Taken to Elsewhere

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Blake is forced to leave his old life behind.
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Blake went down the stairs and out the door to his apartment. It had been a long day, and he wanted a drink. The problem was there was not anything to drink, and it was too far to walk to the grocery store. A walk to the gas station would have to do. With a pocket full of change, he set out into the early night, turning left once he left his yard to follow the street to the gas station as he had done many times before. The night air was cool with a slight breeze. The night had fallen leaving only the street lamps as the only illumination as he went along. Everything was nice and quiet.

He was about halfway down the hill when a car came up beside him. Blake stopped as the window rolled down. he could hear a soft humming coming from somewhere in the car.

A gentle feminine voice called from within the car. "Hi dear. Are you walking to the gas station? I am going there too. Would you like a ride?"

Blake's first thought was to refuse since he couldn't really see who it was in the dark.

"Um, I'm fine. Thanks, though." He smiled though he doubted they could see and began walking again. The car slowly rolled along side and the woman called out to him again. "You sure? I don't mind."

Blake wrestled with it in his mind. He didn't want to be rude, but it was also a stranger as far as he could tell. But then again it was just to the gas station. "Okay. Sure," he said finally.

"Hop in back," said the woman. Blake did and settled into the seat and closed the door. The back seats were nice, very soft. Maybe leather? He couldn't tell in the darkness.

"Buckle up!" came the female's voice from the front. He didn't mind. Their car their rules, he reasoned. He heard the windows roll up.

"Okay," he said softly, pulling the belt over his front and clicking it in securely. He expected that was what she was waiting for but the car stayed still. Again he heard the humming but this time, it was louder, closer.

"Good boy," said another voice. This voice was a woman too. His eyes widened. Who was in the back with him?

"Huh? Who are you?" he turned toward the voice. A shiver of unease ran through him.

Before he could say more, he felt a body climb over his. he felt rubber hands grab his head and forced his mouth onto something warm, soft. He moaned and struggled but the weight of them and the seat belt made it difficult.

"Shh! It's alright baby. Suck my nipple in your mouth now. Relax. All will be alright." whispered another feminine voice in his ear. He felt the car move as his hand fumbled for the door handle but found there was none. He tasted something sweet on his tongue and realized the something in his mouth was lactating. He squirmed but could not get away. He felt the woman's hands unzipping his pants as he was forced to sit and suck.

"That's right you love to suck my breasts. They make you feel happy and relaxed, and they taste so sweet. Don't worry baby it will just make you sleepy. Just keep sucking. Everything will be fine baby." the woman reassured him. She hummed between speaking to him and holding him to her chest.

Blake moaned as he was forced to suck her nipple. He was beginning to feel dizzy. Had she drugged him? He squirmed more but it amounted to nothing due to the strap of the seat belt. He tried to push her away but his arms felt weak. His zipper opened and he felt a latex hand reach in and pull his cock out. He moaned feeling her stroke him.

"MmmpH...mmmph,"he protested into the woman's breast. The car was still moving. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw them passing the gas station.

"Shh... shh... baby. Just suck. Relax. My breast makes you so sleepy. Don't worry I won't hurt you. Just gonna fuck you till you go to sleep. When you wake you'll be in your new home." the voice whispered then hummed in his ear. the humming kept distracting him and pulling him into a relaxed feeling. he didn't know why. Was it because of what she was making him drink?

He could only moan around her nipple as he began to feel drowsy, weak, and surprisingly aroused. His lips sucked as he listened to her sing-song voice in his ear. His body became warmer with each press of her body to his. He let out a low moan muffled into her chest when she took his cock inside her and her hips began rolling back and forth. His struggles soon ceased as she kept fucking him. The drug was really affecting him as his eyelids felt heavier and heavier.

"That's it. Suck my nipple like a good baby. Let me fuck you to sleep. You like being fucked to sleep don't you, baby?" the woman continued to speak in a sing-song voice while she rode his stiffening member. She cried out and he felt her muscles contract around him, "Oooh yes more!!"

