Slut Wife - One Woman's Guide


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At this point the stage is set and he knows the parameters. Pick your time and extract a formal recognition that he will cede control of his sex in return for your continued favour and efforts to make sure his needs are sated. The result for him is a sexual "deal" that is far more exciting than what is available to most monogamous males but is contingent upon him accepting that it will not be equal.

Step 10 - Accept and understand your cuckold

If your husband agrees to the formal recognition of your dominion over his and your sex life he is now a cuckold and you are a hot wife. It should be self-evident that this was in his nature all along. Yes you led and motivated him, but that was necessary to lead you both to understanding and acceptance. He had plenty of opportunities to resist or rebel. The fact that he followed even when you gave him a foretaste of what it was to see you enjoy other men on both a physical and emotional level tells you that not only is he able to accept his revised role but is anxious to embrace it.

It may help to think of your new roles as having some parallels with a Dom/Sub relationship. An outsider may see nothing but inequality and the Sub being "forced" or compelled to do or accept certain things that the observer finds objectionable. Or they may see the Dom's actions as uncaring or crass. But that dynamic is a well enough understand that we know that the Sub can enjoy and genuinely prefer their role and the Dom is indulging rather than oppressing the Sub. The fact that some people can't relate to the pleasure each takes in their role doesn't make it less true.

Likewise a cuckold can enjoy everything that comes with his role whether others understand it or not. If you have both come this far and paid attention to his development you know that he isn't simply a broken man. People will scoff at the notion that you love one another, but they are the ones who believe that since they can't relate to a given perspective that it is not valid. If you have been leading him responsibly you know otherwise. In fact, you have probably observed that some of the techniques you used to gain his acceptance were a source of stimulation for him.

Step 11 - Cultivate the relationship elements that suit you and your cuckold

Ultimately this relationship dynamic is about recognizing your sexual prerogative and superiority as a woman. Whatever that means to you is entirely personal and subjective. For me it consists of two basic elements. Firstly, I am able to satisfy my husband's sexual needs but he is unable to satisfy mine. That is a product of my high sex drive and the inherent nature of female sexuality, not his adequacy or lack thereof. Secondly, I define my sexuality. I do not fuck anyone who asks. And I am neither another man's bitch nor my husband personal porn star. I am as selective with my lovers as any woman. I simply do not restrict myself to one man.

I do indulge a cross-section of men. The attentive professional peer; wealthy and generous older man; enthusiastic young man; man who makes me laugh; pretty boy; bad boy; cerebral man who shares my taste in art; impulsive and unpredictable man; and yes the big cock stud. Managing them mostly comes down to being clear about what I want and "putting out". I would never let any of them demand sex or dictate the terms but I accept it as a central aspect of the relationship and try not to be too precious or mysterious about it. Fuck a man regularly and well, be clear about your expectations (don't manipulate or coax or hint) and he will do anything you ask.

Many men would like to maintain multiple sexual relationship, but the fact is that for them it is unachievable fantasy while for me it is reality. I am not better than my husband, but I am more able to indulge a diverse sex life and do not accept the premise that I am should be obliged to pretend otherwise.

There is an element of submissiveness to most cuckolds that they enjoy. There is a great release in ceding control to the hot wife and ceasing to need to put on a traditional male pretence. And there is a satisfaction in receiving absolute approval. It takes a strong man and good leading wife to bring out this pleasure for him. For those who enjoy being submissive it is often the act of obeying more so than whatever they are instructed to do. The sense of obedience that he enjoys may be heightened when he is instructed to do something he would not otherwise do. This can allow you to broaden his horizons. Once he comes to trust you and know for certain that he will obey it becomes a constant awareness that envelopes him. His obedience and his enjoyment in it is maximized when you give direct instructions like a boss then expect and enforce 100% compliance. Do not nag, suggest or beat around the bush.

Much as I prefer to lead and motivate with reward, punishment is sometimes necessary. It may take whatever form you choose but the key is for it to actually be something he wants to avoid. If you tie him up and spank him and his dick is rock hard the whole time he is obviously enjoying it.....contrary to appearances that is a reward and you are reinforcing the behaviour you want to discourage. I have frequently been surprised at the depths of my husband's kinks. It has taken time to switch my thinking to be effective.

