The Amazing Dr. Rossi


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"No," Dr. Rossi replied. "Stimulata acts as a precursor to set the necessary conditions prior to ejaculation."

"Those conditions being manual stimulation of the prostate."

"That is correct."

Dr. Rossi turned her back on the class and rested her finger on a large drawing of the male reproductive system. "In normal males, ejaculation occurs in two stages, the emission stage and the expulsion stage. The emission stage involves the workings of several structures of the ejaculatory duct; contractions of the prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, and the vas deferens which push fluids into the bulbourethral glands. The semen is trapped here and it is at this point that males perceive to be the point of no return for orgasm. During the expulsion stage, the muscles at the base of the penis contract in order to propel the seminal fluid trapped in the bulbourethral glands through the urethra and expel it through the tip of the penis. The ejaculate is expelled in spurts, due to the movement of the muscles propelling it. These muscle contractions are related to the sensations of orgasm for the male. However, in males with ejaculatory dysfunction, the seminal fluids never leave the bulbourethral glands. They remain trapped there. Stimulata acts to force the bulbourethral glands to produce a large amount of fluid into the urethra before the ejaculate is expelled. This is not alkaline prostatic fluid but a clear fluid that aids in lubricating the urethra prior to ejaculation. It is insufficient quantities of this clear fluid that inhibits ejaculation in males with this type of dysfunction and what Stimulata works to correct."

"And vibrant stimulation of the prostate is a necessary co-factor?"

"Yes, but it entails a specific technique that must be taught."

"That's all well and good, doctor," said one of the nursing students, a cute girl with jet-black hair. "But your method requires two people to achieve results; one to work the prostate and the other to stimulate the penis. I don't know about you, but I don't think many women are going to tolerate another female in their bedrooms."

Dr. Rossi laughed. "Ideally two people would be best. But the man can perform his own masturbation while his partner stimulates his prostate."

"I don't know," another medical student said. "The idea of having a ménage à trios sounds pretty good to me!"

Her comment caused the class to break into fits of laughter.

"I would think the guy is getting the better end of that deal!" another girl quipped.

The doctor waited for the room to quiet down and then resumed. "The point is this. Male ejaculatory dysfunction can be cured. It may take several applications but eventually the prostate can be trained, so to speak, to produce enough clear fluid to provide men with a satisfying ejaculation by simply masturbating."

"I can't wait to see a demonstration of your technique," Dr. Paget said, beaming at her colleague.

"I'm ready any time you are, doctor."

Lab 101 looked more like an oversized conference room than a traditional medical laboratory. It was designed specifically for large groups of medical professionals to observe medical procedures of all types in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. In place of the default conference table, there was an adjustable metal table elevated approximately four feet high, which stood in the middle of the room surrounded by esoteric medical equipment and high-intensity lighting fixtures. The observation platform consisted of a circular ring of seats that rose up gradually, allowing people in the rows behind an unimpeded view of the proceedings. If it weren't for the medical gadgetry, one would think one was sitting in an elegantly designed living room.

Dr. Paget led Dr. Rossi, Mary Kate, Ashley, and the fifty or so laughing and giggling students into the lab, telling them to occupy the first two rows of seats. Once the class and the visitors were seated, Dr. Paget turned to Dr. Rossi.

"The floor is yours doctor."

"Thank you," Dr. Rossi replied, getting up from her seat.

"Would you like a lab coat?"

"I don't think I'll need one."

It was not often that Dr. Rossi had a chance to demonstrate her technique first-hand, and when she did she preferred to do away with the lab coat because it sometimes instilled anxiety and fear in her patients. In choosing to wear a smart, gray business suit with a low cut blouse that accentuated her large and shapely breasts, she realized that it would do far more to help a man relax and remain sexually aroused than if she wore the dreaded white coat.

"Now for the purposes of this demonstration we are going to need a volunteer," Dr. Paget said to the students.

So impatient were the girls to take part in the novel program that almost every hand was raised simultaneously.

Dr. Paget quickly scanned the entire group, her eyes resting at last on the inquisitive eighteen-year-old nurse with the jet-black hair.

"Amy," the doctor said. "Come up here please."

Amy was all smiles as she walked toward the center of the room where the two doctors stood side by side.

