Second Chances Ch. 02


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When Ray brought him the ring, as Matt was packing for his trip, he expressed his opinion one more time, possibly in hopes of swaying Matt not to bring the object.

"Matt, I'm telling you this is crazy. I know you like Judy and all, and I'm happy for you, but this is a bit much. What if she finds it or something? How do you even know she would want to marry you?"

Matt smiled, "I don't know any of that Ray. All I know is that I love her and that, for the first time in awhile, I see a real future for myself with someone. I haven't felt that way since the fire, since I lost everything that mattered. It's strange, I should be terrified Ray, but I'm not. When I'm with her, or talking to her all I see is possibilities, and I think she feels the same. She told me the other day that for a long time, even with what he did, she still loved her ex-husband and was still hung up on him in some way until she met me. She said she felt finally free of him since we've been together. So like I said, I just want to be ready. Chances are that ring stays in my bag, and I find another time to give it to her, but I just have this feeling I might want it this weekend. I know how crazy all of that sounds, but is it really any crazier than our story so far? Ray, she woke me from a sleep with a kiss like some kind of fairy tale, this just feels like the way it would work for us."

Ray just shrugged, "Ok Matt, just be careful."

Matt nodded and finished packing before he headed to the airport for the short flight to San Francisco. When he landed Judy and Rosie picked him up at the airport, as arranged. They both had the day off the next day, so he had flown in on Thursday for three nights, then he would head back home.

They showed Matt to the guest room, to which Matt found it odd that they had a guest room since it was only a two bedroom apartment, and left Matt to get setup. Once Matt seemed settled, they went to the Italian place Judy had mentioned in one of her first emails, which Matt had to admit lived up to its billing. After dinner, they went to an ice cream place around the corner from their apartment, before heading back.

When they got back to the apartment Rosie, who had been fairly quiet throughout the evening, mostly coming with like some kind of silent chaperone while the couple caught up, seemingly could hold back her interrogation of him no longer.

"So, Matt, as Judy's concerned sister, and representative of our mother in this capacity, I have to ask you a few questions."

She then proceeded to ask several questions he was fairly certain Judy had already told her the answers to, as well as a few off the wall questions Matt was sure she threw in there for a laugh. After the better part of an hour she looked at him all serious and looked to be pondering something.

"Ok, well I'm satisfied, you pass, you may stay Judy's boyfriend. I approve," she finally said before rising. "Well I think it's time we all got to bed, we have a big day of sights tomorrow."

She left the room and Judy rose up and walking over to him said, "she's bossy, but she's right, it's kind of an early start tomorrow, babe. You don't have to go to bed if you don't want, but I'm going to turn in." She then kissed him and said, "Good night babe, see you in the morning, I'm so excited you're here finally."

"I'm glad to be here, good night sweetie." They kissed one more time and she went into the other bedroom where Rosie had just gone.

Matt was baffled by this, as it was clear now they were sharing a room. Did Judy not want to stay with him? Or was Rosie not letting her or something? He figured he would figure that out another night. For now, he was pretty tired himself and headed for bed as well.

As promised, they were up the next day bright and early for a tour of the city led by Judy and Rosie. It was a fun, but exhausting, day of most of the city's more well-known sites, as well as several favorite spots of Judy and Rosie's, before the tour concluded at another of the pair's favorite restaurants.

After a great meal, an early start, and a full day of sightseeing, all three were quite ready for bed when they got back to the apartment. Once again, though, Judy and Rosie both headed for what he now figured was Rosie's room, judging by all of Judy's stuff in the room he was staying in. This combined with the fact that, if he was not mistaken, he swore Rosie had spent the whole day purposely between him and Judy.

Unable to stand it any further, but not wanting to be too forward, he cleared his throat and asked, "Ok ladies, I have to know what is going on here? I only ask because, no offense Rosie, but you've spent the entire day getting between me and my girlfriend, so much that it has to have been on purpose. Which is odd to me, since she and I have certainly been more intimate on our various dates than at any point this weekend so far.

"Then there are the sleeping arrangements. I certainly appreciate Judy letting me use her room, and I don't mean to imply one of you should spend the weekend on a couch. I just figured if anyone would be sharing a room, it would be Judy and I. I'm sorry if that's too forward Judy, but I thought we were there, or have I misjudged things? I just feel like I'm missing something here, it would be great if someone could let me in on whatever it is that's going on here."

