Story of April


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"Step number two is to take up space. Don't stand in the door. Strut into the room. Look out of the window. Look at a book. The point is that you are walking around and he gets confined to a point in the room. Extra points are, when you discover something low. It gives you a chance to bend over and show your butt. When you do that, always wait for a second to give them an eye full. Then, abruptly turn around and cover your butt and ask with a coquette face, if they have been starring at you."

"Next, you gotta make a move, because you are there to deliver a service. Just go straight up to them and straddle them. Ask them boldly, if they love your look, while you shove them your boobs in their face. Guys love that tease."

"Remove a hair band from his hair, unbutton the top shirt button, you do one symbol for him letting his hair down to unwind, and he is in a different space. He will trust you. Then, reach for something that is intimate to him. Pull out his wallet. Or, in your case, pull out the gun from his back. Hold it in front of his face, smile devilishly tell him that he won't be needing this. That was a power object to him. By taking it and putting it on the coffee table, you take that power."

"Okay, now practice. Practice it all the way from coming in the door. And, you are going to practice on Biff, because you gotta get used to working with strangers."

Biff was leaning against the white wall. He let him slide down the wall a little lower in anticipation. April's back muscles tensioned with all the points running through her mind. Sofia crooked her index finger to lift up April's chin. The dark makeup around Sofia's eyes made her look goth, when she looked at April. Sofia's lip stick was runny red. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail today.

April looked back down on the floor as she pushed her body up standing. She walked out of the room, closed the door behind her. She was outside with the plants, grasses, and sunshine in the backyard. The round, golden door knob was in her hand. She sniffed the air in and raised her torso. Then, she spun around and opened the door while simultaneously stepping inside.

"Hi Biff, you big hunk of man, have you been missing me?"

April's index finger went up to her mouth. Should hooked the first joint of the finger on her teeth to softly draw attention to her lips gaping have open. She bent her left knee slightly to get her foot on the toes. She stood there for a moment to show herself standing upright in her short skirt. Her breasts made nice sphere shapes under her t-shirt.

She strutted across the room with her hips swinging. She was fully conscious of her legs moving forward led by the knee. Before she'd place the foot on the ground, her legs would fully extend. She knew that Biff was checking out her calves and legs. Her toes were pushed together at the front of her open toed white high heels.

She stopped in front of a window. She bend forward to rest her elbows on the window board to pretend taking a relaxed pose to watch the outside. She walked in place without lifting her feet to make her butt cheeks grow alternating left and right, while she complimented Biff on the beautiful view.

Pretending suddenly, she raised up, loudly and sharply inhaled: "Have you been starring at my butt, Biffie boy?" She covered her butt with both hands without turning it away from Biff. Her beautiful fingers made the behind of her skirt look only more lovely.

"You bad boy!" said April and strutted directly to Biff while maintaining eye contact. "I bet you want to stare at these as well," continued April while massaging her breasts. Biff had drooly eyes of enjoyment. She straddled his hips. Her skirt spread out wide to make a circle. Her bare knees rested on the ground. She was the small queen on the big pile of meat.

"Biff, you gotta relax. Don't be so formal," said April. And, then she pulled his t-shirt over his head. He passively moved his arms up to help her. Biff's naked body had three fat folds, a large one for his belly and two for his man boobs. The lower part of his man boobs was covered with twirly and curly body hair.

"What's that hard thing in here?" April's finger pushed themselves into the squeezed space between their groins. She pulled out Biff's wallet that was connected with a chain to his belt. She unclipped both and told him that he would not need either right now. Biff's face signaled that he was eager for whatever would happen next.

"Biff, can you tell which of my boobs is a little larger?" April grabbed both of Biff's hands from the outside and placed them on her tits. Biff's hands immediately squeezed and weighed them. Falling out of character, Biff became nerdy in his quest to figure out the right answer.

"I bet you can't feel them right with all of these clothes." April reached her back to let the bra closure snap open. The bra popped forward. She slipped the bra over her shoulder and out of the t-shirt sleeve without ever exposing her breasts. She guided his hands under her t-shirt to fondle her soft and youthful skin. He quickly played with her nipples and went back to his serious weighing business. Sofia and Steven watched the show spell bound.