"Dr. Rossi," Dr. Paget began. "Before we bring in the subject, would you please explain to Amy what you are going to do?"

"Of course. Amy, what I will show you is how to manually stimulate the prostate gland in order to effect ejaculation. The technique must be performed in a specific way otherwise the results will be unsatisfactory. Now let's put on our gloves and get our hands lubed up."

As Amy and Dr. Rossi were putting on their gloves a nurse approached Dr. Paget and informed her that the male subject for the demonstration had taken ill and was no longer available.

"I can't believe this!" Dr. Paget complained. "He was fine earlier this morning when I called him."

"I think he may have gotten cold feet, doctor," the nurse said.

"Well this is just terrible. Where are we going to find a man with ejaculatory dysfunction at this hour?" She looked at her colleague. "Dr. Rossi?"

"I'm sorry Helen. Not at this short notice."

Mary Kate and Ashley suddenly rose from their seats and approached Dr. Paget.

"I think you should know that your chief of staff has ejaculatory dysfunction," Mary Kate stated bluntly.

The doctor looked stunned. "How in the world would you know that?"

"I know because I dated the man several years ago."

Dr. Paget stared blankly at Mary Kate and then at Ashley. "Adam Prescott, our chief of staff? You dated him?"

"For a few months, yes."

"And you're certain he has ejaculatory dysfunction?"

Mary Kate nodded. "I can tell you first hand. He even admitted it to me."

Dr. Paget's eyes widened. "He admitted it to you?"

"Yes. But after the third try I kind of figured it out for myself. I thought I was doing something wrong or that maybe he just wasn't that turned on to me. But it was his problem all along."

"This is news to me. I always got the impression that he was quite the ladies' man."

"Oh, he is. The only trouble is he can't deliver on his promises. If you know what I mean."

Dr. Paget shook her head. "And how exactly is this information going to help us?"

"Is Dr. Prescott here now?" Mary Kate asked the nurse.

"I believe he's in his office," she replied.

"Tell him Mary Kate Olsen is here to see him. He'll come."

"This is absurd!" Dr. Paget said to Mary Kate. "Do you think the chief of staff is going to willingly offer his body for the purpose of this demonstration?"

"No, I don't," Mary Kate said flatly. "I'll have to persuade him."

"And how in heaven's name are you going to do that? I know Adam Prescott. He's the kind of man who likes to be in control. Do you really think you're going to convince him to strip off his clothes and calmly lie on the exam table while Dr. Rossi performs her treatment in front of us and fifty other young women? You must be out of your mind, Mary Kate."

"You should never underestimate my sister, doctor," Ashley said to Dr. Paget. "If she says she can persuade him, you should believe her."

The doctor laughed scornfully. "Forgive me but this idea of yours is completely preposterous. Even if Dr. Prescott were inclined to undergo treatment, he's got too much damn pride to ask for help. And he certainly wouldn't compromise his position as chief of staff by allowing himself to be the subject of such a prurient experiment. I suggest we cancel the demonstration until a suitable candidate can be found." She turned to Dr. Rossi. "What do you think, Allison?"

"I think we should at least give Mary Kate's suggestion a shot. If Dr. Prescott is really having ejaculatory problems we'd be doing him a huge favor by helping him."

"And what if he doesn't want to be helped?"

"I think we should let him make that decision."

For a few moments the two women stared at each other, having reached an impasse. It was Ashley who broke the silence.

"Tell your nurse to go and fetch Dr. Prescott," she said to Dr. Paget. "Please."

Reluctantly, Dr. Paget gave the nurse the order to find the doctor.

About five minutes later Dr. Prescott was led into the room by the nurse. As soon as he walked in through the door he immediately began searching for his former lover.

"Mary Kate!" he shouted. "Are you here?"

"Right here, Adam!" she replied, moving to greet him.

He was a tall, good-looking man of thirty-eight, with huge blue eyes and dark brown hair only now beginning to show the first signs of gray around the temples. Upon seeing her he smiled warmly and threw his arms around her.

"This is a most pleasant surprise! I'm so glad to see you! How are you?"

"I'm fine," she replied, returning his hug.

He then took Ashley in his arms and hugged her too. "God, you two always look so beautiful. What brings you to Columbia?"

