Stealing Elaine Ch. 03


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Bill locked it on‭ ‬Elaine‭'‬s neck and nodded to the guard again.‭ ‬He let go of Elaine and left the room.‭ ‬Elaine was alone with Bill now,‭ ‬something had just happened,‭ ‬but she was not sure what.

‭"‬Kneel,‭"‬ Bill said and pointed to a rug on the floor.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine‭ ‬answered and dutifully knelt before him.

Bill studied her silently for a moment.

‭"‬You are now wearing your new collar,‭"‬ he explained to her.‭ "‬It is functional and is what you will be wearing while in the compound or traveling with someone from here.‭ ‬When you have proven your trustworthiness,‭ ‬we will give you another or when we want you to look more appealing.‭ ‬As I said,‭ ‬it is functional rather than attractive,‭ ‬but it does have some special features on it.‭"‬ He took a small controller from his pocket.‭ "‬Allow me to demonstrate.‭ ‬If I push this green button,‭ ‬like this,‭"‬ he pushed the button and a short,‭ ‬sharp shock hit Elaine from the collar,‭ "‬it is to get your attention.‭ ‬This next button,‭ ‬the yellow one,‭ ‬hurts,‭"‬ he pushed it and Elaine gave a yell as pain coursed through her body.‭ "‬The longer I push it,‭"‬ he said and held down the button.‭ ‬The pain grew worse,‭ "‬the stronger the pain becomes.‭"‬ He let go and Elaine fell to her bottom on the floor.‭ "‬This last one,‭"‬ he pointed to the red one,‭ "‬incapacitates you.‭ ‬Think of it as a wearable taser.‭"‬ He pushed it and suddenly everything went black for Elaine,‭ ‬she lost all control of her arms and legs and fell to the floor twitching.

Bill waited a minute for Elaine to regain her senses.‭ "‬I hope I won‭'‬t have to use any but‭ ‬the green button.‭ ‬The collar also tracks your movement.‭ ‬If you come within‭ ‬20‭ ‬feet of the perimeter you will be given a green shock.‭ ‬If you get to the perimeter,‭ ‬you get yellow.‭ ‬If you cross the line,‭ ‬red.‭"

"Kneel,‭ ‬slave,‭"‬ Bill said.‭ ‬Elaine struggled back to her knees and obediently knelt.‭ "‬I‭'‬m sure you are finding this all confusing and while slaves are not owed any explanation,‭ ‬some understanding of what is going on will make your transition easier.‭"

"Thank you,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine answered,‭ ‬more out of duty than any actual feeling of gratitude.‭ ‬Her hands and feet still tingled.

‭"‬You are no longer the slave of Roy Barnhardt,‭"‬ Bill explained.‭ "‬One can argue that while your enslavement was legitimate,‭ ‬your enslavement by Roy was not.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬that is precisely what your friend Amanda has been arguing and the Association has agreed with her.‭"

"Sir‭?"‬ Elaine asked.‭ "‬Am I your slave now‭?"

"As much as you are anyone‭'‬s slave,‭"‬ Bill continued.‭ "‬Roy acquired you by breaking into Amanda‭'‬s e-mail,‭ ‬finding all her data on you and using this to swipe you out from under her.‭ ‬Normally,‭ ‬this sort of thing is frowned upon and warrants some minor punishment.‭ ‬Think of it as misdemeanor crimes.‭ ‬There would be a fine,‭ ‬maybe some access rights for the wronged party.‭ ‬What makes this‭ ‬different is Amanda is involved,‭"‬ Bill took a drink of water then continued.‭ "‬Amanda has an unusual but not unique talent.‭ ‬Somehow,‭ ‬and we are not quite sure how,‭ ‬she can sniff out potential slaves,‭ ‬submissive women with the right mindset to be owned.‭ ‬Women like yourself.‭ ‬The Association is always on the lookout for ways to increase the slave supply.‭ ‬They have recognized the talent that Amanda and people like her possess and have sought to encourage it.‭"

Elaine nodded and followed along.‭ ‬A lot of what he was saying reminded her of the debates on C-SPAN,‭ ‬tax policy and the like.‭ ‬Except that this directly concerned her.