"Oh, you need to use your eyes?" And, April popped off her shirt to fully expose her youthful, white torso. Biff's meaty hands covered most of her modest breasts. She leaned forward to have Biff lick her nipple and then the other. Biff's hands glided down her back to hold her firm butt. They fingered below her skirt and inside of her panties to give her a fresh squeeze on the tushy.

"If you want to get frisky, you have to do me a favor first." April got up on her feet. She let her panties drop to the floor to pool around her high heels. She stepped out of the lying figure eight of her panties stand in a wide stance right in front of Biff's face. She pulled her skirt over his head to create a little room. Then, she shoved her pussy onto his mouth. Biff automatically and eagerly started licking her.

A surge of pleasure went through April's body. Her state of mind shifted from acting to feeling sensual pleasure in her body. She tucked her pelvis in to push her vagina better into Biff's face. He licked her clit in circles and lapped at her labia in long straight strokes. Her hands moved through his hair like a sieve. She raked his head. She waited for him to pleasure himself. While she waited, she was overcome with erotic feelings for the guy whose face she could not stand.

His fingers reached up to poke at her anus. He was gentle to avoid hurting her by shoving them in. He kept softly pressing on the muscular ring around her anus. It was like a dial of a clock. And, he pressed down at 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock and so and would start over. Then, he'd put his thumb directly on her asshole and start quickly wiggling side to side like a windshield wiper on hyper speed.

She did not like his dry finger poking her dirty region. She'd try to push her vagina into his face harder and focus her thoughts there. Her uncomfortable feeling at the ass only made her tighten her sphincter harder. Yet, the tightness made the gentle massage only feel more relaxing. Then for a moment the first ring of defense around her anus released. His thumb slipped in. His thumb was still closed out by the main sphincter muscle. However, his finger tips were somewhat inside of her ass.

Uncomfortable and horny feelings mixed in her. She wasn't sure on which to act. So, she bent her knees and squatted down on Biff's lap again. She reached her hand inside of his pants, fished out his penis, and admired it with her hands, the well sized flesh, the strong sides, and the pee canal in the middle.

"Looks like he is ready to come out and play." She unzipped Biff's pants. Biff eagerly and in a rush did the rest and kicked of his pants under April. April was squatting on Biff's naked body. She picked up his stiff erection and pointed it at her pussy. She lowered herself onto it, while remaining in a squat. Then, she started bouncing up and down. She gave herself the full length of the popsicle and made her boobs bounce up and down nicely. Her pussy was turned on from the licking. Biff motionless enjoyed the feeling of his dick as he climbed to the seventh heaven.

Her pussy juices matted in Biff's groin hair. Her hands were resting on his chest with stretched out arms. She looked down at her pussy and saw the manly dick disappear inside of her. She felt her face muscles distorting, as her body was focused on popping up and pushing down on Biff's man meat to chase that good feeling of orgasm. Each time her pubic bone meet Biff's she got a little horny spark that made her feel even better.

Biff came with a roar of a wounded boar. The room erupted into cheerful applause from Sofia and Steven. April had completely forgotten about them, when she had gone off into her erotic dreamland. She looked startled at her boy friend Steven and the sultry face of Sofia.

The evening continued uneventful.

The next morning, April looked into the bathroom mirror. The bathroom mirror were two large circles, because there were two sinks side by side, so that the owner couple could get ready together in the morning. Steven was already out early to go after his business whatever it was. So, she was alone by herself with three stray hairs that had fallen into the sink and were twirling with the water stream from the faucet.

She looked at her face in the mirror. The skin was fresh from the cleanser. She bit her lip pulling up the lower lip with her teeth, while she focused on finding impurities. A red lipstick with a hint of dash was her choice for the day. She rolled her lips inward to distribute it.

For a moment, she twirled her hair next to her head. Then, she decided to have a single long skinny braid hanging down the side of her hair as an accent. Two colorful pearls in Jamaican black, green, and yellow colors finished her accent.

