Mom at the Prom


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She headed for his bedroom and crashed on top of his bed.


Eddie wasn't steady when he awoke. In fact, he felt like Dracula in sunny California. When his eyes seemed like they could finally remain open, he glanced at the clock on the cable box above the TV. 10:47.

"Oooohhhh," he moaned groggily in the late morning, with a pounding headache.

He sat on the edge of the sofa, desperately trying to remember anything about last night. He vaguely recalled answering the door when his mother arrived, then throwing up in the bathroom. 'Worshiping at the porcelain altar' he unfortunately remembers in all its horrendous glory. Standing up and stretching, he walked to the kitchen. Ed stopped in the archway.

Jacquelyn was bent over the kitchen sink cleaning pots and pans. She did not hear him behind her.

She was wearing Barbara's New York Giants jersey. It was Phil Simms' #11.

Seeing an overlooked piece of clothing his now ex-girlfriend forgot to take brought back the hurt.

What the fuck is that blue rag still doing here? How the fuck could Mom be wearing THAT shirt?!

Of course Ed knew that his mother didn't know who the jersey's former owner was. Still he was about to voice is self-centered displeasure when, on the angle he was standing at, he caught sight of her movement in the jersey. Lost for words, he had to blink at what he just witnessed. He shook his head and blinked again, and simply leered.

Jackie's large, ripe breasts swung freely within the loose jersey confines as she scrubbed. Their slightly pendulous circling and shaking made for some provocative shadows along the fabric, and revealed to Ed that his mother wasn't wearing a bra.

Humming sweetly to herself and still unaware of her audience, Ms. Morelli shifted the stance of her bare, supple legs which caused the hem of the Giants shirt to rise up her equally curvaceous lower body and stretch across her very ample butt.

The visually-captivated son moved his eyes from his mom's rack to her ass. He blinked again.

The jersey was scandalously tight over the two luscious, fleshy, flexing cheeks. It was evident she was wearing underwear, judging from the panty lines, though Ed could tell they were skimpy. The shirt edge was precariously covering Jacquelyn's bottom. Another inch upward and Ed would see the lower contours of her buttocks.

Out of the corner of his eye, the leering child caught sight of her flaying ponytail. Ed LOVED a woman in a ponytail. It turned him on immensely. Considering the way he was presently viewing his mom, it just seemed salaciously natural for this to complete his unsavory image of Jackie.

Added to all this was the undeniable fact that Jacquelyn was a replica of a young Lynda Carter

It was the initial stirrings of his penis which startled him from his taboo trance.

Dude! That's your mother! was the hard-hitting, self-condemning realization which struck his thinking.

Edward felt monumental remorse. He was looking at his unsuspecting mother in such an illicitly lewd manner. Then the remorse became filth again, viewing her as his goddess-like MILF, clad in a football jersey, and wispy panties, sporting a ponytail.

While his tormented mind was going back and forth, Jackie got the feeling she was being watched. She looked over her shoulder to see Ed.

"Heyyyyy, sleepy-head!" she merrily chirped.

When Jackie turned completely around to face her only child, he got an incredible eyeful. Her beautiful face and eyes were bright with happiness, while her smile was beaming. Then it lecherously got better. Her voluminous, unhindered tits swung around under the jersey, displaying just a hint of nipple erection.

The shirt's front hem revealed that its covering was just as paltry as that of the rear. Her luscious thighs were slightly parted, causing Eddie to wish he was that space of floor below them. Her legs were long and went on forever, while her bare feet where comely accented by her red toenail polish.

"Good morning," he chortled.

"And good morning to you! How do you feel?"

He cleared his throat.

"Like I got Dumbo sitting on my head."

"Watch out for the elephant shit," she razzed.

The son rolled his eyes.

"I don't suppose you're hungry," she said.

"You suppose correctly,"

Jackie cast a glance at the kitchenware she was cleaning in the sink.

"By the way, when was the last time you or your father cleaned these pots and pans—Groundhog Day?"

"Ha, ha, very funny," he snorted. "I'm going to take a shower."

Leaning into him, she pretended to smell something bad and made overdramatic snorts near her him.

"The sooner, the better!" she broke his chops.

He waved his hand dismissively and turned around for the bathroom.