Ejaculation denial is important. It sounds like a porn fetish but we know that ejaculation or its possibility drives certain behaviour in men. Unlike the female orgasm it is quick, easily achieved and always intensely pleasurable. When men sense an opportunity for ejaculation it tends to consume their focus and precipitate bad behaviour. And after they ejaculate there is a big downstroke in their attentiveness and engagement. All women find this behaviour frustrating at times but it is multiplied for a hot wife. The sexually intensive nature of your existence puts him in a heightened state of desire that he can not reasonably be expected to control. Whether he is constantly masturbating or seeking your sexual attentions, the result will be undesirable for both of you.

I strongly recommend putting him on a managed schedule of when he is permitted to ejaculate. Its not a long-term endurance test. It is healthy for his prostate that he does ejaculate. But in order to clear his mind he needs you to have absolute and non-negotiable control of the schedule. When you establish that properly he won't obsess over it and he will actively seek to maintain your favour.

Once this trend is established he will also find a new facet to his sexual experience. It is a slow burn of sexual awareness and desire in which he is constantly immersed. Subtle physical tensions and sensations are augmented by a very powerful mental and emotional connection to his and your sexuality and your dominion over him. It is something different altogether that is not experienced by men who are constantly pulling on their dick. It is not as intense as ejaculation but it is a far more immersive and enduring experience. My cuckold now enjoys this aspect of his sexual experience so much that he actively seeks to defer his ejaculation because he sees it as an interruption (albeit temporary) to this experience of sexual immersion and consistently mounting desire.

Early on I did not use a chastity cage for his ejaculation control. He was on the honour system and was enjoying being a good boy. When I got him a cock and ball ring I could see that he liked the symbolism and the way it represented my claim on him. So I decided to try the cock cage and I must admit it is a powerful addition to his training. I am not sure if it is the heightened symbolism or the attendant certainty of denial but it had an immediate affect on his attentiveness and obedience which leads me to recommend it strongly.

A cuckold needs to know his place and it is your responsibility to show it to him and put him there. By definition it will be more limited in some ways than that of a traditional male. But you also have the ability to make that place very desirable and open up new things that would not have otherwise been available to him. My time with other men is off limits to him unless I choose otherwise. But I also make sure to set aside time for my husband when I give him my absolute attention. And I fastidiously try to avoid the other little burdens that happen in a marriage - rarely do I drag him to events he doesn't want to attend; he is not expected to endure passive-aggressive comments from his in-laws; I don't let my girlfriends or my lovers come between us; there are no hints or mysteries to be solved (I either give an order or I don't). When he wanted a motorcycle I said yes, put on a slutty biker chick outfit and went to pick one out with him. As for sexual experiences, non-traditional though we may be I know of no man who gets more indulgence than my husband. You can put him in his place and make him lover every minute of it.

I don't really care for humiliation. The nature of our life together and my control over him naturally involves many circumstance that entail a modest dose of "humiliation". He likes it but neither of us feels the need or desire for a more overt or intentional effort to humiliate him.

All these elements meld together into an overall experience that is so much more than meets the eye.

His chastity cage isn't simply a means of restraint. It is a symbol of my authority and his submission. By putting it on him I am showing him that he and his sex and attentiveness are something that I value so much that I control it for both of us. It is the opposite of rejection.

Men who's wives crave something more sexually often know it. Its not like my husband isn't aware of the extent of my sexual appetite. Its not like the husband with a tiny cock and no stamina doesn't know he isn't a good lover. Wondering or fooling themselves otherwise is often a heavy burden to carry and it inevitably constrains their sex life as well. The cuckold is liberated from all that through your authority.

The certainty and absolute nature of your leadership need not be a form of oppression. It can be a source of contentment and peace. It calms his heart and mind to know there is only one path which is that of obedience. And the result is acceptance, approval, harmony and reward. And you can use that authority to lead him past his own self-imposed limitations. My husband may never have embraced his own bi-sexual tendencies if not for me. It was my first test of obedience that if he wanted to have sex with me after I had been with another man he was required to lick my pussy. As I observed his pleasure I led him to cream pies, sucking cock and pegging. He now regards each of those experiences as rewards for good behaviour.

The occasionally imperious way that I treat him when I bring another man to my bed is a reminder to him of his place. But since he has already accepted my sexual prerogative and has no expectation of exclusivity it is a reinforcement of that fact that he does have a place, even if it is the spare room. He knows I am receiving pleasure and has learned to support that in all ways. And my demeanour allows him to feels compulsion to manage or do something about the circumstance. And he knows he will be rewarded.

