Seven Tails: Tail 02


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It was about that instant that he came to the realization that he was shackled and blindfolded and naked in a room with another man. His whole rib cage expanded in a flash and he started shouting.

"No, no, no!!! Let me out of here!!! Help! Help! Help!!!"

"Be quiet, Nathan. Nobody can hear you but me."

"Help! Help! Let me out!!! Help!" He strained against the chains as hard as he could and thrashed around with the little slack I had afforded him. I turned to the small rolling table I had brought in and selected the tawse. It was one of my favorite toys. An eight inch long strap of leather about two inches wide, split halfway down the middle with a sturdy wooden handle that fit my hand perfectly.

"Do be quiet and listen to me, Nathan."

"Somebody help me!!! Please!!! Help!!!"

Taking half a step back, my arm arced out behind me and swung. The leather strap scored a direct hit right across the center of those sweet buttocks which were, at that moment, rock hard with tension. The "crack!!!" echoed across the room like a gunshot. His whole body went rigid, pulling away from the pain and he screamed. An angry red welt appeared and raised itself against the pale skin of his ass.

It was a good thing I had sent Sarabeth to the house for this part. She was so tender hearted. I knew I would have to do things that would upset her.

Walking around in front of him I shouted "QUIET!!!" he flinched back from my voice, his body writhing in pain. His erection had gone down a little from the shock but I saw it was quickly recovering. Nathans lower lip quivered and a sob escaped and he said "Owww... Stop... Please...."

"Do you want another one?"

"No..... no, please! Stop.... Owww....."

"Then be quiet and listen to me, Nathan. Do not speak again unless I tell you to. Just nod your head yes or no. Do you understand?" His quivering lips started to open then paused and he nodded.

"Very good, Nathan. You have just passed the first test. There will be many more tests just like that in the future. If you want to avoid the pain, pay attention and learn quickly." I could see his arms and legs flexing against the shackles. "You cannot slip out of the shackles and the chains have a tensile strength of over two tons. If you try to get out of them one of two things will happen. You will either hurt yourself or I will lose my patience and I will hurt you. Or possibly both. Do you want another stripe across your ass, Nathan?" He sagged a little and another sob escaped his lips as he shook his head.

"Very good. Now. If you continue to behave yourself here is what will happen in the next few minutes. Be a good boy and I will remove the blindfold and we will talk some more. If that goes well then I will let you down so you can sit. There's a very soft mattress on the floor next to you. And we will continue our discussion from there."

When I said the words "good boy" I saw his jaw muscles clench and his brow furrow under the blindfold. Even as his mouth opened my arm was in motion. "Man, FUCK you!!! Aaaieee!!!" he screamed again as another sharp "crack!" echoed off the stable walls. I scored another stripe across the tender inside of his thigh, as high as I could manage it without smacking his genitals. His hardon immediately drooped and his balls tried to climb up inside of his body as he sagged in the chains and sobbed like a child. All of his muscles and veins stood out in sharp relief as he writhed in pain.

"Do we need to start all over again, Nathan?"

"No!" He gasped. "Please! Please don't hurt me again!"

"Do I need to repeat my instructions?"

"Please!!!" He begged. "Please just let me go! I won't tell anybody! I promise!!!" I stepped to the side and scored a third stripe across his left hip that went diagonally from the side of his ass cheek all the way down to the outside of his thigh. He screamed again and his whole body went rigid like he'd been hit with electricity.

"Do NOT speak unless I give you permission, boy. You will only nod yes or no. Do you remember that?" He gasped and mewled and sobbed, tears running down his face from under the soft leather and snot began leaking from his nose. Somewhat desperately, he nodded his head repeatedly. Stepping out of the cage, I grabbed a handful of tissues.

"I am going to touch your face, Nathan. It's just tissue. I want you to blow your nose." Even with the warning he flinched back and cried out a little at the touch. I told him again and he managed to draw a breath and blow his nose. I gently wiped some of the tears from his face then patted his cheek softly. "See? There. That's better. Just relax."