His mind was fogging over. He could not think. He could not resist. She felt so good riding him. His cock ached inside her. His body felt so tired and heavy. His arms lay limp at his sides as he continued to suckle her breast and take in more of the sedative. His eyes were nearly closed but he could vaguely still hear her in his ear.

"That's right. Just drift and sleep. Sleep and cum inside me baby. Good boy. Suck and sleep. That's all you need to do. Suck and close your eyes. Sleep and cum for me," she cooed in his ear as she began rocking faster, more urgently.

Blake felt her pussy milking his hardening cock. The drug was both making him very aroused and horny and helpless. His cock tingled with every contraction of her wet core. He moaned though all that came out was a soft sound as he came into her. His seed filling her womb. His eyes closed shortly after. The world went black as he sank into a deep slumber.

While he slept he kept hearing soft humming in his dreams.

Blake woke suddenly. His eyes looked around expecting to be in the car still, but to his bewilderment, he found he was lying in a bed.

"Where am I?" he wondered out loud.

"Welcome to the island," a female voice answered him back.

Blake nearly jumped off the bed in surprise. His eyes searched frantically settling on the girl in the corner. She had a warm smile on her face. She was wearing a black and white maid's dress uniform.

"Who are you?" he asked startled. Had she been there the whole time watching him?

"I am Michaela. I have been charged with seeing to you getting adjusted to your new home and duties here," she said rather cheerfully.

"My new home...duties??"He repeated confused. He looked up at her not sure he believed what he heard. His eyes widened as realization dawned on him.

A harrowing thought dawned on him. He had been abducted....

Michaela ignored his stunned expression and questions. She was used to that reaction. She hummed to herself as she busily straightened the room. The humming had an immediate effect on him. For some strange reason, he began to calm down and get aroused at the same time. As he watched her his cock twitched and began to lift when he realized her entire outfit was made of latex, even the gloves she wore to dust.

She straightened and tilted her head as if she were listening to something. The strange hypnotic humming she had been doing ceased, but the effect lingered. Michaela turned to him and said, "It's time. Come with me." He blinked once and his body obeyed without him commanding it. It was like someone else was in control of his limbs. Somewhere in the back of his brain, he knew he should be panicking, but he wasn't. There was a strange calm that infused his limbs.

Blake's eyes followed the swaying hips of the maid while his body moved where she directed him. His eyes tracking their movement... back and forth...back and forth... as she began to hum again. He didn't notice any of his surroundings as they walked. So entranced was he that he didn't even realize he was naked as they walked through the halls of this strange house. His eyes could only watch the swaying of her hips encased in black latex. He felt his cock stir once more.

When Michaela reached their destination she opened a door to a bathroom that was bigger than most people's living rooms. There was a huge sunken tub that must have been at least as 10 feet in diameter in the center of the room. There were shower heads in the back of the room along the tiled wall at all levels. He blinked. Where those restraints attached to the walls?

Michaela patted his bum and he started out of his thoughts, but could not move. His body still being controlled by someone... something else.

She ordered in her chipper efficient manner, "Into the tub you go."

Without thought, he stepped down the three steps into the tub. The water was warm and wonderful over his skin. It felt soft and was scented faintly with soft flowers and something more earthy, muskier, but he couldn't place the scent. As he inhaled the enticing fragrance he felt his mind start to slip away again. He tried to fight it, but a voice floated through his mind.

"Relax, baby. Relax. It's just a bath. No one will hurt you. We promise. We'll protect you. Relax and let us bathe you." the voice said.

We? Us? Who was that, he wondered?

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he tried to fight, but the more he did, the more the fragrance overpowered his will.

As Blake gave into the scent and the voices he stood in the center of the warm tub. He could feel something moving in the water, but the voice kept telling him he was safe. They would protect him. Keep him safe.

The movement came closer to him and rubbed softly along his feet and legs. There was something...some THINGS in the water stroking his feet and legs. They slid around him, soft, sensuously. He realized with a calm acceptance that was not like him that what he was feeling were tendrils of some sort. They began to slide over and around his legs, climbing up his thighs. They caressed and teased, each stroke feeling velvety soft and cool in the warm water.

In his mind, he heard, "Good boy. Stay still and we will bathe you."

