The Threesome Trap


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"You want advice about Liz. This is all I can really tell you. She's a stone. She's not like a transistor that can flip one way or the other way. No. She's a stone. If she wants something then no one can stop her from getting it. If she doesn't want something then you'll never convince her. That's how she is. On or off and locked that way forever."

"I see."

"On the rare occasion that she discovers additional information that changes the meaning of something she might change her mind. But she'll only do that if she comes to the conclusion herself that she was wrong. No amount of anyone else telling her she's wrong will ever get her to budge."

"So, what should I do? What should I talk about?'

"Don't play games with her. Just go up and ask her plain, but remember if she says no then there is nothing you can do to turn that into a yes. I've seen guys try like the ocean beating itself against the rocks. Liz won't move."

"What about your other sister?"

"Which one?"

"Jane mentioned Beth."

"Really. She's over there talking to Jane. Go ahead. You might have more luck with her."

Beth was listening to Jane talk about all the improvements that had been done to the back deck that led down to the lake. Beth was happy to see Jane again and she wondered if she should bring up the incest thing. Jane gave Beth a knowing smile and even though it was the same one that Beth had noticed before, this time it took on extra meaning. The one look from Jane had confirmed everything Jeff had said. It was real.

That should have been the end of Beth thinking about it. Jeff had behaved himself around her so for her it was dropped. But then Beth saw Jeff talking to Liz. That immediately set off alarm bells in her head.

Jeff was talking with his youngest sister about the recent election news. It seemed so wrong that with at least a week before the election it was so impossible to find a replacement candidate for either party. The guy running from one party died and the challenger from the other party who thought he'd never actually get elected was almost certain to take the seat. But then the Feds came in and arrested him on felony charges and the elections commissioner kicked his name off the list. So now there was no one running for office and they were way past the deadline for putting a new name on the ballot.

Jeff was listening to Liz explain what the law said should happen in a case like this when Beth jumped in to interrupt.

"Sorry, can I borrow him for a minute?" Beth asked.

Liz was so blindsided by it that she had no chance to really respond and Beth dragged Jeff away. She led him to his office and she closed the door behind them as they went in.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Jeff looked at her for a moment and tried to guess what this was about. He came up empty.

"You better have a good reason for talking to me like that in my office."

"Liz is your sister. Ok. Remember. I know that turns you on and all..."

"Fucking hell Beth. I know she's my fucking sister."

"You can't ..."

"Shut up. No, shut it." he demanded. "I fucking know how to control myself. I'm not an animal. Doing that with Liz was the furthest fucking thing from my mind just then."

"I just wanted to make sure you..."

"I don't need your help. Thank you for keeping the secret but seriously I don't need you fucking butting in when I just want to talk to someone. I don't think about sex all the time, you know."

"Ok, I'm sorry. I was just thinking that you might be..."

"You thought I was chatting up Liz. That's what you thought. You imagined me fucking her and you just had to swoop in and save her."

"Ok. I'm sorry."

That should have been the end of the conversation. Beth should have just left it right there. Jeff was planning to go back to his party and just be a good host. But Beth couldn't just leave well enough alone.

"Would you promise me, though?" she asked. "Would you promise me not to try and have sex with Liz?"

"No. I'm sick of making promises to other people and not getting anything in return for it. I'm an adult. Liz is an adult. If two adults want to fuck, guess what, it's perfectly legal."

"But it's incest."

"Oh, and guess what's not illegal in this state. Yeah, that. I looked it up."

"That can't be true."

"When they repealed the law criminalizing gay sex it also meant incest is now legal and they have as yet not created a new law to cover just incest. So, while Liz and I can still not legally get married which doesn't matter since I'm already married; we can legally fuck all we want."

"You better not. If you want me to keep it a secret, you fucking better not."

"Or, maybe I could just go out there and make a huge announcement. Then everyone would wonder what me and you were doing in here."

"Jeff, you need to get a handle on this."

"I already have a handle on this."

"Please, don't do anything with Liz."

"You're just afraid we wouldn't include you."

