The Princess & the Queen


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Her mouth went into a wide O as her visible, grey eye closed. He pushed his cock slowly in, saw the head disappear past her very tight ring. Wow. This was beyond most anything he'd ever felt.

"Is it all...," her voice almost but not quite the narrator's, "all in?"

"Was barely half," he grunted, the pressure incredible, he pulled back to leave only the head in as he recorded his view, squeezed more lube on before he dropped the bottle again and spread it then pushed, "now half again. More?"

"The brutalised young woman wants more, wants it all," the nature documentarian back as Ian slowly pumped only half of himself into her then back, "but not yet. Her lover is terrible, a force of nature, but considerate. He will work her anus until it's ready to welcome the entirety of his considerable manhood."

She buried her face in the pillow pile, moaned, turned back.

"Oh, shit..., that's so... oh..., we'll edit this out. I gotta find out where my slut mother got that tiny vibe. Oh hell, fuck me."

"You should feel this," Ian groaned, "you are so tight..."

"Keep with the lube," she said, moaned, pushed her hips back at him to force an additional portion of flesh into her body. Ian admired her composure as that grey eye again focused on the screen. His prick twitched in hopes of seeing her full face in the video. He gained a tiny increment of speed and depth with each additional stroke into the very tight, very hot young asshole.

"The horny young woman's ass is on fire," the narrator intoned, "her lover impales her deeper on... oh, ah... oh, each stroke. She.. wants... it... all..."

At that she turned her head slightly more, he saw the crinkled skin from scrunched muscles around that grey eye, she stuck her tongue out as she groaned and panted. He pushed firmly ahead and she pushed and he his pelvis flesh met her round ass, every inch of himself inserted. He stopped, felt her muscles ripple slightly.

"Fuck, fuck... fuckity," she put her forehead on the pillow, looked up at the camera, "she will remember this moment her whole life. Wherever that life takes her. Now, lover, pump!"

He obeyed, pulled out until he could just see the rear of the ring of the large head, used one last squeeze of lube and shoved himself back to full depth. Her eye closed and her neck arched back, she let out a wordless moan. He pulled back and on the next attack felt her hips move in synch.

The Big Saturday

Ian stirred when he heard a light knock on the door. He blinked his eyes as a head of red-blonde hair stirred next to him but simply snuggled closer on her right side, the stained skin now pale red. The thin sheet covered them only to mid-thighs. Before he could speak he saw the door open slowly and Angie sidled into the room before she pushed the door to quietly click closed again.

The sun was obviously up, the room well lit despite the heavy, drawn blinds. Angie's hair, redder than her daughter's and cut shorter, was damp, washed, brushed, not much else. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the shift she wore, it was all but transparent and covered only the top third of her nice thighs. Although 'covered' at all was a misnomer. Her breasts were the same size as Anna's but had just a hint of sag to them.

Anna would be happy about that. Angie's eyes caught Ian's and she smiled broadly but touched her lips in a 'shush' motion before she closed her eyes and he watched her chest expand as she took a deep, deep breath and held it. Her smile went even broader and open mouthed.

"Hey, sleepyheads," she said as she stepped to the bed, her eyes on Ian's cock as it twitched, then she rubbed her daughter's shoulder and back, "time to get up."

"Oh, hey, mom," Anna said as she turned her head a bit, green eye open as a slit, "what time is it?"

"It's 8:30, but you two are going golfing," she sat on the side of the bed next to Anna, saw the girl's eye was closed and quickly caressed Ian's cock, it woke up quickly and completely.

"If you're going to wake that up," the girl said, eyes still closed, "you can take care of it!"

But she smiled as she said it, her hand joined her mother's.

"Golfing?" Ian asked.

"Greg and Ken have a 10:30 tee time at that links course south of here, they want you two to make a foursome. Otherwise, they'll get stuck with a couple of duffers like yesterday."

"That course is world famous," Ian said, "why would you come here without booking ahead? Hang out and hope to get in?"

"That's why they want you two," Anna had rolled a bit, but her and Angie both still stroked Ian's cock, "you're both good enough golfers and yesterday they got stuck with a pain in the ass husband and wife who spent the day arguing. When they weren't cheating."

