The Princess & the Queen


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"Wha—," but she squeezed his prick hard and her eyes asked him to stop, "ok, I trust you."

She smiled as her face relaxed, then her tongue pushed slightly through her lips.

"This swell," she said as they bobbed between the waves, their busy hands hidden from sight, "no one can see—,"

He didn't let her finish, pushed his mouth onto hers. Her mouth pushed open and her tongue pressed against his. He felt one hard nipple against his chest as he used one hand to grab her tight ass cheek as his other stroked her clit and just touched the top of her slit. Her hands worked his shaft and its pulsating head.

He lost track of time before he puffed into her mouth and she made sounds of encouragement without separating her mouth from his. His cock reached its maximum before a spasm rippled through his flesh and he loosed a stream of seed into the ocean like what he'd seen coral do. She kneaded two more shots from his prick before he moaned and she stopped and held his flesh. He paused and she kissed him hard and he resumed his own work. A few heartbeats later it was her turn as her legs jerked up and her body shook. She let him continue for two more heartbeats before she put a hand on his to hold his hand still. They separated their mouths and looked at each other, eyes heavy lidded.

"Think you can be seen on the beach now," she smiled at him, "keep that thing under control for a while? Just for a while..."

"Yeah," he laughed, "I won't be considered a rude boy, for now at least."

She kissed him quickly and released him.

"C'mon, race you to the turtle buoy, then back," she pushed off and hit a fast freestyle stroke going north parallel to the beach toward the area reserved for the sea turtles.

"Hey," he yelled before he saved his breath and swam after her.

That Star

"Lining it up," Ian said as he tapped on his padlet and the tiny motor on his six inch telescope lifted and rotated slightly as it sat on its tripod anchored into firm ground on the little grassy mound. The Arch of stars that crossed the sky from their left was vibrant and glittered madly in the tiny ripples of the ocean's surface.

"It's great no moonlight but it's humid and still," he said as he looked into the eyepiece, "gonna be a slight fuzz."

The moonless night and the rigidly controlled lights of the resort and town left the night so dark that the slight haze of humidity highlighted shadows from the starshine on their chosen mound.

"Whatever," he heard her voice, soft and slow, "girlfriend and I went out, think we found it. 'To the right of the Arch and between two red stars.'"

She rubbed his back as she spoke through the tissue thin cloth of his shirt, her other hand on his bare arm.

"It's just about 5 magnitude, visible if you know where to look," he said as he straightened, "got it here. Right in the center, the red stars are top and bottom of this view."

He stepped slightly aside and she shifted and bent to the scope. Her own tissue thin dress clung to her figure, her breasts would've been visible had there been enough light. He put his hand lightly on her back and she purred as he slid it downwards.

"Oh, wow," she said, "it's so yellow."

"Yeah," he said, "and more UV."

She reached without removing her eye, found his bare thigh. Her fingernails rose on his flesh, he reacted by pushing his hand down her back. He found the hem of her very short dress had risen to expose half of her cute, bare, round ass, her fingers found the bottom of his shorts, one pushed further, found the tip of his reactive prick. He slid his hand around the curve of her bare flesh, she shifted to spread her legs but kept her eye and one hand on the scope, her other hand circled the rigid head of his prick with her fingers.

He pushed his finger along the cleft and quickly teased her rear entrance, she shimmied her ass quickly. His finger resumed its journey and found the moisture already present at the end of her slit. He pushed further and his middle finger followed the slick trail into her opening and heard her hum. She pushed her hips back to draw his finger deeper into herself as he worked it in a circle against the inside of her vulva while two more fingers kneaded her lips as the puffed slowly.

"Have you seen the pictures," Anna's voice was low and husky, "they look so..."

"Familiar," Ian continued, his own breath short, "well, to me. You're the biologist."

"They are," she confirmed, "I'm gonna meet them..."

That gave him a slight pause, he considered his response when he heard a slight breath or cough behind them. He froze his hand but tried not to move it too quickly, felt Anna's flesh tense slightly. She'd heard it too. His finger left her body and he slid it slowly upwards as she stood slowly and turned her torso.

There was a shape behind them, the shape glimmered slightly in the starshine.

"Oh, sorry," a voice, deep, but still a woman's voice, "didn't mean to startle you..."

A soft glow appeared from her wristlet as she held her left arm across her chest, softly illuminated her upper chest and face in a reddish glow to save all of their night vision.