"No, that's not it. I just don't want to see her or you hurt. I care about you guys. So promise me, please. Please."


"Come on."

"No." Jeff opened the door and left the office without even looking back at her.

Beth rejoined the party and she needed a drink after that conversation. She was taking it down when Jane walked up to her.

"Are you ok?"

Beth turned to look at her. Beth couldn't contain the feelings she was having and some of them surfaced on her face. Why couldn't Jane keep her husband on a leash for fuck's sake?

"Yeah, great." Beth said.

Jane was about to reply but Beth stormed off.

Beth didn't remember exactly how much she had drunk but it was enough for her to enter silent mode. She looked across the room at her brother trying to be social but she could see their conversation still affected him as well. Eventually Beth made her way to Liz and asked her if it was true that incest sex was legal.

"Funny you should ask that." Liz said. "There was a case just two months ago ..."

"Liz! Yes or no. Don't give me all the court talk."

"Yes and it will be for the foreseeable future."

"Right. Ok So. What does that mean?"

"It means the prisons had to release everyone convicted under the old ..."

"Liz, ok, bring it down to my level. You're saying that right now ... that ..."

"A father can have sex with his daughter if she's older than 18 and same for a son and his mom."


"You asked. Brother and sister, brother and brother, sister and sister. It's a free for all so long as everyone is an adult and they consent."


"Yes. They have to both agree to do it. Otherwise if falls under rape."

"And nobody's talking about this?"

"It turns out most people just don't care that much."

That didn't sound right to Beth. People should care. It was probably more likely that people just didn't know and with all the crazy news recently there was no way to get them to think about it. It slipped through the cracks.

When the party was over, Jeff took Beth's keys and wouldn't let her drive home. He was going to call a taxi for her when Jane came over to her husband and said the funniest thing.

"Oh, but you can drive her home." Jane said. She suggested that Jeff leave the locking up of the office to Bill, his partner.

Jeff said that it was no problem to call a taxi but Jane insisted. Beth could see that Jane had that damn smirk on her face again.

"But you two should spend some more time together."

Jeff looked annoyed but regardless he decided to drive Beth home.

All the way there Beth was quiet as she just looked at her brother behind the wheel. She was remembering when he'd kissed her on the neck. That was the last time he'd really touched her. That was the last time he'd held her. And it wasn't illegal. So what was the problem? Maybe there wasn't one.

When they got to Beth's house he went round to her door and picked her up. He got her into her house and into her bed. She had half the thought to ask him to stay with her. She wanted him to hug her. She wanted to make things right with him since there clearly was something not quite right.

He left her in her bed. She reached out for him to stay but he just left and was gone.


November 2018

"Who do you think is prettier, Sarah or Ginger?" Jane asked one night after her husband had fucked her for what seemed like an age. Jeff tried to ignore the question and get some sleep but his wife would not let him rest.

"Ginger but don't tell them that." Jeff said.

"You always favor her. Now I see why you asked for her name."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"What about Liz and Beth?"

"What about them?" Jeff asked with near anger in his voice.

"Which one is prettier?"

"You tell me. Or rather, which one do you think I'll fuck first? That's why you brought this up isn't it. You want to go round with that again."

Jane smiled. It was becoming a favorite thing of hers to relive her victory over her husband. He hadn't asked for a threesome since that day and just to keep him in his place she liked to bring it up lest he forget.

"Some times I think it will be Liz but then there are times when I wonder if you hadn't fucked Beth already."

"Those are you sister in laws, you know."

"They were my bridesmaids too. I saw them naked. They have beautiful bodies. You'd love them. You'll be so happy once you finally make your beloved threesome happen." As she said this she reached for Jeff's cock and squeezed it.

"You keep this up and come December Roger's out on his ass."

"But he's got some experience on his cv and you'll have to give him a good recommendation. Besides, I gave you two names so he gets two years."

Jeff reached for his phone to look at the time but in that moment he got an idea. He had a fake app icon on his phone. When he pressed it a timer was set to make the phone ring or give a fake notification. Jeff was never sure which it would be so he was always surprised, which helped to sell the idea of what it was. He would look at his phone and then say he'd have to leave. It was great for getting out of meetings that were wasting his time or for cutting off dinner before dessert.