"I'm better than dad," Anna huffed proudly, "but did you bring my clubs? I didn't take them to school. We had, um, winter for lots of the school year!"

"Rent 'em at the clubhouse," Angie said as she gave Ian a final squeeze, "jump in the shower, but be quick about it, breakfast almost ready. Everyone else be here in the afternoon and we're doing the big BBQ tonight."

She stood, opened the door and winked as she stepped out and pulled the door closed. Her 'be quick' admonition was meant seriously. Ian knew it was a forty-five minute drive to the course and the men wouldn't brook being late and losing their slot. Anna turned quickly and tapped the paused padlet.

"The sad, aged and wrinkling queen of the pride," her narration picked up anew as she swept the padlet's view down their bodies to where her other hand wrapped the base of his erection, "has left this virile young male in a perilous state as in a jealous pique she's ordered her ripe and luscious daughter to attend to other duties rather than to relieve him of this burden."

"Wrinkling...," Ian said with a chuckle.

She gave his prick a last squeeze then moved the camera back to her face.

"This is our natural world, long may it thrive," she tapped the screen with the familiar phrase and it went dark, slid off the bed, "c'mon, you, scrub my back and maybe I can give this a quick..."

"Shit," Ian heard the word in his dad Greg's soft exhale to his left. Both males shifted their feet nervously as they stood just off of the seventh green. The manicured bits of fairway and greens weaved amongst small sandy dunes on which grew straggly grass that made artificial traps unnecessary. A light breeze blew off of the ocean behind them and exposed the entirety of Anna's round ass and the pink lips between her legs as it blew her white skirt up.

She'd bent at the waist and reached into the cup to retrieve her ball as her dad Ken held the flag to her right. Her tiny skirt at best only pretended to cover her ass and pussy and she'd stated her refusal to wear underwear was legal, indeed, no one knew of any rule requiring it be worn. She'd claimed the boys could do the same, although if that made it hard to swing their clubs, well, that was their problem. The wind ruffled her short ponytail and most of her back was revealed, covered only by the thin strap of her halter type sports bra. She stood and turned to look at the pair. Her deep pink nipples were just visible through the white material that had gained transparency as it soaked up sweat.

"That's four, Uncle Greg," she said chirpily to the scorekeeper as Ken replaced the flag, "that's par. If you all just concede now we can get to the pub sooner."

"It's not over until it's over, baby girl, not even halfway," her dad said, "couple of lucky shots..."

She snorted loudly, she and Ian hefted their rented bags which had a minimum of clubs while the better equipped bags of their dads used pull carts. Kim and Angie had made clear that their husbands could play as much golf as they wanted on this vacation but no riding carts, pull were okay. Both men, and their wives, worked at keeping fit so the challenge laid, they'd forged ahead.

"Here, Ian, you add it," Greg tossed the scorecard to his son who sat across him at the high table in the clubhouse pub. The younger man liked this use of paper and pencil, a feeling apparently common. A developer had bet big on his golf scoring app for the ubiquitous wristlets. It offered distance measurements if you used the camera and could maintain your history to recommend 'you did better with the 3 iron not the 4 from this distance two months ago' advice.

It had failed to sell. He couldn't even give it away it turned out. There wasn't a golf course on the planet that didn't still have a pile of paper scorecards and the little pencils at the ready.

"I already did...," Ian replied.

"Yup," the jaunty voice to his right said as she held her beer high then raised her voice, "this little girl beat these big strong men today. And she used the men's tees!"

Those nearest their table, mostly men Ian had already noticed had admired her as she sat on the high stool-like chair, her bare legs fully visible. Even though those legs were crossed at the moment she'd moved them a few times and more than one viewer had a view to dream about that and future nights. Three cheers filled the room as Anna smiled and held her glass high, her three companions bowed their heads and sighed before her mood prevailed and they tapped glasses and drank.

"We better get going," Ken said as his eyes refocused on them, he'd had the universal look as his wristlet relayed a message into his ear implant, "Angie and Kim sent a few additional items to the list we need to pick up on the way back."

"Apparently," he continued as he looked at Anna, "your brother's fiancé offered to whip up some special dessert but there's not a kiwifruit to be found in the little shops there Angie says."

