Reading the Defense Ch. 03


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An away game against the Cowboys kept Gabe and Samantha apart for the majority of the following week, but that didn't stop them from their daily phone calls. It was something they both looked forward to.

"How was class today?"

"Brutal. All of the students turned in their story quilts this morning." It was going to take at least a week before she got them graded. "I've been grading them since I got home, I didn't expect them to get so excited over the project. Not only that but Deborah, I think I told you about her--"

Gabe interrupted Samantha. "She's going through a divorce, right?"

"Right, well she came into my room while the kids were at recess. God, I didn't think that woman was going to leave me alone. I feel bad for her, but she's the one divorcing her husband! Why is she crying to me?"

"Divorce is tough Sam, some people have a good poker face."

"Oh god Gabe, I didn't even think. I'm sorry. I don't even know what you went through." When Gabe had told her he'd been married before, she couldn't deny it cast a red flag out. After talking with him, she felt better about it and understood how it started and how it had broken apart. Their relationship was nothing like theirs and she was in no way going to compare the two.

He laughed as she thought she had offended him. "It's fine, it's a thing in the past and that's where it should be. Maybe she's turning to you because she looks up to you."

Samantha could only laugh at his casual response. "She's taller than me, Gabe."

"Smartass." She giggled, missing him the longer they talked.

"What are we doing on Monday?" Her heart swelled as he asked her, already combining their schedules. Mondays were his rare off days for nightly meetings; it was the one day that gave them several hours to be together. He would normally drop by the school to see her and visit her class, when class dismissed he would take her to detention. Not quite ready to succumb to his sweetness, she replied tartly.

"Well, I know I'm not doing anything spectacular apart from a hot shower. How about you coach?" On the other end, Gabe smiled. Damn her, she knew he was going to be with her.

"Tony's wife is putting together a dinner somewhere in the city. It's going to be a private dinner with the coaches and their significant others. I was thinking--"

"Gabe, are you asking me out?" He scoffed at her question.

"Hell no." He paused. "Okay, yeah I was." Samantha laughed and Gabe soon joined in. He told her that as soon as he found out the specifics he would let her know. When they hung up she felt warmth spread through every ounce of her body. Gabe was etching a spot inside of her heart that was going to be hard to fill if they ever broke up.

When Monday rolled around, Samantha found herself a little nervous. She had talked to Camille several times throughout the week about meeting with the other men and their wives or girlfriends and wasn't sure what to expect.

Expect nothing. Go in, be yourself and that's all you can do. Be friendly, but do what you have to do. I've made friends with some of the other women but that's it. I'm there to support Ernie. Plain and simple.

So Samantha knew what she had to do. She was going in, supporting Gabe. For the dinner, she had decided to straighten her typically wavy hair and swoop her bangs over to one side. Dressing herself in a purple chiffon sheer dress with a pink slip underneath, she was ready to take anything on. Anything started with Gabe, whose mouth dropped when she opened her door to him.

He took one look at her before pulling her into his arms and growling into her neck. Licking the skin before dropping little kisses, he spoke hoarsely to her. "You look incredible."

"Thank you." Cocking her head, the corner of her glossy mouth curled. "What, no cuff links?"

Gabe barked out a laugh. "This is going to be the longest night. There's no way we're staying longer than two hours."

Samantha giggled and gasped as he nipped her collarbone. She turned her head, seeking his lips that she had missed for almost an entire week. Their kiss was desperate and deep. They clung to each other before separating to catch their breath. Some of her lip gloss had smeared on Gabe's lips, and, with her eyes locked on his for a moment she smiled then dropped them as her thumb rubbed over his lip, brushing the gloss off.

Gabe was dressed in a grey business suit with a crisp dress shirt underneath. She had come to learn from dating him that he was a simple man; he didn't like a tuxedo unless he was going to a formal. Not to say he wouldn't look good in one, because she could imagine he wore one well. She also learned that he forgot to shave some days before and after a game, something she began looking forward to. Unfortunately for her, this evening he was cleanly shaven. Looking him up and down, she gave him a wink of approval.

"We should go now, so we can start the clock." Laughing, Gabe grabbed her hand and hauled her out to his truck. When he seated himself, he reached over and held onto her hand for the rest of the drive.

Chapeauwas a newer restaurant downtown that rested high above the city skyline that Maggie Soliano had settled on for the event. It was a new wave French bistro with an American touch. The back seating area had been reserved for their dinner, as well as the access to the balcony. As Gabe and Samantha walked into the restaurant, he laced their fingers together. He knew from talking to her earlier that she was nervous, he wanted her to know that he was there for her.

