The Princess & the Queen


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"Ow," Ian said sharply as Anna truly bit him as her whole body quaked as he and Greg pumped as many shots into her as they could manage. Finally the three collapsed into a pile before Ian felt his dad's cock one last time as it left the nearly unconscious girl's fleshy tube. Anna squeezed him tightly with her arms and her legs as she shook from the after effects. He moved his cock slightly but she squeezed it so he pushed back and kept it in place. She purred very softly, right into his ear.

"Sorry," she said exceedingly softly before her lips kissed him where his cheek and neck met. He sniffed and squeezed her tightly.

"Ian," Angie's voice was soft but firm, "take this child upstairs and put her to bed like the baby she is."

Ian's softened cock reversed itself when Anna's pussy squeezed it like a vise. She moved her hands to his chest and pushed herself to a seated position on him, her flesh rippled its way the length of his cock. He saw her eyes glint hard and bright in the dim light of the patio, her stained skin was deep red and seemed to pulse.

"The aged queen knows her time will come," Anna's voice as firm as her mother's had been, "and soon. Her challenger is going to take this young stud to her private lair and record the repeated fucks so the queen can see them and fear."

The heat of the young woman's body forced his cock to as hard a state as it had managed the entire evening. Her left hand reached into her crotch and fiddled, then tossed the vibrator to Kim, who caught it with a smirk. Then Anna rose straight up as a gush of their mingled cum ran free from her now unblocked cunt, to splash on his rigid shaft, thighs and pubic region. Her eyes never left her mother's as she stepped aside and reached her right arm down to pull him upright. Once next to her that right hand grabbed his gooey cock.

"The challenger will take her lover now," Anna intoned, "and he will be required to satisfy her. Or he will be discarded as is the right of the queen."

She turned quickly at Angie's 'hah' and led Ian by his cock, veered to allow him to collect his padlet from the table and they entered the house through the open and large sliding glass door. Just as they reached the foot of the stairs the front door opened and Umbra and Brad entered, their arms around each other. Ian smiled softly when he noticed their clothes and hair askew, they'd found their own spot to party.

"Hey big brother," Anna said as she stroked Ian's hard cock and he moaned slightly, "we're going upstairs to fuck a few times. Wanna join us? Or you can go out back, the old people are about done for, but you might get in a little bit. They're pretty worn out..."

Umbra's smile was an enigma, but her dark eyes twinkled. Brad's mouth gaped slightly, looked down his sister's ripe and bare body then followed her arm to where it stroked Ian's tumescent manhood.

"We... we'll be fine," Brad said with a shake, "sis."

"You two have fun," Umbra said smoothly in her deep voice, "we'll finish up our own party."

Anna smiled broadly and headed up the stairs, Ian had little choice but to follow closely. He waved quickly at the pair.


Ian groaned as teeth nibbled around the sore bite mark on his neck. A messy pile of red-blonde hair obscured the face as it did its work. He jerked slightly when a hand found his soft and very tender cock. The nibbling stopped and the hair moved a bit.

"I think this might need the day off," the voice was a bit hoarse, then the face smiled at him, grey and green eyes bright and happy, "and when I sit on the toilet in a few minutes there might be screams..."

"Can't show weakness," Ian advised with what he thought was a jocular tone, "to the queen. She'll be listening for that."

"That's why you're my lover," Anna kissed him and he moaned slightly as she squeezed his painful cock, "you're so smart. And stamina. I'm glad you recorded all of that, what, three, four times up my ass alone! Not to mention that many... Yeah, I'll just strut down and let her see me all red and swollen... She'll know her time will be up soon. Now, go fix me a nice cappuccino. That machine is a good one and I know you're a good barista."

"High school summer jobs can be good for something," he kissed her then worked his way to stand beside the bed, she reached and he pulled her up. Her face worked through a range of expressions before she exhaled slowly, "nothing like dealing with a hundred caffeine-deprived commuters in the morning rush!"

"And if the astrophysics thing doesn't work out..."

"I have an out," they both chuckled. Their noses worked, he grabbed a pair of thin, opaque blue shorts. Being Sunday morning they were past the town's strange obsession that only white clothing be worn on Saturdays.

"Someone's busy down there, smells great," Ian said as he stood at the door and Anna stood next to the entrance to their bathroom, "and I was right. The sun rose this morning."

"Never doubted you," Anna said as she slid the bathroom door closed.

Ian found Umbra in the kitchen with the mixer running, the smell of sausages obvious as they sizzled under the broiler. She smiled at him as he stepped to the espresso machine.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning, Umbra," he said, her orange shorts and fitted tank top of the same color nicely complimented her slender figure and muscular, dark legs, "making cappuccinos for me and Anna, can I make you something?"

