The Family Comes First


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"Yes sir, boss man," grinned Josie happily, happy to have plenty to do. "Are we still going to the site here in the afternoon?"

"Yes, most certainly we are. I shall make a point of leaving you alone with Jack at some point. It will give him a chance to apologise to you and to unreservedly accept your authority over him. How's that?"

"Thanks again boss. I hope he accepts me; I do like him and it would be a pity if you had to take me off the site."

"He'll go before you do, never fear," said John determinedly. "I don't want to have to talk to Matthew Dobson about him. He'll get fired. Now, let's get down to a little study of what we have so far. I'm expecting a more detailed spec. from Manworth before the end of this week."

John kissed Josie on the cheek and they sat down happily together.

In another part of the building June was in deep discussion with Wally Jones, her new boss. Wally was a big cheerful man with lots of experience in all sorts of fields. He was married with five children and a sixth on the way. Wally's problem was that he couldn't stick at one thing for too long; his interest seemed to wane after a while and he started looking for another job to exercise his mind and enthusiasm.

Frank and John had known this when they employed him and they were now giving him an assistant in possible preparation for when he packed his bags for a new challenge. He had never seemed to have trouble landing another job; his experience and enthusiasm always carried him through.

June, of course, had not been told any of this. It was much too soon to think of her as a definite replacement for Wally. She had caught both Frank and Wally's enthusiasm though and was drinking in all the information that she was being given.

Frank was on the phone to John about June.

"I think your sister's a winner if first impressions are anything to go by," said Frank. "I liked her a lot and I know Milly did too. You know what Milly is like; she doesn't hide her feelings about people. What are you on with today John?"

"Josie and I were just having a preliminary discussion about this new sports complex that Manworth Council wants to build," replied John as he stroked Josie's smooth firm buttocks encased in her tight business skirt. "We are going to do a preliminary inspection of the site in the morning."

"Good. Good," said Frank. "Don't forget the present job though, will you? Got to get this one right and then our name is really made, don't you think?"

"I'm going over there this afternoon and then Josie and I will be there tomorrow afternoon on our way back from Manworth. We'll oversee it like a hawk after a rabbit. I'll report to you at the partners meeting on Friday, OK?"

"Fine. Fine," said Frank, repeating himself as he often did. "I think I've landed that house design job for Andrew Williams and I've had tentative enquiries for another two. Tell you about them on Friday. Bye now!"

John said goodbye, smacked Josie's bum in a gentle friendly fashion and told her to be on her way. She pecked him on the lips and left, meeting Harriet entering at the doorway.

"That's great timing Harriet," said John. "Got your book? Good, sit down and we'll soon be finished."

Harriet sat. John was old fashioned when it came to secretaries; he liked to dictate and although he had a machine he hated them. He was lucky to have Harriet, many secretaries having given up on shorthand.

As he dictated John looked at his secretary. Harriet was thirty-three with a somewhat old fashioned look about her. She was unmarried with a partner of five years standing, living together in a nice house on the edge of town. Her partner was a lawyer. Harriet was herself very attractive with a figure to die for attached to her five feet seven inches frame. Today she was wearing a charcoal grey skirt with a silk blouse over her visible white bra. Her generous breasts were almost visible as she bent over her book.

"That's all thank you Harriet. I am going to the sports complex site this afternoon to look at the progress there but I'll be back in good time to sign everything. You won't see me first thing in the morning as Josie and I are going over to Manworth to look at that possible job but I'll be back in the early afternoon. We are both going to the site after lunch. Is that all clear?"

"Yes John, that's fine." Harriet liked being left on her own to run John's office for him. "Has your sister settled in yet? She is very nice; I think she'll do well here."

"Thank you Harriet." John looked at his watch. "I think she's going to be fine. Gosh, look at the time; I promised to look in on her. She should be back upstairs now unpacking. I'll see you later."

John went upstairs to his apartment. There were sounds down the passageway leading to June's bedroom and sitting room. Good, she hadn't forgotten her key codes yet then. John quietly moved to the entrance to June's rooms.

He gulped as her looked in on her.