"Are you through fighting me for the moment? Would you like a little relief from the pain? Yes or no, Nathan." Sagging dejectedly, he nodded his head. I grabbed a washcloth from the shelf in his cage and started the cold water running in the sink. I got it nice and wet and cold and walked back up behind him. "I'm going to put a cool washcloth on your welts. It will help ease the stinging. Relax. It's just a washcloth."

He still flinched and squeaked at my touch but I could also hear a little sigh of relief as I ran the cool cloth over the stripe across his bottom. Being that close and looking at that fine firm ass made me sorry that I had been forced to stripe him like that. I had many other fun plans for that butt that entailed a lot more pleasure than pain. I soothed his pain the best I could the rewetted it for the welt on the inside of his thigh and again for the one on his hip. Nathan gasped and sighed and sobbed just a little bit as I was gently wiping him down. His whole body was covered with a fine sheen of sweat and the sharp rank smell of fear wafted off of him in waves.

Since he had relaxed enough to tolerate my touch without screaming, I wetted the washcloth once again and started gently wiping down his whole body, cleaning off the sweat and the stink. Being careful of the bandage on his neck and around the still angry looking red welts, I gently washed him off top to bottom. Several times he tensed like he was going to object to my touch but apparently the painful lessons he had been recently taught had finally sunk home in his brain.

When I ran the cloth up between his thighs and cupped his balls in my palm, his whole body went rigid again and I could see him clamp his lips down tightly against his objections. A deep red flush went from his face and spread down his chest. His prick had gotten harder and harder while I was wiping him down and was now fully and firmly erect, sticking straight out from his body like a load bearing beam. When I took his shaft in my hand he let out a squeak and his lower lip trembled again like he was going to burst into tears once more. He flushed an even deeper red. From what I knew, this was the first time another man had touched him there and he was deeply ashamed.

Ignoring his discomfiture, I indulged in a little self-gratification as I stroked his shaft a few times slowly, admiring the length and girth of his nice hard prick. Nathan moaned deep in his chest and while he didn't speak out loud, I could hear him mouthing "nooooo... please god no please......" Taking pity on him at last, I wiped his prick off with the washcloth as he shivered and moaned then released him and stood up.

"Better?" he shivered again and nodded.

"Good. Now, where were we? Ah yes. The blindfold. Would you like me to remove the blindfold, Nathan?" He nodded.

"I want to hear you say two words, Nathan. And listen very carefully. From now on when you speak to me you will use a very calm and respectful tone at all times. And you will either address me as "Sir" or "Master". Do you understand me?" A quick intake of breath, almost a gasp. He sucked his lower lip into his teeth and bit down as the import of what I had just said sunk in. At first he shook his head, as in denial of his situation then recalled what I had asked and nodded.

"Would you like me to remove the blindfold, Nathan? Speak."

"Yes....... Sir." That was acceptable. Compliance, even if it was grudging, was still compliance. I stepped around behind him. "Remember that you are still bound firmly, Nathan. You get any wild ideas and I will stripe your entire body. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." He shivered slightly at the thought.

I reached up and removed the blindfold and tossed it on the table. He blinked and blinked at the bright light and, as I walked back around to the front of him, lowered his head and tried not to look at me. Of course when he did that the first thing he noticed was that he was both completely naked and completely erect. He flinched back a little and his knees bent as he tried to crouch to hide his erection. The red flush spread quickly back down his face and chest again. When he finally did look up at me he flinched again and cried out "Y-you! What.... Why..." I raised the tawse and he said "No! Please!"

"Do I need the tawse again, Nathan? Have we already forgotten to only speak when spoken to?" His eyes were wide and afraid and he shook his head violently.

"Very good. I think we can put this away for the moment, then." I set the leather strap back down on the table then rolled it outside of the cage into the hallway. He looked around for the first time. As I had the curtains closed almost all the way around his cage, all he could see were the bars and the curtain and a little way out the open door. As his eyes traveled the room that he could see a little worried moan escaped his lips.

"Now there is nothing to be afraid of at the moment, Nathan. If you relax and cooperate I won't hurt you any more. Understand?" He nodded.

