Mike & Karen Ch. 25


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Alexa just gazed on in wonder, rooted to the spot.

"Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody else just follow me

'Cause we need a little controversy

'Cause it feels so empty without me

I said this looks like a job for me

So everybody else just follow me

'Cause we need a little controversy

'Cause it feels so empty with-"

There was a record scratch noise while Alexa blinked and shook her head for a moment, thunking the heel of her palm against her temple to clear the haze from her brain.

This thing must be on the fritz again... she mused as she watched her husband storming toward the brutes who had insulted her.


Blackwell Manor, the present...

"Kat, darling, it is so good to hear from you," Jenny chimed on the other end of the line. Karen sighed happily as she heard her dear friend's voice. "And how is my lovely colonial soon-to-be host?"

"I am well, thank you," replied the bronze-haired woman, leaning back in the comfy chair in her boudoir. She had changed for the evening, now wearing lingerie for her husband later, beneath a lovely silk robe she kept loosely bound, giving him easy access in case he found her. "I thought I might check in with you while I had the chance. I have a few busy days coming up at the university, so I took the opportunity."

"Count on you to know I'd still be up this late," Jenny giggled. "And it is nice to hear your lyrical voice, even if I do enjoy a good surprise sexting now and then."

"I told you, Penrose, that was a mistake," Karen sighed, shaking her head. She was reasonably certain that quite a few people were unlikely to let her live that little gaffe down, specifically Alex, Jenny, Mona, or Janet. Thank God the inadvertent blast hadn't been larger. "A genuine mistake."

"Oh, I much prefer the term 'happy accident', if you must know," replied the countess in her cheerful tone. "And how many people did this mistake of yours make it out to, aside from me?"

"Aside from the intended target, that being my husband, around ten, including your own illustrious self," Karen said, trying to sound plain about the matter, as if it happened every day.

"Well I hope they were all as surprised and delighted as I was," Jenny announced. "It's not every day this tired old toff gets to see a gorgeous goddess starkers, after all."

"Oh, hush, you," Karen chided, genuinely blushing. Only Michael and Jenny could make her do that so readily. And Alex, but not for the same reasons. He was just a troll. "So, that's me, just shy of the tender age of fifty."

"You're as beautiful as ever, Kat, I will have you know," chided her oldest friend. "I am insanely jealous of your baps, they haven't sagged a bit since I last saw them."

"Oh, I don't know about that," Karen almost murmured, her cheeks going pinker still. Damn Penrose! Thirty years apart and she can still make me blush like a schoolgirl! "Things might be a little out of alignment from where you remember them being."

"My dear girl, I shall reserve judgement until I see for myself in person," proclaimed the English woman. "But that was a high-quality picture, and even if it somehow put ten pounds on you, which I doubt, then girls everywhere half your age must be seething in jealousy when you walk by."

"Only if they see me on my husband's arm, I would wager," Karen said, trying to graciously deflect the compliment.

"Mmmm, a real banger, is he?" purred Jenny. "I've no doubt he will be a delight to meet."

"And that relates to why I called," Karen said, sitting up again. Reclining in a chair wearing lingerie and talking to a lost lover from decades ago seemed rather decadent. The least she could do is assume proper conversational posture. "You most certainly will meet him, and many other people. A few of the other peers are coming, from both my families, to the fête that I'll be hosting in late April."

"Ah, some Imperial visits from the younger and less illustrious line, is it?" Jenny teased. "Tell me, Kat-lovey, will anyone present outrank yours truly?"

"A mere technicality, of course, since you are the most illustrious peer there is," Karen teased back, eliciting another giggle from Jenny. "But Huntley will be there, along with Bolingbroke and possibly Belasyse. A few others of no particular note."

"Not old Hastings himself?" Jenny quipped, making Karen smirk. After all, Jenny had been there the day Karen had spanked the marquess when she was only fourteen. What a scandal that had been. "Although it is my understanding that he's rather potty these days. More than ever, which takes some doing."

"I've been told he mostly sits in a wheelchair with a blanket on his lap and grumbles at people only he can see," Karen added. "So his son Bolingbroke will be representing the Blighty Blackwells."