"Yes, Judy," Rosie said, glaring at her, "would you like to explain to YOUR boyfriend what is going on here? I think he has asked some rather valid questions."

Judy went a little pale, then gulped and said, "Yes, I think I can explain, um, first off you are right to have thought that babe, about us using the same room, I mean. We are there, or at least I think we are, it's just that. Well... this is so embarrassing."

At this point Rosie glared at her sister and coming to her rescue said, "It's our mom's fault. She doesn't trust any man with her daughters. I'm sure Judy has told you how protective she can be of us. So, when she heard you were coming, she insisted that you two sleep in separate rooms. I was also assigned to keep you two apart as much as possible this weekend. At least until she can meet you herself. As Judy said, it's kind of embarrassing, so we've been trying to do it discreetly. Trust me Matt, Judy here would be all over you, except she promised mom to be a good girl while you are here."

Matt looked at Judy as Rosie finished, "Is that true?" he asked.

Judy nodded and smiling sheepishly said, "pretty much. Sorry babe, are you mad?"

Matt smiled, "Oh god no, a bit disappointed to be sure, but not mad. You had me worried that you only invited me up here out of obligation, and that you were going to break up with me at the end of the weekend. I'm bummed for sure, but if I have to keep my hands off you for this weekend to win your mother's approval, then that's what I will do. I assume a good night kiss is still allowed?"

Judy nodded and Matt walked over to her and leaning down he kissed her and wished her a goodnight. As he went to go to her room she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into another deeper kiss.

"I really am very glad you are here babe, you coming has been all I could think about for the past few weeks. I'm sorry about my restriction, I mean my mom's restriction. She just wants to make sure your feelings are strong and your intentions noble."

She smiled up at him and he could swear that she knew what he was on the verge of saying and was almost silently willing him to say it. He decided in this case, faced with her mother's challenge, the words would not be enough. He knew he loved her, but he had to show her, not tell her. He would show it by rising to the challenge in front of him. Words could be empty promises. No, a grand gesture was needed here.

"I understand Judy, really, like I said it's no problem. I know how important your mom's opinion is to you, if this is what I need to do to earn it I will," he said, then finished the rest in his head, "because I love you my angel. For that love, I will bear this."

With that he kissed her once more then went to get ready for bed. As he changed he swore he heard Judy and Rosie arguing about something, probably that Rosie had had to tell him about their mother's rules because Judy had not been able to. Matt wondered why that was, as Judy seemed to never have had any trouble telling him embarrassing stuff in the past.

The next day was more relaxed. As a thank you for their hospitality that weekend, Matt offered to make dinner on Saturday for them. The menu consisted of the strange combination of steak with a side of his buffalo wings, the latter being at Rosie's insistence. For good measure Matt picked up some wine Judy had said was her favorite.

Unfortunately, Judy knocked over her full glass of wine Matt had just poured her, and distracted by cleaning up the mess, he let her steak get a bit too overcooked, and it ended up super well done. She graciously agreed to eat it anyways, even though Matt offered her his perfectly cooked medium one. Judy waved him off, citing his was almost twice the size of hers, and that it was her own fault hers got burned.

Other than those issues dinner went great, though Matt noticed Judy really had not had any of the wine, while he and Rosie had had plenty. Matt went to pour her some more and she tried to wave him off.

"Ok Judy, what is going on? You told me you love this wine, you told me face to face it was one of your favorites, though by the looks of it its more Rosie's favorite than yours. Did you lie to me about that or was that the truth? You tell me you love wine so much, yet I've never seen you drink a single drop, in San Diego I thought you were just being responsible, but here Rosie drives everywhere so I have no idea what your reason is. Are you an alcoholic or something? What else are you hiding from me? Do you even like me, or has this all been some sick joke on the guy that was in the coma, or whatever it was?"

Matt was immediately sorry he had said the last part. He had gotten on a roll and he had said something hurtful, fueled by a few of his fears the wine had brought to the surface, with unfortunate timing.

"Of course not Matt, how could you say any of that? From minute one I have told you nothing but the truth, I'm hurt that you would even think that, any of that. It's just..." she paused and Rosie, once again unable to stand the tension any longer, jumped in.