They were barely inside the dining room for five minutes before she was whisked away from him. Camille had spotted her as Gabe was making the introductions and pulled her away. She knew what his intentions were, but he also didn't know she needed to meet with the women behind the scenes. To let them know that she wasn't just 'Gabe Russell's current fling' because she wasn't.

Samantha was beginning to feel drunk from all of the directions she was being pulled in, and short talk she was forcing herself to do. Meeting with all of the other women and coaching staff, she thought about parent teacher conferences. How the teachers don't really know the parents, don't really want to know them unless there is a reason. Focusing on that to keep a clean game face on in order to get through the night that was indeed, a little overwhelming. When Camille started to tell a story she had already heard, she excused herself and slipped away from the gaggle of women only to step out on the balcony for fresh air.

The breeze was warm, providing the city with an enjoyable Indian summer. Along the river she saw a few nightly tour busses travel down beside the murky waters, as the wail of a siren traveled up the length of the high rise and could be heard if not seen, reflected by the flashing lights below. Behind her the wood paned glass door opened.

"Miss Morrison, I'd say you were ditching class."

She turned to see Gabe walking toward her. The sight of him caused her heart to flutter, he was so handsome in his suit. He was her very own handsome man. Grabbing her hand he pulled her into his arms, a place that felt was created just for her. Rubbing her back with his warm palms, he lightly kissed her lips.

"Are you having a good time?"

"Yes, this is lovely Gabe. Really."

"Those women are vultures. I didn't think I was going to see you all night."She laughed at his wounded expression. "It hasn't been all that long."

"Long enough." He looked her up and down, and then nodded. "You seem normal."

Pinching his side, she rested her cheek against his chest. "They're nice."

He was no fool. "Samantha, they'll eat their children for breakfast."

She threw her head back and laughed, then slapped a hand across her lips trying to stop the sound. Gabe smiled, only to drop his head and place a kiss to the back of her hand. "All right, I didn't want to say anything but...Yeah, they kind of scare me." He knew they didn't scare her from the playful sound of her voice.

"Ah sweetheart, they're eating you up."

"I don't want them to eat me up, coach." Reaching up she kissed his chin. There was a movement behind them and Samantha looked over Gabe's shoulder to see what it was. Camille and Ernie stood pretending to be looking at the skyline; Samantha shook her head and waved to them.

"Samantha, you've just made my entire night." Clasping their hands together Gabe led her back into the dining room to the rest of the group. Through the dinner service, the only time he wasn't holding her hand and tracing her skin with his own fingers was when they were preoccupied with a fork.

Three and a half hours later, Gabe was pulling into Samantha's driveway. She would have loved to stay over at his house that night, but she had an early morning meeting and couldn't gauge the unpredictable morning commute. Yawning, she covered her mouth as he put the car in park.

"Thank you for tonight Gabe, I had a really great time. Everyone is so nice."

"You don't ever have to thank me Sam. I'm glad you had a good night, I was hoping for it."

She smiled at him, "I'd invite you in but knowing where that goes, you'll be doing the walk of shame tomorrow morning."

He couldn't hold his laugh in, twisting his wrist he turned off the ignition. "Oh, I'm coming in all right." She laughed with him and together they walked up to her front door.

Gabe pushed her hair aside and was kissing the skin of her neck that was exposed. He ran his hands down her hips and started to knead her bottom but froze. Heat shot straight to his groin and his fingers started to twitch.

"You don't have any underwear on?" The door opened and she hauled him inside, giggling the entire way through the entranceway.

"No, is that a problem?"

Gabe ran a hand through his hair and looked at her with exasperation. "Why didn't you say something sooner? Jesus, Sam we could have left earlier."

She just laughed at him, pulling on his jacket so he followed her toward the bedroom. "I was having fun. And I knew this would be just as fun. I don't ever wear underwear with these kinds of dresses."

"Jesus." His voice was gruff, speaking more as an entreaty than a curse. In the bedroom she started to reach for his shirt, but Gabe stilled her hands. Putting a hand at the back of her neck and the other around her waist, he held her in place while his mouth closed in on hers. The kiss was sweet with a hint of danger as his tongue ran along hers. He guided her to lie on the bed, and then stood at the base just looking at her for a moment.

Breathless and filled with anticipation, she smiled up at him. "What are you doing?"

