Mrs. Hart's Ache Ch. 13


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Still stunned, Marco didn't answer. Cora grabbed a fistful of his hair and slapped his face back and forth.

"I said, 'Do you understand, asshole?'."

Marco didn't have the breath to speak, but he nodded his head, or tried to. Cora still had a handful of his hair. Rage was there in his eyes, but also growing fear.

"You've got one more chance, then I'm going to kick the shit out of you." Cora whispered. "Do you understand what I said, asshole?"

"Yeah!" Marco finally croaked. "I understand!"

Cora backhanded him across the face. "Listen up dickwad! I'm only gonna tell you this once! She's 'Mistress'…" pointing to Saundra. "…and there's another lady dressed just like her that you'll also call 'Mistress'. But from now on, all the rest of us women are 'Ma'am' to you. Got it?!" She punctuated her instructions with another slap across the face.

My pal Marco is a stupid putz, but he seemed to learn that lesson quickly. He nodded, though his neck was purple with anger. His fury overtook his fear. "Yes Ma'am." He said, biting off each word. "I understand."

"Good." She said, releasing his hair and standing back. "So a month from now when you see me walk into a bar, and your there comin' on to some young chick, playing the big man and hopin' to get into her panties, whatcha gonna do, dillhole?"

Rage doesn't begin to describe his expression.

"I'm going to get to my knees…" Marco managed to choke out through clenched teeth. "… Ma'am!" He barely beat yet another slap. Cora had been winding up.

Marti moved behind him. He turned his head to watch her. Big mistake. Cora smacked him in the face again.

"I'm talkin' to you asshole." She shouted. "Don't look at her, look at me!"

Marco's mouth was bleeding again. The left side of his face was red with the mark of Cora's handprint.

"Now I for one don't believe you." She said, her voice moderated. "You say that you'll get to your knees when you see me come into a bar. But I think you're lying to me, just like you lie to all women."

She stepped back and gestured to Saundra. "So here's what we're gonna do. My friend Mistress Saundra here is going to have you do a few chores. Then we're gonna give you a shower to wash the piss off of you. Then she's gonna make you a little more presentable for us. Ever heard of Blue Wax, asshole? After that, we're gonna play some fun games. Games that you like to play with women."

"Yeah, dickface." He jumped as Marti spoke up from behind his back. He started to turn, but thought better of it. Too bad. Marti smacked him across the back of the head.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" She shouted.

Marco cringed, not knowing which way to turn. He finally peered over his shoulder, while trying to keep Cora in sight.

"Later we're gonna play the date-rape game with you." Marti hissed. "You know how to play that, don't you? You say 'No!' and we fuck you anyway. It's gonna be lots of fun. We know you like to fuck girl's in the ass. Maybe you'll like it when we take your cherry."

Marco looked like he was going to take his chances fighting. He'd started to get up. He got out "No fucking way…" before Cora punched him in the kidney. Down he went to his knees again, his back arching, his face distorted with pain.

"Nobody gave you permission to get up, asshole!" Marti screamed into his face, then smacked him again. "…and that's for not saying 'Ma'am' dickhead."

"Then tomorrow…" Cora continued calmly. Marco's head turned painfully to face her. "…we're gonna work you over again for a while. We're gonna keep at it until you make us believe that you're telling the truth."

"You lie…" Marti again.

Marco turned his face to hers. His neck must have been aching as much as his kidneys by that time.

"…and we beat on you. It's that simple. Your problem is that you have to convince us that you're telling the truth. And we know that you're a lying sack-o-shit. So you've got a pretty freakin' big problem on your hands, don't you asshole."

"A major problem I'd say…" Cora added. Marco turned quickly to face her. "…since I for one am not likely to believe anything you say…"

Marco groaned, his back arching again as Marti punched him in the kidney again.

"'Betcha ten bucks this pudknocker's gonna be pissin' blood later today." Marti added to Cora.

Hearing her voice, Marco started to turn towards her, and got slapped in the face for his pains.

"I wasn't talking to you needle dick." She screamed.

Cora smacked the back of his head.

"Pay attention fuckface! Didn't I tell you to look at me when I'm talking to you!? What? D'ya like to be smacked around? Or are you just a stupid Sonovabitch?"

Marco whirled to face Cora again. His face met her hand swinging in the opposite direction. She about took his head off. Tears welled in his eyes from the force of the slap.

"Oh look!" Cora crooned. "Mistress Saundra's little man is crying again! Poor baby! Does 'em want his 'ittle blanky?"