Step 12 - Keep evolving your relationship

The beauty of a hot wife/cuckold relationship is that you have broken down the barriers to exploration and established yourself as the leader. From here you have wide latitude to explore your pleasure and preferences and sample a range of fetishes with minimal stress to your relationship and absolute flexibility to change your mind.

It is the same with men you date. There is no need to choose between men or assess each man's suitability for the long-term. Fuck him if you want to. If it doesn't work out move on. If you only enjoy a lover in a very specific context then just do that with him and look to your other lovers or husband for other things. Enjoy the big cock stud in the bedroom when you like and don't give a second thought to the fact that he isn't a good companion for other things.

Keep your husband in an important role and don't let anyone tell you what to do or what to feel or what any of this means.

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gureaggureag6 months ago

What do you mean by "The sexually intensive nature of your existence puts him in a heightened state of desire that he can not reasonably be expected to control. Whether he is constantly masturbating or seeking your sexual attentions, the result will be undesirable for both of you."

You don't want his sexual attention? The whole idea is to open up sexually but this seems like constraints for the guy.

gureaggureag6 months ago

Question 1: why does he have to wait at home? Why can't he be doing whatever else, or going on a date himself?

Question 2: why do the husband have to be controlled? What's wrong with him pursuing other women?

IstrokeCIstrokeC9 months ago

I dont think I’ve ever read such an intelligent and I think inspiring description of positive cuckoldry. If only more women were as aware of how easily and with what huge benefits to their lives and happiness, their husbands may be cuckolded. Not all husbands perhaps, , but I believe , most. And as a cuckold myself ( but in no way resembling the typical cuckold in 90% of stories) I know how much better it is for us to know our place. How much healthier is a marriage where neither partner is frustrated or resentful through the husbands inability to satisfy his wife’s healthy and natural sexual desires. Men are not equal , and pretending we are is neither honest nor wise. Nature has provided a small number with the characteristics necessary to fully satisfy women , and prompts women to desire such men. The rest of us are better suited to supportive and subordinate roles. Neither are men and women sexually equal: women hold the real power, and hopefully are now getting used to applying it.

someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoy10 months ago

Brava! I honestly think this would be helpful to a great many people, even those that aren't interested (or are unaware of their latent interest) in 'kink'.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting POV. Hope you and your husband can continue on. For me, however, your entire philosophy of control is DOA.

curiouschattycouplecuriouschattycoupleabout 1 year ago

Thank you for the woman's viewpoint. We are learning about the lifestyle and considering where we would like it to end up, for us. I don't anticipate that our journey will take us to same place as yours, but the encouragement and empowerment in your writing is fantastic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is interesting how this genre elicits such instinctive negative reactions and how people project their own experiences onto it. For instance, if mletrout's ex had followed this guide a critical part of her journey would have been to state clearly her desires and intentions in advance of acting on them so that mletrout could make an informed decision about whether she wanted to continue in the relationship. The lying, excuses and threats would not have been part of the dynamic. All that would be left would be the ex's legitimate decision to not be monogamous and mletrout's legitimate decision to exit that relationship and pursue one that is monogamous.

Consensual non-monogamy has nothing to do with cheating and emotional abuse. As near as I can tell this guide isn't advocating non-monogamy or the hot wife lifestyle in particular. It is information for those who are already interested in the lifestyle. And quite contrary to what many seem to assert or assume it highlights the need to be open and honest with one's partner and continually check in along the journey. Most comments I read here and in relation to similar stories in the genre start from a place of simply being hostile to the idea of a non-monogamous woman. People jump to conclusions about her motivation or conduct to provide cover for the negativity, but what they really hate is a woman who won't conform.

mletroutmletroutover 3 years ago
The essay was just too negative for me.

I was in a long term relationship, unmarried, but living together for almost six years. She was an alpha type personality and a serial cheater. A liar, too. I kept forgiving her because I thought I was in love, and I really was, but...she made all kinds of excuses, bargained, threatened. We could do 3somes if I wanted. I could cheat and “get even” or we could have an open relationship, etc. I didn’t want sex with anyone else. I don’t need sex, I need a healthy, loving, honest, respectful relationship.

The essay describes some female sexual utopia and that’s what I want, but without all the “I need more sex than any one man can provide!” bullshit. Because I don’t. And yeah, I get there’s more to it than that.