"Oh," she started, "you don't have to worry about the prom. You're still going, and you're not going alone."

Upon hearing this unfathomable declaration, Ed stopped in his tracks and spun around to gawk at her.


"I'll tell you when you finish cleaning up."

"But, but," he stuttered, dying to know what was going on. He stopped his prodding when he saw a dead-serious look in his mother's eyes, which were in the direction of the bathroom, aided by her pointing finger.

"After your shower," she stated in a measured and heavily authoritative tone.

Ed slinked off to the bathroom.


When he returned to the kitchen, at his table place was a steaming cup of black coffee. Ed felt better after the shower. His improvement continued with the first toss-back of Folgers.

"Ahhhh! Thanks," he raved.

She was sitting across from him, smirking.

"You're welcome."

The son took another belt of java then looked at her. He no longer cared that she was still in the Giants shirt.

"So," he began, "what's this I'm-still-going-to-the-prom-and-I'm-not-going-alone which you alluded to?"

"You're still going to the prom...with me as your date."

Ed was brining the coffee cup up to his mouth, moving his head back when he heard her statement. He reversed himself, sent the cup back onto the table and his head forward.


He looked at her in total disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What do you mean?" she inquired, faintly defensive and slighted.

"You're my mom."

"You always had a knack for the obvious."

"I can't take you."

"Why—because I'm your mom?"

"Yeah!" he answered, wanting to have started his response with 'Duh!'

"So? No one here or at your school knows me."

Eddie shook his head, not believing what he was hearing.

Jacquelyn had a low tolerance for nonsense. She leaned forward, folded her arms on the table, and gave him a very serious glare.

"Look, Edward, do you want to go to the prom?"

Exasperatedly he said "yes."

"Ok, so you want to go to the prom still. Good. Now, wouldn't be nice to do that while simultaneously getting payback from Barbara?"

His head jerked back at the unexpected but welcomed notion.

Mentally he chimed in with the plan.

"Mom! You're a genius!"

Sitting back, she coolly concurred.

"A beautiful genius."

He chuckled and agreed.

"Yes, yes. A beautiful genius."

She glanced toward the kitchen phone. The number 7 was flashing on the message monitor.

"Word got out fast about the breakup. People have been calling all morning, leaving messages. They feel bad about it. You should let them know you're hurt but ok."

"I will."

"Ed, listen to me," she directed.

He did so, attentively.

"If they ask you whether or not you're going to the prom, just say you're not sure."

Ed nodded in agreement.

"My thought process is for you to leave everyone in the dark. All your friends and classmates know you've been wounded. You have...been wounded. But you and I are going to take that wound and turn it into a win!"

Eddie loved this type of encouragement. He heard it from his sophomore hockey coach, especially when as goalie he gave up the winning goal.

"I love it, Mom."

She nodded and sat back in chair.

"It would be easier if I just tore Barbara a new a-hole, physically speaking," she stated, all-too-brutally honest.

"That would probably be illegal."

"Yeah, you're right," Jackie comically yielded.

She looked intently at him.

"I would do it, you know," she stated without hesitation or second thought.

"I know, Mom," he commented with sincere gratitude. "But afterward I would have to spend time and money posting bail for you, then get you a lawyer."

Jackie shrugged her shoulders.

"Thanks, though," he said.

She grinned.

I'll wait a while, to let him marinate in the idea of me being his prom date. Then I have to tell him what has to be done next. I'll do that after dinner tonight.


"We need to practice what?!" he questioned loudly and with even more disbelief than in the morning."

The two had just finished cleaning up after supper and were having coffee in the living room when she informed him of the next step.

"We need to kiss like lovers in front of everyone. So we should practice," she repeated matter-of-factly.


"It will ensure creditability that I am a 'genuine' date and not a hooker you're passing off as your date."

Once again, his mother's words and logic were on point, given the situation. It just still was a tough pill to swallow for Ed who was looking at the ceiling, shaking his head.

"Hey, you think it's a cakewalk for me?" she semi-jokingly zinged him.

The lad's bewilderment was dented by feeling just a bit offended.

"Why am I ugly?" he asked in a huff.

"I was going to ask you the same question," was her coquettish comeback.