"Goodness, this sounds like quite the to-do," the countess breathed, and Karen could almost hear Jenny fanning herself for effect. "Not unlike the fête put on when your papa was invested as head of the elder line."

"There has never been a matriarch before, so it's something of a deal for quite a few people," Karen admitted.

"Oh, I do wish your parents could see this moment, Kat," Jenny sighed, a tinge of regret in her voice. "They would be so proud of their magnificent daughter."

"Keep in mind that if they were still alive, I might have accidentally sexted them the other day, at which point my father would surely have expired," Karen pointed out, causing Jenny to burst into a snickering fit. "But aside from rupturing your diaphragm with my comical follies, I needed to ask you about the housewarming, in fact."

"And how may I assist my radiant monarch?" Jenny asked.

"Well, there is entertainment planned, but I am also hoping to perform a certain piece, requiring a quintet," Karen explained. "And I need a second violin, aside from myself. I was hoping you might volunteer."

"Oh, Kat, I don't know," Jenny said somewhat hesitantly. "I haven't picked up a stringed instrument in some years now. I worry that I wouldn't know what to do anymore."

"You're arriving a good three weeks prior to the event, we can have you brushed up in time, darling," replied Karen, knowing she had her bait ready.

"... I don't know, Kat..."

"I'll let you use La Pucelle." Karen offered, setting out the lure as planned by her and Michael.

There was a pause of several seconds and Karen smiled.

"You still have her?" Jenny asked quietly.

"Most certainly," Karen said. "You can use her, and I'll use Sleeping Beauty. Then we-"

"Okay, I'm in!" the countess blurted before catching herself. "Sorry, Kat. I mean, why yes, I would be delighted to assist by playing in your quintet."

"I thought you might be," Karen said airily, making Jenny giggle again, since clearly Karen still knew her kryptonite. "I'm glad to hear you're willing. To have the Countess Greymoor playing with me will certainly add to the prestige of the occasion."

"You always did know the chinks in my armour, Kat," Jenny laughed gaily. "I suppose I should make to go to sleep, or I will stay awake talking all night happily and then be useless for my staff tomorrow. Can you forgive my horrible manners by ending this call, my dear?"

Karen nodded. "I will call you one final time before you leave. Until then, sleep well, my dearest countess."

"You too, Kat," Jenny said warmly. "Feel free to accidentally sext me again at any point. I always have time for that."

"That doesn't surprise me at all, Penrose," Karen said in an affected dry tone. "Good night."

"Good night, Kat."

She ended the call and slumped back into her chair again, sighing as she stared at the ceiling of the bedroom. That had gone well. She was pleased to note no butterflies in her stomach. That would likely change when Jenny was here in person, of course, but that was understandable, wasn't it?

Michael couldn't get into the bedroom soon enough.


A dorm room, 1987...

Sitting in the middle of the floor, Janet and Mona were wearing their pajamas and engaged in a game of euchre while Madonna playing on a small radio in the background. There was a click, and the door opened. The pair looked up, staring curiously as Lisa, or rather what was left of her, almost staggered into the room. Her red hair was dishevelled and askew despite being wet with sweat, almost as if she'd stuck her finger in an open electrical socket. Her clothes looked as if she'd put them on while having a seizure. Her hazel eyes were wide and glazed, and her normally pale skin was flushed almost the colour of her hair, aside from the little welts and bite marks spaced around. She seemed to be breathing heavily.

Still the two friends stared at her.

"Well," she managed to say before swallowing some air and finding her voice again as she leaned back against the door she had just closed. "Kar has her sex drive back..."

Cards flew everywhere as Mona and Janet both keeled over on the floor, laughing hysterically. It seemed like everyone was suddenly getting the good stuff.


Blackwell Manor, the present, Wednesday, March 27th...

The four young people lay together on the huge bed, with Alex and Alexa tangled up together, and Freja and Jeanie pressed against them, in a similar embrace. Their lovemaking had been hot and heavy, and now they were recovering. Alex caressed Alexa's graceful back with a weary hand.

"You girls sure know how to wipe a guy out," he said tiredly. "It's like you just form a hive mind when sex is initiated and know what to do to tag-team a fella to death."