"Vanessa," she said, "Vanessa Nightseeker. I saw you had a telescope, are you looking at that star?"

She lowered her wrist, before it went dark he saw she held a pair of very high, silvery strappy heels in her other hand and stood on the grassy mound in bare feet. Ian returned her gesture with his right hand, a soft command illuminated his wristlet as Anna followed suit a second later.

"Ian Flowerday," he said.

"Anna Lightbringer," her voice slightly rough as she and Ian turned to stand side by side as they faced Vanessa. She was older than their parents it seemed, her dark hair cut in a fashionable long bob. Her gown was some sort of shimmering material with a deep vee that showed the swell of each breast and well tanned skin with only the slightest crinkle.

"I was just looking at it," Anna said as Vanessa approached, "it's so neat..."

"It's right in the center," Ian said, as they split to allow Vanessa to step to the scope, "well, moved up and left a smidgen, between the two red ones."

"Thanks," she stepped toward the scope, Ian reacted as she seemed to stumble ever so slightly, he felt firm flesh of her back and shoulder, she put her hand on his waist, he heard the slightest sniff from Anna. She steadied but kept her hand on his waist as she bent to the eyepiece.

"The yellow one?"

"Yes," Ian's answer, "that's it. You like stargazing?"

"Not really," she said, "never thought much about it. But I'm a linguist, I've seen the pictures they just released. They obviously have languages, they have cities, ships... Must talk, have languages. Wish we could get recordings."

"We will," Anna said firmly, Ian tilted his head at the tone but Vanessa's wristlet chirped very softly. The older woman sighed as she stood. She shifted slightly to bring Anna into contact as a trio.

"I do remember you two," Vanessa said, "you're the couple I saw at the station."

"Oh, yeah," that had triggered Ian's memory. Yes. He'd noticed the look.

"You're here with families or on your own?"

"Our families," Anna said, her tone guarded but then she went into a lilt, "more coming in tomorrow. Be a real fluster cluck by the end!"

Vanessa laughed.

"Well, both of you," she said softly, held her wristlet in invitation, "if you want to get away for a bit and want an excuse, say you're keeping an old woman company. I'm here until middle of next week."

First Ian then Anna tapped their wristlets to trade contact info, caught eyes with looks that they just might want that.

"Thanks for the view," Vanessa said with a tone that implied more than just the star, she leaned, was met with a quick kiss from each, "must run."

They slid to stand together as they watched the shimmer of her shapely ass disappear into the dark. They slid an arm around each other.

"That was interesting," Anna said, "you know her?"

"No, she'd caught my eye at the station, saw my, um..."

"She saw this," Anna said as she twisted and used her free hand to find the erection that had ebbed to half staff at the surprise meeting, it recovered quickly as she caressed it, "your very own Mrs. Robinsong. Might have investment advice for you..."

"You have a dirty mind," he squeezed her ass, reached up to knead a breast, "she's just interested in my sparkling conversational skills... And she invited both of us..."

Anna snorted, then she nudged him to get him to tilt his head and put her mouth to his ear.

"She's flexible. Admirable. Speaking of using ones mouth," her voice was rough, "want me to finish something I started earlier today? It's after midnight, the old people will be asleep..."

His cock jumped, she gripped it tightly through the cloth. He twisted his head, kissed her quickly, pulled back before gravity drew them back, their mouths open and their tongues slow and hard against each other.

"Let me get the scope," he said.

The Deck

"I'm so happy our moms rejiggered the housing," Anna said as they neared the house, an arm around each other as Ian carried his scope and tripod in a case, "got that nightmare Brittany out."

"What's your brother's fiancé like," Ian said, "since they'll be here tomorrow. Uncles Harold and Phil get the last room, they're cool, I like them."

"Me too, them, but about my brother," Anna's voice reticent, "none of us have met her! It's been, um, kind of sudden."

"Shit, that's... wild. He's always been so—"

"A stick in the mud, you mean," Anna laughed, "so vanilla he could flavour cakes!"

That got Ian to laugh as well. Then he stopped them, quickly said 'sshhh...'

"Wha...," Anna started but obeyed.

"Let's sneak this way, step quietly," he whispered to her as he indicated a partially hidden walkway that Anna was pretty sure went to the back of the large house they were renting and its oversized back patio slash deck. She saw light, a soft glow, through the high shrubs that lined the walkway and were taller even than Ian.