"Heard you were good at that, my effort was, um, well, it was black and had caffeine! A long black if you would."

"On it."

A few moments with the only sounds the espresso maker's steam and the whir of the mixer. He hooked up two porta-filters and frothed a metal beaker of milk.

"Want yours topped with hot water?" Ian asked, saw Umbra's nod and he used the spout to fill her cup, she stepped over and took it, sipped.

"Wow, ok, maybe I'll have you teach me how to do that," she said happily, as she flipped the switch to stop the mixer, "mine didn't taste like this."

He smiled as he worked the machine to finish the two cappuccinos.

"Get cleaned up," Umbra told him as he gripped the two mugs, "scratch pancakes, real maple syrup, sausages, got some cantaloupe and other fruit cut up and chilled. Can't let the queen and her consorts show you up and get down here first."

She winked after that. Ian smiled, he'd learned she was just over a decade older than Anna's brother, about midway between most of them and their parents. He'd thought she might be like Brad, cool, deeply reserved, but there was clearly more going on with her. Too bad they all lived so far away from each other. He hadn't seen Brad in over a decade, which meant the next few days might be all they'd have.

Anna and Ian made it to the bottom of the stairs, saw Brad had joined Umbra in the kitchen. Anna wore a newly-fashionable style, a yards long broad scarf of colourful silk, reds, blues, greens. She'd looped it around her neck then down to underlay but leave exposed her ample breasts, then down her side and around her waist. From there, Ian had seen two options. Anna had chosen to drape the last yard of fabric along the outside of her hip and left leg, which left her red and puffed pussy lips and ass exposed.

"We'll set up on the patio," Anna offered as Umbra's eyes caught hers, the shorter and older woman glanced down, looked up, their smiles made words unnecessary.

"Leave the plates, everyone can get pancakes. Put the rest out," Umbra said, "Brad, go roust those old people up. I have a surprise for everyone."

He returned a few minutes later at the head of a pack of colorfully dressed people, Kim and Angie in short sleeveless dresses with tropical blooms and birds, their husbands in loose pants and tees in pastel colors.

Anna stood straight in the doorway to the patio, she and Angie smiled at each other. Her mother's eyes lingered on Anna's crotch, an eyebrow raised momentarily.

"Ok, grab pancakes," Umbra said, "I heard you all had quite the workouts last night, need a hearty breakfast to recover,"

A round of soft laughter at that as Ian worked the espresso machine.

"Age before beauty," Anna waved her mother and Kim ahead of her as they all looked when the doorbell rang.

"Anna," Umbra said with no hint of surprise, "can you get that, please?"

Anna shrugged, nodded, walked to the door and opened it. She saw a tallish woman with dark hair cut in a long bob, she was dressed in a scarf the same as Anna's but hers was more muted in colors and had been tied to conceal not display her not small breasts, along with her crotch and ass. Her skin showed the earliest signs of age.

"Vanessa," Anna exclaimed, her voice still slightly hoarse, "from the other night!"

"Yes, Anna, dear," the woman's deep voice was smooth, "you're looking vibrant this morning. Hello, Umbra."

Anna stepped back, gestured the woman in. She kissed Anna on the cheek then lifted herself a bit and put her mouth to the young woman's ear.

"I have news," she whispered, "about your application. Tell me if I should announce it?"

Anna's mouth opened, her eyes showed confusion for a moment, but then she nodded. Vanessa smiled back and she continued into the large open space that was the ground floor of the house. Umbra came and they embraced quickly then introduced her as Vanessa Nightseeker, professor of linguistics at the National University. Everyone's eyebrows arched at the title, it placed her at the top rung of any sort of ladder or pyramid of academics you could construct. Beyond first-class mastery of your field, you also needed deep political connections to get a full professor title there. That Brad's new fiancé was a personal friend of such a woman was another slight shock. The two families had been successful in their fields and lived more than comfortable lives but Brad's pairing might open even more avenues.

A short while later everyone had repeatedly complimented Umbra on her breakfast preparation and Ian had just finished a second round of coffees for the table. Angie and Anna had teased each other about their activities from the previous evening but the intensity had been well below their previous rounds.

"So, Anna," Vanessa said, "shall we?"

Heads bounced between her and the young woman like as if they watched a tennis match.

"You all know about the world we found," Anna said, "with the aliens. The pictures have been released."

Heads nodded.

"I'm head of a committee," Vanessa said, "involved with putting together a crewed expedition there."

That dropped jaws, except for Anna and Umbra, who both had tight-lipped smiles.