"I hadn't actually planned for things to work out this way, you know. I had actually planned on convincing you to give yourself to me freely. But you forced my hand. All that talk about killing yourself and being better off dead.... Well, I couldn't let you do that. If you had killed yourself it would have been a horrible needless waste and I just couldn't let that happen." I gestured to take in the cage and the shackles and all. "Of course, you would have ended up here anyway, one way or another. That was inevitable. I wanted you and I get what I want."

"I told you that you were submissive, Nathan. But you wouldn't listen. I told you that one day you would make a fine sub for some lucky Dom. Then you said I was crazy."

In a sudden fit of anger he said "And you don't think this is crazy? You drugged and kidnapped me! Put me in a cage and took away my clothes! They will put you in a cage for the rest of your life when they catch up with you!"

One eyebrow went slowly upwards and I just looked at him calmly. With the slightest smile on my face I asked "Do you have any idea where you are right now, Nathan?"

"No I don't!" I just stood there and stared at him, my brows slowly knitting together in a frown until he dropped his eyes and said "No, Sir."

"Then let me educate you briefly." I gestured towards the door of the cage. "Say for a moment that you got out of those chains and past me and out of this cage. You would find yourself in my stables. There are five other cages just like yours. Four of them are unoccupied." His eyes widened a little bit at that but I didn't expand on it. "Outside of this building there are four roads leading off in different directions. One of them leads to my front gate. The gate is about half a mile from here and the main road is another quarter mile past that."

Pausing, I put my hands behind my back and paced a little across the front of the cage. "The nearest house from here is ten miles away and the nearest town is another ten past that. I won't tell you the name of the town but I will tell you that geographically, we are right now somewhere between one arm of the Rocky Mountains and another arm of the Cascades." I decided to tell a little exaggeration, just to break his spirits down a little bit more and make him more vulnerable. "You were unconscious for almost twelve hours, Nathan. That would put you..... Oh, somewhere around seven hundred miles away from Cape Placid. How far do you think anyone is going to go to look for you?"

He started to open his mouth and I said "You sent an email to Marie and told her you never wanted to see her again." I smiled and said "Actually, I did. Using your laptop."

He opened his mouth again and I said "I paid your last months rent and packed up your stuff and moved it out. Left a note with the apartment manager that said you were moving out."

I could see a hint of despair in his eyes as all hope of rescue was quickly dwindling down to zero. He tried one more time and I said "I sent a very nice note to your manager in Kansas. Said you were taking a position with another company paying twice the salary but you hoped that you could part on amicable terms."

A little sob escaped his lips and he blushed again in shame at his self perceived weakness. I felt a twinge of guilt. I hated having to cause him pain. Of any sort. But my hands were tied just as securely as his were. There was just no other way to make him realize his true submissive nature and make him mine without spending possibly years to convince him and I didn't have that kind of time. I needed him now, while he was still young and fresh and trainable.


"Why what, Nathan?"

"Why.... Me, Sir?"

"A very good question. I will explain the best I can. The main reason is, of course, that I wanted you. And I get what I want. But as far as why exactly I took you.... You are young. You are pretty. You are very intelligent and in good physical shape. And to top it all off, you are sub. Whether you want to admit it or not. You have been fooling yourself for too long and now is the time that I show you what being a true sub is all about. And whether you like the idea or not, Nathan, I am now your Master."

He started to shake his head in denial. I shook mine back. "There's nothing you can do about it. What is done is done. I can't just let you go again and I certainly don't want to kill you. I've spent too much time and money just to get you here and now I am going to keep you. You are mine, boy. The sooner you get used to the idea the sooner your life will get much better."

His mind was whirling in confusion and I could see it in his face. He was also holding his legs funny. I had an idea why.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom, Nathan?"

He hung his head. "Y-yes, Sir. I do."

"If I let you down and free your hands, do you swear to behave yourself?"

"Y-yes, Sir. I'll behave, I swear!"

"Good boy." I pulled out my remote control from my pocket and held it up for him to see it. "Everything here runs off of this. And it has a biometric lock that only responds to me, understand? This controls everything. The shackles, the hoists, the cage doors, your food and water."