‭"‬They implemented a series of rules to make it easier for Ropers,‭ ‬that‭'‬s what people with Amanda‭'‬s talent are called,‭ ‬to find and sell slaves.‭ ‬The idea being if you make it easier for the Ropers to find and sell slaves,‭ ‬and easier to make a better profit,‭ ‬they are encouraged to find more slaves.‭ ‬What they worried about was that people would just follow the Ropers around,‭ ‬see who they were after then swoop in and poach the slaves.‭"

"Just like Roy did,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine said.‭ ‬She flinched after speaking,‭ ‬worried that she had spoken out of turn.‭ ‬To her mild surprise,‭ ‬Bill actually seemed please that she had grasped that concept.

‭"‬Yes,‭"‬ he continued,‭ ‬"Amanda filed a rsi1001‭ ‬form,‭ ‬the Association loves their forms,‭ ‬on you the day before she was supposed to meet you.‭ ‬Normally,‭ ‬she would have done this months ago when she first identified you,‭ ‬but for some reason she did not.‭ ‬This means that no one else‭ ‬can claim you as a slave without either paying Amanda an agreed upon fee or giving Amanda the right to you first,‭ ‬the good old‭ ‬'right of first refusal‭'‬.‭ ‬Roy‭'‬s paperwork claiming you got in first so he thought that there was no problem.‭ ‬After what happened‭ ‬with Mark and Sam,‭ ‬we all thought he was in the clear with Amanda and the Association.‭"

"So what happened,‭ ‬sir‭?"‬ Elaine asked.

‭"‬Shortly after things were concluded with Mark‭; ‬Amanda,‭ ‬with the help of a rather clever and intense Association lawyer‭; ‬filed a claim against you.‭ ‬She cited the rsi1001‭ ‬as the basis for her claim and Roy‭'‬s actions in hacking your e-mail and poaching you.‭ ‬She hasn‭'‬t said why she is making the claim,‭ ‬nor did she respond to any efforts to negotiate this.‭ ‬All she wanted is the rights to you.‭"

Elaine remembered how Amanda had wanted Elaine to run away with her and how Elaine had refused her and stolen away in the night.‭ ‬Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,‭ ‬as the old saying went.

‭"‬Amanda brought all of this to a head and sent her lawyer to Las Vegas last night with a panel of Association executives,‭ ‬specifically the Association Judicial Panel for District‭ ‬7.‭ ‬She was not here,‭ ‬but they were.‭ ‬Based on the evidence,‭ ‬they sided with Amanda.‭"

"I am her slave now,‭ ‬sir‭?"‬ Elaine asked.‭ ‬There were worse things that could‭ ‬happen‭;‬ Elaine might even be happy serving Amanda.

‭"‬That would be the usual protocol,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬no.‭ ‬Amanda has declared you to be an open slave.‭ ‬It‭'‬s a rather mean and spiteful thing to do.‭ ‬It means she gets no profit from you.‭ ‬What an‭ ‬'open slave‭'‬ is is a slave without an owner.‭ ‬The first person who can catch you and register you in‭

‭Nevermind... now I remember. ‬Monon‭ ‬becomes your owner.‭ ‬Until then,‭ ‬there is no one to protect you,‭ ‬no one to look out for your interests until you get a new owner,‭ ‬no one to say‭ ‬'no‭'‬ for you.‭"

"I have to obey them until they become my owner‭? ‬Anyone who takes me and does whatever they want‭?"‬ Elaine asked,‭ ‬and then hastily added‭ "‬sir‭"‬.

‭"‬Understand,‭ ‬you are never under any obligation to obey.‭ ‬The Association will not punish you for disobedience.‭ ‬It is up to‭ ‬whoever has you to make you obey.‭"‬ He held up the controller as an example.‭ "‬A good and well trained slave knows and embraces her place and needs only a reminder now and then,‭"‬ Bill said.‭ "‬Some of the more spirited ones need more correction.‭ ‬If,‭ ‬when,‭ ‬someone gets you,‭ ‬you don‭'‬t have to obey,‭ ‬but they can do what is necessary to make you.‭ ‬Keep in mind,‭ ‬Elaine,‭ ‬that most members of the Association are well versed in making slaves obey.‭"

Elaine sat in shocked silence as all this set in.‭ ‬She was still going to be a slave,‭ ‬she thought that she was okay with that‭ ‬part‭;‬ she had embraced her life as property.‭ ‬But Roy was not going to be her owner anymore and that scared her and saddened her.‭ ‬She knew‭ ‬Roy‭;‬ she knew he would always make sure she was safe.‭ ‬He was her Master,‭ ‬her Owner,‭ ‬her lover.‭ ‬Well,‭ ‬she loved him,‭ ‬he never said anything.‭ ‬What would a new owner be like‭? ‬What would he‭ (‬or she‭) ‬do to Elaine or make Elaine do‭? ‬It scared her and aroused her,‭ ‬too‭; ‬Elaine was used to that mix of feelings.

