The Threesome Trap


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"So are you just going to go home and tell her that you had the chance but you chickened out."

"This is deeper than that. This could change our lives. This could change your life. We need to think about it."

"I thought about it. And I know you've thought about it. The time for thinking is done."

"But it's not..."

"Perfect? I don't know what you were imagining but don't let it get in the way of what you have now."

"I just always thought that ... Liz would be here with us."

"You like her more than me?"

"No, I want you here too. You have to be here."

"Well, I am here and she's not. Ok. So one thing at a time."

Jeff shrugged his shoulders. Beth didn't see any reason for delay. She forcefully pushed Jeff down to the bed and then she got hold of his dick. Her mouth went right for it. Jeff tried to protest again and Beth saw that in order to get him over the wall she'd have to just take the initiative. She wouldn't let him back out. She kept sucking him until he succumbed to the situation.

When his dick was nice and hard, she got on top of him.

"Now, I'm going to slide this into me and you're going to tell me how great it feels."

She didn't let him respond. She aimed his dick up and into her pussy. She was so hot and wet that it slid right in.

"There. I like that. Do you like that?" she asked.


"Good. We're going to fix all the problems between us and then you're going to go home and tell your wife you finally fucked your sister."

As they fucked he reached for her breasts and squeezed them. She took one of her nipples and presented it to his mouth. He sucked on it as he brought his hips up to her ass and fucked her faster and faster.

"Yes." she said. "Oh, we should have done this a long time ago."

Jeff was pondering the situation in his head. Was this cheating? Outwardly his wife had given him permission to do exactly this. She'd said it over and over. He even gave her something for it, employment for her brother. But deep down he knew that his wife would not actually be ok with him fucking his sister. He had to admit that, if only to himself. He knew she would be furious and probably divorce him. So that meant keeping this a secret. But Beth things that Jane already knows. So he'd have to find a way to limit contact between the two of them.

Or he could just divorce Jane and keep fucking Beth. You can't divorce a sibling. She'll be part of his life for the rest of his life no matter what. If he had to choose he'd have to go with Beth. Of course if this were a normal situation a husband should choose his wife but this was not a normal situation. He was now fucking his sister so that meant she was more than just a sister but she retained all the qualities of a sister.

He pushed Beth off of him and put her on her back. He got on top of her and got his dick back inside her. He looked down at her and was going to try to kiss her neck but she got her mouth in the way and they kissed on the lips. That felt very nice.

Jeff was able to go deep in the position than with her on top so he exploited that. He went as far into his sister as he could. That raised the question of where to cum. She might not appreciate it if he sprayed semen all over her bed. Could he cum on his sister? That seemed so dirty but then it did wash off.

Could he cum in his sister? That would be going too far. Surely, that would be going too far. Should he ask, though?

"That's it." his sister said.

"Where should I cum?"

She didn't respond. She locked her body into position and seemed to petrify.

"Where should I cum?" he repeated.

She still didn't answer. She tensed up even more and then went all the way into complete relax mode.

"I'm going to cum." Jeff said. His plan was to pull out and cum on her stomach but as soon as he did his sister popped up and she seemed to move faster than the speed of light as she got her mouth on his cock.

Jeff watched as his cum filled her mouth and she swallowed it.

There was silence for a bit as they both went back to just laying next to each other. The last thing Jeff remembered before actually getting to sleep that night was his sister saying something.

"I know what I want for Christmas."

Now that the incest was done and there was no going back, Jeff did as well. He could see it perfectly in his mind. A threesome with Beth and Liz together. Beth was taken care of, so now how was he going to get Liz to join in the fun?


Breakfast consisted of everything Jeff liked. On top of that, Jane was wearing a sexy outfit. Jeff sat down to eat and they talked a bit about what they might do that day. Then his wife had to bring up the sister thing.

"So, did you have fun fucking Beth?"

Usually, Jeff would be annoyed at this since his wife knew full well that he had not fucked Beth. But now that he had actually fucked her he felt very different about it. Maybe there was a way to get his wife on board and not just say she was ok with it but not mean it to actually being ok with it.