"Your punishment." I gave him a small electric tingle through his ankle shackle. He jumped and broke out in goose bumps and his legs clenched like he was trying to keep from peeing on the floor.

"That was a number two. It can go up to ten. A ten will not kill you, but it will knock you out almost instantly. Understand? Even if I am not physically here, I can hurt you if I need to." I pointed to the ceiling twelve feet over out heads. "There are cameras in all four corners of your cage so I can see what you are doing at all times. And don't think for an instant that I won't be watching." I thumbed a control and the chains rattled slowly down until his hands lowered to just below his shoulders. I popped loose the shackle on his right ankle and it came loose and snaked back down into the recess in the floor. When I was sure he was going to stand up on his own, I released his wrists and the chains went away up into the ceiling. I motioned to the alcove in the back of the cell and said "The toilet is back there." He hobbled back to the toilet, dragging the chain behind him and I waited while he relieved himself.

I wasn't a total barbarian, after all.

I guess I could have spared his bottom if I had been thinking ahead. He had one hand trying to cover his erection and the other gently rubbing the welts I had put on him and he eyed the bed warily, obviously uncertain of being able to sit comfortably. Gesturing at the shackle on his other ankle, I said "That one stays on all of the time. When you are in your cage you will wear that or I will punish you severely. Do you understand that?" He nodded sullenly.

"Perhaps if you reclined on your side, You could get comfortable." Gingerly, he got down on his hip and pulled the pillow into his lap to cover his crotch. I went and got my little stool and placed it in the doorway of the cage and sat down.

"Now that we have most of the unpleasantness out of the way, perhaps now I can lay my cards on the table. I suppose you are wondering what this is all about." He nodded.

"If you promise to behave and talk civilly, you are welcome to speak, Nathan. But I warn you, if you start losing your temper again and shouting....... Well, let's just say it won't go good for you. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Excellent. Now. What do you know about pony play?"

His brow furrowed and he shook his head. "Nothing. I mean... I've seen some pictures. Mostly fat retired businessmen with saddles on their backs. Naked women with crops riding them around the room. Is that what you mean?" I laughed long and hard. He looked really confused.

"No no no. Not at all, dear boy. Not at all. Those are mere fetishists playing games in their living rooms. Usually for money. And riding around on someone's back is very bad for their spine. You can't do it for long without causing permanent damage. No. What I am talking about here is finely trained and athletic exhibition ponies. Like gymnastics or the triathlon. A combination of both of those. The two events I am most interested in at the moment are the dressage and the sulky race." He looked even more confused.

"The dressage routine is a modification of what real show horses do in the arena. Like a freestyle gymnastic routine. Have you ever watched gymnastics?" He nodded.

"In the freestyle routine you must include certain key elements, but you are welcome to improvise in between once those elements have been demonstrated. In the pony dressage you must demonstrate certain gaits, like the trot, the canter and the gallop. There are also certain jumps and leaps that must be performed as well as the basic stances. Anything beyond that is dance and agility and showmanship."

"And you want me to do this....... This pony thing?"

"Yes, Nathan. I do. And you will. You really do have no choice in the matter at this point. This is what I do. And since I have taken you, this is what you will do as well."

Nathans face darkened and I saw his hands turn into fists where he gripped the pillow to his groin. "No..." he said. "You're..." I held up one finger.

"You better stop right there, boy. Right now you only have three stripes on you. There is room for plenty more. And I have toys that are much more painful than the tawse, believe me." His body moved just a little, as if preparing to jump up off of the bed. I shifted my weight on the stool slightly.

"If you even think about jumping up I will hurt you in ways that you cannot imagine, Nathan. I am older than you, stronger than you and faster than you. I have trained in martial arts all of my life. I can make you scream for mercy. But if you resist me I might end up breaking something. Or tearing ligaments or damaging your joints. I don't really want to do that. But I will if you force me to."

I lowered my head and glowered at him through my eyebrows. "This is what I do, boy. And I leave absolutely nothing to chance." After a brief tense moment his eyes widened and I saw his hands and body slump in defeat.
