Story of April


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"I on the other hand, realize that the whole system is fucked. If the politician's wanted to get kids out of the street, they could. But, us cops in the street, we don't make a difference. So, why bother. I'd rather live comfortably. Look around you. Uncle Sam gives you a heart attack. If you want things in life, you gotta take it. And, that's how I got you."

"You are such a lovely young woman. You showed up that night, shivering in fear and so helplessly cute. You have a very sexy body. I don't mean to creep you out. It is simply the truth. And, I thought, why don't I help her escape Helga's fangs. And, in exchange, I get to experience being with her for a small time. Wouldn't you think that is fair?"

"Of course, it is fair. How can I repay you?"

"You are all tense. Relax, April."

John, reached for her ankles gentle like a gentleman. He guided them up on the couch to rest on his thigh. Then, he gently started massaging them. He rubbed his fingers into her foot's arch. With a warm smile, he said, "that feels good, doesn't it!" He switched on the TV to show cartoons. April slumped back on the arm rest of the couch. Her head tilted to watch the cartoons. Her feet were being needed by John. So, she half dozed for a few minutes.

Then, John guided her to sit up and between his legs. His arms started massaging her neck. Her hands were resting on his thighs. Her eyes were focused on the cartoon of a pig and a frog walking through the forest. The massage gave her tingles. She felt his warm breath on her neck. She also felt his large erection against the small of her back.

"Oh, I am sorry, I am pulling your shirt. Let's take it off, so that you can get a better massage."

She swiftly unbuttoned the shirt. Now, she was sitting in her bra. His hands hit all the good spots on her back. On TV, the pig and the frog were swimming across a lake.

"Searching your body that night, really turned me on. Ever since, I have been very curious to explore your body. Can we re-enact the body search again."

April was too drowsy to verbally respond. She simply got up. John guided her to stand in the open space of the room. His hands lifted her skirt up. He reached for the sides of her panties. With his hands flat against the side of her thigh, he rolled the panties down towards her knees to get them into a good bunch. Then, he pressed against her back to make her bend forward.

He slid open the drawer under the coffee table with the architecture book. There was a jar. John introduced that jar that it will numb her to make it painless. Then, she felt him smearing the cream around her asshole. She felt private about the area, because she had only felt touched their in the privacy of toilet business by herself.

Then, John ripped open a condom package and rolled it on. Without the massage and cartoon, April came more to her senses. She looked at the floor and the little rug on it. She wondered about her situation. She wondered about her ass. John generously applied lube to his penis to make it slick. Then, he stepped closely behind her.

She didn't feel the tip of the penis at her asshole, because the cream had numbed it. There was only the sudden feeling similar to being prim full with shit. She felt full. She felt John's dick moving around in her ass. She didn't feel sexually stimulated. She just felt relaxed, yet John was sweaty and heated. His movement was furious and strong. April's mouth tasted like apple juice. Somehow, her drowsy mind connected feeling John's dick in his ass with apple juice. Would she always think about ass fucking, when she would drink apple juice from now on?

After a few minutes, John suddenly stopped and told her to turn around. She was shocked and afraid that something had happened. Next, April heard the snap of the condom being pulled off. She was on her knees and looked straight at the pee hole of his penis. The next second a fast movement came towards her eye. She closed them as a reflex. Next, she felt the goo of his cum running down her face and onto her boobs.

The harsh command "lick it clean" got April to have her hands reach forwarded blinded by the cum in her eyes to find the cock. She put the cock in her mouth. She licked it clean. The tip of her tongue played around with the pee hole to get the last specks out there. She massaged the penis to get any remaining cum out of the shaft. Then, she looked up with her closed eyes and smiled "done."

John walked over to the couch and dropped his body down. April stood there for a minute unsure on what was expected of her next. To her relief, John asked her to come over to the couch and get on her hands and knees. He got handy wipes out. He started neatly wiping down her ass to get the numbing cream out. He generously moved the wipes all over her ass. He also brushed down her vagina, which was touch sensitive in a good way. Then, he wiped down her face and boobs producing a big pile of dirty handy wipes.