"Great fun."

"How is she in bed?"

"You know, almost as good as you, honey."

It wasn't like Jeff to join in with the joke but Jane was happy he wasn't getting angry like he usually would. That meant she could prod him with it without fear that it would damage their relationship.

"Well, next time, don't feel like you have to sneak off. Invite her over."

"Oh, are you finally willing to have that threesome?"

"I didn't say that. But you don't have to go to her house every time. Fuck her here and then I don't have to spend the rest of the night without my husband."

"You just want to make sure she's the only one I'm fucking."

"Added bonus."

"Cool. I'll let her know. So, if you don't want to join, where are you going to be when my sister and I are doing it?"

"I'll just wait outside till your done."

"You wouldn't want to watch? How can you make sure I'm fucking my sister unless you watch?"

"I trust you."

"I could set up a camera and send the feed to the tv in the living room. You could watch from there."

"I see what you're doing. You want to get me on one of your videos?"

"All those are gone. I deleted them all. You know I did."

"I said no sex tapes and I meant it. Not even of me."

"But I wouldn't record. Just send the video to the tv."

"For who to watch?"

"For you to watch. I mean, that's what we're talking about here."

Jane chuckled. "Ok, ok. I'll drop it for today. It took you long enough to grow a thick skin."


Beth met Liz for lunch and her first plan of just telling Liz what had happened was thought better of. She decided be a little gentler about it. After they were done eating she raised the topic.

"Have you ever been in a threesome?"

"What?" Liz asked, almost in shock.

"I was just wondering because I need a little insight."

"Sex talk. We haven't' had one of those in ages. Threesome. No. Never done that but there are times when I definitely would appreciate another guy in the room."

"What about another girl?"

"Is some guy asking you for that?"

"No ... well ... Yes and no."

"He brought it up but didn't directly ask for it. Dump him."

"I can't. It isn't like that. I was just wondering ..."

"You can't give into that. He's totally disrespecting you by even asking."

"Point taken. But let me ask you. If you did find yourself in a threesome with a guy and another woman, would you do anything with her? Or would you just let the guy take turns, you know, like let him fuck her while you waited on the side."

Liz's eyes looked up as she pondered the question. "I guess if I somehow found myself in that situation and I was already there, I'd want to do things with the girl."

"Really? Do you like girls?"

"No. First of all, I'd never let myself be in that situation. If I found myself there I'd probably leave. If I felt like I had to do it then I would definitely do things with the girl. That would be the only way to reassert myself. I'm not going to just wait on the side for him to finish and then come back to me. I'm going to assert my presence and my power. If this other woman is going to be in a threesome with me then that means she's there for my pleasure just as much as for his."

"I never thought of it like that."

"I'm not saying that's what you should do. I say before even letting it get to that point you should walk away. There are better guys out there."

Lunch ended and Liz mentioned maybe going to see a movie but as it turned out nothing very interesting was playing so Bet hit on the idea of renting a movie they missed in the theater and watching it at home. They were at Liz's place and waiting for the disk to get through the previews to the actual movie.

"Who's this guy?" Liz asked.


"The threesome guy?"

"Someone I love."

"You can do better."

"Well, see ... he's very special to me and I want to make him happy."

"It'll ruin your relationship."

"What if, I shared him with you?"

"With me? You're crazy."

"He's a really nice guy."

"And you want to share him with your sister? Was that his idea? Fucking perv."

"It actually wasn't his idea." Beth corrected.

Liz let that comment settle for a moment. She examined her sister's face and saw that she was sincere. The conversation about the threesome replayed in her mind. Then the conversation about incest replayed in her mind. Liz's eyes widened as she put two and two together.

"You're attracted to me?" Liz asked.

The question caught Beth off guard and she tried to hedge.

"No. No. I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't." Beth turned away from her and tried to hide her face. "I was just asking questions. Stop being super lawyer woman on me."

"I'm sorry. I guess it's hard for you. Double threat."

"I don't know what you mean. Just forget it."

"I support you." Liz said.

"There's nothing to support. I'm not like that."