She put on a white snug bra that was covered with a white cotton shirt. The fabric was combed to be extra soft. The buttons lined up straight and made her look more formal and prepared. Today was the last big test left of her high school career. Her butt and sex were still naked under the ends of the shirt, as she jumped around the room looking for a matching bottom.

The panties of choice were white and blue sailor panties, a souvenir from last summer at the ocean. She had felt very flirty about the muscular and almost bald shaven navy soldiers that prowled the harbor city. Yet, she had only gotten eyes full of biceps and man hunks, not more, because she was with her parents. A dark skirt with many folds and ruffles finished her outfit. She let the shirt tucked outside of the skirt to create a layering effect.

She strutted down the early morning streets with long and pronounced steps, because she was stepping up to the last big test, the math final. Looking at the trees along the road with their big leaves felt a bit like saying good bye. When she walked onto the school grounds with the familiar yelling of kids and shoving of little half humans, she did no longer quite feel part of it.

Inside, her feet squeaked on the floor. She remembered her first time meandering down the hall by herself after a late extracurricular activity. That's when she had noticed the squeaking sound of rubber soles for the first time. She pushed about the door to the gymnasium. It wasn't even her familiar class room anymore. The teachers had cleared the gymnasium to have more space between students to prevent cheating.

Everyone was quiet. Most were quiet due to the anticipation of a mental math marathon. The kids that did not care about college futures were quiet, because five teachers surrounded the chairs and tables. The teachers were quiet and focused on watching the students, who sat in their isolated chair-table-islands. The large round clock without inscription only smaller and larger dashes attracted constant attention. 5 minutes to go time.

She placed her pencil for notes on the desk aligned to the vertical border of the desk. Half inch towards the outside was the black pen for writing on the test. Five empty white pages were within reach for notes. Right in front of her was the light gray gap of the table, the space where the exam paper would be placed.

The clock arm moved to the large dash at the top. The teacher with the gray suit stepped in front of the door to block any late comers. The teacher at the head of the gymnasium rose to his feet. The seal to the vanilla envelope was broken. A pile of stapled tests came out. The tests were passed. Silence and erratic nervous shuffling hang in the air with the pages turned over. She was ultra aware of the gray walls, the white pillars, everything.

"Now," said the head teacher. Everyone turned over the pages with a loud paper shuffling sound. "If a baker serves a community of 500 people, who buy breakfast from him 50% of the time, how many breakfast servings does he need to bake to be in stock 99% of the time?" "Okay, that's easy," thought April.

Her mind was focused on one question after the next. About two hours in, she looked up for a moment to realize, where she was. She felt dizzy feeling the real world. To avoid the dizzy feeling, she focused back on the test. With ten minutes to go, she switched her crossed legs and started reviewing everything.

Half way through the test papers, the head teacher asked them to put the papers down. He moved his big glasses. Papers went down. Dazed teenagers with sore eyes and ruffled hair looked around at each other to get indications of how hard or easy their classmates found the test. The rancid smell of sweat and hard thinking was in the air.

After the test papers were collected, the students still had to remain the room for an hour. Other schools administered the test at different hours. As the students were now privy to the test questions, they had to remain without contact to the outside world until everyone else finished their tests.

Chili came over to April's desk. Chili was a friend of April's. Her nickname was for her fiery comments that she flipped at teachers. One time a teacher had asked her to pick up a piece of chalk from the floor. The teacher was known for doing that little game. When the female student would bend forward, he would stare at her ass. When the female student would squat down, he would look down blouse. The other girls hated it, yet were too afraid of the teacher. Chili had looked straight at the teacher and talked in a Mexican voice: "Oh, you want to have a look at my girls." With that she pointed to her boobs: "I call this one Bella and that one Maria." The teachers face turned red and angry. He swiftly grabbed the chalk himself.

Chili was holding out playing cards to April: "One last round of Virgin!" They used to play that game to pass the time in school, when there was a gap between classes. The game was simple. The players would alternately slap a card face open on a pile. If a player was too slow and the other player managed to get down a second card, one would lose a point. When the previous card and the new card added up to 13, the first person shouting out 'virgin,' would win the whole game. It was one of these simple kid games.