‭"‬Are you going to be my owner now,‭ ‬sir‭?"‬ Elaine asked,‭ ‬wondering if she should address him as Master.

‭"‬That is the plan,‭"‬ Bill said.‭ "‬I do have possession of you,‭ ‬but I will not keep you.‭ ‬You see,‭ ‬Elaine,‭ ‬I am a slave dealer.‭ ‬This whole lovely spread,‭"‬ he motioned expansively,‭ "‬exists solely for the purpose of buying and selling slaves,‭ ‬like you.‭ ‬In a day or two,‭ ‬after I get some details worked out,‭ ‬I‭'‬ll have Syd take you to Monon to get you registered and then you will officially become my slave.‭ ‬After that I‭ ‬will put you on the market and see what price I can get for you.‭ ‬I have already had a few inquiries.‭ ‬While I am not your current owner,‭ ‬I expect you to obey me and everyone else here.‭ ‬Otherwise,‭ ‬steps will have to be taken.‭ ‬Do we understand each other,‭ ‬slave‭?"‬ Bill asked as he stood above her,‭ ‬he waved the controller at her.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine said softly and nodded.

‭"‬Good,‭"‬ Bill said.‭ "‬While you are here,‭ ‬what you have to do is simple.‭ ‬All you have to do is do what you are told.‭ ‬I have other interests and other projects I am working on,‭ ‬so you will not see a lot of me after this.‭ ‬I am not saying your time here will be easy,‭ ‬but it will‭ ‬be‭ ‬easier if you are a good slave.‭"

"Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine answered and wondered yet again where all of this would lead.

‭"‬Good,‭"‬ Bill said.‭ "‬Now,‭ ‬stand up and bend over my desk.‭"

Elaine took a deep breath,‭ ‬she knew this would happen.‭ ‬She just felt that anyone who saw her was going to fuck her and since she was firmly under Bill‭'‬s power he definitely would.‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ she said and slowly rose to her feet.

Bill was a little indulgent of her slow pace.‭ ‬He knew that right now she still had pins and needles in her hands and feet from the collar.‭ ‬He had tried the collars out on himself a few years ago when they started using them just to be sure they had the right effect,‭ ‬so he knew what she was feeling.‭ ‬He watched as she stood,‭ ‬took a couple of steps to his desk and bent over at the waist for him.‭ ‬Bill was not obsessed with Elaine like so many other men seemed to be,‭ ‬but‭ ‬he did understand the appeal of her.‭ ‬She had a quiet innocence and a beauty that complimented it perfectly.‭ ‬Personally,‭ ‬he preferred bigger boobs,‭ ‬more curves and a brassy personality,‭ ‬like Pixie.‭ ‬But he knew,‭ ‬packaged correctly and offered to the right buyer,‭ ‬he could make a tidy profit on this woman.

Bill stepped in behind her,‭ ‬his professional eye evaluating her.‭ ‬He had made a quick appraisal of her when they were at the Association bar,‭ ‬but now,‭ ‬in his office at his leisure,‭ ‬he could be a little more thorough.‭ ‬He would have to get lots of pictures taken for records and catalogs,‭ ‬a complete medical evaluation and maybe a psych profile.‭ ‬He thought it might take a month after he registered her in Monon before he could put her on the market.‭ ‬That month would certainly make Pixie happy.‭

The welts on Elaine‭'‬s back were the question at the moment.‭ ‬Was it better to market her with fresh whip marks,‭ ‬or as a blank piece of canvas‭? ‬Well,‭ ‬he would have to find out.‭ ‬He made a notation in her file that she was not to be whipped until these welts had‭ ‬healed‭;‬ it took only a few seconds to add whip marks but days and weeks for them to heal.‭ ‬She definitely had to be marketed in bondage,‭ ‬cuffs and collar made her even more appealing.‭

Bill took a camera off the shelf and took a few pictures of Elaine bent over the desk‭; ‬,ore data for her file.‭ ‬He could see her breathing heavily and that her pussy was already getting wet.‭ ‬That was what he had heard about Elaine:‭ ‬that she was amazingly responsive and came easily when forced.

‭"‬Slave‭?"‬ Bill asked her.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬sir‭?"‬ Elaine answered.

‭"‬Do you like being fucked more when you are tied up or not‭?"‬ he asked her.