June was busy, bending over a big cardboard box as she searched for something. She was wearing only bra and panties! Her bra was practical but her panties were minimal. As she had her back to the door John was treated to a view of her round smooth bum cheeks with her panties being stretched down the crack to her anus and pussy. His cock twitched.

"Fantastic view," he said.

June gasped and whirled around. She saw her brother and ran to him, flinging her arms around him. They kissed long and hard, John taking the opportunity to stroke his hands all over her back and bum. June ground her damp pussy at his suit trousers, causing him to break contact.

"Hey steady on," he laughed. "What's got you all excited before I got here? I bet I know. Milly has been using her feminine wiles on you. Do you fancy her? She's reputed to be bi-sexual and I know that you are after seeing you with Noreen and Josie."

"She touched me up," giggled June. "I couldn't believe it at first; I mean, Frank's secretary and everything. She stroked her hand up my thigh as I was trying to fill in the employment application form and had just reached my pussy as I finished. I admit that I kissed her goodbye on the lips and squeezed one of her lovely titties. Can I invite her up here?"

"Yes, of course, these are your rooms. Just try and make sure that I'm not here though. I will not fuck Frank's personal assistant, much as I could fancy her!"

"I've got my medical tomorrow morning. What's Dr. Andrews like? I'm always nervous in front of medical people. I'm always afraid that they're going to tell me to do something I don't want to do, like exercise or go on a diet."

"Dr. Andrews is fine, have no fear," said John. He had now released June's breasts to his eager hands and was squeezing and kneading their voluptuous flesh, pulling on her hard teats as well. "I have to go out soon. Is there anything you need?"

"Only this," said June as she pulled down his zipper and released his cock, pulling down his trousers as she did so. She took him between both hands and watched as her brother's erection finished growing. Then she opened her mouth and sucked him deep inside her. John groaned and took her head in his hands as he began to fuck her mouth.

June took him all in and palmed his balls. John groaned loud and long as he tried to hold on. June would have none of it and slipped first one, then two fingers into her brother's arsehole. That did it; John's spunk shot up his pisshole and squirted hard in his sister's mouth.

June gulped and swallowed. She never spilt a drop. John hauled her to his feet and she kissed him with an open spunky mouth.

"Fucking Hell," gasped John. "I'm going to have to get you another man, and soon. I don't think I can stand your stamina by myself for much longer!"

June laughed. "I'm getting to be a real nympho, aren't I? I love the freedom though. I already know I'm going to love working here, the people are so friendly and helpful."

"You're already a hit with Frank, Josie and Milly," laughed John. "No fucking the men in this firm though. Leave that for the clients you fancy and of course, the guys I introduce you to!"

June giggled and led John by the hand to her bathroom where she peeled off her sodden panties and peed for him in the shower cabinet. His cock was still hanging out of his flies and she smiled as it stiffened up again as he watched her.

John kissed her again and went to change for the building site.


"So Jack," John was saying as he finished giving Jack a dressing down. "What I'm saying is that I had to fight hard to get Josie McFarlane appointed to this job. She's repaying us with enthusiasm and practical knowledge and I won't lose her now due to a site engineer who can't keep his hands to himself. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Mr Taylor, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. It's just that she always seems so cheeky and friendly that I thought it was a come-on."

"You were a bit premature, I think," replied John. "She'd already told me that she likes you. Of course, now that she knows that you're married you don't stand a chance. I'm sorry Jack; it's hands off and I mean that!"

Their conversation moved on to construction topics but Josie was not forgotten. Jack mentioned several times that her practical suggestions were saving him time and money.

"When we started this project I was sceptical about bringing the job in under budget," he said. "Now I believe that if Josie keeps coming up with suggestions like she has been we will be under budget and well in time as well."

"Great," said John, "that's good to hear. We, including you, are on a bonus if we succeed. I would like a new yacht so let's keep at it!"

They made a detailed inspection of the site and of the work in progress. John did not mention the new enquiry. If the firm got the job it might start too soon for Jack to be appointed site engineer. However, it was possible that he could do both sites if this one was sufficiently well advanced by the time the new one was to be started.

John returned to the office in good time to see Harriet and to sign his mail. He returned a few calls and made one or two. Harriet had done a good job and he had no worries.