Marco shook the tears away, red-faced and glaring. Cora smacked him upside the head again for that bit of defiance.

"Whatsamatter cupcake?" Marti asked sweetly. Marco turned to her quickly. "Can't take it? D'ya think we're gonna feel sorry for you? Not happ'nin' dipstick! We're just getting' started."

"We know you get your kicks outta raping helpless little girls…" Cora added as Marco turned back. "…well we get our kicks outta raping bad little boys like you. It's about time you learned what it feels like to be held down and reamed in the ass while you cry and beg for mercy."

Horror flashed across Marco's face. He was not liking that idea one bit.

"Now…" Marti again. Marco turned back to her. "…it's time for a few lessons from Mistress Saundra. You remember her don't you? She's the one that made you wet your pants and cry like a baby."

Marco's face flamed with humiliation. He looked like he was going to take his chances again, but screamed and stumbled forward on his hands and knees instead when Saundra lashed his ass with her crop. Quick as a snake striking, her crop slashed his vulnerable ass again. Marco fell forward onto his face. Before he could move to protect himself, the crop lashed his bare ass a third time. He howled curses as unwilling tears of pain welled in his eyes.

"Our little baby boy is crying again." Cora's voice was cruel.

Marco curled himself into a ball, hands covering his nuts. He was desperate to protect himself, but he couldn't cover everything. Cora slammed her fist into his other kidney, straightening him out. Marti took the opportunity to grab a handful of hair and lift his head. Tears of pain and rage trickled down his cheeks and she slapped him back and forth a couple of times. His chin bounced off the cold stone floor when she released her grip.

Saundra took over, laying three stripes across his back as fast as her crop could fly. Whit, whit, whit. Marco was howling curses again.

"Shut the fuck up you big baby!" Cora screamed. "To bad your girlfriends can't see you now, whimpering like a little kid who lost his toy…"

"We haven't even begun to hurt you yet…" Marti added from the other side. "…and you're screamin' like we cut off your dick."

That got Marco's attention.

"Oh Jesus!" He moaned. "Ma'am… Don't…"

"I said shut the fuck up you putz!" Cora shouted. "No one's gonna take your little weiner… Yet! We're saving that for later. Ya gotta sleep sometime..."

That was my cue.

Something told me that my boy Marco wouldn't get much sleep that night. He'd hear every sound, just waiting for a knife to appear.

I stepped forward while the ladies stood surrounding his prone body. Crouching down beside his face, I reached out to rap my knuckles against his head.

"Are you still with us there dickweed?" I asked.

He peered up at me, still holding his package. His face was flushed from embarrassment and the beating he'd been taking. He'd rather have died than have me see the tears on his cheeks. Tough shit.

"I was right…" I told him softly. "…watching the ladies kick the shit out of you is more fun than doing it myself. They're pretty good at it too, don't you think?"

"My friend here is right too." I continued, gesturing at Cora. "All you have to do to stop the pain is tell us the truth about everything. We know that you're just the bagman, the gofer with the stiff dick that your boss Lydia uses for relief occasionally. Not much more than that. But you know things that we can use to break her…"

That pissed him off.

"Fuck that shit!" He blazed. "That cunt couldn't cross the street without help. I set up the cocaine deal, the girls, the parties and that thing with the fashion houses were all my id…" He stopped, too late remembering where he was and to whom he was talking.

I looked skeptical. "Horseshit dickweed! We know better." I said shaking my head. "She's the deal-maker. The mover. We know that. She just made you think you had those ideas, you putz. You're just the comic relief with a convenient stiffy, and we know you're not even good at that. We've seen you in action."

Marco's face flamed. His rage was monstrous, but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about the insult. Not with me Cora and Marti just itching for an excuse to beat him; not to mention Saundra and her riding crop. I smiled at his predicament. Poor putz.

"Now all you've got to do is tell us everything you know: where the money is, who your connections are, what you know about her plans. Everything."

I moved to get up. As I turned away, I said "You tell us everything you know about her plans, from the cash – we're gonna get that cash – to the tapes you have of the action with Veronica at the townhouse."

Uneasyness replaced rage in his eyes. We weren't supposed to know about that. I caught the look, and turned back.

"Listen Homer." I said patiently. "We're not stupid. We don't think Lydia is either. If I was smart enough to bug that place, it's obvious that she did too. I want what she's got."