The doctor had been so excited to hear that Mary Kate was at the hospital that he ignored the nurse when she informed him that Dr. Rossi was also in attendance. When Mary Kate told him that the famous doctor was standing not more than six feet away from him he suddenly assumed a more professional manner and extended his hand to her.

"Forgive me, Dr. Rossi," he said shaking her hand vigorously. "No one told me you were here."

The nurse looked at him with displeasure. "I did tell you, doctor."

"Did you?"

"Yes, I did, sir, but you didn't hear me."

"That's all right, Dr. Prescott," Dr. Rossi said. "I'm pleased to meet you."

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Helen?" he asked Dr. Paget.

"I did tell you a few days ago but I guess you forgot."

"I can't imagine forgetting something as important as this," he replied good-naturedly. "In any case, it is wonderful to meet you Dr. Rossi."

Unknown to anyone but Mary Kate and Ashley, Dr. Prescott was being manipulated by his former lover into doing something he would never have imagined was possible for a man of his station. Even while he was occupied in conversation with Mary Kate and the other two doctors, Ashley was putting a plan into motion that would require the help of the students themselves. The fact that the girls were more than willing to comply made it all the easier."Adam," Mary Kate said, playing up to him in her coy style. "I told the doctors about your problem."

"What problem?" he replied looking mystified. "What are you talking about?"

"Please Adam. Don't pretend. You know you have a problem ejaculating."

"What?" he cried. "Are you serious Mary Kate?"

"You can't hide the truth forever. You either have to face it and do something about it or live with your problem for the rest of your life. Is that what you want?"

The doctor was clearly taken aback by her audacity. The boldness of her speech, and her direct, blatant approach left him feeling betrayed. For a man used to following strict protocol, not only in his professional career but as a schematic for his own personal life, he was simply out of his league against the intractable, indomitable, determined twin.

"This is no place to discuss such matters," he finally answered. "You're way out of line, Mary Kate."

"Am I also out of line to mention that you have been expropriating hospital funds?"

"What are you talking about?" he said angrily. "Have you lost your mind entirely?"

"My mind is functioning perfectly well, thank you," she replied calmly as she stole a glance at her sister.

With that one look Ashley knew immediately what had to be done. She silently indicated to two of the girls to go and lock the door leading into the lab while the rest were instructed to get up and form a circle around Mary Kate and the three doctors. Dr. Prescott was so involved in his heated exchange with Mary Kate that he did not realize he was surrounded by the students until they were almost upon him.

"What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, taking notice of the girls for the first time.

"Never mind about them, Alex," Dr. Paget said. "Is what Mary Kate said true?"

"I'd like to know myself," Dr. Rossi said to Mary Kate. "That's a very serious accusation."

"Of course it's not true!" Dr. Prescott cried. "I have never stolen anything from this hospital." He turned to Helen. "You should know that."

"There is no way she could know," Mary Kate said. "I didn't even find out until last night. When Dr. Rossi told me we would be paying you a visit I remembered something you told me a long time ago when we were dating. You said that if you played your cards right the university would make you a wealthy man. You said that your doctor's salary wasn't enough for the things you wanted in life and that you had to do something about it. Well, that stuck in my mind all this time. So I did some investigating into your background and I found some interesting things about you. I found out that you've been gambling with stockholder's money and depositing your winnings into offshore accounts to the tune of thirteen million dollars."

"This is outrageous! Dr. Prescott exclaimed. "How dare you accuse me of being a thief?"

"Oh, it's not just me," she replied, still managing to maintain her composure. "Other people within the university have suspected you for a long time, but they had no hard evidence to go on. That is, until now."

"What do you mean until now?"

"With the help of a friend I traced the path of the money and it led straight to you. I have enough information on you to take this to the police."

"You don't believe this crap, Helen, do you?" Dr. Prescott said to Dr. Paget.

"I'm afraid I do," she replied. "I was one of those people who suspected you of embezzling university funds but I could never prove it. I'm the one who helped Mary Kate get to the truth."

"Is all this true, Dr. Prescott?" Dr. Rossi asked. "Did you steal the money?"

Before he could answer Mary Kate slipped a piece of paper in his hands. He looked it over, drew a deep breath and sighed heavily. It was a printout of his bank account in Geneva, Switzerland displaying all the transactions made over several years. It clearly showed that Mary Kate was telling the truth. "Where did you get this?" he asked, crestfallen.