It almost felt wrong to do it now, in the middle of the night, right after sex. If Jane wanted to stay up all night, what of it. They had no plans for the next day. Life in general was going so well. The company was making money, they were completely out of debt, and even Roger wasn't a complete loser anymore.

But that one thing still hung over Jeff's head. It wasn't so much that he'd lost to his wife. It's was that he did still want that threesome. It consumed his thoughts in his free time. What was worse was that more and more those thoughts of a threesome weren't just faceless women but more and more often were his sisters.

And for his wife to continue to gloat like this. It was getting under his skin. In almost all other matters she followed him and never even thought of challenging anything he said. Because of that he often told himself that he could honor this one legitimate wish of his wife's. But she kept bringing it up. One minute they would be on the same side and in total agreement and the next she was laughing at him over the threesome thing again.

Jeff put his head back on the pillow as he felt his wife press her naked body up against his. Bringing up the threesome again had started to give him another hard on. He could fuck her again. That's what she wanted.

The phone went off. It gave the fake notification of an email. Jeff actually sort of wanted to just ignore it and go to sleep. But he'd already set this in motion so now he had to at least pretend like it was a real email. He sat up and took the phone.

"What is it?" Jane asked. It wasn't often that Jeff got emails at such an hour.

Jeff was just about to just swipe away the message and go back to bed but hearing Jane's voice make him think that she would bring up the threesome again which he'd never get to actually have. She hadn't but now the feeling was there.

"I have to go?"



"Where are you going?"

"I can't say."

Ok, so he'd drive down to the convenience store, buy milk and then head home. Jane would be asleep by then. He could climb into bed and then nod off himself in peace.

"Was that from your sister, asking you to come over and have some fun?" Jane asked.

Jeff had just finished getting his pants on and had his shirt in hand as he got to the door of the bedroom. He wasn't going to answer. He was going to just drop it. But no.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll go see if she's still up."

"Have fun. Fuck her good and hard for me."

Jeff turned to leave but then turned back to his wife. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Jeff stood there in the doorway looking at her. Jeff wasn't a liar. He let people think things and he kept secrets. He let people make mistakes or assume things but the words that left his mouth were the truth. He'd always been careful about that. So now he was bound to go see one of his sisters to see if they were still up. He'd said it and now he was bound by his word.

Liz lived closer than Beth. In fact both Sarah and Ginger also lived closer than Beth. But Jeff found himself going to Beth's house. It was all dark inside. She had to be asleep. Well, mission accomplished. He came to see if she was still awake and she was not. He waited for the song on the radio to end and then he pulled out of her driveway and headed home.

On his way home his phone rang. Unlike a lot of other drivers, Jeff never spoke on the phone while driving. He had the phone patched in through the dash so he could talk using the car's mic and speakers but it was safer to pull over even when doing that.

"Jeff" Beth's voice said.


"Where are you?"

"Just leaving your house."

"Was that you?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"I was in bed but I wasn't all the way off yet. Anyway, what's up."

"Nothing. Just came over to see if you were still awake."

"Well, come back."

"It's late."

"I'm awake now."

"Yeah, but this might not have been a good idea."

"Get your ass back over here."

Jeff went back to Beth's and she met him at the door wearing only a bath robe. She offered him coffee but he declined. They sat in the living room and not a word was spoken for at least five minutes.

Beth began the conversation. "So, I guess I know why you're here."

"I told you, I just came by to see if you were still awake."

"And why would you do that?"

"Well ... let's see. Jane is really ... she made it sound like she was really eager for ..."

"For what?"

"For us to finally ..."

"Have sex?"

"She commanded that I come here and do that."


"Imperative mood. Yes indeed."

"Are you going to do what she says."

"It really isn't my decision. I can come here and then I can go home. I can't make other people do anything they don't want to do."

"Did Jane tell you to come here, like, specifically here, to me?"

"No. She just said sister."

"And you chose me?"

