Reacquainted Pt. 04


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Jen saw the smile; that terrifying, arousing, predatory smile she had first seen at Mags' apartment back when...when...time seemed to have...oh God! There was the tip of that long, pointy tongue insinuating itself like a boneless finger between her labia, up, up...until...oooh yes! That little tickling tap; that...YUNNHH! The breath flew out of her, and she fought back panic as the chair threatened to fall over backwards. For a long second the thing balanced on two legs, then the other two came back to earth, and her ass bounced against the seat as gravity reasserted itself. She heard Mags' angry growl; the sound off it, not the words, and then she was back on the chair, legs spread, breathing hard, and looking down into Catwoman's mocking green eyes.

Batman moved behind the naked brunette, his long cock rocking slowly and gently in and out of her warm, wet cunt. Catwoman smiled with the sensation of it, and the warm breath from her rhythmic sighs tickled and tingled, cooling the dampness of Vicki's arousal. For a few seconds, Catwoman lost herself in the new pace of her fucking. Then she looked up at Vicki and winked.

The smaller woman looked down, fascinated, as Catwoman curled her tongue—it really waslong!—into a sort of tube. Leaning forward, she pushed her tongue between Vicki's...and into her...into her!She could feel the penetration, like the tip of a tiny cock. The sensation was subtle enough, but the image, the idea, the thought of the thing! Vicki felt her face flush, and her breathing start to quicken. Catwoman was...fucking her with her tongue! It felt as if, at any moment, the masked woman would reach around, pull Vicki's pussy against her mouth and force that tongue deep,deepinside her. Then it would become a tongue again, not the cock it was now, and it would twist and tickle, and lap her up from the inside out...oh God! OhgodohgodohgodohGOD! She might cum from the image alone; she could feel the tiny thrusts, the warmth of Catwoman's breath, and she rocked her hips forward, forcing her pussy into the other woman's face, reaching for a sensation that some tiny part of her mind kept insisting was impossible. Shut up, shutupshutupshutup! She wanted it, wanted it so badly,needed it...

Catwoman's tongue popped out of her, and she cried aloud, almost sobbing with the frustration of it. Then it was back. Her eyes, flew open—when had she closed them?—and she saw an evil little open-mouthed grin on the beautiful face between her thighs, as the villainess began dragging the tip of that wicked tongue slowly up her slit toward...stopping just below her swollen, red clit, and dragging it back down, savoring the sweet, salty taste of her victim's arousal. Without knowing how or even when, Vicki began actually to cry. Tears of lust and rage and frustration streamed down her cheeks, and she began to curse and beg and plead:

"Goddamn you, you BITCH! YOU...oh shit, that feels fucking...NO! Don't STOP!!! Don't tease, please...I'm begging you! Let me...please let me! FUCKING DO IT!!! Pleasepleaseplease? So fucking...Oh God, oh my fucking...PLEASE!!!"

The tongue was gone. Vicki howled! and Catwoman hissed, her breath hot on the smaller woman's pussy: "Say it, Kitten. You have to ask for what you want like a big girl. Tell me what you want, and I promise I'll keep it going. But you have to ask. You have to say it!"


Before the last words were out of her victim's mouth, Catwoman's tongue lashed across Vicki's clit, battering it back and forth with short hard stabs, and then caressing it with long, slow licks. Aroused by his woman's passion, Batman began thrusting harder, forcing Catwoman's face hard against Vicki's pussy. The tall brunette wrapped long arms around the little blonde's waist, using her weight to help anchor the chair which was rocking back and forth keeping time with the smaller woman's screams. Vicki convulsed one, two, three, four, five, six times, each spasm accompanied by howls and cries and curses, until at last her voice broke, and all she could manage was squeaks and groans and whimpers. Then Jen's body slumped in the chair.

Mags glanced over her shoulder, caught Theo's eye; he stopped moving in her. The pair watched for a few seconds. Jen seemed only half-conscious; her eyes closed, her breathing labored. Eventually she roused herself, climbed off the chair onto her hands and knees, and crawled over to face Mags. Gently she leaned forward and kissed her friend's lips.

"Mmm, I taste good." She murmured softly. "Thank you, Mistress. Am I a good little kitten?"

Mags smiled. "The best."

