The Farmhand


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"All right little filly." She announced as she greased up her big veiny horse dick. "Imma 'bout to break ya in. Now yer gonna wanna just relax and let me do mah work."

Her huge cock felt like a hot poker as she rubbed her head into his rosebud. Tears trailed down Davids face as he desperately tried to imagine himself somewhere else, to send his mind far away from here to a place where Dell could never find him. He was violently pulled back to reality however as she put all her strength into a single powerful thrust. Her monstrous rod easily barged through his loosened sphincter and plunged deep inside him. All the wind was driven from his lungs and he screamed out a visceral cry that could be heard all over the farm.

Dell almost came just from listening to him scream, so sweet his suffering was to her. She was only two thirds of the way in and was about to continue her anal assault when she looked up and noticed he had fallen into unconsciousness. Not wanting him to miss any of the fun she bent over him and pulled back his head by the hair. Over and over she brought her other hand down against the side of his head, repeatedly smacking him until his eyes fluttered open again.

"No sleepin' on the job now, ya hear?" She chided him as she straightened back up and grabbed his hips.

David was dazed for a moment and looked around to see where he was. Remembering his current predicament he hung his head wailed a miserable weeping moan.

Dell dug her strong fingers into his hips and used all the power in her muscled legs to drive her pelvis forwards. Her iron cock easily overcame any resistance given by his anal muscles and forced itself all the way into his rectum. Her pelvis crashed against him with the force of an eighteen wheeler and her heavy sack swung into his like the balls of a newtons cradle. His throat was already worn raw from his shouting but he couldn't keep himself letting yet another yelp escape him.

Dell only paused to emit a satisfied sigh before kicking into high gear. Her hips and ass became a blur as she jack hammered into him. The loud crashing of her body against his echoed around the barn and out into the night. Sweat flew off of her and landed on his back from the force of each collision and David felt every bone in his body rattling from the shock waves. Her giant sack flopped back and forth in a desperate bid to keep up with the rest of her, constantly hitting his own balls with the force of a heavyweights punch; David had to fight to keep himself from vomiting. With every thrust it felt as though she got deeper and deeper, until he could have sworn her cock was poking him in his brain. Every second a new wave of pain overcame him and he began to pray that he would pass out again soon.

Yet at the same time he felt something else. Every time her pole slid in and out of him it hit a certain spot for a brief blissful moment. In that one second when his prostate was pinned between her dick and the hay bale a different kind of shiver ran through him. Like the spark from a rock striking a piece of flint. In an attempt to keep his sanity he started to focus on that spark. Gradually it became bigger and more pleasurable. Part of him was disgusted that he was beginning to enjoy being raped so violently but he tried to get rid of those thoughts. He fed them to the spark as kindling and soon a fire of sensation had started that was burning up his mind.

Davids eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue lolled out as the first small parts of him started to burn away. His dick, despite being trapped under his body against the prickly hay began to grow and soon he was almost as hard as the flesh stick that was violating him. He began to pant and moan without realizing it and his body was subtly pushing back against Dells cock.

Dell had been watching him closely for these signs and upon seeing them felt a surge of pride in her chest. Her cock had never failed to break in a new horse but she still got the same satisfaction every time. With the seeds of subservience well planted in his mind she was free to enjoy the rest of her ride. Her dick rubbed blissfully against the tight corridor of his virgin bowels, sending a quivering sensation up her spine. She run her hands up her own tight stomach and kneaded her fingers into her tits. She found the small fleshy pebbles in the center of her large areolas and pinched them hard. The added electricity from her breasts and the sounds of Davids cries of ecstasy brought her to the edge. Soon her breathing became uneven and her scrotum tightened up.

Dell emitted a bestial growl and doubled over from sensory overload as her first load of cum rocketed through her cock. Pulse after pulse of bliss washed over her as a torrent of spunk flooded into David. The initial blast was so forceful it felt to him like a powerful punch to the gut. She was plugging him so effectively that her cum could only travel further into his intestines and bubble up into his stomach. Her orgasm lasted so long that her urethra started to sting from the sheer amount of sperm that traveled through it. She actually started to wince from pain as the last of it dribbled out.

A loud wet pop punctuated her pulling her softening dick out of him at last. She stood on wobbling legs and fought to recover from what was undoubtedly the greatest climax of her life so far. When she had started breathing again she stumbled forward and leaned onto Davids motionless form for support.

"Goooood boy..." She whispered affectionately to him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

David wasn't listening though, he was lost in a far away place.

