Rachel Reveals All


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I admit I had gone there that afternoon with the crazy idea in my mind that I might take my kit off for him. He wanted to open a bottle of wine with me but I told him I could not stay. He must have been wondering why I had come at all, and I was wondering the same thing. So I did a little dance, wriggled out of my blouse, and danced around a bit in front of him in my bra but I just felt so strongly that I should not be there for all sorts of reasons and could not get into it. He looked nervous and uncomfortable but expectant with his staring eyes. I got cold feet and said that I was sorry but I had to go. He then sort of fell apart really telling me I was just another woman rejecting him, that no girls ever fancy him, and that he was lonely and never had a girlfriend. He looked so sad, crest fallen and pathetic that I found it impossible to just walk out at that point. I dug as deep as I could and took my bra off and he told me I was the sexiest most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. I suspect that was true but not because I am that special but because I have no competition! Anyway, he could not control himself any longer, got up, came over, and put his hands on my breasts. This was just the least erotic experience of my life and I hated it. I told him he had broken the rules and I was leaving now. He just disappeared into his kitchen or somewhere and I grabbed my clothes, slung them on and left as quickly as possible. I learnt that day that you could not always trust your lustful feelings and fantasies. Sometime things that you think are going to be hot and sexy can be just the opposite.

Chapter 14. Fulfilling My Fantasies At The Spa.

Before I tell you about my latest exploits I want to update you on some other stuff. First of all I have changed my hair colour back to a sort of medium red brown colour. It's still shoulder length. I have been dieting and have got back down to the weight I was at uni. Andy says I am too skinny again but I like it, and it gives me some margin to put weight on holidays. You will be surprised to hear that I have cut right down on my drinking. I was clearly drinking far too much and often the worse for drink but now I probably only drink 1 or 2 nights a week and when I do it is in moderation. So I know what I am doing now all the time and when I do behave badly it is not the result of being drunk. At least I get to enjoy it to the full! I really don't need alcohol to enjoy myself or lose my inhibitions any more.

I needed Andy to be involved in the action for me to be able to play so we needed to explore new outlets together. We discovered a health spa near where we live in Bristol which is naturist and that has been a life changer for me giving me an outlet for my fantasies and meeting like minded people. In fact since discovering the Bristol one we have also been to similar places in London , Kent , and Sussex and we have had some great times at these places. I look forward to my visits to these places and they enable me to explore my fantasies when I am there but to get them out of my system and live a normal life in between.

With the one in Bristol during the week they have some ladies only days and some mixed days but on Sundays they have a couples only day although up until about 5 o'clock single men or women are admitted but they have to leave at 5 o'clock. It has a small swimming pool, and an assortment of Jacuzzis and hot tubs and steam rooms and private rooms of different sizes equipped with soft plastic mattresses for relaxing and whatever you fancy. There is a small garden which has a large outdoor hot tub in which you can squeeze up to 10 although that really is a squeeze! But great fun especially when it is cold and everyone has to snuggle down under the piping hot water with just their noses above water.

It is in a large former mansion and the wet areas are all in the basement floor, and above that is a floor that contains a refreshment area, a TV room, and massage rooms. On this floor they burn incense sticks all around and play relaxing Eastern meditation style music. It all adds up to a very pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. On the floor above is where it really gets interesting. There are these private rooms of different sizes down a corridor and the staff who run the place do not enter this floor. It is just left to the customers to use as they wish in private for sexual encounters. The rooms are fitted out with a platform covered in plastic covered red mattresses and many mirrors on the walls. The lighting is low level in blue LED. Some of the rooms are designed for just two people and they have a door that can be locked for privacy. The larger rooms are of increasing sizes and will take a group of between 4 and about 10! There are no doors on any of the larger rooms so part of the fun is that single people who have come on their own, or sometimes couples can wander up and down and stand in the doorways watching the sport, or even enter and make themselves comfortable with a ring size seat. It is one of the strict rules of the club that no one can actually touch anyone else or join in unless clearly invited.

During our first visits Andy and I were obviously fascinated by all this and mesmerized by standing in the doorways and seeing what went on. What sheltered lives we had led we thought. We couldn't believe how uninhibited some people were and just went there without any apparent reservation to do what they pleased. I had spent my life thinking that I was an oddball, a weirdo who liked taking her clothes off in public. But this place really opened my eyes. I was clearly amongst friends here! I no longer felt the oddball. It was apparent that there were lots of people like me and they seemed to be a lot more confident and accepting of themselves than I was. They had taken exhibitionism to a whole new level. I just looked on with envy and admiration when a girl or woman was the centre of attention of two or three blokes. I cannot tell you how arousing and hot it made me watching another girl who was lucky enough to be the centre of attention of a group of blokes writhing around having an orgasm in one of those rooms. I had never seen anything like that in my life. In addition, I resolved that one day that will be me and I just needed to get Andy used to the idea. I used to get hot just day dreaming about how one day I just knew it would be me being attended to by some guys in one of those rooms with an audience. I could not think about my date with destiny for long without putting my hands into my panties. I thought that to have an orgasm with an enthusiastic audience and a guy on top of me just taking his pleasure would be the ultimate experience for me; to be so totally used sexually with an audience and humiliated like that would just be fantastic.

