed."

"Do you think that's necessary?" Stella asked startled.

"Yeah, if they have been indiscrete where the children could see it. Well, it would help with the child support, custody, and visitation stuff. I've seen these things get really ugly and he seems like a man on a mission." Ed said truthfully, trying to prepare her for the worst.

"We'll let you know later Ed." Karney told her brother. "Take all that stuff with you and do what you have to do to make it admissible. I'll stay with her tonight and help her get things settled. Call your contractor friend and have him call so we can fix the door and get new locks."

"Sure thing Karney. I'll have him call first thing in the morning. The door wouldn't hold back a sneeze as it is now, but at least it closes." Ed said getting up.

"The boys can help fix it, since they broke it." Stella said unconsciously slipping back into her mommy mode.

"They had reason." Karney told her.

"Yeah, but they can't just go breaking things without realizing the cost. They're not in trouble, but they will help fix what they break." Stella said and then looked off into the distance as she tried to wrap her head around what had happened.

Stella had just about got her nerves settled when she decided to take her shower and get ready for bed. As soon as she entered her room, she smelled the stale scent of sex. She didn't have time to move as her stomach lurched and she started spewing all over the bed.

Karney ran in and started calling for the boys. "Brian, Ryan, come quick." She called as she tried to steer Stella to the toilet as her stomach emptied.

"What's wrong?" The boys were there ready for action.

"Take the mattress and bedding stuff outside." She told them as they started turning green at the sound of their mother retching in the bathroom. "Move now! and bring me some cleaning stuff."

"Okay..." They said wondering what had made their mom get sick like that. "Is she going to be okay?" They asked as they tried to pull off the bedding without getting the yuck on them.

"She'll survive. It might be a long time before she's anywhere close to okay again." Karney said looking at the boy's reaction. "I'm sorry, but things just got complicated for you guys."

"It's not your fault. We had a great vacation until today. Take care of mom and we'll take care of this mess." Brian said, nudging his twin into action.


Over the following weeks, Stella accepted the paperwork served on her by her husband and spent most her time either hiding in her room or working herself to exhaustion at the gym. Karney could only look on as Stella tried to cope.

The best thing she could do after putting her in touch with the attorney; was give her the space she needed to figure things out for herself. She knew that now wasn't the time to be pushy.

She finally pulled Stella to a secluded bar and grill and asked. "So, how is it going?" She held Stella's hands knowing it wasn't going to be good.

"It's going about as well as you warned me it would. He's asking for everything including half of my retirement. He wants two thousand a month in support, then more for the kids which he said I am turning against him. He claims that I knew and condoned his relationship with her, but refused to divorce him. He wants the house, the cabin and make it so I still have to pay for them out of my earnings, since I am the main wage earner and have kept him under my thumb, not allowing him to take advancement because I refused to move." Stella said unemotionally.

"Have you countered filed yet?" She stroked the back of Stella's hand.

"Bill wants to have a sit down in the next couple of weeks to lay cards on the table with Frank's lawyer. He is well pleased with what's in that file your brother gave him. He said I'll get what I want out of this. But, I figure he has to say that so I keep paying him his three fifty an hour." Stella shrugged again.

"No, Bill is great. If he says you'll get it, he means it. When he goes swimming, the sharks run. He is as mean and nasty as they come. It will cost a couple of thousand dollars right now, but he will get you what you want. Trust me!" Karney said trying to reassure Stella.

"How are things going for you? I haven't seen you that much lately. Are you avoiding me?" Stella asked with tears threatening. She didn't want to face the fact that she might also lose a friend over all this.

"No, I've been right here if you needed me. I've given you the space you need to wrap your head around this, but I'm right here. I didn't think you needed the complication of someone with the hots for you, there all the time. When the dust settles I'll still be right here." She cupped Stella's face softly, letting her know how she felt.

"Thanks... I needed that. I've felt rather useless lately. Maybe after the meeting, you could take me out and get me drunk and have your way with me." Stella smiled, trying to make a joke.

"I'll take you out and get you drunk, but when I have my way with you, you are going to be as sober as prohibitionist judge. I won't settle for some drunken interlude. I want it all or I'd rather have nothing and stay your friend." Karney said keeping eye contact. "I won't be your rebound either, so you might as well get that out of your head now." She smiled taking the bite out of her words.

"Well it's nice to know I'm still wanted." Stella sighed and looked down. "I feel like some old grizzled hag. I mean I knew what was happening, but I guess in the back of my mind I'd hoped I was wrong." Stella looked up and had to change the subject. "The kids would like it if you came over more often. You are their favorite person right now. You made quite an impression on that vacation."

"Well if someone invited me over for the weekend, we could take them out to miniature golf or something." Karney said and smiled warmly. "Hint, hint...."