Dell slowly regained her composure and walked over to the stove where she had earlier placed the metal rod. Putting on a thick glove she grabbed the end that was sticking out and yanked it out of the blaze. The sudden appearance of the glowing orange rod helped David to recover some as slowly realized what it was. Dell had her big toothy grin on again as she walked up to him and showed him the tool. Attached to the fiery end was a small bit of metal that had been hammered into the shape of a capitol "D", which he assumed could only stand for Dell.

David was mostly awake now and attempted to scream, but his throat had become so worn that he could only manage a weak croaking sound. The last of his strength went to pulling on his bonds in a truly pathetic display. Dell almost felt bad for the poor creature as she walked around to his backside. She help up the branding iron and took aim at a spot in the center of his right cheek.

Without warning she thrust the poker into the already sore and beaten flesh. A sinister hiss flooded the air and a sickly stench wafted up to her. David convulsed against the hay bale and dipped in and out of consciousness as he experienced the greatest pain of his life. When several agonizing seconds had passed Dell pulled back the poker and admired the charred section of flesh left behind. David went limp and his eyes unfocused. Soon he had drifted away into the realm of sleep and this time Dell let him stay there. She stood above his body and admired her work as she listened to his hoarse shallow breathing.

That was the beginning of hell for David. When he woke up half a day later he was alone in a horse pen. His hands had been stuffed into tight leather pouches that held his hands in perpetual fists, stopping him from using his fingers in any way. Thick short leather straps connected his arms together, as well as his legs, effectively hobbling him. He was still wearing the ring gag and had consequently covered himself in drool during his slumber. Finally he had a heavy duty collar secured around his neck that was connected by a leash to a metal stake driven deep into the ground.

Every day became a repeat of that first night, with the occasional different torture thrown in to mix things up. Sometimes Dell beat him with a leather belt, sometimes she shocked him with a high voltage cattle prod, sometimes she would shove her dick in his throat and hold it there till he passed out. She seemed to devise endless different forms of torment and the variation kept him in constant fear of what the next day would bring.

Dell seemed intoxicated by his fear. She used it to help her destroy the parts of him that made him human. She needed to remind him that he was property now and belonged to her. In order to reinforce that his body was no longer his to control she tried to modify as much as she could to suit her own needs. She shaved every hair on his body. She pierced his tongue, ears, nose, nipples, lips, dick, and scrotum and attached rings which could be connected to weights or used to tie him down. She fed him liquid gruel through a funnel so she would never have to remove his gag and he could never use human speech again. Cruelly she only ever fed him at the end of their "play time", forcing him to either stay conscious through out her activities or risk missing a meal.

Over time the fire that was created by that spark on the first night burnt up more and more of Davids mind. All of the parts that felt humiliation and suffering were gotten rid of. Soon the true identity of that fire became obvious to him, it was the filly that Dell was constantly addressing. When ever she called him a filly, she wasn't really talking to David, she was talking to the fire. Every day the filly grew stronger by eating the parts of his mind that David didn't want. The filly didn't fear Dell like David did, in fact the filly loved her. It loved her in the way that only an animal can love a human, completely unconditionally.

The filly greatly enjoyed it when Dell played with it. It had been born from the pleasure given by her cock so it knew how to enjoy the things she did to it. It loved to slobber all over her beautiful cock and see how far it could get it down its throat. It relished every opportunity to be penetrated by her and have her dick use its prostate like a punching bag. It even learned to enjoy the beatings. No matter how cruel or violent, every action from its mistress brought it pleasure. And it was thankful every day.

Marge came around to visit him at first. She confessed to him that she had planned to seduce him herself in order to keep him from Dell, but her daughter had beaten her to it. She lamented that they were never able to be together and always cried when she saw what he was becoming. Soon she stopped visiting him.

Eventually the last of David slipped away and only the filly remained. Dell didn't even remember his real name and neither did he. He had become the perfect pet and every day he worshiped his mistress. No matter what she did to him, weather she beat him or fucked him or cut him, he only ever got harder. Soon he started to cum uncontrollably any time she touched him. He was the perfect filly and David was no more.

Or so everyone thought. But there was till a speck in the deep recesses of his mind that remembered a different life. It remembered that there was a world outside the barn and it yearned to explore it. This small part was hidden away in the background just waiting for an opportunity to take back control. It had to wait well over a year, but it finally found one.