"Good." Then she stood, and walked over to her husband. She stood to his left, and put her arms around his waist, staring down fascinated at where his long, thick cock disappeared into her friend's body. Then she looked to the back of Mags' head, where the Catwoman ears were, improbably, still fixed in place. Jen smiled to herself, relieved, now that the...event had happened to discover that yes, in fact she could have it both ways. Mags was a friend, and Theo was her husband. And Theo wasn't making love to Mags; Batman was fucking Catwoman. He'd been forced into doing it to keep his beloved Vicki safe from the machinations of the seductive villainess. Jen giggled. It was all pretty silly, but it was also sexy as hell. Jen found herself hoping that her new friend and her husband were having as much fun as she was. Sex, wasn't it? Love was vital, and profound and... And sex could be all that too, but sex was always...well mostly If Theo had anything left in the tank, Jen decided she'd take him home and make love to him until they fell asleep in each other's arms. Then tomorrow night, she'd fuck him cross-eyed. If he didn't have it in him tonight, she'd fuck him cross-eyed tomorrow night anyway. And she'd get him another Batman suit...and maybe a little something for herself as well; not Catwoman of course, but...

She looked up. Theo was looking down at her, a question in his eyes behind the mask.

Vicki smiled up at her hero. "Fuck her hard, Batman. Punish her for being so cruel and evil, but don't forget your promise. I want your cum all to myself;shedoesn't deserveanyof it." Then she flounced away like the pampered socialite she was to watch her superhero subdue his nemesis. Then she had to hide a grin. Mags was cracking up.


As always it took Mags a good few minutes to get herself under control after one of her laughs. It didn't help matters for her to imagine Theo's perplexity. He still had his cock buried inside her, and she could only imagine the look on his face, as her lungs and abdomen and points lower heaved and spasm-ed around him; never mind the noises she knew she was making. When she could finally trust her voice, she reached for Catwoman's sexy snarl, and decided she still sounded pretty good.

"You heard your little princess, Bats! Fuck me like you mean it! Punish me with that big hard batstick you've got shoved up my poor little pussy. You man enough for a good hard grudge-fuck?"

She hissed with pleasure as she felt him draw back and slam back into her, once, twice, and three times, each thrust rocking her forward, the sound of his thighs against her ass like a pistol shot.

"That the best you got, Lawman?" she taunted. "I tied your little bitch up and beat her ass, and you just watched and got a boner. Made you cum on her face too. Did you like that Mr.Superhero?Like treating your little princess like the whore she is? C'mon and fuck me like a man, or do I call the Joker over here to make you his BITCH?"

Once again she felt Batman bend forward and wrap his long muscular arms around her chest, felt herself lifted onto her knees as his huge hands mauled her breasts, and then he began to hammer her. She screamed and cursed as he shook her like a rag doll, pistoning into her like some demented machine, her body prisoner to his massive strength. His hands grabbed her tits, squeezing and twisting, and she keened as pain and pleasure swirled together. His cock was as long and thick as anything she'd ever experienced. The massive head battered at her cervix until the ache spread through her She was losing her grip on language, even in her mind. It was agony, but it was sofucking GOOD.He was a lummox; no finesse, no regard for anything but the power and the pleasure of his...what the fuck do you call something this size? Can you even call it a cock anymore...word's like a tenth the size of his goddamn dick...of fuck, don't laugh...don't you fucking laugh! Then: oh FUCK yes! One hand fell away from her tits, questing between her legs. Could he find it while he was throwing her around all over the place? He'd gotten there before, but... ohfuckohfuckohFUCK! YES, YES, SHIT GOD FUCK YES!!! His finger was on her clit: pressure, pain and pleasure, back and forth, over and over, holy shit he was going to tear the fucking thing off! This was brutal! This was mindless! This was no way to cum and yet she was soooooooo close! Soooo Fuuucking Cloooose! Then...


Her body tried to buck as she came, but his arms kept her pinned against him, and she shook as if electrocuted, her muscles clenching and releasing, clenching and releasing until she thought she would throw up, or pass out, or...she had no idea how long the orgasm held her, but just as it was beginning to pass off, he threw her off of himself, literally; just dumped her on the floor, her body, full to bursting with his cock just a second before now lay in a tangled heap, jerking and twitching, empty and bereft, the only sounds left in her a hoarse rhythmic panting as she fought to get her breath back.