He sniffed, leaned back, and seized her up top to bottom. She looked a little bit like an unsure deer.

"Would you like a coffee or tea?"

"Tea, please."

John worked in the kitchen to put the water pot on the gas stove. April followed him into the kitchen. It was filled with modern appliances like a stainless steel food processor, Italian ice cream maker, and electric pasta press. The style of the apron and oven gloves showed that John had a tender passion for cooking. The prepared cups were plain white cups as you would find them in an upscale bistro.

From jars on the counter, John filled two tea bags. He mixed a bit of white tea with dried orange peels. His face glowed with pride and enjoyment. She found herself a high stool to watch him work. His body was muscular and in good shape from police combat training. The light in the kitchen was bright and uplifting from the ample window size.

"John, I am almost done with high school. Today was the last big test. And, I think that I did pretty well on the math."

"You are smart. Congratulations. You'll make your folks proud."

"Well, I left them over a month ago. They don't care."

"April, when I was your age, a year younger, my father beat me with a belt. One day, he used the wrong side of the belt. The belt buckle was at the end. That heavy piece of metal broke my forearm on the first whipping. The doctor in the emergency room that night asked me about what had happened. I didn't say anything. Little did I know. that being quiet made me highly suspicious for abuse."

"That night social services took me in. They put me into foster care. It was horrible. My beating daddy at least loved me in some sick way. But, the foster parents were only out for the money. I felt like I was put into a machine. Every time that I had body contact with them, it felt so dead. Had I been smart enough to live in the street like you, perhaps, I would have been better off."

"My dad never hit me. He just yelled at me. Sometimes, I think that without hitting there is no abuse. But, still I feel so horrible and tormented."

"That's the hardest thing about abuse by loved once. They always leave you in a border line state, where you are too unsure to fight against it."

April had tears in her eyes. John pulled her closer. She started sobbing in his arms. He was such a large man that he could encompass her as much as a towel wrapped around her. He body shivered. Her lungs heaved. She felt good. She felt like she was letting go of pain. All the pain came out and left a good feeling. His shirt turned darker at the shoulder with her tears. He just warmly held her and let her tears roll out of her until she felt completed.

They sat silently in communion with the warm tea sending soothing warmth into their body.

They light turned darker outside to signal evening. John walked her out to the door. She was back in the suffocating, dark hallway. The carpet must have been a breeding ground for mildew. She walked out to meet Steven, who was waiting on her on a bench.

Steven and April hadn't talked much. Getting up in the morning was stiff and cold. The day at school was mostly wish-wash-splotch. Steven still walked with April to the bible study group gathering. It was a cool and windy day.

Bob awaited them with a big smile. Bob hugged April. Bob really gleamed into Steven's face with pride as he held onto both of Steven's arms. Then, he took Steven away to a backroom. Steven's rich experience of being really low in life and finding Jesus again was the perfect requisite for a counseling session with a troubled youth. So, April walked alone into the room.

Two youth were sitting on the couches of the meeting room and checking their text messages. Jennifer was there. She jumped up at the sight of April with her hair flying into the air.

Jennifer was dressed differently today. Her legs were clad in black leather high heel boots that reached up to her knee. Her knees and thighs were skinny teenie legs and pasty white. She wore a top dress that was tight like a coat with buttons down the front left side. The dress suit ended just below her buttocks. The material was stiff and firm. She looked fierce.

Exuberance streamed out of Jennifer as she pulled April to the bathroom. April followed a bit reluctant and quite a bit curious. The bathroom was neatly cleaned by church volunteers. There was a large mirror with a vase of tall elegant mostly green flowers. The two stalls had real doors. Jennifer kicked open each one leaning forward more than necessary to check them empty.

"April, I took Steven up on the offer to let the British gentlemen lick my boots. I have been there this afternoon. Oh, you won't believe the experience and what people pay money for!"

"So, Steven helped me dress up like this. Steven collected the money up front. Oh, it is good money. I can go shopping this weekend big time! Then, I walked by myself to the guy's door. He opened. He was a gentleman in a suit. Instead of a tie, he had a blue and white striped handkerchief around his neck. He had a bit of a belly. Oh, and the royal face with which he seized me up. It said that he was refined and better than me."