Gabe threw his jacket off to the floor and started to unbutton his shirt, she lifted her hand to help out but he smiled and pushed it back again. "I'm making it up to you."

With her lying on the bed, he lightly ran his fingers up her thighs lifting the dress until it was around her stomach. Dropping feather light kisses around her belly button, she gasped out to him. "For what?"

Kneeling down, he spread her legs and moved his kisses to the inner part of her thighs. "For anytime I may be a jerk on a game day to you for the rest of the season." She moaned as his tongue left a moist trail leading to her velvety core. His thick hair tickling the tender skin, she arched under his touch until his lips brought a kiss to where she was most sensitive. Closing his mouth down on her, he flicked his tongue causing her hips to jerk.

He chuckled sending a ripple of pure pleasure travelling up through her body. Samantha could barely hold herself together as she felt Gabe's hot mouth all over her. He parted her with his thumbs and thrust his tongue deep into her core. Crying out, her hips bucked but Gabe pressed down on them caressing her with his mouth and tongue. He reached up under her dress for her breasts and groaned when he found only skin. Everything around her disappeared as she fell into the hands of the sensations he was creating. As his tongue thrust, she rocked her hips at an alarming rate to take him deeper. Her body began to quiver as her panting got louder. Gabe kept his same pace until she could no longer hold back. Giving into the crashing waves, she cried out and shook under his mouth.

In her aftershocks, Gabe kissed up along her body, pulling the dress until he reached her face. Her eyes were closed but her skin was sweaty and flushed, looking his fill he dropped his head and kissed her lips. Her excitement fueled the kiss and she arched her body into him, wanting him more than she ever had before. They both reached for his pants at the same time, tangling their hands together to get the material off of his body. When he was finally naked, Gabe lay next to Samantha and simply stroked her side. She raked her leg over his hip and ran her tongue along his jaw. He was everything to her in that moment and she would do anything for him. Pressing on her shoulders he turned, rolling over her and guided his strong length into her warm and welcoming body. She accepted him without question and they began moving together in frenetic thrusts.

Pushing and pulling, gripping and grabbing at each other. Gabe searched for her mouth and brought his tongue to hers in a devouring kiss that split her mind. With his hips jarring her, she ripped her mouth away from his. Arching her back, she pressed her chest into him as his pace quickened. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips trying to get as close to him as possible. While Gabe slammed deep into Samantha, he felt her legs shake from her building tension. Her fingers trembled as she raked them down his backside. Gabe arched his back and drove into her with an all encompassing force. Moaning loudly, Samantha's eyes fluttered closed before Gabe reached for her face with a free hand and held her head in place. Creeping open, she locked gazes with Gabe and brought her mouth to his. His hips drove madly into her and when he pulled at her bottom and thrust into her just right, she climaxed. A great cry escaped her throat without her being aware, as her orgasm clinched her body and Gabe pummeled into her. Samantha clung to his shoulders, whimpering as each thrust brought a new wave of passion through her. When she looked at him deeply with the love in her eyes he lost himself to her. He gave a final thrust before throwing his head back and growling into the evening air. Dropping his head to her shoulder, he tried to catch his breath.

Pulling out of her, Gabe lay on his back and Samantha curled up against his side, her hand gently stroking his side. "Did you really have a good night?"

Yawning quietly, she turned slightly and kissed his chest. "Yes, it was perfect."

He smiled into the darkness, feeling peaceful all the way down to his toes as he kissed the top of her head. Gabe shifted and tugged for the sheets they were laying on. Samantha twisted until the fabric came undone and he pulled it over their bodies. On the verge of sleep he spoke quietly. "Next time, lets have a sleepover at my house."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Punctuation is needed. I learn a lot of new sexual terms on Literotica. When a character says “let’s go coach” during the middle of a sex scene, I’m going to pause the story to google the meaning of “going coach”. When I got no results, I realized that the guy in the sex scene is a coach. I laughed at myself. A simple comma, as in “let’s go, coach” would have saved me some time.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 10 years ago
A really great idea

"Next time, let's have a sleepover at my house."

Let's think about that. Why have two houses when one is all they need? I think Samantha and Gabe are too madly in love to live apart.

I'm enjoying this series--got to read on to learn what happens next.

VgheatVgheatalmost 13 years ago

They are beautiful.

naughtycouturenaughtycouturealmost 13 years ago

I have absolutely fallen in love with these two. They are wonderful together and the passion is... wow. Keep it up, I can't wait to read the next chapter!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I'm falling in love with this series. Keep up the great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Really great story.

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