I turned away dismissively. "The only thing you have to worry about is to tell us everything. Make us believe it. Easy..."

I signaled to Saundra. "…but until then, it's beat on Marco time, and everyone gets to play. Your turn Mistress Saundra."

Marco looked horrified. "Jesus! Watta ya wanna know? I'll tell ya everything… Anything! Just call her off… Call them off!"

I smiled sorrowfully and shook my head. "You don't get it, do you? Right now, we don't believe a word you have to say. You'd say anything to get these ladies off your back. You don't really believe yet. You will eventually. Besides, no one here thinks that you've suffered enough yet. Not nearly as much as you've made Summer and her family suffer."

Then he muffled a screech as Saundra lashed his bare ass with her crop. I stood back again to watch her work.

"There are so many painful things I'd love to do to you now little man…" Saundra whispered menacingly. "But it's time to put you to work cleaning up after yourself."

She pointed at the bucket with her crop. "Get busy scrubbing your piss off of my floor."

He started to get to his feet. Big mistake. Cora took a step toward him, but Saundra was faster with her crop. WHIT!
Marco was howling again.

"I did not tell you that you could get up!" Saundra said coldly. "Until I tell you differently, you will stay on your knees. If I see you standing without my permission, I will punish you severely. Thus far, I have been lenient with you. Donot make me angry."

The look on his face almost made me laugh. I could almost hear Marco thinking.Jesus! If this is lenient, I do not want to see severe!

Marti and Cora couldn't help themselves. But their laughter held more than a hint of cruelty. Marco flushed again.

He started to crawl painfully toward the bucket, but apparently Saundra wasn't satisfied with his speed. She helped him along with a lash across his ass, barely missing his balls. That got him moving.

Something told me – and probably him too – that no matter how fast he moved to obey her orders, she would find an excuse to use her crop. But he scooted anyway.

Soon Marco was scrubbing the floor with his underwear. Cora and Marti were pointing out spots that he'd missed, while Saundra urged him along with the tip off her crop. His nutsack dangled between his legs, swinging back and forth as he worked. It was an inviting target. I hoped for his sake no one would take advantage. While they kept him busy, I slipped out to check on Lydia.

As I closed the door Marco let out an agonized howl. Apparently the target had been too inviting. Poor schmuck.

Marco hated the Blue Wax, but he hated Saundra's riding crop more. But it was the stocks and, especially, Saundra's strap-on that did it for him.

One look at Saundra wearing the harness and greasing the dildo was way 'nough. I'm certain that he was bent over naked with his neck and wrists locked in the stocks and his ankles cuffed to a yard-wide spreader bar had something to do with it.

Oh he tried to hold out at the very end, but when Saundra stepped up behind, grabbed him by the hips and he felt the dildo nosing his asshole, Marco broke completely.

He was shouting out the numbers of his bank accounts, PIN numbers and the combination to his safe faster than Saundra's crop could fly. He even gave us the details of the next cocaine shipment, and his connections down south, as well as his part in the abuse of Summer Mathews.

We got it all on video when he was dressed again and sitting upstairs. He did look a little bit spooked as he was telling the tale. It may have had something to do with his new haircut: he looked like he'd been shorn with a weedwhacker.

It also could have been that Saundra, Marti and Cora were standing behind the camera watching. Marti was cracking her knuckles. Cora was cleaning her fingernails with a rather large gutting knife. Saundra was flexing her riding crop.

On reflection, it was probably the latter. Marco could grow new hair. Other things don't grow so well.

Wendy was easy. I think the session at the café had convinced her. The wax job wasn't really necessary, other than to fulfill our promise of punishment. She didn't need much more to convince her. Oh Saundra took a few minutes away from the putz to demonstrate her expertice with the riding crop; and Wendy did get bent over my lap to get her bottom spanked. But both were done more to fulfill promises rather than because she needed the convincing. Besides, I realized early that Tinkerbelle was getting into the B&D scene.

In the end, Wendy gave us complete details of the parties and the cocaine deals, what she knew of them anyway. She also gave us the time and place of the next delivery, which happened to be due later that week.

Lydia was a bit harder, but Gwendolyn and especially Maxine got to her in the end. Both were ruthless. Between Gwendolyn's whip and Maxine's strap-on, Lydia took a whole lot of abuse. She was the only one of the three that took more than threats. But in the end, I think it was the thought of actually going to jail that did it.