"What's a kiwifruit?" Ian's question served for all of them, blank stares returned, followed by shrugs and they drained their glasses. His cock had felt constrained all day in his briefs as he'd watched Anna, it twitched as he watched the watchers as she slid slowly off the high stool and made no effort to keep her legs together before she stood, her skirt provided only the absolute minimum of modesty demanded by the clubhouse. She received a cheer and half turned and waved as the four left, she whipped her hips to cause her skirt to fly just as she exited to a last cheer. He smiled as he heard her wristlet in an almost constant stuttered vibrato until they were halfway to the runabout.

"I love the sound of rejected contacts in the afternoon," she said quietly before she and Ian laughed.

"I could see it in your face," Umbra said to Anna as she and Ian stood near the edge of the back patio, knots of people wandered with drinks after most of the BBQ had been eaten, "when you heard the Rainsenders weren't coming. Your brother isn't their biggest fan either, he didn't say in so many words but it was clear."

Anna sighed.

"I think it's more the heterochromia than the stain," Anna said after a moment, "but I'm used to people reacting. If the little ones make a scene, mostly parents try to teach them. But not those two, they just let little Brittany think I'm a freak."

Ian saw the fury flash in her eyes but it settled quickly. He had no memory of it but his mother had told him when Angie and Ken had first brought her over as a baby he'd been just three and had sat next to her and touched the stained cheek, then his own, then had smiled and the baby had smiled back and they'd laughed together. Until her family moved a dozen years later they were inseparable and no one dared hassle her lest they incur the wrath of the tall, strong and popular young man. He was certain she'd gone into biology to better understand her own body as well as others so it was no wonder she seemed obsessed with the new planet and its inhabitants.

"At least Uncle Harold had some friends who could use the house," Ian shifted the subject subtly, "so no one loses any money on it."

"That makes two golden linings," Anna said, her glance a silent thanks to him, "so, Umbra, you're a historian of, what, war? For real?"

Ian shared Anna's curiosity but this had been the first chance they'd had alone with this woman. She was well shorter than both of them and had dark brown hair cut short and buff complexion that was natural and not a tan. Her accent, or more accurately from their point of view her lack of an accent, didn't help them place her history. Unlike the other three women's transparent and very short billowing shifts meant to tease she wore loose but opaque pants and a sleeveless button-down blouse. Like the taller women her stomach was flat but she lacked their round and large breasts and hips. The contrast with her fiance Brad, his skin pale and his hair reddish like his mother's, his height between Anna's and Ian's and his build broad like his father, was striking. She had an intensity in her gaze but they'd also seen her soft and kind looks at Anna's brother so they took their pairing as genuine if yet somewhat unexplained.

In keeping with the discussion Anna and Ian had about him his clothes matched Umbra's with the exception of the short sleeves on his shirt. The other mean all wore translucent loose pants that offered a gauge on how affected they were by the women at any time as well as sleeveless shirts or tank tops. The little port town around which the resort had grown had a Saturday tradition of all-white clothes and all present had hewed to that tradition although a couple of Harold and Phil's friends who'd taken advantage of the Rainsenders' absence had added colorful silk scarves that bent but didn't break the rule.

The spacious back patio was well-shaded even in full daylight but with the sun itself having just set, the sky glowed red and cast a pinkish glow on everyone's white clothing. That along with the still and humid air and only barely-concealed flesh meant a miasma of pheromones strengthened around the patios.

"Associate professor of History of War and Conflict," Umbra said in a blaise tone that belied the seriousness of the words, "it's always been an interest and well, not too much competition."

"Can't be that many positions though?" Ian asked, "We had the required studies in high school and even us physics majors have to do liberal arts that covers it, but seems like it wasn't anyone's pure specialty?"

Anna nodded at Ian, turned her gaze back to Umbra. The woman was a decade older than her fiancé but only her eyes seemed to carry those years.

"Sure," the shorter woman admitted, "but there are a few of us who keep the study going and we provide the material for those classes. And the governments talk to us. It's not just DURING a war that's of issue, almost more important is understanding what leads up to it."

"And since we've confirmed without much doubt we have neighbors," Anna added briskly, "and they don't seem all that peaceable..."

"Thirty two light years isn't that close," Ian said, both women looked firmly at him, "but yeah, they're developing quite fast. Might work out soon they're not alone..."

