The Threesome Trap


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Beth licked well. She tried to do a better job than Liz. It didn't take long and Liz was clearly having an orgasm. Beth tried to do as Liz had done to her. She ignored the orgasm and just went on stronger than before.

Instead of running away, Liz embraced this and pretty soon it looked like she was having a second orgasm.

Beth tried to continue but Liz pushed her body towards her sister. She came off the sofa and pressed her sweaty body up to her sister's. Liz kissed her sister as they wrapped their arms around each other and for the first time felt their breasts up against each other's bodies. They could both taste pussy on the other's lips and the kiss lingered and lingered.

The movie ended and the end credits were going up.

"Crap. Now we have to go back and see what we missed." Beth said.

"It probably wasn't that good anyway. Not as good as my sis going down on me."

"What's gotten into you?"


"You're ok with what we just did? I mean, really ok with it?"

"Absolutely. That was some of the best sex of my life."

"Ok, so then you're in the club."

"Our secret club. Just me and you. We don't need a guy separating us."

"Ah, but there's already one more person in our club."

"You can go and tell him his services aren't needed. We can take care of ourselves."

"But we're not the ones who have to be taken care of. It's really Jeff."

"Jeff? He's the one?"

"Yes. He's the one. He's the guy."

"He's married."

"And his wife knows."

"Are you sure? When did this happen?"

"He's been dealing with these thoughts for a while and he talked with Jane about it and she gave him the go ahead."

"For incest? With us?"


"Fucking hell. Why didn't he say anything?"

"He made it sound like he was just going to not act on it but his wife kept pushing him to do something about it."

"So, he told you?"

"He told me."

"And you tried to set something up for him so that you could pass him off on me."

"No. Not at all. I had sex with him last night."

"You did!"


"How was it?"


"Well, this changes a few things. Though I never would have thought that Jane would ever allow this."

"I didn't expect it either but I talked to her last night and she sounded super fine with it."

"Wow." Liz was surprised.

"Yeah, really. I was on the phone with her while I was naked in bed with Jeff's cock in my hand."

"So our private club is me, you, Jeff, and his wife?"

"So far. I think we should just keep it at that." Beth said.

"I agree. Sarah and Ginger might not understand."

"Hell, I don't even understand but I'm in it so I'll ..."

Liz kissed her sister to help her understand. They both enjoyed the kiss and as the kiss continued they both decided to go ahead and have sex again. This time, however, there was no misunderstanding between them. They both wanted it and they were both going to do it.

They both knew that they'd have to get Jeff in the loop on these developments but for that moment it was all about them.


Jeff tried to call Beth. He felt it was only right to up his level of contact with her after what had happened. She wasn't answering her phone. In the back of his mind Jeff feared that maybe she was angry with him. He didn't want to sneak off to fuck another woman two nights in a row but he just felt like he had to go see Beth.

His wife was not going to let him get out the door without jabbing at him.

"Going to fuck your sister again?"

"That's the plan."

"And will you be spending the night again or are you coming home?"

"I'll come home. Maybe we can just do a quickie doggy style and then I'll be out of there. I'll come home and you can finish me off."

"I'll be waiting."

Jeff smiled. His wife had no idea he was serious about everything he'd said. He drove out to his sister's house and no one was home. Fuck. Oh, well. She must be busy. He drove home in defeat.

"That really was quick." his wife said.

"She wasn't home."

"Aw. That's too bad. I guess you'll just have to settle for just me tonight."

"I could go see my other sister."

"I won't stop you. Does she feel as good as Beth?"

"I haven't had sex with her yet."

"Still working on it?"

"Something like that."

"Well, you can go do that or you can come to bed with me now."

Jeff conceded to her wishes and took his wife upstairs to fuck her. Forty minutes later Jane was out cold and Jeff was still trying to get to his first orgasm. This happened sometimes when they would fuck and fuck again and again but Jeff would just not be able to get off.