"Oh, for god's sake Judy, would you just tell him already, he'll figure it out as soon as the wine haze leaves his brain anyways, if he's half as smart as you're always going on about."

"Fine!" Judy said, glaring at her then looking at him, she took a deep breath and said, "Matt, I'm pregnant and it's yours. It seems there were two miracles that happened the night I slipped into your room." She pause to lift up her shirt showing him the slight but very noticeable bulge there as proof of her statement. "This is why all the restrictions, not my mother being paranoid, she is actually thrilled you and I are together, and not just because of the baby." Then she glared at Rosie again, "Happy?"

Rosie just laughed, "I meant the other thing you moron, how you felt and stuff. That you loveeee him, Judy, but heck, this works. Now I can stop being your little love referee, thank god."

Whatever haze Matt might have been in because of the alcohol had left him when Judy had said she was having his baby. Therefore, he did not miss Rosie's offhand comment about Judy being in love with him, but there were more important things at the moment. Rising, he got up and walked over to Judy, and immediately pulled her into a deep kiss and hug. Then reaching down, he stopped before his hand reached her still exposed baby bump, and he looked her in the eyes and asked, "May I?"

She smiled and nodded, tears in her eyes, and Matt gently felt her stomach.

"How long have you known?"

"A couple of weeks now, I'm due the beginning of June."

"But I thought you were infertile."

Judy chuckled, "So did I, but clearly not. My guess is it was the guy the bimbo left my ex for that actually knocked her up, it explains all the money. They suckered my ex into paying for their kids."

"Why are you only telling me now? You said you've known for a while now."

"I wanted to tell you face to face and by the time I knew, I could no longer come down to visit you. Besides you were still in recovery, I didn't want to put more pressure on you when you were doing so well. When you came up here I knew I'd have to tell you, I just was waiting for the right moment. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. Are you mad?"

"Mad? Of course I'm not mad, we're having a baby Judy, this is fantastic." It was then that what Rosie had said finally rose to the surface as the shock about the baby wore off, "and you love me? You actually love me?"

"Yes, you big dope, of course I love you. How could I not? You are the most amazing man I've ever met and you've made my biggest dream come true. Do you have any idea what this baby, our baby, means to me?"

Matt kissed her and smiled, "Yes, I do sweetie. Now close your eyes, both of you, and count to 50. I'll be right back."

When he was sure both women had their eyes shut Matt raced to Judy's room, and dug the ring box out of his bag, all while keeping a silent count in his head. After verifying the ring was still in its box he raced back and was just in time to be kneeling in front of Judy, ring box open, when she opened her eyes on fifty.

Judy gasped and covered her mouth, and an intake of breath behind him told him Rosie had realized what was going on as well.

"Judith Agatha Prince, I have been in love with you since before I even truly met you. You saved my life and I have spent every day since trying to make myself whole and worthy of you, my angel, my Judy. I came here with this ring in the hopes that you would show me some sign that you cared for me even a fraction of how much I care for you. Now you show me that not only do you love me deeply, but you have been carrying our child alone for several weeks simply to protect me. I know you have been hurt by false promises before, so I won't make any I can't be sure I can keep. All I know is you will make me the happiest man alive by answering 'yes' to the following question, Judy, will you marry me?"

Judy smiled, and with remarkable calm under the circumstance, asked, "So you aren't asking just because of this?" touching her belly to show she meant the baby. Before he could answer, Rosie once again butted in.

"For Christ sake, Judy, he's down on one knee gushing about his love for you, of course the lovesick idiot loves you, now say yes before he changes his mind."

Judy just rolled her eyes at her sister, and smiled, "Sorry, she's right, of course I'll marry you!"

Matt, relieved, put the ring on her finger, and stood up to kiss her. Rosie immediately left, but the happy couple barely noticed. She returned a few minutes later, with three glasses and a bottle of nonalcoholic sparkling wine to toast the new engagement, and found Judy snuggled up on Matt's lap. Once the toast was finished, Rosie insisted Judy call their mom to tell her the news. After the lone parent was alerted they called their friends, though Judy groaned as she prepared to call Eileen.

"Oh, god she's going to be revolting, she's going to claim credit for this I know it."