The moment of silence was broken by Kim as she approached.

"Umbra," three heads turned, "Harold and Phil and their friends will be leaving soon. Should we get your dessert out here so everyone can try it?"

The dark-haired woman smiled, nodded.

"Excuse me, you two," Umbra said to Ian and Anna, "I'll hurry and finish it up."

She and Kim went to the large open sliding door into the house.

"I remember when I was in junior high," Anna said quietly as she sidled to stand next to Ian and took his left hand with her right, "we learned about the space telescope all those years ago that found that world, saw the spectrum that looked like it had to have life. That convinced me to study biology, so I could hopefully study that world. I always so enjoyed it when you talked about stars and planets and your telescopes..."

She smiled as she looked at him, he squeezed her hand and pulled her closer. They saw Umbra emerge from the house with a large tray, Kim followed as the woman set the tray on the large patio table.

"Attention," Kim said in a voice loud enough to silence multiple conversations, "I'll let Umbra explain what this is then we'll dig in before our other guests have to leave."

"That's what kiwifruits look like all cut up," Anna whispered into Ian's ear as they joined the loose circle that eyed the offering. It was a large, round, white mound of some confection, topped with whipped white cream and covered with sliced bananas and what must've been the green-red rings of sliced kiwifruits that the golfing foursome had gone to some effort to locate on their journey home.

"It's called a pavlova," Umbra said, caught Brad's eye and he smiled at her, "it's whipped egg whites and sugar on the bottom and I baked that, lots of whipped cream and then the bananas and kiwifruit."

There were plenty of murmurs of appreciation.

"Angie said she'll make her special chocolate custard tomorrow," Umbra continued, "with all the egg yolks I left behind."

They all glanced at Angie as she smiled and nodded, Ian made an audible 'yum' that drew a few chuckles.

"I know where she wants to lick that custard from," Anna stood on tiptoe and whispered directly in Ian's ear as her fingers brushed his half-erect cock through the thin fabric that covered it but did little to dissuade it from making itself known, "sad, aging, wrinkled queen..."

She bit his earlobe as his eyes saw Angie's eyes on them, everyone else eyed the pavlova as Umbra handed Brad a knife and Kim held a stack of dessert plates.

"Bye, Uncle Phil, Uncle Harold," Anna hugged the men in turn after they'd all made the pavlova disappear, "see you tomorrow!"

"You're so beautiful, Anna," Harold said, "my little sister raved about you all afternoon!"

Anna's pale cheek flushed and her stain darkened, she bit her lower lip. She hadn't seen Kim's older brother and his husband in years. Their age showed in some grey hairs and deep wrinkles around their eyes, but they were otherwise still hale.

"You too, nephew," Harold hugged Ian before he and Phil turned and followed their friends through the gate behind which Ian and Anna had spied on their parents' antics the night before. As they watched the men disappear Ian pulled the gate closed and wondered about what they'd witnessed. He'd overheard enough growing up that he had finally put those thoughts together in recent years to know it wasn't the first time but he had no idea if it had been going on when he and Anna had been children. But he thought that likely, the couples had met up over the years since but last night was just so, well, it was clear they were very familiar and comfortable as a group. That didn't happen overnight.

Anna pulled his arm across her shoulder before she slipped hers around his waist. He caught Umbra's unreadable expression before she turned quickly to approach Brad. The sky had darkened to the deep crimson which meant full dark was only minutes away. Greg, Ken and Angie stood next to the table, laughed at something. Brad rubbed Umbra's arm as she held his other hand with both of hers as they spoke quietly, Kim had disappeared into the house.

The sky flashed, it was high noon for less than a second. Birds that had roosted into surrounding trees chirped and warbled in confusion. Every voice on the patio was a variation of 'what?!?' Ian blinked his eyes, as did the others, the soft patio lights came back in focus after being momentarily overwhelmed.

"What the fuck was that?" Greg's deep voice, a rare element of doubt in it before his gaze found Kim who'd emerged from the house and they met each other halfway.

Then all of the faces turned to Ian as he blinked, realized Anna had a death grip on his waist and her left hand wrapped tightly on his left forearm. There was no panic but the gazes hoped the astrophysics student might offer an insight. But it was the most recent acquaintance who spoke first.