Sam Spade 21: The Incident of the Lost Love Pt. 01


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"In short you do not trust them," I said looking at her and feeling her uncertainty and fear.

"Many things can change, but evil will remain evil. I fear they will try to dominate you while you are in their element." Fayla said looking down.

Standing I said, "Heather, I know you are stretched to the limit, but could I borrow you or one of your sisters for a moment."

"I always have time for you, mistress of my heart," Heather said appearing.

I smiled at her and removed my hat, coat and daddy's pistol. Handing them to her I said, "Fayla and I are going to speak with the dolphins, whales and then walk into a trap. Will you hold this for me and ask Jade to join us please when she can."

"You could have always just asked for me yourself," Jade said showing up.

"Jade, while I know there are land based defenses, is there anything that can reach the sea floor, say five to ten miles underwater?"

She got a glazed look and the next moment Ann showed up and the pair of them looked at each other. On her heels, Amy joined and then finally Jane appeared. It was Amy who finally said, "Nothing man made can reach the sea floor to do what you want. However, I would be happy to toss a rock down there for you if you command it goddess."

"No I think that would cause more problems than it would solve them. I will deal it any issues that arise on my own." I looked at Fayla, "Or I should say with you beside me."

"Would you like some company little sister?" Jane asked tenderly and resting her hand on Samantha's arm.

"What I would really like is a way to reach those who are lost in their self-absorption. I can't fight two fronts sister. I understand not wanting to follow me because you believe different. But the ones who think only of themselves will kill any chance of even breaking even." I turned to Fayla and took her hand, "Lead and I will follow."

The next thing I knew I was treading water somewhere far from land in heavy seas. After the second time of getting dunked I looked at Fayla who was laughing at me and said, "Very funny." I created a circle of winds around me and calmed the waters. Getting up on top of the water was a mean trick but I finally managed it. Expanding the calm for a good mile I sat down cross legged and waited. "I take it the air birthing mammals on their way."

"They are here already and waiting." Fayla paused and then added, "Goddess, you must come into their element and show you are the goddess for all creatures great and small."

"Well why didn't you say so," I said. I smiled and dove into the water. I couldn't see her at first but then heard Amy say, "Goddess, adjust your vision so." And knew how to change it and suddenly saw Fayla truly. She was a vision of beauty more so than she had been as a clear woman. I could see she was wearing a dress of water that wrapped around her and flowed behind like a wind was blowing. "Amy, would you like to come with us?"

The next thing I knew she was floating beside me, "Hello sister," she said looking at Fayla who was smiling back at her and I. She turned and gestured out towards the darkness of the deep ocean, "They come."

A moment later I saw shaped moving towards us and made out a great blue whale with a calf. "I am known as the goddess."

"You are known to us."

"Among the land dwellers a great war is brewing. While I am doing all I can to stop it, I fear, as any rational creature would, that I will fail." I looked at the great blue whale before me and then the pair of dolphins who joined it at some point. "I do not want you, the other rational creatures on this world to be caught up in the madness above. Keep yourself and your kin safe. Stay away from ships and I will do what I can to protect you from harm."

"How can you protect us from them?" One of the dolphins asked.

"As each threat is identified it will be removed," I replied simply.

"You spoke of a gift," The blue whale calf replied. "What may this young one ask is it?"

"The gift is three fold. The first two are symbiotic life forms who will live with and protect you. The first is nameless and was created by one of my followers. The second is a good girl colony of quarm who like the first will do all she can to protect you from harm. With those two lifeforms, you will not be killed except by the destruction of your brain. The third gift is a piece of my soul and become part of my family. An added bonus is that you will be telepathic with any of my followers. Because of this binding, you will always know we have your back and we will know you have ours." I looked at the mother, "Family always protects family."

"Family always protects family," the whale agreed.

"Also, my sisters will come to these waters and the waters of the world to clean and restore the circle of life," Fayla said.

"We have sung songs of your kin. It would be... nice... to once more have guardians among us."

"How would this gift be given," one of the dolphins asked.