Liz moved in close and Beth turned to look at her as she pulled away from her sister's examining gaze. Guilty. It was written all over Beth's face.

"Yes you are. Admit it. I support you. I'd never judge you."

"I don't want to talk about this right now. Look, it's starting." Beth said as she gestured towards the tv.

"I know a lady who can get you in touch with a support group."

"Liz, drop it."

"You'd don't have to be scared of rejection. I accept you just as you are. No more closets."

"That doesn't apply to me."

"Incest is not illegal anymore and even if it were, there's no crime for just feeling a certain way."

"I meant, I'm not like that so that's why it doesn't apply to me."

"You need to be honest with yourself."

"Ok, look. I asked you about the threesome thing because there is this guy that I like and I happen to know he wants a threesome. I happen to think that maybe a less threatening way to get a threesome would be to have one with you. You're not going to steal the guy from me."

"When why did you ask me if I'd do anything with the other woman?"

"I don't know. I was just covering my bases. It was that thing you call, what was it, discovery."

"So you aren't attracted to women?"

"No. Of course not."

"And you aren't interested in incest?"

" ... no."

"You're lying. I can see it all over you. You're not interested in me because I'm a woman. You want me because I'm your sister."

Beth sighed. Now she knew how Jeff must have felt. Her original plan was to get to this point eventually anyway. She didn't plan on it getting there that way.

"It's actually more complicated than that."

"I think it looks very simple."

"If you want me to leave I will." Beth offered.

"What? I love you, sis. I'd never turn you out. Just tell me what's going on."

"It's hard to say."

"I understand. Just try to say what you can."

"Well, let me ask you if you'd be open to the sharing a guy thing."

"Right, because that would be a safe conduit for you."

"You're getting this all wrong. Listen. Don't analyze. Just imagine you shared a guy with me."

"And you want this?"

"I'm willing to go with it."

"Ok, I'll share a guy with you. I love you."

"Ok. See. That was all I was asking."

"Who's the guy?"

"I think that's a conversation for another day."

"If you want me to have sex with him then I need to know ahead of time who it is."

"I get that but let me talk to him first before I tell you."

The sisters watched the movie in silence. Liz thought over the situation. If she needed to help her sister then of course she would. She never imagined having to help with something like this but life had a way of throwing you curve balls.

For Liz, everything boiled down to power. She liked getting it. She liked having it. She liked using it. She hated having to be under someone else's power. She also hated seeing her sister under the power of some male. Liz didn't hate men, though some got that impression from her. She loved the men in her life with uncompromising ferocity. But when it came to being with someone she was always going to sure up her own power.

She made a sideways glance at her sister and thought about the situation Beth was in. Her sister had lost that power struggle. Liz could not accept that. She was going to put the power back in her sister's court. She did a calculation in her head.

In order for her sister to get what she wanted she had to give this guy something that no woman should have to give a guy. Then the guy wins and even if Beth gets some benefit from it, she doesn't get what she really wants. But why do they need the guy? Beth was including him because she assumed that Liz would not be interested in women and that Liz would not be interested in incest. Beth was right about that but she had underestimated how much Liz liked to win to the exclusion of others.

Why did they need a guy between them? Why did she have to go through a guy? She was doing that for Liz's sake. Liz could ease her burden. Liz could simplify the entire thing. Liz could just let her sister have what she really wanted.

Liz smiled. She loved winning. She could win and Beth could win and then Beth could carry the message back to that guy that they didn't need him. They wouldn't even need to keep it a secret. Not anymore. Well, a secret from family was probably prudent, though.

One thing about Liz was that she was decisive. Once she made up her mind she was committed to that action and she would broker no delay. She didn't know how to have sex with a girl but that's what she was going to do. Now that she was mentally prepared she noticed that her body had been keeping up. She was going to fuck her sister. She never thought that would go through her mind but there it was and she was going to have to get over how sick it was in a hurry.

Liz muted the movie and Beth turned to her with a questioning look on her face.

"I need you to do something for me." Liz said.


"Over here. Let me show you."


"Here." Liz pointed to her lips.

"I told you to drop it."