Anyway, I finally wised up and kicked my ex-girlfriend out of my life before she could drive me completely insane. I met some guys, dated some guys, and a couple years later, I married a guy. He’s not an alpha, just a regular honest, hardworking guy who loves me. I could cheat on him, easy. But I don’t think I could convince him that I’m sexually superior and eventually break him down to the point where he wants to see me fuck someone else.

And if I could break him like that? I’d leave him. I can’t respect a guy that’s willing to marry me, raise a family with me, share the triumphs and suffer the setbacks of a life worth living, and then allow me to have sex with someone else just because...What? It’s fun? I have needs? He has esteem issues? No thanks.

I’m not criticizing the couples who enjoy that lifestyle or the people who want the fantasy. It’s your life and you should live it. I’m just saying that the hotwife/cuckold relationship doesn’t offer anything of value to my marriage. Quite honestly, the article struck me as something my ex-girlfriend could have easily written. It was a little frightening actually.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. I give you a bunch of stars, but I should also add that when you confessed to cheating on your husband early on, I really struggled to believe anything you said subsequent to that admission. Like I said, I was stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship for a lot of years. Maybe now I can’t see the forest for the trees? But I’ll stand by convictions anyway; they were hard won.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Low probability of success.

a very well thought out scenario with many breakpoints.I don't see this minefield being crossed for any period of time in the real world. Yes for a few all these conditions can be meet but how long until the inevitable mismatch of desire and actuality cross and the paths digress. And really unlikely if children, illness, financial stress, emotional attachment for the dom whether she wants to or not, emotional exhaustion for the sub who probably doesn't live in a vacuum but will be subject to scorn and abandonment when friends and family interact. Perhaps Edward the abdicated King of England did it but his life was one of moving from one sycophantic person or couple to another. Rather like the life of Sisyphus.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Enjoy The Silence: Words vs. Emotions

Hello all, Sam here.

Before I begin, let all try to imagine that anything is possible and our thoughts are based off of our own unique life experiences. Now if this were true, then that would be that everyone's beliefs are personal. Hell, even facts would be nothing more than beliefs.

Now you can say" I know that the Sun will rise, that's a fact" that is true, but you didn't learn that. That is not knowledge, that is intuitive. Even animals are aware that the Sun will rise. So then, is what we learn true?

1. Policy wank has shared with us an incredible document. There is no right or wrong. It is her beliefs. Her :truth" if you will. It can't be wrong.

2. You cannot intellectualize this article because it is about emotion. Sex is a need. It's not an option. We are all made up of 50% semen, so how can it be gross. How can sex be bad, when that's how we all got here.

3. I will not try and touch religion. If you have religious beliefs I respect them.

4. You cannot define sex with words. You can try and talk about doing this or doing that but your words have no power over an erect penis or Lubricated vagina. Sexual energy is powerful and must be expressed in some fashion. Are there good ways and bad ways? Of course, but it is up to the individual to decide what is right for them.

5. I suppose when we try to impose absolutes on sex we miss the bigger picture. Sex is important and should be respected. Sex is fun. Sex is mysterious and a thousand other things. Through sex we create people. Wars are started over women. Even in modern times we fight over how women should be treated. Wars are never over men, they are about the infinite sexual power of the female that we men attempt unsuccessfully to harness.

Policywank should be praised for sharing this beautiful work of art. It has changed my life for the better. That's just me however. Don't make a decision yet. If you don't like it or understand it. Sit on it for a few years then check it out again. Perhaps you may change your mind. I for one am very grateful for her honesty, integrity and sincerity because we do not get very much of that these days.

In society we complain that people are no longer "real" and when a real person speaks up we tell them to pipe down. Weather you agree or not, isn't it beautiful how she spoke up? That's why we are all here commenting on it because it is fascinating. Can you believe the audacity she has in sharing this with us unapologetically. Isn't it sexy.

Is there any man who has read this who wouldn't like to have a coffee with her and hear more of her thoughts? She is incredible. Magnificent, interesting and we all know it. That is why we are here. So please, please do not say anything negative. I am not being a gentlemen and I know that she can speak for herself.

Even if a man wrote this, I would speak up for him. I speak up for mma fighters all the time and they appreciate it even though they are usually 20 or even sometimes 30 years younger than me. They appreciate someone articulating on their behalf.

Each and everyone of you that left a comment took time out of your busy life to express something. I think you are beautiful for that and I love you for it. I just ask that in 2019 and beyond, we don't censor what we don't agree with. Let's continue to have conversations.

Love and respect to all.

Until next time, your friend and brother


Enjoy the silence.

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