Mrs. Hart's Ache Ch. 13


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Surprise dawned in Lydia's eyes. Then doubt. We weren't the cops and we weren't connected with the drug trade. Who were we then? I could see the questions in her eyes. I gently fondled her breasts.

"You picked the wrong victim this time girlfriend." I said. "Just think of us as the avengers. That's all you need to know about us."

I squeezed her breasts once more, then put my hands on my hips. I had her full attention.

"You know Marco. He isn't near as tough as you." It was time for some truths. She nodded slightly. "You also know Wendy. She's about as tough as a soap bubble. Her nickname around here is Tinkerbelle. We broke her in about ten minutes sitting in a café. She's now two cells over telling one of our friends everything she knows. Marco will soon be doing the same thing. This is Mistress Gwendolyn…"

I pointed over my shoulder. Gwendolyn stepped beside me. I put my arm around her waist as she leaned into me. Their eyes met, then Lydia looked back to me. Doubt remained there, but concern was growing. Lydia hadn't liked what she saw in Gwendolyn's eyes.

"…Mistress Saundra is entertaining Marco." I continued. "Or rather I should say, Marco is entertaining Mistress Saundra. She gets a kick out of hearing a man scream."

Gwendolyn thumbed a switch on a remote control. The intercom came on. As if on cue, Marco's scream echoed my words. Saundra is such an artiste with her crop. Lydia shuddered. Gwendolyn thumbed the switch again.

I waved my hand around the room.

"Maxine here…" I indicated with a gesture "…and Mistress Gwendolyn…' giving her waist a squeeze "…are in charge. These other ladies are here to help. They don't at all approve what you and Marco did to Summer.

I pointed to the other two. "Meet Marti and Cora. My friend Cora here in particular has a personal rule against a woman hurting another woman. You fucked up there girl. She's gonna make you pay for that mistake."

"For now," I said as I nodded to Maxine and Marti. "just kneel here and think of ways to keep us happy."

They pushed Lydia back to the wall and forced her to her knees on a thin pad. Maxine attached a chain to her collar. The others moved out the door. I remained standing in front of her while Maxine finished. She caressed Lydia's cheek in passing then followed the others upstairs. Lydia shivered at her touch.

She looked up to me. If she could have, she would have asked a number of questions. I answered the most important.

"You'll find that we're easy to please." I said. "We only want three things: information, the cash and the recordings you've made of Veronica Hart."

Lydia went very still. The look on her face told me that I'd hit her where it hurt. Until that moment, she thought that our concern for Summer's plight was no more than a smokescreen; that this was truly all about the money.

Not that the cash wasn't important to her, but it was secondary to those recordings. With those discs, she would have the power to take over the magazine. She'd have power first. Then more money would come. It was bad enough that we knew about the drugs and cash. Lydia was devastated that we knew about the recordings too.

"Yes Lydia," I confirmed. "We know all about your plan to take over the magazine. Well cupcake, it ain't gonna happen."

She seemed to collapse in on herself, but her eyes never left my face. There was still a whole lot of determination there. It would take a bunch before Lydia gave up her dream.

"You give us the cash and the recordings and tell us everything, then we'll let you three go. Everything. The drugs, the deals, the kickbacks, the parties… well, you just tell us everything. Until I'm certain that I know it all, I'm going to let the ladies have their fun. By the way Lydia. You look very natural on your knees naked. Perfect position for lots of fun things."

Lydia flushed even darker. I started toward the door where Gwendolyn awaited me.

"I don't know, getting ass-fucked doesn't sound like much fun to me, but maybe that's your bent. We'll find out, though, won't we."

Gwendolyn shut the door firmly behind us. I caught Lydia's expression before we left. No doubt in the world. The cracks were there and getting bigger. Lydia was finally spooked.

Marco's cell door opened as we exited Lydia's. Saundra emerged. The latch clicked firmly behind.

"My little man is almost where we want him." She said with a grin taking my arm. "He's so worried that I'm gonna damage his dick, he's about ready to tell us everything."

"That's good, but I'm almost sorry he's giving out so soon. I'd like him to suffer a bit before it's all over." I said as we walked toward Wendy's cell. "Lydia's gonna be harder though. It's is going to take some time and a little bit extra to break her."