Elaine sucked in a quick breath.‭ ‬No one had asked her that directly before,‭ ‬but she knew the answer.‭ "‬Tied up,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ she said softly.

‭"‬Why is that‭?"‬ Bill asked and set the camera back down.

‭"‬It makes me feel more helpless,‭ ‬more in the man‭'‬s power,‭ ‬sir‭"‬ Elaine answered.‭ ‬He had not even touched her yet,‭ ‬but she knew he would and she wanted him inside her.

‭"‬Or woman‭'‬s‭?"‬ Bill asked.

‭"‬Or woman‭'‬s,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine answered.

Elaine jumped when Bill slipped his hand between her thighs and brushed her wet pussy.‭ ‬Bill put his left hand on the small of her back to hold her down while the right explored her wetness.‭ ‬Bill knew how to manipulate a woman‭'‬s body and he was more interested in how she responded to him than what her pussy felt like.‭ ‬She was dripping and her color turned redder as he slowly brought her closer and closer to climax with his hand.‭ ‬She shuddered and tried to rise,‭ ‬but he held her down.‭ ‬Just as a reminder,‭ ‬though,‭ ‬he slapped her ass with his left hand.

‭"‬Stay still,‭ ‬slave,‭"‬ he reprimanded her.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine moaned.‭ ‬She bit her lip and tried to focus only on the pleasure he was bringing her.

Bill brought her right to the edge of an orgasm and held her there.‭ ‬It was‭ ‬difficult‭;‬ he had encountered few slaves who climaxed as easily as Elaine seemed to.‭ ‬He watched the clock on the wall and held her on the cusp of her climax for a full five minutes.‭ ‬Every muscle in her delicious body strained,‭ ‬she clamped down on his fingers and tried to push against him to get that last little bit of stimulus that would bring her relief,‭ ‬but Bill was one step ahead of her.

‭"‬Please,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine started to beg.

Bill slapped her ass again.‭ "‬No talking,‭ ‬slave,‭"‬ he commanded.

Bill was half tempted just to leave her like this,‭ ‬unsatisfied,‭ ‬but he wanted to experience her more fully.‭ ‬Elaine moaned in disappointment as Bill took his hands off of and out of her.‭ ‬Bill‭ ‬took down his pants behind her and guided his hard cock to her wet entrance.‭ ‬Elaine moaned happily as he forced his way inside her,‭ ‬filling her hot cunt.

Bill thought she was a nice fuck as he started to slide in and out of her,‭ ‬a beautiful,‭ ‬tight vagina that clung to him as he took her.‭ ‬He slapped her ass again,‭ ‬first one side then the other and began to fuck her roughly.‭ ‬Just as he thought,‭ ‬she came instantly.‭ ‬Bill took his time with her,‭ ‬slowing his pace,‭ ‬playing her body,‭ ‬watching her reactions.‭ ‬She would make someone a very nice slave.‭ ‬He made a mental note for a few men who might enjoy owning her,‭ ‬better for private screenings than an auction for this one.

Bill pulled out of her pussy,‭ ‬his cock wet and slick from her.‭ ‬He paused only briefly,‭ ‬then‭ ‬pushed his shaft into her ass.‭ ‬Elaine yelped as he forced into her battered ring of muscle and tried to rise up,‭ ‬but Bill spanked her again and again until she put her chest back down on the desk in submission.

A lovely little ass,‭ ‬Bill thought as he pleasured himself there.‭ ‬It would add at least‭ ‬15%‭ ‬to her price.‭ ‬He reached under and began rubbing her clit as he fucked her ass.‭ ‬Elaine jumped,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬as Bill expected,‭ ‬reached another orgasm.‭ ‬Bill rammed hard into while she came and soon he finished,‭ ‬too and shot a load of cum into her bowels.

Elaine realized he was done when he pulled out of her and she felt the semen drip from her ass.‭ ‬She‭ ‬shuddered‭;‬ it had been very intense and very pleasurable to be used by this man.‭ ‬He was definitely‭ ‬an expert on women.‭ ‬If her new owner could do these things to her,‭ ‬it might not be so bad.‭ ‬At the same time,‭ ‬she did not feel any particular attraction or fondness from him.‭ ‬To Bill,‭ ‬she was nothing special,‭ ‬just another slave.‭ ‬She wanted to be desired by‭ ‬her owner,‭ ‬desired for her and her own uniqueness,‭ ‬not just another generic woman with three holes to fill.‭ ‬She wanted more than just the physical pleasure.