"If all your kind agree, I can rewrite the world so each gets it at the same time. If not, the best I can do is grant it to you and in turn you can seek others who wish my gift." I replied. "I can do that can't I?" I asked Amy mentally. She giggled and suddenly I knew how.

There was a long pause and then the great blue whale said, "We, all of us accept your gift."

I made the change Amy showed me and then said, "I give to you, my sisters, a part of myself so that you will always know I care. If you are in trouble, I will come. If you need me I will be there. This I swear on my very life and immortal soul." I paused and said, "Great mother of the whales, read from the book of life." I looked at the dolphins and said, "Pod leaders, read from the book of life." I paused and then added, "Use if you must, but be sure the need is real. You may pass on the book to those are truly worthy."

"We are yours," a million intelligent air breathing sea creatures intoned.

"Any threat to the goddess must be dealt with harshly," Amy said suddenly. "If you feel out a threat to her or your sisters, deal with it. If you can't then report and someone will handle it for you."

"Little sister, the waters will be safe for all sisters." The blue whale replied with a mental smile.

Before I could jump in, all four disappeared. Looking at where they were I said, "I didn't know they could teleport."

"While not as old as I, but older than midnight, they know much and say little." Fayla said looking at me.

"I am beginning to see," I replied. "Fayla, you do not need to go with me to see the mer folk. I do not want to see you get hurt even by accident."

"Samantha, my wife... I need to go so our family can watch what is happening. Let us see what type of trap they have set for us." Fayla said laughing.

"I don't suppose I will have any more luck sending you home will I Amy?"

"Not a bit," Amy smiled in return. "Madam Chairman sent me in her place just in case you need." She paused and then asked, "I don't suppose we can talk you into going home and letting Fayla and I deal with them?"

"Nope," I replied. Turning to Fayla I said, "Lead the way."

Instantly she disappeared and then Amy was gone. As I followed her I mumbled, "At least I'm not following a demented school girl around this time." I arrived in the middle of a great city. It looked like a fairytale city with a castle and everything included. Instantly I was apprehended by two burly male merfolk and something dark and gooey was thrust against my face. "I don't think so" and shifted times. I broke free and tore a black jelly fish from my head and face. Looking around I saw both other women had been captured and freed them. Then I truly looked around and noticed the fairytale city was not so beautiful after all. It looked like there had been several wars over time and each repair was sloppier than then the last. I looked at Fayla and Amy and said, "Well it's nice to know we are expected."

"Just remove them and come home granddaughter," Lilith said mentally to me.

"I refuse to give up so fast," I said to all who could hear. Shifting back, I smiled and said, "Try that again and this place will become nothing more than a memory."

Even so the men circled around me and started to move in when a voice said, "Stop." It was followed by, "You know how to make an entrance goddess."

"And you know how to welcome visitors," I shot back.

"You may rule the lands but I am ruler of the seas," the man said still hidden.

"If you are the ruler of the seas, why have you been banished to this place? Furthermore, for a ruler, you seem to need to hide behind many guards. To me that speaks of fear of attack." I smiled, "If that's the case, please point me in the direction of who is really in charge so I can deal with them instead of a petty dictator want to be."

"I've heard enough... Remove them." The voice said angrily.

Shifting timelines, I moved through the guards and found a little piss ant of a man wearing lots of metals on a uniform. I reached out and mind raped him and then others. What I found sickened me. In the ten thousand years they had spent down here in the depths, they had been at war. Now there were less than a thousand left and those were constantly fighting for favor and position. Walking back to the others I touched them and brought them to this timeline, "You were right Fayla. Ten thousand years have not allowed them to grow. They only got worse and now what you see is what is left."

"I was afraid of that," Fayla said sadly.

"Is there no good at all?" Amy asked.

"If there is, I can't read it..." I gestured towards the frozen men.

Shifting back, I said mentally, "Brothers and Sisters of the seas. Can anyone speak for the merfolk? Any who knows of good deeds they have performed since the great war in times past?"

When there was no reply I sighed and said, "So be it." Crouching down I touched the sea floor and removed them and any of their works from the equation. Looking at the other two I said, "I've said it before and I will say it now. This goddess job isn't all it's cracked up to be. Let's go home."