"We'll be sending a series of probes there, with the ability to more deeply explore the planet and its clearly intelligent inhabitants," Vanessa resumed, "we'll be using the experimental hypersleep booths. But, well, there will still be some danger in that. We'd put out quiet invitations around the world for applicants. We'll have a few old hands but mostly want younger people. The expedition will be a couple of centuries our time here and the booths aren't perfect, so even with them they'll be lots of time the crew will need to be awake and age."

Everybody looked at Ian, but his look was neutral. He'd been sent the invitation but hadn't yet decided. Then faces lifted as if a thought had been given to everyone at once, they all turned to Anna. Who'd loudly stated her goal to study exobiology.

"I've applied," she said softly.

"Yes, dear girl, you have," Vanessa said, "and if you finish your studies successfully you'll go on the second probe in not quite a decade. But we'll transfer you to National's main campus and well, your syllabus will be adjusted."

Everyone looked from Anna to Vanessa's smile then back to Anna. Her mouth had dropped open at the announcement and then she broke into a broad, happy grin.

"My little girl," Angie said slowly, softly, "what?"

For the first time Anna's look at her mother wasn't a challenge.

"Yes, mom," Anna's voice was firm, "I want to see them, find out what they're like. They're so much like us, but..."

"Wars," Umbra said, "they're still fighting wars. It's only 32 light years, we've detected other planets that probably host life but they're hundreds of light years away and it might be only primitive life. If we've worked out fusion, interstellar ships, hypersleep, they will too. They're clearly intelligent. But possibly dangerous..."

"What happened with the sun last night," Kim's question, "could they have done it?"

"They've no rocketry yet," Vanessa said, "so no, but that, we don't know. But I do know a certain astrophysics student who would be welcome to transfer to the main campus as well. We're putting together working groups."

Her gaze was directed at Ian. His jaw dropped. Then he looked at Anna, her face beamed, her stain bright and the green eye it surrounded sucked him in like a whirlpool. He would sooner die than turn this down.

"And the crews aren't fully chosen yet," Vanessa said softly, "plenty of slots to come..."

Anna lifted her right hand and Ian took it in his left.

"Well, mom," Anna said brightly, "looks like you'll be the queen here... I'll have a new world for myself..."

Angie's face worked through multiple emotions before she pushed her chair back quickly, it tipped over and she walked quickly to her daughter and wrenched her up and embraced her in a hug like a boa constrictor. Anna returned the hug. They stayed that way for a solid minute while everyone else kept their silence.

"You..., you..., you little showoff," Angie held her daughter at arm's length, "you'll be... well, famous!"

She was silent a few heartbeats.

"And I'll never see you again after you leave...," her eyes had the glitter now of tears, as did Anna's.

She tightened the hug again, they held it for another half of a minute. Then separated but still held each other.

"I still have time to prove that the old queen is past her prime," Anna's eyes danced.

"Just because you can drain a young buck dry," Angie's command tone had returned and she looked at Ian who could do little more than nod ever so slightly, "doesn't make you the queen. Even if you will be one of the first people to go to another star."

"It was total coincidence we all came here for our summer holidays," Vanessa said, "but when Umbra told me about all of you coming it seemed doing this in person would be best."

"Better than a form letter," Ian's comment brought a round of laughter.

"Now, you two," Vanessa looked at Ian and Anna, "come by my place later today? I can give you a bit of a rundown on your new campus. The paperwork and all that can wait until the first of next month. It's summer still!"

They smiled and nodded in unison.

"Everyone, thank you for the gracious welcome. Your children will lead us into the next age of discovery!"

"If they're not too busy screwing each other in every opening they have at that new campus to study," Angie said firmly as Ian and Anna stood arm in arm, then her voice went softer, "but if you've gotta get a lifetime of fucks stuffed into a few years..."

Both sets of parents stood up and embraced their children in a mass hug, tears streaked multiple sets of cheeks.

"I'm still the queen," Ian heard the not-quite whisper from Angie into Anna's stain-surrounded ear.

"If thinking that helps you through the night," Anna's riposte in the same not quite whisper, the two women kissed quickly then the hug tightened and no one spoke for a while.

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PennameWombatPennameWombatalmost 5 years agoAuthor
The sun

As to their sun in the story, a sequel tale will indeed delve into their discovery of what happened and how it'll affect their society. It'll have a carry over of a few characters and introduce new ones.

ender2k2kender2k2kalmost 5 years ago
That was wonderful.

I would love to read more in that setting even if you need to use different characters. I am curious how you explain the problem with the sun. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Most ingenious!

Clever and highly erotic at the same time. A rare combination. Well done!

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