"Okay, I'll have Amy call you tonight with the details and request." Stella smiled at Karney that almost made all the way up into her eyes.


Stella dreaded this appointment, but she knew it had to happen. She was tired of listening to Frank tell her to find somewhere else to live. She was tired of the nasty messages and the emails. She couldn't work and had to turn down two very promising jobs because her heart wasn't in it. She smoothed down her slacks as she went in.

"Don't worry Stella, you're golden. I have the paperwork right here. I promise he'll sign before he leaves. Then it's all over but the waiting period and the judge's signature. You'll not even have to go to court. I wish all my cases were this easy." Bill, the tall white hared attorney said, as he patted Stella's hand and sat her down next to him.

"I just want it over with. It's a pitiful shame after all this time that we are reduced to this." Stella said and looked at the big painting that covered the far wall. Ten minutes, that felt like hours later, the door opened and Frank and a tall woman walked in. Bill got up and shook the woman's hand.

"Debra, I thought Whittaker was attorney of record?" He asked as he showed them their seats.

"He's busy in court today and since this is an informal meeting, he said I should take it. I hope you don't mind." She smiled evilly.

"Nope, not one bit. You're almost as good as me in family law. Your client will need it." Bill smiled unruffled.

"Who is that?" Stella asked when Bill came back and sat next to her.

"Stella, meet Debra, my ex-wife. She works at another firm and it always good to see her in such great spirits." He straightened his silk tie and continued. "But unfortunately, I'm going to have to burst her bubble." He smiled again.

"I don't think so. As far as I know, there is no evidence of anything improper going on before the dissolution of this marriage, so grounds have to be...."

"Well, let's talk about that." Bill interrupted. "My client, suspecting that there might be infidelity, had the forethought of hiring a highly distinguished Private Investigator. She gave said investigator permission to monitor her house and any and all dwellings where she had any financial responsibility. She also had any and all common use computers checked and the investigator had found a great amount of evidence of improper conduct by your client and his female friend."

"What, a few photos of some stolen innocent kisses in a parking lot?" The female attorney asked with malice in her voice.

"Nope we're not talking about our history." He pulled out a thick file from his rolling case and handed to her.

"Whatever." She smiled again and straightened her jacket.

"Here is your copy. There are also two good quality DVDs that can be entered. If you need to see them, I'll have my assistant forward them to your office. On the top is our counter suit. Well, two copies. One states I. D. for cause, the other, if you refuse to sign the first one before you leave here, claims mental anguish, emotional abuse and adultery. We'll give you an hour to look over everything. Have Kelly buzz me when your client makes up his mind." Bill stood up and motioned for Stella to precede him out the door.

Stella turned to ask him what was going on, but was stopped. "Wait for it...." He said and held up one finger.

"What the fuck is all this shit? Where did they get those pictures?" Frank yelled as Bill smiled in victory as he heard his ex-wife try and quiet her client.

"Let's give them some time to regain their composure shall we?" Bill said with a satisfied look on his face.


"So, how did it go?" Karney asked for the fourth time. "You're on your third drink in less than a half an hour and you still haven't answered me." She said as she smiled at her soon to be inebriated friend.

"It's done, I'm free...!" Stella said and took another big gulp of her drink.

"Well that's informative. How did it go? Come on spill before you start spilling your drink." Karney laughed at her friend's attempts at getting knee walking drunk

"What was in that file? I mean it took that snarky bitch less than a half an hour to convince Frank to sign the papers. He was screaming during most of it. I mean Bill did say that there was an affidavit from Brian or Ryan, about some picture, but other than that...." She sighed and took in more alcohol.

"I told you Bill was good." Karney smiled and dreaded carrying Stella to the car.

"Hey, you ladies looking for a good time?" A handsome young man came up all charm and smiles.

"I just got rid of one limp dicked asshole, why would I want another?" Stella shot bullets from her eyes at the poor guy who went scrambling away.

"What the fuck is her problem?" He asked as he retreated.

"Bad divorce. Papers were signed today... sorry." Karney half smiled and waved him off.

"Bill said there might be some mediation about the kids, but since they are older than thirteen, they get a say. I just hope Frank can pull his head out of her cunt long enough to have a relationship with the kids." She slurred and waved the bartender motioning for another drink.

"You're the D.D. right?" She asked looking at Stella with a knowing look.

"Yep, I'll take another Roy Rodgers. She needed this. I'll take good care of her." Karney said and smiled as Stella started talking to herself and waving her arm as the booze took effect.

"And then... he has the gall to try and intimidate me on the way out. That snarky bitch just kept pushing him out the door and telling him, he was getting off easy and to shut the hell up, before I changed my mind." Stella took another gulp of her drink as Karney laughed. She had never seen her friend this gone before.

"You will feel better in a couple of days." Karney reassured her drunken friend.