"You gave as good as you got, Alex, so take the victory, king," Alexa replied, hugging him close. There was no place she'd rather be than in his arms. "You tuckered all three of us out too, y'know."

"To be fair, you were all workin' on one another pretty good," Alex pointed out while Jeanie and Freja made out. "But being the only dick in the equation did present certain endurance challenges."

"Fre'n me'll just suck all that yummy cum outta Lexi when we catch our breath," Jeanie sighed, covered in a sheen of sweat.

"Glad you two're there to do it, since Alex is too full of testosterone to consider doing it for himself," Alexa added, smirking at him. "Not that I want him to, of course. If he sucks all his own spermies out of me, how would I ever get pregnant?"

"I can't believe you just said 'spermies'," Alex groaned, covering his face with his hands while the girls all giggled. Alexa lay on her back beside him while Jeanie wiggled her way down beneath the blonde goddess' spread legs. Freja, meanwhile, positioned her face at Alex's finally limp but still swollen cock.

"Spermies, cummies, it's all yummy jizzies," Jeanie said cheerfully before she pushed her face into Alexa's pussy and snaked her tongue inside to coax Alex's cum out of his wife. Alexa moaned and squirmed contentedly, caressing her breasts while Jeanie worked her magic. Freja began cleaning the mingled cum from Alex's manhood, a delightful melange of his semen, and the cum of all three girls. It tasted like heaven, and she'd never get enough.

"Mmmm, I love fuckin' you guys here in this big room of yours," Jeanie mumbled, her face full of Alexa's engorged labia. "Then again, I love this whole big ol' place of yours."

Alexa nodded lazily, just enjoying herself. "Yeah, it's a pretty good place. Three million bucks went a lot further a hundred and ten years ago, obviously."

"This place, it was three million dollars to build back then?" Freja asked, pausing for just a moment in sucking Alex's dick. "I wonder how much that is in the money of today."

"Uhhhh..." Alex mused, looking at the ceiling and doing the math in his head. "That'd be just over eighty-eight million today."

Jeanie seemed to flinch and made a weird sound somewhere between a choke, a sputter, and a gasp. Whatever it was, Alexa squeaked in shock as she pulled herself up the bed instantly, away from Jeanie's mouth, looking down at the brunette, her eyes wide and her heart suddenly pounding.

"Holy fuckpumpkins, that's a lotta money," Jeanie managed to say, wiping at her now sticky face. "That's a helluva lot more'n me and Fre are worth."

She grimaced as she looked at Alexa's pussy. "Sorry, looks like I blew most of it back up inside you, Lexi. I'll just start again."

"Okay, as long as that doesn't happen again," Alexa said, warily assuming her former position. "There are just certain muscle groups I don't wanna lose control of in this bed with a sudden fright."

"Y'know, if you're worried about losin' control of your O ring when you get spooked, we could just get you a butt plug," Jeanie suggested.

"Forget it," Alexa said, shaking her head. "My muscles are really strong back there. I'd probably just shoot it out when I clenched and cave in someone's skull."

She looked at Alex, her eyes narrowing. "Besides, if it was one of those stupid furry-type plugs, Alex'd probably put a thagomizer on it."

"Guilty as charged!" Alex laughed, trying to picture his beautiful aunt-wife walking around with a stegosaurus tail trailing behind her.

Jeanie resumed her work, as did Freja. Alexa trusted to fate and lay back again, looking over at Alex beside her. He smiled and she took his hand, caressing it gently before kissing it. She loved him so much. She loved her life. Back here with her family, living her heritage, surrounded by good friends...

Her first gig with the Replicants tomorrow...

She'd loved her life in Europe, of course, but she'd moved around so much with her mother that there was no sense of settlement or permanence. She absorbed and learned everything she could, and then, after a few years, they were headed somewhere else. Now though, she could count on a stability and consistency to find out who she really was, whatever challenges awaited her. With Alex by her side, there was nothing she couldn't face.

Bring it on, world.


On the main floor, a darkened ballroom later that night...

"Just think, Michael," she sighed as they looked out through the tall windows at the back lot, stretching off into the darkness of night. "Soon, this room will be filled with music, people dancing, and laughter. Just like it used to be."