"And, then I just yelled at him to get on his god damn knees like a dog, which is what he was... oh, did I just curse... Would you belief it? He just got down on his hands and knees with out question. People from the street could have seen him, as I was still standing outside!"

"So, he crawled in front of me into his living room with such grace and delegacy like he was a royal Doberman dog. There was this living room with oil paintings and hand crafted wood cabinets. I sat down on a sofa that felt like velvet. The sofa faced straight onto a giant flat panel TV."

"I ordered him to take off his clothes as Steven had suggested to me. I have seen naked men in magazines. However, he looked so naked in his white briefs and the smooth black socks with the sock suspenders. Unpacked, his penis was soft and small."

"With my knees crossed, I told him to start licking my boots, because that's the only thing that he were good for. He gently lifted my boot with his hand. He had such appreciation. You could feel that his heart was palpating for excitement. Then, he took a lap at my boot. His face gleamed with such happiness. And, I have never felt so appreciated before in my whole life. The look of his face, his body posture, and the asking glances looking up at my face were speaking of such deep reverence."

"After I got used to him licking around my boots, I told him to lick the soles of my boots. And, I told him that I would inspect his tongue. After three licks, he stuck out his tongue. The tongue was gray like the soles of my shoes. I was shocked at first. However, he was so eager and by now, he had a raging hard on."

"So, I decided to take it up a notch. I had him follow me to the bathroom. I really had him stick his head in the toilet and flushed! The toilet was spick clean, because he probably has a maid service. Though, he was so happy, like Christmas had happened to him."

"When his half hour was up, I threw a towel at his feet and told him to whack off. I let him look up my skirt at my panties, while he kneeled in front of the towel and beat his meat furiously. He came. He was a mess at that point. And, I showed myself out. Easy money!"

"Jennifer! I think that Steven is a pimp. He has me do stuff like that as well. What normal guy knows so much about charging for erotic services?

"Ha, yeah, that tool Jonathan only knows how to beat his meat to reading lexicon entries about boobs. You got the real man, April!"

"I am breaking up with him. He is not a good influence."

"Seriously? If what I did would make you do that, I'd feel real bad."

"Jennifer, it just opened my eyes to whom he really is."

"Bummer, I was so excited today."

They both walked out of the women's bathroom to catch up with the fully assembled group. While Bob talked about David and Goliath, both girls were mulling things over. April had to find a new place to live without Steven. Should she sleep in the bushes in the park again? Would the old drug dealer hideout in the factory tower be a safe place?

April left the bible study group before the final prayer to avoid answering to Steven, why she was leaving. She stepped out into the dark night streets. Her limbs were still shaking from doing something outside of everyone else. Her head was down looking at her cell phone, while she walked down the streets. She texted Steven that she would not want to see or here from him again. And, she made a point of saying that she was not a prostitute.

Walking along the tree lined suburban street, she caught the corner to turn into Chili's street. It was the last of five row houses. It had a white façade. A used and dirty square previously-white door bell button let April press. A hollow ding-dong that rolled through the apartment sounded. Steps shuffled on the inside.

"Oh, hi April. SANDRA! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! She will be right with you sweetie."

Chili came running down the stairs inside. She was wearing light gray comfortably spacious sweat pants and a t-shirt with the local university logo with yellow letters on a dark blue background. Her white socks were all turned side ways with the tip flapping unfilled by toes. An ear plug dangled from one ear with the other ear plug flinging around her arms. Her blonde hair was put into a comfortable pony tail with big strands of hair falling elsewhere.

"Hey, April, what a surprise!"

April looked at your toes and twisted her knee in. Then, she looked up and down again. Finally, she burst out.

"Can I stay with you for the night?"

Chili looked at April with a shocked face.

"Of course!"

Chili reached for April's hand to guide April forward, so that Chili could put her arm around April's side and lead her to the second floor to her room. The stairs had soft carpet. The mother and father downstairs were ostensibly quiet to gather better cues from the girls on what was going on. The skinny old father even craned his neck to see their feet disappearing on the stairs.