Slapping his forehead, Ed closed his eyes then opened them and looked at Jackie.


She sighed, feigning relief.

"Alright," he relented. "When do you want to practice—now I guess?"

"Yeah, now would be good, especially since we're both just sitting here chilling out."

Still not believing what was about to transpire, he sat closer to her on the sofa. She had to restrain herself from chuckling at his befuddlement, while self-admitting she herself was tense about this practice session.

Mother and son's faces moved closer to each other. Apprehensively, they looked at each other. Despite their hesitancy, they were both on auto-pilot for the set-up of a kiss. It was just the familial aspect which made it a rocky set-up. Their mouths were near each other, hovering, like two boxers seizing each other up and neither making the first move.

She could tell he was more nervous then her. That and realizing this was her plan she leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Her eyes closed, while his became wide like Frisbees.

Both of their minds instantly were overloaded with the gravity of what was happening.

Then, as the wet touch of her mouth against his became an odd familiarity, his eyes lowered closed. A matching energy level rose from him; he kissed back.

The smooch was a mere few seconds and rather tame, though definitely not your usual chaste parent-child peck. As they broke away, there was a loud smack. They were both surprised at the unexpected pleasantness of the unorthodox kiss.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked, sounding just a tad out of breath.

"No," he dreamily agreed.

The two looked at each other in a way neither would have imagined a few days earlier.

"I, I think that's enough practice for the first night," he managed to croak.

"Yeah, I agree."

They were both lost for words. Their mutual gaze continued, each one silently asking questions yet agreeing with the mild likability of the event.

"I'm going to take a shower and turn in early," Ed announced.

"Ok. I'll wash the cups, then probably do the same thing."

He got up off the couch and turned to head for the hallway for the bathroom. He looked back at Jackie, who hadn't taken her eyes off him.

"You're not a bad kisser, Mom."

A soft, appreciative smile appeared on her face.

"You're pretty decent yourself."

He returned the smile.

"Good night."

"Good night, Eddie."


The following morning, any anticipated or expected jitteriness between mother and son surprisingly never materialized. Once again she was up before Ed, had her breakfast, then prepared scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with butter, and coffee for him.

It wasn't too long after that he stumbled into the kitchen.

"' morning, Mom."

"Good morning!"

They exchanged a standard mother-son morning kiss on opposing facial cheeks.

"Wow!" he exclaimed at the sight of the sumptuous meal readied for him. "Thanks!"

She beamed enthusiastically.

"You're welcome, Eddie."

Jackie savored her second cup of Folgers while he consumed his breakfast as if he was just rescued from a desert island.

"Take human bites."

"I'll take that under advisement," he replied with a mouthful of food, some of it falling back on the plate as he spoke.

She chuckled and shook her head.

He lowered his eyes and shoveled another pallet-like amount of breakfast into his moving jaws.

The two had always teetered between parent and child, and buddies. They could talk virtually about anything. Or, break each other's chops.

"Even though he's not even finished with his first term, reports say President Clinton will run again in 1996," she announced.

Jackie knew her boy didn't like politics. She wasn't a fan either. She just wanted to needle him.

"BOORING!" he managed to exclaim before washing down his meal with more coffee.

The mom chuckled, then went on.

"Hey, are you ok about last night?"

"Yeah," was his straightforward reply.

She felt relieved, but wanted reassurance.

"You sure?"

Ed sincerely had no regrets or ill-feelings about their extraordinary kiss last night. He put down his knife and fork, and reached over to Jacquelyn's hand. He pulled it toward his mouth, kissed the knuckles and then soulfully looked at her.

"Yes." He paused. "Are YOU ok?"

After the chivalrous kiss and his genuine stare, she raspily answered.


Eddie smiled.


They gazed at each other, smiling warmly.

"Well since I cooked you a magnificent breakfast and offered to go to jail for you, I think a proper response would be for you to clean the table and wash everything."

As if gravely upset, Ed exhaled, then smiled.

"Sounds fair," he agreed.

After he finished washing the plates and cups, Edward walked into the living room. He chuckled at seeing his mother scanning the room, appearing as if she didn't know what next to do.

"Ok, I dusted this room. I will do the others in just a bit," she said. "Where do you keep your vacuum?"

"What's a vacuum?"