I stopped at the door and turned to Saundra. "Gwendolyn here is going to give Lydia a complete workout. She and your new friend Marco have some things I want. We're gonna get those things from them..."

I knocked once, then opened the door. "…One way or the other."

Cassandra had Wendy kneeling with her palms against the wall, her arms outstretched. Wendy didn't move when the door opened. She was learning quickly.

I waggled my fingers at Cassandra, calling her to me. She patted Wendy's bare ass a couple of times and told her to stay right where she was. If she moved, she'd be in trouble. Then she followed me out the door.

"Wendy is more than ready to help you in any way she can." Cassandra said with satisfaction. "At this point, she is almost begging to help. But I think she needs at least a taste of the whip, just on general principles. I don't think you should let her off easy."

"Don't worry Cassandra." I said with a smile twitching at my lips. "Tinkerbelle is going to get her bare ass tanned before we're through with her. Right Saundra?"

"Definitely." She answered with an evil smile, tapping her riding crop against the palm of her hand. "Most definitely."

We discussed the situation upstairs while scarfing on sandwiches and sundry. Our goals were limited and clear: get the money, get the discs, scare the shit out of the Lydia and Marco and encourage both to leave town, with a bit of punishment thrown in for the hell of it. Summer deserved the last.

Marco tried to escape that first day. He made his move when Cassandra and I went in to feed the villains while the other ladies were upstairs eating.

Saundra had left him cuffed to the chair. He needed a shower. She'd scared the piss out of him. Literally. Angry welts lined his upper thighs, chest and shoulders. I'd be willing to bet that the head of his little peepee was stinging a bit too. Saundra is an artist with a crop or a whip. She can hit within a fraction of an inch of her aim point.

Tear tracks lined his cheeks. No tears remained, but fear flashed in his eyes when the door opened. Rage and humiliation replaced fear when he saw that Saundra was not with us. He flushed when I waved my hand in front of my face to clear away the odor of stale urine. He strained against the cuffs still locked to the chair, mumbling something naughty around the ball-gag. He seemed desperate to get at us. Talk about telegraphing your intentions. What a schmo.

I gestured to Cassandra. While Marco slobbered all over himself cursing, she placed the sandwich and the water bottle on the floor at his feet, careful to avoid the puddle. Then she moved behind to unbuckle the gag.

He worked his jaw back and forth to relieve the kinks for a few seconds, then began cursing at us in an obscene mixture of English and Italian. Cassandra looked at me. I rolled my eyes and nodded. God that man is stupid.

Without a word, She stepped around, grabbed a handful of his hair, reached back and slapped him across the face, forward, then back again. It's a good thing she did it open handed. Cassandra is strong. She could have broken his jaw if she'd have used her fist to hit him in the face.

Instead, she used her fist to punch him in the gut. The air whooshed out of him. The blood drained from his face almost as fast as the breath shot from his lungs. It had enraged him to be slapped in the face by a woman. His face was almost purple with anger until she slugged him in the stomach. Marco went white with the effort to breathe again.

Cassandra slapped him again, forward and back, then spit in his face before releasing her grip on his hair. She hadn't said a thing. But her glittering eyes spoke volumes.

She stepped to my side as Marco sagged forward in the chair as far as his cuffed arms would allow, struggling to breathe. A thin line of red trickled from the corner of his mouth.

"You don't get it yet, do you dickhead." I said, shaking my head sorrowfully. "The ladies here don't like you. At all. At least one of them is all for mounting your nuts on a plaque."

While he was still gasping for breath, I released him from the chair and told him to take off his underwear and toss it in the bucket beside the door. I warned him that if they landed anywhere but in the bucket, I'd have Saundra make him eat them.

He must have believed that threat, because his briefs went into the bucket without hesitation. He didn't like being naked, but he obviously hated the alternative more.

When he took his shot, I was ready. I blocked his swing easily. He had no skills or training. He wasn't prepared for the counter. Suddenly Marco was on his knees hugging himself, struggling to breathe again. A short, swift slam with the heel of the hand to the sternum will do that to you. I have to confess: hitting him felt good. Maybe the thought of him screwing Missy came into it. What an asshole!

While he was down there, I padlocked a chain to his collar. The other end was stapled to the wall.

"Behave yourself dickweed," I told him as I secured the lock. "Or I'll take great pleasure in beating the shit out of you while the ladies watch. Better yet, I'll watch while the ladies beat the shit out of you."