A few steps in she heard a voice, finally recognised it as her mother's. A tone she had no memory of ever hearing, deep, husky, commanding... Ian led her around a bend and pulled her to a halt. It took every fibre to not gasp at the sight and the sounds.

"Shove that big dick down her throat," Anna's mother Angie used her padlet as a camera and directed her husband Ken as he knelt on the mattress they'd laid out on the patio, "suck it Kimmy!"

In keeping with the resort's rules the patio was only dimly lit but Ian knew the padlet's camera and software could make the video look like high noon if Angie so chose. He felt Anna tense, glanced, saw in the light glow her gaped mouth as her dad shoved his stiff shaft down Ian's mother's mouth. Kim was on her hands and knees side on to Ian and Anna's view.

"C'mon, Greg, fuck that slut's cunt hard," he obeyed and shoved forward and forced a squelch from his wife's apparently sopping slit. They could hear her moans as she was spitted front and rear.

Angie walked slowly around the trio as she tapped her screen. In a quiet moment Ian heard a buzz from the scene.

"Show me your cock," the director ordered her husband, he pulled it from Kim's mouth and saliva dripped from. Kim gasped and drooled, sucked in a deep breath. He pushed it back in as her cheeks and tongue visibly worked it anew. Anna's breath quickened slightly, she pushed her hand down Ian's stomach and worked it inside his waistband. A moment later she found his hard flesh and wrapped it.

Suddenly they saw Kim's body flex, her back arched as both men sank the full lengths of their rigid pricks into her.

"Hold, boys," Angie said and both men held still as Kim spammed repeatedly as the standing woman poked at her padlet, finally she went still.

"Out," a quiet command, the men used their hands to steady Kim as the withdrew, their hard cocks dripped with the woman's juices. She panted deeply and rolled onto her back, reached between her legs and hefted a small device.

"This... fucking... vibrator...," she said between deep pants, "you... bitch..."

Angie laughed softly. Both men knelt in place, their dicks quivered in time with heartbeats that showed little slowdown. Kim slowly rolled, put her arm up and her husband helped her stand. Her legs took a second to steady.

"Trade," she held out the vibrator and Angie took it as she handed over the padlet, the dark-haired woman pointed it at Angie, "get that thing on. Then, tell me. Which of these big, hard men do you want up your ass?"

"My husband gets it all the time," Ian almost moaned as Anna's reflex squeezed his own cock, "so I'm guessing your husband needs it more..."

"Hah, slut, ok, Ken, on your back," Kim said, as the man obeyed, "get that thing buried up your wife's hole."

She straddled her husband and pushed his flesh into her body, Ian and Anna saw Kim tap the padlet screen as she stepped to the table, Angie's head jerked. Kim grabbed a small bottle and tossed it to her husband.

"Assume the position, sacrifice," Angie's faraway face stuck its tongue out at the order but she bent over. Greg squeezed lube onto his fingers and worked them into the woman's asshole as Ken used his legs to slowly pump his prick in and out of her. Greg slathered his cock with a further squirt of lube and slid forward. Kim moved to capture his slow insertion into the prone woman's ass and the light buzz of the vibrator was muffled.

Once he was fully buried he and Ken took a few strokes to work out a complementary rhythm as Angie's head bobbed and she moaned.

"One more cock," Kim said in a husky voice, "and we could get you good and airtight... You'd love to suck my little boy's cock, wouldn't you, whore?"

"He's... not... so... little... anymore...," Angie panted, Ian's cock jumped and he had to stifle a groan as Anna jerked his flesh hard at that, her free hand went to her mouth to stifle her own sound, "you saw that bulge... him with my baby girl..."

"That baby girl is a beauty, grown and ripe," Kim's husk, "so nice to see them together..."

Anna and Ian looked at each other, then back at the scene. She'd loosened her grip to allow her to slowly stroke his cock. He slid his hand back down to her barely covered ass. He nodded his head an inch, her smile broadened. He led them the way they'd come, turned to the front of the house.