Batman...Theo...didn't matter now. Whoever he was had been subsumed by the pleasure and the rage and the want and the imminent release, and the pain...holy shit was he hurting! Fire in his abs and his glutes and his arms, friction burns on his knees, a raw throat from panting in the cold dry air, and his...cock! Goddamn it! He'd already come once, on Jen's...ooooh shit, don't think about that too hard, or...wait, hold on just a little...promised Jen...Vicki...whatever the...that she could... Well if she wanted...she'd damn well better get over here. Call her! Oh hell, call her what? What if she won't answer to...don't time, just:


And like magic, she was kneeling in front of him, naked and disheveled and smiling and impossibly beautiful, and he was done talking; nothing else to say. She took over. She took his cock in her little hands, and it felt so...damn...good.


Vicki smiled up at her man as she took him in her hands and stroked him gently. He was close. She could tell. She couldn't have said how she knew—she'd never gotten him off this way before—but know she did. His cock was hot and wet with Catwoman's arousal. She giggled, reciting a pornographic little litany to herself, maybe not even aware that she was speaking out loud:

"Ooh, is this all for me? I'm going to do it. I'm going to make him cum in my mouth. I'm going to swallow his load like a good little...what did she call me when I had his stuff all over my face? A good little cumslut. I like that. I am a cumslut. I want hers too. I want to lick her off him; I want to taste them a mixed drink, a cum cocktail..."

She started to giggle again at that: "Cum...cock...tail? Oh, that's nasty..." And then she wasn't talking any more because she had slipped the head of his cock into her warm wet mouth, and she was sucking, tasting the spicy, slightly gamey flavor of...Catwoman's pussy, and her hands were moving up and down his shaft. She heard his grunts and groans, but it was as if she was a long way off. No eyes, no ears; just a little smell, touch and taste, mostly taste, because he was cumming now, filling her mouth with thick, milky stuff, and the smoky, bitter taste of him overwhelmed the lighter, tangier flavors of her. "All mine," she thought to herself. "All for me, as much as I want. And that's good, because I like it. This sexy little cumslutlikes it!"

When he was done, when she'd milked every last salty drop from him, she looked up into his face, opened her mouth like one of those slutty porno girls, to show him that she'd swallowed it all. Then she remembered what she'd said to him the first time he'd worn the suit, remembered how it had gotten him going. She opened her blue eyes wide, gave the tip of his cock one chaste little kiss, and said, in her sexiest voice: "Oh Batman, myhero!"


"Honey, this is Magnolia Sutter. Mags, I'd like you to meet my husband, Theo Sutcliff."

Mags looked like she was about to laugh, and Theo looked nervous, but Jen had insisted. Half an hour later, and he three were in robes, masks and...everything else put aside, and they were sipping Maker's Mark from Dixie cups which Jen had had the foresight to provide. They were standing in Lizbet's office, which was a little cramped, but had the advantage of some furniture and the fact that they hadn't just had violent, kinky, ecstatic sex in each and every corner of it.

"Miss Sutter." Theo held out a hand, and Jen smiled to see the warmth in Mags' eyes. Courtesy: an excellent place to start with Mags Sutter.

"Officer Sutcliff." She smiled, took his hand, and gave it a good firm squeeze.

It was his turn to smile: "Given what we've been up to for the last few hours, maybe you better call me Theo."

She grinned: "Please call me Mags." There was a little pause, and then she continued: "I really had intended to leave at the end of our scene; you know, give the two of you some processing time, but Jen knows I'm a sucker for good Bourbon." She sipped appreciatively and then: "Are you ok with what's just happened?"

Theo made a sound halfway between a chuckle and a sigh. "Wow, that's a big question. I think the sort answer is...uh yes, sure...I mean nothing like that has ever...that's to say, I've the way, are you ok? I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"

"You did, a little. But I suppose I hurt you too, a bit. For my part, I have no problem with a little pain as long as it's part of the game. And I must say, I thought that was a lovely game. But I'm also unattached. You've just had a stranger...oh, I can't seem to come up with the word...perhaps 'insert' herself into a part of your marriage which most couples prefer to keep private."

"You would have stopped at any time if I'd said 'red', right?"


"And I never said it, did I?"

"No, you didn't."

Theo thought for a moment. "Jen and I will talk about this, of course. In fact I'm really looking forward to talking with her about it, over and over again..."

Jen—who'd been stripped, bound, beaten, fingered, licked, covered in cum, who'd licked Mags to orgasm and swallowed Theo's cum all within the last hour or so—blushed.