Liz wouldn't take no for an answer. She pounced on Beth, broke through her defenses and made the kiss connect. She kept the kiss there with all her strength until Beth gave into it. This was the first time for Liz to kiss a girl but there wasn't much time to savor the sensation. She was doing this for Beth's own good. Her older sister had always been there for Liz when Liz needed someone. Now it was Liz's turn to help Beth and that's what she was going to do.

"Was that nice?" Liz asked when the kiss finally did break.

"Yes but I don't think we should have done that."

"Says who?"

"I don't think you really understand what you're getting into."

"I'm a quick learner."

Liz moved in to kiss Beth again. After all, a kiss by itself would not negate the need for a penis. Liz was no stranger to being the more aggressive one during sex and she thought that's what she might have to do now. She started groping at her sister.

It was strange how quickly she acclimatized to the idea of having lesbian sex. She had decided that she would take pleasure in touching another woman and so her body responded as instructed. They were both dressed for the cooler weather so there were several layers to take off. Once Liz did get Beth's clothes off, or at least those on her upper body, she finally let Beth's mouth free as Liz went about trying to pleasure her. Liz looked at Beth's breasts. They were still bigger than Liz's but in that moment she didn't care for the comparison anymore.

Liz took a nipple into her mouth and she told herself that she liked it. She felt her sister's body respond to her and it created this feedback loop of excitement. The more Beth liked it, the more Liz liked giving it to her. The more Liz liked what she was doing the more aggressively she did it. The more aggressively she did it, the more Beth got turned on.

Of course this was technically incest and some might object to them doing this even if it was now legal. But Liz could destroy any argument anyone tried to make against her. People were afraid of incest because it could produce complicated pregnancies. Well, there was no chance of two sisters getting each other pregnant so boom. Liz wins.

Liz tugged at Beth's pants with one hand and blocked Beth from keeping her pants on with the other. The odor of wet pussy filled the air. It was the odor of sex. Liz wondered if she would be the same when it came time to switch turns. For now, she had a job to do. She fought against her sister and pulled her panties down past her knees.

Liz was not the type to close her eyes and imagine being somewhere else or doing something besides what was in front of her. She kept her eyes and mind fully tuned to this moment and was fully cognizant of everything that was happening. She tasted her sister and Beth threw her head back when the sensation hit her.

Liz had read once that most porn actresses were not naturally bisexual but did lesbians scenes for the money. It came with the job description. But then after a few years in the industry they got used to being with other women and actually enjoyed it just as much as real lesbians. Maybe Liz would be like that.

Licking her sister was the most difficult thing she'd done up to that point. She imagined it would be a lot easier to just let Beth lick her.

Liz knew what she liked. She knew what she wanted when a guy went down on her. Now, she just had to translate that to Beth. She was going to get Beth off. She tasted her sweet pussy and she found her sister's clit and she aggressively went in full throttle.

Beth lasted a while but she eventually succumbed to the orgasm her sister was giving her. It was one of the largest of her life and she felt exhausted afterwards. Even when Beth was finished, her sister just kept going at it. Beth had to let herself fall off the sofa and she had to crawl away towards the tv to finally get away.

Beth swallowed hard and tried to catch a breath. She looked back towards the sofa at her sister. Liz was getting her skirt and panties off. She sat on the edge of the sofa and spread her lets. There was no question what she wanted. Beth could not believe how far the incest hole she'd gone. It was all happening so fast. She'd had all that time to think about Jeff over and over and over again and then Liz just blindsides her.

It was too late to refuse. Beth resigned herself to what she had to do. She crawled on her hands and knees back to her sister, who had gotten all her clothes off by that point. Beth tried to give some attention to Liz's breasts but Liz had one thing on her mind. She wanted her pussy licked and she was ready to just jump to it.

Liz tasted good. Beth could not believe she was doing this. She could not believe any of this. But as shocked as Beth was that this was happening, she was going to have the last laugh. She couldn't wait until she told Liz who the guy was that had asked for the threesome. But hey, if she was cool with all this lesbian incest, surely she'd be on board for that.