Rage colored his glance. Marco was stupid, but he was smart enough at that moment to stay on his knees and keep his big mouth shut.

He'd met Saundra. She could probably take him one on one. No doubt she could take him with crop in hand. I was looking forward to his first meeting with Cora, Marti and Maxine. Any one of those ladies would eat his lunch.

We left him there with his sandwich and water. The door latched behind us as we moved to Lydia's cell.

We spent about two minutes with her. Long enough to unlock her cuffs, remove the gag and hand her the food. Otherwise we ignored her. She opened her mouth to say something, but I pointed before she could get a word out. Cassandra immediately slapped her face. Not as hard as she'd slapped Marco, but it sure sounded like it stung.

Lydia was stupefied. I think what really stunned her was the casualness of the blow. Neither Cassandra, nor I showed any emotion. It was as though Cassandra had smacked an irritating insect.

We left, latching the door behind, without saying anything. Lydia sat there rubbing her cheek, smolding. Her pride, her power, her position as the Senior Vice President of a major magazine obviously meant less than nothing to us. Her status in the outside world was useless inside that cell. No one had ever treated her with such utter contempt. It infuriated her.

It almost made me grin. But grinning would have ruined the effect. We were getting to her in more ways than one.

I slipped my arm around Cassandra's waist. She gave me a quick smile, then kissed my cheek. She took my hand as we trooped back up the stairs to rejoin the troops.

Maxine had just finished explaining the mission to the gang. She glanced at me, and I took the floor long enough to mention that Marco was out of his chair and chained to the wall naked after having wet his pants, and that we were starting to get to Lydia. I told the group that I thought it important to keep her off balance. She has an image of herself as a VIP. We had to destroy that image. Two out of the three of them had pissed in their pants. I wanted to make it unanimous.

Time out.

We failed at that part of the mission. Lydia was and is a tough woman. Oh well. We did succeed with the rest.

Time in.

We talked about the plan for an hour or so while we ate, everyone had suggestions. It was Saundra's idea to give Marco a haircut along with the wax job. As a model, he took a lot of pride in his appearance. The ladies wanted him uglied up a bit.

Gwendolyn said she believed it important that we be indifferent to rather than angry with Lydia. She was tough. She could deal with anger. That we appeared to consider her unimportant, maybe the junior partner to Marco, might just get her to talk.

Personally, I doubted that. I thought Lydia too intelligent to fall for that nonsense. I kept my doubts to myself.

Cassandra picked up on Gwendolyn's comment though. She said that somewhat the same thing might work with Marco. He already knew that we were angry with him, but treating him as the junior partner without the brains to run the operation would kick him right in the male ego bone. She gave me a timid smile and squeezed my hand as she spoke.

I returned her smile and told her that, since I didn't have that particular bone, her plan wouldn't bother me in the least.

Yeah, right. – that from Maxine, sotto voce.

I was thinking it. She said it. We all roared.

Shit. They do know me well.

After an hour, the teams were set and the programs outlined for the next five days. None of us really thought that it would last that long, but we had to plan for it.

Saundra, Marti and Cora would take on Marco; Gwendolyn and Maxine would do Lydia; and Cassandra and I would finish interrogating Wendy. Cora and Marti could move around if they felt like it. Maxine intended to stay with Lydia.

We had a short discussion about limits. I grinned at Marti and Cora.

"Marco's going to get the shit beat out of him at some point. We all know that. But no permanent damage. You can't castrate him. Tying his dick in a knot is allowed, but I don't think it's long enough. And no kicking his nuts! Leave that to his girlfriends."

"Shit James!" Marti complained. "You're gonna take all the fun out of it!…"

"Yeah! James…" Cora added. "I was looking forward to seeing how far I could punt those things."

My knees twinged at the thought. Yikes!

"If he kicks you in the crotch, then his balls are fair game." I said. "Otherwise his family jewels are off limits. Okay?"

Both smiled sheepishly and promised to be good.

Maxine spoke up.

"And the same thing goes for Wendy and Lydia. Everybody leaves here with the same functionality that they came with. Bruises, welts and maybe a decoration or two are okay, but no permanent damage. We aren't the monsters. They are."

Everyone agreed to that. Though, that Marti and Cora were going to get some vengeance, I had no doubt.