"But I think I'm fine with it. I mean I got pretty lost in some of it, but...I think if I'd had a real problem with anything...I don't know, but I think I would have stopped it. I came close a couple of times, but...I never did."

"No," said Mags again, "you didn't."

"I don't know if I'll ever do anything like this again. Right now, I kind of hope I do, but...either way, would it to thank you for all the...for all this, for arranging it, for taking to Jen about it, for...everything?"

"Well I'm not sure I shouldn't be thanking you, but sure, why not? And you're welcome, by the way. It's something you'd say after a cocktail party, but I...I had a wonderful time."

"Thank you. did I." They both looked at Jen.

"A wonderful time?" said Jen with a grin, "Ooooh yes! I...that was all fine with me!"

"Well," said Theo, "like I said, Jen and I are going to go home about...everything, you think we could see you again...I mean socially?" he added quickly, " friends?"

Mags looked over to Jen, smiling back at her, leaning against her husband, her head on his shoulder. When she stands upright, thought Mags to herself, the top of her head doesn't even reach his chin. Aloud she said: "Yes. I'd like that very much."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was the hottest and best read piece I've ever read here. The characters are wonderful and 3 dimensional, and the sex is amazingly hot. Thank you for sharing it with us!

ToranAllairesToranAllairesover 3 years ago
Superhero isn't my thing, but ...

I'll admit, superhero role-play isn't my thing, but I read this over the course of a few days and I kept wanting to come back and read the next part, to see what happens next. The characters are very well defined and interesting, not run-of-the-mill BDSM cliche characters. The story was plausible, the story-telling fantastic. Wonderful bit of work - thank you for sharing!

oldtwitoldtwitover 3 years ago

THE BEST Story on her by far, so well written though out and with such well described characters and sex.

Just brilliant I just want more and more.

ModusPonensLoverModusPonensLoveralmost 4 years ago
Cute and hot as fuck

The relationships between the characters are well developed. The sex is really hot.

What else could you ask for ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The sex was so good! Thanks

This story is one off the best. Thanks for the writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
@anon/Time to go home and talk:

The only bitch here is Mags (and proud of it). Jen definitely is NOT a bitch.

The issue is not whether Theo has any pride or self respect—it’s whether he feels secure in his marriage and comfortable with his own sexuality. Clearly he is and clearly you’re not. You could use this story as a suggestion of an area for self-growth.

I agree with the other comments. I think this was one of the best stories I’ve ever read, on Lit or anywhere else. Well conceived, well executed, fun, and just plain hot.


rickydean56rickydean56about 6 years ago
Effin beautiful

I normally skip anything in bdsm but as in the rape fantasy you pulled it off. That shows how talented a writer you are. If you have any other story’s anywhere I’ll pay to read them. In fact I’ll pay you to write a story about my miserable life, if anyone can give me a happy ending it would be you!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This is a terrific story. The plot is very imaginative, the characters are distinctive and consistent and it is fun to read. I am going to read all your others since I enjoyed this one so much. You have dazzling skill and a vivid imagination!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I normally don't like this genre but I read this one because I really appreciated your other stories. Well done. You put the "lit" back into Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Really enjoyed story, found myself laughing out loud at times. But also really ticked the boxes for a hot and horny story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
the best... but needs a sequel?

I'd love love love love to see Batman find a married Batgirl and fuck her infront of cuckold Robin. Ms. V

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nicely done

Rarely do I like the result of making someone's fantasy come true stories. Usually because the quickly become ugly, ridiculous and only superficially what the fantasy really was about. I find realistic stories so much more enjoyable for the possibility of them actually happening. This hit all of the right spots.

jarrell2jarrell2almost 9 years ago
well done

That was quite the story. It started out slow, picked up pace, and charged towards the climax. It was well thought out, planned and developed. You introduced 3 characters and then developed them and their interaction heading into the event brilliantly. The conversations were well thought out and quite clever, with a touch of cheek. Enjoyed the hell out of it. Hopefully you revisit them regularly, as by the looks of it they are just starting an interesting journey, and it would be interesting to hear their thoughts on the adventure, once the emotions settled in a couple of days and where they head to next. Well presented, great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great scene

liked the story of wife asking for help from a trusted friend. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Time to go home and talk

Decide who is going to keep what from the house after the divorce. Because no man that had any pride or self respect would want to stay married to a bitch. UGH!

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