"Her? How about Ray? Especially when he finds out about the baby!" Matt said and both ladies busted out laughing. "Ah well, might as well get it over with, right?"

The calls were made by the end of the night, and everyone had the same questions, when was the baby due and when was the wedding. The answers were, early June, and hopefully sometime between now and June.

Right now, Judy had more short term goals in mind, something Matt picked up on when she refused to leave his lap the entire time they called people. It seemed she was determined to get as close to him as possible, now that there was no longer any reason for them to stay apart. Once the calls were made Rosie excused herself to go out for drinks with some friends, after all it was Saturday night.

The newly engaged couple was more than happy to stay in.

"God, I thought she'd never leave," Judy said and to his surprise, no sooner had Rosie closed the door than Judy stripped off her shirt and bra and tugged at his shirt. Matt just smiled and helped her by taking off his shirt. He then rose and picked up his new fiancée, carrying her to the bed, where she quickly stripped off her pants and underwear while he did the same. Judy had spent the past half hour grinding on him so they were both ready for what came next.

Matt pushed her down to the bed, and after taking a moment to admire her naked body, he moved between her parted legs and sank his hard cock into her waiting pussy. She was super wet, so he slid in fairly quickly. When he reached bottom in her, she moaned with delight, smiled, and wrapped her long legs around his body as he began to thrust. It had been a while for both of them so it did not go very long that first time, but they spent that night going again and again until both passed out.

They were married a few weeks later in a small ceremony in San Diego, where they had met. Besides Rosie and Judy's mom, Eileen and several of the other nurses, and Ray and the rest of Matt's firehouse attended. None of Matt's family from Buffalo came, but he had not expected them to.

Their son, named Theodore Raymond Whitten, was born the following June. They named him after both Judy's dad and Matt's grandfather who coincidently were both named Ted, which both parents saw as a sign, and Ray of course. With the new happy arrival, Matt knew he would no longer be afraid of Buffalo, now that he finally had a family of his own. He knew he would one day return home, if only for a visit.

After Theo was born, Judy finally got herself tested, it turned out she was extremely fertile, for good measure so was Matt. In fact, Judy was so fertile the doctor was surprised she had not lucked into a pregnancy in her first marriage. Her first husband would have had to be near sterile to have not gotten her pregnant. That news made Judy smile.

Needless to say, Matt and Judy got their big family. Matt left his job as a firefighter and went back to accounting, and he and Judy would have four more kids of their own over the next few years before Judy said she was done. That did not stop them from adopting a few more, as well as a few dogs.

As he had promised himself, Matt did indeed make it back to Buffalo for a brief visit. With Judy, and all seven kids in tow, they made the trek cross country to see where Matt was from. It was uneventful in some ways, but Matt was glad for that. After all, his life had enough excitement without demons from his past.

Matt's life had gone from empty, to so full and crazy he could barely keep up, all thanks to his angel, and he for one could not have been happier about it.

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tsgtcapttsgtcaptabout 1 year ago

Great read, even the nth time reading it! Thank you.

flarebel2327flarebel2327about 5 years ago

there was a story set in England where a guy left his wife claiming she couldn't get pregnant . later on the woman he left her for had a child who came out brown . she got the last laugh when she had 2.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
My 2 cents

What a story! I couldn't stop reading it! Great character development and interaction. Love the story line and the pace of the story. Too bad you completed this story as I think you could have gone a few more chapters to tease the readers. I will be reading more of your stories. Thanks for your time and imagination.

clearedtofuckclearedtofuckalmost 7 years ago
Only 5

Disappointed I can only give five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Oh my God what a story!

This is a real tearjerker! You've got a beautiful story here, and I love how you develop it even s carefully! Matt has a large cock, and he's a very handsome man! I imagine him with dark hair for that sexy chest, with a nice pubic bush and hairy thighs! God bless their fertility! And thanks so much for a beautifully sexy love story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great story

Thanks... really loved it. Did think the end was quite quick tho... could have easily expanded into a third chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Great story.

After reading first chapter I was concerned that you might leave your readers hanging.

Hope to read more great stories from you.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticalmost 7 years ago
Beautiful story

A nice and sweet romantic story.

Thank you for making my day.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Thank you.

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