Bill wiped himself up then made a quick wipe of Elaine‭'‬s pussy and ass.‭ ‬He did not want her dripping on the carpets.‭ ‬He pulled his pants back up.‭ ‬He had enough information to make a decent appraisal of her.

‭"‬Get up,‭ ‬slave,‭"‬ he told Elaine.

‭"‬Yes,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ Elaine stood up and faced the man who had just ravished her.‭ ‬He did not look at her but pushed an intercom button and summoned the guard.‭ "‬Thank you for fucking me,‭ ‬sir,‭"‬ she added.

‭"‬Take this one back to room C2‭ ‬and leave her there,‭"‬ he told the guard.

The guard had Elaine walk in front of him the whole way back,‭ ‬she knew he was staring at her reddened ass and probably waiting for a chance to use it.‭ ‬When they went into the building where Elaine‭'‬s room was,‭ ‬another guard,‭ ‬one of the ones from the morning,‭ ‬was at the desk.‭ ‬He handed a key to Elaine‭'‬s escort and leered at Elaine as she was led through the door.‭

A few women were in the living room now.‭ ‬Elaine saw that they all were wearing collars like hers.‭ ‬She was shocked to see one woman on her knees performing oral sex on another woman in the back corner.‭ ‬The woman on her knees had her hands tied behind her back and fresh looking welts on her skin while the other woman held a small whip.‭ ‬Elaine realized she was staring,‭ ‬imagining herself on her knees in place of the tied woman.

Elaine was confused and out of sorts as she was pulled down the hallway.‭ ‬Would she be forced to do those things until she was sold‭? ‬And why did she find the idea so arousing‭? ‬Because she liked to be dominated by women,‭ ‬was the answer and she knew it.

Elaine was taken back to the same room.‭ ‬Her guard unlocked the door.‭ ‬She wondered if he was going to follow her in for another blow job or something more.‭ ‬He grabbed her breasts,‭ ‬pinching and pulling her nipples for a moment,‭ ‬then opened the door.‭ ‬He pushed her in then closed the door behind her.‭ ‬Elaine was glad he had left her alone,‭ ‬but knew she had not seen the last of him.‭ ‬She also realized he had left her‭ ‬cuffed‭;‬ there was not much she could do until they were off.‭ ‬But she could sleep.‭ ‬She just wanted to lie down,‭ ‬curl up,‭ ‬cry for a little while then sleep and hope she felt better when she awoke.

Elaine crawled into bed and adjusted the covers as well as she could with her hands still cuffed.‭ ‬She was a little hungry,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬but she would eat when they fed her.‭ ‬She curled up under the blankets,‭ ‬aware that at any time someone could come for her,‭ ‬come and fuck her.‭ ‬Was this what it meant to be a slave‭? ‬A slave,‭ ‬not Roy‭'‬s Slave‭?

Elaine thought back about what Bill had done to her.‭ ‬She had always taken it for granted,‭ ‬or at least since Roy,‭ ‬that she would be wanted.‭ ‬She had been hunted and taken by Roy and since him every man and woman had wanted her to the point of stealing and raping her.‭ ‬Even‭ ‬with Syd,‭ ‬she felt that she was more than just a hole to fuck.‭ ‬The only one who had made her feel like she was just a toy was Bill.‭ ‬The sex itself had been fine,‭ ‬but Elaine tried to imagine being owned by a man who had no strong desire or obsession for her.‭ ‬It seemed like an empty feeling and one that would make her time as a slave wasted.

She missed Roy and the security of being his slave.‭ ‬Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fell asleep.


Delrin Ringe looked at the picture of the slave again.‭ ‬What was her name‭? ‬He checked the file.‭ ‬Elaine.‭ ‬A lovely name for a lovely woman.‭ ‬She was a work of art and he was going to destroy her.‭ ‬Normally,‭ ‬Delrin liked to have some plan in place before he started work on a woman,‭ ‬some general script to follow.‭ ‬Certainly,‭ ‬the script was just a start and he invariably improvised and changed things as he went along.‭ ‬It always came down to the woman and how she reacted.‭ ‬He could never tell how one would do until he started,‭ ‬how she would react to the pain.‭ ‬Some he would tell ahead of time that he was going to kill them,‭ ‬just to get the desperation and fatalism in their actions.‭ ‬For others,‭ ‬it would be a surprise.‭ ‬They would think as long as they cooperated they would get out alive.