The tendrils climbed up his body wrapping around him, caressing every part of his skin. Their velvet caresses cleansing him. Beyond his will, he felt himself go hard at the touch.

"Ooohhhh, good boy. " The voices in his head said. "We so love a hard cock." As the voices spoke a tendril curled around his erection and began stroking him, while another gently toyed with his balls. Blake moaned softly. His eyes fluttering shut at the pleasure.

More tendrils began to caress him. They glided over his arms pulling his arms up over his head. More still wrapped around his torso, teasing at his nipples. They even felt like they were sucking gently on them. he moaned louder.

"Yes, good boy. Relax. Let us bathe you properly." the voice told him.

With those words, he felt lifted gently by the tendrils. He was immobilized by them and by the voices in his head. As the tendrils continued their velvet caressing, he felt something engulf the tip of his cock and begin to softly suck. He body jerked at the soft pleasure, but he was held tightly in place.

"Ohh! Our sweet baby likes to have a mouth on his cock. Our mistress will enjoy that." The sucking continued with its soft pleasure. Never increasing, but never ceasing.

Just as Blake thought he could take no more of the sweet torture he heard the voices croon, "Oh we must make sure he is squeaky clean everywhere for our mistress. She does so hate a dirty boy."

The voices laughed softly at that, but as they did Blake felt two tendrils simultaneously enter his body slowly and torturously. One pushed into his ass filling him completely while the other took over his mouth. As he lay their body twitching with pleasure the tendrils began to "clean" in earnest. They sucked and glided in unison. In and out...in and out....in and out.

Blake's moans of pleasure were continuous. His body craved release. He needed to cum so badly, but the tendrils would not allow it. Every time he reached the brink, they would stop or tighten or pull away just enough to let him calm down then they would start all over again. They filled him everywhere, teasing, touching, fucking him.

"Ooohhh," they cooed. "He is such a sweet one. The mistress was right to take this one. He will please her greatly."

His "bath" seemed to go on for hours, but perhaps it was only minutes. Blake could not tell and really didn't care. The tendrils felt so good. He never wanted them to stop. As if hearing his thoughts the tendrils ceased moving. They didn't withdraw, but they didn't move either. He whimpered trying to move to feel the velvety caresses again, but they held him still as did that strange lethargy controlling him.

In his mind, Blake begged. "Please, don't stop. Please keep going. Please.... I'll do anything." As if that were the cue the tendrils began to move again, began to take him up once. He moaned in relief and in pleasure. This happened several times more. Each time the tendrils stopped blake begged harder for them to continue. The voices no longer spoke in his mind. He just knew that begging was what was required to receive the pleasure.

As softly as the tendrils had mated with his body they began to withdraw. Blake whimpered. He begged. He pleaded. He promised, but nothing stopped the withdrawal this time. All withdrew except for four. Those four wrapped around his arms and legs and forced him to stand spread eagle. He whimpered feeling so exposed and now alone without the pleasure of the tendrils.

The voices returned, "Shhh, sweet boy...shhhh. You are safe. You are not alone. We are here. We will protect you." His mouth closed on its own and all he could do was whimper with need and want. Then he heard the humming again. His eyes followed the music back to Michaela who stepped barefooted into the tub and began to dry him off as the water slowly drained from the tub.

The song she hummed immediately began to work its magic on him and he calmed mentally and emotionally, but his body still thrummed with need. His erection twitching with each accidental brush of her skin or the towel. He tried desperately to grind his hips against her, but his body would not listen to his commands. He whimpered again and moaned.

The humming grew louder and the voices spoke one last time. "Rest, sweet boy. Rest. We are here to protect you until she comes." With those words, he felt his mind slip away and his body relax, held only by the four tendrils.

As he took his rest he felt small soft hands on his cock that remained rock hard even in his relaxed state. Then he felt his cock encased in something. After that felt nothing more as he dropped deeply into a safe warm restful place in his mind.

He awoke finding himself alone and lying on a soft fluffy comforter atop a white mattress. His mouth felt really dry, like a desert. Swallowing a few times, he blinked to get his eyes to focus and realized he was not in the tub anymore. In fact, he was in a different room. His skin tingled as a warm breeze blew across his him. It was then he came to notice moonlight shining down through the open window.