He was beginning to think of finishing for the day when there was a tap on the door and Milly walked in with Harriet.

"Hello John," smiled Milly, fully aware of John's appreciation of her rather voluptuous body. "I've got some forms for June to sign. Can you ask her to sign them and bring them back to me before she goes for her medical in the morning."

John held out his hand to take the forms and then changed his mind.

"Milly, why don't you take the these forms up to the penthouse right now? I know she's there and is most probably fed up of unpacking by now. She'll sign the papers and you will have one less job to do tomorrow. Harriet, please take Milly up to the penthouse before you leave."

"Yes John, of course," answered Harriet.

"That's a good idea," smiled Milly mysteriously. "I've never seen the penthouse."

They left. John wondered if he should call and warn June but decided against. In less than a minute he heard Harriet return.

"In here Harriet," he called. When she didn't immediately appear he went to find her. Harriet was standing in the middle of her office. Her bosom was heaving and she had a red face, as she seemed to be trying to compose herself.

John immediately put two and two together.

"Did Milly try to grope you in the lift?" he smiled. "I'm sorry Harriet, I forgot about her urges."

"It's OK John," smiled Harriet weakly. "I know what she's like too. I I rather like it in fact but she took me by surprise this time. She, er, just, you know, took my breasts in both her hands and squeezed them!"

"And you liked it?" asked John quietly.

"Ohhhh yes, I did," whispered Harriet. "Then I've been worrying about June. What if she does it to her?"

John laughed. "Don't worry Harriet, June can take care of herself. In fact, Milly might get a nice surprise up there if June's in the mood. Now, is there anything else you need?"

"Well, er, John," said Harriet hesitantly, "you know that I'm your personal assistant and that you want me to know everything that goes on in our department?"

"Yes," said John.

"Well, I think I should say that I tried to go into your office last Friday when Josie McFarlane was in with you and I discovered that the door was locked!"

John thought quickly. Hell, Harriet is a mature woman and should know how things are between a man and a woman.

"Yes Harriet, and why did you think the door was locked?"

"It was because you were discussing something very confidential or something very personal, I think," said Harriet very quietly.

"It was both," said John, equally quietly. "You would not have wanted to see or disturb us my dear Harriet."

"That's what I thought," said Harriet in a stronger tone and with more confidence. "Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Of course," said John, wondering what Harriet might mean.

"As I said, Milly felt my breasts but it is a short ride in the lift. I I want you to feel them too. I'm, er, I'm tingling all over and I need more affection right now!" Harriet looked up at John beseechingly. "Please do it for me John, please."

John was deeply touched. He was also hard as a rock. He bent and kissed Harriet gently and put both hands on to her breasts. Harriet sighed deeply.

"What's your partner, er Jerry isn't it, going to think about this?"

"Ohhh that's nice. I'm not going to tell him, of course, but I'm going to be very sexy for him tonight. Ohhh yes, please take my blouse and bra off!"

John turned and locked Harriet's door. As he turned back to her she was already unbuttoning her blouse. He pulled it apart and slid his hands around to her back, searching for the bra catch. He unclipped it expertly and quickly captured a breast in each hand as they fell out of her cups.

Harriet's tits were beautiful. Each one more than filled a hand. There was very little sag and John hefted them lovingly, rubbing a thumb over each big hard nipple. He felt harder then ever.

Harriet's eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply, increasing the sensation in John's hands. Her hands were looking for something to hold.

"Harriet, if you would like to, only if you would like to, you can take my penis out of my pants," gasped John as he kneaded her tits harder.

Harriet dived for his crotch and neatly exposed John's cock with the minimum of fuss, unzipping him and fishing his cock out of his pants. She looked down at her prize.

"Ohhh my," she said, "what a beauty! I've never seen such a big one."

"Do what you usually do with Jerry's cock," said John. Harriet let go.

"I don't usually do anything. He gets it out or gets undressed and er, er, puts it in me," she said nervously.

"Harriet, you do know about orgasms, fellatio and cunnilingus and all the other things lovers can do, don't you?"