Monday meant work and work meant being so busy that there was little time to do anything else. In the middle of the day, Jeff was able to get Beth on the phone for just a minute but that was all. There was no time to really talk about anything.

"Where are the settings for the network?" Roger asked.

"Why do you want those?" Jeff answered.

"Um, ... well I think I locked us out of the router."

"You're kidding."

"I'm sorry."

"You put it in passthrough mode, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry."

"Go hit the reset button. Go ahead."

Roger left and Jeff stood there wondering why he'd ever hire that idiot. Oh, right, because he was trying to get a threesome with his wife. He'd even convinced himself to have sex with his sister in order to try to move towards getting a threesome. That wasn't fair to his sister or himself.

Maybe he should give up on the threesome. It was starting to cost more than he'd ever bargained for. If he really wanted one, then he should just cheat. That was really the better plan. He already felt like he was cheating. He knew what his wife said on the outside but he also knew what she actually believed on the inside. She had no idea that he would actually sleep with his sister. She thought it was a joke, a game, a fabrication. So really, even though Roger had a job and they technically had a deal, it really was cheating. And if it were already cheating then he might as well just cheat. He couldn't ever tell his wife about what he and Beth did. So it was already going to have to be a secret from Jane. His dream of really and truly being completely honest with his wife was already over.

Then there was the idea of the threesome. He did really want one. He had long ago thought that the most honest and legitimate way to have one would be to share a woman with his wife. Well, that wasn't going to happen and he knew it. So, the next thing would be to do it with her approval. But that led to his sisters. He'd had sex with Beth and gone farther down the incest rabbit hole than he'd ever would have expected.

With Beth things were ok but there was a high chance of things being damaged. He couldn't let himself do any more harm to his family. After all, it wasn't like he was ever going to convince Liz of a threesome plan. No one could ever convince Liz of anything. For as young and pretty as she was, she had a towering intellect and she relished crushing anyone who disagreed with anything she said.

There was still one hope. What if Jeff could convince Jane to have a threesome with him and his sister. Would there be any way to make that happen? Probably not, but it seemed the safest plan. That wasn't right. It was by far not a safe plan, just an idealistic one. His wife would divorce him and in the divorce she'd tell everyone he had committed incest. That was not a safe plan. The safe plan would be to just divorce Jane preemptively.

Step one: fire Roger.

Step two: do a fast track divorce

Step three: carry on having sex with his sister

Step four: never see Jane again

He loved her. Deep down he knew he loved her. However, maybe he didn't love her enough. It was a shame but he'd brought this on himself. Jeff couldn't let himself make that decision just then. There were still other options on the table. He could just keep it a secret. Beth would be ok with that. They'd keep it a secret and never let Jane know. In his marriage there'd always be this little thing in the back of his mind that wasn't perfect but it was the best he could do.

There was something else to consider as well. The chance might be very slim but there was always the possibility that Jane would find out. Jeff had to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. He had to be ready to act. If Jane even acted like she suspected Jeff had really cheated then he needed to get the divorce done before she discovered too much. That meant he needed information every married person prays they'll never have to look up. He needed to know what the divorce laws were.


Roger watched as Bill got the router up and running again. He thanked Bill. The old man was much kinder to him than Jeff was. Bill told the story of the time Jeff had done the same stupid thing. Bill cycled through a few of the packets that were going through the server just to make sure there wasn't any kind of security breach. For just a split second a page detailing something about divorce popped up.

Roger didn't pay any notice to it at the time but a few minutes later when he was reading up on how to properly mess with the config file he looked up and saw Jeff in his office reading something on his computer. That wasn't an odd site. Jeff often read things on his computer.

Roger decided to take a second to go tell Jeff the router was back to normal. As soon as Jeff noticed Roger coming he looked like he was trying to click away from a porn site. There was no way porn was getting through the network, so what was he looking at?

Roger noticed that Jeff seemed nervous when Roger spoke to him. Instead of saying a typical Jeff type thing to say, he just thanks for telling him and then didn't do anything more on his computer until Roger was out of there. Jeff even half way closed his door just to signal he wanted privacy.