Returning to Fayla's pond I saw a wolf sitting beside the pond looking at me. Since it wasn't Cynthia, I knew it had to be her mother. I walked over to the wolf and knelt before her. Before she could change and ask about Mary I said, "Daughter, your mate is in time out so to speak. She has lost herself in self pleasure and I do not know how to guide her back. Only she can choose to return."

The wolf changed into a middle aged woman and bowed her head, "Goddess will you allow me to see and talk to her. Perhaps I can help her return to us."

"If you can, I would be forever be in your debt. It is not the ones who hate me I worry about. It's those who fall into the self-centered pleasure mind set." I said looking down. "Wait here, I will go get her." I added.

"Closing my eyes I felt her out and found her kneeling in the middle of Death Valley. I had expected to find Mary masturbating instead she knelt unmoving. Walking up to her, I knelt and looked at her for a long moment before speaking, "Mary, your soul mate has asked to see and talk to you. Will you listen and let her guide you back?"

"I have a choice?" the broken reply came from her mind.

"We all have choices. I will allow you to return on two conditions. You return as you were, the woman Mary and until you have proper control, agree to have the ability to create limited." I said aloud.

"I don't know how," her mind whimpered.

"If you agree I will return you to your former self and deal with the other." I replied mentally. "Please daughter, let us help you."

"Please help me," Mary finally whimpered as her mind clung to mine.

I returned her body to the state she was in when fully human and normal. Mentally I said to all and myself, "Please give her another chance."

"As you command," nameless replied.

"It will be as you wish hive mother," the good girl quarm living in me added.

Bending forward I kissed and hugged Mary, "Welcome home daughter. I return to you that which you lost and a piece of my soul to keep you balanced."

"Thank you, goddess," Mary whimpered clinging to Samantha. "I won't fail you again."

Returning with her I placed a hand on her and the wolf's head. "I am counting on you to keep your mate on simple creation level until she has broken the pleasure cycle. Where one goes, I want the other close." I was about to remove my hands when I saw the memory of the wolf sitting on Mary just after they first met. Laughing I added, "You can always sit on her again." I watched them walk away together for a moment before realizing that I wasn't alone. Turning my head, I saw Lilith watching them also. "Lil, she deserves a second chance."

"Oh I agree completely." Lilith replied. She looked at her granddaughter and wondered how she would take the news. "I know where and how the Sisterhood cult started. As you thought it was my daughter."

"You have three," I replied turning to face her. "It was mother wasn't it."

"I thought it was my eldest as she grew up without rules and boundaries. I found her running a cult and pretending to be you. Before sending her to the sun I mind raped her to find out." Lilith crumpled to the ground and cried, "I feel ashamed to have made her."

Crouching down I pulled Lilith into a hug and held her tight. "I'm so sorry baby. Just let it out, let it all out." When she wound down I said tenderly, "Be at peace my love."

Lilith raised her head as a feeling of peace swept over her. "The only one it could be is Maradith. Carolyn is too young and has spent her entire life with her daughter and keeping a low profile." She smiled slightly, "Would you like me to discuss it with Maradith? I love talking to her about you."

"Grandmother, you know how much it hurts me to see you too fight." I replied.

"Samantha, she is too protective and needs to allow you to spread your wings and soar." Lilith said. "Just as I had to do with her, she must do for you."

"Mother, you protected me much longer than I have had with Samantha," Maradith said appearing. "She is too young to understand fully the nature of man."

"She is our goddess. Daughter you kneel below her alongside the rest of us. Isn't that proof enough that she understands?" Lilith said turning to Maradith.

I went to Dark Desires in search of Jason. The same man, Samuel, answered and looked at me.

"We're still not hiring even if you can build a bottle in a boat with your tongue," he said looking at me.

"Don't you have that backwards?" I asked confused.

"Anyone working here can build a boat in a bottle Miss Spade," He started to close the door.

Stopping him I said, "Do you think we can skip the games Samuel? Is Jason free?"

"Jason who," he replied.

I counted to ten before replying, "Cut the crap Samuel, I'm not in the mood. Or would you rather I let Angela come play with you?"