They quickly started punching their hands onto the pile card by card in trying to be faster. The cards flew messily onto the pile that was more a general area than a neat pile. Chili screamed "virgin" and laughed at the top of her lungs. The students nearby looked around at them. April got customarily red in the face, because she expected half the people thought that she was being called a virgin.

"So, what are you going to do this summer, Chili?"

"Well, I will get a job working at a retail store. Make some money, buy some pretty clothes."

"How much do they pay? They pay like $10 per hour. However, the big stores give you a 30% discount on their stuff. So, you really get $13. In reality you only have to fold clothes. On the resume, you can claim valuable customer service experience."

"That seems like a good idea. Let me do your hair."

Chili turned her back to April. April's hand started combing through the dirty blonde hair. The hair smelled like honey and pine wood. The hair was clean and separated easily. She made a tight French braid out of it. Chili relaxed under her hands feeling the side effect of a sensuous scalp massage.

The teachers released them to their free day. The gymnasium double door broke open and the herd of last moment high school students pushed out. Steven was already waiting on her. He had a smile on his face. He had a flower in his hand, which he put behind her ear. He walked her to the second big trial of the day. They walked down the road past the cars rushing to lunch breaks.

"Steven, don't get mad. But, you do behave a bit like a pimp. You pushed Biff's cock into me. You made me give a blow job at the movie theatre. You sold my body to Jonathan. You got Biff to fuck me. I am not a prostitute. This cop John, I understand we have to make him happy, however he is the last one."

"I am so sorry that you see it that way April. But, I understand. That's it. I'd give John a blow job myself to avoid this for you. However, he is very straight. So, that's it."

They walked silently on. John lived in a giant apartment building. The hallway of the third floor was suffocating with standing air, a moldy carpet, and dim lighting. Every door was a non-descript brown metal door with its own signs of scratches and marks. Steven rang the door bell. Then, he stepped back.

The police officer John stood in the door. He wore a luxurious shirt with a shine and too much Calvin Klein perfume. He held a tumbler with ice and a drink in his hand. He looked like he had dressed up in his finest. The apartment behind him showed a welcome relief from the hallway. A well decorated room with wooden furniture and leather couch opened up behind John's shoulders.

With a bright smile and a cordial hand gestures, John invited April in. April paused for a moment. Then, she put her index finger tip on the side of her mouth. She pretended to be thinking. Then, she looked devilishly for a moment and strutted into the apartment, as if she had pretended to be bad and walk into a candy store and eat all the hard candy that she would get.

She headed straight for a low side table like a shark. She bent over at her waist to show her assets. She looked the architecture coffee table book, while waiting for John to look at her ass.

"April, I don't want to offend you. You don't have to act like a hooker. What really turned me on about you was seeing a helpless and scared young woman. Let's get comfortable. Have a seat on the couch. What would you like to drink?"

She paused confused and off script for a moment. Then, she figured that sitting on the couch was an easy enough thing to do. She sunk into the leather that was cool and smooth around her. She had her knees together, because she was wearing a skirt. John was in the kitchen getting her an apple juice. The room had a large and deep bookshelf with many thick books in old covers. Plants were near the window. A metal pipe ran along the ceiling for a sprinkler system.

John appeared in the kitchen door way. He held both drinks in his hand. His pants were draped in slacks with a material that softly fell down. A sharp crease in the pants showed that he cared well for his clothes. With a wood coaster underneath the orange juice glass, he slid both toward her on a low table: "That's fresh apple juice. I made it in the morning from whole organic apples. You should taste the difference to store bought crap easily."

The apple juice had a deeper flavor and more solids were floating around in the juice than the store bought variety.

"Helga is one of those people, who really believe their work. The trouble is that all those procedures don't make a difference. Contrary, Helga has put more street kids in prison than any other social worker by following the rules. Other social workers often don't care for the kids and let a lot slide. That leeway often gives the kids a chance to get out of the street. However, Helga, ts, she is on a crusade."