"So when are you going to fuck me silly?" Stella asked unable to focus on Karney and ended up looking at her tits.

Karney felt her guts lurch and put her hand on top of Stella's drink. "Okay, you've had enough young lady. You are about to cross an uncrossable line. It's time for me to take you home and pour you into a bed." Karney left a generous tip and pulled Stella off the barstool.

"But I wanna get drunk!" Stella said belligerently. "It's not every day I become a flea woman again."

"Sweetie, you're already there but too drunk to realize it." Karney laughed, as she held Stella up and aimed for the door.

"Oh, okay. Let's go to you place. I don't wet kids see me this way." Stella scrunched up her face, trying to put her thoughts together.

"Okay, if you say so." Karney had to help Stella into her car. "None of that now." She swatted Stella's wandering hands and pulled her top back down where it belonged.

Karney smiled as Stella passed out as she drove home. She was little to no help getting inside her apartment, and offered no resistance as she stripped her out of her good slacks and blouse.

"Go to sleep and I've put a bucket right by your head if you need it." Karney told Stella and sighed.

"Don't weave me lone." Stella begged.

"I'll be back in a bit, just let yourself sleep it off. I'll be right here when you wake up." Karney patted Stella's hand and reassured her until her eyes closed. "Damn girl, I'd hate to have your head in the morning." She whispered and kissed the sleeping woman's brow tenderly.


Stella couldn't remember where she was as she started to wake. She knew from the feeling of the sheets, she wasn't in her bed. She had a hard time separating what was her nightmare from what was reality. She sighed and then winced against the pounding it caused right behind her eyes.

She groaned and then tried to stretch. Her hand met resistance and warmth. Trying to clear out the fog, she turned over to what should have been her side of the bed, only to be met by firm but pliable obstructions. She hazarded an attempt to open what had to be bloodshot eyes. Came face to breasts with a sleeping Karney.

"What the fuck happened?" Stella croaked, and lay her head down, not caring if she used her friend's breasts for pillows. Her head hurt too much to keep it up.

"HHmmmmm, wha...? Karney sleepily replied and she felt the warm breath on her nipples. "What time is it?" She asked trying to shake the sleep off.

"Don't know or care... who left the light on? It hurts my eyes?" She tried to burrow into the warm dark place between Karney's breasts, trying to block out the light stabbing her eyes.

"Sweetie, let me up... that's the sun. I'll get you some aspirin. I'm sure your head hurts. Where did you toss my top?" Karney asked not knowing if Stella realized she was the reason they were both naked. She tried to keep her pajamas on, but Stella wasn't having it, seconds after she came to bed Stella had basically striped them both and snuggled in.

A few minutes later, Karney came back in, handed Stella a handful of pills and a glass of water. "I called your house and told the kids you were still sleeping and to get something for lunch."

"Lunch...? What, how long did I sleep?" Stella asked tucking the sheet around her so she could sit up and take the pills.

Karney smiled down at her friend. "Well you passed out for about an hour, came out and shocked my landlord, calling me to bed. We had a wrestling match with our clothes for about fifteen minutes, and crashed at about ten. It's eleven now, so all totaled you got about eight hours of what I'd call sleep." She sat down and softly rubbed Stella's head and hair.

"Did we, did I...." Stella tried to process the information her brain refused to accept.

"No sweetie, but it wasn't for the lack of you trying." Karney smiled again. "Has anyone told you that you get horny and grabby when you're drunk?" She smiled again at the pretty blush on Stella's face.

"Nooo, um, I didn't, did I?" Stella looked up at Karney and tried to figure out if she was teasing or not. "I usually don't get that drunk. My dad was an alcoholic and I've stayed away from that as much as I can." She explained as she sipped the water and closed her eyes.

"I told you if and when... and I'll stick with the when, after last night; we did that, you would have to be sober. You were not last night. So, I did what I had to do and let you sleep. And, that is the last I'm going to say about what happened last night other than you needed it."

"Okay." Stella sighed and covered her head with a pillow. "Could you tell whoever is hammering, to stop it? My head hurts too much." She pulled the other pillows on top to try and block out the noise.

"Dear, that's just you own pulse you're hearing in your head." Karney laughed and pulled the pillows off. "And no, I'm not going to just let you die. So get your ass up and take a shower while I get you some food." She pushed Stella over and slapped her ass to get her moving.

Stella could hear Karney's chuckles as she walked away. She groaned as she pulled herself off the bed and headed into the shower. She thanked Karney's forethought in setting out a set of towels and a soft plush robe.

Thirty minutes later, Stella almost felt like she would live, even if she didn't want to. She had her long hair rapped in a towel as she followed the smell of coffee. "Thanks, I don't know what I'd done if you weren't there." Stella said as she nauseously sipped the hot coffee.