Dell would be leaving the farm for a few days, the filly didn't know why as it wasn't its place to know such things. Seeing as how Marge refused to be around him Dell had to figure out a way to make sure the filly got fed while she would be away. She eventually figured that it was well trained enough at this point that she could take off the ring gag and leave a trough full of gruel for it to eat out of. She had to use bolt cutters to get the padlock off as she had melted down the key long ago.

As soon as the gag was gone, that tiny bit of freedom signaled to the last bit of David left that its time had come. David suddenly returned and caught the filly unaware. Soon he had recovered his most basic survival instincts and became aware of the need to be free. He still couldn't remember who he was or what he would do once he got away, but he knew that he needed to flee.

He didn't have the wherewithal to formulate any complicated escape plans, he simply did what any caged animal would do. He began to chew through the leash keeping him in the pen. After three days he had worked halfway through the thick leather. He had no idea how long Dell was going to be away for, even the concept of the passage of time was still a hard concept for him to grasp. He decided that he couldn't risk waiting any longer and began to pull against the leash. After nearly an hour of tugging he used the last of his strength to snap the leash apart.

His new found freedom came with a fresh vigor and he immediately jumped the wall of his stall and ran out into the fields. He felt strange moving on two legs again after spending so long crawling on the ground and had to resist the urge to try and run on all fours. The straps between his legs meant that he could only really hobble, and he had to propel himself with a hopping motion if he wanted any speed. He made it to the edge of the property and jumped the fence, continuing on into the country side. He moved blindly like a wild animal without direction. By the time night had fallen he was lost and weary. He kept running until the last of his physical strength left him and he collapsed on the ground.

The next morning he could remember a little more about who he used to be. He remembered he was a human and humans lived in cities. He searched until he found a road and then followed it until he came across a small town. Being that he was naked and dressed in fetish gear he was promptly arrested and brought to a police station. There the removed his bonds and provided him with clothes. They attempted to extract his story from him but he refused to tell them where he had come from. The filly refused to betray its mistress.

After several weeks in the custody of the state he managed to convince them he was sane enough to be released. David was fully in control again, mostly. He remembered who he was and slowly worked his way back into society as best he could. He worked as a handy man and rented a cheap apartment. From an outside perspective David might appear to be an ordinary citizen, but he was still tormented on the inside.

Every night was a constant battle to fight off the filly in a series of sex filled nightmares. He relived his time in captivity again and again and always woke soaked in sweat with a massive hard on. Yet he couldn't cum. He hadn't been able to orgasm since his escape and as the need grew stronger, David felt himself becoming weaker. He jerked off for hours without success, he paid for hookers but just ended up wasting their time. He even gave into temptation and bought a giant dildo and used it to vigorously fuck his own ass, but it just wasn't the same.

He began to grapple with the fact that he may have blue balls for the rest of his life. That alone may not have been so bad, but he was always so horny. Sex dominated his thoughts constantly, to the point where it affected his work. Soon he got fired and evicted from his apartment. It reminded him of a similar situation he had once been in and he thought about what he had done back then.

The filly was a constant presence in his head telling him that he knew how he could cum, he knew the one person who could satisfy his needs. Those thoughts became harder and harder to push away as he went about as a chaste vagrant. His balls felt like they weighed a hundred pounds and his nightmares became more pronounce.

David thought to himself. He wasn't happy, he had gained freedom and found the outside world but neither of those things brought him any peace. His life was a constant struggle of misery. He tried to think back to the last time he felt truly happy. He remembered a time when all his needs were taken care of and his days were filled with sexual bliss. And that is how the last tiny speck of David was consumed by the filly.

This time he didn't hesitate as he passed the fence and the "no trespassers" sign. He wasn't a trespasser, he was coming home. He practically leaped up onto the porch of the old farm house and ripped all his clothes off before getting on all fours and loudly knocking on the door.

For a long time there was no answer and he feared that they may have moved from here, perhaps in fear that he would lead police to the property and they would be arrested. To his immense relief he suddenly heard the approach of loud heavy foot steps. Just hearing them again nearly made him cum right there on the front porch. His breathing quickened and his heart fluttered.

The door opened and she was there. She was dressed just the way she had been when he first met her, in jeans and a wife beater. When she saw him he had expected her to be happy that he had come back to her. Instead he was treated to a dirty scowl. It pained him to see a look of such disdain on his mistresses face and he quickly began his rehearsed speech.

"Oh please god mistress forgive me! I was bad and ran away but I can't live without you please take me back! I'm so sorry mistress! I need you so bad!"