Chili's room was almost completely filled with her twin sized bed. The bed was completely filled with a comforter, pillows, and a leftover, worn-out green fur turtle. The overhead light painted the room yellow. The walls were filled with overlapping posters of topless boy band singers and ripped actors. In between were snapshots of friends. Pink magazine cutouts were pasted over corners of posters. A commode was covered with little knick knacks: a toy horse carousel, a perfume bottle, a pretty shopping bag from a clothing store, a discarded top crumpled together. The closet was open with shoes flowing out of it or carelessly only dropped near the closet. The left side of the bed was covered with a messy pile of school notebooks and text books.

Chili jumped onto the middle of her bed to sit Indian style. With eager eyes, she implored April to tell her thee issue. April stood cautiously in front of the closed door. She admitted to breaking up with her boy friend and having run away from home. Chili responded in straight and cheered that they would have the best slumber party ever. She started rummaging through the top of her commode to find a new candy pink toe nail paint.

By now April sat like a wet dog on her bed and allowed Chili to paint her toes. Chili was overly excited to apply the toe nail color accurately without getting any on the skin or missing part of the nail. When it was April's turn to paint Chili's tootsie toes, April was glad to be distracted from her life and to focus on the task at hand. Chili's toes were round and almost chubby. Her feet were very curvy.

Both lied back on the bed, shared an iPod to listen to a new boy band, and chewed on pink bubble gum. They looked at the ceiling. They enjoyed feeling clothes to each other. There was warmth and a sense of union between them.

"So, you didn't bring anything with you. That means, you don't have pajamas or fresh underwear for tomorrow. You have to let your underwear breathe out at night. We will sleep both naked. That will be so daring."

April's mood had perked up by now. She agreed to a dare with Chili. They would both ran naked to the bathroom and risk getting seen by Chili's younger brother or her dad. They took of their clothes. Chili barely opened the door and peered out into the hallway. April stood clothes by her almost touching her, but not. It was like being close to Chili would provide cover for her nudity.

The door swung open. Chili sprinted ahead with her ample butt and boobs bouncing ahead. April got a shot of adrenaline and dashed after her. They saw a swish of closed doors, carpet, and family photos at the wall. The goal was the ajar bathroom door with the towels visible from outside. They both giggled with their heart pounding behind the closed bathroom door.

The general bathroom light was quite dim. However, the light next to the mirror was extremely bright. They brushed their teeth with frothy tooth paste oozing down their hands. Despite her mouth full with a tooth brush, Chili kept bubbling about a boy in class, whom she fancied. Nonchalantly, Chili sat down on the toilet with a bathroom tissue in her hand. The toilet was crammed between a wall and the sink. April was now talking about the last school test, while Chili pushed her hand with the bathroom tissue between her fleshy thighs.

This time, April had to do the peering. April looked out of the barely ajar door. The younger brother's room had a light underneath the door. The parents still made noises down stairs. She carefully opened the door wider. Then, she quietly placed her toes on the hallway floor. She crept quietly down the hall to Chili's room. Chili followed her. They had made it safely.

Chili turned off the light. They both lied down in the plush bed. The mattress had become soft over the years. Lying near the edge had the mattress give way to the slightest weight and one risked rolling out of the bed. So, April had to inch her naked body closer to Chili. The twin bed being pretty narrow, it was a delicate balance to find the sweet spot between falling out and touching Chili.

April lied on her back, breathing deeply and waiting to fall asleep. Chili's breath went in and out deep and carefree. The breath was so steady that Chili assumed her to be asleep. With her mind unoccupied and eyes closed, April took in the scent of the room. It was an old room with a bit of dust smell in the air. There was a bit of a musk smell for clothes waiting for the laundry. There were odd sweet smells from fragrances and cosmetic jars. There was the smell of Chili's breath, who had obviously eating pepperoni for dinner.

April didn't belief that she had fallen asleep yet, however she was stunned to discover that April's arm had been lying on her since a while. The arm was on to of the sheets. Chili had apparently kicked the comforter a bit down due to the warm room and exposed both her breasts. April carefully returned the arm to the owner, gently moving Chili without awaking her.