Roger was under no illusions why his sister had wanted him to take a job here. While it could be argued by some that getting into the computer industry was a wiser move than being a ship captain, it could also be argued the other way. Roger was there at the company to make sure that Jeff didn't cheat on his sister. As soon as he got word of the offer for an interview he put that together.

Roger didn't go about actively spying for his sister. He thought that perhaps just his presence would be enough to discourage infidelity. So he didn't worry about it too much. But divorce ... well, that was another matter.

On the one hand, it really wasn't Roger's business and good sense told him to stay out of it. Besides, he didn't know for sure that Jeff was looking at information about divorce and even if he were there are likely a thousand different legitimate reasons for doing so that did not involve him actually seeking one from his sister. So it wasn't a big deal. Roger felt he should drop it.

On the other hand, every time he saw Jeff and Jane together he noticed something in the air between them. There was something that wasn't right. One at a time and they were fine but together there always seemed to be this secret that angered Jeff and delighted Jane. Roger would never butt into the private parts of their marriage but at the same time he could not allow his sister to get surprised by a sudden divorce she didn't see coming. He'd have to tell her. But he still wasn't sure. So maybe he could drop a hint to raise awareness and then keep his eyes open until he was sure.


Jane read the email from her brother. He was being noncommittal with his words but Jane saw clear as day what he was suggesting. Jeff was thinking of divorcing her. She knew her husband. He liked to lay traps and then let people fall into them all the while never saying anything that wasn't true. That's why she loved it so much when she was able to do it to him. If he planned to leave her then he'd never breath a word of it. He'd simply set up the trap and put it on autopilot so he wouldn't have to be there when it went off.

What could she do? One answer was to beat him to the lawyer's office. Then it would become a race. But what if that was the trap? It drove her up the wall how she always had to second guess him. What was bringing this on?

She'd pushed him too much with the sister thing. That had to be it. She had her fun but then she kept having it and having it and she knew it bothered him. Did he resent her?

She didn't want to divorce him. She wanted to keep him. She had to make him change his mind. She had to dismantle his trap so neither of them could get caught by it. She had to show him again that she was the only woman to truly love him.

Jane was scared. He couldn't leave. She would not let him leave.

There in the back of her mind there was that suggestion. There was that one thing she could do. She didn't want to share her husband with another woman but maybe that would defuse the situation. That seemed like such a drastic solution but if he really was thinking of leaving her then the situation called for drastic measures.

Maybe there was something less than completely giving in that she could do. Maybe she could actually live up to her end of their bargain from last year. She could give him the name of a woman other than his sisters. He'd get too distracted trying to make the threesome happen to be able to move closer to a divorce.

And if he pulled it off and a threesome seemed imminent?

She'd tackle that when it came. Right now that wasn't the problem. Jeff wasn't happy so that's what she needed to work on. If she did have to share him one time, because he always said it was only one time, then perhaps she could do that. There should be no way he'd leave her after putting her through something like that.

What name? She'd have to think about it. It wasn't an easy thing to actually think of a woman that her husband would have sex with.

Jane was never one to dwell on the negative. That was part of why she had been able to look beyond her husband's past to see herself in his future. If she was going to do it then she was going to try to find a way to be positive about it.

A smile came to her face and in that smile there were the last embers of her joke. Why couldn't he just really have sex with his sisters so she wouldn't have to actually pick a real candidate?

Ok. Joke over. Time to get back to real life.


The email that Jeff got from his wife said that she wanted to go out to a nice restaurant for dinner. Jeff scratched his head. That must mean she had something important to tell him or she wanted to ask him to do something.

At first he answered that he'd love to go with her but then bad news came through the office. One of their customers suddenly started calling them frantic because something was very wrong. This meant that Jeff had to drive three hours out to the place because the nature of the problem didn't allow him to just fix it from his office. He needed to see with his own eyes what was happening.