"Those were good times, Gordon," he agreed, his massive arm around her, holding her close to him, exactly where she wanted to be. The silvery moonlight illuminated the room beautifully. "And there are better times still to come."

"I know," she said quietly. "I guess I'm just nervous. I've never understood how you can always remain so placid and calm, no matter what we face."

"Are you kidding?" he chuckled gently. "Do you know how many times I almost threw up from nerves when I was getting ready to marry you?"

Karen smiled. "I nearly did too."

"Your nerves are understandable, Kar," he assured her. "Jenny's coming back into your life, you're becoming the true matriarch of the entire Blackwell empire... even the Blackwells from across the pond are coming to pay homage. That's what it is, you know. It's not just a visit and pleasantries. This is your thousand-year-old family coming to pay their respects to the leader of the elder line. That's not nothing. The Blackwell blood has been blue since before the Norman Conquest. How many families can say that?"

"I know," she sighed. "Maybe that's what scares me. Sometimes, I wish I was just Karen DeBourne, not the figurehead and benevolent tyrant of some legacy older than the printing machine or plate armour."

She turned and looked up at him, placing her hands on his broad powerful chest. "Sometimes I feel like it should have been you who was the Blackwell, Michael. You're so much... bigger than all of this. What resistance could you possibly encounter if you'd been born in my place? No one would ever contest you. About anything. They only give you grief because you're from an ostensibly humble background and it offends them that you are greater than any and all of them."

"Maybe I am," he said, smiling down at her and stroking his hand gently along her graceful cheek as he looked down into her hauntingly beautiful face, with those unearthly golden-amber eyes. "But you are in every way my equal, Kar. And you're every bit as far above them as I could ever possibly be."

He held her hands in his, and she lost herself in those intense blue eyes. They almost glowed in the darkness. Her heart thudded in her chest. How could everyone on the planet not be madly in love with this man like she was?

"Whatever it is I did right, my reward was you," he said in his deep sonorous voice, but it was quiet and gentle as well. "And maybe I think I could never have done enough to deserve such a prize, but here I am. And my sole purpose is to make you the happiest woman to ever live. Nobody's ever had a better job than me, I'll bet everything on it."

"Michael..." she breathed, enchanted by her husband and her surroundings. "Dance with me, Michael."

He smiled and nodded. His hand took hers and her other hand rested on her waist. Her hands came easily to their natural resting positions before he began to lead her. They were looking into one another's eyes as they waltzed gracefully around the darkened, moonlit space. They were the most natural fit, and dancing together was bliss.

Soon enough, the speakers in the walls kicked in and some silly waltz music began to play, filling the room. Karen looked around as she kept dancing, finally closing her eyes and sighing. "Methinks our son somehow has espied us and decided that we needed musical accompaniment."

"It's 'Twinkle-Twinkle' from the second season of 'The Slayers'," Mike replied. "Count on Alex to find cheesy anime music to waltz around a ballroom to with you, Gordon."

"It's the troll genes in him," she said, still waltzing flawlessly with her beloved, mighty husband. "He gets them from your side, you know."

"Absolutely," he replied, smirking. "Because I'm the one always flashing my rack at people."

"Oh my goodness," Karen said in mock shock, pretending to blush. "You mean you actually saw when I was doing that? How embarrassing..."

They waltzed around the room, looking into each other's eyes, an easy, natural rhythm between them. So much was changing, and moments like this were bliss for the couple. Even in the normally staunchly conservative neighbourhood they lived in, things seemed to progress. They'd seen people displaying little Pride flags in their windows or around their properties. Karen and Mike smirked, because the colours on the flags were often out of order, but it was the thought that counted, right?

It might be their last dance together before life got busy again, and they lost themselves in one another and the absurd music. There were no secrets and no surprises between them, and they still found ways to enthrall one another day after day. With each rising sun, they were somehow more in love.

Who could possibly ask for more?


Author's Notes: Don't forget the stinger after the notes, folks. It's about Alexa's first gig with the Replicants!

Alrighty, so this chapter covered a lot of ground, and set up a lot of things that will be happening soon. Jenny is due imminently (spoiler: it's next chapter), the posse soon after that, and the housewarmings that see Mike and Karen officially take over. Expect lots of plot density, along with lots of sex everywhere.