I can hear Maxine now:

Yeah Lydia baby go ahead, release the vids to the tabloids. That's no sweat off my pussy. Veronica Hart will be pissed, but I don't know the bitch anyway, but from what I hear, it serves her right. James does kinda like her daughter Missy though. Don't really want to see that girl hurt.

So just remember, the minute that stuff becomes public, our stuff goes directly to the DA. That means Assault, Aggravated Rape, Reckless Endangerment, Conspiracy, Attempted Extortion – of Veronica; by that point she will be happy to help put you away – Extortion (that's the cash from the Fashion Houses), Receiving and Distributing a Contolled Substance… Shit Lydia, the list goes on and on. I bet the Feds and the IRS will want to get involved. Hhhmm. Federal prison, shit that's hard time.

Just imagine how much fun the cell blocks will be. Wanna bet Big Mavis and her posse'll have you on your knees eating pussy and reaming your ass and cunt before your first day is done?

I'd say you wouldn't last a week, especially when those guys down south find out and think that you might give them up. Shit, there are ladies inside that would be happy to take razor blades to your face, then fuck you to death for a pack of smokes let alone a couple ounces of shit smuggled in to them.

Wanna bet that Summer's family hits you with a civil suit too? And how 'bout those Fashion Houses? Now their out of business and they have you to thank. Those people are bound to be after you in court. Even if by some miracle you keep your Fat Ass – got that one straight from your pals Marco the Putz and little Wendy Tinkerbelle – out of prison, where ya gonna work now sweetcheeks?

I hear there's an Escort Service down on the Avenue looking for girls. We already know that you swing both ways. How 'bout it, suck a few cocks; eat a little pussy. I'll be glad to pimp you out for say, eighty percent of the take. Who knows, ya might clear a couple a' hundred a night selling your tail, particularly after we release a that vid showing you fucking and sucking Marco. You'll be very much in demand.

Meanwhile you'll be my bitch. I just love to get a naked girl on her knees lickin' my pussy. Mmh Mmmm honey, you'll be perfect as my sweet little fucktoy. I got a strap-on just your size.

'Course you'll probably never see your daughter again. I'd bet her father would see to that. Might even give him some help in that regard. His own copy of the unedited disc. I'd bet that the Family Court Judge would love to see you on your knees, suckin' Marco's dick and talking about making Missy lick your cunt while she gets raped in the ass. Yeah, Judge Judy'll love that one…

Meanwhile why don't we give you a taste of it. Let's get those pretty little panties down, shall we sweetcheeks. That's it bend her over that table. That's my good little bitch. Here's a little lube for ya, just stick out that cute ass and say 'Ahh'. That's it. Oohh yeah, nice an' tight for me! Ya ready? No? Tough shit babe, here it comes!…

Oh quit squealin'! You'll get used to a strap-on in your ass by the time the other ladies finish with you cupcake. In fact, Marti and Cora want to do a triple with you, won't that be fun. Guess who gets to be the creamy fillin' in an all girl sandwich sweetmeat…

But before that happens, Mistress Gwendolyn here gets her turn next. She can't wait to test drive your tongue. She's really lookin' forward to ridin' your face. 'Course she never rides without the right tack. That lady always has her riding crop handy for those headstrong fillies that give her trouble…

Brrrrrrr! Maxine can be persuasive.

She even persuaded me to take a shot at Lydia. Maxine took a couple hours off to play with Wendy the second evening after Cora and Marti had gone home. Maxine had spent the first night with Lydia. Well, Maxine and her strap-on. The second night, she felt Lydia needed a shock so we traded.

Wendy and was very good to Maxine. Cassandra help make that a certainty. Maxine was limp by the time she finished.

Meanwhile, Maxine left Lydia between Gwendolyn and me, except Lydia wasn't clued into the trade. When I walked in her cell, Gwendolyn was ensconced in a comfortable chair. Lydia was kneeling with her arms strapped together behind her back and her face between Gwendolyn's thighs. Gwendolyn's eyes lit up when she saw me enter, Mr Snake standing tall and leading the way. The aroma of fresh pussy was in the air.

"Oh dear, Lydia," Gwendolyn murmured in the husky voice of hers. "Here comes another of those big tools you dislike so much. Better prepare yourself. This one is larger than most."

I think Lydia expected another bout with Maxine's strap-on when she heard the door close at her back. She mewed sorrowfully when felt someone kneel behind and clutch her hips. But boy was she surprised to hear my voice in her ear as Mr Snake surged through the lips of her freshly plucked pussy!