It was almost ten at night when Jeff finally got the problem fixed. He left instructions with the customers on how to hopefully avoid those kinds of problems in the future and then he debated with himself on whether he should drive three hours home or if he should rent a hotel room and drive back in the morning. He wasn't that tired yet but he knew he'd be very sleepy before he even got halfway home.

He called his wife to tell her he was done and to let her know he was thinking of just getting a hotel room here.

Jane told Jeff that she really wanted him to come home. She really did. She pushed very strongly for it. She almost had him convinced but then she mentioned that she wanted to talk about her brother Roger and if he was doing a good job or not. That sealed it for Jeff. He was staying at a hotel and nothing his wife said would make him change his mind.


Jane's husband was in another city fixing a computer. That never happened. It was suspicious. Then he wanted to just stay in a hotel instead of driving home. That never happened. That was suspicious.

If he wasn't going to drive home then she was going to drive to him.

Four hours and two speeding tickets later she knocked on his hotel room door.

Jeff was not happy to be woken up and he was not happy to see her. She was too tired to interrogate him so she had to settle for a simple look around the room to see if there was anything that suggested he might have had a woman in there.

There was no sex that night. Not only were they both annoyed with each other, Jane was on her period and even though Jeff didn't mind that, Jane would never allow sex during that time.


Saturday was supposed to be Jeff's day off but with several more cases of what he was calling epic failure he'd been driving all over the place. He finally figured out what was going on and it was hopefully now fixed for everyone.

It was the time of day that he would normally have lunch if this were a normal work day but the only thing Jeff wanted was sleep. He leaned back in the chair in his office and closed his eyes and it didn't take long for him to slumber away.

He had been asleep for about fifteen minutes when a knock on his door woke him up.

"Busy?" Liz asked.

"Too busy."

"Sorry to hear that. You've been distant the last few days.

"You should talk."

"Me? I'm always here for you guys."

"I seem to recall a few times when it seemed like you fell off the map."


"Same here."

"And this past week I've been spending a lot of time with Beth."

The mention of Beth's name conjured memories of her naked body. Jeff swallowed.

"Anyway" he said; "what brings you round?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess I really just wanted to see your face."

"Why? Do I have something on it?"

Liz smiled. "Beth asked me to do something."

Jeff looked at his sister and wished in that moment he was as good at reading people as she was. But he wasn't. He as good at planning ahead and then taking action so that reading people would be unnecessary.

"Cut to the chase." Jeff said.

"I thought I was supposed to drag it out and keep you in suspense."

"What did Beth ask you for? What did Beth tell you?"

Liz had been studying her brother from the very first moment she'd entered his office. She believed her sister was telling her the truth but Liz never took anything at face value. Jeff's body language seemed to counter what Beth had told her at first. But it didn't take long for Jeff to unconsciously reveal what he really felt. He was completely unaware of the erection that was growing in his pants.

So, it was true. All of it.

Liz had already decided days ago on her course of action and the last barrier to fully committing to it had now fallen away. She put her own feelings aside and was now determined to complete her mission.

Jeff waited for an answer to his question but his sister did not give him one. Jeff felt a bit perturbed that Beth would go telling someone about what they did without him. That's what he figured Liz was getting at. What was his youngest sister going to do? Now that Liz knew, who would she tell?

"She told me about a very strange conversation she had with your wife recently." Liz said as she turned away from Jeff and examined his desk.

"About what?"

Liz bent her body over the desk, arched her back, and then hiked one knee up over the side. It was that moment that Jeff truly noticed what she was wearing. She had on a tight white miniskirt and a matching top.

"What Beth told me made me rethink my opinion of Jane."

"I know she was never your favorite."

"But I think I can come to like her. Maybe she'll make a good wife for you after all."

"Is there a reason you're ... um ... having your way with my desk there?"

"Oh, I don't know. I think maybe it's just because I haven't really been with a guy in a while. Maybe I'll just wait here until someone comes to have his way with me."