Harriet nodded but said, "I've read about such things but Jerry doesn't like anything like that. He's, he's very boring when it comes to sex, I suppose."

Harriet's hands were still holding tightly on to John's penis and he was still playing with her breasts. John made a decision.

"Harry my darling, let's go up to the penthouse now and talk to June. She'll tell you all about the exciting things that she likes to get up to. If you like she'll tell you how to toss a man off and how to get an orgasm with a tongue. OK? Good, I'll call her now. Just put your coat over your breasts for now."

John walked over to the phone and dialled the penthouse.

"June, has Milly gone? Good, I'm bringing Harriet up now. No, no, don't get dressed at all; just stay exactly as you are, there's a darling. I'll explain when we get there!"

In less than five minutes John was ushering Harriet into his apartment. He called out and June appeared wearing only a brief pair of red silk panties. Her generous breasts jutted before her, their nipples erect. Harriet gasped.

John took Harriet's coat and now it was June's turn to gasp as Harriet's breasts were displayed before her.

"Aren't these a pair of beauties darling?" said John. "Are they as big as Milly's tits? It's a long story and I'm going to let Harriet explain but suffice it to say that Milly groped Harry in the lift and it's left her feeling a little frustrated. She feels she won't get fucked adequately at home so I thought of you!"

June's eye's had widened during John's explanation of the situation.

"These breasts are marvellous, aren't they? They're every bit as nice as Milly's are. Come here Harriet, let's go to my room where we can rub titties and pussies and make juice."

June kissed Harriet in front of John, opening her mouth and thrusting her tongue into Harriet's mouth. After only a second or two Harriet responded and parted her lips. June winked at John and led Harriet away.

John went into his bedroom and changed. He didn't dress but put a silk dressing gown on instead. He then went to the kitchen and made himself a coffee. He carried that to the lounge and mixed himself a vodka and tonic. Finally he switched on the TV for the news. As he watched he slipped one hand under his robe and stroked his cock to a firm state. He decided that whatever happened he was going to fuck his darling sister before dinner. His cock thickened some more.

Suddenly he heard moans from down the corridor leading to June's bedroom. It didn't sound like June's voice either. He went to the corridor and called.

"Anyone want drinks?" he shouted.

After a few seconds June's voice called back. "Two gin and tonics please, ice and lemon!"

John made the drinks and put them on a tray for delivery. When he got to June's room he nearly dropped it at the sight before him.

Both women were naked on the bed. They were in a sixty-nine position with June's head towards the door. Her cunt was rammed down hard on Harriet's mouth and she had her tongue in her pussy crack. June lifted her head and smiled a cummy grin at him.

"Just right darling," she said. "Harriet has had a lovely orgasm and I've been making lots of juice for her to drink. I think a nice gin and tonic will be a nice change of taste for her now. What do you think Harriet? Gin and tonic time!"

June dismounted and Harriet's wet face appeared. June kissed her and licked some of her juice off her face. Harriet smiled nervously at John and took her drink.

"June has made me come twice," she almost whispered. "I don't think I've ever come like that before. She's shown me how to bring myself off too so I can relieve myself whenever I want to. Thank you John, I feel so much better."

"All she needs now is a big cock up her cunt," said June crudely. "How about it brother?"

"I think that when Harriet has finished her drink she should go home and see if Jerry can provide that," said John carefully as he gazed upon the naked figures of his sister and his secretary. His cock was hard now and his knob end sneaked a look at the totty on display as his robe parted a little. June and Harriet saw it instantly and looked at him with interest. John started and covered himself.

"I'm watching the news on TV", he said defensively and retreated up the passageway.

A few minutes later he and June kissed Harriet goodbye at the door. June flipped open his robe for Harriet to have a quick look as she left.

"Why wouldn't you fuck her?" said June as she sat down beside him on a sofa, her hand taking possession of his hot rock hard shaft. "She wanted you to, you know."

"Maybe," said John. "First of all she is my secretary, second she already has a man and third I want to fuck you before dinner."

"Darling brother," said June, pulling John's robe open and diving down to kiss his cock. "You can fuck me as many times as you like in as many holes as you like. I'm going to have a suck and a taste first though!"