I had one last item that I figured needed to be brought up. I told the ladies that we were going to work the mental angle with the villains, but we would be working the physical angle too. I glanced at Cora and Marti.

It was time to throw it on the table for everyone to see.

"You all know that those three are guilty of nonconsensual sex. In a word, rape."

Everyone got real quiet. Gwendolyn's eyebrows rose. She exchanged glances with Saundra. Maxine nodded her head. Cora looked down at her hands, then back up to my face. Marti sat back with one leg crossed over the other knee. Her foot danced nervously. Only Cassandra was completely calm.

It isn't often that a guy has this kind of conversation with six women, four of whom are lesbians and the other two bisexual. To say that I had their attention would be a vast understatement.

"That's an ugly word for an ugly act of violence." I went on. "We all despise them for it. But be sure you understand that we may commit the same act. The intent is to make them feel what their victims felt, but that may not be enough of a reason. If you can't handle it, let everyone know now."

I looked at Marti and Cora.

"I have to say that I'm particularly worried about you two ladies. Cora, you and I met because three guys tried to rape Erin. I'd rather give up on that part of the program than have it affect our relationship. Both of you are too important to me as friends."

Cora and Marti nodded. Maxine smiled. She seemed to like the way I was handling the issue. I winked at her and finished my thought.

"The way I see it, if Marco and Lydia give it all up before it gets that far, we let it slide. We only use that kind of assault as a last resort. But I would love to see Marco's face just as the tip of the strap-on pokes his asshole."

Cora spoke up. It wasn't a topic fit for smiling, but the corners of her mouth did turn up a little bit.

"I would too James, Marco and Lydia both. But I like your plan." She said slowly. "Marti and I talked about this together, then talked again with Maxine. We figured that it was the only way to really teach the putz and Fat Ass how bad it is. They obviously got their kicks raping Summer. Add to that, she can't have been the only girl they used. It's way past time they learned what it feels like being the do-ee instead of the do-er."

"Cora's right." Marti chimed in. "Everyone I know plays the 'Don't! Stop! Don't stop!' game. That's not it. It ain't about sex. It's about teaching those two assholes that when a girl says 'No!' she means 'No!'."

"None of us – I'm including you here too James – likes it…" Maxine said glancing at me. "…but there's no other way to drive that lesson home to those two scumbags."

Cora caught my eye again. "Look James." She said seriously. "We all know what kind of guy you are."

"The only thing that's changed about how I…" She glanced at Marti. "…howwe feel about you is that we've stopped thinking of you as a younger brother. Watching you in action today was pretty amazing. Marti and I talked about it once we got Lydia packed into her cell. It was like watching a James Bond movie."

"That's me." I said grinning, then switched to an imitation English accent. "Bond… James Bond. Shaken not stirred…" I held up a can of soda.

Maxine plunked me square in the face with a throw pillow. That brought a burst of laughter from the group.

Thank you Maxine! That fast, the tension was gone. The taboo subject was out in the open. Somebody had to do it. I'm glad it was me. It seemed right that I be the one to bring it up. That we could be comfortable talking about it made it more likely that we could deal with it. Maybe not comfortably. But we could deal with it. Good group.

"I think we covered everything…" Saundra said, smiling as she stood. "Now let's get downstairs. My little boy-toy has a messy floor to clean. Then he'll get a shower. After that, he has a date with the Blue Wax."

Saundra was fingering her crop again. Oh boy, Marco you poor bastard! I see tears in your future. Blue Wax. Yeeowch!

Marco was not happy to see the door open again. He started cursing at us when he heard the door unlatch. But his voice trailed off to silence when Saundra stalked in. He looked worried when he saw her. But his fear was obvious when Cora, Marti and I followed. He hadn't been conscious to see the larger ladies back at the lake house. He didn't look happy to see them now. I wouldn't either if I was chained to a wall naked and smelling of stale piss, watching a Bitch Goddess and two ladies the size of Cora and Marti walk in the door.

Cora set a bucket smelling of disinfectant on the floor within his reach, then stood in front of him with hands on hips. She looked him up and down with disdain. She moved to turn away, then whirled and sucker punched him in the gut. He went to his knees hunched over, gasping for breath.

"From now on any time you see me or any of these ladies walk in a room, you get to your knees pronto." She said bitingly. "Understand, asshole?"