I have been to the ladies only days a few times during the week but mostly I have been with Andy on a Sunday. This place has been brilliant for us, as it has given Andy the time and opportunity to get used very slowly to accommodating my fantasies and desires in an environment that he has been able to progressively enjoy and get something out of himself.

I am an obsessive personality and I became more and more obsessed with the notion of having sex with Andy in public. I just could not get this idea out of my head. In my imagination he would be on top of me and my legs would be wide apart and he would fuck me hard with a group of blokes sitting or kneeling around us all stroking their dicks. In my fantasy one of the guys would then take Andy's place and then another and then well as you can tell I could daydream about it for ages. I knew that I would have to find the right moment and way to share this with Andy and hope he would one day be up for it. I also became obsessed with seeing Andy fuck another woman but as I say, my greatest obsession was to be had by two or three blokes with an audience whilst others were watching. That was my Holy Grail, my Nirvana. They say in life that if you really want something, and really wish for something then you can usually get it, and I am delighted to say that I have fulfilled some of these big fantasies of mine eventually and the answer to my prayers has been these naturist spas. Of course, they have not been fulfilled in exactly the way I have imagined them; life is not like that.

The fun starts from the moment you enter the place. The first thing that happens is that they hand you a large towel, which will become your only clothes for the duration that you are there. That always gets my pulse racing because this is an environment where it is absolutely normal and acceptable to live and walk around completely naked except for this towel wrapped around you. I always feel that I am home, or that I have died and gone to Heaven! You step into the communal changing room, which is obviously mixed. There would be no point in having single sex changing rooms when you are going to be naked amongst the rest of the customers for the rest of the time that you are there. Why do they call them changing rooms when they are just for undressing? You do not change into anything except your birthday suit and a towel. So right from the beginning I can legitimately strip off.

I always hope that there will already be other people in the changing rooms when I am changing. I have to decide what order to take my clothes off. What would be normal? What will be most fun? Personally, I like to take my skirt or jeans and pants off first so I can maximise the time that my pussy is exposed before I don the towel. Then I like to lift my jumper up over my head with my arms in the air wiggling as I go. Then I slowly unbutton my blouse. Then I will be standing there in just my bra, and I will start to store my stuff in a locker all delaying the moment when I have to don the towel. When I have reached the stage of undressing to just my bra or if I am completely naked, it gets even better if someone talks to me. I can then legitimately delay wearing the towel and engage them in some idle chatter whilst remaining in a state of nudity and feeling relaxed and brazen. I can then watch the eyes of a bloke I am chatting too trying to look at my face rather than at my naughty bits. Sometimes when I go, I do not wear any underwear. Normally, as you know, I love wearing attractive sexy underwear. However, when I go to the spa there is something extra arousing at peeling my tracksuit bottoms off and already being naked underneath. I love to see the expression on other people's faces when I haul my jumper up over my head to release my trapped and constrained breasts for them to enjoy. Somehow, the suddenness of this way of undressing makes me feel extra naked and exposed. This of course is just a taste of the fun that will follow most of the day. Even when we are relaxing in the refreshment area with a drink chatting to others there is still opportunity for some flashing as I carelessly allow the towel to drift apart as I swing my legs around in the chairs. Yes, I adore this place.

Andy and I started by enjoying the Jacuzzi in the garden. It was very private and a great place to meet others and get to know a few people. I particularly like it when it is cold or even raining and everybody snuggles down deep in the water. We have even been in it when it is snowing and that is brilliant! It great when it is dark of course and just lit by a few low level lights. There is some misbehaviour under the water I have to say and a lot of wandering hands but that is all part of the fun. When the bubbles are going and the water is being whipped up and all froth and foam then it is open season for wandering hands beneath the deep! When you notice a hand stroking your thigh then it is up you to gently move it away if you prefer because if you do not that is taken as a green light to progress further.

It was in this Jacuzzi that we first met Andrea and Tony who have since become our best and close friends and with whom we have been able to explore our fantasies. (This is, of course, not the same Tony that I came in contact with, indeed very close contact with, in Greece that night). What is it with me and blokes named 'Tony'? We often chuckle at the fact that the first time we met each other we were all stark naked. It feels like we have stayed that way because when we visit or stay at each other's houses we frequently seem to end up in a state of undress. Tony and Andrea have become our 'partners in crime' and our main wife swapping friends. We have been on a few holidays with them and had some brilliant fun but now our relationships have evolved into what I think are called polyamorist and I love it. Let me tell you how it began and developed that way.