Dell stared at him for an agonizing amount of time before answering.

"You really hurt mah feelin's runnin' off like that ya know. I had you figured for a good little filly, was even thinkin' of takin' you to a pony show an' maybe see if you could win any metals."

The fillies heart had stopped beating at this point. It didn't know what it would do if its mistress rejected it.

"And I'll have you know that we already got ourselves another filly to take your place. Ah don't rightly know that we need two of y'all."

The filly turned around and lifted its ass, presenting to its mistress. It reached back and spread its cheeks, showing off its winking asshole still gaped from past abuse.

"Please mistress I can't live without you! I'll be the best pony you ever had, I'll even help train the new filly! I'll do anything you ask just please fuck me and let me cum!"

Dell looked down at the fillies tantalizing ass and saw the faded "D" still etched in dead flesh on its cheek. She felt her cock swell up with need and thought for a moment.

The filly started to weep tears of joy as it heard her unzip her pants.

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FiveDotsFiveDots9 months ago

Can't believe I missed this story all these years! The haters all willingly read it despite the warnings, so don't worry about them projecting their own post-clarity shame, that's their problem. Loved it!!

MCJOHN11708MCJOHN1170810 months ago

Alternate story where Marge gets him instead would've been neat. Still found it odd how she wanted to seduce him and keep him away from her daughters psychotic ways, yet, shes the one who brought him to her psychotic daughter. A bit of a contradiction there tbh.

F74nr1F74nr1over 2 years ago

Only thing i didnt like was the torture part at the end, other than that, wish that were me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was hilarious, very good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I found one story that is kind of similar to this story. It's located on The name of the story is My New Love. Here is the URL to that story - .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love this story! I come back often to read it! Does anyone know of any stories just like this one? If anyone does, please mention them in a reply to this comment. Thx.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

Well....... that was disturbing. You warned me at the beginning but I was kinda hoping it was be a sort of forced romantic thing with a very forceful farm girl but no, pure torture and torment.

Greasy_BallsackGreasy_Ballsackabout 3 years ago

Would love to see a sequel with more branding and maybe castration, vocal cords and teeth removed and our filly being turned into a human toilet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Abusive crap

I feel sad for people who write this stuff and equally sad for those who apparently enjoy reading it. I know they justify to themselves "oh it's ok it"s just a fantasy" However for a reasonable number of you it's an indication of mental problems that need addressing, not compounding.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This has to be one of the best stories on Literotica EVER, regardless of all the genres of porn stories here on Literotica. Thi is awesome! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I know the reactions have been divided but you DID give a warning in the beginning. This is one of my favorite stories ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Absolutely hate it

(first part is objective; second my subjective opinion)

1.1: Great vocabulary, grammatically correct, and all such things are great if not perfect.

1.2: I can see that there'd be people who like it. BUT, and it's a big but, this needs other tags that much better describe it. At least you could add torture to it, which without being include it greatly misleads a lot of non hardcore torture loving readers.

(talking because you didn't include such tags; no, non-consent doesn't entail the whole story)

(this part is/are my preferences and tastes, not speaking for anyone else)

2.1: I like, maybe even love, the fact that he comes back to her (though that's more of my taste in general, and less for this story specifically). Though it is Stockholm-syndrome, I still sometimes find it nice to read. Maybe if you'd introduce her as more of a psychopath/yandere/whatever anyone wants to call it, it'd be more appealing than just treating it as 'eh, that's just how she is' (I know this is a downplay, but my point still stands).

2.2: While I can easily get behind a little forceful fucking, what you did seems horrible. One of the worst works of literature I've ever read, including non-erotic. This seems bad to me, very bad, though that is mostly because of the my by now obvious dislike/non-preference of a prevalent part of the story.

Catman290Catman290almost 4 years ago

Gosh loved the torture part. The mindbreak at the end was unexpected and didn't quite feel as natural. Still a solid story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Not erotic in any way

This is not erotica, more like torture porn. The forced rape, electric torture, branding, degradation. No thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
yo wtf

nigga i just wanted to get my rocks off

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This story begs more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Not a fan of the mind break, but the domination part was pretty hot. Hope you write more, softer futadom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Exciting story!

Please write more! Futa on male is excellent genre!

You should make him into a dog in the next follow up.

That would be interesting to read!

After all what is farm without a dog!? :D :P

Olander123Olander123almost 8 years ago

Thats the most weird twisted story I read so far and I have to hadmit it was awesome !

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