She jokingly leered at him with an evil eye.

"It's in the closet by my, er, your room."

Jackie looked at him disbelievingly.

"I didn't see anything when I looked in there."

"Did you look under all the boxes?" he asked.

"Oh. You mean that cluttered part of the corner which could use the Red Cross and disaster relief funding? No. I didn't check. I feared for my life."

She grinned sarcastically.

He laughed, taking the dig in stride.

"Well, you're going to fear for your life now!"

Ed comically rushed toward Jackie.

"Keep away!" she howled in mock worry.

"Ha-ha," he snickered, taking her into his arms.

Jacquelyn pretended to want to break away from Ed's clutches. She squirmed, in make believe horror of being held captive. In reality she relished it. She loved the emotional and sentimental aspects of being held within a man's caring and loving arms. The current fact that it was her grown son's arms she was in didn't matter.

"So, you don't want me to continue cleaning up this disaster zone you call your home?" she guffawed.

"You have all the time in the world to clean this place."

"Actually, I have one--two weeks," she replied with realism.


They looked at each other, grinning.

"Hey! Why don't we take a drive upstate?" Ed suggested. "It's gorgeous today. Then stop off for lunch."

"Sounds like a plan."

Several minutes later Jackie and Eddie were in his deep purple Dodge Viper, heading upstate to northern New York.

The two drove up to Bear Mountain, savoring and enjoying the splendid weather, with the windows down and radio cranked to the local rock station. They stopped on the return trip to Orisni's of Italy, a southern Italian restaurant, and enjoyed the cuisine immensely.


Jacquelyn and Edward were virtually inseparable. They barely left the apartment. She hadn't seen him since the prior Christmas Eve. The two had started getting caught up with their individual lives and goals, along with her work as an office manager and his post-graduation plans.

Their daytime was spent primarily watching TV, more upstate drives, and the two enjoying the strange new world called The Internet on his Gateway desktop computer.

Alternate evenings he cooked for. She doted on him incessantly. They watched videos and shows at night, usually curled up together. She would playfully nestle her head against his chest while he gingerly ran his fingers through her lush hair. When it was time for sleep, they kissed "good night"—fully on the lips.

By the fifth night Jackie and Ed, after going to bed, really pondered about what was happening between them. They were individually left alone with their thoughts and impressions. They both realized that their relationship had changed in a direction most would consider odd. Neither cared that the way they smooched or acted together would be thought as highly unusual.

Jacqueline deemed she was caring for her jilted son. His hurt and vulnerability allowed her to enjoy the things she loved doing in a relationship: being supportive, caring, and encouraging. She displayed these traits often during her marriage. With that gone, the opportunity to "be there" for Eddie during his breakup made her happy.

She especially relished their nocturnal TV time, watching a show or movie, snuggled over popcorn and soda. It was a returning delight for her to be in the safe, cozy arms of an attentive man.

She would be extremely hard-pressed to admit it but she secretly had loved the naughtiness of viewing her handsome son almost bare, seeing his erect penis, and the breadth of his crotch that first night. She reasoned to herself that it was an illicit thrill and defended it by not haven't been fucked in two years. She furthered concluded that she had the ability to stifle her own excitement by chastising herself that this was her son.

Edward loved the healing balm his mother was giving him. Since his folks' divorce and his father's constant traveling, many times for months, he was glad and grateful to have his mom back in his life with her care and exclusive attention to him, especially now during this sorrowful time.

He felt so lucky to have her make meals, bring him a coffee or soda, and essentially have him as the center of her world. He too loved their cuddling on the couch.

Ed was different in his self-criticism of his changing view of his mom. It didn't bother him as much. This was set off by several events. First was the morning when he saw her in the Giants jersey, bent over the sink, and her MILF body's alluring curves moving and grooving. There was their first unique kiss. Then, two nights later he experienced his first wet dream since he was ten. His bawdy brain used the morning after Jacquelyn arrived at the apartment as a setting and turned it into a scene which would have made Honey Wilder proud.

I awoke and made my way to the kitchen entrance.

Mom was bent over the kitchen sink cleaning pots and pans. She did not hear or see me.

She was wearing Barbara's old Giants jersey.

She also seemed not to be wearing anything under the jersey.