"Our room's at the front, they'll never notice us," Anna said as she led Ian like he was the little toy telephone she'd pulled around as a child. He pushed the door to their room closed as softly as he could and set his scope case down, a side lamp had detected their entry and bathed the room in a soft glow. She spun him by his shoulders and pushed him backwards as pushed his shorts down to free his erection. She pushed him hard and he landed on his back on the king size bed, his erect cock pulsated. Anna lifted her dress over her head and used her toes to push her shoes off to stand naked. Her firm round tits heaved and her green eye was vibrant and surrounded by red as he'd ever seen it. She walked to the dresser and grabbed her own padlet as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor, pushed his shoes off and slid onto the bed. She joined him, tapped the screen and handed it to him.

"I liked the idea, get us on film," she said before she pushed her mouth over his prick, swallowed half as she looked at him. He rotated the screen to catch his look of pleasure and onto her beaming face, as her mouth moved up and down on his cock, She stopped with just the head behind her lips and swirled her tongue, found the opening and pushed the tip against it. He moaned as he caught it all. She quit teasing and swallowed almost his entire shaft, her cheeks and tongue massaged it.

"Oh, fuck," his eyes closed as his neck bent back as he tried to keep the padlet steady as Anna pumped his rod in and out of her mouth. Even with his release in the ocean the constant stimulation of the day had its effect, "ah... ah... I can't..."

She stopped pumping with him half in her mouth and sucked firmly, His first shot hit the back of her throat hard, the next few spurts ever shorter on her tongue. She worked it all down her throat and released him, a thread of saliva and cum connected her lips and the tip of his prick and trailed down her chin. She reached and took the padlet, shifted her body and straddled his chest as she placed her wet pussy onto his face.

"Now," she used a voice familiar to many as the host of decades of well known nature documentaries, she couldn't match his baritone but she had the cadence perfect, "the horny freshman college coed hopes her efforts will be rewarded and the virile young man won't just fall asleep after the best blow job of his life."

She lifted her crotch to his 'mmnnfff.'

"You said?" She put the camera on him.

"Definitely top three," he said with a twinkle, "bu--"

She pushed her clit hard into his mouth and shut him up, shimmed her hips as his tongue split her lips then pushed in.

"As the male had nothing useful to say, his mouth is put to better use. Let's see if he can make top ten," she panted.

An hour later they snuggled together, their bodies soaked in sweat despite the open window and the ceiling fan's efforts.

"That fuck was top two," she purred as she recorded their streaked faces, hair matted and sticky.

"No way that Bobby Redangel was better than me," he said firmly.

"Not that dork," she laughed, "I was thinking of my most recent decent boyfriend, the package called him the 'Big Orange Intruder,'"

His eyes crinkled before they both laughed. Her hand stroked his cock, it showed it had more life in it yet.

"Get your padlet and your tripod, ok?"

He gave her a quizzical look as her hand stroked his gooey shaft as it hardened. Then he shrugged and hopped off the bed and went to his pack and retrieved the requested items. He stood at the side of the bed as she rolled over and knelt on the bed.

"I'm a virgin, kinda," she said to his raised eyebrow, "you know..."

He smiled, nodded. Knew what she meant.

"My friend Alicia showed me her video," Anna said as she nodded her head behind her, "split screen, you hold one. Back there. The other on my face as I moan in pain and misery as you split me open for the first time with the huge rod of yours. Then we edit."

The huge rod jumped at that.

"You have anything we can use, you know, like our parents?"

He nodded, stepped to his little toiletry back, pulled out a small plastic bottle.

"Keep this handy, just in case," he said.

"Mostly just to rub one out," she smirked. His expression didn't contradict her point. She dropped, pulled all of the pillows under her chest and chin as he set up his padlet on the tripod, adjusted it to center her face. He knew the kind of video she described, they'd edit it together later.

He took the lube and knelt behind her. Squeezed out lube and rubbed it around her back door before he pushed a finger in. Unlike his cousin he wasn't a virgin at this but it had been fewer than a handful of times. He knew enough to work first one finger then a second into her butt. She wiggled her hips and made a satisfied sound in her throat, he saw her eyes on the tripod mounted camera as he used the other to capture the work his fingers did.

"And now," Anna's voice again the narrator's as her head was turned slightly to the right to face the camera, "her lover is about to penetrate the sweet young thing's heretofore innocent and pure rear entrance with his rampant manhood..."

He sniffed, withdrew his fingers and used them to slicken his prick thoroughly. He dropped the bottle and moved forward until he'd pushed just the tip into the puckered opening.

"It's the moment of truth for the innocent girl," she maintained her scholarly tone, "she can... feel... it... as... it..."