We had been going to the spa for a few months and, as I said, had become good friends with Andrea and Tony. It was obvious right from the beginning that we got on well with them. We had much in common. We were similar ages and they had both met at University like us but not at Bristol but Durham. However, they were both originally from the South West, and now lived, and worked in and around Bristol. Andrea was a little shorter than I was, and slim like me, and had her shoulder length brunette hair in gorgeous curls although obviously it used to flatten down in the spa when it was wet. Tony is more classically handsome than Andy with more rugged features and slightly taller and works as a financial broker in something or other. He is very confident and sure of himself. However, of course, what we shared the most was a love of flirting and it was clear from the outset that we fancied each other's partners. Tony made no secret of the fact he had the hots for me and from the word go Andy and Andrea hit it off and seemed to be kindred spirits. They were always chatting away on their own and giggling. I had seen them sitting in the hot tub on their own and saw that Andy often had his arm around Andrea, and when we used to greet each other, or leave each other, Andy always seemed to linger a bit too long with his arms around Andrea hugging her. I knew they were getting very close and becoming more than just good friends. However, I could hardly complain could I? I knew that I had encouraged him to flirt with other woman and although at one level, I naturally felt pangs of concern that I might lose him I was also excited by the prospect that she could be the one to fulfil my fantasy of watching Andy fucking another woman. At the same time, Andy knew that Tony had designs on me and I was encouraging him every step of the way to think that I might be available to him. We used to talk about it a lot and how we believed we could handle this without jeopardising our marriage. Andy use to remind me that this was all my doing anyway and that he had originally gone along with it to please me. But did he like Andrea a lot? Yes he freely admitted that he did and wondered where all this was going to lead.

So one day after we had been out with them, for a meal actually and not the spa, Andy told me something that Andrea had said to him, out of the blue, although clearly she had been thinking about it. We had finished our dinner and a bottle of wine and were waiting for coffees and Tony and me had gone to the loo. They were occupied so we were away waiting for a few minutes thus leaving Andy alone with Andrea for a bit. Andy told me that they had been giggling and chatting away as normal when Andrea took his hand in hers and looked into his eyes all-serious and said, "You do know you can have me if you want to don't you? I would really like that to happen sometime."

Andy was taken aback and did not know how to respond but did manage to lean towards her and give her a kiss and squeeze her had in return.

The daft bugger could not think of any verbal response at the time, and was so taken aback he just could not wait to tell me later. Apparently Tony had come back to the table soon afterwards so Andrea changed the subject. I was shocked to hear this myself but also observed that other people / women again seem to be a lot less reticent than I am about going out and getting what they want without any compunction. When I woke the next day I knew everything was in place, the seeds were sown. The die was cast. My fantasies were going to be fulfilled soon.

So let me tell you about the day when I finally reached my Nirvana. It is funny but I had a strong sense that something amazingly fun was going to happen that day. Travelling to the spa, I felt that intuitive sense of excitement and pleasant anticipation that something exciting and naughty was going to happen. Things were just ripe and coming to a head. We had been out in the hot tub and been laughing and joking and playing with some other couples, Tony and Andrea as usual. On this particular day I think we, and in particular Andy, were feeling randy and ready to go up a gear. We were up in one of the medium size playrooms and I was lying down with my legs apart enjoying myself with Andy playing with my pussy. We had an expectant audience of four guys who were all playing with themselves and this was in addition to Andrea and Tony who were lying next to us on the plastic bed.

We had graduated to this level of public exhibitionism but I think we both knew that very soon we would be going the whole hog. We both knew that we were building up to making love with an audience and Andy knew how much I wanted to do this. On this day, Andy was being unusually attentive and skilful and had my motor running big time. I was running with vaginal juices and lifting my arse up to greet his probing caressing hands.

He kissed me and I whispered in his ear, "Come on-you know you want to. Today is the big day. It is time. Give it to me. Do your worst."

He knew that there was no getting out of this today. When Andy sat up, he said something like, "OK give me some room then. My wife needs a good seeing to."

I thought, "That's my boy."

I was trying to act all cool and matter of fact as if I had seen the other girls do who had blazed the trail before me. I did not want anyone to know we had never done this before although, of course, Tony and Andrea knew. Andrea knew how much I wanted to do this and break my duck. She put her hand on my forehead in a reassuring way and gave me a supportive smile. She had told me she had performed with Tony a few times but this was before our time and I had never seen her. However, in this night of firsts all that was about to change.

Andy was rock hard so no problems on that score. He knew that and manoeuvred himself into position between my splayed legs looking unusually confident. Andrea moved away to sit next to Tony. I was absolutely soaking and could wait no longer to put my arms on his bum and pull him in as deep as I could. I looked around and saw that the guys were all masturbating with greater urgency. We were giving the audience what they had been waiting for. I closed my eyes in quiet satisfied contemplation of finally achieveing this long awaited goal of being fucked in front of an audience and being sober enough at the time to enjoy it. I then started worrying about whether it would be a good orgasm so I could give the guys a real show they would not forget. I was pushing my hips up at Andy and holding my arms around his neck and crying out lots of, "Ooohs" and "arrghs".

Then something unexpected happened.

I was concentrating on the growing irresistible waves that were flowing through my pussy and expecting that we were coming to a finale very soon. But unexpectedly Andrea started joining in with us and kissing Andy. I thought, "Blimey this could be my first public threesome with a woman. It is all happening today!"

However, Andrea had other ideas. She whispered in Andy's ear, "I'm feeling very left out over there. You can have Rach anytime. I've told you before you can have me you know. I'm sure Tony would be delighted to finish off here for you. Don't you fancy me Andy?"