"I have my sources," she replied. "After all, I am a billionaire. Remember?"

Dr. Prescott hung his head down and swore under his breath. The evidence of his treachery was beyond reproach. The Olsen girl had found him out.

"So it's all true then, isn't it Alex?" Dr. Paget said dourly. "You're a swindler."

The doctor drew his head up slowly and met his colleague's gaze. "I guess I am," he said sullenly. "I suppose you're going to report me to the authorities?"

"Of course," Dr. Paget said. "What you did was wrong and you must be punished for it."

"It just wasn't enough, Helen. Not enough for the things I wanted...needed, even. Surely you must understand."

Dr. Paget looked at him with disgust. "A yearly salary of just over a million dollars was not enough for you? Oh, I understand all right. I understand that the money you stole had a direct impact upon our enrollment last year. I understand that all these girls you see hovering around you are not very happy that you cut back some of their programs so that you could pocket the difference. Am I right girls?"

The students shouted their disapproval and some even pushed Dr. Prescott, calling him vile names.

"You see. They don't think much of what you did, and neither do we."

"This is unconscionable, Dr. Prescott," Dr. Rossi said. "Thank God that Ashley and Mary Kate were on the scene. Otherwise we would have never known about you."

"I didn't mean to hurt anybody," he said feebly as more hands reached out to manhandle him. "It's just that I can't help myself. I want the good things in life, just like everyone else."

"We all want the good things in life, Adam," Mary Kate said. "But we don't acquire those things at other people's expense."

"Get the son of a bitch on the exam table!" Dr. Paget said to the students. "He's all yours, Dr. Rossi."

A multitude of hands reached out for the startled man, who had not the slightest chance or warding them off. Kicking and screaming he was dragged to the exam table, laid down on his back, and secured with leather straps. Dr. Paget then ordered the girls to strip him naked. When his protests became too much for them to bear, they silenced him by putting surgical tape over his mouth.

"You really don't deserve to be helped," Dr. Paget said to him, "but maybe you can provide the rest of us with a little entertainment."

Dr. Rossi wasted no time in preparing her syringe. She was going to inject the Stimulata drug directly into his testes, thereby increasing its effectiveness exponentially.

"How much are you giving him?" Dr. Paget asked.

"I think 200 cc's should do the trick."

"That's a pretty big shot."

"The drug is non-toxic. His body will assimilate what it can and the rest will pass harmlessly through the urinary tract."

When Dr. Prescott saw the syringe come close to his testicles he struggled vehemently.

"Now behave yourself, Adam," Mary Kate said. "We're only doing this to help you. And then we'll turn you over to the police."

The students were ecstatic. They crowded around the exam table making fun of his small, flaccid cock and derided him for his selfishness and arrogance. More than anything they wanted to witness first-hand Dr. Rossi's famous technique.

"His dick is so small," one girl noted, flicking his prick up with her finger. "No wonder he can't get off."

"The size of his penis has nothing to do with it," Dr. Rossi said, correcting her. "The problem lies in the bulbourethral glands, or weren't you paying attention in class?"

"Her mind is always on penises, doctor," another girl said. "Not on bulbourethral glands."

"I think about penises quite often myself," the doctor replied candidly. "But I never let it interfere with my studies."

With the shot administered they only had to wait a few minutes for the drug to take effect. When it did, Dr. Prescott's once flaccid penis began to take on entirely new dimensions.

"It's growing right before our eyes!" Amy exclaimed. "Look! Look!"

Without any manual aid whatsoever, the doctor's modest penis began to expand in both height and girth. It snaked and curled its way upward, rising above his stomach like a cobra preparing to strike.

"A side effect, doctor?" Dr. Paget asked Dr. Rossi.

"It surprised me too at first. But the drug does seem to act as a stimulant to both the penile muscles and the testicles as well."

Within the short span of two minutes Dr. Prescott's cock grew to over three times its normal length, effectively placing him in the twelve-inch range. His scrotum also underwent a major modification, the twin orbs now resembling two oversized plums. Everyone marveled at the change.

"Please explain to the students what is actually transpiring at this moment, Dr. Rossi," Dr. Paget said.