Had he been out that long?

Blake rubbed his head and tried to take stock of his situation. He sat up and heard something rubbery stretch and squeak. His eyes searched around him for the source of the sound. In the dim light of the moon, he could see something shiny below his waist. Slowly, curiously, he reached out and touched it. It was latex and they came down around his thighs like boxers but tighter. His eyes widened. He was wearing rubber underwear! Who had put these on him?

He tugged on the underwear but found that they were so snug and tight around his thighs that they would not come off. He quivered feeling the rubber rubbing against his skin. He sighed, leaving the rubber undergarment alone, and stood up. He felt the cold stone floor under his bare feet that sent a chill through him despite the warm temperature of the room.

Where the hell was he?

Blake looked around the room trying to get a bearing on where he might be. He remembered the tub and Michaela but nothing else. He didn't remember coming in here or how he got on the mattress. Had he been carried? His eyes scanned the bare white walls that made up the room. There was a wooden door a crystalline knob on the far wall.

Blake went to the door and tried to turn the knob but the door refused to open. He then tried to pull instead of pushing the door but it still did not open. What kind of strange lock did these people have? He sighed and was just about to give up and go sit down when his eyes settled on the open window. The window, yes! His heart raced with the prospect of freedom and he nearly lunged at it as he went to it.

It was a simple window with clear glass panels and white painted trim. It looked big enough for him to climb through if he was careful about it. He looked out feeling the warm breeze blow into his face and saw a pale moon glowing in the night sky. Carefully, he stuck his head out the window and looked around. He heard nothing save the wind and the soft rushing of water nearby somewhere. He inhaled a breath of fresh air into his lungs. The air smelt sweet. It was warm and invigorating.

Blake got his arm out the window and braced a hand on the outside sill. He had to maneuver himself a bit to get a leg through the opening but managed it. It was easier than it looked in the movies, he thought. All he had to do to get out was to figure out where he was and go home. It was as simple as that. He took a few more breaths then put weight on his leading foot to jump out the window.

"I wouldn't do that. The drop is awfully long," spoke a familiar, cheerful tone.

Panic shot through him like a bullet and he froze. He had not bothered to look down because well everyone said looking down was bad. His eyes drifted down hesitantly. He saw three more windows just like the one he was crouched in below him than nothing... just darkness. How far up was he? His whole body tensed with fear, paralyzing him there, half hanging out of the window. Blake heard a soft giggle from behind him,

"Poor boy, are you stuck? Here let me help," Michaela said in her familiar happy tone.

White latex fingers gently wrapped around his ankle and pulled his leg back inside to the floor. Then both arms, covered in long latex sleeves wrapped around his waist and pulled the rest of him back in. He felt a hand gently rub his back in a reassuring manner. Her shoulder brushed his as she came around beside him and began to slowly shut the window.

"Wait. Please...don't," he pleaded.

"Don't what?" she asked as she shut and locked the window. She turned and smiled at him with warm, soft blue eyes.

"Don't shut it. Please. I just want to go home." Blake begged. Despair filled his eyes as she shut the window. "I don't belong here."

Michaela smiled warmly at him and brushed her long blond ponytail off her shoulder with a gloved hand. She took a step closer and took his hand in hers. Her hand felt small compared to his but the rubber made it smooth and soft, somehow comforting.

"Poor boy, I know you are scared. They always get scared when they first come here," she explained, her eyes full of care and sympathy. Her other hand cupped his cheek and held his face still a moment while she looked into his eyes. Blake let out a slow exhale, and his mind began to drift a little at her touch. He shook his head to refocus. Michaela just stared at him with that same warm understanding smile then let go of his cheek.

"Don't worry. Once Mistress sees you and explains everything, you won't be scared anymore," she said matter of factly.

Mistress? What was that and who were they? Were they responsible for kidnapping him?

Michaela gently tugged his arm towards the now open door, breaking him from his thoughts. Seeing the door was open, his consciousness in the back of his mind screamed for him to run, but he found he couldn't. All he could do was walk behind Michaela as she led him towards the door.