"Jason is with a guest, Miss Samantha." Samuel replied. "Can I get you anything while you wait?"

"Blood bourbon if you have it," I said.

"Please have a seat," he said gesturing towards a love seat swing on the front porch off to one side.

Going over I sat down and a minute later he returned with a glass on a tray. He handed me the glass as an oriental woman walked out wearing a kimono. As she came closer I could feel her sexuality oozing out. In a voice like honey she said to me, "Hello little sister. Have you come to see me?"

"If you keep trying to vamp me, I will be forced to send you into the center of the sun. Then mother and Jason will be cross with me," I said standing before her. Glancing at Samuel I added, "I suggest you get this creature out of my sight before I do something rash."

"I just work the door," Samuel said as he turned away.

I caught sight of the succubus reaching for me. Slapping the succubus's arm down I shifted time lines and dragged both her and Samuel out and down into the parking lot. Enclosing them in a field I shifted back outside it. "Fuck with me and I will fuck with you."

Taking my bourbon, I went to sit down on the steps and look at the pair who were watching me. While Samuel looked fearful, the woman had my murder in her eyes and mind. "Good luck with that," I said as I toasted them and took a sip of the bourbon. It tasted off so I set it off to the side.

A few minutes later I heard the door open behind me and I watched as Jason storm down the steps beside me. "Samuel, what the hell are you and May Song doing out here?" He bumped into the dome covering them and looked back at me. "How come is it, every time you visit there is a problem Samantha?"

I waited until he got to me and I said, "Would you rather if I allowed Angela to play with them? Or sent them to visit Maradith's older sister in the center of the sun?" I paused and then added, "I come to ask a question about far east history. I get shit from Samuel and then that walking cunt tried to make me hers. You know how upset mother got last time I locked horns with one of yours, so I thought isolation would be better this go around." I stood and looked at him, "If that wasn't bad enough, have a taste of my bourbon and tell me what the secret ingredient is."

Jason had seen Samantha upset. He had seen her hurting many times. But the level of anger she had now was something new. She was like a bomb whose timer had counted down and had yet to explode. Slowly he bent down and lifted her drink. He smelled and then tasted it. "Belladonna or deadly Nightshade. Who?"

"Your buddy Samuel," I replied. Mentally I said, "Mother you may want to come back to Dark Desires before all hell breaks loose."

No sooner had I said that that she showed up with Lilith hot on her trail. "Samantha what is going on?" she asked. She stopped looked at Jason and then the pair in the dome. At her appearance they both looked fearful. She marched up to them and bumped into the dome. In a cold voice she looked at me and said, "Remove the isolation ring Samantha."

"Mother you need to calm down first. If I release them now, you will lash out in anger and fall. Then I will be forced into removing you."

That shocked Maradith into stopping. "You would kill me?" Even Jason who was ready to make the pair suffer for an eternity was shocked into stillness.

"I will do what I must to save the world mother. I know that if you fall into revenge and darkness, all I love and humanity in all its forms must be removed," I replied. "I can't let personal feelings change what I must do."

"What would you have me do? Let them go?" Maradith asked.

"Punish, but without the hate and anger you have in your heart daughter," Lilith replied.

"Mother I can forgive the woman for trying to seduce me. It is the nature of our kind and after all she is nothing more than a slave to her need for pleasure." I paused and looked at the woman and said, "Next time you or any of your sisters try to take me or mine, I will remove you." Returning to look at Maradith I said, "Samuel is a different matter." I looked at Jason, "Why has he been nasty two times in a row and the second time tries to kill me with poison?"

"Poison?" Lilith asked.

"Deadly Nightshade," Jason said looking at Maradith.

With screams of primal rage Lilith and Maradith both launched themselves at the dome and tried to claw their way through. Turning to Jason who was looking upset but not crazed like mother and grandmother were I asked, "So how is business?"

"Same ole same ole Sam," he replied watching them screaming and trying to break through. "At least you found something they agree on."

"Would it bother you too much if I take them somewhere to quietly question them. I give you my word they will both still be alive once I am done." I said softly.

"Dare I ask where you will take them?" Jason asked just as softly.