"I guess I did."

Beth smiled. "Jane is turning out to be kinkier than you ever were."

Jeff laughed. "Anyway. I'm sorry to wake you up and all."

"You're always welcome here. You know that."

Jeff yawned and then stood up. He reached into his pocket to get his car keys but before they were in his hand his sister had gotten up and came to him. She put her arms round him and held him there.

"Come with me." she whispered.

"I have to go home."

"No you don't. You're too tired to drive."

She pulled at his arm and led him to the bedroom. What was going to happen? He dared not ask and Beth likewise was too fearful to put words to their actions. She took his jacket off of him and then pulled his shirt over his head.

Next she started to get his pants off. He tried to stop her but silently she told him to relax and give in. Jeff was then naked on her bed.

Beth then revealed what Jeff had already suspected. She took her robe off to show that she was wearing nothing under it. Jeff's naked sister moved her body up to his and Jeff's cock reacted.

Beth kissed Jeff on the neck. Jeff kept his hands still and tried to not think too deeply on what the implications of this were. His sister was timid in how she let her hands touch his body. Slowly they eased into it and her fingertips seemed to melt into his skin.

She climbed on top of him and pressed her breast onto him. He felt her erect nipples graze his skin and then bounce up and down as she got her balance. She moved her mouth from his neck to his torso. While she was kissing him, her hand went down to his cock and her fingers wrapped around it.

"Wait." Jeff said.

Beth ignored him and continued what she was doing. Jeff repeated himself but she again ignored him. She continued to pleasure him and she got all the way to the point of putting his cock into her mouth.

Jeff saw it go in and froze up a bit. He reached down to her and took his cock back.

"I said wait."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just, ... Not today. Ok?"

"Why not?"

"Do you want to? Do you really want to?"

"Obviously I do."

"I think, you should think about it."

"I have."

"Well, I think you should think about it again. One more time. If we keep going we'll cross a line and we can't go back. I want to make sure you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"Not today. Seriously. Not today. It's not ... It's not you. You're great. And you know, I want to and all but ... it's not perfect."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. This is playing out different from what I had in mind."

"You want to be on top?"

"It's not that. Beth, if you want to then ok but one more time let's think on it. Just to be sure. We don't want to regret it if we do it and then can't go back."

Beth accepted what he said. She laid down next to him.

"Are you going to kick me out?" he asked.

"No. I want you to stay with me."

It was difficult to get to sleep. They were both horny. They were both thinking of starting it up again. Beth turned her ass to her brother and she felt his hard cock get pinned up next to her legs. If she just opened her legs a bit and he pushed forward a bit then it would go in.

They were like that for nearly an hour when Jeff's phone rang.


"Where are you?" his wife asked.

"I'm with my sister."

"You better not be out cheating on me."

Jeff smiled. "You said I could do this with my sister."

"Ha, ha."

"Yeah, I'm naked in her bed right now."

"Oh, yeah. Put her on."

Jeff handed the phone to Beth.



"Yeah. It's me."

"Is your brother behaving himself over there? He hasn't got some other woman with him has he?"

"Nope. Just me."

"And we're naked." Jeff added.

"And Jeff wants you to know we're naked."

"I heard him. So he told you?"

"Yeah. He told me. I guess he sort of had to."

"Well, I'm sorry for talking about you so much behind your back but remember it wasn't really about you. It was always about him."

"I understand."

"Really? I didn't think you'd be so understanding about it."

"No, I get it and it's fine."

"Ok. Well, were you planning on sending my husband back to me any time tonight?"

"In the morning. He's too tired out to drive."

"Ok. Tell him I'll have breakfast ready early so don't keep me waiting."

"I'll tell him."

"Ok. Bye."

"Hey, and thank you for being great to Jeff."


"Jeff is so lucky to have a woman like you. I can't imagine anyone else being able to put up with him."

"It is a struggle sometimes but I try."

The call ended and Beth turned to her brother and handed him back his phone.

"So, that reminds me." Beth said. "What was it your wife ordered you to do again?"

"Have sex with my sister."
